Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Anyone Else
The grasping arms of the Sith Order outstretch ever wider, the recent triumphs over both the Rimward Trade League and even the Empire of the Lost having rejuvenated and roused the Sith armies to war and conquest with a renewed fury. The obstacles within our path to the Core are few and weak, allowing for more individual efforts to be put to the forefront rather than one singular grand campaign.
Some Sith and other military leaders rush to the front to dispatch the enemies of the Order that dare barr our way forward, eager to prove themselves and stake out their own personal claim for power and control in our newly conquered systems such as Kerest and Dasoor.
Others however choose to engage in more…domestic pursuits. A grand Zambrano wedding has been held and the reception is under way, attracting the attention of Sith both high and low that wish to insert themselves into the event in order to try and clamber into the spotlight in a more diplomatic arena.
Regardless of where one finds themselves at this hour one thing is certain, the will of the Sith Order shall be done. No matter where or to whom.

Objective 1 - Red Reception
The Wedding Reception of Sarlow Zambrano and Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar , a perfect ending to what has otherwise been an absolutely perfect wedding. The reception and wedding have been held at an undisclosed location, the Zambrano's security has been rather lax at this event. Perhaps they should have reconsidered as forces loyal to Darth Strosius Darth Strosius take over the event allowing their lord to command the attention of all in attendance.

Objective 2 - Port Nowhere
A hive for scum and villainy, it existed as Port Hoplite when the Confederacy was there. It existed in the waning days of the Outer Planets Alliance. Slavers and their paramilitary forces, criminals and their empires are seeking to resist the Sith Order. Your task is to eliminate them and in their place, make sure that there are Sith-loyal citizens willing to tell their masters everything. There may also be more willing subjects, who wish to bend the knee rather than have their heads cut off. They may be able to help you take over parts of the world in the name of the Sith Order.

Objective 3 - Cultists
A group of cultists known as the Hand of Savidicus has rather welcomed the Sith Order. In a rather peculiar way, speaking to members within the Sith Order. All with the idea to pit one against the other. Each representative has promised different Sith a lot of glory, knowledge and power. The cult claims to have artefacts dating from when the OPA had run of the world. Along with information of other shadow ports in the area. As you enter the meeting location, you realize you've entered into an arena. Which Sith will emerge victorious?


Sarlow Zambrano



The idyllic hillside where the reception of Sarlow's wedding was held was as perfect as a dream. The gentle slopes were adorned with vibrant wildflowers that swayed softly in the breeze, their colors accentuated by the golden light of the setting sun. A crystal-clear brook meandered through the landscape, adding a soothing melody to the serene ambiance. Lanterns hung from ancient oak trees, casting a warm glow over the elegantly decorated tables set with pristine white linens and gleaming silverware. The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming roses and the distant chirping of crickets, creating an enchanting atmosphere that seemed almost otherworldly.

Sarlow, the Wolf Prince and First Son of Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , had finally wedded his love Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar . The couple sat at the head of the reception, a picture of regal elegance and deep affection. Their daughter, little Lucia, was not far from them, sitting with her grandmother Salara. The castle where the wedding ceremony had taken place loomed majestically in the background, its stone towers and battlements bathed in the soft twilight. This world, hidden away from ordinary astrogation charts, offered a sanctuary of peace and privacy, an ideal setting for such a momentous occasion.

Sarlow felt a profound sense of joy and fulfillment as he sat beside his bride. He turned to Lina, his eyes filled with love and gratitude, and kissed her hand tenderly. "You've made me the happiest man in the galaxy today," he told her sincerely, his voice barely above a whisper, meant only for her ears.

He then turned his gaze towards the arriving guests, a warm smile spreading across his face as he greeted each one. The presence of so many from the Sith Empire, gathered in one small venue, created a palpable energy that buzzed through the air. He spotted Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner and his date among the arrivals, along with his brothers and sisters, their expressions a mix of pride and happiness. The Kainate was well-represented, including Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf , a longtime family friend, and her estranged wife. Their children accompanied them, adding to the familial atmosphere of the celebration.

As Sarlow made his way through the reception, greeting guests with genuine warmth and a firm handshake, he paused to exchange pleasantries with Revna Revna and Lily Rhodes Lily Rhodes . Though he didn't know Lily well, he welcomed her with the same hospitality he extended to everyone present. His heart swelled with gratitude for the support and love surrounding him and Lina on this special day.

Despite the grandeur and the illustrious company, Sarlow's focus remained on the simplicity of his joy: the love he shared with Lina, the laughter of their daughter, and the companionship of family and friends. The peaceful world around them seemed to mirror the tranquility and contentment he felt within, making this day a perfect beginning to their new life together.



OBJECTIVE 2: "Port Nowhere"

The Eversor had remained at the edge of the system, its dark hull pitted against the void of the space, unassuming, waiting, preying. It was not time to go in with the gunports blazing and the blades shining, war was always just around the corner, but the finer nuances of conflict could be felt, could be embraced anywhere. And you did not always need a star destroyer to enjoy them, even though it improved the experience by a critical margin.

Darth Invictus' gauntlet slowly crushed the windpipe of the underlord, His red lenses offering no human emotion, no insight to what was happening below the helmeted gaze. And it was probably for the better, those meagre worms were not capable to withstand the countenance of a true avatar of the dark side. They were not worthy to witness His face.

