Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Whisper and a Clamor [Rebels vs. Ravens on Makeb]

[SIZE=11.5pt]Location: [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]At the bar.[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]Objective: [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]Sober up.[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]Allies: [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]RR and Co. [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]Enemies:[/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]Los rebels - [member="Thane Drexel"][/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]He peered into the bottom of the nearly empty bottle with a very exaggerated sigh, sloshing the dredges of the drink around, wafting the scent to his nose... Maybe he could smell himself a little bit drunker. That was the current plan, as no other plan seemed to be as smart to his drunken mind. He sniffed in deeply, the fumes almost seeming to singe his nose hairs right off. He leaned back in his chair with a soft grunt and sighed. His arms and legs felt like jelly. Every inch of him throbbed, feeling as if on fire. His hair and beard was all a mess, tangled and unbrushed as it he had been drinking for days, which he had been. Even though they were there on business, he couldn't help himself. His favorite vices were far too powerful. He was at their command, and they had commanded him to drink. [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][/SIZE]
Location: Solida Hesk Resort
Objective: ID the killer
Allies: [member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"] RIP
Enemies: [member="Juwiela Melec"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

Cryax moved slowly out of the turbolift, giving the grounds a perfunctory glance before he headed out to retrieve the limp body of his former boss. Half of his bodyguard droids stayed glued to him, and the other half spread out to search the perimeter looking for signs of Rigger's killer. The Chiss fell on one knee in front of Lysle's body, checking for a pulse. Silence. Amid the sounds of Red Raven starfighters humming through the air above, Cryax Bane hung his head for a moment of silence for the crime boss who had taught him everything he knew. He knew that Lysle wouldn't like a fuss being made over him. He was a humble and no-nonsense kind of man, and Cryax would treat him that way even in death.

Suddenly, Cryax heard a rustling across the way and raised his head, his glowing red eyes scanning the grounds for the source of the noise. He saw a figure, a woman, moving away from the murder site, a blaster in her hand. Cryax jumped to his feet, flicked on the Holocam on his Datalogger and started filming her. He wasn't sure if she saw him, but he got enough footage of her to be able to zoom in on her face later if he needed to. It had to be Lysle's killer. Who else could it be? He commanded a few droids to follow her and capture her alive. As some of his metal security team clanked off after the murderess, the remaining droids helped him carry Lysle's lifeless bloodied carcass to the turbolift and down into the bunker. Another explosion rocked the mesa above and Cryax felt the entire turbolift shake to its core. Once underground, Cryax solemly lay the body down on a table in the makeshift armory room, draping a sheet over it. Then he returned to the interrogation room, a fresh round of hatred for his captor lingering in his glowing red eyes.
Location: Bunker beneath Solida Hesk Resort
Objective: Keep Alliance information secure
Allies: Rebels
Enemies: [member="Cryax Bane"]

Once more the door opened and closed, though Juwiela didn't acknowledge the presence of Cryax right away, trying to discern the vague ripples she'd felt in the Force only minutes earlier. The collar around her neck might have nearly severed her connection, but that didn't mean the wavelengths weren't reporting back to her with a wealth of information that only those attuned to the energy field would be able to register. There had been a tremor as a life had suddenly been snuffed out, and as she hadn't recognized the individual's signature as a member of the Alliance, that could only mean they'd been an adversary. How much of one she wasn't quite sure, but one less Raven to contend with was quite alright, in her books. That meant one less individual to worry about inhibiting her if she ever did manage to worm her way out of her restraints and eventually escape her captor, something that was becoming less likely by the minute.

Keeping her gaze straight ahead, not bothering to attempt to locate his position, she could still tell that the death had affected her warden, and not in a way that would benefit her. However much she would regret her next comment, she still made it known. "Missing someone?" A small smile quirked her lips, gone as quickly as it had come. His retaliation would most likely be severe, but now wasn't the time to consider what reaction her words might elicit. This was still war, but of a different kind. And she didn't intend to lose.
Location: Stronghold One

Objective: Decide how best to protect his men

Allies: None

Enemies: [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Daxton Bane"] [member="Dakita Calfur"]

Corruck watched as men fell around him, as if in slow motion. He had expected resistance from within the stronghold, but the droids were a complete surprise. He would have expected them to all be nonfunctional after Nothy's ion rounds. That didn't matter though, what did matter was the fact that after Corruck and his men had dealt with said droids there were only eight men left. Corruck and seven others were all that stood, taking turns firing off a round of two.

