Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Very Solo Dinner Party!

"Not dead, well that's" she looked at Brad wondering how he felt about it all, "shocking really. Are you ok with it?" Not that he should be ok she was dead but the shock of finding her alive was he ok after finding it out.

Same old Hawk, nothing changed. "No, Greg couldn't come this time. Special Ops came up. Maybe next time." She wasn't in the mood for a drink she didn't drink much at all these days.

"So what's new with everyone?" Dinner was about catching up right, first thing was about Del so what was next?

[member="Hawk Solo"] [member="Delila Castillon"] [member="Brad Solo"]​
Too much was happening for shock to have set in yet. Maybe Brad was going to be? Maybe he was just glad she was [member="Delila Castillon"] was alive. “Yes next time, he should come”, Brad spoke up saying Greg should come to the next dinner. Unfortunately he did not know this gentleman very much and this man was dating his little sister. A big brother should be aware of these things. Brad looked over at [member="Hawk Solo"], how well did his little brother know this Greg chap?

Then [member="Samantha Solo"] ‘s question about what’s new….

“New with me”, what was new with him. Work, work, and work, he could not tell his siblings that or they would most likely lecture him on having fun or something. Should he make something up? He could tell them how he donated to the school down on 3rd and K Street. Hawk would not find that interesting. He might cry again saying stuff about people being perfect again. “Fast flying”, ya right, it had been a long time since Brad was last in an X-Wing. “When is the Kessal Run coming up Hawk?” Sports are not really something Sam would be interested in. “I’m asking becase I was wondering if you have put any new mods on your transport?” Did he even still have that old rust bucket? Fast talking though, Brad was keeping up the conversation and trying to distract from the truth.
[member="Samantha Solo"] // [member="Hawk Solo"] // [member="Brad Solo"]

Delila was coming out of the guest room, old matching boots in her one hand. There was a piece of conversation, something about starship modifications. She couldn't skirt around the issue or just leave the condo without speaking to anyone. Incredibly rude, especially after being gone for so long.

"Samantha, you're looking lovely as always. Pleasure to see you again."

A pause.

"Appreciate you letting me pop in. I'll be around and in touch with everyone. Enjoy your dinner."

Time to exit Castillon.
[member="Samantha Solo"][member="Brad Solo"][member="Delila Castillon"]

Brad didn't know that Kamikaze was a touchy subject for Hawk. "I'm not sure when the Kessel run starts. I don't a ship at the moment. Ahh Kamikaze is in the hands of King Prana." He says bitterly. He paused for a moment. Del had walked back in. "Del, stay for a moment. You need to hear this as well."

"Guys...I don't know to say this....I'm just going to say this....Dad was killed by Prana." He said it. His eyes filled with tears. "He died with honor."
There was some confusion as Brad listened to [member="Hawk Solo"] talk about the Kessel Run. His little brother could not remember when one of the biggest races was held each years? Brad was normally always swamped at work. There was always one thing he had. He was ridiculously organized. He had a calendar up in his office, one on his personal computer he always carried around with him. Then he had a calendar on his computer at work. Then there was Brad’s secretary, she helped out a great deal with reminding him when he had appointments.

To confound the upcoming subject more [member="Delila Castillon"]. She mentioned that she was happy she had a few of her things and was going to leave for the night. Where was she going to sleep? Was she going to live in a cardboard box on the street somewhere?

Then Hawk dropped a bombshell Brad that really caught Brad off guard. Brad looked calm. He did not say anything. He took a deep breath still just looking at Hawk. Brad took a right, his right. It took him away from Hawk and Brad walked past his sister [member="Samantha Solo"] .

It may have looked like he was hella pissed off at someone. Brad was angry. As angry as he was he still had that cool demeanor. “You say, he is dead”, Brad asked, as he just reached one of the walls in his living room.

Open, Drex’seeis”, it was an odd thing to say. What it meant was shown right away. It was a voice activated hidden compartment. A compartment he had secretly installed when the One Sith held control of The Corellian Sector. A sound of compressed air and machinery came from the wall revealing a hidden compartment. It was full of different types of blaster, grenades, and four lightsabers.

