Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Whisper and a Clamor [Rebels vs. Ravens on Makeb]

Location: Troops, Capital city. Dredge, in route to stronghold one.
Objective: Teach a lesson
Allies: Red Ravens without a sense of conscious
Foes: Rebels.

Descending down from the sky one of the living bio carriers broke atmosphere, the massive living ship cast a shadow that engulfed city blocks upon the Mesa and sent quivers of fear from those whose eyes beheld it. A loud boom came from the ship, it shook the very foundation of a few lesser buildings and the forces on the ground knew what that meant. Their baptism by fire had come. The Kaalonians, Graug, and Yuuzhan Vong raised their weapons up and roared in triumph. But while that was getting ready, they had much more work to be done before these filth knew how to act.

On the streets it was pure hell, screams echoed out from every corner of the city as people ran for their lives. All up and down Main Street corpses hung from lamp posts and bellow people were put on their knees to be executed by way of strangulation. A Graug ran on all fours chasing down a young woman only to pounce and rip into her flesh with glaring and snapping fangs, alarms rang and it only caused more panic. Where would they go? It was a Mesa after all, it was face tbd horror that slaughtered them or jump. Kaalonians mobs of warriors walked the streets covered in blood from head to toe, however they had a reputation of taking their victims back to their homes for torture. The rat folk drug screaming civilians along with them that bloodied their finger tips by trying to claw away at the asphalt bellow them. Organized platoons of Yuuzhan Vong marched down the streets finding the wounded and hiding, they didn't kill them. That would be too easy, instead they began to construct crosses from materials laying around and crucified them along the streets. For miles hundreds of innocent civilians either lay dead in the streets, hanging from street lamps, or crucified upon make shift crosses. This was the price of disobedience, this was their penance, their pound of flesh.

Dredge smiled and looked down at the carnage as he made his way to stronghold one, he had a date with a VIP who was going to tell him everything they knew about the rebels who attacked. The dropship shortly arrived and lowered itself down upon the stronghold. The doors opened and out stepped Dredge the Supreme Overlord himself to kill those who dared question him. Following behind him was an escort of twenty five Graug and twenty five Yuuzhan Vong. They were all with him and ready to kill at a moments notice. Dredge walked and walked until he arrived at the prisoners location, an area where Ravens lead by a [member="Dakita Calfur"] had surrounded a prisoner [member="Corruck Kazen"]. Dredge knew not his name but he and his team of bad guys stood at a whole different level of evil. What the rebels tried to stop here were just criminals, simple people just making a living through crime. But what had come in response was beyond that, they had brought pure unholy evil to protect assets. The rebellion had unknowingly brought death to these innocent people, and now they would all pay the price. Dredge approached the surrounded man and pushed his way through guards. He and the Graug and Vong that stood behind him simply stared at Corruck and soon the men began to laugh in unison. Was this truly it? Dredge held up a fist and the laughing stopped.

"You belong to me now." Dredge said and lifted a finger.

Pointing his finger at one of Corruck's Men and a small lance of fire no bigger than a pin exited his finger and slammed into the man's head causing him to fall over and die almost Instantly.

"Take them all." Dredge said plainly then turned around

And like that the massive armored Graug were upon Corruk and his men to grab them and take them to their new home.
Location: Underground bunker at the Solida Hesk Resort
Allies: [member="Dredge"] [member="Logan of Little Coruscant"] [member="Deborah Waller"] [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Daxton Bane"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Darth Arcanix"] [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"]
Enemies: [member="Juwiela Melec"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Thane Drexel"] [member="Corruck Kazen"]
Turncoat?: [member="Aleksandyr Gaillard"]

Cryax gave his prisoner a skeptical look that she couldn't see, an expression that said he could see through her charade. In his experience the young pilot didn't have the presence of a leader. "You don't fool, me girl." he spat. "You're an order-taker, but I will take you up on your offer to tell me your life's story. Let's just say the more candid you are, the less pain we put your friends through." She would hear the sound of the Chiss rising from his chair and padding to the door of the interrogation room. "I have other matters to attend to, but I will be meeting you in another location soon. Try not to miss me too much." Speaking into his commlink he ordered for a prisoner transport team to take the insurgent to the Talaos City Spaceport, and exited the room.