Two of the seven were incapacitated, probably some from the bowcaster that was being used against them, Corruck guessed. One was in so much pain that he couldn't see straight, Corruck had administered some of the bacta from the man's armor directly onto the charred remains of his lower leg. The bone was still there but the flesh was almost entirely burned away. The muscle was visible and some of the nerves attached to the foot were still connected, making the man feel an incredible amount of pain. The other four men were worn, their armor full of carbon scoring, and more than a few minor wounds.

Corruck pulled out a smoke grenade and was about to lob it over into the gap to give his men some time when he heard a strange voice begin speaking. He first had to locate the comm, which the voice was coming from. He moved beside the moaning body of Lagneth, the man with the burnt leg, and found that his comm had been left on in the confusion of the firefight. Corruck picked it up, pushing Lagneth further into cover as he did so.

Corruck only caught the last words. His first impulse was to toss the smoke grenade over and follow it with a round of frags, but his mind was far too full of reason to allow such foolish behavior. He was about to call back and try to negotiate, when one of his men who was still fighting was shot through the skull. The man fell without a sound. That was it for Corruck. He yelled out to his men, "Cease fire, cease fire!"

All the men immediately fell behind cover and looked over at Corruck expectantly. They were probably thinking what their leader was planning to turn this fight around. Corruck popped the smoke grenade and threw it into the entrance, the smoke would give make them invisible for a short period unless the enemies had thermal or other such. He turned and faced the comm as he spoke, "I surrender. Call off your attack and we'll put up no more fight."

One of the men, Cronath who was relatively new to battle, was surprised and called out to Corruck, "Sir! We can win! Or we can fight till there is no breath in us! Don't surrender yet!"

Corruck looked sharply replying, "Stand down, this fight it lost. There is no need for further blood shed."

Cronath looked fairly upset, but he stayed put. Corruck continued to his soldiers, "Get me the names and dogtags of all our fallen."

He stood in the mean time, dropping his weapons. He looked over the cover expectantly, he would be surprised if the Ravens followed through with the deal. However, they would all have died if they had kept fighting, so there was a higher chance of surviving if they surrendered.
Location: Stronghold One
Objective: Neutralize [member="Corruck Kazen"]
Allies: [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Daxton Bane"]

Dak smiled at her Twi'lek bodyguard when they heard the word "surrender" on the central comm unit. She looked at the monitor of the camera trained on the entrance. "Looks like seven or eight men are left, including the Rebel leader." Dak turned to the control droids. "Four more battle droids on either side just in case the men go back on their words. Don't have them fire, but just guard the perimeter." Then she barked an order at Krevin: "Go get 'em."

Krevin went up a few levels and found what he needed - stun cuffs and a few more armed guards. He knew that Chudakkerah and his men were also out there somewhere still to provide additional backup. Krevin led the guards carefully to the entrance and they emerged, weapons trained on the Rebels. They formed a line with Cortosis shields and circled the men. "Pat them down, remove any knives or other hand weapons and cuff 'em," said Krevin with a gruff snort. He was really looking forward to seeing his Pateesa interrogate these Rebel scum with her torture droid toys. Once the men, some wounded, were in the cuffs and relieved of any weaponry, Krevin pushing a blaster into the back of the squad leader, guided them into Stronghold One. "You wanted to get in here so bad," he said, chuckling. "Be careful what you wish for." He spat on the ground for emphasis.
Dak watched the monitor intently, proud of her yellow-skinned Twi'lek for expertly muscling the Rebels inside. She picked up her commlink and punched the key that would get her straight to Cryax Bane. "The eagle has landed. The fox is in the hen-house. I've got sparkplug and lugnut for you..." No that wasn't right, was it? She racked her brain for other code word phrases but then shook her head and got straight to the point. "Some Rebel forces have joined this party in Stronghold One. And we are about to treat them to some Raven hospitality, boss! WHOOOOOOOOO!"

[member="Cryax Bane"]
Location: Interrogation room in the underground bunker
Objective: ID prisoners
Allies: [member="Dakita Calfur"]
Enemies: [member="Juwiela Melec"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

"Missing someone?" said the Miraluka rebel with a smug little grin on her face. Instantly, Cryax sprang forward and gave the young woman's face a violent backhand slap. His breathing was ragged, his sorrow palatable. That such a big figure as Lysle Rigger could die such an ignoble death, rocked Cryax to the core. As the despondent Chiss was barely keeping his sanity together in the first place, the murder of his former boss danced him ever closer to the edge of snapping.

