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Act II The Spark of Revolution [Green Zone Open Thread]

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District 10: Pipeworld
Imperial Forces: Special Agent <REDACTED> || Call-sign: Demon
Gear: Tailored Peacekeeper Power Armor and Regulation Sidearm.

The Special Agent stood there for a few moments with clenched teeth after the droid was finished speaking. "The Droid's a force sensitive? Didn't expect that."
"Nor did I." they both stated to each other quite matter of factly in thier collective mind. With a deep breath and a heavy sigh the agent uncrossed his arm and turned to sit in a newly brought over chair. There was nothing else to do, and he would be hunted if he exposed himself. There was nothing to do but sit and listen to this droid's plan, the agent hoping the plan involved him killing someone.
. . .
For now though they merely looked around the room at who was joining them. Kyber took a mental note of a woman he recognized, although he couldn't put his finger on exactly where. The rest were unknowns. Hopefully they'd do well. After that quick run through the big guy would speak up; "What's the plan? Tell us who we eliminate." Not exactly a poet, but it was about time this force-sensitive droid (how that made any sense Kyber didn't know) shared the details of this little venture. Maybe it could shed some light on how the hell to get out of this situation and get Kyber home.

// [member="Eralam"] // [member="Lady Kay"] // [member="Thrukk Gulpdar"] // [member="Nefertari Sovint"] // [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] // [member="Ascendant"] // [member="Vinskk Revamp"] //
Eralam pulled a datapad off his belt and activated the holoprojector. It showed a 3 dimensional mugshot of a slight Zabrak woman. Her hands were encased in heavy manacles, her legs hobbled, feet shackled, and eyes blindfolded. A Force suppression collar was around her neck.

"Meet Criminal 626, known Force user and resistance sympathizer. She was captured by the Imperials last week, only to escape on her way to a maximum security prison to await execution. Her exact whereabouts are unknown, but she's suspected to be hiding somewhere in Pipeworld. She faces charges of treason, murder, possession of contraband, and has several outstanding traffic tickets for reckless driving. She's considered armed and extremely dangerous."

The Shard put away the holoprojector and leaned back in his chair. His pipe had gone out by this point, so he relit it with a spark that jumped between his index finger and thumb.

"We're not trying to eliminate her, we're trying to save her. We've been led to believe that she has extremely valuable intel that will be vital for upcoming operations. The Empire has issued a kill order, so we're going to be racing against the clock. In fifteen minutes, she's supposed to make contact. We don't have a way to keep the Empire from tracing the call, so as soon as she does, it's open season. Our plan is simple: we make our way to her, extract her to a safe house, and kill any Imperial agent that gets in our way."

Eralam pulled over two crates with the Force. The first was about a meter squared by thirty centimeters tall. Inside were several identical lightsabers, all with matte black hilts that seemed to absorb the light around them. The second was a meter tall, two meters long, and a meter wide. Inside it were several old but still functional blaster rifles.

"I can feel right off the bat that some of your are Force sensitive. That's good. You'll all get one of these nifty lightsabers, but if you don't know how to use one, keep it on your belt. The things date back to the beginning of the Resistance. The genius that put them together gave them a special ability: so long as it's on your person and not activated, it'll sort of cloak you in shadows. Won't make you invisible, but it will help you stay hidden in the gloom of the sewers. We're gonna try and make it there unseen. That said, if you think your life is in danger, don't hesitate to drop someone. This is a top priority mission, and time is of the essence. Are there any questions?"

[member="Kyber Salurra"]
[member="Darth Pikiran"]
[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
[member="Thrukk Gulpdar"]
[member="Nefertari Sovint"]
[member="Vinskk Revamp"]
[member="Solan Charr"]
District 10: Pipeworld
Imperial Forces: Special Agent <REDACTED> || Call-sign: Demon
Gear: Tailored Peacekeeper Power Armor and Regulation Sidearm.

The Demon furrowed his brow before coughing slightly to himself as the droid showed the holoprojection of the force sensitive. Special Agent K-072 hadn't been expecting to run into her so soon. When the droid spoke of the Imperials capturing her, well, that was this particular agent's field of expertise. So, it should be no surprise when I say that he was in the squad that had ended up capturing her. Lucky his orders weren't to tag & bag like they usually were, or they might not have been having this conversation right now. Her having sensitive information was probably the reason it wasn't one of those operations. That was also probably the reason he was in a squad. He probably would've tried to kill her if the normal agents didn't take charge in the operation. That was all behind the Special Agent now though- or fugitive, rather, now that he's in the same boat as the Zabrak woman.