A meaty crack and not only air but also life was squeezed out of the criminal. The Dark Lord and His retinue had entered the criminal compound only five minutes earlier, with precision and brutality they had eradicated the pathetic resistance the locals were mustering. It was a brief rush of adrenaline and dopamine, not even enough to cause a minor surge of joy in the eyes of the Sith. But plenty to satisfy His followers. They were eager to obey, eager to prove themselves, not only to Him but also to those Sith they were fighting alongside for the first time.

He had chosen this entry and this location for two reasons. It was connected to one of the major crime syndicates of the planet and secondary it was in control of some of the largest slave markets on world. It was perfect to stir the fire. Provoking the criminals by taking out their profits would ensure a swift and violent retaliation. He could feel the agitation rushing through the streets, the anger boiling in many souls. Good. He needed their passion. He wanted it.

"Gather the slaves, prepare for the counter-attack. Make sure they find their way to me." He voice echoed through the room and comms-channel of His retinue. Eager warriors. Clad in black armor, their helmets mirroring His red lenses, their blades of crimson. Force sensitive enforcers. His enforcers.

It would be a long day and night.



Fiolette Yvarro felt a mix of emotions as she stepped onto the idyllic hillside where Sarlow and Lina's wedding reception was held. The setting was breathtakingly beautiful, with wildflowers dancing in the breeze and the warm light of lanterns casting a romantic glow over the festivities. The castle in the distance added a touch of grandeur, its ancient walls a silent witness to the joyous occasion. Despite the enchanting venue, Fiolette couldn't shake the unease that settled in her heart. It had been forty years since she last mingled with many of the people here, and while she had been friends with Sarlow's parents, the passage of time had created a chasm she wasn't sure how to bridge.

Walking beside her wife, Taeli Raaf, Fiolette felt a pang of awkwardness. She was determined to continue reconciling with Taeli, to rebuild the bond they once shared, but the weight of their history loomed large. Fiolette hadn't yet told Taeli that she had spoken with their son, Iaacen, and she hoped he would be here today. As they made their way through the crowd, Fiolette couldn't help but admire the venue. The peaceful, hidden world seemed a perfect choice for such an intimate gathering, its serene beauty a stark contrast to the tumultuous events that had shaped her life.


Her thoughts were interrupted when she spotted a familiar figure moving through the crowd. Tall and striking in his Commonwealth Starfighter Corps uniform, Major Iaacen Fortan-Raaf stood out. His heterochromatic eyes, one green and one purple, marked him unmistakably. Fiolette's breath caught in her throat as she saw her son making his way towards them. It had been decades since Taeli had seen Iaacen, not since he was an infant, and Fiolette felt a rush of emotions as she watched the reunion unfold.

Iaacen's gaze was fixed on his parents, his expression a mix of apprehension and determination. Fiolette's heart swelled with pride and nervousness. She had come back from the depths of the Netherworld for Taeli, and now, seeing their son, she felt a renewed sense of purpose.

"Taeli," Fiolette said softly, her voice trembling with emotion. "There's someone I need you to see."

Fiolette stepped forward, reaching out to her son. "Iaacen," she said, her voice choked with emotion. "It's been too long."

Iaacen smiled, a hesitant but genuine expression, and closed the distance between them. He embraced his mother first, holding her tightly before turning to Taeli. "Mothers," he said to them both, his voice filled with both longing and relief.

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Objective 1: Red Reception

Tags: Open

Red reception: Sarlow Zambrano, Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro (Assumed present: Revna Revna , Lily Rhodes Lily Rhodes )

Weddings, that was at least something better than a war. Maybe. War was tiresome, it was politics, and fighting, and sludging through the battlezone, or long trips on a ship. People were lost in wars. Weddings, well. It was still politics, especially with these people. Zambranos. Let alone the first son of a former emperor. Still, while she'd have to bear in mind the usual sith shenanigans being a possibility. She hoped she could at least try and enjoy it. That was the point this time it seemed, an actual celebration. Not as much a political tying done out of necessity or ambition for power. At least, as far as she could tell.

Besides, this place was actually rather lovely. And she knew some of the people she knew, including some of her own family, would be here at least. Despite her earlier lamentations about sith politics, she couldn't help but smile at the seemingly quite happy child the two lovers apparently had. Kids. That only made her smirk more, oh now, she wandered how Malum's kids might look whenever that happened. She was pretty sure it was bound to eventually. Though that also made her grimace, what would Caecia's be like?

Elise herself had at least bothered to get dressed up for this. Of course it took encouraging to do so, but she actually bothered to wear a dress for this. It was hardly her preferred thing to do most of the time, but she did relent that this was at least an occasion for it. Though it did help her look more formal by letting her keep her lightsabers on her. She definitely didn't trust anyone here enough to leave those behind. So they stayed tucked away beneath the dress's skirt, at the back of her shins. She'd even practiced using the force to fly them out from beneath the bottom of the dress and back up into her hand just to be sure she could get it done fast. The alternative was of course to have on activate while still inside and just come straight through.

Now, time for the actually enjoyable parts of all this. Enjoying the reception. Elise looked to those around, familiar and unfamiliar. Were Sarlow Zambrano or Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar actually within reasonable distance she would at least have to congratulate them. Though she wasn't quite sure if that would happen, or if it was worth it to interrupt whatever else they were up to to just be another person to do that. So, she just kept an eye open for social openings when they may come. And be open to receiving them.