"I don't know who you chuff-suckers are or what the kark you're trying to do, but obviously you have mistaken me for someone who will show one iota of mercy. I see you're already down to four senses." His prisoner couldn't see him of course, but he gestured to her lack of eyes. "You know what they say? Good things come in threes. Talk, girl," he growled. "Tell me your name and the names of your leaders and your organization. Or mark my words, you're gonna lose something gravely important to you."

The Chiss then unsheathed his hunting knife once again and grabbed one of the woman's wrists, forcing her hand down flat on the table. WIth a grunt, Cryax mercilessly sunk the knife right into the middle of her hand, impaling it on the table's surface. The prisoner could feel warm spittle on her face as he hissed at her, the knife still stuck in her flesh. "That's just foreplay. Now sing, queen," he hissed.

Suddenly, a call came through on Cryax's commlink. He took his hand off the grip of the knife and flicked on his comm to hear the excited voice of Dakita Calfur on the line speaking a bunch of nonsense. "Get to the point, Dak." he said testily. Then his face broke out into a wide smile, his white teeth gleaming against his blue skin. "Good work, Zeltron. Keep him there in stun cuffs and I'll send someone for him soon." Flipping off his comm, he turned back towards his prisoner. "Looks like we caught one of your scumbag friends. Perhaps he'll be a bit smarter than you and way more talkative."
Location: Underground bunker, interrogation room
Objective: Keep information on the Alliance secure
Allies: Rebels
Enemies: [member="Cryax Bane"]

A sharp cry of pain was the first thing to escape her lips, the feeling of the knife being forced through her hand an excruciating fire. Slowly Juwiela regained her composure, turning her head slightly towards Cryax. "I can see. I just can't see you." It might have been a trivial thing, but she would continue to correct him, as if showing that she wouldn't allow her equilibrium to be unbalanced so easily. However young she might have been, she wouldn't be one to crack under pressure so easily. She owed the Alliance just about everything in her life, as they'd been her first real home after she'd lost her parents. There was no way betrayal would come even remotely easily.

Her tone was surprisingly level for one who had just gotten a hole put in their hand. "What makes you think I'm going to tell you anything? It should be obvious who it is we are. There isn't anything you can take away that you haven't already. I couldn't care less what happens to me. I knew signing up that I'd be putting my life on the line. So get on with things. Either I'm free or I'm already dead." She kept her expression stubbornly neutral, focusing on keeping her hand still, not wanting to disturb the blade. Her nerves were beginning to become almost numb to the pain, as if forgetting that the weapon was embedded there in the first place.

Had she had eyes, they would have been flashing with both anger and an undertone of pain. As such, she only had her voice to communicate her emotions. "I'm not inclined to say much else to you. You heard what I had to say before, Cryax. Go kark yourself." Despite her current predicament she managed the smallest of smiles, inwardly bracing herself for whatever his retaliation would be. Pain was something she could deal with, as long as it was just her it was being inflicted on. Sometimes one sacrifice was necessary for the greater good.

The news that another of the Rebels had been captured instantly caused a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, and she was silent for a long few moments. There was no proper way to respond to this, but she would still respond as if none of it phased her, when in fact it was quite the opposite. "Good luck with that. I don't think you know who you're dealing with."
Location: Talos City
Objective: Slaughter the weak
Allies: Red Ravens, maybe
Foes: Rebels

A deafening boom cracked out into the atmosphere of Makeb, it radiated off of building and for a moment silenced the very gun and blaster shots bellow. Before things could proceed there was another, and another, and another until a thunderstorm of cracks and booms roared through the sky above. Over a dozen if not two dozen capital ships flooded the skies above Makeb. The ships of the Primeval, the faction of world burners and murderers, and at the helm of the Aj'Rou class Dreadnaught was no other than the most vile of villains, Dredge. Someone had decided it was a good idea to come to Makeb and screw with his property, they thought that they could just walk into the city and start creating riots, and to murder high ranking officials. No, life did not work like that for the would be rebels. It was not that easy, as riots kicked off in the streets thousands of people looked up into the skies to see the grand capital ships, some staring in wonder others in fear. They were undisciplined children, and they needed to learn that Dredge would not tolerate such behavior. So an example was to be made, and a price to be paid. A lesson taught in loss, a price paid in flesh.

