Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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All That's Far From Us [Primeval Dominion of Belkadan]

The Admiralty
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Objective: Breach the listening post, and retrieve data.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Allies: [member="Setzi Lunelle"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Others: [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] | [member="Token Waters"] | [member="Kuryr"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]The Underlord walked out of the room, following Anja’s lead while listening further to the feed of information in his earpiece. His own men were ready to attack Kuryr’s flank and were waiting on orders from Khal to commence the assault, he looked over the field of battle - felt the blasts of lasers raging into the listening post and could only sigh.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“Now.” he would say over the comm, before walking into the fray of battle.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Kinetic energy ripping away from him as he waved his hands, slapping pirates away without any other weapon than the Force itself.[/SIZE]


Of all the gods only death does not desire gifts.
Objective: Strong Vong is Strong
Allies: [member="Auswyn Nothrael"] | [member="Mard Szaks"] | [member="Nickolas Imura"]

A small nod of appreciation was all the response he offered to his hasty introduction, and then the pair of them was off, breezing down the glassy, reflective floors at a brisk pace. With a companion of Mard's size and… girth, Ork abandoned all hope of a stealthy approach, opting to go all out instead.

There was a time for surreptitious action, and then there was a time for a more overt entrance, and it was becoming clear that he would be forced to go with the latter — even though it wasn't his preferred method of tackling problems — simply because of the man he had found himself with.

And that was fine.

He could feel the shadow of Balagoth walking with them as they burrowed ever deeper into the Vong structure, its walls pulsing with ancient life as the building itself followed their movements with a close eye. Er… 'eye'.

If it weren't for his dual nature, the anzat's Force-seeking sense would have been dulled and confused inside the shipyards, but the priest had learned to work with — and sometimes around — the odd gaps in the other, navigating the sea of thought and memory with intuition and skill born of millennia of experience.

It was this knowledge that aided him as the pair of them finally stepped out of the writhing hallways and into a larger, spacious chamber with countless pods and protrusions hanging from the walls. The domed ceiling was so far that even Orkamaat's inhuman eyesight couldn't make it out in the green darkness swirling far above.

"Well, now… this is something," the rangy man murmured more to himself than to his companion, fiery eyes taking in every detail of the magnificent shipwomb.

Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
Objective: Breach the listening post, and retrieve data. Fight pirates.
Others: [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"] [member="Token Waters"] [member="Kuryr"]
Post: 11/20

Using the basic Shii-Cho form and wielding her blue lightsaber with one hand, Setzi rushed two pirates and felled them with a couple of slashes from her blade. Then she used a Force Push to blast the other two pirates back into the jungle. After being flung into the jungle trees, she noticed they retreated presumably to lick their wounds. The padawan never quite felt powerful as a Jedi before but seeing these blood-thirsty pirates turn tail and run made her swell with a sense of accomplishment. This was proof that she was learning and advancing. Even if she wasn't technically a Jedi.

She heard blaster fire behind her and spun around her blade held high to deflect the staccato bolts which had been aimed at her head. She could feel the vibrations of the blaster fire on her blade and steadied every muscle in her body so she wouldn’t topple over with the force of the attack. Just when she had blocked the bolts, she heard the hum of a vibroblade behind her and whirled around just in time to swing her saber at another pirate.
Location: Listening Post.

Anja made her way through the corridor and near the exit, her guard equipped with the special alloy armour continued his rather dangerous counter-offensive that caught the pirates off guard. The moment she made her way to to where she entered early, a large blast of laser fire smashed into the wall only a few meters from her position. The shockwave nearly sent her back and debris cut into her exposed skin, red blood trickling down her arm and cheek.

Her companion saw this and rushed back to Anja's position, a well-placed shot hit the rear of his torso armour but didn't penetrate; the signs of damage were there and the alloy had slowly deteriorated.

"Your Worship, we can't stay here long!" He shouted over the sound of blaster fire, trying to hunker down.

Anja ducked behind cover with him, her eyes searched the battlefield for any signs of a leader. "Prepare for a strike," she spoke softly and concentrated dark tendrils of magick into her hand.

[member="Khaleel Malvern"] | [member="Setzi Lunelle"] | [member="Kuryr"]
Location: Shipyards
Objective: explore and secure
Allies: Primeval
Enemies: Anyone else
It wasn't easy being a mercenary, especially one like Caine. It wasn't exactly a profession for him, more like a means of exploring through which he could sustain himself. He could have worked as a smuggler or an explorer, but there was something about the heat of combat that distracted him from his true purpose. Maybe it was the adrenaline rush, giving him a sort of "out of body" experience. All he knew was that it was better than sitting alone with his thoughts. Pretty much anything was better than that.

