Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Allegiance: SJC invasion of Bryn'adûl held Nar Chunna, Nar Kreeta, Cyborrea and Klantooine

Ostak Cl'mana

OBJECTIVE: Platitudes and Decisive Action
OBJECTIVE (TACHAEL-VEMNAK): Eliminate Warlord Amok-Tu
LOCATION: Nar Kreeta, Super-Construct, Near Warlock Dome
EQUIPMENT: Ceremonial fireproof Shaman robes
ALLIES: BYRN | In proximity of Sethrak Sethrak | Open to interaction
HOSTILES: SJC | Open to engagement

"Ostak. I sense a disturbance regarding our new allies. Are you aware of the cause?" [/div]

As it seemed, the Warlock was not aware.
For a fraction of a second, Ostak considered telling him about Warlord Amok-Tu's meddling. However, he knew that complete honesty in this story would threaten his ruse. After all, why else would a Draelvasier seek to travel to a heretic's location than to kill them?

With this in mind, Ostak introduced a partial truth.

"Yes, to an extent." replied Ostak. "The grievances of the Akhenaton and the Vaydralen have erupted into active violence after a member of the former severely wounded the latter. There are rumors that Warlord Amok-Tu is complicit, egging them on. Perhaps I will ask him about such speculation myself once I meet with him. I do hope the rumors are false."

Just as Ostak concluded, the duo arrived at the large War-Beast Chambers, containing thousands of beasts of war, but more importantly for his ruse, their biological logs. The Shaman-Overseer slipped into the chambers and made his way to the standard-issue storage facility in the outer walls. It, along with the majority of the War-Beast Chambers, had been spared from the asteroid strikes. Within the box-shaped steel structure was several dozen rows containing ten to thirty stone tablets, each one containing the biological information of a certain group of beasts. No secretary stood at the desk separating Ostak and the rows, presumably off to rally their own beasts. It made it that much easier for Ostak to grab one of the rearmost tablets, containing a report on the offensive range of a dozen Obaliscs.

However, such content was ultimately irrelevant. All that mattered to the Shaman-Overseer was that he quickly obtained his "information" and then rushed to the rails so he could eliminate Warlord Amok-Tu before his impurity spread any further. A good commander's influence could be described as a purifying touch, bringing out the best in their subordinates and encouraging a spirit of cormadery as they fought to the death together. However, Warlord Amok-Tu was more like the originator of a virus, its ugly tentacles promoting fear and paranoia wherever they traveled. Argue as they may about the viability of the covenant, surely the conservatives of the Overseer Council understood what a danger the Warlord was to stability in his system.

However, Ostak had a feeling that there were other motives at play in the secretive Council of Overseers.

"Warlord Sethrak, I have my data." exclaimed Ostak as he exited the Chambers, tablet tucked into his right elbow. "Show me the rest of the way."

Krarolk T'manu

OBJECTIVE: For Soot and Soil
LOCATION: Nar Kreeta, Super-Construct,
EQUIPMENT: In Signature
UNITS: Zealot Elite Squad
ALLIES: Byrn | Open to interaction
HOSTILES: SJC | Anti-Terrarium (Intent to engage Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr / Brooke Waters Brooke Waters / Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor / Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield )

The trio rushed out of the training room as explosions shook the Super-Construct.

Nar Kreeta was under attack.

"Prepare for battle!" ordered Krarolk. "Gear up!"

The elite Zealots took a detour to a nearby armory, wading through crowds of Zealot Minors to pick up their exclusive armaments. Their dull training blades were exchanged for glaives, kukris, Spitters and Splitters, each member of the Elite Squad transforming into a walking armored arsenal.

Within minutes, the squad was back out the doors of the armory, guns at the ready and blades sheathed on waist belts. They quickly learned that the attack was from the Silver Jedi Concord, who were landing troops after their initial asteroid bombardment. Each Zealot yearned to spill Jedi blood, to prove to the wretches that Nar Kreeta would never again benefit their weak regime. However, their bloodlust was undercut by a far more pressing tactical difficulty.

Krarolk and his Elites did not know where the Jedi would land.

"Major, do you know where the Jedi will strike?" Krarolk asked a nearby Zealot Major as they ran by each other.

"I don-don't know." replied the Major, his voice barely legible through heavy breathing.
"But I saw... I saw some of them making tunnels down... down towards where our Terraformer is."

"Where are the tunnel entrances?" asked Krarolk urgently, grabbing the Major's shoulders before he could run off.

"Scattered around the Construct." rasped the Major, eyes wide with adrenaline.

"Thank you, Major." concluded Krarolk, lightly shoving him aside.

"Let's go uproot some tunnelers." ordered Krarolk, turning to his squad.

With a nod, the trio sought the nearest balcony exit. They found it about one hundred meters later, and peered out through the balcony.

The external damage done to the Super-Construct was more extensive than the Elites had expected, with small fires lining the walls and the distant Warlock Dome largely collapsed in on itself. Even more urgent of an issue; however, were the tunnels. About three meters in front of and five meters below the balcony, a large circular tunnel descended diagonally dozens of metes into the ground, the rumbling of machinery sounding from within.

In an instant, the Elites knew what to do. All together, they scaled the balcony fence and leapt into the hole.

The burrowing drop pods drilled their way through the surface of Nar Kreeta, reaching the tunnel system far below. As soon as the pods came to a stop, the Brotherhood of Steel burst out of them to the surprise of the scant Bryn defenders patrolling this far out from their hive. Great suits of armour the size of giants crushed the puny insects under their steel boot, relishing in the slaughter that was only but a small taste of what was to come.

Thurion marched down the ramp of his own pod accompanied by a pair of bodyguards, sword still sheathed and shield on his back. The King strode through the small skirmish, having only to raise his hand once or twice to toss aside the last few Bryn in his way, leaving them for his brethren to finish off.

He could sense the presence of Beltran and his troops nearby.

"We are proceeding deeper into the tunnel network. It is likely that communications will become sporadic the deeper we go. Have your men move to their objectives and begin setting up the explosives. We need to bring this thing down, or at the very least disable it if we hope to take the planet back. Good hunting and may the Force be with you. Rarr, out."

"Solid copy. I believe this tunnel runs parallel to yours, Colonel. They may convene as we get closer to the Super Construct, be on the lookout for friendlies down the road. Gods go with you, friend. Heavenshield, out."

By the time he'd finished, the landing site had been cleared of the last few defenders. His men were already busy stacking up corpses along the sides.

"Gather round, Brothers. This tunnel will take us to the enemy stronghold, and there is bound to be more enemies infesting these paths. Show them what Midvinter does to those that seek Her ruin, as we have every other threat come our way!"

Now he drew his sword, its sunlight blade illuminating the surrounding area.

"Remember to keep your helmets on at all times. A Type III atmosphere means even brief exposure may leave you incapacitated. Should your suits malfunction you have each been supplied with a spare rebreather, same as the one I'm wearing now. You've all been shown how to apply it. Now come, join me as we march into the bowels of the Underworld itself!"

Grim words fit for a grim task such as theirs.