Dredge walked down into the hanger of his ship and looked down upon a roaring crowd of Yuuzhan Vong, Graug, and Kaalonians, the men bellow him cried out for blood and death that waited beneath them. They yearned for it, it was right there simply waiting to be taken. And since Dredge was such a nice guy, he wouldn't keep them waiting.

"BREAK THEM!! KILL, RIP, MAIME, AND GOUGE!! BUT NOT TO THEM ALL!! I WISH THEM BROKEN NOT DESTROYED!!" Dredge's massive voice boomed outwards and the crowd howled in fevered blood lust.

"GO FORTH!" Dredge said keeping his sermon short and to the point.

The ships around the Dreadnaught began to hum with life and soon dozens, and dozens of GU 52 Dropships exited their capital ships and began to scream towards the planet. There was no flak that opened up on them, no orbital defenses that called out to destroy them. There was simply the storm, and it was here to swallow them within it's massive gail of death.

Bellow people began to scream, riots soon grew into mass panic and confusion. The ships above had not come to save them, they had come to discipline them. And aboard the first ship down within a room light with red light, Dredge stood at the front of the door. His massive armored form simply waiting. The ship pushed the atmosphere and came down onto the main city. Dropships hit the ground hard and over a few thousand men were beginning to form up at the outskirts of the city's Mesa. Dredge's dropship hit the ground and soon the armored figure exited the ship and walked out to kill all those who dared defy his will.

"Break them." He said quietly

and soon coming of the hulls behind him thousands of Graug, Yuuzhan Vong, and Kaalonians roared for battle.

Ships in orbit



Species on the ground

500 Kaalonians:

500 Graug:

1000 Yuuzhan Vong:

[member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Aleksandyr Gaillard"] [member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Davik Tren"] [member="Deborah Waller"] [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] [member="Dakita Calfur"] [member="Corruck Kazen"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Juwiela Melec"] [member="Asteria Starcatcher"] [member="Thane Drexel"] [member="Daxton Bane"] [member="Darth Arcanix"] [member="Lisa Ticon"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"]
Location: Solida Hesk's Resort
Objective: Infiltrate the bunker; Bomb away
Allies: [member="Juwiela Melec"], [member="Solan Charr"]
Enemies: [member="Cryax Bane"], [member="Davik Tren"], [member="Deborah Waller"], [member="Asteria Starcatcher"]

Gen cantered away from the scene of her kill, the fingers of her left hand clamped around her canted, bleeding nose. Blood was all over her--blood from her nostrils ran down her face; blood from her ear moistened and crusted around the tips of her hair; and the recently deceased man's blood stained her breastplate and trenchcoat. She was a bloody mess.

And her psyche had been wrangled. The Rebel leader's chest heaved rapidly as she recovered from her bout of terror. She knew she was lucky. He had nearly beaten her face in and crushed her--even as his body's fluids drained onto her. He had come seconds away from killing her, and she knew it. Still in a state of shock, and trying to put everything together as the shots continued to ring from the Jawa Juicer assault, she verified for the sixth time that the lone attacker had indeed been neutralized by her shot.

The Chiss was impossible to miss, the look on his face sobering as they looked into each other's eyes from scores of meters away. She knew who it was, and she knew that it would be folly to waste a round on him from this distance--especially with four droids initiating pursuit. "No," she breathed, little able to escape her mouth as she continued to suck in deep gulps of air for her run. Gold Squad was still behind the resort, ready to smash in and take out whatever or whomever was inside. She would try to make it to them.

Rounding the corner, Geneviève dove into the grass, getting low as she entered her men's line of sight. "Sithspit," she gasped before calling to her soldiers: "Shoot them!" The four men opened fire with their automatic blasters, red bolts streaking over Lasedri's prone figure and ramming into the durasteel bodies of the sentry droids. The Rebel warriors then dashed to the Benefactor's assistance, lifting their bruised leader off the ground and sitting her against the wall of the building, where she worked to recover her breath. That was when they activated the Sheer Silence device to keep from being heard as they broke into the complex.