He was moving through the shipyard slowly, keeping on high alert with his scattergun at hand. He'd never bothered to pick a better weapon than the primitive, shotgun-like blaster. It had belonged to the slaver he killed, and it got him through a month of isolation in Tatooine's Dune Sea. It had....sentimental value. Even so, it was cheap and easy to maintain, and he wasn't exactly swimming in money. He could scrape enough together for food and fuel , but other than that he was penniless. Jobs like this were what kept him fed, so he appreciated the work.

As he walked, he marveled at the Vong shipyards. He had never heard of the Vong before the mission, at least not that he remembered. He didn't really have a clue about what he was looking for or who he would be fighting, but he imagined he could figure it out fast enough. If he guessed wrong and shot someone from the Primeval, he didn't think the consequences would be that bad. Better safe than sorry, that was his motto.

So far he had been lucky. There was nothing to be found outside of the ships, but he knew he wasn't alone. He couldn't hear any footsteps or smell any foreign odor, but there seemed to be some tension in the air, something left unsaid that indicated the presence of another being. He shifted his scattergun up just a fraction of an inch, a precaution that had saved his life multiple times. Not seeing anything outside the ships, he decided to see if he could take a look inside the nearest one.
Location: Listening Post
Objective: Kill the intruders.
Enemies: [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] [member="Setzi Lunelle"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"] [member="Token Waters"]


The men around him were dying much faster than expected. His pirates were getting savaged by the few people that were inside of the post. He felt several strong force signatures inside and he realized for the first time that he may have committed to this fight too early. He should have bombarded the post from space and then swept up the resistance with a broom, but that was in the past all he could do now was press forward and enjoy the violence. He saw one of the rabble from inside move out and release a shrill scream that decimated a large portion of his front rank of pirates. He didn't waste any time with subtlety, he raised his pistol and fired off three acid filled slugs at the body before advancing on her. His left hand moved to the shock whip at his side. The cord unspooled from the handle with a touch of a button and the crackle of electricity quickly wrapped itself around the long thin cord.

He would have to deal with each target quickly or he was in danger of becoming overwhelmed by more powerful opponents. He wasn't sure how long his pirates would stall the others, but this first fight needed to end fast. Maybe if he was lucky he would salvage this day by taking a few new slaves.
Objective: Eliminate poachers of redcrested cougar
Location: In the jungle near the listening post
Allies: [member="Perla Pirjo"] [member="Boo Chiyo"] [member="Inger Strömfire"]
Post: 6/20

Theseus gladly kept back a little distance. As in one hand he held the blast pistol. In the other hand he pulled out his meditation rocks and began to lift them in the air and spin them in a circle. To help him focus, as well as they'd come to be a useful secondary weapon. As the circular motion could be rapidly increased and he could then use the momentum to fling them at enemies and call them back into the circle. Though Theseus had a more sadistic plan in his mind. As Theseus was going to turn allies against each other. That should cause a great deal of panic and confusion. As Theseus stretched out and began hunting down consciousnesses to posses. Some were more weak, while others were more formidable. For now Theseus stuck with the weak willed. As he could crush there minds and use that to turn them into his personal weapons. That was best displayed as how a task force of about 15 men. Five who carried vibroswords, and ten who carried blaster rifles. Ran over to where Theseus was hidden amongst the trees. Three men he was struggling to control, and the rest he had planted a few good sets of lies into there minds. That his power over them was that of a constrictor. The more they fought the tighter he curled around them.

Theseus would keep these fifteen men, and when one died he'd replace them. Until Either he was ready to face stronger willed poachers, or a larger amount of them. Theseus then walked out of the density of the jungle trees and into the clearing the poachers he had made for camp. This was going to be Theseus first attempt of being a leader in war. Theseus had always showed that he could be tactical, and that he could lead men outside of battle. Though this was a skill Theseus intended to now implement in the face of combat.

He chose fifteen as a magical number as those who can prove to lead few, can then be trusted to lead many. So Theseus decided that with only five melee suited units he'd set them up for strike and vanish tactics. They wouldn't last long engaging in a large scale fight amongst well armed opponents. As for his blaster squadron of ten men. The tactic involved having three around himself. One protecting his front and two along his sides. While the other eight he had seek out strong cover, and provide covering fire. As the small group was fighting a decently fought match. After all they had three sith in the battle, which provided a most challenging target for the majority of the free willed poachers. As man who enjoyed blowing things up and shedding blood everywhere. So, Theseus wasn't overly concerned about his men facing much resistance themselves. As long as they stayed where Theseus instructed them to stay, and fought the manner in which Theseus desired them to.

