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About Your Dog Tags (Character Name Origins)

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
Krag - First I wrote out the entire alphabet onto little strips of paper. Then, I loaded the pieces of paper into two separate shotgun shells and stuck them in my double barrel. I then proceeded to fire said alphabet strips into the wall to see what came out.

and so behold....
Rain=Mandatory Sekairo thing. Though Ire relates to fire (fire=anger), and rain=water, and water cancels out fire, and vice versa.

Se=Random letters
Kairo=Alternate version of Cairo, pronounced the same.
This guy has two names:
PROJECT X-2 and Vance Tag Sallen.

Project X was the name of something that nearly killed Ven in her backstory, so I thought "Hey, what if that beast had buddies?" Originally X-2 was a different character, a super-soldier type of person. Now Vance here is just keeping the title because A: He's a project, and B: He's the second clone of VNS. The first was a complete failure, and was only ever called X.

Vance Tag Sallen is a play on the person he's a clone of, Vanessa Nacht Seele. Vance is a sort of male version of Vanessa, Tag means day while Nacht means night, and Sallen is just sem-close to Seele.


Morality Policeman :)
Joan of Arc, La Pucelle, has been my hero since... forever. I know just about everything that we are capable of knowing about this legendary young woman (There is not too much documentation on her that has survived the years, outside a few letters she had written and the recorded dialogue in her 'witch' trial at Rouen.), and I just got the itch to write someone with such charisma and prescience--whether you believe in that or not--and explore what a 'Joan' might have been like in a sci-fi setting.

Here's the fact: Joan's actual name was Jehanne, though it has been shortened to Jeanne in more modern times. (Her last name was also Darc, not d'Arc. So the whole 'Joan of Arc' name is entirely fallacious. :D) And yes, the signature I am using is actually an edited image of the real Jehanne Darc's signature.

Ysanne is just a pretty name and was used for my favorite Star Wars villain outside the movies. Though it's also ironic in how this character would have been in opposition to Isard if they were both alive at the same time.

v'Rodike is a little bit of 'Russian'. The letter 'в' in Russian (pronounced 'v') is a preposition meaning 'in' or 'of'. Also, the location following this preposition is altered slightly, which would cause the 'a' in 'Rodica' to be turned into an 'e'. The 'c' was turned into a 'k' so no one pronounced it as "v'Ro-dice". It's complicated, I know! But that's how I made the name, and its Russian translation would mean "of Rodica".

And so we have Joan of Rodica, "The Maid of Space".

Roshki Belawiiks

We all have demons. I've just decided to feed mine
"Roshki" sounds kinda Russian/angry/something like that, and was a version of one of the mentioned Togruta members on Wookieepedia, Roshti (the chief of the Togruta tribe from that one Clone Wars episode). "Belawiiks" is, of course, a mashup of "Bela Kiwiiks" :p
Picked out "Tiam Bai" from a string of Chinese words when I was 13. Phantom Menace had come out with all these Eastern sounding names, so I went with it. If I remember correctly, Tiam Bai loosely translates into "White Fields".....which had nothing to do with how the character originally was. Just happened to be something my teenage self picked.

Skylar Ichor

Skylar came from what my grandparents would've named their daughter if they'd had one, and Ichor is Greek golden god blood, and I love mythology so I thought that was the perfect last name.

Crucius Sin

A Sin That Shifts
This guy's name came from that one torture spell in that one magic franchise that annoys me to no end, but I still keep re-reading. I just added an 's' at the end.

Sorvae Sunfell

Star Wars name generator. That's where I got it. I have no idea what the name means, though.

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