And that was when Gen heard the news over the comms. Her diaphragm convulsed, a couple of choked exhalations rushing from her lungs. "Dammit, Gryphon," she sighed as she heard [member="Corruck Kazen"] surrender. She was losing everyone.
Location: Interrogation room in the Underground Bunker
Allies: [member="Dredge"] (maybe) [member="Dakita Calfur"]
Enemies: [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Juwiela Melec"] [member="Corruck Kazen"]

Cryax gripped the hilt of the hunting knife and yanked it out of his prisoner's hand. He punched in a command in his Datalogger ordering a med droid to come to the interrogation room. No use in letting the captive lose this much blood when he needed her to be alert and conscious. There would be plenty of time for that later. Then Cryax called forth all of the saliva in his mouth and lobbed a large projectile of spit right in the pilot's face. "You sure talk alot. Unfortunately none of it is useful to me. But it will be, flygirl. You will tell me who your leaders are and what their next move is."

The Chiss slammed a blue-skinned hand down on the table for emphasis. "Let me tell you a little bit more Cryax Bane. I am one of the wealthiest crime bosses this side of the Outer Rim. With a snap of my fingers, I can have flesh-eating parasites delivered here overnight, put them in your next meal, and let them eat you from the inside out. I can deliver your body to the One Sith so that they can experiment on you. I can make you listen to the torture of your compatriot who we've captured. Or better yet, make you torture him. You get it now? These are no idle threats, but all of them can be avoided if you start fething talking."

A soft pinging sound came from his Datalogger. The news? A Raven sergeant had spotted dozens of Yuuzhan Vong ships emerging from the sky. That could only mean one thing. Dredge. He slumped down in a seat across from his captive at the table. Dredge had wanted prisoners from this battle, so prisoners he would have. Cryax didn't even need to speak. Using the mind-link of the Yorik-Kul, he merely needed to call out for Dredge in his subconscious, an abhorrent but necessary task.

Dredge, It's Wretch. Wretch has a prisoner waiting at Stronghold One. Do what you will with him. All Wretch humbly requests is that you give him any information that you glean from his torment.

There, that should be enough to set the wheels in motion, thought the Chiss. He almost felt sorry for the rebel who would soon be experiencing the artful tortures that Dredge would enact on him. With a glance down at both of his cybernetic legs, he certainly could empathize with what the man was about to go through.

Before he turned back to his prisoner, Cryax had one more command to issue. He typed up a message on his Datalogger instructing a special team of Red Raven morticians to discreetly retrieve the body of [member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"] from the armory and have him sent to a cryogenics lab to be frozen. Soon thereafter, Rigger would be sent to [member="Sigourney Xanthius"]. Cryax had always suspected the Zeltron former President was Lysle's lover, but he'd never gotten confirmation of it either way. Still, Sigourney was closest thing he had to a next of kin in his eyes, especially since the man had kept his personal life such a mystery.
Location: Interrogation room in underground bunker
Objective: Keep Alliance information secure
Allies: Rebels
Enemies: [member="Cryax Bane"]

Grimacing at the feeling of the knife being pulled from her hand, renewing the sharp pain in her nerves all over again, Juwiela was silent as Cryax listed his threats. None of them were any concern to her until he mentioned the capture and torture of one of her fellow Rebels. That was where her resilience ended, condemning her friends to suffer when she could do nothing about it herself. It was a line she wouldn't dare to cross, and a defeated look flashed across her face for the briefest of seconds. She would talk, sure, but revealing anything that could possibly harm any of the others was something Cryax would have to work for just a bit more.

"Fine," Her voice had taken on a more resigned tone, "You want our leaders, you're sitting across from one of them." That wasn't the entire truth, but with her being in what could be called singular control over most any pilots that called the Alliance their home, it wasn't a complete lie either. Whether he would believe her was another matter. "Surprised, Bane?" Despite all that had happened she managed a faint smile, though it faded as quickly as it had come. She wouldn't tell him the exact name of her position just yet, but most likely would give it up later, if only to prevent the torture of one of her friends.

Her look remained straight ahead, and she spoke almost slowly. "I don't care what happens to me. You can do whatever you want. Just don't...don't hurt any of the others." In the back of her mind she wondered what exactly had caused the rest of them to surrender. It was Corruck who had been captured, she knew, though he was better known by the callsign Gryphon, the same aliases all of them used when keeping all communications secure. "I'll tell you whatever it is you want to know about me." A pause. "As long as you don't lay a hand on anyone else." She might not have been in a position to negotiate, but she would try nonetheless.