Theseus himself on a combat aspect, had found a good place to set up him, and the three men who were beside him. As Theseus called upon the force to focus his shots. So he could use the blaster pistol at longer ranges. As well as have increased accuracy with it. He also used the fact he had enslaved the minds of the men who fought for him. To boost their confidence, and strengthen there minds. He needed soldiers, not hunters and that is what he designed them to be. Theseus also telepathically reached out to his master. ~I have a small force in my control, only about fifteen men. Three are stationed around me, and the rest are scattered. If they are killing poachers, they're under my control.~ Theseus informed her. He then began to fire at the foreheads of the poachers. As well as used his rocks as homing projectiles to seek out enemies and take them down. He searched about and noticed something odd. There appeared to be a heavily armed man leaving one of the tents, and began to rally the poachers, turning them into a more organized group. Theseus knew later in the battle that man would need dealt with.

Auswyn Nothrael

Objective: Strong Vong is Strong
Allies: [member="Orkamaat"] | [member="Mard Szaks"] | [member="Nickolas Imura"]

On her way to join up with the Anzat - a few bottles of wine in tow - she had elected to do a little sightseeing. That is, slow-paced and studious, remembering details. Useful if she had to go back the way she came. Not so useful if the the way changed, which they were wont to do, given how they pulsed and writhed, provoking thoughts of the rhythm of mating and the quickening of the result.

Unsurprising that she made these parallels, but she would find herself much too far behind if she didn’t get a move on, and so she left her perverse ponderings behind after a short while to resume chasing after he whom she had been meaning to meet with ever since he had expressed an interest in meeting with her. Something about religion - hook, line, and sinker that had her interest, and who better to inform her than a priest of the local spiritual currents? Would it jive with the old gods? Whatever it did, it would give her and [member="Loxa Visl"] much to discuss. Religion was, after all, the greatest commonality between her and her master, unusual as their pairing was. Unlike her former master, Loxa was not bound to be swayed by family.

Eventually, the former Morossian devotee had traveled the gurgling corridors and met up with the Anzat priest as he entered the shipwomb; she barely spared much more than a glance for the other two in his company. It was not them she came to meet. Her green eyes went to the walls with their pods and protrusions, marveling as Orkamaat did.

“It is
something,” she said aloud, not just for herself, “though what that something is…”

She had never seen anything of the like.
It’s just tequila and the beach
Location: Listening Post
Objective: Murder Pirates.

She looked up. Right, there were pirates down. She grinned, and for Token Waters? That was a dark grin. She was enjoying this, she was letting her inner Nightsister come out. Her witchy training was working but she was balancing the fence. Or so she thought. She was still pretty when it was all over.

Her reaction time wasn’t as good as it should be and her armor did get hit with one of those acid slugs, The Force clicked in and the second one hit her armor on a deflection path but her bubble went up for the third one. Blonde witch’s brown eyes were all hellfire as she turned to the pirate.

She could feel the lightning coursing over her skin. Now was the time to get witchy.

Unless [member="Khaleel Malvern"] was looking to solo the pirate.
Objective: Kill poachers of redcrested cougars
Location: In the jungle nearby the Listening Post
Allies: Theseus Reneun Boo Chiyo Perla Pirjo

As if her warrior inside took a hold but something else inside of her took over. Even as her own knew not to let none come out of this a live. It wasn't as if she couldn't have fun with those that tried to run away. Even this she took on a twist sicken curve to her lips. Just what could this beauty be up to. That was about to be seen. As if she could feel the rage coming from the cages.

Even she knew that it was well place, but would the creature understand friend and foe. This bring up another of her twist since, it was time to find out wasn't it. It wasn't as if she wanted to kill or have something bad happen to those that she found as her new allies in this twisted galaxy. Her own swiftness. Now even more of her speed with the aid of the force. It was only then that she help to became more now of choas. After all creature would be able to smell fear.

It was then that with the force itself she let the lever go releasing the Ranco, this brought a smirk to her own face. After that one by one the cages got released. Even then after words she would just stand and watch until.....

Just what was it about this cage then there was a little whinny. After which time she let herself go into the dark cage. Showing the fear of none which most wouldn't. There in the very far part of the cage, there was yellow glowing eyes. As she got closer there was a small growl. It was then that let the force flow from her to call to the little creature. It was small it was alone. It was just a small kitten like create. Guessing that they had killed its mommy for sport or it would been there to protect the little one.

