Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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About Your Dog Tags (Character Name Origins)

Dashiell was built in since he's a cousin of the Judah variety....

Seeing all Dashiells end up having some weird old names or Biblical type names, Tobiah came about and it seemed fitting. I know, not very exciting.


Well-Known Member
Rilus Mercer Sieron... now that was fun to make. I took names from all the Grand Moffs on the wiki, picked two I liked, and came up with two names using those as a base (Rilus Sieron). Then I felt like it needed a middle name, so I wanted something that could pass as either warrior or rogue. Mercer seemed to fit well. So then I put it together as what it is now.

I'm quite happy with it, and Sieron could be rearranged to make Sienor, which looks a lot like Sienar. Maybe that can be an IC tool sometime.

Randyl Lancaster

Randyl was found from a Star Wars Name Generator. I thought it was cool, so I took it. Lancaster is a family name of my second main character in this forum (Lilith Mae Lancaster). He's her cousin, that's why.
For Lugus I wanted something that screamed "My parents hate me." He was very close to becoming Jebediah. >.> I have this site that I've used since my starting years of rp and for the name of the day that certain day was "Lugh" seemed interesting so I clicked on it and it was a form of "Lugus" which to me is very similar to Lugy and reminds me of spit. :) Porkins is self-explanatory.

Uri Aureleos. Uri means "My Light" Aureleos means "Gold" So in essence "My gold(en) Light"

Kendrix is the name of only my favorite female power ranger of all time. :)

Griff was the name of another gamer in this vamp game I played. Dude was awesome and we rped our characters as siblings. Alderiongldls(Idk sp) is a Corellian lastname. Picked by the writer of my character's older brother.
[member="Nyos Val"]- Nyos came from watching an offshoot anime about ninjas and Val just felt right as a Surname

[member="Miles Varden"]- He's been a Table Top RPG name I've used for years. I played SW Legacy and he was my favorite character to play. The name came from Assassins Creed's Desmond Miles and Varden sounds Strong to me.

Thane Drexel- Thane because MA2 and how Badass he was, Drexel was my friends suggestion

[member="Titan"] -Because he's a giant Mandalorian

[member="James Mathison"]- A random Name generator gave me this

[member="Darth Legion"] / Talos Ryga- Talos I got from one of the Gods of Skyrim that I changed to fit me. Ryga is from the Latin word Rygat which means Fear/Dread

[member="Marrik Aloxum"]- Marrik is one of my favorite names that I've always wanted to use. Aloxum sounded cool in my head.

[member="Nagate Hei"]- Nagate came from Knights of Sidonia the anime, Hei came from Darker than Black the anime.

[member="Nolan Detta"]- Nolan came from the show Defiance, the main character's name is Nolan. Detta is a Cannon Mandalorian Clan name.

[member="Cyrus Falcor"]- I just thought I a badass name that would be fun for a rogue type character.

[member="Steve"] - Because he's a Minion and that's how they roll.
When I created Chiara as a youngling, I wasn't sure what kind of path she would take. She had the potential to go either way, so when naming her, I wanted something that could simultaneously mean 'light' and 'dark'. 'Chiara' was the closest I got. If you go by the italian meaning, it translates as 'Light'. If you go by the Irish definition, the meaning is 'dark'.

I have no memory of where 'Viren' came from.

Logan Falkov

TBH, when I started with this character, I had no idea what his name could be, but I had a playby. I made a signature for him first and when I started writing the character name in it, I felt like Logan was just the best idea. Later I googled something like "Unique last names" or something along these lines and found Falkov, which was a really interesting name, so I took it.

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