Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Very Solo Dinner Party!

Yes, food! It was something Brad could focus on that was not complicated or confusing. When the group had meandered over to the table Brad did not react much. He did not openly react to [member="Hawk Solo"] ‘s joke about [member="Delila Castillon"] ‘s cooking. Brad had just begun to make sure the last preparations for dinner was in place. He had pulled out two bottle of fine red wine to go with dinner.

Brad did not answer [member="Samantha Solo"] ‘s question about Ryshcate right away. He was not trying to be rude, if that is how it was being perceived. Much had happened this evening. There were many turbulent emotions and he was a Jedi after all. It was very human to be emotionally effect by your father’s death. Brad was human. He was a Jedi to. Brad knew the dangers that suffering and pain could bring. He was just trying to center himself in doing a simple task, setting up dinner.

While Del was saying how the food smelled great, Brad was pulling out the ryshcate. Normally he always placed desert on the table last but tonight was not a normal night. Placing the desert near Sam, Brad managed to smile again. He nodded to Sam and then looked over to Del. “Thank you, Del”, Brad thank Del for the kind comment and then sat down himself.

There was plenty of food fond on the table. There was still some of the pre-dinner appetizer that no one had touched yet. Broiled lobster tails with a garlic and chili butter sauce. The dinner itself, Ribeye steak with goat cheese meyer lemon honey mustard sauce. For a starch side, a rice and vegetable mixture, that had a dash of nuts... to give it a hint more texture. The salad, a wild arugula salad with pears.
[member="Brad Solo"][member="Delila Castillon"][member="Samantha Solo"]

The food made his mouth water. "Wow, this is some spread." Hawk hadn't noticed the lobster tails. He put a couple of lobster tails on his plate next to the ribeye. Hawk took a bite of the streak. It was cooked to perfection. "You should been a chef instead of a lawyer." Hawk said to Brad.

He could feel Sam anger at him. They used to be so close before Hawk became a Jedi. They didn't understand each other life anymore.
[member="Brad Solo"] [member="Hawk Solo"] [member="Delila Castillon"]

Sam looked at all the food, all very rich and would take months to work off. When Brad placed the ryshcate by her she gave him an appreciative smile. Good she thought it at least represented a celebration, even if all the news tonight was taking its toll on them all. They were all together.

She felt Hawk's eyes on her for a moment. Yes she was angry at him. She looked at Brad. He didn't get it either. But they were family, they'd have to either talk it out, get over it, or continue life like this. Was that what they both wanted? Who knew?

She looked at her plate, "Its beautiful Brad" It was a cooking lawyer. She looked at Del, "Where will you go from here Del?" Sam would try to keep it light.
[member="Samantha Solo"] | [member="Brad Solo"] | [member="Hawk Solo"]

Delila wasn't sure about dinner, going for the salad and rice first with a tiny amount of steak sliced on top. Hawk was busy wolfing down lobster when the attention came back to her. How she wasn't sure, probably something to take their mind off the tensions within the family. Fork carefully speared a piece of pear as she thought.

"I don't know, I've only been back for a little while. Its....very odd, to be around people...large groups tend to put me on edge. So I've been drifting around. Uh....I've had offers to work as a SIS Agent, I did a raid in the Kathol Outback....know a few folks down there."

Delila fell silent for a moment.

"Just trying to figure everything out, a lot has changed."
Now sitting down himself, Brad was still feeling a little overwhelmed. He was no physiotherapist but he knew it was all too common for people to go through fluctuating stages of grief. Right now all he could do is just sit back and do nothing. Normally people leaned on their loved ones in these types of situations. Who did Brad have Brad looked up from his plate as his little brother [member="Hawk Solo"] spoke. He was enjoying the meal. That was good Brad, found a smile. The last thing he wanted to do was make his family feel unwelcomed. It did pain Brad earlier to hear Hawk’s words. His words seemed to flow through as if he wished vengeance more than justice. Maybe Brad was just being too big of an older brother, worrying about his younger sibling.

