Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Very Solo Dinner Party!

[member="Brad Solo"] | [member="Samantha Solo"] | [member="Hawk Solo"]​
"Brotherly bonding at a skin club. Doesn't get any better."

Clearly she was encouraging this, knowing Hawk would eventually drag Brad out for some type of fun. She already knew he would be incredibly uncomfortable. She would have to remind Hawk to record bits for her.It seemed their plan was forming to take one Sabrina Solo out for a night on town...eventually. Logistics and what not. Delila didn't mind going out with her former in-laws, she didn't have any quarrel with the women.

"Might be, I have a mild fling of my own.....well....maybe, when I got off planet. Complicated."

Delila didn't want to know the finer details of Hawk's love life, including what 'Zeltron women did'. There was a slight shudder as a mental image crept in her brain.

" What woman tamed the great beast that is Marcus Solo?"

Yes, she used his real name.
What kind of toe curling mind blowing chit storm was this mess? This was TMI for Brad, Yes all of it was too much information. Yes was smack dab in the middle of the storm though. Either you ride it out or get sucked under the waves. ‘You know, chit it’, Brad quietly said it to himself!

Bard lifted up his hand. From his left and over Hawk’s head flew a data pad to his hand. Yes Force Use was not something Brad normally did at the table. Because he was drinking the data pad actually brushed a few of Hawk’s hairs, as it flew over. What, it did not actually hit him on the head. It could have been funny though.

Brad punched in a few key words then slid the pad over to Hawk.”Go ahead before I change my mind. Just make sure it is some place on Zeltors that is nice. A place I can bleach my mind out with spice”, Brad was joking about the spice of course. This was Hawk’s chance though. He may never get the chance to get Brad to agree to this again!

[member="Hawk Solo"] [member="Samantha Solo"] [member="Delila Castillon"]
[member="Brad Solo"][member="Samantha Solo"] [member="Delila Castillon"]

Hawk rolls his eyes at Del. "Name is Marc not Marcus." He knew Del was trying to get under his skin by calling himd the wrong. "And I'm in love with [member="Leilani Paaie"]. " It felt good just saying that out loud.

He raises an eyebrow at a Brad as the data pad brushes the top of his head. Than look at the pad after Brad inputs some info. Hawk grins when he see that Brad was paying for the trip. "We probably should stay a few days to soak in the culture."
"yeah Brad stay a few days spend some credits.." She rolled her eyes. "I know a great place there but then there isn't a bad place there." She smiled looking at Del, "you game, we don't have to see the guys while there unless you want to"

Was she really planning a trip? She knew Greg would understand but she hated being away. What if he got hurt again. feth.

Maybe she should call him first...she stabbed a piece of steak.

[member="Hawk Solo"] [member="Brad Solo"] [member="Delila Castillon"]​
[member="Brad Solo"] | [member="Samantha Solo"] | [member="Hawk Solo"]

Delila Castillon-Solo would have been able to drop everything and go a trip without a problem.Delila Castillon was a different story. Credits didn't quite grow on trees and credits she did have before her disappearance had been dispersed according to her last will and testament. Not that she didn't want to spend some time on Zeltros with her former sister-in-law. Dells thought the woman could use it.

"Uh...I don't know. Depends on much schedule. When are you guys trying to go?"

Schedule meaning when she got a decent job lined up. There were some credits from a raid but it would be foolish to spend such a thing on a vacation. She just spent ages in the jungle on "vacation"! Right? Feeling in her gut wanted her to slink away and not be seen. She cursed herself slightly before setting her fork down.

"Might not be good for me to tag along as the third wheel, even though I would pay good money to see Brad in a Zeltros gentlemans club."
Did [member="Hawk Solo"] he was in love again? How many times has he said that before?

“Leilani Paaie”, Brad mentioned the name out loud, “That sounds like a striper’s name. You’re not in love with a striper again are you?” It seemed like a totally legit question to Brad. How many drinks did he have by now?

“Sure a few days, why not”, Brad was unsure he wanted to stay there a few days but what the heck, why not!

Going to Zeltros with your mom, ex-wife, and your little sister? No, absolutely no! To would be so very wrong in so many ways!
“Sam” did you say you want all of us to go at the same time”, Brad was hoping he heard [member="Samantha Solo"] wrong.

Poor Brad had the very uncomfortable thought of [member="Delila Castillon"] and his mother watching him get a lap dance!
Was it too late to say no to all of this?
[member="Brad Solo"][member="Delila Castillon"][member="Samantha Solo"]

"No...she not a stripper. It not like that. She has a great body and the moves. She doesn't do that. I would have no problem if that what she did for a living." His words slur a little. He had a nice buzz going.