The bunker itself was swept up in mass chaos. Men and women were mobilizing for incoming rebel soldiers, and the crime boss could hear blaster fire coming from the control room as well as the sound of a frag grenade. What a cluster-kark. He spied [member="Davik Tren"] and [member="Asteria Starcatcher"] fighting bravely on the front lines in the control room, and quickly ordered his security droids to assist them. From what his generals told him about the carnage going on in the city proper, the Red Ravens seemed to be winning this battle, even at a devastating cost. He was reminded of Teth and the Rakghoul plague that Dredge left his wake. Cryax needed to get his Ravens off of Makeb. Stat. Flicking off his commlink Bane sent a message to all Red Ravens forces:

"Attention Ravens. Rebel forces have been successfully and city riots have been quelled. Commence planetary evacuation now. I repeat, commence planetary evacuation."

The Ravens knew what to do. They had their plans in place ahead of time and would follow them to the letter. Suddenly Cryax got a call on his personal commlink channel, surprisingly from Aleksandr Gaillard, the CEO. Interesting. Narrowing his gleaming red eyes, the Chiss wondered just what kind of role the Gaillard CEO had played in this operation. "Tell me, blue boy. How does it feel to win?" Aleksandr asked him. The Chiss bristled at Gaillard's little pet name for him. Being mocked for his skin tone was a pet peeve of the crime boss. "It feels expected, Aleksandr." was Cryax's steely response, his tone like one of a jealous lover who had been betrayed. Without another word, he hung up on the man.

The last thing Cryax Bane would do before evacuating the bunker where his Galaxy One luxury transport would be waiting in an undisclosed location to take him back to Antecedent was to order spies to Gaillard's home planet to track his every move. It seems that the young CEO hadn't learned just how important loyalty was to the Chiss.
Location: Gulamendis, the war room.
Objective: Find out what's going on.
Allies: [member="Dredge"]
Enemies: Everyone else.

An officer rushed into the war room, a place where Anja was preparing for their future battles with the Shadow Dynasty, The Republic, and all other enemies that stood before them.

"Makeb! Makeb! *panting* We've received word that *coughs*, one of our fleets arrived at Makeb.", the Umbaran mad said whilst holding his knees; he probably sprinted up the entire spire.

Anja looked to her advisors, executors, and priests, before looking at the war map before her; most of the data was retrieved from their spies and indoctrinated supports, and put together with the rest of the common map data known to most of the civilian galaxy. "Which one's Makeb!?", she said furiously to the overwhelming map. Until recently she knew little of space beyond her own. One of the advisors sitting near her pointed to the sector of the galaxy which finally read 'Makeb' in a small star system, it was on the complete opposite side of the galaxy, for the most part. "How did one of MY fleets travel unnoticed halfway across the galaxy!", she shouted furiously to the officer, standing from her seat. "Your worship, -- I , it was Dredge; I would've told you sooner but He's a War--.", before the officer could finish his stuttering, Anja rushed up to him and gave him a good hit just at the Trachea, the sudden hit knocked the wind out of the officer -- making him unable to catch his breath or talk but without hesitation she went to snap his neck as he held his throat. The Officer dropped limp, and as the flurry ended she pushed away a lose strand of hair that landed just above her eye. The room was completely silent; everyone attempting to not stare at the scene before them. She looked back, her usually piercing eyes showed rage. "Someone open up communications with Dredge.", she commanded.

Only one person attempted to move, rushing to a communications transceiver and connecting with Dredge's lone fleet.

Everyone expected the absolute worst until Anja spoke. "Next time you decide to purge a world, please let me know; I hate surprises."