"As for our next move..." She couldn't help but smirk slightly. "Let's just say you'd better keep your eye on the bounty postings."
Location: Capital City
Objective: End Riots, permanently
Allies: Red Ravens (if they don't get in the way)
Foes: Rebel Alliance

Dredge started at a slow jog, pacing forward towards the city like a casual jogger the massive Sith sword attached to his back. But as his momentum grew faster he began to pick up large amounts of speed his arms and legs striding out as he went into a full sprint into the city. Which wasn't all too fast since the armor he wore weighed almost as much as he did. Behind him his army pressed at his back roared and joined him in the sprint, howls of blood lust leaving their mouths. Some Graug threw down their weapons to embrace their more feral side mounting the ground on all fours to charge forward fangs and claws bearing out.

Drawing out his massive sith inferno blade the darkside nexus that encased the bone blade began to glow in a aura of fire. The skull carved Into the blade light up in a campfire glow of oranges and reds to illuminate it's features, the blade wanted blood to satisfy it's hunger. In front of them was the first group of rioters, and they were smart enough to realize what was coming after them. Beginning to run the opposite direction, Dredge and his warriors soon caught up to the fifty or so off civilians and began to go to work. Cries of pain and anguish lifted into the ambience of the city. The civilians were huddled into a circle and the other majority of the army began to push forward through the city, the sounds of blaster, slug, and bio rifles going off. Broken glass and death screams radiated and pulsed as civilians were being put to the sword. But Dredge had something special in mind for these people. The armored figure approached the kneeling civilians of Makeb and let out a throaty laugh.

"You have all been chosen for a task far greater than any of these filth at this city, you are to stand as example. To be used as a instrument to save more lives, you should be honored that I have chosen you all for such a worthy task." Dredge said in his inhuman voice that boomed outwards and sounded as if three voices spoke atop the other in sync with the other.

Dredge walked forward and lifted up a strong sturdy shaggy brown haired Caucasian male. The man yelled and protested as he was torn from his friends, in his hand he held a full bottle of some kind of brown liquid, more than likely to be used it a Molotov Cocktail. Using that bottle the man slammed it into Dredge's armored head and the liquid splashed all over the both of them. Dredge's eyes went from the beady black to the covered red that stared deep into the man's soul. But he did not end his life there, he simply scoffed and let out a simple chuckle.

"Little human." Dredge said and pulled out the man's wallet from his pocket as he continued to dangle him from his sweatshirt

Taking the wallet he tossed it to a Graug that stood behind him, the massive Graug caught it and bowed.

"Find his home, bring his family here, and when they see his lifeless corpse. Slit their throats while they see his failure." Dredge roared and slammed the man onto the concrete bellow and the sound of ribs breaking cracked.

"STRING THEM UP!! ONE ON EACH LAMP POST!!" Fire licked off dredge and he kicked the shaggy haired man causing him to buckle and cough as more ribs broke.

Kaalonians began to throw nooses up above the street lamps, their circular holes waiting to be filled with the necks of innocents. Dredge picked up the man by the back of his shirt and drug him to the first noose. The stunned and disoriented man was raised into the air with one massive first as all around him warriors drug screaming civilians to their posts along the street. Dredge simply smiled at the man and looked him in the eyes as he lifted him hire.

"Before you leave this existence I want you to know. Your family, your friends, and your loved ones with soon die. You could not save them." Dredge said in a low tone before it began.

Shoving the man's head through the loop let go and the Graug at the end hoisted the man up, as did the other warriors at the posts hoisting up their captives. The man and other former rioters kicked and struggled but after a few minutes all went still, and the only sounds that were heard were the screams of the battle elsewhere. A slight breeze rolled by and the limp corpses only swayed in it, their bodies made example of for other rioters.

Dredge lifted his head back and laughed loudly at the sight, but he shortly received a message from his personal queen [member="Cryax Bane"]. They had a high ranking prisoner for him, wonderful. Dredge confirmed the message to Cryax and responded that he was on his way, his men could handle such a thing as rioters.

Dredge began to stomp back towards his ship with an escort of Vong warriors flanking his sides, this would be fun.

Puppet Kyrios

Location: Underground bunker, Solida Hesk's Resort
Objective: Stand our ground, get to Cryax, kill Rebels
Allies: [member="Dredge"] (maybe), [member="Cryax Bane"], [member="Davik Tren"], [member="Deborah Waller"], Ravens
Enemies: [member="Juwiela Melec"], [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

Asteria and William ducked instinctively as the Rebels opened fire at them. William started firing his arrows, felling Rebel warriors left and right while Asteria sent a message to all her fellow Ravens in the bunker.