"Alright. Brad boy on board. 'This is gonna be fun." Who knows he might run into [member="Leilani Paaie"]. It was her homeworld. "Sooo when? I'm thinking tonight." Hawk wanted to go before Brad had time to back out of it.
"I can't just go tonight. You guys go, I need a plan." She ate something else and then pushed the plate away she'd toy with it some while she waited and talked.

She looked at Brad, "You on Zeltros though that is going to be a sight, don't forget to take pictures." She looked at Del, "Yeah I have to talk to Greg before I just take off to another planet." She just couldnt take off like that. It felt wrong to do.

"We can plan to go in a couple weeks if you like." Seems like the boys had the kind of life that let them do just whatever.

She smiled,

[member="Hawk Solo"] [member="Brad Solo"] [member="Delila Castillon"]​
[member="Samantha Solo"] | [member="Brad Solo"] | [member="Hawk Solo"]

"Glad to see there is another sane person in this madness."

Just go tonight? Delila was a bit surprised. Maybe Hawk's new stripper girlfriend worked somewhere on Zeltros? At this point in her life she was rarely surprised by such things. In all reality it would give her a little breathing room. Wouldn't have to worry about Brad inviting her stay over. Wouldn't have to worry about any of the questions about her future. Win-win situation in her case.

Fork was set down, linen napkin resting in her lap went to the table.

"You boys better start packing."
“No”, Brad looked over to [member="Hawk Solo"]. “I have clients and I have to prepare a little first. I just can’t run off when I’m due in court to represent them. Give me a couple of weeks to sort things out.”

Was he actually agreeing with [member="Samantha Solo"]?

Brad would be less uncomfortable with [member="Delila Castillon"] being at a strip club with him then his mother being there. Still if there was a god he has one warped sense of humor.
[member="Brad Solo"][member="Delila Castillon"][member="Samantha Solo"]

"Ok." Hawk says a little disappointed. "You better not back out of this Brad. This could be so epic..". He knew his suggestions to leave tonight was a impulsive. He had Maddie to think about. "If we all go at the same time, Mom can't go...she watches Maddie for me." He did take advantage of his Mom a little bit. She was his built in babysitter. Maddie's mom had abandoned her. Hawk had no idea where she was or if she was still alive. The last he heard she was medic for the Republic.

He need a distraction from his life right now. Dad was dead. He hadn't heard from Leilani in awhile since they got rescue. His,life felt like a mess. It was good to see siblings. Sam seemed to be in a good place. Brad had a job that he loved and great place. Del...welll...he didn't know where her life was.

"So what the deal with you two?" He asks Del and Brad. He sense sparks between them.
Well Brad had been drinking, a little too much but he was most defiantly relaxed. “No one is backing out Hawk”, he said to his little brother [member="Hawk Solo"]. Brad could use some vacation time and honestly he could not remember the last time he just took off time. A person needs some relaxation every once and a while, right?

“What”, Brad looked up from his plate over to Hawk. “I and Del did not tell you and Sam”, he looked over to [member="Samantha Solo"] and back over to Hawk. “Del is few weeks pregnant. It is one of the reasons why we invited you over”, Brad was being sarcastic again. It flowed easier now that his was buzzed and a little unrestrained. Was this what he was like when he was part of Coresec, tad more unrestrained with a gun and a bit of a fearless attitude? [member="Delila Castillon"]
Sam obviously had not had enough to drink. Del was pregnant....she looked at [member="Brad Solo"] then laughed, "Yeah" Sam was being her own blend of sarcastic and realism.

"Let me guess you had a hot and steamy reunion and the moment she got up out of the bed those Jedi powers of yours just went blink blink ut oh she's pregnant." Sam had not forgotten that Dels had just dropped by and was just discovered alive.

"I got swamp land on Tatooine too. Just built a brand new house there, can't wait for you to see it" She smiled then took a long draw on her drink. Drinking might make this all go smoother

[member="Brad Solo"] [member="Hawk Solo"] [member="Delila Castillon"]​
[member="Hawk Solo"] | [member="Samantha Solo"] | [member="Brad Solo"]

Frankly if Brad had been more like this in their marriage they would probably still be husband and wife today. It seemed once he became a lawyer things took a nose dive. Several things did. Stirring up trouble, joking and being a touch sarcastic was the old Brad. There was a slight sigh and she leaned back in her chair, looking out at the rest of the family.