Brad pulled an A280 blaster rifle off the shelf and started to inspect it. No as of yet there was no energy clip in it. “Who is this King Crustacean and where does he live”, a click came from the firearm, as Brad let go of a moving part. The camber slid shut as he was done inspecting the inner chamber if it was clean. Normally people were worried Del was going to shot somebody.
[member="Brad Solo"] // [member="Hawk Solo"] // [member="Samantha Solo"]

Delila had sat on the edge of a chair since Hawk said she had to hear the news. She was thinking something innocuous ; Hawk was having another kid, Wedding vow renewals for their parents. Not something as drastic as the death of the Solo patriarch. Who was this King person? Delila was confused but refrained from asking questions.

Questions wouldn't have done any good anyways. Brad was busy pulling weaponry out of some hidden location. She wasn't surprised at the fact he had such weapons. They met and dated during military service. Been in battles together. He was quite capable to take out someone at a distance.

More than anyone she knew how angry Brad was. Being married she knew his quirks and tics and despite it being ages later Delila liked to think she still knew him well. Or at least his moods and body language well. She was the only one able to do what she was about to.

Silently she got up and walked towards him. Without a word she plucked the blaster rifle out of his hand, giving a warning look.

"So you want your mother to lose her husband and her eldest son?" Delila spoke quietly, not wanting Samantha and Hawk to overhear.
Sam just sat there, she wasn't sure how she felt. She knew they it was expected that she be upset, perhaps even cry. She looked at Hawk already in tears, and Brad headed off to get...well look at that a weapon.
Such a variety of reactions to death.

When was the last time she saw her father? It had been a few years, he had gone his own way to do his own thing, whatever that was.
Brad wanted revenge, Dels was trying to convince him otherwise.

She was sad but not devastated. She'd miss him for certain when memories would surface but right now nothing was pushing her to tears. She would do the one thing that she could she went over and sat by Hawk trying to give him some comfort but she had questions even if she didn't have tears to offer up for the dead.

"You say he died with honor, what does that even mean? And this King whatshisname how did he even know Dad?" "And how long have you known this?" Were they talking days, weeks, months?
Why wouldn't Hawk say something a whole lot sooner than now?

[member="Hawk Solo"] | [member="Brad Solo"] | [member="Delila Castillon"]
[member="Samantha Solo"][member="Delila Castillon"][member="Brad Solo"]

Hawk wiped his eyes then clear his throat getting his emotions under control. He gave Sam a sad smile. "It's a long story. Dad went under coverage to break up a slaver ring. He played a "bounty hunter" that went after Force Children. A bunch of kids including Maddie got took. My friend Kay and I went and rescue them." He gloss over the fact that Kay and him had gotten captured and forced to fight other creature for Prana amusement.

"With Dad's help, we escaped with all the kids. We decided to launch an attack on Prana. That guy was going to continue to steal force children and sell them." Hawk paused and took a sip of brandy. "One of our new allies betrayed us. They sabotage the xwings and shuttle. It was cleaver. They rigged the bombs to explode when s foils open. We lost a few pilots. We couldn't fight back." His voice thick with emotion. "A retreated was order. A.....strayed middle was heading for the shuttle. Dad intercepted with his ship. He saved us. Afterwards....I wanted to go back....,Prana deserves to die. Kay talked talk me out of it. I went home to Maddie and Mom. That was a month ago."
Brad stepped a little closer to [member="Delila Castillon"]. Close enough to where their two bodies would nearly touch but would not. He leaned to, to place his lips near to her ears. “I did not plan to just go in hot, gorgeous”, to go in hot was a metaphor, mainly for the military. Simply put, it meant go in guns blazing and making a stick loud of noise.

Taking a step back, Brad a heavy blaster pistol mach like the design Han Solo used to use. “I do not know where this, King Crab guy even lives yet”, Brad started to inspect that weapon. “There, Hawk just said this guy has a record”, Brad just over heard his brother [member="Hawk Solo"] talking about this Queen Prawn person.