"Rebels are in the bunker, protect our leader at all costs. Will and I'll take down as many as we can. For the Ravens!"

With that she screamed her battle cry, "No dirweg!"(Beware!), and rushed at her enemies. both vibroblades singing out of their sheaths and into her hands, swingin them left and right.
Location: City Outskirts
Objective: None, Survive, Rioting complete, Report holo-recordings to the GR and RA Intelligence
Allies: [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Corruck Kazen"]
Enemies: [member="Dredge"] [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] [member="Darth Arcanix"]

As Thane continued to relay information to the underground bunker where [member="Cryax Bane"] was told to be, a massive, ugly fleet descended upon the city. [member="Colap Ticon"] had his hands full now. With [member="Darth Arcanix"] and [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] in the middle of the invasion force, they'd be occupied as well.

Thane began recording the fleet images and troops off in the distance. Upon zooming, he was able to capture an individual wielding a massive flaming sword. The Rebel Alliance needed to get out of this death hole. He could hear the screams all through the city. Thane turned to the guard he'd knocked out and woke him. With a gun in his face of course...

"The city is under attack from a new enemy. I suggest finding your family and running away now. Sound the alarm. Run!"

The guard signaled the alarm, letting the whole city, and eventually the planet know they were under attack. [member="Cryax Bane"] would know, as well as [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]. Thane ran to secure transport, a military one, with guns and stuff. He primed the engines and took off on a low vector towards the Resort outside the city. He needed to get the leaders off world. Using his own comm, he contacted Genevieve and Corruck.

"Command this is Thane, we are not the only ones invading this planet. I'm on my way to retrieve you all, we do not want to be here. Over."

Davik Tren

The Friendly Fiend
Location: Underground Bunker

Objective: Hold them off

Allies: [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Deborah Waller"] [member="Asteria Starcatcher"]

Enemies: Rebels

Davik grabbed his rifle back into his arms as a panicked cry came over the commlink attached to his arm. The voice was feminine and he could tell the voice belonged to one of the occupants of the bunker, whom he had suspected was now dealing with the massive amounts of laser fire that could be heard from the adjacent room.

"Rebels are in the bunker, protect our leader at all costs. Will and I'll take down as many as we can. For the Ravens!"

The young spacer ran into the next room and began returning fire to the intruders as more and more flashes could be seen coming through the door. Their numbers were definitely superior to the small amount of defenders within, but they had the advantage of defense. With an adrenaline filled hand, he reached down to his side and grabbed the small sonic grenade that he had with him, amongst others, and chucked it at the doorway. When it went off, it would surely stun and wound most of the attackers, but a fragmentation grenade was not ideal for the fighting in such a close area, especially with the other Ravens around.

Won't be able to keep this up long!
Location: Inside the resort bunker, north side
Objective: Take a prisoner; Call in the birds
Allies: [member="Solan Charr"], [member="Juwiela Melec"], [member="Thane Drexel"], Corruck Kazen
Enemies: [member="Cryax Bane"], [member="Davik Tren"], [member="Asteria Starcatcher"], [member="Deborah Waller"], [member="Dredge"]

Gold Squad bashed its way through the north entrance, while Red and Blue Squads poured into the west and east entrances, respectively. There was a great commotion as the Raven defenders fired upon the intruding parties, gunning down some of the Alliance Marines. This did not make Gen feel any better about what had gone down so far, and with the announcement of Kazen's capture, they needed to do something in retaliation. That was their Senior Intelligence Officer, and he would not come free of charge.

Then there was the word from Talaos City. Game over.

Flipping her comm to a public, long-range setting, and activating audio distortion filters to keep anyone from knowing her true voice, Geneviève gave a coded signal to the bombers-in-waiting. "Carrion, five-seven-seven, Ackbar. Carrion, five-seven-seven, Ackbar, Ackbar, Ackbar. Matchbox." What she had just ordered was not something she wanted to do. But it needed to be done.

Lifting herself off the ground, the leader known as Matchbox followed in after Gold Squad, coming in beside the men and entering the effective radius of their Sheer Silence devices. While they would be visible to anyone firing upon them, anyone who was not visually aware of their presence would be doomed. The squad of four-plus-one crept through the halls and gunned down a few guards and droids in their path--many before they even knew they were in danger.