[member="Samantha Solo"] spoke next. Her words were kind, speaking of the food. When she had spoken Brad looked in her direction, smiled and nodded…something very common. When someone was speaking to you, you naturally look to them to show respect. To show you were indeed listening and you care. Here again, maybe was just being a big brother again. He worried about Sam. She seemed frigged. Disconnected and it felt like she did not feel any emotion when she heard her father had died. Did he, Brad misread the signs on how Sam felt? Brad had seen something before. Agents for Coresec often desensitized. For many reasons this happens but it is common. Could they be losing their sister as they knew her?

Then there was his x-wife [member="Delila Castillon"]. He did not ask why or how she was still alive or what had happened. He was just happy she was still alive. He never wished her any ill harm and just wished the best for her…in whatever path she decided to take. It was sad to hear that she was having difficulty reentering society. He would like to help but here is the thing with that. You can’t force someone to take help.

To keep conversation going…

Brad figured it was best he did not engage into questions of what happened with Del. Not at this time anyways. He really did not wish to ask Hawk anything, it might just switch into a topic about their dad. That left Sam. Brad knew there was not much she could discuss about work, so that topic was slightly out of the question. So he needed a topic they could discuss that siblings normally talked about, a question that could be a starting point for a topic. Like just like their mother was quite gifted with dancing. Did Sam still dance for fun?

“So Sam”, it was going to be a hit or a miss. Brad was hoping it work spark some conversation. “Do you, when you’re off duty that is. Do you get the opportunity to go out dancing for fun?” Maybe she did not like to dance anymore, maybe she did. Brad and Sam just did not talk much about the small stuff anymore. It seemed like a good time to change that right now. A dinner with siblings was a good place to have those little light conversations that helped them to bound together.
[member="Brad Solo"][member="Delila Castillon"][member="hawk"] Solo

Hawk stops eating and glances at Sam. He curious if she still danced for fun. He did. He loved dancing. Maybe they should have been the dancing Solo twins. They would have taken the ballet galaxy by storm. It was a shame they both wasted their talent.

"I still dance." He interjected into the conversation.
Sam looked across the table to Brad, "I only do so when it is necessary. You have to understand that my professional life and my social life need to always appear separate. I'm always Samantha to someone, just depending on how they know me dancing might seem out of place." Except that assignment where she almost got killed.

She took a small bite of the rice, it was light and fluffy, "My last assignment I'm still healing from and I get a lot of office work right now." She didn't miss the field right now either. She still had nightmares about being kidnapped, and nearly killed. She smiled to not give any indication about how she felt.

Of course Hawk chimed in about his love of dancing. One thing she knew about her brother Hawk, if dancing was brought up he'd tell about his time as a dancer. If smuggling was brought up he'd talk about smuggling.

She was curious what did Hawk do for the Jedi? Dance classes? She smiled at the thought, Hawk in tights leaping across a stage made of duracrete blocks surrounded by students all hidden by cloaks.

Sam scooped up a bit more rice. "So we know Hawk's been on a deserted planet, what have you been doing Brad?" She shifted the conversation off herself.

She looked at Del again had to be hard to be her. She was starting from scratch. "Del if you need something let me know if I can help I will" Sam knew that if the roles were reversed she'd be looking for some friendly faces, some help. So why not offer it to her former sister in law.

[member="Hawk Solo"] [member="Brad Solo"] [member="Delila Castillon"]​
[member="Brad Solo"] // [member="Hawk Solo"] // [member="Samantha Solo"]

Eyes rolled at the mention of Hawk dancing. Wait, was he the middle child? Delila couldn't remember beyond Brad being the oldest and the other two twins. Hawk certainly acted like the middle child. It was always amusing to see the the three interact, no matter what the subject. Hawk always had something to say, even if it was say or bills passing through the Senate. Either way the conversation was on dancing. Could never figure out how the twins got heavily into dancing but Brad didn't.....Not that Brad couldn't dance, just not on the same level.