[member="Samantha Solo"] seemed pretty calm. “I could call in a few favors from friends at Coresec. Then do some investigating and find out where this guy is and then we will have more solid Intel.”
[member="Brad Solo"] // [member="Hawk Solo"] // [member="Samantha Solo"]

Cocking a weapon, dragging them out like candy....Seemed a little like going in a rushed fashioned. Brad mentioned otherwise and she gave a small nod of acknowledgment. Blaster rifle was handed back over and she listened to the story unfold. Small alarm bells were going off in the back of her mind. Something was amiss.

Still, it was a family matter.

Silently she took her seat at the edge of the chair once more to watch the exchange. In her mind there was something that wasn't completely adding up in the situation with the death of Nathan Solo.
[member="Hawk Solo"] [member="Brad Solo"] [member="Delila Castillon"]​

Sam sat there looking at Hawk, "Soooo Dad's been dead a month and you decide to tell us now. Not when it happened." Sam inched back some she wasn't really sure about all of this now.

She watched her brother carefully, she could see he was clearly upset but why didn't tell them when he got back? Why keep it some secret? His comm's not work? She knew hers worked after all Brad got through. Why didn't her mother call, heck did her mother know or had Hawk kept it from her too?

Something wasn't right about all of this. She looked at Brad, "I can use my contact at work to find out more about this....King." She pulled out her device and began putting together the request. She was CorSec, Special Ops surely she could find out more about this slaver, murderer.

Her fingers worked across the device tapping out the words to send while she wanted to hear Hawk's reason.
[member="Samantha Solo"][member="Delila Castillon"][member="Brad Solo"]

"Sithspawn! I just got home yesterday. It took me a month. The ship I was using crashed on a mostly deserted planet." He said. His bubbling to the surface. His frustration from the last few months was coming out. He left out the part about Leilani. He still was processing everything that had happen between them.

"I just told mom when Brad invitation came. I decided it was better to tell this sorta news in person. Sorry it couldn't have been sooner."

Hawk turns his attention to Brad. The move with blaster had surprised him. Sometimes he forgot about Brad's military experience. It was something, he never pictured his brother doing.

"Prana is outside of Corsec justice. We need to go in blaster and lightsaber blazing. And take him out."
No gun’s in’ blazing would not be good thought, it was a realization Brad just had. Brad had heard enough elements to this puzzle to understand that. It would have felt good to just shoot someone but truthfully it would salve nothing. Maddie and Hawk was missing for over a month? To aggregate the situation more her grandfather was now dead. Was there even a body to bury? [member="Delila Castillon"] was right; do we want them to have to suffer the loss of one more family member?

“No Hawk”, Brad spoke to his little brother [member="Hawk Solo"]. His message would be for [member="Samantha Solo"] as well. “It is justice we will seek and not murder. There are other alternatives”, there was much to this story and Hawk was clearly to upset to give straight answers. Brad understood at that time it could take some time to correctly piece together what had happened. “From what you’re saying Hawk this Prana individual has a criminal record. It is highly likely that he is wanted by some legal authorities; it could very well be from another lawful system that is friends with us. There is most likely a bounty somewhere and some lawful government desires to place this criminal on trial. I strongly suggest we wait a few day, possible even weeks to determine the best choice. That will give our family some time to come together as it should. Our family as the right to grieve! Or at least to be there for each other as we go through this tragic process. Yes during that time, Sam and I”. Brad spoke of [member="Samantha Solo"], “We will find out what Intel we can so we can all find the best solution as a family!”

((( O.O.C : I let out any information how Brad would react to Sam working a recording device. I was not sure if she is hiding it or using it out in the open. <3
[member="Hawk Solo"] [member="Brad Solo"] [member="Delila Castillon"]

"We can't go in blaster's blazing Hawk some of us don't get to work with the mystical magical Jedi that protects them from all things and just might lose their jobs. No we need to find a weakness, and use it, I'm sure we can design an operation that will put him out of commission and put him in jail. No one stays out of reach of justice forever." Sam pushed send to have the message go.

"I've asked an Analyst in my office to look this guy up and give me a full profile. We'll find something." As for his other declaration of being stranded she didn't buy the excuse. He was on a ship headed home, he couldn't in that time send a message...sithspit that he wanted to deliver it in person. But she new from experience pointing the obvious out to her brother was useless, and he always had an excuse so why bother with pushing it.

The fact was their father Nathan was dead.

