Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Very Solo Dinner Party!

It was a riot - Unwed mother to be - the all seeing seer - and the pragmatist that left her to be...the blonde she imagined. She lifted her glass and had another draw on the drink.

The steak was starting to fill her up, not that she ate a whole lot anyhow. She settled back in her chair to observe and add commentary when time permitted, let's see where to start

"The odds may not be in your favor [member="Brad Solo"] and [member="Hawk Solo"] you sure you haven't had one too many and [member="Delila Castillon"] unwed mother of two darksiders in love with voodoo dolls how ever will you stand it?"

She grinned and picked up a biscuit, they were horrible for you but what wasn't horrible for her tonight surely wouldn't kill her.
[member="Samantha Solo"][member="Brad Solo"][member="Delila Castillon"]

Hawk's stomach lurched. He put a closed fist to his mouth trying to hold back the vomit. He pushes away from the table and bolts to the bathroom. He barely makes it in time before tossing his cookies into the toilet. "Sithspawn." He curses as hold onto to the toilet. Sam was right. He had too much. He couldn't drink like he used to.
[member="Hawk Solo"] | [member="Brad Solo"] | [member="Samantha Solo"]

The moment Hawk ran towards the bathroom like a little girl was when Delila poured herself another glass of brandy. Sam had never bought the ruse so it didn't make much sense keeping it up in front of the woman. There was a sigh as sounds of retching echoed out into the dining room. Eyebrows raised a little as she took a sip, thinking.

"Looks like a fun night ahead disinfecting the guest bathroom."
"Such a shame too dinner was so good" Sam took another bite just because she could. She looked towards where Hawk had ducked into. "i've heard him louder than that he's fine." She smiled.

There was a time they were inseparable but things change, lives change, now her time was with someone else who loved her for being herself and not the image they perceived. She realized she missed Greg. She probably wouldn't stay as long as planned she was ready to snuggle with a cup of tea with someone warm and inviting.

She looked at Dels, and then to Brad. wondering where did it go wrong and could she avoid that fate. She hoped so.

[member="Delila Castillon"] [member="Hawk Solo"] [member="Brad Solo"]​
Brad was not going to budge on the issue. As stubborn Coreillian as he is he would avoid sex for the rest of his life it meant he would not spawn a child that feel to the Darkside.

His mouth opened, as if he was about to say something. Then [member="Hawk Solo"] abruptly got up from the table and ran to the bathroom.

The noise echoing from the bathroom was evident when [member="Delila Castillon"] was saying the obvious. Brad attempted to shake that out of his mind. It was hard as Hawk continued to heave up whatever.

“Shame”, he said responded to [member="Samantha Solo"] saying Hawk would be fine. Brad was clearly joking as he would not wish Hawk harm
“Well Hawk fell for that pretty easy. I can’t believe he got force visions from that”, Brad laughed nervously. Maybe he should go have himself snipped?
[member="Brad Solo"][member="Samantha Solo"][member="Delila Castillon"]

He felt better after finishing heaving. He flushes the toilet and slowly stands up. He washes his face and hands. He felt steadier. Throwing. up like he did helped clear his mind.

He was a little embarrassed getting sick like that. It was the drinking that did it. No more will he drink like that. He vows to himself. He walks back into the room.

"Sorry about that." He pour himself a glass of water than sits down at the table. "My vision...could be off. But Del is going to have twins. Or. Someone is going to have twins. I know it not me. Leilani not sure if we can reproduce together something with biology. Our kids would be gorgeous." He says wistfully. He takes a drink of water.
[member="Hawk Solo"] | [member="Brad Solo"] | [member="Samantha Solo"]

Delila sipped her brandy openly now that the ruse and tasteless jokes were up. Samantha seemed to stare at her for a long moment before turning away. They really needed a girls day. Even just a day for lunch. Dells was worried about her former sister-in-law. Did Brad and Hawk not see that she acted differently? Maybe it was because she was gone for such a long period of time.

"I've seen half-Zeltron children. I know one personally. Happens easier than you think." Humans, near humans. Same difference. "Your vision is off. No way I am having kids. Baby factory is shut down, never went into production. I mean, come on Hawk. Brad and I were married for what....nearly a decade and it never happened. There's a reason."
Sam listened she knew she wasn't pregnant and wouldn't be for a while. She had often wondered why Brad and Dels never had kids considering how long they were married, it was also too late to recommend going to a Dr to find out what was wrong. Brad and Dels were divorced.

She looked at Hawk, "you're so gullible you need to get out more or something. You still living on Voss?" She caught Dels looking at her she smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

"OHhh thought you all should know that there's some kind of take over going on at Denon, concern is that it will move to Corellia. Well what's left of it so Brad depending on what's coming, if it comes, you might want to think about moving, maybe to Voss." She smiled again.

[member="Hawk Solo"] [member="Delila Castillon"] [member="Brad Solo"]
Brad was gearing up to continue the conversation that was happening between [member="Hawk Solo"] and [member="Delila Castillon"]. However what [member="Samantha Solo"] just said shifted the gears of his mind so quickly, that it was the only thing on his mind.

