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Amazon banning the Rebel Flag

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[member="Lisette Kuhn"]

Yes, I'd actually like to apologize for my dumb ass behavior that I've been displaying throughout this entire thread. I ain't making no excuses, I'd just like to apologize for everything I've been posting on this thread. I actually didn't even intend to start debating with people about the U.S. civil war. So again, I'd like to apologize to everyone on this thread and thank you for taking time to read this.
Yeah, look, I'm gonna admit... I had a hard time getting through this hot mess at first.............. but then I remembered alcohol existed.



Disney's Princess
Valiens Nantaris said:
Failing an outrage happening to Americans, it’s not well known enough for a knee jerk reaction.
I love this. God bless us Americans. Beacons of intelligence, self-discipline, and internet poise. May our glorious example shine...

*notices [member="Cecily de Demici"] GIF* ^

...Nevermind all that! Let's drink! Wahoo! :p
[member="Jay Scott Clark"]
It's well known that the USA only joins wars after some sort of outrage/attack on them.

I mean, other countries do this too, but literally every major war since the Civil War has been prompted by an 'outrage'.


Disney's Princess
[member="Valiens Nantaris"] You ever read Aristotle. He has a quote about Democracy I love to recite. It's... Not just for Americans, but for any free peoples really. Something about a how an unintelligent majority makes for a perilous country. Ah. Le sigh.

Maybe one day we'll find a better approach to human situations other than by starting with fear and violence. ...Meh. Until then. Let's comment about media-filler things on the internet and drink booze, n stuff. :p
Darth Venefica said:
I understand America wants to change it's image or try to appease everyone that lives in the country. But how far do you go? By appeasing one group, such as removing the flag, you are now offending another group.
Let me point this out.... No matter what you do, there is no real "Win, win" situation. Because it may be that way for one person, but for a different person, it's a lose, lose, and others its a win. lose.

Anyways, no matter what America as a Free market economy does, There will be pissed off people, happy people, and the "meh" people.

My opinion? I am sad that it has come to this, but I can see why they have done it. I fly the flag. In fact I fly both of the Confederate and "Red, White, and blue" at the same height, because according to history, and American/Country standards, all Country claimed flags fly at the same height. No one above the other. So they fly at the same height. I can say that I have had a few people nitpick me about it and claim that it is rude, and wrong. But much like alot of people, I shrug my shoulders. It's just a flag. It's a symbol that once, or still does, stand for something.

As for what they stand for, and what they mean? I don't care, because both of those flags mean something to me. SO I fly them for my OWN REASONS, and not because I am a racist redneck with missing teeth, and moonshine.

*shrugs shoulders*


Disney's Princess
[member="Xander Carrick"] That's the wonderful thing about this country. You can do what you want without having to bow to another man's perspective of what is, and what is not, in good taste. Let the consequences follow as they may? The law doesn't much care how you live your life. Just death and taxes. :p

Sidenote, when I lived in Texas we had six flags to learn about in school. Each one representing a time when another nation ruled the territory. It was funny to learn that some many factions had controlled this same dirt I cared so little for. Who would possibly want Texas? I just couldn't fathom the thought as a teenager.

It was that experience that taught me to see flags as mailable images. Windows, into the dreams they so colorfully represent. Never waving about the present to the clouds above, but pointing to the future. So often born and crafted with great care. Destined by their designer to fly for greatness and for truth. Yet? So many flags are judged not by their creators, but by history. A biased and slanted vision to be sure. Always looking backwards where no creatures was given eyes to see. To them a flag is always 'what was'. Never the intended 'what could be'.

So good for you for flying a flag that means something to you. Something real and something personal. Because then it's not the Confederate's flag. It's yours. ...And even if that gets you killed? They can't take the sky from you. :D
I was going to say it would be kind of stupid to die because I flew one specific flag.... but then I remembered part of my history classes... and well..... I retract that statement.

[member="Jay Scott Clark"]


Disney's Princess
[member="Xander Carrick"] Uh yeah. This is still America, after all. Here? You can still die for anything. :p


Disney's Princess
[member="Xander Carrick"] Pfft. Hey. You said it man. But I'm not flying a Confederate Flag. You is. Lol. ...Good luck with that! :D :p
The Confederate Flag, The Union Jack, The old Soviet Union Flag, The Christian Cross, The Inverted Christian Cross, Pentacles, Pentagrams, Swastikas, etc etc etc are all symbols that are perceived by groups and individuals with different opinions. Throughout history every symbol has been praised and later corrupted to mean something else.