As he wrapped up his speech and slid the crates over the fugitive stood up and made his way towards them. He took one of the matte lightsabers out and clipped it to the side of his chest-piece before moving to the other crate and helping himself to one of the blasters, looking it over briefly before magnetically holstering it on the side of his right thigh. Agent K unsealed his helmet and slid it right off his head before tucking it under his arm and taking a deep breath. The cool air felt good against his skin, something that wouldn't have even crossed his mind before. As Agent K ran a hand over his shaved head he approached the droid specifically, looking down into the droid's 'eyes' with a stern look upon his face, "I apologize for my reckless and rude behavior. I shall not express such outbursts in the future and can assure you that I will not be a detriment to this unit, sir."

|| [member="Eralam"] || [member="Lady Kay"] || [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] || [member="Vinskk Revamp"] || [member="Thrukk Gulpdar"] || [member="Nefertari Sovint"] || [member="Ascendant"] ||
Ascendant listened carefully. The first act as a Rebel was to release a criminal supposedly dangerous. Well what a warm welcome he would be getting. He looked forward to this, but he did have his own worries. He was grateful for the weaponry though he wondered which he would be best at using. He had never used a weapon such before, aside from ship based and even then it was through his ship's computers. He had never pulled the trigger.

He looked forward to the opportunity to prove his loyalty to the Rebels, he would help where he could, however that may be. He had made his decision and he would not second guess himself. He knew his place and it was here, working for he freedom of his family. He had no questions, the information was all he needed.


Mark had been running undercover for a day now. What from, he wasn't even sure. The little red floating droid hadn't told him much more, so he'd tried to not be seen by anyone. Anyone could be his emeny for all he knew. One or two people might have spotted him, but they'd always shrugged it off as nothing. He's kept his backpack and supplies close, whether this was a good idea or not had yet to be seen. Now, he needed rest. He needed a place to stop.
He found an entrance through a bunch of pipes and decided it didn't look monitored. So he threw his bag down first, then slid in behind it.
He fell down hard, landing on a metal floor. With a less than spritely landing like that one, Mark knew that he may have alerted anyone nearby. He needed a place to hide for a minute. He looked around and found a doorway leading out of his current room and into a much much larger one. He heard voices.
"Gotta hide." Came his instincts from the past day.
He hid behind a pipe near the doorway, leaning around the corner slightly to find himself looking at an astromech droid.
"Oh hello." He said. "What heavy weaponry you have for a droid."
It beeped, almost threateningly.
"Look can I just go into this next room? I don't even know what I'm doing or where I'm going anymore. I'm not gonna hurt anyone. I come in peace- or something like that. And I'm not part of whatever's controlling everyone here, the empire, that's been on so many signs."
A reluctant whistle and the droid backed off for a moment.
"What was he guarding?" Mark wondered.
He walked in to find a huge room, almost a cafeteria size, with a few people sitting near its center.
"Oh.. Maybe I shouldn't be here." Mark thought, preparing himself to run.
[member="Eralam"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] [member="Thrukk Gulpdar"] [member="Nefertari Sovint"]
The group from the club all gave their support, including the kid who was now re-energized enough to stand on his own feet.

the lady rose from meditation
"You have me as well. May the force be with us all."

Then she listened to the briefing of the mission. Zabrak could be aggressive, so this would be fun.
Two lightsabers became three on Nefertari's belt as she took one of the special ones from the crate.

Near the entrance to the room was the padawan [member="Mark Sage"]. At least, Nef hoped it was him and not some twisted imperial loyalist.

The Jedi approached the newcomer, the force-sensitive child followed behind her; having become friends with the woman.
"It is good to see you again, padawan Sage."

[member="Eralam"], [member="Ascendant"], [member="Kyber Salurra"], [member="Darth Pikiran"], [member="Lady Kay"], [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"], [member="Thrukk Gulpdar"], [member="Vinskk Revamp"], [member="Solan Charr"]​
[member="Kyber Salurra"]
[member="Darth Pikiran"]
[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
@Thrukk Gulpdar
[member="Nefertari Sovint"]
[member="Vinskk Revamp"]
[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Mark Sage"]

Thrukk’s massive fist lifted a repeating blaster from the ground. It had a reassuring weight to it, yet it still appeared a child’s plaything in his arms. Perhaps it was the connection to the other Galaxy and his Cartel mirror, but the weapon felt natural in his hands despite the fact he had never wielded such a thing.

