Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Heralds (Silver Jedi/Ask)


The team arrived, well the Yaim'la arrived to her and Willa stood there as she was looking out. The anti material rifle set up and spare ammo packs as she was firing shots off towards the armored soldiers and bugs moving. Te explosions were there now while she saw them setting up. The mandalorians were skilled and working towards a goal... putting a large cannon with a scope in front of her while she knelt down behind the scope looking at it. She had been firing on instinct and using the force to guide her shots but now she could see the wrinkles on the humanoid creatures while they were directing combat. Her smirk coming as she squeezed the trigger hearing the puff of air then shielding her eyes. There was so much heat and even through her armor she could feel it for the first time really glad she didn't have bone to snap.
The sounds of battle were all around her and Lorna was moving now, she had been working on herself as Aika commanded and she was working it out. Finding that inner self that was different from Selena who had disappeared. After what she had gone through returning to help and fic the order then be betrayed like the others... well Lorna could understand her not wanting to come again and help. Though standing here right now as she moved catching one of the blasts in her palms to kick away with the force turnign the energy into force power with the tutaminis. The silver jedi were surprising these being who had come to attack them and Lorna was right there wearing one of the armored suits to protect from stray shots.
Junko slashed and slashed again, she didn't hold a saber, her master well former master wasn't around as often since being appointed to the council and [member="Maya Whitelight"] would be needed here with the injured. The atrisian noble slashed again letting the sword gleam while she was moving with her hands gripping it white knuckled. She didn't want the ooze from the bugs to break her grip and make her lose control... That wouldn't work out well and she needed to buy time while the rest of the silver order were mobilizing and working to fortify the temple. The underground sections were a good maze and vault before she was moving again and concealing herself with the force before sending a burst of speed and flame.
Temple Estate

Orihime was in her room, it was a very strange time and as she sat there looking on she was working to make sure the place was secured. Her cousins were there, her sister and her mothers things.. well some of them. No one really knew where she kept the really dangerous and valuable things going in but it could be worth it while she was moving. She could hear the headmaster of the temple above working on the defense and the vaults, the lower sections they had been working on were secured. The stone and duracrete holding with steel to reinforce it. The engineers and masons had worked their magic for the order making these ancient tunels that now seemed perfect forr these creatures attacking to move through. Just the right size for the big ones and plenty of alcoves and shafts for the bugs to skitter into. As Orihime was moving throughout the temple she stumbled and went into the deeper roads tunnels as the amberite were helping her. Leading the way for her and the other padawan to be able t evacuate into the mountain rooms. The crystals leading them into a larger chamber as she was walking around and shattered and broken crystals were on the ground resonating with the force as she picked up one bringing it to her chest. She could feel a sense of calm overcome her and and her connection to the force resonated within. These were the types of crystals her mother had spoken about and she was happy to have one for now as it kept the fear at bay. "An Adegan crystal... look Reiko, it is ont of those pontite crystals."
Investigate Bugs

She was one of them.. one fo the hive and moving around as her abilities in the force worked to produce the disguise. The shifting was eay the telepathic abilities that told them she was one of them so they would overlook the lack of glands for scent and pheromones or however they communicated well that was all the force. Her eyes was still scarred but right now while she moved that wasn't the major issue. These things were simple minded at best an on par with lemmings or livestock... at worse... Didn't mean those razor sharp talons or teeth couldn't maim you. Knight didn't want to be stuck in one of those creatures mouths which was why while moving she was glad they weren't in a heavy fight just yet.
Investigate Priests/priestesses

It was times like this he worried about his padawans while moving, these large giants were posing a problem... All of them wanted to smash him into paste and he rather liked himself. Rather would prefer not being paste as he jumped away and pushed on the ground with the force. Letting his feet do the moving to get out of the way and try to get a little closer to that one controlling everything... they were strange with their three eyes and massive ego. He could hear the one monologuing about how they were superior to the lesser beings and that rubbed him the wring way while ducking behind cover and hopping back to dodge
Now things were picking up, Bellalika was looking at the others coming and moving her weapon while she went into a flourish cleaving two of the bugs. They were easier to take down when your fear of death wasn't there anymore and her eyes were almost glowing as she went into her programming. She was able to fight and knew her previous skills it only added to her while she used the bodies movement and strength to bash and rip at these creatures in the underground section. Wanting to make sure everything was going well as she fought them off at least.
City Center

Noriko now had the movement and speed as she slashed wit the saber staff, her armor catching one of the talons coming at her at it scratched the metal but fell short. She was glad for that while one of the defense force soldiers was stabbed. His scream motivating her to move faster was she jumped kicking with a boot to one of the creatures skulls. These giants were slow but tough... however she was finding that soft spot on the back fo the neck to be a welcome place to attack. Harder to defend even in armor and able to sever the spinal cord to make them stop moving and being a threat.
Battle Meditating

Sarianna could feel it, the minds of all those around them and she was pushing outwards, pushing to prod them and raise their spirits, to make them faster, stronger and more coordinated. Inspire and motivate while pressing on the more simple and easily suggested minds. SHe couldn't make them stop but she could try and make them slower, unsure of some things given what they were facing or feel some doubt... THe minds of the ones who led them were a mess and she could feel them able to shift or was it something else. Two minds in one body could be dangerous or it could be a powerful way to defend against mind tricks.
Research all the things

Je'daii didn't know what to say to all of this, there was a great deal going on and more then that she was finding a few references. Her fight against the creatures had been one to where she found them coming out to the ground in one of the polar regions to descend on the mountains. THe companions temple was there but so were some others while searching. The murals here were different and from a different time before even the taungs as she was reading and learning what she could of this species... most important where they came from.

