Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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About Your Dog Tags (Character Name Origins)

Starleaves n Stimcafs
Natoline, because I often make female characters that end in a, and I wanted nato to be something different :D.
It also sounded like a troublesome name, that might get up to mischief, and was originally Nato'line, but the ' was annoying for @ mentioning

Not sure where the Kerrigan name comes from but I am posting here to see if mum will tell me! :D [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"].
[member="Natoline Kerrigan"]

* cuddles Nato * Kerrigan came from Starcraft, unsurprisingly. Siobhan was more or less chosen randomly, I think. After spending far too much time thinking about a good given name since it takes me ages to choose.


And what he bravely thought, he nobly dared.
The Odyssey, an epic poem by Homer. Though my own Odyssey is unlike the one told in the stories, my character shares one trait, in that he is far from home, and yearns to return.

So much like the ancient Greek hero, Odysseus, my own Odysseus will mark his own journey home. Though there will be added complications to this considering just how well connected the galaxy is.


Well, I first came up with the name Malek a long time ago. I wanted to use that but I use it for everything so I wanted something close to it. I searched it up and surprise surprise Malik was there. Malik is the Arabic word for King


Well-Known Member
Well name sort something i came up with when i first time i rp. And have meaning that i kinda find some affinity to and sort sound cool for me.

Ronin - is from an old Akira Kurosawa film i love watching growing up. And sort nod to old Samurai theme movie. And my char characteristic of being the lone wandering Master-less samurai theme i have going for him.

Wendigo - is something i kinda came across reading about old native american lore. One of few things kinda pick up when i moved here to the states. And sort a nod to my old fave monster movie the wolfman. And in a sense reflect the sort wildly fierce yet pack/family mentality of the char.


Insert Hilarious Title Here
I am completely horrible and unoriginal with names, and coming up with them is something I stress out about. A lot.
So I decided 'screw it' and just used my actual one: Nyx.
Oh, I went a bit crazy with this one!

Ghorua- "Ghor" in Hindi means "terrible", or "atrocious". Then I fancied it up!
Balin (his real last name)- Baleen, like what whales have in their mouths
"the Fish" (his nickname)- I figured that a lot of people would call him a fish for being a Herglic. Maybe he got that name as a young whale-boy?

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