“I’m not moving. I will defend Corellia even if I die doing so”, Brad was one hundred percent Corellian, defiant and stubborn to the end.
[member="hawk"] Solo[member="Samantha Solo"][member="Brad Solo"]

"Maybe. I wouldn't mind finding out." Hawk says to Del about half Zeltron babies. Maybe his brother shoots blank. He really didn't know how to respond to Del about why her and Brad didn't have kids.

He arches his eyebrow at Sam's question. Of course, he lived on Voss. That where the Silver Jedi lived.

"What going on with Corella?"
[member="Hawk Solo"] | [member="Samantha Solo"] | [member="Brad Solo"]

Delila had a simple reason why she never got pregnant, it was an all mystical concept called birth control. She couldn't justify bringing children into the universe considering her career, Brad was always busy. Brandy was finished and she set down the glass, listening to the mess about Voss or something. Personally she wasn't worried but she could see the concern.

"Even if you die? Brad make sure I'm still on one of your life insurance policies."
"I don't know every thing scuttle butt some new faction is going to move into the sector take over." Sam shrugged she knew enough to be dangerous. She pushed her glass away and her plate, she was done.

If anything she lost her appetite the moment Hawk's regurgitation echoed down hall.

"Really Brad to the death? I understand fighting for what you believe in, but at some point I think's it's better to take the loss and fight another day. Dying my brother is very permanent unless you know something we don't." She didn't smile, this was serious.

[member="Delila Castillon"] [member="Hawk Solo"] [member="Brad Solo"]
[member="Hawk Solo"]

Brad did not shoot blanks. His blaster was always loaded and ready to fire. Thing was he was a modest and respectful man when it came to those matters. One he most likely would never have a child out of wedlock. Another fine point he would never pressure the lady to have children. It was just one of those things. Children were a commitment and not something to take lightly. When you bring a life into this world you should be ready to make that life one of your number one priorities. Careful word play here, one of your number one priorities, there is the mother and possibly other children to.

“I will Del”, Brad took a drink of some brandy while nodding to [member="Delila Castillon"]. “Then I will come back from the dead”, he began to say after a drink. “Then we can try to convince your dinner guest that I knocked you up.” His humor maybe silly but he still had a sense of humor.

Did Brad know something his sister [member="Samantha Solo"] did not? Maybe he did. He did know there was other that believed as strongly as he did. “If it comes to that, then yes Sam. I cannot just walk away from those I have given an oath to protect. There is too many of our fellow country men and women to just leave behind. I will stand with coresec and give it my all as I always have done. IF my country stands to fight, then so will I.”
[member="Brad Solo"][member="Samantha Solo"][member="Delila Castillon"]

"Not really. Brad could become a force ghost. So he won't be technically gone." He half jokes. "Seriously. I'm out of touch. I hadn't heard anything about Corellia takeover. That could destroy ..." he trails off. He didn't like to think about Corellia being in danger. "What can we do?"
[member="Brad Solo"] | [member="Hawk Solo"] | [member="Samantha Solo"]

Delila stared between the entire family, curious of the dynamic going on. Brad was willing to kill himself over a planet and Hawk looked like he had half-a mind to go with him. Samantha naturally was concerned. Dells felt mildly bad, having been stuck with two odd brothers instead of just one. Part of her wondered if she could just sneak out now. Samantha would probably be the only one to actually notice.

"What can you do? Just move. Seems like a simple solution. That or lay low."
"I say we wait and see what happens, if they come in violent we react. But we need to definitely be mindful of what is going on."

She had stopped eating by now she looked to her brothers and then to Del. "You know it's starting to get late, I reserved a room at a hotel. I think I'm going to head there. This family reunion stuff is draining, and I need some rest." She looked at Brad, "I'll help you clean up."

She smiled. She was tired.

[member="Delila Castillon"] [member="Hawk Solo"] [member="Brad Solo"]
[member="Samantha Solo"][member="Delila Castillon"][member="Brad Solo"]

Hawk yawns. Sam was right. It was getting late. "It's been great seeing you again. We shouldn't wait too long until next time." Hawk rubs his eyes. "Brad mind if I crash on couch tonight." He wished that he had the foresight to book a room tonight. Never expected to drink as much he had tonight.
“No”, Brad said flatly to his younger brother [member="Hawk Solo"]. “You can’t sleep on the couch when there is more than one guest bedroom here. You can sleep in the one that is not filled with Dell’s stuff”, [member="Delila Castillon"], he referred to his x-wife.

“Dell you can crash in the room filled with your stuff if you like. What I do know for sure I will have to disinfect a bathroom before I go to sleep tonight. Sam”, Brad looked over to his sister [member="Samantha Solo"]. “Thank you for coming over tonight.”
[member="Brad Solo"] | [member="Samantha Solo"] | [member="Hawk Solo"]

"See you soon Samantha."

Dells got up to help clear the mess and put away leftovers. Brad was going to have set fire to his bathroom so she would help out where possible.Hopefully most of the items would be kept in the same spots as they were before. A yawn as she listened to Hawk wanting to crash as well. It meant they would be sharing a wall between the two guest bedrooms.

"Hey, don't invite any your slutty girlfriends over tonight. I need to get some sleep."
"No problem Brad, night everyone, Dels I'll see you soon"

"Hawk, stay out of trouble little brother" She smiled.

with that Samantha headed out.

[member="Delila Castillon"] [member="Brad Solo"] [member="Hawk Solo"]

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