The hundred warriors formed lines behind their High King, and together they proceeded into the unknown by following the light cast by the sword Anarion. They may all be marching to their doom, in which case their sacrifice will surely be sung of for ages to come! For what better fate than to die beside their King?

There are energy suckers out there. If you can, keep feeding them and they’ll blow up, but make sure you’re a good distance away.

A message from Master Vanagor.

"I read you, Caltin," he replied telepathically. "Our paths may convene further ahead. May the Force be with you."

For the time being, there was naught but darkness greeting them.

  • Thurion and his hundred warriors have entered the tunnel network and begun making their way towards the Super Construct.


Not feeling the need to prolong the conversation any further, Sakadi followed the other pointy-eared Master (Kiara Ayres) in silence. Sakadi was confident that a strike-team like theirs would move through the maze of corridors with relative ease. They were all seasoned warriors or gifted Jedi Masters, each possibly a tremendous obstacle of their own. Combined, the group of Jedi and Mandalorians most definitely possessed the wit, skill and ability to fell an army or stabilize a sector government.

Despite her faith in their strike-team, the Sephi was cautious of being overconfident. After all, and she couldn't stress it enough, her combat prowess was nothing compared to the Master that had trained her. Despite having been privileged to receive her tutelage, there were other Padawans who had easily surpassed her. One of them had been a dear friend; an Echani by the name of Vash Tembra. A great warrior. And one who would've been much more suitable as Master Odara's apprentice than I.

And yet, here I stand. Having outlived them both.

It was during the Clockwork Rebellion on Coruscant that she had seen the impossible happen. The impregnable defensive bladework of Master Odara had not been enough to protect the civilians she shielded. And not just the civilians. That day, she had seen the invincible Battlemaster fall.

Those memories always swept through her mind at do-or-die missions like these. If they were too much for the likes of Master Odara to handle, how could she possibly hope to make a difference?

Because I am one with the Force, and the Force is one with me.

Sakadi took a deep breath, regaining a spark of life in her glassy eyes.


Before they could get far, the thundering sound of footsteps pounding against the ground warned them of their oncoming enemies. At the appearance of drones around the corner, the Jedi conducted a powerful Force push to push their adversaries back and buy a moment of time for those behind her to compose themselves.

Because you listen.

Sakadi stopped dead in her tracks as Kiara engaged the drones. She had taken the Vow for two decades. Two decades spent to align with, and attune to the Living Force. Even the slightest whimper of the mystical energy field was enough to make the hair stand up on the back of her neck. And right now, she felt it. Malice, anger and hunger.

The Sephi turned, gazing into the dark corridor they just came from, as the others engaged the drones that obstructed their path behind her.

The Force screamed as the miasma of anger and hunger grew closer. She felt her heart pound in her chest, and adrenaline well up in her stomach. "Something is coming." Sakadi broadened her stance, but her fiery white blade remained unignited. She swiftly glanced at the person that appeared on her left, who's blaster rifle's energycell still hissed from his last fired volley. It was their Trandoshan pilot.

"What isss it? He spoke with audible concern. "Bad." She lowered a bit, knees bent, ready to jump back. Her grip around the electrum hilt tightened, and the Force began to build within her.

It came as a slight vibration first. Small plumes of dust and moving pebbles. One that transgressed into a quake and a louder growing rumble. Sakadi's eyes widened in realisation. She knew what was happening.

"Run!" The last thing she saw before she turned and broke into a sprint was the destruction of the tunnel's far end, grinded and torn apart by large, moving mass in the darkness. An earth-shattering roar filled the tunnel. An excavator had found them.

Objective: Undecided
Location: Eastern Section, Vaydralen barrack exterior
Allies: Osam Osam | Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari | Ostak Cl'mana | Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Craldzaer
Enemies: TBD
Armour | Shield | Ravager Marksmen Rifle | Mangler Submachine Gun | Syphon Beam Rifle |

The Concord's forces were landing, grey steel ships departing from the sky and the muzzled fleet above. Vandals moved to help defend against the approaching enemy, rifles in hand as other Vaydralen and Akhenaton opened fire on each other. The captain watched as his own fell, a hole burned in the cadet's chest from a syphon beam. On their own world, the Vaydralen had fought and killed each other all the time, yet somehow this was different. He felt a sickness in the deepest part of himself, a bashful lack of rage made a firm complexion in his face. He didn't wish to be angry nor wish not to be. He was stuck in the middle, drove between the duty and the pride of his own kin. The Captain moved forward as fire was exchanged in a three-way dance between themselves and the arriving Concord troopers deployed to the surface. They were many in number, and his warriors were unprepared. Akhenaton and Vaydralen alike cut down as they tried to reach the scattered weapons.

Quoron stopped in his tracks, dropping behind a large piece of debris as blaster fire cracked against his shoulder, shield shimmering as he returned fire against the Silver Jedi. The disruptive nature of the Syphon beams made them particular useful against standard infantry, their ionic settings were good for tanks. But luckily, he hadn't seen any of those yet.

"Hold them! Hold!" Quoron roared defiantly, his words lost in the mind and sounds of battle.

All around him, he could see his own falling to the instruments of the Concord. They were confused and ill-prepared to fight. Many still with ringing ears, broken limbs or just in extreme states of pain or confusion. He felt it, that numb ringing in his left ear. He had to ignore it, he needed to fight. One of their one was wounded by his side, Quoron dodged to the left - moving to help the wounded Vaydralen as two Akhenaton scout's stepped in his way. Beyond the, a large Rattoljan was strangling another Vaydralen.

Quoron rose, eyes wide as he recognised the tall akhnenaton. He'd been the one who put another Vaydralen in the infirmary before now. Quoron darted across the hectic battlefield, trying to reach Crald as he crushed the cadet's windepipe.

"Crald! Stop!" Quoron spoke with sincerity, desperation on his voice. The collective Akhenaton would likely only perceive it as weakness. Not sincerity, he didn't care.
In memory of our late CEO


LOCATION: Open Space

CALLSIGNS: Captain Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Voodoo 1", Commander Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Voodoo 2" Commander Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "Voodoo 3". Each Squadron leader makes up "Voodoo Wing", their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

  1. Voodoo 4(Retribution Squadron)Jackal Class Starfighter
  2. Voodoo 5(Jurat Squadron) Jackal Class Starfighter
  3. Voodoo 6(Retribution Squadron)Jackal Class Starfighter
  1. Voodoo 7(Gator Squadron) Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  2. Voodoo 8(Raguel Squadron) Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  3. Voodoo 9(Beak Squadron) Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  4. Voodoo 10(Jok Squadron) Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor

  1. Voodoo 11(Razorback Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  2. Voodoo 12(Jurist Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  3. Voodoo 13(Fi Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  4. Voodoo 14(Prac Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  5. Voodoo 15(Tic Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  6. Voodoo 16(Alcalde Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing

  1. Voodoo 17(Kers Squadron) RZ-3 A-Wing interceptor
  2. Voodoo 18(Requital Squadron) Azazael class Stealth fighter
  3. Voodoo 19(Scimitar Squadron) Azazael class Stealth fighter

  1. Voodoo 20(Que Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  2. Voodoo 21(M'lud Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  3. Voodoo 22(Gatto Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  4. Voodoo 23(Vulcano Squadron) Soverenignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter
  5. Voodoo 24(Bulwark Squadron) Soverenignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter

  1. Voodoo 25(Artillery Squadron) Cherub Gunship
  2. Voodoo 26(Ferret Squadron) Cherub Gunship
  3. Voodoo 27(Ferret II Squadron)Cherub Transport
  4. Voodoo 28(Ferret III Squadron)Cherub Transport
WINGMATES: Gir Quee Gir Quee Mig Gred Mig Gred ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Osam Osam


"Those planetary defense cannons are going to tear us apart if we're not careful, but they seem to be vulnerable when firing - their shield systems go briefly down like the traditional hypervelocity and particle shield combo we're more used to seeing. I'm going to recommend maintaining constant, and I mean constant suppression fire on them. The micro-second the shield is down for them to fire is the micro-second we vaporize them. The Silver Tide and her consorts will tackle on planetary cannon targets Alpha One through Alpha Seven. That leaves five more to suppress. If none of you are able to suppress them soon, we'll have to let it fall to the reinforcements..."