[member="Cryax Bane"]

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
Location: Stronghold One
Objective: Collect her bonus
Allies: [member="Daxton Bane"] [member="Dakita Calfur"] [member="Dredge"] (I think)
Enemies: [member="Corruck Kazen"]

Yes! The rebels went for it. They had surrendered and thrown down there weapons. Zenva made her way forward while battle droids surrounded the captives. The Zabrak stopped to kneel over her first kill of the battle. Some young human in rather interesting armor. Drawing out one of her large fighting knives, Zenva sliced into the man's face, removing his entire left cheek. She cleaned her knife of the man's coat and put the blade away. She stood, a strip of flesh in one hand, and scanned what was left of the rebel forces. Motioning for her droid to join her, "F-three take two of the bodies to my shuttle at once."

Stepping up to the rebel commander, Zenva popped the strip of flesh into her mouth. She watched the man while she chewed, savoring the taste of raw meat. "You fought well today, Silvermane. Your men owe you their lives. Don't worry about the two I'm taking. They will be buried with honor." She turned then and started away. After several steps she paused to look at one of the rebel rifles on the ground. Taking the weapon in hand, she straightened and sighted down it. "I will be taking this as well. What is it called again? A mauler? I think I will try it out on some of the other rebels. Good bye, Silvermane." So the Zabrak made her withdrawal from Stronghold One, and returned to her shuttle intending to call Mr. Bane about this promised bonus for any live rebel captives. She settled into the pilot's seat and strapped herself in. Where to go from here though? Head towards the city and help there? No, no. It would be much more satisfying to see the look on Bane's face when she showed up to save his skinny blue arse. But live is never that simple or fair.

A monstrous ship settled in over the area. An army of creatures pouring forth to swarm over the captured rebels. Zenva hearts stopped. Cold sweat ran down her spine. Yuuzhan Vong! Oh she had been warned about [member="Cryax Bane"] and his "condition" but she didn't want to believe it. Slowly, as though the movement would draw their attention, Zenva pulled her communicator from her belt and sent a message to her causin Zuko. "Disengage. Don't argue. Leave the system now. Get out. I'll catch up." This world was karked and she wanted nothing more to do with the fight here. "F-three forget stripping that armor. We need to leave. Now!"

In moments the shuttle was prepared and started to take off. Zenva didn't even bother calling Bane about her bonus capturing prisoners. She simply left the planet as fast as the little lambda shuttle could get her out.

((Captured rebel armor and main battle rifle for personal usage.))
Location: Stronghold One
Objective: Not throw up
Allies: [member="Daxton Bane"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Dredge"]
Enemies: [member="Corruck Kazen"]

Mother of Kwath!!! Dak wasn't sure what she had just seen via the security cameras. Once the Ravens had neutralized the Rebels, she noticed the Zabrak she had seen earlier that day was carving into one of the dead Rebels and eating his flesh. Then all of a sudden a ginormous and scary Yuuzhan Vong and his Graug and Vong minions poured out of a ship like a thick, oily poison and scooped up the Rebel leader. She felt bile rise in her stomach and was afraid she was going to be sick.

Dak knew the Ravens were criminals and there was no denying she was in the middle of it, having done things in the last week that she wasn't completely proud of. But the sight of someone having a raw flesh breakfast juxtaposed with witnessing the spine-chilling Yuuzhan Vong bellowing out orders, made her genuinely afraid for the first time during her Ravens career. She almost felt sorry for the Rebel that the Vong had taken. He would have been one thousand times safer if Dak had ended up interrogating him. She would have just taped his mouth and whipped him a little after all.

She grimaced and turned away from the cameras, having seen enough. The day started out feeling like a familiar video game she was playing, but now she felt nervous and restless. She wanted to get off Makeb as soon as possible.
Location: Stronghold one
Objective: Initial contact
Allies: [member="Dakita Calfur"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] @Alexandyr Gaillard
Enemies: [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Corruck Kazen"]

The wookie Chudakkerah and his men were subduing the rebels with binder cuffs when a presence made itself felt. For anyone not familiar with the Dark Lord, it would feel like a creeping sense of dread which made your guts gringe in anticipation and the hair on the back of your neck stand for n it's end. Then the hissing rasp of recycled air and the thud of armored boots heralded the arrival of the Sith.