This rage her more as she got the little one in her arm going out to go full rage upon on the running around some getting taken down by creature and other by her own other force users.


She of the Trillion Thorns
Location: Listening Post
Objective: Outflank the Pirates.
Allies: [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] [member="Setzi Lunelle"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"] [member="Token Waters"]

Peeling down through the atmosphere and over the landscape, a drop-ship carrying a small retinue of Morossi Crusaders buzzed across horizon. Though it was a small group it consisted of trained warriors once known as the great Swords of Kalee and Shields of Salee. They had been feared and revered during the glory days of the Crusade and now? Well, now their missions were far different. The Morossi people, though many still loyally devout to the cause, had been scattered across the eddies of space after the Reaping. Some clung to the old home territories of Moross - Exocron was still the best place to find them if you had the need. Some took up homestead within Fringe space, and others still had dispersed across the stars. Faithful Priests setting up small churches and shrines, herding their followers like lambs.

Then there were those like Loxa - a once highly respected Steward second only to the Hands of the Aesirs, seeking out their destinies among new stars. Finding their old Gods within the faces of the new. The Primeval had absorbed a fair amount of Crusaders with their religion, many of whom had followed Loxa here in hopes of a new kind of purpose.

Loxa watched their destination grow on the horizon through a viewport of her shuttle. Did she believe in these new Gods of the Primeval? That was a question that did not lack its complexities to answer, but she would not deny the fact that the strength of their beliefs had drawn her in.

"Priestess Visl, we are approaching the outer flank of the Pirate forces. Ready to drop on your command."

She wasn't a commander. Never had been. Not even in her tenure as a Steward had Loxa excelled at leading and directing troops. But what was she to do when these faithful Crusaders had approached her in hopes of maintaining their purpose, even if it meant downsizing considerably. They had all fought for and defended a living God at one point; now they found themselves hanging on the whim of a has-been. It was her own unyielding devotion to the Aesirs that brought them to her, now if only she could figure out how to utilize their fervor. The Priestess nodded and moved into position.

"We're taking fire, we'll have to make this quick!" shouted their pilot as the ship shuddered and bucked.

The side door panel slid open to a hailing of bolt fire, ground looming ominously twenty feet below.

Loxa waited for a lull in the barrage before stepping forward, "
Salee protect you, Kalee guide your blade and may these heathens know the fury of Ithari by this day."

One by one they dropped like stones, falling into position at the backside of this throng of Pirates.

Inform the Host Lord that we have arrived."


Well-Known Member
Stepping close to the man, who thanks to blood loss blacked out, Damien reached down and placed a hand on his hacked limb. The bone was exposed, and what he sought after all. Better to be close to your objective than further away.

Today, after having done much in the way of metallurgical procedures and now a few biological, he would attempt to combine the two. Understanding the way the molecular structure of metals, and now the way the body was, he would seek to force the molecules to tighten and thicken themselves. The end result, if successful would be a bone that was as hard as steel.

Maybe one day he would attempt to make a bone as hard as Beskar. Who knows. But for today, it was just a dense hardening he sought, not lightsaber resistance.

Reaching into his chest plate, Damien drew forth the Talisman of Concentration that hung from his neck which was hidden beneath. As well on his right hand sat the other Talisman, and both would aid him in turning this man into a monster.
Objective: Kill poachers of redcrested cougars
Location: In the jungle nearby the Listening Post
Allies: [member="Theseus Reneun"] [member="Boo Chiyo"] [member="Inger Strömfire"]
Post: 12/20

In the ensuing fray, Perla lost track of Theseus, but as she did with Xana, her rancor, tried to establish a Force bond with him, so she could make sure that if he ran into too much trouble, she'd feel it. It required great concentration needed to focus on both enemies and on the environment around them, so she wouldn't fault her apprentice if he was unable to make the connection back.

After extracting her chain-sickle from the pirate corpse with a grunt, she threw back another handful of poachers with a Force Push and found the entrance to the makeshift camp. Inside the camp, the men were much less well armed. The first two she encountered, she sliced clean through with the chain-sickle. The next she choked with the Force until he crumpled to the ground. The other two noticed in her periphery view had spied the carnage and ran out of the back of the building.