While the Angellus family is full of talented, instinctive, and resourceful officers with an ironic problem with authority, each of them had one or two that they respected. The officers that inspired loyalty among their own often found it hard to show loyalty to all but a few and those who earned it, had “lieutenants” who would follow them from one side of the galaxy to another. However, even they could come up with some “klunkers” of orders that would draw some head-scratching.

Liram was no different, Admiral Quee had earned his respect in a relatively short amount of time, but all these orders brought was head-scratching from the bridge of “The Ethereal”. He was convinced that there was more to this. Watching multiple types of transports, gunships, even fighters fly right by them unnoticed, they were clearly focusing on the capital ships. While their blasts packed enough energy to do some serious damage, these organic cannons were wild in their shooting.

” Respond to the Admiral’s call. Let him know that we will be taking 8 and 9.”

As the comms station acknowledged the order and went to work, Tactical already began working on firing solutions and targeting data. Commander Halpern in the meantime pulled the captain aside. He was concerned, and while he would follow the orders given, he had to question them, it is proven to be what Angellus would do when given the chance.

“Captain? Are we not spreading ourselves thin by doing that?”

” Those things ignore fighters… If we divert the Sovereigntys… have their flights hit it one after the other, it will be the same thing. Maybe not with the punch of a turbolaser, but the same effect, damaging them and maybe giving us an opening.”

The Commander actually liked the idea. “You think it will work?”

” It stands about as good a chance as everything else we’ve done so far. Put in a call to Lt. Commanders Miri and Adacroix, they should be within a couple of jumps of us.”

“Aren’t they each in command of corvettes?”

” Indeed, they can provide us cover if we get caught up.”

“What will the Admiral say about this?”

” Easier to ask forgiveness than ask permission.”

“What about our fighter cover?”

” Have the X-wings on Alert Five, ArchAngels on LRRP. Keep to attack speed, even if they have to keep coming in for refueling. I don’t want us to be caught with our pants down until all the Marines are boots to ground.”


“Conn Commo! Annunaki reports Omega Squad approaching Northern Shield Generator.”

” Is the Annunaki reporting weapons fire on them?”

They were both watching the approaching fighters as several of them buzzed the command tower, there was a decision that was going to have to be made soon, and it was not one that they were going to be prepared for, at least not If they kept to the current plan.

" Contact the Annunaki, pass on to Omega Squad that their new target is these blasted organic cannons after that shield generator."

"Think it'll work?"

" Couldn't hurt."

"You could be sending them to their deaths..."

Liram held up a reassuring hand.

" If I know Commander Mueller, the idea to hit those things is already in his head."

“Negative, sir.”

” Have them report back on their positions and any surprises that might be popping up when and where they can please.”


Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii

Allies: Gir Quee Gir Quee GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar
Enemies: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus
Fleet: Keros' Kad (Damaged), 2x Tionas-class FAC (Two damaged), 2x Atin'la-class Heavy Cruisers (One damaged), 3x Shield-class Escort Cruiser (One mission killed), 5x GF-2B Super TwinTails Squadrons (Includes Talyc Squadron), 18x "Kodashi" Viper MKIIs, 20x HA-2 Pikes (Bomb Bays)s, 5x DF-1 Scarab Swarm Fighter squadrons, 3x Dinii-class Dral'tabalhar Me'sen squadrons, 6x modified freighters
Kaddie would soon call out as Reshmar, and Malo gave a sigh of relief. They weren't damaged. That was good.

"Juventas, this is Keros' Kad. That undamaged hull is a sight for sore eye. We really could us...." She then stopped as the already damaged Shield-class, Orical, took a direct hit to one of their sublight drives, and the damage seemed to extent to their engineering section too. "Osik.... They mission killed Orical! Kaddie, switch comms!" The AI was quick to respond changing the comms to line up with Orical's comms.

"Orical, fallback! I repeat, fallback! We'll try to keep another hit like that from getting through." The light cruiser would then slowly begin to turn, attempting to get behind it's flagship. Malo just took a breath, sighing. At the same time, the Tiones quickly aimed to gun down a Bryn frigate, while the Kad and Atin'las continued to attach the larger Bryn vessels. She then heard the transmission from the Silver Tide, quickly speaking up as she tried to keep the fleet going.

"Silver Tide this is Keros' Kad. Our hpc battery can't target planetary surfaces, but out heavy rails can. We can redirect fire on two of the surface targets with baradium shells and make sure they're not getting back up." And with that, the railguns began to move to target two of the surface cannon emplacements. They would also quickly send transmissions with information on the firing lines. Then the cannons thundered to life, with shells raining down cross the locations.

  • A Shield-class is damaged to the point of needing to fall back.
  • The Keros' Kad targets surface batteries with it's railguns.

Gear: In bio
Allies: Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Kiara Ayres Jairdain Jairdain Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner Millu Lee Millu Lee Vanya Aklin Vanya Aklin Maja Fiore Liam Du'Cal Liam Du'Cal Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren Milya Vondar Milya Vondar Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok
Enemies: Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma

Mig looked at Kiara, shaking his head a little.

"Take it from me. jetii. Sometimes splitting up is your best chance at surviving. How do you think Mandalorians are still around?" Still.... He stayed witht he group, because he wasn't about to just abandon his mission. He would follow close behind the others before feeling the rumbling, and seeing the drones appearing. That wasn't good! While Kiara seemed to try a simple Force Push, the Mandalorian would unleash a blast of Force Lightning as he fell back. Then came more rumbling, and another of his "favorite" Bryn....wait....

"That's a new one....." He didn't thing twice when Sakadi said to run, but he did make sure to send a pyrokinetic blast of fire at the creature before running with the others. They needed to move, now!
Location: Nar Kreeta surface, starting to burrow
Allies: SJC and their allies
Tagging: Mig Gred Mig Gred , Kiara Ayres Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala , Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok @Ki'an Vizla. Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner , Oleander Webb Oleander Webb , Millu Lee Millu Lee , Vanya Aklin Vanya Aklin , Maja Fiore, Liam Du'Cal Liam Du'Cal , Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren , Milya Vondar Milya Vondar , Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina , Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze , Yula Perl Yula Perl
Enemies: Bryn'Adul and their allies Tagging: Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma
Objective: Hivebuster

There were times when Jairdain might seem to be distant from her own emotions. This could be seen as one of them. That wasn't the case though. Having once been a Sith, she was fully aware of them. Even before those days, she recognized them but locked them away to be dealt with later. Doing this now, she supported her nearby ally and nodded with a slight smile when he suggested not relying on her lightsaber.