For a moment, the Sith gazed at the captured foes before turning to their leader and stating with a calm voice devoid of any emotion, "You and your men fought bravely today, but you were sorely outmatched. You and your men's lives will be spared, provided you cooperate. Refuse and I can just as easily draw the information from your thoughts, although I assure that would be not only uncomfortable, there is no guarantee your sanity will remain intact. My commander and his men will take you into custody and as long as you behave you will be under our protection."

With a wave of his hand, the Wookie and his men took the prisoners away as a ship began to attempt to land nearby. Daxton and the remainder of his team withdrew into the entrance of the mine, should their intentions prove hostile. The Sith muttered under his,breath a spell should the new forces prove to be unfriendly, they would soon discover the power he controlled over the elements over air and earth.
Location: On top of Corruck's ship, near Stronghold One.
Objective: Get on board.
Allies: Ravens
Enemies: [member="Corruck Kazen"]

Jarven slowly made his way to the front of the ship, figuring that this must be an enemy ship (having dropped off insurgent forces). When he finally got to the cockpit area, he grabbed the ledge, swung himself down, and peered inside. The pilot occupant soon caught sight of Jarven and stared at him (as would make sense, given the situation). He waved at the pilot and then made a cranking motion, followed by pointing at himself and then inside the ship.
Location: Stronghold One.
Objective: To be determined
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Daxton Bane"] [member="Dakita Calfur"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Dredge"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"]

Corruck stayed silent as his tormentors gloated and tried to prove their superiority. What they lacked in finesse they made up for in raw power. He felt no small degree of disgust for the Zabraak, and he would have infinitely preferred the two to have an unmarked grave than have an 'honorable' burial by this one. The Vong was as he would have expected of his adversaries. Quick to show his power, creating fear, and trying his best to intimidate the prisoners.

However, Corruck knew that this creature would only go so far in an interrelation. Firstly they required information, which meant that at least one of the captives had to be kept alive. As Corruck had been the obvious leader of the group, it was most likely that he alone would survive, though he would be incredibly grateful for any other of the men to live through this. He allowed himself to be taken along, not offering any resistance, but not helping either. There was no need to rush fate. Hopefully Sheera and the rest of the crew would be out of here already. Speaking of the crew, Corruck's mind was drawn to the fallen men. He went through their names, once he made it out of here he would have to send a number of letters to the families. That was what saddened him, not the failure.


Meanwhile on the Recalcitrant, Sheera was staring for only a moment at the person who was on the outside of the ship's hull. While she wanted to spend a bit more time thinking that one through, her mind was fairly busy with the incoming fighters. Nothy was holding them off, but until they left the atmosphere and headed to a lightspeed jump there was little safety. She hadn't seen Corruck's mission fall to pieces, she was only following a suggestion by Karneth who had told her that it was time to leave.

When the person outside the window made motions all she could do was shrug with confusion. The Recalcitrant was a modified Corellian Corvette, an hope of him getting in, without making a voyage to the bottom side of the ship, was basically hopeless. The viewports wouldn't open, and the only entrances were the airlocks and main loading ramp. Those things were sufficiently far enough away that the likelihood of the man making it there was slim. What complicated matter further was the fact that they were heading into space. Pretty soon it would be hard breathing out there. Sheera yelled for Karneth to get to one of the airlocks. She motioned for the man to run along the right side of the ship and to swing along the side until he reached an entrance. Of course, Karneth would be armed, just in case.
Location: Solida Hesk's Resort
Objective: Debilitate the Ravens and escape
Allies: [member="Solan Charr"], [member="Juwiela Melec"], [member="Thane Drexel"], [member="Corruck Kazen"]
Enemies: [member="Cryax Bane"], [member="Davik Tren"], [member="Asteria Starcatcher"], @Deborah Waller, [member="Dredge"]

Gen and three of her Marines watched as their pointman was immediately cut down. The Ravens may not have been the smartest birdbrains, but they did seem to be good shots. So Gen decided to take point, despite her distressed condition. Feeling through the hall and into the enemy-occupied room with that in inherent knack she had--courtesy of the Force, apparently--she detected where her enemies stood and determined when she would emerge from behind the corner and where she would direct her fire.

