Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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About Your Dog Tags (Character Name Origins)

Gonna just prattle off all the main characters. Too lazy to switch accounts. XD

Isley - The name of a favorite character.
Verd - Mando'a for Warrior.

Jor'si - Original name. Followed the "turn your name into a SW name" instructions on a cereal box, except with my little brother's name.
Josiah - Changed name because tagging never worked due to the apostrophe. Name of my favorite, Biblical King. (And it is my unborn son's middle name, whoot <3)
Denko - Played with the word "Denver" (my birth city) until it sounded Star Wars-y.

Genesis - First book of the Bible and also generally means "first/original/etc". Thought it fit the first clone in a series beautifully.
Rostu - One of the surnames associated with the Korun species. Also the surname of the man Genesis was cloned from.

Ishmael - Wanted to have a name that started with "Is"; favorite Biblical name.
"Ravager" - The "class" I spammed while playing FFXIII-2.
Well, I wanted this character to be special. Why? Because it's Magnus Bane from The Mortal Instruments movie, and though said movie sucked, the actor was too awesome to be ignored. I came up with Baelfire Lenasin because I wanted it to be a unique name that hasn't been heard before. The nickname Cartographer stems from the fact that he maps and re-maps the anatomy of living organisms, and is one of the greats in his line of work. :)
I knew very little about the names of Terrillian Jango Jumpers, or even much about them. I had to look to the two members of that species in existence, each with only cameos from the Clone Wars. I saw that they actually have standard names, and the one with a full name had both her first and last name starting with "C." So after the lead singer of The Letter Black, Sarah Anthony, my Jango Jumper's first name is an alternative spelling, Saruh. I same up with Salt, Sault, on a whim.
My main.

Rayl (Ray-ul) - I believe when I was thinking up his name the idea of ray guns were about my mind. I thought just calling him Ray was a bit trashy, so I added the l to the end. Nothing flashy, unless he shoots you int he eyes with a blaster.
Wilded (Wild-ed) - I've no idea if I had heard of the MMO Wildstar at the time or what, I know I caught wind of it before I started playing it. I was originally going to use Wanderwild. That felt a bit to D&D to me, so I changed it. You can still see the mistake on my character page title though.

My original

Hawke (Hawk) - The name came from a Commanding Officer of Black Hole, a fictional bad guy nation hell bent on ruling Wars World, from the Advance Wars series. Hawke was the second highest ranking CO after the leader. And one of the best Co's in the game.
I. (Do I need to tell you how to pronounce this?) - I only gave her the initial, not an actual middle name. This is a reference to Hawkeye from M*A*S*H when spoken after her first name.
Katamirth (Kat-a-mirth [Long i]) - I totally made this one up on my own. I don't remember how I came up with it, but if you Google its on top of the search results. So I've got that going for me. Which is nice.


Ruby (Ruby) - Shamelessly, shamelessly stolen and unoriginal of me. The name of the character I use as her Avatar, Ruby Rose from the Rooster Teeth animated cartoon RWBY. And while I'm still being shameless, I'll promote the show. Go watch RWBY (Youtube it, or go to the Rooster Teeth site), you'll probably love it.
Wilded (Wild-ed) - This character is the daughter of Rayl, my main. Version 2.0 in fact. My original attempt burned out fast. I'm quite confident this one will last longer. Way more planning went in to this character.

Edison Bulkhead

I came up with the name before I had a concept for the character. Vanessa Hudgen's face popped into my head, probably because she's one of the last people you'd think would be named Edison Bulkhead. Then I wondered what sort of bad-ass girl would have that name, and came up with a girl born on the frontier whose family dealt in wild beasts, and that she was descended from Dathomir Witches.

Andrea Kryze

Innocence and Killer Instinct
Andrea is a first name I came up with for several blond haired characters throughout the years. Her last name is from the clan she was born to, the Kryze clan (Satine, Bo-Katan.) To hide the Mandalorian heritage of her father and herself, her parents gave her her mother's last name to live by until Andrea found the truth. That surname, Cynthia, is named after a close friend of mine.
Lets see...

Shiro Tagachi De'Vol came from Guild Wars... De'Vol I created as a family name. Ive used it in other RP Sites too

Kezeroth the Malevolent: Kezeroth the name in general i from a game i used to play long time ago called AQW. Kezeroth was always a Brute like name and I like playing brutes so its a perfect fit.

Javik Quar-Kai: Ok, i got the inspration to name my Blue De'Nochsax after Javik from ME... in fact i model his personality after him too. Gotta love cheeky aliens. "Quar-Kai" I made up and derived from another character of mine whos last name is Zardai.

Shargon'Ta: My Filar Nitzan ah... I wanted him to have a Mence of a name so I had to go with Shargon which taken from TIBIA ( Another old game ive played..) I added the "'Ta" to make the character more of me and give him a alien feel.

Nulgath Zardai: Nulgath as a name also comes from AQW, Its a game I loved lore wise as a kid and it stuck with me, Zardai I randomly picked after reading an article about President Zardai of Pakistan lol.

Ghrom Xenos: Ghrom came from the boss of Gluttony in D3 and Xenos came from Xenomorph xD.

Now for Krafurk Maris, my Jedi and Writer account. Long Long ago There used to be a game called Starwars galaxies, It was there I RPed in starwars for the first time. My First character was named Krafurk Maris, I was a Force Sensitive Ithorian who always caused trouble and loved tatooine for some odd reason. The name was randomly generated and I liked it so here it is still.
Красная (Krasnaya) is the feminine form of the Russian word 'Красний', which means 'red'.

雪 (Xue) is the Mandarin word for 'snow'.

So Krasnaya Xue is Red Snow. It kind of embodies the stereotyping of Soviet-era Russia.
Break was taken from my favorite character in Megaman. Protoman who was the first of Dr lights robots originally went by the alias of Breakman in the megaman series which is where the name comes from! =B
My Main Characters

Phade: Wanted a cyberpunish name, just jumbled letters together till I found this.

Dair Cotarin: Name is based on a Shadowfleet character of mine, Dair Wroshyr, who was named for the Irish word for Oak and the trees of Kashyyk. Couldn't very well use Wroshyr as a surname here, so I messed up Katarn until it seemed originalish.

Taenor Arrocco: Taenor is a nickname I have used since I was 15, Arrocco was an amalgamation of Elvish words meaning Horse King...I think.

Sam Turain: I like the name Sam and the character is very down to earth, so Turain.

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