"You heard the Colonel, let's go. Kill anything that gets in our way," Siobhan called out to the mercenariees on the squad, then boarded one of the gunships. Her commands were always rather basic, but then she was of the attack what's in front of you and attack it hard until all opposition is smashed school. The far more complex question of how to get into a position from where you could attack what was in front of you was something best left to other persons.
Like Tegaea.
As the hangar bays opened the gunship took off and soon flew over the planet's surface, heading towards a landing zone close to the western camp, which had been built into a hillside. As the gunship flew across the land they came across the smoking, burning wreckage of pirate vessels that just moments ago had been shot out of space. Miraculously a few pirate vessels were still taking off, despite the mayhem in space, but then they must have picked upon the invasion force and thought it worth the risk.
Regardless, as the gunship swooped down these late-comers on the evacuation front now found themselves facing it. "Naughty rascals," Thane scolded them as if they were disobedient children. "Just turning tail and running away before the game is on. It's unsportsmanlike."
"Tell them they've got detention until they comprehend their place in things," Gunn asked sarcastically.
"Shoot the damn things out of the sky," Siobhan commanded impatiently. As the transport ship tried to turn and change direction, then swerved to the side, it was greeted by intense laserfire that ripped through its hull and wrecked its engines. Amid cheers from the mercenaries, the ship went down.
The gunship came flying in low, taking fire from pirates on the ground that seemed to be fleeing from the mines. Some pirates shot at it with rocket-propelled grenades, missiles the gunship dodged. Then when the gunship came down upon and them and created some hell of its with a barrage of heavy blaster cannon fire that separated limbs from torsoes and heads from shoulders, many started to run. Mercenaries standing at the open side-door peeked out and fired at them, adding to the casualties.
Siobhan peeked out, holding onto the ship with one hand while the lightsabre she held in a one-armed grip lightsabre spun fast to reflect shots. Several pirates got taken down when their blaster shots were returned right back to them, anguished cries of pain filled the air. A hastily assembled E-web was quickly blown apart when Thane brought up his grenade launcher and sent an incendiary grenade upon it, igniting them.
Siobhan smirked as they came close to the landing zone. That said, it was a shame these pirates were not more of a challenge. "Take us down there," she ordered, "cut off any pirates trying to flee. No one gets away." As pilot heeded her command and started to bring the bird down the ex-Jedi drew on the Force and jumped, using her telekinesis to control her descent. The gunship flew onward to come into landing at the retreating pirates' flanks.
Blaster bolts came shooting towards her as the pirates engaged the seemingly lone combatant, trying to swarm her to hopefully escape the gunships' laser fire. Blaster fire raked the ground behind her, but there was little finesse behind it. Siobhan spun her sabre as she landed, a force push knocked out three pirates, then she stormed forward to engage, hewing at her enemies.
As the mercenaries jumped down from the landing gunship the pirates found themselves under fire from another quarter and many were mowed down. Using telekinesis and her lightsabre Siobhan advanced grimly. As she cleaved a pirate in half who had been coming at her with a vibro-sword in half, a tug from the Force alerted her to pirates coming from the right. A wave of speeder bike riders swooped past, blaster cannons had been affixed to their vehicles but they seemed more intent on escaping than on actually fighting, unleashing salvoes of blaster fire to force a pathway through.
One got blown apart when Thane took aim with his grenade launcher and fired, sending bike and driver on a free flight through the air before they collapsed and exploded. Another speeder crashed into the wreckage when Gunn shot its driver. Mercenaries moved out of the way to avoid getting run over when the remaining speeders charged, their drivers firing wildly with their blaster cannons. Some of the remaining pirates who didn't have the fortune of having vehicles tried to jump onto the speeders and hitch a ride, but the pilots knocked them off, being a self-interested lot.
Parrying shots with her lightsabre, Siobhan closed with the nearest spider and pounced. The pilot fired his blaster at her and for a moment she was off-balance as she landed, but then she grabbed him by the throat and snapped it. Yanking the blaster cannon around she opened fire upon the fleeing pirates. She spun as the remaining riders closed in on her, fleeing the mercenaries and the gunship that had suddenly come down on them again and unleashed a missile upon a group of pirate infantry, setting them alight. The first rider, a Zabrak, lost his when a deflected blaster shot knocked him from his seat while racing at top speed, the second when she hurled her lightsabre in a spinning arc and it slashed into the front control rods of the vehicle, making rider and vehicle race to a painful death as they collided with a downed transport.
Almost too easy, Siobhan thought. But in a way a welcome change after adventures such as the one on Kashyyyk. She jumped off the vehicle, liking up with the team. The plain was filled with pirate corpses and wrecked speeders. "No time to waste, to the camp." Quickly the team advanced to the pirate encampment at the hillside, it was already in view. The purge of Vandelhelm was on.