She only had her heavy pistol now, having lost her 'scatterblaster' in the engagement with Lysle. Not even looking into the room with her own eyes, Lasedri pointed her gun at the wall separating the hall from the room and opened fire, creating an alternate opening which she shot through three more times. Hopefully, her shots would hit each of the Ravens who were steadfastly standing their ground. "Out," she announced and backed away from the gap, allowing another one of her soldiers to take a quick shot and duck for cover.

Then it happened. As Gen was reloading her pistol, the lights abruptly went out, the interior of the bunker falling into blackness. Her orders had been carried out.

The Nevermore bombers had streaked across the skies at several kilometers' altitude in formations of three apiece, invisible to all sensors and the unaided eye. As they neared airspace over Talaos City, three of the nine stealth craft let loose their payloads of proton rockets, aimed at nothing but open sky. They immediately abandoned atmosphere following this action and aimed for the stars, activating their hyperdrives to return to the distant Rebel fleet.

The proton rockets exploded in the upper atmosphere, directly over Talaos City. The result was a powerful electromagnetic pulse that spread high-velocity rays and electrons for kilometers and kilometers, knocking out electronic devices far and wide. This side of the planet Makeb would be facing a blackout for weeks--maybe months, in some areas.

It had to be done, Gen told herself. Everyone involved in the battle planetside--Raven, Rebel, or Dredge alike--would lose the function of all non-shielded electronic devices. I had to do it.

"Let's go," she commanded to her men. They had known the exit plan before attacking, but a little emphasis never hurt anyone. With Gen as their guide, the infiltrating Alliance Marines evacuated the bunker and ran like mice escaping a cat's paws for the designated landing site of Intangible. It was time to get off of this doomed planet.

(Post #900!)
Location: Solida Hesk's Resort
Objective: Continue to provide the entrance cover
Allies: [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Corruck Kazen"] [member="Juwiela Melec"] [member="Thane Drexel"]
Enemies: Any

Solan watched as things went dark for everything that wasn't naturally lighted and soon he watched as the ravens grow even more in fear now as his body itself stumbled and he had to kneel down on one knee. What came from him next was a scream of sheer pain and terror, gripping his head and dropping his scythe. There was too much, too many emotions at once, and now his eyes shot up as he stared at the closest man, redirecting the emotions at them trying to spare his mind but in the process destroying the minds of every enforcer nearby. Their screams joining his, which only made things worse and worse until finally they all died or were sent into comas.

Solan though kneeled there, dead or unconscious and driven mad around him, his eyes shut tight as he slowly put the walls back up around his mind and tried to focus as he gripped at the earth under him. He could barely remain conscious as it was, his mind still frozen from the waves of fear and pain that cut deep into him, he was immobile and stayed there staring at the back of his eyelids before simply collapsing. He couldn't move, not yet, he was still recovering and now he remain awake but motionless.
Location: Stronghold One, Talaos city.
Objective: Wrap up riot control, then put on a show.
Allies: Red Ravens
Enemies: Rebels. [member="Corruck Kazen"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

The ship above continued to let out a loud beat from a drum, over and over again it pounded against the ears of the men and women fleeting the planet in a steady rhythm of power. The carrier opened up it's cargo hold and soon the maw of a large beast poked it's head down and and a long pink tongue licked across it's black scared nose. The cargo bay opened up completely she soon a massive winged form dropped out followed by a second. The two massive beasts let out a deafening roar and the Ragna dragons spread their wings and took flight. The giant force dead beasts roared again and soared above the cityscape bellow. They pushed down towards the city and landed on the streets of Talaos to help make sure that people got the message, that following this idea the rebellion had planted would only get them killed.

The Graug, Yuuzhan Vong, and Kaalonians rounded up a few people from their homes as they tried to flee and escorted them back to the drop ships, roughly around a few hundred of men women and children that would now serve as slaves to the overlord Dredge. The primeval forces began to withdraw and move back to their ships leaving the hanging and crucified bodies behind, the dead and savaged corpses draining blood into the gutters of this city. The men moved back to the ship and began to load back up into the Dropships to claim their prize. They tasted sweet victory and tonight they would dine on the flesh of their captives and revel in the torture of their new slaves. The forces of evil soon loaded up and began to fly back to the fleet above head leaving the two massive dragons to roam about the city.