A blast from a sonic grenade occurred only about ten meters ahead of them, deafening and mentally impairing the Red Squad Marines who had been making their way in by another route. Cautiously, Gen and Gold Squad moved towards the intersection of the hallway, her squad's pointman peeking around the corner to take a shot at [member="Davik Tren"].

Meanwhile, the dormant Rebel stealth craft had received the signal. [Ackbar, Ackbar, Ackbar.] Nine ESB-8a Nevermores began their descent into the atmosphere, undetected, while Geneviève's own stealth blockade runner, Intangible, popped in from hyperspace and slowly dropped into low orbit. This battle had come to its head, and the Rebels could not stay much longer.
Location: Space! Above Makeb.
Objective: No idea! Gloat?
Allies: Everyone, sort of.
Enemies: Everyone, equally sort of.

"It looks like your mercenaries are dead, except for the Blue Rancor Company.", his assistant said to him.

Aleksandyr merely smiled at the thought. "Is that so?", he then frowned slightly, "I hope Miss Rebel Leader is alright.", he said. His assistant did not respond; the CEO gazed to her eyes momentarily before receiving word from above. "Sir, something's happening planet-side.", the intercom blared on followed by one of his crew. Alek did not like vagueness, "Well? Spit it out!", he demanded. The intercom remained silent momentarily.

"I honestly don't know -- must be interference on our sensors; probably from the arrival of that massive fleet.", the officer responded quite doubtfully. Aleksandyr's eyes squinted at the thought. He had designed those sensors himself, and wasn't about to believe they were interfering. Either something didn't want to be found out or it was a a dummy. "Very well, open up a commlink with our esteemed crime boss.", he smirked at the thought after speaking.

"Very well, sir. Link is open."

Aleksandyr moved closer to his transceiver to be sure there was no white noise in the background. "Tell me, blue boy. How does it feel to win?", his assistant rolled her eyes -- a very common effect he had on her. Perhaps it was a bit insensitive seeing as the Chiss lost a dear friend.

[member="Cryax Bane"]
Location: Heading for the Resort ASAP
Objective: Rescue the General Bunny
Allies: [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
Enemies: [member="Lisa Ticon"] (Sorry... getting bored of waiting, so gonna move on, feel free to follow and continue this though.) [member="Dredge"] [member="Cryax Bane"]

Solan cursed, hearing the order and bolting towards the roof of a building as he saw the fire raining down on the city. Breathing in he put himself into an utterly calm state before then reaching out and holding his head for a moment as hundreds of emotions blasted him, screaming before channeling all the emotion into using force speed and looking forward. He had to do this fast, before his unhindered use of his true empathy drove him mad. With another scream as the waves of emotion worked at destroying his mind he shot over the roofs far faster than a normal human could do ever naturally. His mind was focused on one place, one building, and one mission, they had to get out of here and he was sure as hell not going to let the team get captured as he reached two Raven enforcers.

Before they could react his scythe found his hands and their heads were sent rolling as he called out in pure force rage, staring around as the emotions slammed into him again, another inch closer to madness as he looked at an enforcer team that had turned to him and started firing. Without hesitation Solan jumped up and slammed the scythe down and cut the man down the chest until he split open and Solan's motion didn't even stop as his own dark taint consumed him and he began to murder one after the other, if they tried to run he would pull them back and bring his blade up their spin, if they shot at him, those that didn't hit him, would find the blade cutting off limbs or sunk into the heart. He was in a pure rage at this point as more died and more emotions of fear and pain hit him without his mental guards on his empathy. He needed to give them time, and sacrificed his humanity to do it.

Puppet Kyrios

Location: Underground Bunker
Objective: Kill Rebels, Don't let the Red Ravens down, dont get caught, dont die
Allies: [member="Davik Tren"] [member="Cryax Bane"]
Enemies: [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Juwiela Melec"]

Asteria motioned to William to head down the hallway to protect the place where Davik and Cryax were d followed close behind, never once turning her back to the Rebels. They had some sort of cloaking device that was silencing their movements other then their blazing guns. When one of the rebels peeked around the corner with a gun, William did not hesitate to shoot him in the face, slowly runing out of projectiles to shoot the Rebels with.

Asteria had switched over to her blasters and stood in a ready stance, waiting for the next wave of Rebel warriors.

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