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Amazon banning the Rebel Flag

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skin, bone, and arrogance
This isn't about a flag causing racism, causing murder, causing ill-feelings. This is about the fact that increasingly the "cultural elites" in our government and media (but I repeat myself) don't like the people who they identify as southern country bumpkins. It's much easier to identify people with a rebel flag on their truck or their house as a beer-swilling, black-hating, corn-fed, hay-chewing redneck racist than to address actual racial issues in this country, including (but not limited to):
  • The soft bigotry of low expectations that infantilizes minority communities rather than empowering them (how many times did you hear, during the Baltimore and Ferguson riots, some variation of: "They can't help themselves, they feel they have no other way to express their frustration"? It is absolutely racist to insinuate that minorities, by virtue of being minorities, are unable to participate in the political process at some level that falls short of burning and looting)
  • The importing, through immigration (legal and illegal), of people to provide cheap labor, which competes directly with working-class individuals, disproportionately effecting ethnic minorities (more on that below), supported by both major political parties for their own selfish reasons
  • The high unemployment in the black community
  • Cyclical dependency on government creating a permanent underclass (by creating, through government and cultural messaging, an environment where it's considered racist and regressive to suggest that people should be able to afford the children they're having, to be married before having them, despite the fact that every single study on the subject identifies illegitimacy rather than race as the indicator of crime rate, suicide, illiteracy, and further illegitimacy, perpetuating the cycle). Anyone who professes views that are likely to get one into the middle class is considered, by those who make and enforce our political and social mores, at best a square, at worst a reactionary racist.
  • The out of control crime rate in urban centers, again disproportionately effecting ethnic minorities, but which receive very little attention because it doesn't fit the narrative.
But it's easier to blame a flag, because then we don't have to take a look at our society and think on our own sins (as a nation -- not saying everyone is a racist :p). Now that the flag is down, I wonder what they'll blame the next time some nutjob shoots up a person of color?
Hello everyone! Look what I found!


Kay bye!
[member="Veriks-Kel"] I am sorry for your experiences with the .01511111% of the population who are stupid A-Holes, but that said the only people that have ever tried to kill me in my entire life were not white, and from a supposedly peaceful religion should be ban non-whites and the Koran because of .0151111% of people who do bad using something as their standard?

The Condeferate flag is about a lot more then a few a-holes racism, it has a deep meaning to many people and is a standard of country folk and southern folk. It is a sign of their heritage, that they will always stand up for what they think is right ( believe it or not the civil war wasn't that much about slavery as much as it was about control, slavery had a hand in it but wasn't even the majority reason). Its hard to explain to someone who doesn't care and prefers to keep their idealism of those people are racist etc. Bad shit happens under every banner and flag and symbol, that doesn't make any of them evil, or wrong. The flag didn't try to "Lynch" you if indeed it happened to you, some idiots did. The Koran didn't try to kill me, some fanatics did.
*Read title*
*Didn't understand why amazon cares 'bout Star Wars universe*
*Didn't know Rebel Alliance had a real flag*

*Read posts*
*Realized this was real world*
*Felt ignorant and stupid*
*Decided not to get involved*
The flag clearly needs to be removed from public buildings, and from the states which still have it as part of their flag, Mississippi does still I believe.

Amazon’s removal of it from sale is a clear knee jerk reaction to the events. It was not done out of principled morals, but because of this particular tragedy. And therein lies the issue with most such reactions; Amazon would have had no issues selling 150th anniversary memorabilia of the Civil War including battle flags, but now there’s been an incident they’ve removed it.

Make no mistake, as an outsider I find the continued Southern obsession with their defeat rather sad. The battle flag of the CSA has always been a rallying cry to a time when the South as a block had actual influence and power, and seen by many others as a symbol of the policies of the antebellum South.
However, none of that is new. The flag has stood what it stood for, and given the meaning it has since the end of the Civil War. It didn’t suddenly start meaning that because a nutjob opened fire in a church.

Therefore I find Amazon’s stance rather hypocritical. They should have removed the flag (except in relation to historical contexts), but they should have done it long ago, not waited for a tragedy to force them into it. Alternatively, they should keep it for sale and reap what they’ve sowed. I don’t see them apologising for profiting off it for the last 15 years.
Removing it from sale now is a token gesture meant to appease people, but without any true belief in what they are doing is right morally. It’s cynical and hypocritical and shows a lack of actual standards other than tokenism.
There are more empty homes in America than homeless people

Restaurants throw out tons a food a day yet there are people starving.

California is running out of fresh water...

But yes, let us continue the discussion on so dyed thread fluttering in the wind.
Ehh, Amazon is a company, not a government entity. This would have as much impact as them deciding not to sell Martha Stewart bed linings because they don't approve of fraud.

Clarification: What [member="Atara Themis"] said. Way more important things to worry about.
[member="Rexus Drath"]

I had no intention of offending anyone. Just found that video and decided to share it.

EDIT: I was not sending that directly to you, it was more of just like to the rest of the people on this thread. So, my apologies.

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
[member="Pavor Clauditis"]

So instead of typing up a long essay about history and traditions yadda yadda yadda, I found a video that summarizes everything and I'm just going to leave it here. There are of course sources to go with everything stated so no need to hunt those down.

In my personal opinion as a black man I do not find the confederate battle flag to a symbol of southern pride. I find it as a symbol of racism
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