"Still healing?"

Blue-green eyes narrowed towards her former sister-in-law. Delila knew well enough questioning would have to occur in a more private forum. She didn't bother to pry any further.

"Sure, I'll keep it in mind. Maybe in the near future we can spend a day together, just us girls."
[member="Delila Castillon"][member="Brad Solo"] [member="Samantha Solo"]

Hawk caught Del and Sam eyes rolling. He didn't understand why. Dancing was good way to exercise and be flexible. His dancing made him a very graceful in lightsaber duels.

His sister being part of Corsec was hard to wrap his brain around. It didn't seem to fit her personality. Just like Leilani. He was still trying to figure out how he felt about what she did for living. All he knew was that he missed her.

He turns his attention to Brad curious to see what he been up too.
There was no surprise twitches or quires given off from Brad, when [member="Hawk Solo"] blurted out he stilled danced. It just dawned on Brad also, he was not surprised that Hawk had waited a month to tell them that their dad had died. Trouble just followed him around. Hawk always had his own special way of getting into trouble. Somehow Brad found a way of getting Hawk out of bad situations. Still, Brad knew that Hawk meant well.

[member="Samantha Solo"]

You have to understand. I only do so when it is necessary. My social life always needs to appear separate.

Brad was carefully listening to his sister’s words, trying to pick up key meanings.

Always a Samantha to someone? Just depending on how they know me dancing, might seem out of place?

Last assignment, still healing, office work.

He quickly let those words roll around his mind as the conversation at the table continued. How he played the words in his mind was not on exact order of what she said. The content was still there, because those words were important.

What had he, Brad Solo been up to. The same as he normally does, he thought but did not say it yet. The flow of conversation was still happening at the table. Interrupting people as they were talking was not his style.

He still thought over Sam’s words, as Sam offered [member="Delila Castillon"] help. To keep himself from smiling he took a bite of rib eye. It was good that the two were getting along. Brad was sure Del could use a friend. Truthfully from the sound of it Sam needed one too.

Before he spoke, what Sam had said? Brad had only asked if she danced when she was off duty. The answer he got was a myriad of being on duty and off duty. It almost sounded like what someone would say to themselves in a mirror each day.

“Well Sam”, she had a question after all. “I’ve been doing the same but with a whole new host of problems to solve”, she asked him what he had been up to. “Much had to be corrected after The One Sith was expelled and Justice, she does not wait for anyone. It has not all been courtroom theatrics. There have been some real people out there that have suffered. There have been charities and public appearances…building of new low income housing. I have been doing what I used my position as a public attorney and an entrepreneur to help out the Corellian sector as much as I can. Really I have not been doing anything thing that I’ve not normally done.”

Brad liked the work that he does. He did not feel like he over works himself at all. In fact his work brought him some happiness in his life. It kept him active and he help people most of all.

“I can’t say though I don’t sometimes miss the thrill of working the Coresec Tactical Response Teams. Flying X-Wings, being on the ground dodging blaster fire. Pulling out a lightsaber and charging a Sith or two”, Brad did hear some rumors that the Galactic Alliance was always looking for more pilots. The tyrannical rule of The First Order was out there in the galaxy. How fast the wars shift around in this galaxy, who knows the next day they can be in the Corellian Sector.
"I don't know why they haven't changed our name to BROKSEC, or something that reflects the name." It had been difficult to see her home split like it was. It was amazing that there was still some portion that people lived on. Brokerellia. They called it that for a reason.

She looked from one face to the next at the table, smiling at Del knowing that probably had an idea and if she didn't she was polite enough not to push. Course now neither of her brother's pushed either. "that would be fun a day out to just do girl, shop...maybe a fruity drink with a umbrella" She laughed.