"That is not something I rely on very often, luckily. For those that do, however, this might be difficult for them to adjust for."

While she spoke, her hand did lightly caress her hilt. She had the Force as her power and that had kept her alive this long. It had seen her through many battles and unless she died today, it would continue to do that. Turning her focus to Nimdok as he spoke, planning for this was not within her experience and she would defer to those around to protect them.

"I agree. We should do our best to stay together."

Jairdain said this in reply to what Kiara mentioned. Together they were stronger than separate but made a larger target. A shiver went through the Master and she felt they would be separated anyway. Maybe the Force spoke to her about the near future.

Falling into step with the others, she reached out with the Force to try and feel the life around them. Life was there, but it was far different than anything she had felt before. Alien was an apt word for what she picked up on. So many small entities and just as many larger ones. And they were heading in their direction.

Cursing under her breath, they all stopped and waited. The silence lasted just a moment before they were attacked. One word was! Taking off in the same direction as the others, so far things were going great.

"Though splitting up might become necessary."

Speaking to Mig, he did have a point.

"Weren't you all in hiding for quite some time? Split up, separated, and cut off from the other groups of Mandalorians."

Making the last part more of a statement as they ran as one, there would be no ability on her part to whisk them out of this new danger.
Location: Eastern SCC, Nar Kreeta
Tags: Andromeda Malvern Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion Cadere Cadere Osam Osam Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari
Gear: Lightsaber, Silver Jedi Knight Plate, Rebreather

Varn didn't so much see the missiles as feel them approach. A moment's disquiet, then, the hit. It happened in the space of seconds but it felt like little more than a heartbeat. Either way, the first missile that caught the drop ship's left side sent him stumbling to the right. The bulkhead reached out to catch him, and he slammed into it with all the finesse of a blind man. He felt his shoulder dislocate. The pain was enough to make him grit his teeth, but he bore with it.

The ship began to tailspin, and Varn let the push-pull carry him to the doorway, his one good arm doing it's best to steady him. The forces seeking to drive him from his feet did little to dissuade the Zabrak from turning to the pilots. Even in the throes of crashing, the two pilots seemed relatively calm. He knew that calm was only surface-level, but he couldn't help but admire them their bravery. "Status?" He asked over the roar and whine of a quickly deteriorating engine. The pilot hit a switch and the side- and rear hatches slid open. The man wiped a bead of sweat from his brow, went back to fighting the controls. "Not good, sir." He said, his tone a cocktail of emotions. "Left engine's gone and the wing's going with it. Controls are-"

The ship rocked again, more violently than before. The second missile -the one that struck the rear hatch- hit like the hand of some vengeful God. It smote Varn, flung him back into the cockpit. He tried to reach out to brace himself, only remembering his dislocated shoulder when it banged into the back of the co-pilot's chair. The pain was excruciating. For a moment, he had to fight to keep himself from blacking out. The screech and rattle of the ship coming apart around him was like an old adversary calling him to the grave. Twisting, he looked back. His vision was beginning to blur, and for a time, he saw nothing but the blaze of light around the ruined hatch, and the blue haze of a stuttering holoprojector. A few black figures that might have been humans sat off to the sides, their forms and faces lost to the dark. So, too, were Mat and Cas. He tried to think on where they'd gone, but came up short. Had they abandoned him?

They had.

Except Andromeda. She was still there, close and whole and wholly recognizable. He couldn't decide whether her still being aboard was a blessing or a curse. Maybe both, depending on how you looked at it.

Blinking, Varn drew on a hidden well of strength. Grabbing his shoulder with his good hand, he pushed it back into place. The growl that escaped his lips was equal parts hurt and satisfaction. Straightening, he looked back to the pilot. "I- I can't fight this. Not for long. We're gonna have to put down some place." The pilot indicated a spot through the viewport with a jab of his finger. "There! That tower. I can put us down there." Osam Osam Varn nodded. He didn't have any better ideas. "Do it, then."

"Aye aye, sir. One crash landing, coming right up!" Turning to Andromeda Malvern, Varn put a hand on her shoulder. The knight hadn't expected their mission to start like this, but that's just how it went sometimes. There was nothing left for them to do but let fate play it's hand. "Might want to strap in, lass. Things are about to get bumpy."


The Pabol Offensive
Hivebusters, Objective II
Warm Shadow

Allies: SJC, GA, Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze , Yula Perl Yula Perl , Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina [handshake]
Enemies: Bryn, Open

Whatever thoughts of contentment the younger Jedi had held slipped away the moment Bernard posed the question. He wasn't sure if he'd simply disrupted her concentration or if the idea of talking just wasn't usually part of her repertoire, but her demeanour tossed out a field of barbed wire around her at first. Discipline was common among Jedi, but not those of their latest incarnation. No, leather jackets and loose attitudes were common among adherents of the NJO. But, as it turned out, there was a person under all that barbed wire after all.

"We're supposed to get word any second," he said.

He leaned back and let his arms cross behind his head as he reclined in the chair, eyes closed. The light finally caught his face. Yellow-gold synthflesh glinted under it. His expression was calm and didn't emote anything discernible. It was a poor fix for the fear that had taken root. The Bryn were a completely new foe to him. He'd read the reports, of course. Quill's notes on them had been thorough and detailed, but theory never sufficiently prepared for the critical hour.

"That's a lot of firsts. Got one of my own too, in a way," his eyes opened and he glanced back to the Jedi, "never been to battle without the Force before."

Saying it out loud didn't make the trepidation lessen any. He forced a half-smirk, half-smile and leaned back again. There was something about the confidence that came with youth he missed. Not like he was much older. Maybe it wasn't age, but experience that made a sharp blade dull.

<"Bernard, you copy? What's your status?"> Dagon's voice came in crackling and distorted.

The sudden noise almost threw Bernard off, even though he'd been expecting a transmission. He pulled one arm free to check his chrono. The holodisplay showed less than a minute on the timer.

<"Copy, Dagon. Contact in 30. Good hunting."> He spoke into his comlink, loud enough for the room to hear.

"Time's up," he sighed to himself. A quick motion fastened his rebreather. Equipment rattled through the compartment as the soldiers went over final checks, Bernard taking the moment to reassure himself of the functionality of the gear he'd brought, which wasn't much. Once the shuffle died down again, only the heavy in- and exhales of mechanical air-filtration devices were left to accompany the quiet whirring of the drill. Bernard watched the chrono tick down, upright in his seat for once. Each second passed by in a crawl until it, finally, read 00:00. He inhaled in the final moment of anticipation.

The next few moments played out quickly. The tunnel craft shook as its momentum dropped sharply. A loud, wheezing buzzing replaced the whir of the drill that reverberated physically through the metal of the compartment, until another lurch followed and the craft came to a halt for good. Hissing air from the hatch cut the intermittent silence short, the crew's sign to get going.

