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About Your Dog Tags (Character Name Origins)

Dred Malachore

Ne Shab'rud'ni - Don't mess with me
Dred was gained from when I saw the name Dred Priest. It really stuck and I decided to go with it. Malachore was picked up from the interwebs after looking for common mandalorian names. Thus, Dred Malachore was born

Arturious Engel

Arturious: A play on the name his legion called Arthur before he left the Roman Empire to assume his rightful place as ruler of Briton. Of course this would be the movie staring Clive Owen and Keira Knightley as that is the one that came to mind. maybe not exactly historically accurate but I liked the movie.

Engel: After the song of the same name because I love the song, the music video and the band Rammstein.


Morality Policeman :)
Brevitæ is just a stylized form of the word 'brevity'.

Short and sweet. Being mute, she just uses simple gestures and scribbles brief, rhythmic messages to communicate.
Mrrew - Wanted something that sounded like a cat noise. ... Pretty simple.

@Nawd- re-arranged the letters of the name of someone I know in real life.

[member="Ravi Savak"] - Ravi's a name I always liked the sound of, and Savak my little sister came up with.

[member="Kasawwa"] - For the past five years of star wars roleplay, every wookiee character i've ever made has had 'Awwa' at the end of his name. I've evoled it in to a prestigious family of wookiees that've spread through Kashyyk over centuries. I just liked Kas. So Kasawwa.

[member="Makkik"] - Actually the name of an old Jawa character of mine. Forgot how I made it up.

[member="The Cyborg"] AKA Nohan Takata - Made that up years ago, I think Nohan was from a game I used to play, and Takata I just thought sounded cool...

[member="Shuk Swii"] - I dunno'

I come up with most of my names randomly, or on a whim...


I was playing Borderlands, and Mr. Torgue was just- screaming at me. Screaming at ME, specifically, to do something with it. And I had noticed nobody else had done a Mr. Torque- like character. So....I buckled down and made one.

And I picked Greg.
Hmmm.... The characters I use... :

Thryykarr was something I came up with on a whim, because I knew I wanted to make a character who was a Karrde, but Thryk didn't fit that idea... So 'Karrde' became 'karr'

Lekae Karrde.... Lekae is the 'core name' of the Chiss 'Bell'eka'even'. Dunno why I made the name like I did... Just had a nice ring to it. 'Karrde' is obvious... Talon Karrde was my favorite character in the SW EU until I started playing Old Republic.... Now my favorite character is my Sith Inquisitor... Also a Chiss, I think.

Anyway, back from that tangent...

Grissa was a name (or something close to it) from Star Trek, I think.... I have this odd habit of naming my Star Wars characters after Trek characters.... Anyway, she's Grissa, and she has no last name.... because she's a Rakata bioconstruct.

Bond.... Because I wanted an excuse to say 'the name is Bond'... Odd name for a Shard, but I didn't understand their actual naming conventions.
I've always liked the name Geneviève, ever since I read about the dog that was adopted by (and later rescued) a famous little French girl. ;) I just think it's a really pretty name--in both the original French and the English pronunciations.

Lasedri? I just made that up. It has a very soft sound to it and feels a bit pedigreed.

[Zhahn-vee-ev La-sed-ree]


Morality Policeman :)
I like messing around with languages. Most of my characters' names are derived from English, Swedish, and Russian words.

Malin is a decently straightforward name, however. It's a Scandinavian form of Madeline.

Ohotnitsa is an English transliteration of the Russian word 'охотница', which means 'huntress'.

Spritejägare is a combination of the English word 'sprite' (a fairy or nymph) and the Swedish word 'jägare', meaning hunter.

So Malin Ohotnitsa Spritejägare is Malin Huntress Spritehunter in English exclusively. Very hunter-y. :D
Corvetta Salvo said:
Post how you came up with your character's name, why it's significant, and what each part of their name means to you.
Past character: Darth Apparatus
Current character: Daella Apparine

I just added a "D" to "Aella," which by itself is fairly feminine. Then, I just made up a pretty sounding word using "Appar" as the base.

In hindsight, looked up the etymology of Aella and found it to be the name of an Amazon warrior in the legends of Hercules - which Hercules killed. Oh well.

I also hate non A-Z or 0-9 characters in names character names, so I didn't spell it as Dælla to avoid annoying both myself and others.
Hamish is my name.

McNair is some random Irish family name.

I don't know why I stuck with the character after I made him, he was just supposed to be a joke on another board. But everyone got to know me as 'Ham' and I thought feth it, might as well keep the guy named after me around for ease of recognition.

That, and referring to yourself as the 'Ham Sandwich' in a serious RP always amuses me.

Menoetius is named after the Greek Titan of violent anger, rash action and human mortality. The literal translation from ancient Greek is 'doomed might' which is fitting because Menoe's Nihilus-like force hunger gives him strength but will also be the end of him.

His Darth name, Darth Erebos, is also Greek. Erebos is the primordial god of darkness. Given Menoe's fondness with darkness and appearing dark and doing dark things, I thought it was fitting.

Falcon Rekali

I just thought it up. Granted, I came up with the name back in... I think 2001. And it was originally 'Falcon Nytrau Remnikt Kall Gyndar'. Yeahhhh. Just Falcon Gyndar now! But you can see where I got the surname of another of my characters from... ;)
Vulpesen: Vulpes=Fox(latin)
Espadus: Sword(spanish)
Torrevaso... just sound cool. but... BullVase(spanish)

Break down of meaning

Vulpesen was always meant to be cunning, elegant(thus his use of Makashi), and adapatable, the human form of my favorite animal, the fox, which I've always seen as those things.

Espadus: Despite my common work as the good guy in all my rp's (even a friendly sith... relatively)Vulps has always been a warrior, a sort of shadow paladin. Thus, his name was given the middle word of Espadus, saying that he was a sword to cut down evil.

Torrevaso... I needed an awesome surname for the book I was writing(Vulps' orignal timeline) and Torrevaso popped into my mind. I loved it and I've sued it ever since.

Vulpesen's first name was William Foxblade.

Auswyn Nothrael

This character started as part of a storyline for someone else, the name was entirely made up by me. On this forum, she stands as her own character, with her own story.
More Swedish and Russian! :D

Tålamod [toa-la-mod] is the Swedish word for 'patience'. I think that emphasizes her character, as she has had to persevere through a lot of hardships.

Radetta is a name I made up, but it was inspired mainly by the word 'radiance'. Stars are radiant. She is an officer aboard a starship.

Shapochka is the transliteration of the Russian word 'шапочка', meaning a 'little hat/cap'. I got the idea from a popular fairytale known as Красная Шапочка [Krasnaya Shapochka], which means 'Red Little Hat'. It's practically essential to Russian culture. People from more Anglo cultures may know the story better as Little Red Riding Hood. ;)

Tålamod Radette Shapochka = Patience Radiant LittleHat

Evard L'Rik

Got Lightning Running Through my Veins

Thryykarr- Name I came up with when I needed a badass-sounding Wookiee name.

Evard L'Rik- Misspelling that I thought looked cool

Bond- What does a Shard do to a droid body? BOND! So... Yeah. Also gave me an excuse to do that 007 line....

Lekae Karrde- To me, Talon Karrde is the epitome of a Star Wars badass. 'Lekae' is the shortened version of Bel'eka'even, which I thought was pretty.

That's all the characters I have, I think.

Kale Vanari

First saw the name Kale in the SW book called Deathtroopers.

Vanari? Well, I think I made it up. Can't really remember, I conjured up this name ages ago.

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