Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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About Your Dog Tags (Character Name Origins)

Valdra means inferno in Elvish

Hakora actually comes from the first anime I ever read and watched which was Naruto. I use to love Sakura (I was young people) So I true someone who looked like her, but was male and said it was her big brother named Hakora (I could not spell Sakura at the time) Now I use it for a gamer tag and all OCs.
Ashla is actually based on a character I'm writing on another site, that site has lot's of traditional magic and is medieval, so she's a lot different there than here, especially after three years of rping her there.

"Ashla" is a name that I actually don't remember where I got it from. Pretty ironic that Ashla is actually a pretty big SW name...

"Rose" is a middle name with personal meaning, actually xD

"Eiskold" is actually taken from the German word for ice cold, eiskalt. I simply switched it around a bit xD Eiskalt is the fictional country the Ashla from another site came from.
I went overboard on the Flyleaf influences on this one... my avatar is of their current lead singer Kristen May.

"Tina" was the title of an older Flyleaf song.

"Daunt" was after the Dauntless in Divergent... and Divergent was written to a lot of Flyleaf songs ("Chasm," "Again,"...) according to the author.

As you can tell, I love Flyleaf. ._.

Celty Ikon

Hammer-loving Scarf Pirate
Celty - I watched eight-ish hours of Durarara!! right before I made him. And now whenever I read the manga my FC is from, I mentally refer to him as Celty.

Ikon - He's [member='Cross Ikon']'s great-times-a-million grandson.


Allow me to reintroduce myself
My dad has a book series called Casca on our book shelf by Barry Sadler (think I spelled his name wrong). Basically Casca rufio Longius is the guy that stabbed Jesus through his side, and by doing that, Jesus told him the most famous line that is used throughout the whole series. "Soldier, you are content with what you are. Then that you shall remain, until we meet again." I decided to make a genderbent version of Casca during the Cold War, where his alias is Casey Romain. Change his last name around to a different one but keep his original middle name and genderbend him and viola!

Casey Rufio Romarin
I wanted a two-part name that spoke easily, and looked kinda odd and different.... So I started typing rand apostraphed 'names' until this one popped up.

My other character Neiros Starwind is a play on one of my favorite Rogues I played in D&D, Neiros Windfall. Star wind just seems like it might fit better in the SW universe.
Well, after killing off Delila I just randomly picked a name for this kid.

I find it a funny contrast since Norah means "woman of honor" while Delila has a much different meaning.

Deio and Dahlia Leafwalker

Deio - means day in latin and I just like the sound of it

Dahlia - a purple flower and purple's my fav color and it sounds cool

Leafwalker - son and daughter os Asteria and William Leafwalker, 'nuff said


Don't make me bite you...
Neema Farron: Neema was a character I role-played on a different site way back when, and Farron was my SWTOR legacy name.

Kohai Drenn: Kohai was the name of my Jedi Guardian in SWTOR. I based it off of the Japanese word kōhai, which is antonymous to the more commonly known senpai. Drenn was just an attempt at a believable, understated surname to avoid the all-too-common Noun-verber naming convention, such as Skywalker or Starkiller.

Korin Undoli: Korin was named after the Dragon Ball character. Undoli was a slight variation of Star Wars' very own Luminara Unduli's surname.

Abigail (Switch) Dolsa: Switch picked a new name for herself at random shortly after she was taken in by pirates, but it was meant to signify a kind of switch that was flipped off in her psyche. Her first name was taken from Infamous: Second Son's character, Fetch. Her last name is a slight variation of the Italian word dolce, meaning "sweet".

Dax Odikai: He was originally going to be Dak, but then I remembered the poor gunner on Hoth, so it became Daxis, or Dax for short. Odikai is based off of a Ugandan primary school, the name of which I just happened to randomly stumble across on the web.

Kilanaya (Keely) Jelko: Keely was the name of a female ghoul quest-NPC in Fallout: New Vegas, but I wanted it to be an in-universe nickname, so I made up Kilanaya. Jelko was a word I found on urban dictionary that apparently referred to a more intense and energetic high. I picked it because the original character concept was a recreational drug user.

Anka Revik: Anka is a Polish derivative of the name Anna, and I just made up Revik.

Jeslyn Tarquyn: Jeslyn was a combination of Jess and Lynn. Tarquyn was derived from Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, the seventh and final king of Rome.

Momoe Yuuki: Momoe was a combination the Japanese "peach tree" and "sprout", and Yuuki is a minor variation of the Persona 3 male protagonist's surname in the movie adaption.

Ana Saraya: Nothing special here. At the time, I had one classmate named Ana, and another named Saraya. The three us worked on a group project together.

Tarik Shen-Jon: I just made this one up off the top of my head, and I hyphenated the surname for zest.

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