Bernard unclipped the safety harness and leapt towards the hatch, blaster already drawn. The metal bucked, then shot outward with an explosive force. A wet crunch followed.


The first Bryn poked his head through the opening. Almost immediately, blue bolts flashed inside the compartment and a hail of blaster fire rained down on what showed of the intruder. When it was done only curls of smoke remained, collapsing circles where the bolts had passed through. A guttural shout cut through the silence.

Bernard glanced back into the troop compartment, nodding his head in the direction of the hatch. His eyes settled on the Padawan, least battle tested among them.

"Keep close," he said. Then he leapt out into the fray.
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Objective: Hivebusters
Homies: Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Kiara Ayres Mig Gred Mig Gred Jairdain Jairdain
Lip Gloss Gang: Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Yula Perl Yula Perl
Soon to Be Joining the Lip Gloss Gang?: Bernard Bernard Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina Ripley Kühn Ripley Kühn
Enemones: Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma
Gear: Lightsaber, rebreather, armor

Indeed,” Nimdok agreed with Kiara’s assessment. “Hello there, by the way. I don’t believe we’ve met before. I am Grandmaster Nimdok...

There wasn’t really enough time for proper introductions, given the urgency of their mission, but Nimdok loved nothing less in the world than talking, and so he continued even as the group began their rat race through the tunnels.

The last time I faced the Bryn was under the command of Master Romi Jade. We landed on their homeworld, Draemidus Prime, and attempted to stop the manufacture of the crystals which power much of their technology. The gravity on Draemidus Prime is five times higher than standard, and we had to wear special backpacks to compensate, or else we would have been barely able to move. It was a suicide mission and a failure at that, yet here I am.

As he finished his sentence, they came upon the drones. Kiara blasted them with a telekinetic push. Before combat could truly begin, an excavator crashed through the tunnel, scattering rocks both pebble-sized and bigger than a man’s head. Nimdok was quite content to do as Sakadi suggested and run away from the beast.

Ah, I suppose we can look forward to dealing with that thing for the rest of our journey,” the professor remarked. He looked around. Their flight out of the compromised tunnel had led them to a completely new area, and despite the miasmic aura of the Dark Side that permeated the site, he could also sense other presences nearby which were more like little beacons of Light adrift in the black sea.

To Jairdain’s comment about splitting up, he replied, “I believe we have found another Hivebuster team. Due straight ahead.
Dis the Shadow(cat)
Shadowcat, explorer and wanderer; Owner of the Cat’s Paw; Member of the Greystone Mercantile
Objective IV.: Make friends, BYOO
Location: Nar Kreeta
Equipment: N/A
Writing with: Reidun Amersis (little later)
[ Theme ]

Dis continued to watch the events, seeing the arrival of a team of people led by Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr . They never saw them, so they didn't recognize them, but the enemy(?) arrived. They didn’t really know who could be called an enemy or just a friend in a place like this, because it was a very interesting situation. However, slowly what the Shadowcat wanted to avoid happened, the two sides started to fight.

Unfortunately, they had nowhere near the strength or power to prevent this. Nor were they able to stop some Sith and a Jedi students when using a host at the last time. They just didn’t really have offensive abilities, all defensive, or rather scientific. Dis was ill at the thought of hurting others. Although they studied sorcery and alchemy from the Sith, their worldview did not change. They were even more pacifist than the Jedi.

They heard and saw explosions both near and far. One also happened underneath, so they rose higher in the air and looked down from the battlefield. Dis’ ears and tail, made up of shadow, sadly turned down; the Shadowcat didn't like war. For the time being, they did not understand in mortals why there was so much aggression in them.

More explosions followed by a painful cry. They turned to the sounds, one of the buildings was damaged and a draelvasier lay trapped under the ruins…


Andromeda Malvern


L O C A T I O N | Crashing into the SCC
E Q U I P M E N T | Standard Lightsaber - Standard Armour - Rebreather
T A G S | Allies: Varn Barakis Varn Barakis - Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion - Cadere Cadere Enemies: Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari - Osam Osam

Exceptional hearing was both a blessing and a curse. In the short time she had been alive, Andromeda had experienced both sides of that particular coin. The positive of overhearing something useful. The negative of hearing something that was better left behind closed doors. The adrenaline of knowing exactly what was going to happen next, along with the anxiety and pressure that surfaced for the same reason. The noise the missiles made as their coned noses sliced effortlessly through the air was a dominating warning in the silence of the ship.

She could hear it so clearly, so loudly, that she could pick the sound out even against the cacophony of war. Despite the early advantage this had provided her, she barely had time to open her lips to shout a warning before they found their unfortunate mark. What came next could be described as nothing short of pandemonium. A chaotic blur of lifeless shapes streaming erratically through the air as the ship veered out of control. Andromeda herself was thrown violently against the nearest wall and was forced to remain there as the pilot fought against the inevitable. A second missile hit and Andromeda thought she heard someone shouting, but the incessant thud of her heartbeat drowned them out entirely. She could do nothing but cling tightly to whatever she could get hold of.

By they were heading nose-first toward a rather bumpy landing, the world was still a spinning mess of confusion. It was his voice, Varn’s, or at least what he said, that grounded her enough to start making a move. The ship made a sudden lurch as the pilot’s agreement echoed throughout the cockpit, helping Andromeda on the way to the nearest seat. A wave of weightlessness overtook her stomach in the brief moment it took to pull herself back down to a solid surface via the straps. It seemed to linger there, unmoving, even as the belt sounded out its reassuring click. Even as she pulled the straps tighter around her body until they made her feel breathless. Unfortunately, but perhaps fortunately as well, Andromeda was given little time to think too hard on it.

The ship struck the SCC unceremoniously with the sound of metal crunching against metal. Bright sparks of orange and red filled the cockpit as it ground mercilessly into the building. Wild flames licked and lashed out at the hull as almost everything that was not strapped down rag-dolled around the cockpit. The seatbelt had done its trick, leaving Andromeda with little more than whiplash as the ship’s weight began to settle into its final resting place. The angle of entry was a little off though. The weightless feeling in her stomach had not disappeared. Instead, it had spread to her arms and legs. They hung freely in thin air, a good few feet above the row of seats on the opposite wall. Andromeda groaned and struggled against the straps a little but paused almost immediately. For now, they were the only thing keeping her from a sizeable fall into force knew what.

“Master Varn?” Her voice sounded quiet against the ringing in her ears, against the anarchic orchestra they had just been forced to partake in. “Master Varn, are you alright?” Andromeda called desperately when her first question had been answered with nothing but the hiss and fizz of broken electronics.




Location: Optional

"ELOAH" (Primary - Long Handle)

"ELOHAI" (Secondary - Long Handle)
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Dilorian in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music" (Both on ship at all times)
Tag: Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Westenra Mina Westenra Mina Brooke Waters Brooke Waters Osam Osam Ostak Cl'mana Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari


As the grouping of Jedi slowly made their way through the tunnels, there was a pensive feeling about many of them. This was a look the Caltin had recognized many times over, this was their first time in a combat situation and it meant that he was… in a manner of speaking… babysitting. Oddly enough, he did not mind, it kept his mind sharp as now the massive Jedi Master was not only looking out for himself but for the others. This was not a problem for him as each of them had the know-how and raw ability to protect themselves, they merely lacked the confidence in themselves.