"I hear that the Alliance is looking for help. I'm wondering if they are going to come in and help us out. Put us under their protection. I don't know though. It's quiet at times, but the First Order is on the move again." She didn't want to say that there could be spies but there could be.

There was a lull now in conversation....what else could they talk about? She took another bite.

[member="Brad Solo"] [member="Hawk Solo"] [member="Delila Castillon"]
[member="Hawk Solo"] | [member="Samantha Solo"] | [member="Brad Solo"]

Delila wasn't the 'spa,shop,fruity drink' girl, although as she had gotten older the benefits of a spa had been a godsend to her. Nice massage, some type of facial scrub. Despite not being such a person, she could grin and bear it for her former sister-in-law to have a fairly decent day out. Clearly she was surrounded by idiots and needed a bit of a break.

"Sure, we'll have to try to schedule it in, but I'm willing."

She didn't know much about the Alliance or First Order and kept quiet on the subject. So she turned to the best one in the room to keep a conversation going : Hawk. Mention a few things about himself and then bam!, instant conversation.

"So have a daughter now? Someone bred with you? Willingly?!" There was a sarcastic grin. "All jokes aside, what have you been up to?"
[member="Samantha Solo"][member="Brad Solo"][member="Delila Castillon"]

Hawk chuckles at Del antics. "7 years ago I had sex." He jokes. "No, seriously. Maddie turns 7 next week. She wants a slumber party with her girlfriends. Oh not sure I can handle that. 6 little girls turning around crazy." He sighs deeply. "Of course, mom has a hot date that night with the Doctor Drake Knight. I could use some help." He says hoping that Del or Sam takes pity on him.
Sock and horrified all at the same time. His noise crinkled, eyebrows lifted, and wrinkles briefly took shape across Brad’s forehead. Giving the context of the situation one could easily assume that Brad’s reaction was about his mother dating.

Brad tilted his head slightly. Looking at his wine glass, yes he hardly had any so far. “Doctor Drake Knight”, Brad asked. His astonishment resonated in his voice. A nervous laughter erupted from Brad as he tried to grasp at this unexpected news. “Who named this guy”, still with a nervous laughter, his words were still coherent.

To Brad the name sounded like some cheesier name bad script writer give day time soap stars. Then Brad got this image this guy was most likely twenty to thirty years younger than his mom. Most likely this guy is being dated for his physical appearances alone! At that exact moment Brad was praying his mother did not just recently buy a candy red racing speeder! “She did not go buy a candy red racing speeder, did she”, he asked, still being plagued with a nervous laughter.
‘Wait, did Hawk say hot date’, this silent thought was unsettling to Brad. Wishing to bleach his mind, he reached over and drank the entirety of his glass of wine, then poured another glass.

[member="Hawk Solo"] [member="Samantha Solo"] [member="Delila Castillon"]
Sam looked over at Brad, did he really just ask if Mom was a cougar? Her fork hung in the air before her as her eyes stayed on him. She thought for a moment about chewing but the muscles refused to work.

What kind of name was that? Doctor Drake Knight.....she licked her lips as she finally drew a breath. She smiled, "Maybe he's a Night Rider, if you know what I mean" Yeah she said it, yep picture that your mom and some stud on her little red speeder.

The wind in their hair, laughter floating on the breezes and then they stop yes it's sunset...they stop and share a long lingering wet kiss.....Doctor Knight takes their Mom's hand and leads her suggestively towards the door of some...hotel somewhere....

Sam laughed again, she looked at Dels, "Dels maybe we should take Mom to a strip club" Sam would never well she would but only if she wanted to go, anyhow take her mother to the Coruscanti Woman's Club with their Corellian Dancers.

She said what she did to get a reaction out of her brothers, and who knows maybe from Dels too.

