OBJECTIVE: Platitudes and Decisive Action
OBJECTIVE (TACHAEL-VEMNAK): Eliminate Warlord Amok-Tu
LOCATION: Nar Kreeta, Super-Construct, Near Warlock Dome
EQUIPMENT: Ceremonial fireproof Shaman robes
ALLIES: BYRN | In proximity of

HOSTILES: SJC | Open to engagement
"Ostak. I sense a disturbance regarding our new allies. Are you aware of the cause?" [/div]
As it seemed, the Warlock was not aware.
For a fraction of a second, Ostak considered telling him about Warlord Amok-Tu's meddling. However, he knew that complete honesty in this story would threaten his ruse. After all, why else would a Draelvasier seek to travel to a heretic's location than to kill them?
With this in mind, Ostak introduced a partial truth.
"Yes, to an extent." replied Ostak. "The grievances of the Akhenaton and the Vaydralen have erupted into active violence after a member of the former severely wounded the latter. There are rumors that Warlord Amok-Tu is complicit, egging them on. Perhaps I will ask him about such speculation myself once I meet with him. I do hope the rumors are false."
Just as Ostak concluded, the duo arrived at the large War-Beast Chambers, containing thousands of beasts of war, but more importantly for his ruse, their biological logs. The Shaman-Overseer slipped into the chambers and made his way to the standard-issue storage facility in the outer walls. It, along with the majority of the War-Beast Chambers, had been spared from the asteroid strikes. Within the box-shaped steel structure was several dozen rows containing ten to thirty stone tablets, each one containing the biological information of a certain group of beasts. No secretary stood at the desk separating Ostak and the rows, presumably off to rally their own beasts. It made it that much easier for Ostak to grab one of the rearmost tablets, containing a report on the offensive range of a dozen Obaliscs.
However, such content was ultimately irrelevant. All that mattered to the Shaman-Overseer was that he quickly obtained his "information" and then rushed to the rails so he could eliminate Warlord Amok-Tu before his impurity spread any further. A good commander's influence could be described as a purifying touch, bringing out the best in their subordinates and encouraging a spirit of cormadery as they fought to the death together. However, Warlord Amok-Tu was more like the originator of a virus, its ugly tentacles promoting fear and paranoia wherever they traveled. Argue as they may about the viability of the covenant, surely the conservatives of the Overseer Council understood what a danger the Warlord was to stability in his system.
However, Ostak had a feeling that there were other motives at play in the secretive Council of Overseers.
"Warlord Sethrak, I have my data." exclaimed Ostak as he exited the Chambers, tablet tucked into his right elbow. "Show me the rest of the way."