Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"Would be better if it was my wedding, but Force knows when that would ever happen. Still, it was beautiful, and I found solace in the people watching."

She'd heard it in passing, and smiled behind her mask. She was only here to remain quiet and observe, another masked face in a suit amongst the others. She wasn't just ready yet to let herself be known by her peers. Death had been both humbling and exhilarating, and her stint on Dromuund Kaas had only shown her the importance of knowledge before any grabs of power. Learn more, watch and listen, that was the goal.

Alina hadn't expected what was to come from this. She was mid sip as she heard the charge. The announcement. Alisteri had come to challenge her master? Arrest her, even, during a Zambrano wedding?

He was as bold as ever.

Chaos was subtle, but there. Allies and friends likely trying to escape before what seemed to be a brewing battle erupted to disrupt it all. Alina made her way through the crowd, just back beside Quinn as she took another sip of the blood red wine she'd been nursing all night.

"When we do marry, we'll have to be sure Alisteri isn't invited, it seems."

Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin

Before any young nobles could enjoy the festivities, Quinn was reminded that this was a wedding between Sith. Alisteri would have been nothing more than a pile of burnt clothing if looks could kill. He had decided to enact his own pathetic and petty revenge against one of the more powerful Siths in the room. Quinn had always looked down on the man, especially after what he had done with Alina. The trouble the whining and baying Sith had caused her and now this entire group.

Though, she would commend him on his bravery. Quite the pair he had to do this to Taeli Raaf and at a Zambrano wedding. If he survived this mess he created, she would applaud him.

Malum's words were drowned out by her frustrations, but she could feel the tension tighten his chest. From her knowledge, the two men were comrades, almost brothers. Quinn knew when to listen to a conversation she wasn't part of. Her eyes glanced slightly towards him as his emotions bled off his heart. Fortunately for him, too many people were occupied, but the young empath quickly understood the shift in the man's stance.

Through the chaos, the boy-king looked towards her, his lips moving with his words delayed in her mind. He wanted her godmother, the Empress. She scoffed, nearly choking on the air they breathed. So, his true colors showed. Quinn felt his closeness to her was only because of her connection to the Emperor and the Empress. Malum was brilliant, she thought, keeping her face from showing her disgust with his request.

The coldness around her heart began to build again towards him, and she pulled her hand away, creating distance between them. "Of course," Quinn spoke curtly as she gave him a pleasant smile. "Would be too difficult to ask that you boys learn to handle your own problems. Without dragging the whole galaxy into it." Another smile as she gave him a half-hearted and entirely sarcastic curtsey.

Quinn moved to leave, mainly to give her a quiet moment to call her godmother. As she held the communication device, she felt a presence move toward her. It was familiar and made her heart swell, melting the frigid walls Malum forced her to build. Alina's beautiful, melodic voice echoed in her ears, and her heart fluttered. A gentle blush crossed Echani's cheeks as she turned and looked towards the masked woman.

"When we do marry, I'd rather it be just us," she moved closer to her lover and sighed gently, "Yes, Alisteri should stay home, but I think he would be more civilized if he actually interacted with people." With a quick notion, Quinn snapped a picture and typed quickly to Srina about the issue at hand, the sudden and unexpected appearance of Alisteri at the wedding. As much as she would love to call the woman and gossip potentially about this sudden occurrence, she found something far more interesting to give her attention to.

"I've missed you." She smiled.
Iskendyr went from having a fairly okay time with his family to becoming a pawn in a Sith Lord's chess game. The festive atmosphere of the wedding reception turned tense and heavy as the Sith Lord, flanked by his troopers, made his dramatic entrance. The grand hall, decorated with luxurious drapes and sparkling chandeliers, seemed to dim as a shadow of dread settled over the guests. The laughter and clinking of glasses had died down, replaced by hushed whispers and gasps.

He watched as Taeli rose from her seat, her expression a mask of cold determination, and marched with purpose toward the Sith. Then he saw his uncle practically launch from his seat, rage and desperation etched into his features. The names of his cousins echoed in Iskendyr's mind, a haunting reminder of the stakes at play.

Turning, he heard Lily whisper an apology, her voice trembling. His brows furrowed as she was led away from his table. The realization struck him like a blow, and he looked toward his great-grandmother for some semblance of support. His aunt's hand reached for him, offering a grounding presence amid the chaos. The young man put it all together, the pieces falling into place with a painful clarity.

The tears welled up, unbidden, and as Lily glanced back at him, the look she saw spelled it all out. Whatever potential their relationship had, whatever future they might have shared, had been shattered. Iskendyr realized that Fiolette had been right about Lily, about the Sith, and about the Marrs. They were a manipulative bunch who only sought to get close when there was something they wanted.

He felt the tug on his shoulder from his aunt. Rising to his feet, Iskendyr's fist clenched at his side. The young man resolved two things: the first was to continue his training as a Dosuunian Knight, and the second was to complete his education so that one day he might bring deluded Sith Lords and their ilk into line.

Perhaps his idol,
Irveric Tavlar, had the right idea the entire time.

As he watched Taeli and Lina approach the Sith Lord who dared to throw accusations and make threats at Lina's wedding, Iskendyr's heart hardened. The once grand and joyous venue now felt like a battleground, the air thick with tension and unspoken promises of retribution.