Stronghold One

Dredge walked in front of his men at a casual stroll, there was no rush to what he had planned. There was one thing that the rebel did not know about Dredge, and it was a take as old as time. The good guys of the story always had to take the higher path, the right thing. It was simply in their nature, it was what they did. However with Dredge, there were no rules. There was nothing keeping him from the level of death he would crash down upon this man. He would kill his men, he would kill his men's families, he would kill their friends, he would kill their pets, he would kill the flowers in their gardens as he burned down their homes. From children to elders no one was safe from the pure malice that was the Vong. But Corruck would soon find that out for himself, a very long and painful lesson.

Striding down the way the group of men exited the halls shortly and found their way to the ship that was left outside for them. Dredge waited at the side of the ship letting his men fall In until the prisoner Corruck crossed his line of sight. Dredge had his men pause and he looked at Corruck intently, it couldn't be seen but he could all but feel a wolffish grin spread across Dredge's face.

"I will extend this offer to you only once, when we arrive upon this ship I want you to tell my men everything you know. About who attacked, your assets, your accounts, your friends homes, their families, friends, and loved ones, I want everything that you have and know. Do this and you will be set free unharmed, you have my word. If you do not, I will spend a very long time having fun with you little human." Dredge said and shortly snapped his fingers to let his prisoner be escorted inside the drop ship. After being thrown inside to the ground dozens of hungry eyes of various beasts watched them hit the ground. Climbing in after them Dredge looked to his men and smiled.

"Fine, but only one." He said with a soft chuckle.

Shortly after a rush from a few Graug grabbed one of Corruck's men and drug him into the darker parts of the ship. Screams raged and blood spurted out from the shadows as dying gurgles sounded and only the echos of wet fangs snapping on flesh could be heard. Dredge would let Corruck mull over it as the ship boomed to life and began to set sail for the main fleet. However while the ships moved bombs went off above the city and rocked against the ships hulls. The ships remained active and airborne, and they scrambled a few sensors. This made Dredge angry, very very angry. Rage flickered off him and whoever ordered that strike would watch this precious city and all within die.

"Burn it to the ground."

The fleet above head shifted position so that all the capital guns were trained upon the city, the dragons screamed and flew off to clear the target. The alarms were still sounding and people were evacuating but it was a large city and it would take hours to get everyone off. So there was still a good couple hundred thousand left within. The ships in orbit opened fire as dredge and his forces flew away. Hundreds of turbo lasers opened fire and slammed into buildings. Skyscrapers came down crushing hundreds, of people. The bombardment commenced and the ships kept up a steady stream of turbo laser fire as hundreds of star fighters and bombers left hangers to protect the fleet around them. They all had to die now.

Dredge looked down at his captive and smiled at Corruck.

"You couldn't save them, you couldn't save a single one."

Puppet Kyrios

Location: underground bunker
Objective: stay alive, get off the planet, protect the leader, (not) freak out

Asteria heard bullets streaking towards her companions and pushed them out of the way in time for one to brush past her hair.

"We need to get out of here! "

Davik Tren

The Friendly Fiend
[SIZE=10.5pt]Location: Underground Bunker[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Objective: Escape[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Allies: Ravens[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Enemies: Rebels[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]As soon as the call rang out over the commlink to retreat back and evacuate the planet, Davik began to panic a bit. This meant that the battle was very much over, and that could be heard from the screams above that were being wrought by the horrible acts of the Yuuzhan Vong. The young spacer had only the single option to escape the current combat he was now engrossed in by letting the multiple security droids become the much needed distraction. Multiple blaster shots flew near his form as he fell back into one of the escape turbolifts and he quickly began to press the button to call it. Luckily as the lights flickered out, the escape turbolift panel gave off a dim red glow to signal that the emergency power reserves had been triggered. Although now the power would be draining like wild fire due to the immense stress that was being put on the grid.[/SIZE]

The young spacer slammed on the panel to call the lift and only then did he hear a soft and electronic rush of air as it settled onto the floor of the bunker. With a slight hiss, the door's opened to reveal the small space that led up to the planet's surface as well as the multiple hangers and docks of the resort. It was not his aim to stick around long for fear of being skinned alive by any Vong that happened upon his person, that just was not his business. With little incentive to stick around besides the other Ravens still left within the bunker. He held the door open and called out to [member="Asteria Starcatcher"] and her partner.