“Alrecht let's gie tae thes!” he said with an affirmative nod.
[member="Kyber Salurra"]
[member="Darth Pikiran"]
[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
[member="Thrukk Gulpdar"]
[member="Nefertari Sovint"]
[member="Vinskk Revamp"]
[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Mark Sage"]
[member="Fifth Sister"]


He could sense her. She was close. He ran to the reassuring rhythm of Peacekeeper boots. Three whole squads ran alongside him as they made their way deeper into Pipeworld. Everything had been far too organised. The riots had proceeded the escape of Prisoner 626, an individual he had personally captured at an earlier stage in his career with the Department for Re-education. How she had resisted the emotional therapy for so long he was not sure. When they caught her he would find out.

This level of organisation suggested one thing.

She was back.

Very little appeared to ever disturb the Emperor’s calm. Yet when he had ever mentioned her name his voice trembled with rage. He had tolsd Raziel many times that she would return and that she would leave a trail of chaos in her wake. It seemed that time had arrived.

A drone floated up ahead of them. On its holographic surface it displayed an image. It was a female twi’lek shown from behind. She was running, but whatever recorded the imagery was closing on her. She turned and there was a bright light and the feed went out.

“Prisoner six two six identified crossing pipe seventy two auresh,” the drone relayed in its monotonous tone. Its surface then displayed a map showing intercept points and potential ambush locations. They would be on her in minutes.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner

Kay listened to [member="Eralam"] and walked over to the crate of lightsabers. She picked one up and clipped it to her satchel. It was a good idea to stay hidden, especially with the Peacekeepers and drones about.

"Where is the safe house located so that we know where to take her?" She wasn't sure if everyone was going together or if they were going to be split into groups. At least she had [member="Thrukk Gulpdar"] to help her to not get lost.

[member="Raziel"] [member="Vinskk Revamp"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] [member="Kyber Salurra"] [member="Ascendant"] [member="Mark Sage"] [member="Nefertari Sovint"]
[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Thrukk Gulpdar"] [member="Raziel"] [member="Vinskk Revamp"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] [member="Kyber Salurra"] [member="Ascendant"] [member="Mark Sage"] [member="Nefertari Sovint"]

A drone burst in through the door, it's holographic she'll emblazoned with the symbol of the revolution. The droid at the door summarily shut down and permitted it to pass. It hovered in the centre of the room and spoke with a distinctly feminine voice: "There is no more time for talk! They have her surrounded in an abandoned warehouse just streets from here. Follow this drone now!"

The remote would start to head back out. It would lead the rebels down past two intersection to a wide half-pipe. Here several squads of Peacekeepers were condoning off the huge, empty building, preparing to make their move.

Eralam swore violently.

"Kark it! Let's go people!"

And with that, he grabbed his own lightsaber out of the crate and unlimbered his ancient slugthrower revolver.

Shadows seemed to wrap around the ancient Shard as the lightsaber's power blossomed to life. He wasn't invisible, not exactly. It was more like the gloom of the room had decided that it wanted to cuddle.

"We won't know the exact location of the safehouse until we get close. Until then, stick with me. If anyone gets lost or separated, find a hiding spot and hang tight. If you can make your way back here, do so. If not, just keep heading up and you'll hit the surface eventually. We'll try to make contact again."

And with that, the Shard raced out the door, trusting the others to follow.

[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Thrukk Gulpdar"]
[member="Nefertari Sovint"]
[member="Mark Sage"]
[member="Kyber Salurra"]
[member="Darth Pikiran"]
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
[member="Vinskk Revamp"]
As the strange mechanical being rushed out, Nefertari grabbed Danny and put him on her back.
"Hold on back there"

The Jedi channeled the force and threw her speed into overdrive as the black lightsaber's ability activated, cloaking her in shadow as she caught up with the droid which possessed an aura of the force. Nef had heard them referred to as "Shards" but still knew very little on the subject.

Along her path was a peacekeeper, searching for members of the resistance. She wasn't under attack, and couldn't bring herself to defy the Jedi code, not this time.

The knight snuck up behind the white armored agent and put him in a sleeper hold. When the peacekeeper was out cold, she removed his helm and threw his weapon into the darkness.

Danny took a marker from his pocket and drew the symbol of the resistance on the man's forehead. Once the empire saw that, this stormtrooper equivalent was as good as dead.

