The flag clearly needs to be removed from public buildings, and from the states which still have it as part of their flag, Mississippi does still I believe.
Amazon’s removal of it from sale is a clear knee jerk reaction to the events. It was not done out of principled morals, but because of this particular tragedy. And therein lies the issue with most such reactions; Amazon would have had no issues selling 150th anniversary memorabilia of the Civil War including battle flags, but now there’s been an incident they’ve removed it.
Make no mistake, as an outsider I find the continued Southern obsession with their defeat rather sad. The battle flag of the CSA has always been a rallying cry to a time when the South as a block had actual influence and power, and seen by many others as a symbol of the policies of the antebellum South.
However, none of that is new. The flag has stood what it stood for, and given the meaning it has since the end of the Civil War. It didn’t suddenly start meaning that because a nutjob opened fire in a church.
Therefore I find Amazon’s stance rather hypocritical. They should have removed the flag (except in relation to historical contexts), but they should have done it long ago, not waited for a tragedy to force them into it. Alternatively, they should keep it for sale and reap what they’ve sowed. I don’t see them apologising for profiting off it for the last 15 years.
Removing it from sale now is a token gesture meant to appease people, but without any true belief in what they are doing is right morally. It’s cynical and hypocritical and shows a lack of actual standards other than tokenism.