"Lift's headin' up! You two better get on!"
Location: Stronghold One, leaving
Objective: Survive, Release no information
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Dredge"]

Corruck was intently watching everything that passed before him. He felt sympathy for the city below and he was somewhat guilty on the death of one of his men. However, these things only hardened his resolve. There was something that Dredge may not know about Corruck, and that was that he was not a good guy of the old tales. He was a past crimelord. While he would most certainly prefer to stay away from that past and be a good man, this tribulation would likely force him to pull out his old ways.

He kept his voice casual as he responded, "I wasn't here to save them. I don't really mind. I don't think I could have saved them from themselves. I will not tell you a thin beyond I am part of the Rebel Alliance. You may kill me and my men and nothing shall come of it."

Even as he spoke he could guess that the ways to try and make him talk. Force him to kill his own men, which would certainly be a traumatizing experience. However, it would not force the truth from him. His hope was that his resolve would hold until the end of this conflict.

Puppet Kyrios

Location: Underground Bunker
Objective: Escape
Allies: Ravens [member="Davik Tren"]
Enemies: Rebels

William reached out and yanked Asteria into the lift just as the door closed. He held her close so she wouldn't freak out about the small space they were in as it ascended with the remaining Raven survivors from the bunker up to the surface. Asteria was breathing hard, but not injured, and neither was William.

"Davik, you alright, kid?"

Asteria looked over to the young new recruit, not exactly able to see if he was hurt.
Location: Yuuzhan Vong Fleet
Objective: Burn it all
Allies: Red Ravens
Foes: Galactic Republic

The Yuuzhan Vong carriers opened up sending the deadly balls of heated plasma crashing towards the city. Impact after impact hundreds of guns kept opening up on Talaos city. Screams of civilians caught in their homes rang out and mass panic ensued. Globs of of plasma began to cause the city to catch fire and soon the Mesa was almost a giant ball of glowing fire of screams and death. Bellow men and women ran through the streets and thousands lay dead in the streets, their bodies staring up into oblivion. Flesh sizzled, fat bubbled, and skin cracked under the heat as bodies soon turned into charred black skeletons under the immense heat of turbo lasers and Yorick coral plasma. Building collapsed under their own massive weight and Taloas city was starting to become undone in streams of fire.

The burning ball of fire that was the Mesa could be seen from space, there wasn't much time for those left inside. This was what happened when you dared spit into the face of Dredge, this was the price one payed. The fires raged bellow and the stream of fire kept strong. As the drop ships cleared atmosphere dredge sent out a message on all open frequencies so that every rebel, raven, and civilian on the planet could hear him.

"This is a message for all of you, rebels and to any raven who feels strongly about this." He said with distain on the last word.

"This is only the beginning, what you see here is a glimpse of the death I will bring onto you. I will find you, and I won't just kill you. I will make you watch as I kill your children, as I kill your family, your friends, your mentors, EVERYONE YOU HOLD DEAR I WILL KILL!!" Dredge picked up another of Corrucks men and put him next to the mic

"TELL THEM YOUR NAME!!" Dredge commanded of the man.

"Edgar!!" The man responded in fear, normally trained men wouldn't cower but dredge was no soldier or gangster, he was the devil himself.

"I AM DREDGE!!" Dredge dropped the mic and the sounds of a man screaming rang through the comm channels of everyone on the planet.