Personal equipment:
Draika iv misina (Lava lightsaber)
Red lightsaber with sturdy hilt


Tags: Open!

Revna had never attended a wedding reception before, let alone a Sith wedding. When the invitation had come through for the nobles of House Marr, Revna’s name had been one of those invitees, much to her surprise. Especially when she saw just who was inviting them: members of the Zambrano House…more specifically, Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar , as she was more aware of who Revna was than her to-be husband, or so Revna assumed.

She knew enough to know that was the ilk of Darth Carnifex. Which meant her despised foe and his family would be there. She was tempted to refuse the invitation…and likely would have, had she not been asked to go along with Lily Rhodes Lily Rhodes to the reception. And so, she reluctantly agreed to tag along - so that Lily had a familiar face and presence with her. Truthfully, Revna felt relieved that someone she knew would be there with her as well. She knew that her Mentor, Darth Strosius Darth Strosius , would not be too pleased to hear that she was going. She knew that he would not be attending himself, but this was for the better: they both knew he would only cause problems, and a wedding and reception was not a place to bicker and raise chaos.

Being a formal affair, the small Sith woman chose this occasion to be the first where she would actually wear a dress; something she never fathomed herself doing. Money was no longer an issue now that she was a Marr, and she purchased for herself an elegant black dress with slits up either side of the leg to mid-thigh, sleeveless and sleek with dark red lace over the bodice for a splash of color. It was form fitting and elegant, befit for a young Sith woman of noble bearing - but not so outlandish as to take away from the bride and her entourage (which she’d been forewarned was a big no-no for weddings of any sort). Black lace slip-ons went on over her feet, and her dark, silver-streaked hair was braided in a crown-braid before the braid was wrapped in a neat bun at the back of her head. She highlighted her golden eyes with khole and dark eyeliner, and a necklace of fine metal and obsidian and rubies decorated her neck, sitting on her just below her throat, and glinting in the light. She made no effort to hide the scars that wrapped around her throat, marks of her previous life as a slave. The Sith Empress, Lady Talon, had encouraged her during their dance so long ago to embrace them and use the memories to strengthen herself, and that’s exactly what she did.

The place where the wedding reception would be held was stunning, and though Revna had her misgivings at first - she soon found herself in awe of the location of choice. She took in all the sights: the babbling brook, the beautiful and fragrant wildflowers, the elegantly rolling hills, lanterns hung from beautiful and stoic oak trees. It was enchanting, truly.

As she mingled with the other invited guests, the little woman spied faces of people she had come to know or at least be familiar with: Sith Lady Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf alongside her once estranged wife, Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro , as well as the Emperor’s Executioner, Lord Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner with his own date, though Revna was not familiar with the woman. The heads of the Zambrano House were there as well, though she tried not to stare daggers in their direction.

Despite her dislike for the Zambranos, Revna was wise enough to not let her hatred get in the way of the joy of the occasion. She was warm and polite when the groom, Sarlow Zambrano, exchanged pleasantries with her and Lily, and she offered her sincere congratulations to him and his stunning bride on being united together as husband and wife. As Revna observed him interacting and mingling with others, she noticed something that stood out above all things: his deep love for his beloved and their young daughter.

Something she also noticed was the fact that many couples were attending together; it made her feel a little… wistful. Though she wasn’t upset at being with Lily at the event, she did find herself wishing that Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway was there with her as well. Maybe it would have helped fill the slowly growing sense of loneliness she felt building in her heart.

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Relationship Status: It's Complicated


TAG: Naedira Darcrath Naedira Darcrath | Sarlow Zambrano | Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar | Elise of House Marr Elise of House Marr | Revna Revna | Open

Weddings were something which were celebrated differently among every culture, though many of them had similar elements to it. This particular celebration was outdoors, and it tugged at the wolf within the man. It also made him think back to the many receptions he had celebrated on Stewjon. Were they among his people the mead would be flowing, most of the guests would be drunk already, and the bride and groom would be engorging themselves on whatever meat had been roasted over the spit for the event.

This was not Stewjon, however, and the guests and family were not the kind Gerwald thought needed their inhibitions lowered with alcohol.

Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex had extended the invitation, or so Gerwald assumed. Both he and Naedira Darcrath Naedira Darcrath had been included, and there were not many Zambranos who knew the name of Gerwald’s mate. Understandably it would have been in bad form to reject the invitation, considering the interesting relationship the former Lord Commander had recently established with the Butcher King. They knew each other in a different way, more than just the reputation their names and deeds had gained for them.

Carnifex had elevated the Dread Wolf by sparring him in front of his own. The purpose of it remained, and it made Gerwald cautious. Sith did not do anything for free, and there would be a day the Sith Lord would call upon him.

He felt strange among the Kainite, at least so many of them, and the fact he was slightly unsettled would be apparent to Naedira. He knew he needed to adjust to it with his role among the Sith, especially with what his aspirations were. They needed to be seen among the Sith as a whole, and it would do good for Empyrean that his Wrath be seen among other factions in the Order under the umbrella of peace as well.

“If there is dancing, then I will dance with you.”