They had to hurry, the fugitive wouldn't stay out of the empire's hands forever.
[member="Lady Kay"], [member="Raziel"], [member="Thrukk Gulpdar"], [member="Eralam"], [member="Mark Sage"], [member="Ascendant"], [member="Kyber Salurra"], [member="Darth Pikiran"], [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"], [member="Vinskk Revamp"]​
The others took off and Mark decided to follow suite. It wasn't like he had anything better to do. He dodged and jumped over and under pipes, sprinting as fast as he could. He caught up to Master Sovint after a moment, whom he'd meant to talk to when he'd spotted her earlier.
"Thank the force, a familiar face. How'd you end up here Master Sovint? I didn't know anyone else knew about the portal."
[member="Nefertari Sovint"]
District 10: Pipeworld
Imperial Forces: Special Agent <REDACTED> || Call-sign: Demon
Gear: Tailored Peacekeeper Power Armor and Regulation Sidearm.

Kyber smiled wide. It was his turn. "Rest easy big guy, running and climbing is my thing." he said to the agent in their collective mind. Suddenly the man who was once grim and menacing grew a smirk on his face before resealing his helmet. Kyber turned on his heel and sprinted behind Eralam after he'd started charging forward. Not realizing how fast this body was, especially when paired with the power armor, Kyber was in for a surprise when he almost slammed himself into the wall. "You said you were good at this." "Now he thinks he's funny." A short exchange in their mind, but enough time for Kyber to sidestep to the right and get on track out the door once again. He was loving this newfound speed and power, almost sprinting faster than his own body. His speed was an ally, now it was time to test his power.

As they were nearing the building Kyber didn't even try to take out his blaster, he just sprinted towards the group of peacekeepers. By the time they turned around it was too late. Kyber shoulder checked one before bringing his body around and whacking the other with the back of his hand as he swung it at full extension. The last one was able to bring his blaster up, but Kyber hit the blaster directly back with the palm of his hand into the man's chest, knocking the wind out of him. Kyber had made it seem as if he was a mighty bear fighting mere trout as he took out the three men in blinding speed. This illusion of ferocity lasted only so long though, the other squads catching on quickly and opening fire. A few blasters bounced off the armor's shielding before Kyber could dive behind cover, the heat dissipating on him making him more than a bit uncomfortable. He demagnetized his own ancient blaster and prepared himself for a firefight, the other guy staying unusually quiet as the action unfolded...

Kyber looked back at the others, glad they were with him he smiled underneath his helmet as he knew this fight would be a brief one. He'd done his part, time to see what the others were capable of.

// [member="Eralam"] // [member="Nefertari Sovint"] // [member="Mark Sage"] // [member="Lady Kay"] // [member="Thrukk Gulpdar"] // [member="Raziel"] // [member="Ascendant"] // [member="Vinskk Revamp"] //
A force user, with a killer order... He understood now. If he didn't help.. Then he would inevitably be hunted.

Nope, that wasn't happening.

[member="Lady Kay"] expressing her desire to help made the decision from there if he was unsure at all after that. The Jedi Master would nod once he had finished the briefing, before stepping forward and taking a lightsaber from the crate. He would go and retrieve his own two lightsabers later... For now, they had work to do. Even if this was not their way home, then at the very least, this would be his best chance for survival.

"Count me in" The blonde spoke flatly, looking the "leader" in the eyes. And just like that, a droid would bust in. They were running out of time... They had to act now, or their mission would be a failure.

This was his cause now. The only way to survive... And to possibly escape this world. But.. At the same time, his goal as a Jedi was to make things better. To bring peace. This was peace, sure... But not the peace that anyone could want. No... This was no peace. This was still chaos. This was tyranny.

"Kay, let's go" He spoke toward her as he would let go of her hand, and rush after this new "leader" of the revolution.

Raziel Vinskk Revamp Kyber Salurra Ascendant Mark Sage Nefertari Sovint


Sphaera Tea Company Owner

The feeling of urgency filled the room as soon as one of the [member="Infected Drones"] gave it's message and left. Everyone knew what to do. They just had to do it.

Kay wasn't much of a fighter, but she followed along anyways. She had been taught a few things and could probably handle herself somewhat. But the Peacekeepers had had a fair amount more training than she had.

She brought out her small blaster from her satchel, made sure that it was set to stun and held it with one hand while the other unhooked the lightsaber and ignited it so that she too could hide among the shadows.

Kay snuck over to one of the adjacent warehouses and peered around the corner, watching as some of the Peacekeepers were already being taken out. As they were all busy, she took a couple of pot shots at them and then took cover.

At least there were others that knew how to fight better than she did, such as: [member="Eralam"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] [member="Thrukk Gulpdar"] [member="Vinskk Revamp"] [member="Kyber Salurra"] [member="Raziel"] [member="Nefertari Sovint"] [member="Mark Sage"] [member="Ascendant"]
Time was running out.