The Confederate Flag: That is a mixed view. Being a European I only defend the flag for it's historical basis; America's History. My brother lives in Ohio and there is a movement to cancel Civil War Re-enactments in that state due to the flag being involved. Goodbye History.

The Union Jack: To most Irish that is a symbol of oppression, slavery, and potential Genocide. I have friends on this site and in RL that are English and have no hatred in my heart for them or what their ancestors did. However most Irish do. From 1110 to 1920, Ireland was oppressed by the English and Irish Protestants. Catholic (and Irish Pagans) homes/farms/businesses were ripped away from them and granted to English and Irish Prots. Slavery, the total loss of Irish life is in the millions. Slavery was also not just about forced labour but forced military enlistment. Irish that were forced conscripted got lesser equipment (sometimes weapons such as guns didn't even work) and were rarely trained. Cannon fodder. name....Oliver Cromwell. The Lord Protector proclaimed...."The Irish are no different than cattle grazing in the fields....slaughtering them like cattle is the proper direction to take."

Soviet Flag: Ask any real Eastern European how they feel about that flag.....and get back to me. :)

The Christian Cross: To most people that is a symbol of faith and protection. To others it's a sign of war and oppression. The Crusades, The Burning Times, The Inquisition were all conducted under the watchful eye of the cross. As a Pagan, I have no issues with the cross though I am repeatedly told I'm going to hell for my beliefs (which there is no hell in our religion). And the concept of the cross (crucifixions) was started by the Romans when they discovered the Celtic Pagans (Druids) used it as symbol to represent the four elements of the Earth, with the Celtic Cross the circle in the centre representing the Sun or Moon or Spirit to bind them all together. The Romans twisted the concept of the cross and used it as a form of execution.

The Inverted Christian Cross: Today it is associated with Satanism and Devil Worship (separate beliefs). It in truth, when the Apostle Peter was put on the cross, he asked to be crucified upside down because he didn't deserve to be crucified like Jesus because he believed he was inferior to him. There are churches out there that use this symbol for just that.....but 99% of the people see it and claim what I said in the first sentence.

Pentacles/Pentagrams: In Pagan lore, they are symbols associated with nature and the elements. To those outside of our religion, it's viewed as being in league with the devil by lesser people who do not understand. I won't say ignorant because they are just uneducated in my religion.

Swastikas: If you go to some of the museums and look at the ancient Egyptian art and displays, you will see that symbol etched there. To them and most ancient cultures it was a symbol of protection. Today, due to the corruption of it, it is now viewed as a symbol of hate. My sister-in-law is Egyptian and has a swastika tattooed on her left shoulder blade (covered of course) for protection....not because she is racist or hates Jews.

So in the end, all symbols and flags have different meanings/representations to the eye of the beholder. Personally, I hate the Irish flag. For a nation of drunks, I'm sure we could have come up with a better design that green, white, and orange; but I understand the symbolism behind it.

Sorry for the rant.
I have to be honest here, this thread (and the whole debate in general) actually disgusts me.

The blatant status signaling coming from some of you is nauseating. We get it. You're a really good person, and anyone who flies the confederate flag is a hate-filled racist redneck scum. And you win tolerance points by pointing it out. Signal harder.

In the same token, those of you trying to defend the Confederacy by claiming the war wasn't really about slavery or whatever, are fighting a losing battle. Any way you slice it, slavery was a major reason for the war. The thing is, this misses the point entirely.

Back to the issue at hand. The sheer hypocrisy surrounding this debate is astounding. Can't blame the horrifically high black murder rate on blacks. Can't blame illegal immigrant crime on illegal immigrants. Can't blame Islamic terrorism on Muslims. But those toothless White Southern rednecks with their flag and their racism? Now there's an outgroup we can all unite against. Amirite?

Pro-tip for some of you: I would be real careful about condeming an entire group of people with a broad brush based upon the actions of one lone deranged lunatic, especially given your own ethnic group's rather piss-poor track record when it comes to violent and interracial crime. If you want to go there, we can. Where was the universal condemnation of black people after Omar Thornton? Was it time to have a "conversation about race" back then? On that's right, you probably don't even know who Omar Thornton was. Selective outrage.

In conclusion, I find it absolutely reprehensible that some people, and especially the media, are using the death of nine people to further their political agenda of erasing White Southern identity. You're disgusting people.

Keep tightening your grip. Keep pulling the flag down. For every government building you remove it from, a hundred houses put it on their porch.
[member="Rexus Drath"] beyond uncalled for, I think you should leave this topic.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"] I believe at this point this needs locked and dealt with boss man.
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