He smiled. She knew why he said it. Though the memory of it was his. She had seen that day from his perspective. Perhaps there would be a day when his memories would allow her to recover her own of the shared events before her death. Another memory of that night had been something Gerwald always revisited no matter what party he attended. The pair headed straight for the bar.

“One whiskey… neat, and one of those fruity cocktail things.”

The barkeep moved on the order right away, setting the whiskey in front of Gerwald, and the cocktail in front of Naedira. The wolf offered a playful grin to his mate then switched the drinks. He was going to hate the cocktail, but the fact she was alive so they could relive the memory together made it worth it.

“Shall we congratulate the Bride and Groom?”

Iskendyr Yvarro slumped in his chair, his scowl deepening with every passing minute. His aunt Ivalyn had dragged him to this stupid wedding, and he was convinced it was a colossal waste of time. The idyllic hillside setting was picturesque, with its wildflowers and softly glowing lanterns, but Iskendyr couldn't care less. He knew absolutely no one here, except for the people he was related to, and the sea of unfamiliar faces only made him feel more out of place.

The ceremony had been a spectacle, with countless 'Darths' announced in grand fashion. It made his skin crawl. He could almost feel the dark side permeating the air, a constant reminder of everything he despised. He couldn't help but think about how satisfying it would be to see them all fall. He supposed those were thoughts best kept to himself, given the company he was in.

As he scanned the crowd, he spotted his great-grandmother, Fiolette, chatting with her ex-wife—or was it wife? He couldn't keep track of their convoluted relationship. All he knew was that Fiolette had lectured him numerous times about avoiding Sith, and here she was, surrounded by them. The hypocrisy made his blood boil.

He glanced over at his aunt Ivalyn, who was engrossed in her device, likely checking messages or handling some sort of business. Iskendyr considered bolting at the first opportunity. He could slip away, find a quiet spot far from this circus, and wait out the rest of the event in peace.

Just as he was about to make his move, he saw her— Lily Rhodes Lily Rhodes . She had just arrived, and the sight of her made his heart skip a beat. She was beautiful, even more so than he remembered, and the mere presence of his crush turned his scowl into a look of wide-eyed awe. Suddenly, the urge to escape evaporated.

Iskendyr watched as Lily moved gracefully through the crowd, her smile lighting up the faces of those she greeted. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he knew he had to do. This was his chance. With his aunt still distracted, he slipped away, weaving through the clusters of guests until he was close enough to call out to her.

"Lily!" he said, trying to keep his voice steady despite the nervous flutter in his chest.


Oh the trivialities of love.​
Drazen knew the rest of the Galaxy functioned off things like idealistic love. Emotions and spiritual connections. Religion even, that these things connect people - but all the Arkanian saw in marriage was reproduction, the passing of genetic information in the most basic form that evolutionary biology allowed. He considered the entire reception if the two would make powerful children - and eventually came to the conclusion that they wouldn't. Not powerful enough to garner his attention, at least.​
With a bored sigh, he lifted his champagne and drank it down, his singular eye looking out on the crowds gathered. Them in their fancy suits and dress up - it was as though the Sith had completely forgot their Emperor fought for their very sake across the Galaxy! Who was he kidding, he almost forgot, but he could see the writing on the wall. If they didn't accomplish more, the Emperor had set them up for failure on his return.​
Such a self evident ploy left Drazen with a bad taste in his mouth, but he knew its simplistic nature was just what was needed. Still, he would've preferred something more grand. Like the systemic murder of this entire reception. Wouldn't that send a powerful message? Probably, but the backlash would only freeze their war machine in its tracks. He sighed at that thought, knowing it would harm his eventual control over Terminus and its manufacturing guilds.​
His mind fell back on the present and scanned the crowd - only to see an isolated apprentice of someone powerful. A grin over took him as he picked up the bottle of champagne from his private table, surrounded by his entourage, and moved towards Revna Revna . Clearing his throat, he leaned over for her, offering her one of the glasses while he presented the fine vintage of champagne - nearly fifty years old, and perfectly preserved.​
"Would you care for a drink?", he asked with a devilish grin.​



How out of place he looked.