The BAC had done everything it could possibly do the even the odds for the main combat action taking place between the capital ships and the defense stations in high orbit. By this point the orders it sent out were not grand or overarching displays of cunning tactics that were obviously seen in mass movements. At this stage it was now computing the most minute of calculations, interpreting the data from the various system feeds and communicating with the gunnery crews and helmsmen of all the Rendili warships and stations, pointing out weakpoints detected in the enemy's shielding through estimations of their power output, and even giving minor course adjustments for the Hammerheads to follow to evade concentrated enemy salvos by tracking the trajectory of the invader's cannon fire from feeds supplied by the cruisers themselves and the stations and the Silver Jedi's satellite network.

However, it was doing much more than that, much more indeed. Because while the capital ships were not performing eye grabbing maneuvers at the moment anymore, the starfighters were. Using all the connected data sensory feeds the Battle Analysis Computer furiously followed and mapped out the positions of the enemy squadrons, and rapidly created paths and attack patterns for the forces under Camellia's command, outnumbered as they were, to swing around and force the enemy to follow after or flee from them into the range of the defense stations anti-starfighter weaponry, the Firestar Defense Stations most especially being built to shred opposing starfighters with ease with their well over one hundred laser cannons and missile launchers.

Still, the enemy had numbers and bigger ships at their command and Camellia knew it was becoming a close call. Which meant much of their hope rested in the efforts of the boarding teams, the security units and battlemasters blasting and hacking their way through the enemy Ren and Bugs within the hanger desperately, blasters bolts ringing out across the space as soldiers took whatever cover they could and fired on their targets and those battlemasters who had drawn their electrostaffs twirling their weapons about as they smashed their electrified phrik tools into the faces and joints of their foes.


Disney's Princess

There was a certain disconnection now. A quiet brooding or a silent qualm. Or, perhaps it was like a ruddy song you just couldn't quite get out of your head. It was difficult to say really. None of them had known quite how to picture war. Even now that it was fading far, far away. Emma Prinn was sitting safe and sound, comfortable and almost easy, aboard an evacuation shuttle that was just about to escape the planet's orbit. The poor Padawan peered out the windows with that wrenching unease in her gut. Wondering if would ever go away. Because out here in the dark and cold nothingness of space, it was tempting to even feel safe.

"Emma? Emma are you... Alright."

Another student asked from across the shuttles aisle. But Emma could not hear her. She was lost in the beautiful mist of the alien constillations. Always new shining constillations. Never like the ones back home. Always changing, always such color. Nothing like the war taking place below. These were white fluffy stars. Pure and radiant. No. These were nothing like the orange fires and burning remains that doted the planet's surface. Visible through the planet's clouds. These stars were nothing like that quiet terror. These stars were beautiful.

"Emma? Hey. ...Is it Master Braskan? Are you worried about her staying?"

"No. It's... Agh. Well. I'm worried that we're leaving Emily. I'm worried that we won't be coming back. ...So I think. I'm just saying goodbye."

It was true. From this side of the planet you couldn't even see the space battle taking place. Just little flashes of red and yellow sparkling upon the atmosphere's event horizon. Tiny dots of lost and ending, without sound or even a story. A quiet, quiet place. Almost, a quiet, quiet peace. From her window so very far away. There was no war to be seen nor heard. From the warm weathered seats of their escape craft there only remained just that tired slithering doubt. That lingering echo in the Force. Over was the last hurrah for adrenaline. Now began the new seedling of lost and fear.

"No. They'll be okay. Trust in the Force Emma. The Headmistress will always be alright. Everyone will. Help is coming soon. Everything will be alright. You'll see. Tomorrow? Everything will have changed."

"I hope you're right Emily. ...I. I really do."

Emma turned again to look out the window into the silence of space.

"But. I think this is the last time any of us will be seeing the Temple again. Anytime soon."

The engines flared and the shuttle lurched forward with a rumbling to the cabin. The two girls paused their reply. It almost time for Hyperspace, they knew. They were almost free.

Emily unbuckled her seat and came to sit next to Emma with a loving tender hug. Holding her tight as she dared to gaze out the glass once more. They were leaving now. The evacuation was almost complete. Their rush to escape was replaced with custioned seats and a starship's hot recycled air. The stars quickly turned to long blue streaks against the tempered glass and the Jedi sisters held each other tight. Thinking never to never let go until they were finally at home again. Sound and safe.

But for these humble students of the wildest stars. Their war was now at an end. Their mission, complete. It was left to the warriors who remained to tame these wild stars and hold true to the faith. Emma Prinn had endured quite enough of adventure for one day. She could use some sleep.