The tunnels were flooding with Peacekeepers, and it was only a matter of time before they got to 626 if they didn't hurry.

So far, everything was going as well as expected. [member="Kyber Salurra"] had managed to divert a fair few, but he was more or less on his own. There wasn't much the Shard could do for him, at least not physically. He hardened and shaped his will into a blade and gave it form with the Force. The construct slammed into one of the squads that was trying to encircle him. Where once seven whole troopers had stood, 14 halves made their way to the ground in a shower of blood. There was no time for subtlety or mercy. Hopefully the talented young fighter would be able to use the hole to his advantage. If not, well, the rest of them had bigger fish to fry.

Right on schedule, 626 pinged her location. She was less than 100 meters away, but here in the maze of pipes, that might as well have been a light year. Eralam tried to reach out with his mind to detect her, but he had always been bad at picking up individual organics.

He led the group around a corner, where no Peacekeepers lurked, and turned to address the group.

"Can any of you feel minds with the Force? I can't, and time is of the essence. Our target should be about 100 meters thataway-" he pointed off to the right "but I can't get a good read on her. Look for a powerful Force user, one with a presence that's mostly Light. First person to get a read leads the way, the rest of us provide cover."

[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
[member="Mark Sage"]
[member="Nefertari Sovint"]
[member="Thrukk Gulpdar"]

Ascendant watched the small drone coming in. He wondered to himself where it had been a few hours ago. He had been looking for one to try and find these people. It was good to see that they had existed and that he had not been fooled by some legend. He turned his attention to the message. Their quarry was already on the verge of being captured. Well that made things interesting.

He moved to a blaster, taking it gently from the pile. Wondering what it would feel like to pull the trigger and whether or not he should take a lightsaber. He had experience in neither and decided that it was best to go with the one that did not have the higher potential of destroying him. He had certain areas in his mind that had limited knowledge on blade work and marksmanship, but he had never accessed it and did not even realize they existed.

He too was not well know for fighting, but he had little choice, he had to help. Even so, he decided as he followed the group to access the HoloNet and try to get in touch with his ships. He found nothing of them, but did feel another presence, this one very different yet somehow similar to himself. He wondered what it could be, he left part of his mind there and the rest was focused onto the incoming fight.

[member="Mark Sage"] [member="Nefertari Sovint"] [member="Eralam"] [member="Infected Drones"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Thrukk Gulpdar"] [member="Kyber Salurra"]
The repeater spat forth a stream of bolts. The deadly red pulses lashes across the wall of the pipe and kept the advancing squad in cover. Thrukk wasn't an outstanding shot, but at this distance with the tripod on a large crate he didn't need to be.

Something white flashed out of the corner of his eye. He turned too slowly as the blue stun ring hot him square in the chest and dropped him to one knee. The Peacekeeper cautiously closed on the massive Houk.

In one smooth motion Thrukk came back to his feet. A thickly muscles arm snapped out and he grasped the soldier by his neck. "Shouldae dun it twice," he growled. Arms used to swinging hammers flexed and threw the trooper to the wall like a doll. Taking up his repeater once more, Thrukk found the other squad had started to advance. They were mown down with reckless abandon for their mistake.
[member="Mark Sage"] was a good sight to see, but something didn't add up.
"What portal? I nodded off on Ossus and next thing I know, I wake up on Chandrila in a galaxy where I am a long dead princess of the empire which never fell as it should have." she told him as they moved along

The mech in charge led them around a corner.
"Can any of you feel minds with the Force? I can't, and time is of the essence. Our target should be about 100 meters thataway-" [member="Eralam"] pointed off to his right "but I can't get a good read on her. Look for a powerful Force user, one with a presence that's mostly Light. First person to get a read leads the way, the rest of us provide cover."

"I shall do my best" Nefertari said, closing her eyes and letting her feelings take control.

About two minutes later, the knight spoke again

"The good news is I know she is in a large warehouse on the surface. The bad news is I cannot pinpoint her location. There is a squad of about thirty peacekeepers surrounding the outside. A group of specialists is on its' way to enter and look for her. Twenty meteres down this pipe, there is an intersection. The three pipes, other than this one, which connect to it all lead to the surface; one of them should put us inside the warehouse without the empire noticing. After that, we simply have to find Miss 626 and escape with her."

Nefertari looked to the rest of the group as if to silently ask what they thought.

[member="Lady Kay"], [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"], [member="Thrukk Gulpdar"], [member="Ascendant"], [member="Infected Drones"], [member="Kyber Salurra"]​
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