Probably reticent in thinking that they would be a little “too eager”.

“Master Vanagor?” Asked Yoni, the Togruta Padawan who looked like she was afraid of the fluffiest Aak Dog pup.

Umm… Aak Dogs aren’t fluffy.

I know.

Then why make the analogy?

I was making a point. Like the one on top of your head.

No need to get personal, you Schutta!

Moving on…

Yes, Yoni?

He kept walking forward but slowed his pace to match hers so that she, and the others, would know that his attention was on her inquiry.

“How do you do it?”

Do what?

“You are always so calm. This is a terrible situation to be in and you seem unphased by it.”

“It’s because he’s a warrior! He’s probably seen more fights than the past three Jedi Circles and the three Grandmasters we have now combined. This is old hat to him.” Deklyn, the Zabrak Padawan old enough to choose the focus of his learning into the ways of the Guardian spoke up. He did the research. The observation, though possibly spot on, with maybe a close proximity to Starchaser. It still embarrassed the big guy a little as it wasn’t necessarily something he wanted to be remembered for.

I’m just a Jedi, no different than any of you.

“Oh get off it...” Realizing he was not only out of turn; the look that Caltin was giving him notwithstanding, Deklyn stopped himself. “... that is, you were a BattleMaster of a Jedi Order that included ‘The Chosen One’, you’ve been around the greatest Jedi in history, fought in the biggest battles!”

Caltin stopped, a little flabbergasted.

... and you think that means something?

“... your famous! A hero… Legendary...”

Raising an eyebrow, his answer was simple.

Not my intention. I don’t consider myself one, and finally “Legendary” can mean all sorts of different things. I don’t look for fights. Yes, in my younger days, I “took the fight to the Sith” because I believed that if I fought them on their grounds and in their manner then I kept it away from the Temples, it didn’t happen.

In all of those “famous battles” and “heroic deeds” and “Legendary fights”, do you know what it had all done for me? Nothing. If you want to see how I’m looked on, ask the other Masters around the Temple. I don’t concern myself with the opinions of others as everyone is entitled to one. You should not either. Each and every one of you here. You have the potential to be even greater, even more heroic, more Legendary than you think that I am.

Before he had a chance to finish his diatribe, the big guy leaped to his right, and into the middle of a grouping of some kind of organic attackers. Were they “worms”? Maybe. Were they something else? It truly did not matter at this point as he was not going to stop until they were defeated. There were several of them, but it was clear that they were nothing that he could not handle on his own. His lightsaber felt like his old one, his retired "Conservator" but it was not. This new one felt "more", it was more of the extension of who he was now, not even a weapon... but an appendage. It felt almost divine.

Hello there, "Eloah".

Several moments later, Caltin disengaged his saber with a bit of a smirk.

Now I’m not denying that I am tried and true natural…

“That was amazing!” Deklyn called out as many of the others agreed.

“What if we can’t do that?” Yoni asked. “I don’t want to kill anything.”

There’s nothing wrong with that at all. We don’t look for battle because in time it would become all we look for. No one should look for a fight. We are protectors, but we are not enforcers.

“Then why are we here?” Deklyn surprisingly asked.

“Is it the Jedi way to invade?” Yoni immediately followed up.

As Caltin started walking again, he could see another group of Jedi… Heavenshield was with them, they were not that far away.

Good questions, both of you. We have a choice, but do the people of Nar Kreeta? Ruusan? Sev Tok? Sarka? The Bryn… they live for conquest. This is their life.

“Then should we not respect that? If this is their culture, should we not accept it, even if we do not agree.” Yoni asked another question, much to the annoyance of a few of them.

That is actually a very astute question, Padawan. I applaud you for it. Normally I would agree with you, but the Bryn invade for the sake of it. They do not ally, or negotiate, they simply attack. This may be how they thrive and evolve, but they are destroying the lives of those who have nothing to do with their conquest. They are not in conflict with anyone, but their actions are putting them at war with everyone.

I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror if I did not come here.


Number 1 Husband | Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze
Bridesmaids | Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina - Bernard Bernard - Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok - Jairdain Jairdain - Mig Gred Mig Gred - Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala - Kiara Ayres - Ripley Kühn Ripley Kühn
Unfriends | Galak Galak | Brynbois

“Good answer.”

She didn’t even need to look. The glare was something you could feel without seeing it, and it rolled off her shoulders. This wasn’t the first time she’d been on the receiving end, and it would not be the last.

Uncapping the cosmetic, a few quick swipes across her lips were all that she managed before the craft came to an abrupt halt. The tube flew from her hands, shattering into a sticky pool of plastoid and shimmer just a few feet away. Yula whined, ripping off her harness in exasperation before getting to her feet. While Dagon worked at the hatch, Yula beckoned Emily to her. The spider droid crawled up her body, settling at her back with all six legs wrapped snugly around Yula’s ribcage. Two fang-like protrusions flicked outward from the bot’s head, and plugged themselves into the twin ports at the back of the Zeltron’s neck. The droid’s body began to flatten and partition, metallic plating sliding out from under her thorax and expanding to encompass her humanoid companion.

Yula’s eyes rolled back, an involuntary reaction to the neural integration with Emily.

The hatch door gave way at last. Yula stumbled out, her footing unsure as she acclimated to assimilating with her droid. The constant holofeed flashing across her eyes didn’t help the strain on her mind. Her brows, on fleek, squinted. One by one, she filtered through the readouts, keeping a handful that would be the most useful.

Emily’s signal boost allowed Bernard’s voice, garbled as it was through the underground, to filter into her HUD as well. An arrow pinged onto her display, drawing her head to one end of the tunnel. Heat signatures trickled on screen, far more than what the Galactic Alliance had sent. A series of beeps jerked her head then to the opposite end of the tunnel—more heat signatures, humanoid and otherwise. She tapped into the rangefinder.

“Enhance.” From behind the rebreather, her voice sounded muffled and modulated.

Nothing happened.

Oh, right. Brain power.

The eerie thing was that they were alone when everyone else seemed to be having the time of their life, judging by the data on her HUD and the distant rumbling and occasional shaking of the tunnel.

“Dag, I think the others are close by. Not just Bernard and Ishida, but-“ She paused to steady herself as a thunderous thud rocked the tunnel. A few rocks loosened themselves from the ceiling and clattered to the ground. “-the Silvers as well. I’m picking up their comm signatures.”


She counted the names as they scrolled across the display.

“They’re heading towards the same point—both groups. We can meet them just outside the facility.The blinking dots on the screen were gradually coming closer together. Her head swiveled his way. “They’re not alone either. If you know what I mean.

And neither were they. The tunnel to the side of them shook with a chorus of heavy footsteps, powerful enough to reverberate through what had to be miles. They couldn't be seen at first by the naked eye in artificial light, but the lifeform scanner inside her HUD was buzzing like crazy.