*exit. happy 2015!
Flying into the air would be something normally Ana would consider to be fun. This was different though as she wasn't just flying free of debris. There were tree all around her and she was flying through the branches and leaves. What she needed to was hope not to smack into any big branches and hurt herself.

As she flew through the air she was hit in the face with plenty of leaves but luckily she had thus far been able to dodge the bigger branches. Ana knew however that she probably would not come out of this unscarred. These branches and such would more than likely leave a mark. The young woman was not too pleased about this but wouldn't complain as long as their were no broken bones.

She had curled herself up in a ball the best she could as she catapulted through the sky. In hopes of minimizing any damage. As she could feel herself slowing down Ana braced herself for the fall. Uncurling herself she reached for and grabbed a branch as she started falling. In the distance she could hear the giant.
With mental connection to the Silver Shadows, Creimire ordered the advance assault. Ahead are the Priest and Priestess, the evil that summon fire to destroy with wanton lust. It is madness that drives them it seems, pure nature of evil with no purpose but death. At least the Sith have purpose in their destruction and murder but this is beyond comprehension.

From the darkness of the shadows, they emerged to face the evil. Creimire stood not seen physically by anyone, some of the other Shadows the same and they moved. She ran at full speed of the force, her blue blade ignited and began to cut through the enemy. But there must be one, there must be the leader and still that being is not visible.

The Silver Shadows with the silence of the darkness began to make inroads, some fell to the power of the fire and burned others faulted in purpose at the sight of their comrades flailing on the ground screaming in pain as their flesh melted from their bodies. A death that would be slow and one by one Creimire felt their life force leave their bodies as they became one with the force.

She growled as she filled with anger, the senseless deaths of the people and Jedi, this had to end.

A giant stood between her and the leader, one separated from the others as the giant took up the evil wretch for protection. Lumber toward her unaware of her presence, Creimire sent a summon to the remaining Shadows to form up around her and attack. Five concealed Shadows, cut the legs of the giant and soon the lumbering large beast toppled to the ground. A scream of pain issued from the wretch as they hit the ground hard and without hesitation, the Shadows ascended on the evil, ending it's life.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu kept moving, the creature was moving under her and climbing as she saw more of the forces seeing to be turned back.This was an opening volley and a dangerous one at that as she worked to try and figure out what had been happening. Her saber deactivating and going back to her hip as she started speaking into the comlink. "I have some of their forces pulling back towards the dropships they came in one. A squad moving trying to help who they can but there are a lot of bodies."
After a hard time maneuvering through the smoking ruins, evading the scythes from the To-Chw, Iratann finally managed to reach the entrance of the hospital, where the bulk of the Silver Jedi and the planetside troops were located, defending with all their might one of the last bastions over the city.

Not wasting any time, Ira took cover behind a wall, and started to heal the woman which she had saved previously. Taking a deep breath, she started to use the force to repair the lost tissue and skin that the alien bug had taken when it had attacked, until there was only a scar left in the place. It was the best that the Twi'lek could do, for now. But it probably had saved the girl's life.

"Thank you." The civilian said unto her. "I-I... I-I'm h-happy I... I could help you..." The Twi'lek smiled a little, tired, but feeling good about her good action. "You... n-need to go back... to the h-hospital... you should be safe in there..." The woman nodded, and promptly entered inside. Meanwhile, Iratann took a few moments to rest, although she knew that soon she would had to keep fighting the invaders, whom were now attacking even more aggresively, determined to conquer the planet and destroy the Silver Jedi.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Iratann'Dira"] [member="Iella E'ron"]

Matsu kept moving, kept on the Jun-la as she jumped off and spoke. "Padawan keep moving." The jedi was using her blade to defend but banking the shots back. They had been pushing forward and some of this creatures were going back while she was moving step by step. "Master E'ron we are driving some towards the gates."

Ikki finished, she was standing there breathing with heavy heaves of her chest, her hands at her side while the slicewire was dangling across the ground. Several dozen of the bugs were twitching as she looked to the soldiers that were with them. Ikki blew her hair out of her face while her muscles protested her movement. "Alva." She said it wondering what her princess was doing right now and if she was to busy to handle a fight like this. The maid moved forward while she nearly fell over from being tired.

Willa looked at what came up on the readings. The destruction of a section of forest had her starring at it while she stood up, her shoulder feeling the pain but she was glad of a few things. namely that she didn't have bones to break otherwise that shot would have been painful. She could feel it in her cartilage. Her range finger searching for everything she could find and report in. "We have a hole in the ground near one of the drop ships, heading in with a team for mop up grandmaster."
[member="Aika Kawakami"]

Lorna kept moving, her hands coming up as she pushed the force into them an blue fire shimmered down the length of her arms. The shimmer cascading as energy went within her making her feel it. Absorbing the blast so the other jedi with her could move up to defend while she stopped and jumped ot the side her own abilities for the moment getting stronger. "Master Kawakami, there are forces at the port." She said it but didn't know if her master was able to hear her or if the comlinks were working. There was a plan in place though while she was moving.

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