The sounds of flesh being torn and bones snapping rang out crisp and clean in high definition for all to hear. However Corruck had a wonderful view of Dredge ripping the head off the man spinal chord and all. The final screams of the man known as Edgar rang out and his head and spine hung loosely from Dredge's massive fist. Tossing the head to Corruck dredge went to pic up the mic again

"Edgar just died because of you." The transmission cut off and the ships docked back into the Yuuzhan Vong fleet. They had secured themselves back into the firing ships that continued to glass the city

[member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Aleksandyr Gaillard"] [member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Davik Tren"] [member="Deborah Waller"] [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] [member="Dakita Calfur"] [member="Corruck Kazen"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Juwiela Melec"] [member="Asteria Starcatcher"] [member="Thane Drexel"] [member="Daxton Bane"] [member="Darth Arcanix"] [member="Lisa Ticon"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"]
Location: Resort
Objective: Save the Rebel Leader
Allies: [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
Enemies: None at the moment. [member="Dredge"]

As Thane reached the Resort, a shockeave rocked the atmosphere, Thane knew what it was, an EMP. The worst thing to happen in high altitude. There was going to be more blood than ever before. As the Raven, Rebel and Primevil ships began to fall from the sky. All the armored soldiers would lose power, guns would stop working, only slug throwers would survive.

Thankful for his earlier decision to stay in a low flight path, the crash wasn't too bad. Dragging himself out of the wreckage, he found himself in the midst of a battle that had gone medieval. Swords and fists were the only thing useful now. But the vibro in vibrosword was also eliminated. Just sharpened steel, clanging and hacking, Rebel soldiers, being better trained than the Raven mercs, were pushing them back as Thane ran through the courtyard. He had to find Gen. He had no usable weapons or equipment, just a drunk Zabrak running through a battlefield.
Location: Yuuzhan Vong Fleet
Objective: Keep it together
Allies: None
Foes: [member="Dredge"]

"If you wish to make us fear you, you have succeeded. I will not give you any more information. Your attempts at brutal experience only removes the ability for us to willingly obey." Corruck kept his voice strong, even with the churning in his stomach. The scene before him had quickly shown this man to be little more than a beast that enjoys killing. It told Corruck that reasoning was impossible, however it also told him that this man was not very cooperative. He preferred to do things in a way that affects everyone. He was not subtle and therefore he would fail any attempt to cajole the prisoners into giving him information.

He didn't care what this beast did, Corruck would not give him any information. Because the destruction he wrought was a none to subtle threat of death if they did not give him the information, Corruck would be more than willing to simply take all the torture this man was capable of. Because Corruck had information that Dredge did not, Dredge had to keep him alive. However his threats said that he was willing to kill, which meant that the threats were simple intimidation techniques that Corruck only had to resist. It would be the actual torture that would be painful.
Location: Yuuzhan Vong Fleet
Objective: Depart
Allies: None
Enemies: None

The city bellow was a pile of rubble and fire now, a few loose buildings stood still but for the most part the city was the way Dredge preferred it. A cold message was sent today, do not fuck with Dredge or his property. He'd burn it to the ground before he would allow it to fall Into the hands of rebels or chaos. The ships let off their last few salvos of turbo lasers, missiles, and plasma blobs and soon locked their guns back up and boomed back into hyper space towards other planets, splitting up into different directions so that anyone following would have a hard time knowing who went wear. However the Dreadnaught was going somewhere special with Dredge and his new best friend Corruck, he thought he wasn't going to talk. He was very very wrong.

"You think I'm going to torture and kill you?" Dredge said with a throaty genuine laugh.

"No, your men and you will not be hurt until I'm bored. I have other plans for you." Dredge turned around to look down at Corruck

He smiled and his red eyes looked at Corruck and the last thing he would see was an iron clad boot that was aimed right at his face. It was meant to knock him out and not kill of course, he had information that he needed, but first he had to have a little fun with psychological warfare.

[member="Corruck Kazen"]
Location: Yuuzhan Vong Fleet
Objective: Survive
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Dredge"]

Corruck was uncertain of the intention of the Vong's words. If they were to make him uneasy they had not worked. If they were to confuse him they had accomplished the goal. However, Corruck told himself that he would not speak no matter what the beast tried.

He was reciting the names of the people who had died and the names of the living marines just in case when he noticed Dredge get closer. He looked up at the monster, letting hatred burn in his eyes. He realized too late what was happening. He next thing he knew all was dark and his body fell limp. He thought no more. Still breathing, just unconscious.

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