The Shadow Hand of the Kainate maintained the appearance of a war god, a battle titan built for mass slaughter, and the destruction of worlds. A powerful aura of supreme command surrounded him that commanded obedience, demanded attention, exuded authority. In such a tranquil hillside amongst the beautiful displays of nature no matter what regal clothing the giant wore, he stuck out like a sore thumb. The giant stood as the tyrant force of nature that rendered such beautiful worlds as little more than charred hulks of burning rock. He wore a regal outfit of black and red that exuded the eternal rule, combining elements of zeyd-cloth robes with imperial trousers and boots. A high sith collar sat around his neck culminating in a mantle over his shoulders, all holding very militaristic elements. A large belt held the Eye of Solomon proudly displayed held the outfit together. A signet ring sat on his left hand as elements of the beautiful tapestry of tattoos snaked out from within the cuffs.
Beside him stood a figure that was scarcely seen on the galactic stage, yet her presence was acutely felt within the Kainate, the Witch Elder and his wife, Braith Zambrano. Beautiful raven hair draped down over a beautiful black dress; a silver necklace was the centerpiece holding the Eye of Solomon with glowing rubies. Beside her husband she exuded a presence all her own, to those who knew her knew she was the Storm. They sat together at the section of the table reserved for family members, strategically placed so the Mortarch was sitting next to the Eternal Father Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , it was a great symbol to all in attendance of the unity of the Sith Dyarchy, the Dyad that ruled the Kainate. Out from them swept the living darkness incarnate in powerful waves, like a sun born from darkness burning brightly to display the sheer might of their bond and the growing power of this pair simply by standing beside one another.
Beside him Braith leaned in close, her dark eyes falling briefly over him. She slid her hand over his own, gripping it tightly.
"Your so tense. Even I can see it my love." She said, floating a nearby drink of Absinthe over and having it placed in front of him. For the monarchs attendants were always at the ready to address their every need. "It is what they wanted, it's their day. Let them have it how they envisioned it. You need to relax." Braith finished. The Dark Lord had been gripping the armrests of his thronelike chair so tightly, the frame began to creak from the strain. The wedding was everything it was envisioned to be, a blessed union between his nephew's first born, Sarlow and Lina Djo. But his concerns had come in the planning of the event. It was a delicate affair carefully chosen for its clandestine location, well hidden. The bride and groom had made their desires known on what world to host their perfect day. The Shadow Hand had disagreed with the location, he would've rather they had it on Malsheem. A grand affair for all to see where the entire event would be overseen by the greatest security ever assembled, in an environment where he could control every single aspect of it. Malsheem was filled with millions upon millions of dedicated soldiers who would die to the last if he so desired it, nothing would happen within its halls.
But this? There were so many variables, so much that couldn't be controlled. If it was what Sarlow had wanted, the boy more than earned it, and it was his special day after all. So, the giant went along with it. "They were careful. It's so remote few would suspect us out here. Sometimes there are elements beyond your control. Besides, there is little we can't handle should disruptions occur. Drink, wash the stress off your face." No matter the situation being beside his wife changed things. They had been separated when he had died, and perhaps she in her own way had mourned the daughter who restored her to life. She had gone through so many trials and tribulations of her own right. In his return to the galaxy at large they stood together once again, and he spent much of his time beside her. She always seemed to complete him, his other half that provided him with a degree of reassurance when they were together, Braith always seemed to know what to say. The giant simply acquiesced and took a long swig of the absinthe, before setting it back down. He sighed deeply, sinking back into the chair. "Our enemies are numerous my dear, and this environment is unpredictable. Leave anything to chance and you can wind up with a blade in your back. Everything must be considered."
"We are not back on Maena. Things are different here my love. You've shared your concerns. We are honoring Sarlow and Lina's union today. Let that be your focus." Braith whispered back. In the end she was right. It was something that he was willing to accept if Sarlow had desired it. For the Dark Lord to impress his will and utilize his authority here would've been a mistake. All around them were the dark confidants, those who began to congregate around the Zambrano Family to give their congratulations, or perhaps seek to curry favor and play the game of political intrigue to rise in station. They knew with a word their lives could change forever, simply if one of the monarchs had wished it so. The Shadow Hand swept his eyes across the reception, letting them fall to the many arriving guests.

Falentra had a knack in getting into placed she shouldn't be, but curiousity had not yet killed the cat just yet. Until it did, this problem child would continue down the path going through experience to grow and learn - even if it meant that her life frequently dangled on the precipice of death.

Most of House Marr were in attendance at the wedding reception on the planet, including her master. Falentra, still wary about the social intricacies and being in the same vicinity as other scarier kainites from what she heard, would opt out of the event. Being left with her own devices, she would call upon some friends to keep her company. She began exploring the planet about with her own ship as she waited for their arrival.

While she had never been on farboon, the world quickly became less of a stranger to her as she operated the device in her head. CTOii allowed her to access all information there was about the planet on the net. Even one suspicious advert on a certain Hand of Savidicus and a prizes to be won. Nothing much more than coordinates and date provided - that would give the teens something fun to do.

Her radar alerted her to a ship entering the atmosphere - the liberty's edge. Falentra would send a ping to the ship, alerting them to where she had parked.

Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell

Well, chit...-When Balun had told Cordelia Dimitte Cordelia Dimitte that he chose to judge people based on their actions and not the rumours of people they associated with, Balun had never considered that he might wind up following his best friend Nouqai Veil Nouqai Veil into a world of interest to the Sith Order, let alone walking among the Sith themselves. When Nouqai Veil had initially invited him along for the ride, Balun had questioned it for a joke. He was, after all, a Lightsider and a Jedi in all but name and affiliation. He had made a habit of hanging with all people until they'd proven not to be trusted, but this was taking things to a whole new level. It had shown in the way that Balun had been rather tense for the trip, keeping one eye over his shoulder should a random Sith Star Destroyer pop out of nowhere and get the wrong idea of him.

Pulling the hood of his field apparel up over his head, he briefly brushed his hair from affront his eyes before turning to look down from the cockpit to Nouqai, who had arrived to meet him before they went on any further with this potential suicidal venture of theirs. Once the Liberty's Edge had settled down upon the surface of Farboon, Balun departed the ship to greet Nouqai out front, immediately forgoing a proper hello and instead saying: "You've got my back if things go to chit, right?".

Grist, what Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire might say to Balun when he learned that his apprentice had taken such a gamble out of trust for his friend? "The Edge is stolen too, don't forget. I don't want any Sith looking into that. It's bad enough I've got these Lightsworn on my back" he rolled his eyes. Jedi chasing other lightsiders when there were bigger fish in the Galaxy. Pretty much the ones that Balun was going to be walking amongst.