"I really could use a drink now." Sam got up to pour a glass as she looked over at Brad and Del. Wasn't this turning out to be a fun night. She smiled
[member="Samantha Solo"][member="Brad Solo"][member="Delila Castillon"]

"Justice! " he spits out. "It didn't help Dad or anyone else Prana killed. The man had us in Arena fighting for his entertainment. His people were cheering him on. I would happily killed Praha with my bare hands if I get the chance." His anger was getting the best of him at the moment."

He sets the empty glass down. "He will just get off. They won't convict him. He has the credits to buy his freedom."
[member="Hawk Solo"] | [member="Samantha Solo"] | [member="Brad Solo"]

Delila offered a small smile back to Samantha as the woman got up to get a drink. Hawk was going on a rampage about murdering something with his own bare hands. Not very Jedi-like. Not surprising in her case either, she had a distaste for the entire 'Force' ever since about half-way through her marriage.

Personally she thought there was a rush into things. That concern had already been voiced though towards Brad. Dells crossed her legs and stretched them out in front of her, hands crossed on her lap. There wasn't much she could say or do. Naturally, being Delila Castillon, she had hundreds of opinions to voice on the subject. Yet it wasn't her place. It didn't feel like her place. In many ways she was just a stranger now, changed from her younger days.

Debate raged on. She would watch.
This was all, not right. Brad placed his heavy blaster pistol back into the gun case. If Brad did not believe in justice he would have never served in Coresec or been a lawyer. [member="Hawk Solo"]‘s words were so far south of how Brad felt. Up tell this point he had tried not be judgmental about Hawk’s story. Those thoughts were unavoidable now. The gun case closed. This time, it did not move by verbal password. He had just simply pushed a button on the side of the display case.

There was just too much to think about at the moment. Too much he did not know. There were his feelings to. Making snapped irrational decisions based off of no facts would only make the situation worse. Brad turned to [member="Delila Castillon"] ,”Are you hungry? I am.” Brad then turned to [member="Samantha Solo"] ,”Maybe we all should have dinner?” “Hawk food”, he then asked his brother.
[member="Brad Solo"][member="Delila Castillon"][member="Samantha Solo"]

"Sure, why not. Let's eat." Says Hawk. Food would help calm him down and soak up the brandy. He didn't have the alcohol tolerance like he used to have in his smuggler days.

His news had put a damper on the evening. Time to change the subject. "As long as Dell didn't cook it." He jokes.
[member="Hawk Solo"] [member="Brad Solo"] [member="Delila Castillon"]

Sam made herself a rather strong drink the amber liquid would burn all the way down and right now she welcomed it. She could hear Brad and Hawk talking she had always felt a bit outside of them.

They didn't understand, and sometimes Hawk who she had been so close to, she just wanted to smack and ask him WHAT ARE YOU THINKING!! But she didn't, she took the drink stared into the glass for a moment as of contemplating how much there was. The she downed it tilting her head back to make sure she got every drop.

She heard her name, "dinner, food sure..let's eat" She poured herself another this time three fingers worth and headed into dinner. As always Brad out did himself. She looked at Del she was probably glad that at some point she could escape while the family stayed behind. It seemed obvious that Brad wanted her to stay. Was it the right thing to do? If it was her, in that position what would she think?

that the Solo family is nuts. Yep that's what she'd think.

"Did you get Ryshcate?" How could they as Corellians have a dinner without it?
[member="Samantha Solo"] | [member="Hawk Solo"] | [member="Brad Solo"]

"No, I still don't cook.Not well anyways"

Save for the living by herself in a jungle for years. Either way the fare she had wasn't top notch on her jungle retreat. Fish and weird tropical fruits mainly. She was still conditioning her body for 'normal' foods. It was clear she was going to have to be cautious moving throughout the multi-course meal Brad prepared. Or close to multi-course, he never seemed to stick to the basics.

Herself and Samantha moved behind the two boys at a slightly slower pace. Delila was in no rush to join them. She still felt uncomfortable, especially after the news was shared. Smartly she seated herself at the end right of the table, leaving the Solos to be bunched together in one group. Shoulders squared, mentally steeling herself about getting through dinner.

"Smells great."

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