She had only one Corellian brandy and that was well before Hawk and Sam had both arrived. There was no drinking at dinner, water sat in front of her. The Solos had been drinking like fish, probably in some attempt to get along with one another. She wasn't sure if Samantha or Hawk remembered she was looking for a pair of boots and would be leaving later.

Time to spin it a little.

"I've been back a couple of months, been trying to keep it quiet....I wasn't sure who needed to know I was back, if anyone." A pause. "Brad and I spent a week together, I left. Been doing my own thing, found out I was pregnant. Came back so we could sort it out like adults. Obviously for the child we are going to have to get along."
[member="Brad Solo"][member="Samantha Solo"][member="Delila Castillon"]

Hawk did a spit take when Del confirmed what Brad said. Spraying Sam and Brad in the process. "Your Pregnant!! Wow congrats man. It great news." He wipes his mouth.

"I thought you looked a little chunky in the middle." Hawk says to Del. He was dead serious. He wasn't joking around like his
Siblings. He really believed it. That how drunk he was right now. "ThAt...means my vision for you guys is coming true. You are going to have TWINS! They will be boys. A strong Jedi and a darksider". He was so excited for them
Ok that was unexpected, at least for Brad. Brad was actually mid way from bringing a fork piece of food up to his mouth. The most awkward thing happened when his mouth was wide open. His brother [member="Hawk Solo"] did a spit take and spewed Corellian Whiskey. Brad did not just get hit. Some went into his open mouth. That was not the worst of it. Not the part when Hawk called [member="Delila Castillon"] chunky. Nor the part where [member="Samantha Solo"] was spewed on to. No the worst part Hawk was trying to invasion him as Brad Solo having twins and one of them being a Darksider.

Brad dropped his fork as he was hit by the whiskey, “Feeth, no child of mine is going to become a Darksider!” Brad arms open he looked down at his expensive suit that now had whiskey on it. Well no sense on keeping on a wet suit jacket. Brad took the jacket off and tossed over to a wooded chair behind him. Well the shirt was wet to. Brad started to unloosen the tie. He might as well take off the wet shirt.
[member="Brad Solo"] [member="Hawk Solo"] [member="Delila Castillon"]​
Sam listened to this BS story if Del had been back that long he'd have contacted them loooong before now. Brad was like that that was why it wouldn't have surprised her if he said yes to her, but he hadn't and Del, the woman who had been trying to escape since she got there. Yeah.'s go one deeper they wanted to play this fine.

"Twins huh...rihhhght" Sam brought a hand to her face gentle began to rub her upper lip. Good thing she had worn some boots the poodoo was getting deep. So...let's play.

"So, when's will you be remarried?" She smiled and took another drink she wasn't as drunk as anyone might think she was after all Special Ops...sometimes drinking was part of it. Besides she knew Brad well enough that he did like things to be right he wouldn't be too keen on having Del pregnant and un married.

That was Hawk he did those things. And she, who knew anymore.
[member="Brad Solo"] | [member="Hawk Solo"] | [member="Samantha Solo"]

"No child of mine is being shipped off to voodoo school."

Delila was trying hard not to laugh or grin in any way and it was proving hard. Hawk was across the table having 'visions' and Brad was busy stating he wasn't having darkside children. Coupled with the fact Hawk stated she was getting fat in her mid-section nearly blew her cover. What few weeks along pregnant woman was getting 'chunky' in the middle? Especially one that hadn't had real food in nearly seven years?

"Twins? Not sure, thats what your all mystical brother thinks. Hopefully they have red hair, pass along the Castillon genes somehow, right?" There was a wink directed towards Sam. "No, sorry, not getting remarried. I'm going to end up a horrible, unwed single mother. "
[member="Delila Castillon"][member="Brad Solo"][member="Samantha Solo"]

Hawk shakes his head. They weren't understanding his vision. "You can't change the future. It will happen. Del is going to twin boys. One a Jedi..the other not. Ying/yang." He eats some food to help soak up the booze he had consumed. He could hold his liquor like he use too.

"Both of them have red hair and green eyes with the Solo charm. They are identical...that is gonna be hard." He rubs his face. "Man this food is rich." His stomach gurgles.
[member="Samantha Solo"] [member="Delila Castillon"]

Brad’s elbows rested on the table as his hand rubbed his face. Currently [member="Hawk Solo"] was talking about how the future was already written and could not be changed.

Brad moved his hands away from his face.

“Kid”, Brad was looking right at Hawk, “never tell me the odds!”

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