Objective 2 - Port Nowhere
Tags: Mariah of House Marr Mariah of House Marr QK-2510 QK-2510

Kivah shifted self-consciously in her worn armor next to the jump trooper and her well maintained gear. After Tion she'd given the druetium plates and under suit of her own kit multiple scrubbings and cycles in the cleaner to get the toxic poisons, gasses, and whatever was in those missiles the Emperor had rained down on the moon out of it. But after years of use and two major engagements it was looking more than a little used. The third party of their little group wasn't making her feel any better. If anything the droid lady looked even more put together. Kivah's tail flicked in annoyance as she realized her mental pun.

She pointed out the front entrance of the building across the street from the one they'd gathered in, on the holographic map zoomed in to show the target building and surrounding structured they'd gathered around. "With this emergency meeting going down tonight, likely in response to the Empire reclaiming the planet, we're taking them now. No sense in giving them a chance to disperse or pass out arms." As one of a dozen small teams scattered about the area with similar goals they already knew most of this, but they hadn't been told how to get the job done. After seeing their target Kvah wanted to work out a plan of attack. "I figure I go in through the front and hit them hard and loud," She patted her hand against the slung Erebus Repeater and turned to the jump trooper. "Think you can get in through the roof or at least a back door? Come in behind them while I've got them distracted? As for you, what are you feeling like?" She finished by asking the human-looking droid not knowing what her specialty or reason for being on this mission could be. Kivah hadn't seen the Sith use many droids up until now and was getting some seriously uncanny valley vibes off of her. She was too fluid for a mechanical being, her smell was off. Her tail flicked again.
A few of the priestess of Ophidia had planted themselves into the event posing not as invited guests but as servers. They were spies, trained to fit into anywhere flawlessly without drawing suspicion, unmasked with their hair up and dressed in waitresses blouse and black aprons. Hykatiis taking her place behind the bar as the bartender. The targets of the Tsis'Raki today were not the happily married couple or any other, but two sith lords and their company.

Hykatiis had already grown acquainted with both, one recently during an orchestrated encounter in socorro. Her own sustenance - anima - now in his own system that he would shortly have found it quite a deal to get out of. Where she would go, the grand inquisitor would likely be inclined to follow. The spy would wait for him to come to her.

They were also assassins, one who now served drinks behind the bar. While they did not intend to kill today, there was much fun she could do with making drinks for a bunch of sith.

"Right away." She answered Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner before proceeding to make and serve their drinks.
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Lily was deeply uncomfortable. Her silver blonde hair was pinned delicately up, a few loose strands curled against their will to offer framing, or do the servant who'd done her hair had told her. The dress, a pale blue a line, that stopped just past her knees, cinched at the waste with glittering belt, supporting a low cut neckline that exposed her in a way she was definitely not used to. The shoes were equally uncomfortable, but Malum had been sure that she was schooled enough by now that she wasn't tugging at the dress anymore, and she could walk in the heels without stumbling.

Her outfit, however, was only part to play in her discomfort. For someone who had grown up on the streets of Coruscant, she should have been used to crowds, and she was, in a sense. She was used to passing through them unnoticed. This, was not unnoticed. Everything about her outfit and the way Sarlow Zambrano greeted her screamed notice me. Sha managed at least to mumble her congratulations to them enormous man. Her eyes continuously flicked to the exits, ready to make a run for it should the opportunity present itself.

It was good practice. That was what Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr had said, right? She pressed a little closer to Revna Revna , her arm brushing her friends. the practiced smile fixed carefully to her face. "I think I'm gonna throw up." she muttered under her breath to her. She kept her mind firmly closed. Better that these sith see her as just another powerless Marr and not the telepath she was. "How soon do you think is too soon to leave?" she half joked. She hoped their cousin would make an appearance, it was, after all, his idea for them to come along, but he'd been especially withdrawn of late. Lily made a deliberate point of staying out of the business of the Sith Order. The less she knew the better. She just had to endure tonight's celebration and she could be back on her ship exploring again.

As she began mentally plotting her route along the Mara Corridor, a wistful smile on her face, familiar voice cut snapped her back to reality and she found her brown eyes settling on a his smiling face. "Iskey!" she squealed, all decorum forgotten as she flung her arms around Iskendyr Yvarro Iskendyr Yvarro 's neck. She drew away quickly, remembering herself. "What are you doing here?!" the smile dropped briefly. "Wait...your grandmother isn't here is she?" she cast a nervous glance around, then shook off the unsettling sensation that crept up her spine and gave him a wide smile. "Doesn't matter." She grabbed Revna Revna 's arm. "Rev, this is my...uh...friend Iskendyr, Iskey, this is my cousin Revna and...oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt." her cheeks flushed pink as she realised in her excitement she was forgetting everything the Marr sisters had taught both of them about how to behave.

Drazen Lutris Drazen Lutris


The entourage that Darth Carnifex traveled with positively stood out amongst the other attendees. Besides the Dark Lord Himself, who was dressed in magnificent vestments of rich burgundy inlaid with Sith symbols, His black hair woven into an elegant braid held together by circlets of hammered gold. He carried not weapon at His side, because none was required. Even if violence was necessitated, He could kill with but a look. So could all the others who shadowed Him.