"Let's get going!" The pair would take off down the opposite end of the approaching savage drones. Yula tossed a few stun charges over her shoulder, hoping to buy them some time.

“You’re taking me shopping for a new lip gloss once this all blows over.”

At least she still had Mauve Brick.

Exited drill mining craft
Slapped on a dorksuit
Figured out where the other GA team and SJO team is, heading towards the hive and might run into other teams idk
Threw some stun charges at the savage drones Galak sent

Objective: Platitudes and Decisive Action
Location: Eastern Covenant Section - Surface Command Center

Friends: Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari
Foes: Varn Barakis Varn Barakis | Andromeda Malvern

Osam watched with gleeful satisfaction as the pair of missiles soared through the air from the end of the T-120 launcher, their thrusters pausing for a fraction of an instant before they made contact and detonated with concussive force and the spray of acid. He watched as a few droplets of this lethal precipitation scattered harmlessly onto the ground below - a drop or two wouldn't kill anyone even if it hit them fairly squarely, but it would doubtless still manage to sting if he wasn't careful.

It was curious to think that the missiles had managed to strike at all, though. He had expected to force the dropship to wave off from its attempted landing zone, but he didn't truly imagine that he would manage to so utterly incapacitate the vessel. He thought back to the Battle of Sev Tok, and the way that the rounds fired from his carbine had been slung into a wall by the telekinetic mastery of a Jedi Knight. No doubt this strike-force would have at least one of those mystics aboard, wouldn't it? Had they been unable to take hold of such significantly larger projectiles? Perhaps they hadn't been able to see the missiles and therefore couldn't interact with them? Did the Force require line of sight?

Questions for another time considered the Warlord as the dropship began to swerve and shutter, bits and pieces of it dropping off as the acid did its terrible work, tearing through mechanisms and electronics in equal portions. Osam observed as one of the passengers leaped away from the doomed dropship, falling the fairly substantial distance to the structure's far side, though they seemed relatively unharmed by the passage. There, it seemed, was one of the accursed Jedi Knights. He felt a phantom pain sting his arm at the sight, a reminder of the agony he had felt, a reminder of the capacity for bloodshed that the plasma-sword wielding zealots possessed.

A second body followed that one, and the possibility of a mounting band of Jedi near the far side of the SCC's command rooms rippled through him. Pulling himself back into the command room, the Warlord cast a glance toward Ashaka Sylok, the mighty seer doing their best to keep the shield operational wherever possible, and doubtless preparing for the potential of an impact with the dropship. Still - once it had landed, he would be needed elsewhere. The Warlord was more than capable of dealing with one or two worthless intruders now that the Flesh Vessel had granted him its power. Besides, if there were more Jedi aboard they would have joined the other two on the ground.

"Sylok. Once the ship falls, try to separate them! Stop the Jedi! I'll join you once I've cleaned the stragglers on my side up! Khaeus guides us!" He shouted in command, raising his gaze up to the steadily falling dropship. He imagined it was pandemonium within the cabin, but from here, it seemed almost smooth in its descent.

Aeravalin operators and the drones who they had replaced suddenly found themselves pulling away from the command center en masse as they prepared for the impact. It was pointless for them to stay anyway now that command had been revoked from the SCC by the Primary Command Center. The hybrid ran his finger over one of the nearest crystals, observing as it failed to activate, further highlighting his point.

The Warlord raised a hand in an automatic protective gesture over his torso as the dropship slammed into the Ashaka's shielding, losing a significant portion of its momentum before bursting through the remainder of the walls, and haphazardly spinning onto its side in the process. It only barely managed to clear the wall with at least a portion of it still hanging out over the edge of a fairly substantial fall, but it seemed to have stabilized in its current position well enough.

How many souls still remained within the container? Were they wounded or already dead? Perhaps they were gathering together their weapons, preparing themselves for a last stand worthy of one of their wretched epics. Were the Jedi who had fallen now behind it, taking cover, using the thing to keep themselves safe?

The hybrid tossed aside the spent T-120 launcher, letting it clatter to the ground. It's payload had already been launched, and he had little inclination toward reloading it while his enemy prepared themselves. Instead, he simply unhooked an assault carbine from one of the Vessel's many holding points, checked that it was fully loaded, and directed it toward the fallen shuttle.

Whatever had survived would not do so for much longer, he thought, before pulling the trigger and keeping it pressed tight. The bark of carbine fire was intense as the rounds slammed into the fallen ship's shell, aiming to make husks of its hidden survivors in the process.
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"How does she breath?" One of the troopers wearing a rebreather asked as they followed Westenra Mina Westenra Mina as she spearheaded the attack for her particular squad, rapidly learning more and more about the kind of enemy she was facing and what had caused Laertia to snap.

They were the most savage and ruthless enemy she had ever fought, and Lynda had fought and defeated full on Sith at Atrisia. They showed no mercy, no compassion. So Lynda was forced to show none in turn, going for only the most lethal killing moves, her X-Ray vision identifying vital organs and attacking them ruthlessly, her super cold blade and vibroshield rending open in even the thick flesh of a Brute and freezing it at the same time.

Lynda had never found herself despising an enemy so fervantly. The thought that these savage brutes would murder everything if they could made her give into the bloodlust this time, a blur of razorwind slashing apart hulking figures.

One spike of ore slammed into her, blasting her backward and opening her side, leaking glowing red blood, and Lynda slammed against a tunnel wall, and a Juggernaut immediately bore down in her with an axe, The Android dodging the blow to her skull, bringing her circular vibroshield edge to its midsection, her immense strength letting her cleave brutally through his armor and his flesh, spilling innards that froze from exposure to her Ostrine Edged weapons, her body twisting through the air, databases predicting their assaults with an almost Psychic tenacity.

Lynda was a machine of battle the most in this form, her body and armor already starting to repair itself as she ripped through a series of vicious drones firing weapons that spewed molten bullets she had to block with her shield (Which warped and dented it considerably) as she tore into them, her combat protocols stretched to her upper limits against the relentless threat of the Bryn'adul. But she was sworn to protect her team, and protect them she would. A terror of blades began hacking through metal and shielding and flesh, parrying brutal counterattacks, blocking deadly, explosive projectiles, but though bullets ripped through her chest, tore part of her face off she did not fall, coldly, methodically ripping her opposition apart.

Gods, was my former Sister right? Lynda wondered as her wounds healed, savaging her way through hoardes of them, the design of Nine Lives repeatedly proving itself against even hardened veterans as her blades tore through them, watching how they sadistically killed those who made even a momentary mistake. Savage, dishonorable. She killed quick and efficiently and didn't linger. They killed as painfully as possible whenever possible. They truly thought all this savagery proved their superiority. It proved only that they would inevitably destroy themselves by bringing the wrath of the Galaxy, of The Force itself to bear on them for their wanton slaughter.

The warriors rallied behind her as she killed with an efficient strategy of near psychic evasion followed by ruthless strikes to the vitals. She usually went for the head. It was the most obvious place.

