Not a Hero
Location: Voss, Airfield.
Current Objective: Regroup.
Total Missing in Action: Unknown
Total Casualties: Unknown
User Vital Status: Wounded
Colonel Valkren Calderon squinted as light flooded the loading bay of one of the Silver Jedi's transport ships that had just touched down to Voss. The sun light beamed against his face as the bay's ramp slowly lowered down towards the ground beneath them. His body ached beneath his battered armor, exhaustion from the fighting finally taking place of the adrenaline. As the ramp connected with the airstrip below the ship, a mix of soldiers and Silver Jedi personnel filed down the ramp. Most looked battered as well and tired. The young ranger began his descent after letting the light bathe him for a moment. With his weapon in his right hand, and his helmet in the other, he followed along with the others. His armor torn in several sections, revealing areas of exposed skin beneath the underlayer, singed and cut by the work of blaster bolts. Calderon straightened his posture to get a better look over the crowds that began to form due to transports dropping off more groups. He began to push his way past the mix of specialized fighters and Jedi, moving to a group of Radama Raiders he spotted, his own unit of veteran fighters. His pace quickened to a jog to close the gap between himself and his team mates, and he was relieved to see most of the members of first team.
Both Specialist Lowder and Lieutenant were sitting on the same crate, leaning back with their weapons and helmets in their laps, too exhausted to begin the process of stripping their armor and checking their gear. Valkren simply nodded to them, before turning back to the crowds to scan for any other familiar faces.
"We're missing five, sir." Harris spoke up, just barely loud enough for Valkren to hear over the commotion.
Valkren cursed under his breath. In the previous firefight at the Garrison on Mirial, they had lost one of their team leaders, Forrestor, to an enemy marksman. But after their hasty retreat many of his men were separated from the main element. There were many variables to what could have happened to them.
Valkren prayed for the best.
"Send out a message on our channel, see if anyone getting off of other transports got lost in the crowd. I'll check in with the medics and see if they picked up anyone else."
"Copy, sir."
Valkren moved out into the crowd after dropping his weapon and helmet to the side, heading for any medical unit that managed to remain together. The pain and anger of his loss still stung, his fists clenched as he maneuvered his way through the crowd.
Kark, where was the Grandmaster?