To His right was Salara Zambrano, His first wife and mother of the groom. She was richly dressed as her husband, her curvaceous figure well-accentuated by her dress. At her side was Invicta Zambrano, fiery red hair contrasting well against her white, porcelain skin and black dress. Emma Zambrano was further away, her dress more resembling a priestess' shift than proper formal wear, with a thin black veil concealing her face. Izaszh Zambrano was not immediately seen, which was intentional. She had masqueraded herself as another guest and was currently watching the other guests for any signs of trouble, capable of shifting between different forms without difficulty.

Ahani and Gunnr Zambrano were together, both women holding one another's hands as they stayed near the edges of the gathering. Sochi Ru was conversely underdressed for the occasion, her body wrapped in near-transparent cloth that hearkened to her hunter roots on Shili. Saryn Zambrano was dressed in his usual flamboyant attire, flaunting his wealth and seductive charm for all who cared to see. There were several concubines present as well, including the winged Teresa Pellax, who was noticeably pregnant as well.

But the one directly at the Dark Lord's side was significantly smaller than He, smaller than most present at the gathering in fact. Quintessa had long been a stalwart champion of the Kainate, her devotion to the Eternal Father almost second to none. She'd even garnered the privileged moniker of Blessed by the Eternal Father Himself, a sign of His favor vested upon her from His lips. The herald of Eternal Rule's gospel walked alongside the Dark Lord, her hand held in His as best as could be achieved despite their difference in stature.

The diminuative Asa'nyx had been gifted garments befitting her stature, chosen by the Dark Lord's own personal tailors. Together, they all mingled about the gathering at various points. The Dark Lord had already spoken to His eldest son beforehand, personally conveying the position of chief heir onto him at last. Despite what personal reservations the Dark Lord might've held towards Lina Djo, the woman had joined them to further her own goal of slaying the Dark Lord afterall, He consented to the union -- as did Salara.

Even so, He would remain vigilant.


Voices and laughter and the chink of silverware and glasses filtered through Revna’s senses, pulling at her attention constantly, her gaze shifting around as she looked upon various people in the midst of their conversations, or eating or partaking of the available fine adult beverages on offer. She was tempted to head to the bar herself and order a drink, but she remained where she stood as she watched Lord Lechner and his lady approach the bar to gather drinks for themselves.

The nervous voice of Lily beside her made her chuckle slightly. “You’re doing great, Lily.” Revna murmured back to her with a kind and hopefully encouraging smile to her nervous cousin. “I know this is…scary. But sometimes coming to such events is...necessary.

She shifted her gaze around looking for Malum, but she still didn’t see him present. Running late as usual I guess…I’m…not sure how soon is too soon. I’ve never been to one of these before…Hopefully Malum shows up soon. I'll feel a lot better when he's present, for sure!

Her attention was pulled sharply away when she heard someone call for Lily, and she eyed a young man who had his eyes directly on her cousin. A smile touched Revna’s face as the two, who apparently knew one another, exchanged excited greetings with one another, and stepped away from her for a moment to catch up.

Revna inhaled deeply and let out her breath slowly; she relaxed as best she could. She eyed the bar again, her mind drifting to getting a drink for herself, to leave the two alone for a moment of privacy. And she was about to step that direction when movement caught her eye, and the sound of someone clearing their throat pulled her golden amber gaze snapped to the figure who approached her, and she saw an impeccably dressed man with a bottle of what appeared to be champagne and a glass in his hands.

He inquired if she cared for a drink, and Revna eyed the glass and bottle for a moment before shifting her attention to his face, a direct and bold gaze that narrowed ever so slightly for the briefest of moments as she beheld a dangerously playful smile that danced across his face. This individual she had never seen before; a dark eyepatch covered one eye, and silvery white hair contrasted sharply against the darker colors he wore, and his entire appearance and persona screamed that he was someone of importance.

But something else about him struck her as being…off, though she couldn’t exactly explain why.

Only a couple brief moments passed between him inquiring if she cared for a drink, and her responding in kind with a small smirk of her own, though she still remained more alert and guarded than normal.

It would be rude of me to decline, now wouldn’t it?” she responded in her typical soft voice, accepting the offered drink graciously, despite her wariness of the man. His intentions were unknown at the moment, but she was rather… curious. One way or another, she would try to figure out just why this man had singled her out from amongst all the others who were far more important than she was.

Her gaze shifted around the reception area, and to Lily once more who was still nearby, before turning her attention back to him, but before she could speak to the newcomer, Lily reached out and grabbed her arm, causing the small Sith woman to momentarily tear her gaze away from the silvery lithe man to her rather shy cousin. Lily introduced her to the other young man, before recognizing that Revna was involved in a conversation with someone else and apologizing as a blush spread across her cheeks.

You’re fine.” Revna murmured with a smile to the nervous blonde, before looking at the young man to whom she’d been introduced to. Something in the back of her mind urged her to send Lily away with her friend, away from this pale haired man who had approached her. And she still didn’t understand why she felt this way.

A pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Iskendry.” she said respectfully before turning her smile back to her cousin. “Lily, why don’t you and your friend here go catch up; get some food and drinks or something, and enjoy yourselves? I’ll be right here if you need me for anything.