[member="Delila Castillon"] [member="Hawk Solo"] [member="Brad Solo"]
[member="Hawk Solo"] | [member="Brad Solo"] | [member="Samantha Solo"]

Fork hung in mid-air, mouth partially opened. What the hell did they just waltz into? Doctor? Red racing speeder? Dating? It took a long moment but she managed to close her trap, speechless for once in her life. It took a lot for Delila to keep quiet but this was only because her brain as racing to keep up with various bits of new information.

"Doctor Drake Knight? What is she doing, dating a porn star?"

Yep, brain finally caught back up to her mouth. Samantha was suggesting a ladies club. Delila would be down to visit, it had been awhile after all. If one would have told her a decade ago she was seriously considering taking her ex mother-in-law and sister-in-law to a strip club she would have laughed and mentioned something about the impossible.

"I mean, good for her if she is....I think we could all go Samantha, I know Mom would love it."
[member="Brad Solo"][member="Samantha Solo"][member="Delila Castillon"]

Hawk burst out laughing at the description of Dr Knight. "Porn Star? No. I've met him. He a good guy. He is around Mom's age. Really good doctor. Mom claims that they aren't serious. I don't believe her. I've caught them making out a few times." The images of his mom getting busy still creeps him out. He shudders at the image.

Hawk pours himself a shot of whiskey. "Yuck don't take Mom to a strip club. That is just gross. It will just depress her. Some of her students are exotic dancer."
[member="Samantha Solo"] and [member="Delila Castillon"] exchange of the new topic of conversation.

There was no Jedi training for this! Night Rider? His mom, sister, and Del possible going to a stripe club? Dating a porn star? What did this guy have a really bad porn mustache too? The decorum of civilized conversation was just dropped kicked out the window.

Brad did not opt to fill his glass with wine this time. He took the bottle of Corellian Whiskey and filled his glass.
His brother [member="Hawk Solo"] then spoke.

His brother’s words helped to give a more realistic context to their mother’s life. Hawk believed this Doc chap was a decent person? Were his mom and this Doctor trying to be a respectable couple? Still there was that topic of his mother going to a strip club.

Brad’s eye brows quirked curiously and he shrugged his shoulders. “Well Hawk”, the drinking and sarcasm took an interesting turn. “You and I could always go visit that Heartbeat Club on Zeltros”, Brad's witty banter. Del mostly likely would have caught the fact Brad was joking. But Brad said it without thinking. Hawk being Hawk…well the Hawk Brad knew would jump at this chance to go kick it and have some fun, two brothers hitting the club and breaking a few hearts?
However Brad being in a house of ill repute? It was hilarious!

Knowing he said something he should not have. Brad’s eyes widened. Instead of correcting himself? He swirled the contents of his glass, then took a drink!
"Well that pretty much seals it for me we will be taking her to the best club in the galaxy, may it will be on Zeltros too. Maybe Mom will bring home some suavy zetron. And Dels yes she would love it" there were things that the guys just wouldn't understand about going and watching...well if they were women maybe..hahaha.

Yep they were talking about her mother, all Sam wanted was for her mother to have a life, she didn't know what the others wanted.

"You boys finding a zeltron woman might curl your toes some. Be a good experience for you both." Sam smiled, "If I didn't have Greg I'd let some zeltron curl my toes for a night"

She would she heard things and she wondered if it was all true. A little casual..companionship...probably did the soul good.

"What do you think Del, casual companionship is it good for the soul?"

[member="Brad Solo"] [member="Hawk Solo"] [member="Delila Castillon"]
[member="Samantha Solo"][member="Brad Solo"][member="Delila Castillon"]

Hawk couldn't believe this conversation they were having. Brad suggesting that they go to one of Zeltros famous strip clubs. "Sure, yeah let's go! ". Seeing respectable Brad going to the club would be worth the trip.

"Yeah Zelton woman are a handful. Never know what they will do. They are very passionate lovers". Sithspawn! He missed her. He tosses back his whiskey. He was being a fool. He loved her. He didn't care what she did or didn't do. He realizes that he never told his family about her.

"I should know I'm in love with one."

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