Lynda's spearhead attack,backed up by the firepower of her amazed squad, shocked at discovering their ally could kill these fiends as savagely as the Black Knight herself followed in silence as they finished helping the Android kill everything immediately in her area, the dozens of cuts and gaping bullet wounds sealing rapidly as she led them. Her enhanced sense of smell allowed her to detect Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor and Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield close by and directed her team, still wading over the corpses of dead Bryn'adul in her wake.

Soon, she ran into Heavenshield's team, waving them down from afar.

"Master Heavenshield, what a relief..." Lynda said, looking like a blood soaked goddess of death.

"These bastards are a nightmare. No wonder everyone hates 'em. Ready to feth chit up?" Lynda asked him bluntly, knowing they might run into Vanagor's group at any minute...
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Location: Nar Kreeta
Equipment: Linked in bio
Tags: Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla

The drumming of fingers against the barrels of a gun drew his attention back to those around him and his gaze landed on the person who was the source of the noise. His younger ally had some fight in him, well... as did all Mandalorians, but Kranak seemed feistier than some. Perhaps it was a youth thing, he wondered, giving thought to Zeke from his own squad who was barely older than twenty and had proved himself to be a bit of a wild card at times.

It was refreshing to have some spirit among their ranks as long as the bravado didn't transpire into arrogance. Arrogance led to overconfidence and overconfidence meant almost certain death against the Bryn, or liability at least. Conversely, Ki'an had yet to find his own balance between insecurity and confidence and he was not oblivious to his status as a liability at times. However, with his recent focus on training, he had begun working to get back up to the standard of a warrior that he was expected to be.

With every battle, there was the risk of not returning but he could take comfort in knowing his children would go to the capable hands of their grandmother. The knowledge brought him peace and he no longer feared being killed in battle. The battles to free the galaxy from the genocidal conquest were righteous so if he were to die here today then it wouldn't be for nothing, no matter how minimal in the grand scale of the war.

The dropship began to shudder as it dropped into the atmosphere and launched towards the surface of the planet. "I think there's your answer." Ki'an replied, holding onto the harness that restrained him. The remainder of their journey was rocky, right down until the whirr of the engine turning off once they were drilled into the crust of the planet.

As soon as he stepped out of the dropship and into the tunnel, the ground rumbled with a distant force. "What was that?" Torin turned to ask their resident know-it-all. "I don't know." Ki'an responded, preoccupied as he pressed buttons on his vambrace to alter his HUD function.

The self-appointed Mandalorian leader began leading the group in the direction of the disturbance. "Wait, you're going towards it?!" Zeke asked the other Mandalorian. "There might be people needing our help." He replied.

"He's right. There are several Jedi nearby." He turned his attention back to the group after it had been diverted by his HUD for a few moments. "Mig's with them. I can track them through him." He informed the group as they walked while taking care of the correspondence. ::Headed your way, Mig:: He informed the other Mandalorian Mig Gred Mig Gred through comms.

The total destruction of the tunnel ahead led them to take a smaller side tunnel which brought them closer to their allies, as confirmed by the rumbling of the ground growing stronger the further ahead they got. "It looks like we'll intercept the Jedi ahead." He told the others as the rounded another corner which joined a tunnel ahead.

Upon seeing the nearing group of Mandalorians, a group of drones from the conjoining tunnel launched in their direction. Immediately, the tunnel was lit with blaster-fire from the group. If they hadn't needed the tunnel to reach the Jedi then a powerful explosive would've been in order but they couldn't risk compromising the structural integrity of the tunnel so they would have to plough their way through the drones.

-Intercepting Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala 's group after we take out these drones.
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Kiara Ayres


Nearby allies: @Pointed Ear Gang Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok Jairdain Jairdain Mig Gred Mig Gred
Joining Soon: Yula Perl Yula Perl Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla Ki'an Vizsla Ki'an Vizsla
Joining Soon 2.0: Bernard Bernard Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina Ripley Kühn Ripley Kühn
Anti-allies: Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma Galak Galak
Equipment: Lightsaber, rebreather, armour


Kiara regretfully was unable to respond to Grandmaster Nimdok but she imagined they'd be well acquainted when they day was done. The Mandalorian made a valid comment but the Jedi was not willing to discuss the matter with him at present. If the situation called for it then they could revaluate splitting up further down the line.

The telekinetic blast was a defensive move to prepare for the offensive attack that followed in the form of the Jedi Master drawing her lightsaber into her hand and igniting the emerald blade. She darted between the drones, thrusting the blade into the abdomen of one while avoiding the grasp of another, agility enhanced by the Force.

As the drone fell, her attention was turned to the crackle of electricity beside her, subduing the other drones. With a look of surprise, she turned around to see the source of the lightning as the Mandalorian who accompanied them. She would've caught the gazes of Sakadi to see if she shared her shock if the other hadn't been distracted.

Once the lightning dissipated, the sound of rumbling became apparent and continued growing until the entire tunnel shook as they were about to be introduced to a new, fearsome adversary. Kiara leapt into action, using the Force to ensure the drones stayed down while they passed to escape whatever creature sought them from the other end of the tunnel.

In the dark and in her sudden fight-or-flight instinct, she neglected to maintain awareness of her surroundings and caught her foot on a ditch in the ground. Unable to get a proper grip on the flat ground, she stumbled and fell to her hands and knees.

Rather than immediately get to her feet, knowing she was likely to get caught in doing so, she closed her eyes and focused all of her attention onto the Force and the connection it had to the creature that was chasing them. She attempted to connect with it telepathically to subdue it and allow herself time to regain her footing. The Jedi Master was well-trained but in such trying times it was difficult to remain resolutely calm.



Objective: Platitudes and Decisive Action
Location: Eastern Covenant Sector - Vaydralen Barracks
Allies: Osam Osam | Quoron Ver'dum Quoron Ver'dum | Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari | Craldzaer |
Enemies: TBD

Crald's arm tensed, straining to hold the Vaydralen up for much longer than necessary. He wasn't even sure if he was trying to kill him, he just wanted to hurt him. Collectively, the Akhenaton felt hate but they were not sure why. The Kraemonen were the only ones that understood, they understood the nature of a hundred minds formulating singular thoughts of goals. The other species were different, or rather they themselves were deviant. They felt hate, mistrust from the Vaydralen on Nar Kreeta most of all.

Before Sev Tok, Warlord Amok-Tuk warned them of the Vaydralen's intent, they knew they hated them and it made them hate the mandible-wrought warriors back twice as much. But even so, this wasn't how it was supposed to be. They were supposed to fight together, standing side by side against their foes.

Instead they were now making themselves easier target practice for the Concord forces. They were approaching from all sides, rangers and troopers attacking the Covenant sector. But he couldn't let the Vaydralen down, he couldn't let the Vaydralen survive in their place. He was ready to kill him. His eyes shifted, refocusing as Quoron Ver'dum arrived; a fellow survivor of Sev Tok. He hadn't expected him to be here, but perhaps the Vandal did not hate them so much, perhaps...

Crald could not kill the Vaydralen. But his confusion stemmed from hesitance, his mercy subsequent from that. Not kindness. The Vaydralen in his grasp clashed the Akhenaton's wrist with a hidden blade, falling to the ground - gasping for air. Crald felt pain, grasping at his wrist.

All your kind, hate we. Vandal.

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