There were pungent animal smells nearby, so Perla made her way to the next room and sure enough, there were three cages with redcrested cougars. The Dathomir exile could sense their fear, so with slow, feline movements, she went over to the first enclosure and inspected the lock. She wanted to let two of the beasts out and keep the final one for benevolent study, but Perla knew this needed to be done when the fighting had ended and they would be safe to escape into the jungle.


Well-Known Member
Gripping the limb that he had held almost lovingly a moment before, Damien reached out to the Force. Calling on the Dark Side, he bolstered his reserves and connection. Closing his eyes Damien began to work.

First he sent 'feelers' out to sense the structure of the bone and the way it set. He had dig down to the molecular level, thankfully he was adept with Art of the Small. Soon enough he could feel all of the minor cells that made up the off white piece of calcium.

Grabbing at one in a sure to be painful process, Damien brought it closer to his senses until he felt he was looking down at it through a microscope. It was an irregular thing, seeming to Damien that it was indeed possible he got a sickened man for his test without realizing it.

Letting go of the cell, he didn't move away from it. Instead he began to channel energy into the thing. Watching as it thickened, growing denser all the while also spreading the same effect to the other molecules.
The Admiralty
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Objective: Breach the listening post, and retrieve data.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px][member="Setzi Lunelle"] | [member="Loxa Visl"] | [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] | [member="Token Waters"] | [member="Kuryr"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]If Khaleel was anything, it was pragmatic towards about every opportunity that could be presented at any particular time, so when Loxa suddenly appeared with her own squad of hard-bitten warriors and started to attack the pirates? Well, he was only help to achieve some extra help with the slaughtering ground.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Kinetic energy kept lashing out from him, a blast here, a pull there and twists everywhere. Broken bodies scattered away from him as they were making short work of the opposition, but this all wasn’t without its own costs.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]A blaster bolt hit him in the side, the Primeval steel dissipating the energy, but kinetic force wasn’t as easily removed and it hurt like a fether. Khal would punch his way through the ranks to regroup with the Crusade, to get some unity and intel going.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Only way they could win this was if they worked together.[/SIZE]


She of the Trillion Thorns
Location: Listening Post
Objective: Outflank the Pirates.
Allies: [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] [member="Setzi Lunelle"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"] [member="Token Waters"]

Pirates! A formidable opponent seen by the likes of the Crusade many a battle before. Loxa recalled their below-the-belt tactics and keen bite. Some groups were more well-coordinated than others and judging by the ferocity of the growing battle this was likely to be one of those few. With little cover to take from the oncoming fire the Priestess watched her Crusaders filter out across the open fields in small groups. Their past experience with these heathens placed them well on point. They knew not to let the Pirates scatter - taking out sideline stragglers as they encroached upon the enemy line.

Loxa, wearing no more protection than what the cloth of her robes offered, moved in behind an armored group of Shield Warriors.

Blaster fire pinged off their metal gleam, growing louder as they closed the distance. A few more yards -


"Hold!" Loxa called, watching an arch of Force energy lash through the enemy numbers, clearing a momentary gap and sending bodies flying. There was a Force Master afoot, no mistaking that sort of signature. They were getting closer. Loxa watched another wave blast by before urging her group forward and into the fray. Phrik staff gripped in her right hand she calmly walked in behind them to engage with the Pirates.

The woman became a whirl of white, gold, red, black, brown - the glimmer of her staff interjected by the spray of blood as the end connected with a man's face before swinging around to block incoming blaster fire. Next it plunged into the gut of an unarmored alien before being pulled back into a holding position. Loxa turned at the cry of one of her Warriors to find him accosted by three. She reached out with her free hand, ensnaring the one holding his arms and lifted him bodily from the ground. The shock alone of the ground suddenly giving way was enough to coerce a release from him and with a heaving motion the Priestess flung him into another oncoming group before turning to artfully lash her staff at the second, sending the Pirate flying with a blow empowered by the Force.

The warrior managed to wrangle the last, stealing his blaster and placing one bolt into his enemy's temple.

"Priestess..." the man wheezed, his shaking hand hovering over the white and red of his splintered femur jutting out through a gap in his armor, enough blood to sate the thirst of Ithari. He was fading and far too fast to change his fate.

Loxa withdrew her lightsaber and ignited the golden blade, her own eyes quickly scouring the horde of enemies and allies battling around her.

