@San-Ji @Bellalika
The enemy had to be blindly suicidal!
Camellia blinked several times in confusion and fear as she watched the enemy fleet plow forward through all the combined outgoing fire from all the defensive stations and Hammerhead Cruisers together. They appeared to be forming a blank forward screen and trying to just push on through rather than actually fight it out with her forces. And worse than that, those that were choosing to engage her as a cover were practically sitting ducks for her defenses combined might. They were insane! They were crazy! They were fools who had already lost. . . .
"Activate all tractor beams, the BAC is going crazy trying to think things up give it a hand." The battle analysis computer was indeed going crazy. Targeting key points on the enemy capital ships and selecting enemy fighters for their own squadrons to shoot down and transmitting courses and parameters to every ship in their force. It constantly shifted every twenty seconds as priorities shifted to stem the enemy advance since its objective had been to crush the enemy before they reached planetary orbit threat levels.
The Cruisers likely wouldn't have the pull to stop ships on their own, but together they acted as a hunter pack, focusing on one of the opposing warships trying to push past, the stations grabbing others they could, ignoring those that closed the gap to attach docking clamps. They were going to stop as many as they could. Those that pushed past and couldn't be stopped would be the target of the dropships and
RAETs aiming to disgorge their passengers.
Rendili Security Teams and
Battlemasters, in their phrik armor, whose ships survived being escorted through the enemy fire would begin to secure the enemy hangers and set up defenses before attempting to branch out for the bridge, engines, and fire control. They would be there engaging the bugs and ren, the Standard Security officers firing their P-7 Carbines in unison from whatever cover they could get, the Battlemasters dancing about in their light and durable battle armor, their armorweave cloaks fluttering about as their fired their own blaster rifles, some even drawing their electrostaffs to act out in melee combat as ren would close and make taking time to aim and shoot a poor combat ideal. They would be in several enemy ships attempting to breach atmosphere, ready for any backup others in system might supply ([member="Basaba Willamina"])
Meanwhile Camllia monitored the status as breaches across the Bavos-II Military station rang across the command consoles. The command staff aboard the station had been directing the security teams and battlemasters on station to deploy to the trouble zones where the enemy warships were lining up their docking clamps. Teams at the enemy breaches were equipped with Carbines, Rifles, Plex Launchers, and even Tripod Blasters to make maximum use of the enclosed space the station would provide. Automated defenses would deploy, bulkheads would be closed and klaxons would go off as teams trundled down the halls, setting up defensive positions one after another. The enemy would have to stumble over the dead to get out of their own docking tubes as tripod fire would open up on them once their doors opened, plex launchers plumed with smoke as they were fired into the mass of bodies as well, carbines and rifles spewing fire as the security teams kept up fire to deter enemy approach. Battlemasters prepped their own rifles waiting for more accurate shots, their electrostaffs prepared for enenmies that barreled out to engage them and keep them off the tripods and plex launcher teams. Even if the first response units were overwhelmed they would have to break down the bulkheads and encounter similarly armed units throughout the station, as well as the actions of the command station venting air out of evacuated sections and cordoning off enemy advance.
They were going to have to fight for every bloody inch.
The BAC reoriented itself quickly by this time too, the tractor beams adding to the equation as it called up new targets, encouraging the systematic targeting of the enemy engine units, both by the stations cannons and cruisers guns and even the strike teams aboard. Preventing the enemy from advancing further came first. Destroying and capturing them came second.
"Target enemy engine clusters. Get them dead in the water, target the ones not engaging our forces first, then those we're attaching tractor beams too, then those fighting us. The Battle Computer estimates we'll eventually allow a few enemy ships through. . . but we need to tie up as many as we can and finish them off no matter how bloody or brutal it gets. Then we can pursue them no matter how tired we are by then. They've sent teams aboard our station, our security teams are engaging, we also sent teams to board their own warships. We cannot give in yet."
This was becoming a battle of attrition and Camellia knew they had neither the numbers or the strength to last the long run. The BAC was sending orders everywhere trying to match and cut off the enemy advance and force a bloody battle in the positions it wanted to force them to fight in. Tapping her fingers on the table, the Rendili woman wondered if their control of the station could prevent the enemy from taking it long enough to see if they could win. Perhaps their trust would be in the teams on board the enemy ships, if they could gain control of the enemy warships and add their strength to the fight then maybe they could win. She hoped the Jedi could lend support up here soon.