"It would be rude of me to decline, now wouldn't it?", she said in a soft voice.​
"It would.", he replied in an almost flat, matter of fact one, but his smile never wavered.​
As the others came by, introduced themselves, Drazen offered Iskendry a knowing look. The boy had gone ever so slightly pale, almost imperceptibly. The marking of a well versed person caught off guard, barely holding onto their concern. Drazen gave nothing but a nonchalant smile as they finished their conversation, and then removed themselves. Iskendry knew he was, at least.​
"Family?", he asked as he poured her glass, passed it to her, then poured his own before setting the bottle back on the table near them.​
"I've family myself - though it would seem none of them have ordained to come. A shameful display, truly.", he mused.​
"You must be Revna, yes? I recognized you from my dossiers. I'm Drazen Lutris.", he said as that same devilish, toothy grin presented itself.​
"I'm the brother of Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean ."​


The wedding had been immaculate, if not more ornate than her own had been. Walking with Fiolette along the hillside to the reception, being careful not to touch, made her think about their own private affair. The only pomp she had allowed was the military honors that Fiolette had wanted, and deserved, and to have the whole thing officiated by Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , then Emperor of the Tenth Sith Empire. Otherwise, it had been a small affair.

A Zambrano wedding was not that and the reception had to be equally grandiose.

She had offered her congratulations to Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar and Sarlow Zambrano, and she hoped they would enjoy the wedding gift she and the extended Raaf family had provided to them. Nerralyn had accompanied them, although the attitude of their eldest towards Fiolette was frosty at best. That resentment would take years to deal with, but for today, estrangements and attempts at reconciliation aside, it was to be a united family for their longtime allies. Garbed in a flowing cortosis-weave and shimmersilk dress of red and white with a floral design, gloves and corset that accented nicely, she looked every bit the wealthy and powerful individual that she was. Hidden away on her person was her shoto, but besides that, the occasion had not called for arms. It was to be a celebration.

Representatives from the Marrs were present and from the Emperor, and the massive entourage of Kaine and Braxus was unavoidable, but her attention was pulled to the strongly built man in military uniform that Fiolette had guided them to. She didn't need any introductions. She didn't need the sharp intake of breath from Nerralyn as she walked behind her mothers. She didn't need to see the mismatched eyes. She didn't need to feel him in the Force. She knew who it was.

"Look at you," she muttered softly, a hand coming up to his jaw gently. "Look at my Iaacen."

To see her son, grown-up, brought joy to her heart but also pain still. Anger mixed with it too, even as she tried to tamp that down for all their sakes. She had never gotten to hold him as a baby, not really, never got to help raise him. That had been stolen from her... but today, she would let that fall aside as she would go to embrace him.

Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro Elise of House Marr Elise of House Marr Revna Revna Lily Rhodes Lily Rhodes Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner Drazen Lutris Drazen Lutris Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis
As the three of them stood together, Fiolette felt a sense of both completeness and the pang of regret. The latter she had become well acquainted with bu tthe former not as much. The venue, with its peaceful beauty, now seemed to be the perfect backdrop for the unexpected reunion. The unease that Fiolette had felt earlier melted away, replaced by a deep, abiding hope for the future.

Iaacen beamed as he dusted off his uniform. "No worse for wear, I hope. My sisters did a pretty good job, I'd say." Lucinyia had been the stabilizing force in both his and Aerys' lives, and with a twinge of regret, he admitted an all-too-common feeling at that precise moment. "I do want to apologize to you both. I tried to have Aerys come through for the day. She declined, but I'm sure we will have time for that in the future."

The man took his mothers' hands in his and gently squeezed them, more to make sure that this moment was indeed very, very real. He then took a breath and exhaled. "I apologize that my children are not here. My son Kaivaan, and the twins Vikar and Aleya, were supposed to have made it to Jutrand. They were quite fascinated with the dark side, more than what the Commonwealth would allow for."

"I arranged for their transfer, but they've not checked in. I assume Kai is busy reading, his brother is in the gym, and Aleya is likely convincing some poor sod to give her whatever dress she desires." A slight joke, and then he cleared his throat, stepping past Fiolette, whom he regarded with a tight smile. "You must be Nerralyn."

As Iaacen took the time to introduce himself to his sister, Fiolette gave Taeli a look, she had felt the familiar surge of anger come through just a bit ago. Her attention turned toward Iskendyr at hearing his voice. "And that is my great-grandson, and his aunt, my granddaughter Ivalyn, is just over there." The Galidraani woman noted how her niece was still looking at her device and then quietly walking away, talking on the holo. "I imagine her position with the Commonwealth has taken her away."

Iaacen noticed the tension in Fiolette's expression and the way she shifted her attention. He had spent so long apart from his family that seeing them all together felt surreal. Each face brought a wave of memories, both sweet and bitter. His eyes followed Fiolette's gaze to Iskendyr who was busy talking to a lovely young woman.

"Well, shall we get seated?" Iaacen inquired, breaking Fiolette's train of thought. "I see my niece and nephew are here. Why don't we sit with them?" As they moved towards the seating area, Iaacen studied Iskendyr intently. "I'll have to interrogate the young man later," he thought, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

Iskendyr shifted uncomfortably under Iaacen's scrutiny, feeling the weight of expectations and familial pride. Despite his initial disdain for the event, the presence of his family, especially his great-grandmother and her connections, began to stir a sense of belonging and curiosity within him. Maybe this day wouldn't be as unbearable as he had thought.


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