"Namaste, Warrior, Inari guide you to the Great Hall-" the blade sizzled and with a single slice sent him on his way.
The Admiralty
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Objective: Breach the listening post, and retrieve data.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Allies: [member="Setzi Lunelle"] | [member="Loxa Visl"] | [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] | [member="Token Waters"] | [member="Kuryr"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]There were Force Masters who could raze buildings to the ground, who could chuck asteroids like it ain’t anyone’s business, there were those that could mentalize an entire army or make planets disappear with the flick of a wrist, some could create artifacts of destruction or resurrect someone from the death.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Khaleel Malvern couldn’t do any of the later, and was slowly training himself in the former two, it would still be a long time before he ever became as proficient as Shorn and Siobhan in the arts of throwing shet around with your mind - but he was going places. Especially because all of his training was combat-orientated, which gave him a good boost when it came to things like motivation. Ain’t a thing like an army charging at ya for extra boosts towards your rational to be as good as you could be.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]The Morossi Warriors knew their stuff though, they were organized, battle-hardened and weren’t afraid to die in the pursuit of battle, he broke through the fight and entered a lull in combat. A woman crouching in front of one of her own, she whispered - too soft for him to make it out in the battle, but then she lashed out with her knife and killed him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Mercy kill?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Khal didn’t have time to contemplate it, he was far too busy lashing out with his hand and wrapping the Force around two pirates that were about to cleave through Loxa while she was still busy with the warrior. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]One got his throat crushed and was dropped aside, the other was held in a firm grip as the Underlord approached.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“You alright?” he would shout over the cries of battle.[/SIZE]

The Host Lord only had one guard with her and a vibroblade sheathed at her side. Some would consider the lack of an army to be poor judgement and indeed she was surprised, even caught off guard, at the sudden arrival of pirate reinforcements. Usually such 'organizations' lack the manpower to do what was being done today. Anja's companion used the barricade as cover as he continued to fire into the pirate mob that had formed against their position.

Suddenly a wave of warriors emerged from the jungle and began charging into the fray.

The guard looked up to the witch, "Reinforcements, Your Worship!"

Anja rose to her feet, peering outward from their position and studying the armour, weapons, and symbolism of these reinforcements. The swish of blaster fire came her way, two bolts missed her completely and the third hit the woman in the shoulder, melting through the steely plate and boiling several layers of skin before dissipating completely. She reached with her opposite hand instinctively to grab the fresh wound, the nerves in her shoulder stung violently in a throbbing pain and the pressure placed on its surface cycled from cold to hot as the body tried to figure out the difference in this temperature extreme. It only took her a few seconds to process the damage that had been done, pulling her hand away some of the browned skin peeled off as it stuck to her sweaty palm.

Walking towards the battle below, Anja descended the steps from the listening post, drawing her vibroblade and approaching the remaining pirates that were now locked in a close battle. Much to her warrior-companion's disbelief they didn't seem to be attacking her or even noticing her as she slashed at them left and right, the still-warm bodies lying on the ground either dead or dying. After three pirates had fallen to her one finally noticed the approaching witch and charged her with a sullen cry for his fallen compatriot. The rushing pirate lashed out with his plasma torch, Anja's unarmed hand reached out to grab his wrist as her vibroblade slashed up to disarm him. Her opponent screamed in misery as flesh and bone separated along either side of the thin, vibrating sword.

[member="Khaleel Malvern"] | [member="Loxa Visl"] | [member="Kuryr"] | [member="Setzi Lunelle"]
Objective 2: Strong Vong is Strong
Location: Forest outside the Shipyards
Allies: @Orkamaat | [member="Mard Szaks"] | [member="Nickolas Imura"] | [member="Auswyn Nothrael"] | [member="Mishk"] (if you would like :p)

Zambrano the Hutt had always been fascinated by the biological. This was as clear to anyone who observed the serpents behaviors, as it was clear that the stars produced light. This is what earned his love of the Yuuzhan Vong and their chosen "technology". He had been to Sernpidal and witnessed the majesty of their shipyards, and was thus highly enthused to see another world claimed by the holy infestation of biots on a vast planetary scale. So enthused by its beauty, he came here to conquer it like so many other worlds, like Wayland.

Wayland had been glorious. Hundreds and hundreds of bodies were rendered into tiny fleshy bits, burned, and frozen. The brilliance of warfare was glorious, but nothing at all to quench his fascination with the flesh. Nothing was more attractive to him in the universe. Thus, the hovering slug in his Throne of Bodies, along with at least one of his small companions, approached the massive structure of alien skin and bone and blood.

"Beautiful..." His mouth whispered as he came closer and closer to an entrance into the thing, not even worried in the slightest to the "abominations" that awaited inside. Totally unaware of the other Primeval followers exploring the inside, the horrors that resided here.

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