Sith needed to be purged, and Iskendyr vowed to be part of that cleansing fire.



"And I've missed you."

Alina stayed close, but she wasn't too close. There was a balance here, especially with the danger around them. No reason to pull any eyes while there were battles possibly at hand. The last thing she would be would be a weakness for potential threats to exploit on Quinn. And, well, she hadn't reached out to speak with Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf in some time. Considering what this revolved around, she might need to step forward too, all the same.

Better to enjoy the moment in calm quiet while everything raged around them.

"Just us would be nice. Perhaps we should plan for sooner, rather than later?" How soon Alina wouldn't say, but she had been thinking of it in her time away. When things were more settled. When her station wasn't so obtuse. When she was certain she wouldn't end up the burden to Quinn. There were so many things to think about and discuss. Just not here.

"Will you have to intervene?"

Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin


Do you know what's better than Holovid dramas?

A Sith wedding reception. And what's even better than both of those combined?

A Zambrano Sith wedding reception.

The entire event had proven tedious to a certain Corellian. She had gotten an invitation only because of her association with Kaine Zambrano. Remembering how she got here, Allyson grumbled. After the times they had faced each other in combat, he could still read her mind. Next time, though, the Corellian would best Sith.

Allyson leaned back and felt slightly underdressed. She didn't bring anything nice to wear to occasions like this. The woman's best outfit was a plain white shirt and the Corellian blood stripes she had earned after aiding in the destruction of a First Order. Tilting her head, Allyson struggled to remember the order of events. She remembered a woman on the screen, explosions, and emptiness.

It was all a blur, but Allyson knew one thing - she had done something heroic. Probably the last time she ever did anything like that.

Leaning against the bar, she listened to a small group of Sith nobility. There was a pang of guilt when she heard their laughter. It reminded her of the past when she found herself surrounded by friends and not alone at a bar, surrounded by Sith. She ordered her whiskey neat and found a beautiful face at the bar. The conversation started, and Allyson allowed the Corellian charm to flow.

Just as Allyson was about to suggest an escape from the stifling atmosphere, a Sith's voice shattered the calm. Allyson, propelled by a mix of curiosity and duty, left the bar. The woman she had been conversing with disappeared into the crowd, their connection severed. It was a momentary distraction, but the chaos that was about to unfold would soon demand all of Allyson's attention.

With whiskey in hand, Allyson made her way to an open spot in the crowd and listened to his demands. Interestingly, she had only the smallest folder on the baying Sithling, and he was challenging or causing problems with Taeli Raaf. Allyson took a sip of the expensive amber liquid, eyes peering over the glass she nearly choked. The faces of the Sith's spawn showed, and Allyson forced a gulp down. Oh, he was dead. She thought.

It was best for the Jedi to make her way towards the exit. It was an unfortunate night with a lack of a date, but at least if she was near the door - she'd have a decent seat to the action. While not getting involved. A waiter frantically made his way towards the door, and as Allyson approached, she grabbed a glass of champagne. Raising it, she cheered the chaos and took a sip. "Boy, do I love weddings."

Objective 1: Red Reception

Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Revna Revna Iskendyr Yvarro Iskendyr Yvarro , Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro , and Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar Drazen Lutris Drazen Lutris Iskendyr Yvarro Iskendyr Yvarro

Elise couldn't help but feel this a mistake, unless Strosius had more allies than she was aware of. Interrupting a wedding like this was dangerous. She'd be rather impressed if he managed to pull it off, whether or not she agreed with any methods involved. Killing a couple guards to use as a show was nothing, this was the big part.

But her focus was elsewhere, family, Malum was being more up front about this than she'd like. She'd rather he just follow them. But, that was what he did didn't it. He just had to get involved in sith politics. What else could be expected. If she wasn't already busy she'd offer them a more noticeable scowl. Whatever, that wasn't the point.

Revna Revna was with her soon and she gave her a quick nod and smile, she was apparently just as eager to get them out of here. Of course, she actually knew Darth Strosius who was a long wine splash away. At least she was accepting the out. Elise was no master empath, but even as an apprentice she couldn't have missed the emotions that were simmering and boiling all around in this room. Just one pop and things would be out of hand.

Elise sent Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr a silent urge through the force hoping he leave this to someone else. Lily Rhodes Lily Rhodes gave her apology and rose and Elise gave one more irritated groan in the commotions direction, "Let's go." she insisted once more to her cousins motioning them smoothly along her, choosing to try and stay at the back. If there was going to be a fight, she figured the debris should probably reach her first.

Personal equipment:
Draika iv misina (Lava lightsaber)
Red lightsaber with sturdy hilt (in hand)


Everything changed.

In the moments that the Inquisition marched down the hillside, led by their determined lord the very nature of the gathering changed. In an instant every concern that he pushed forward, every suspicion he had leading into the wedding was proven correct the moment troops marched down the hillside. The Shadow Hand didn't even move, didn't react when the Lord Inquisitor marched down and put on a grand show, crafting every moment like a showman for the full impact, seeking intimidation, such things he was far beyond.
All at once the world changed with the flow of uncontained rage, the surge of emotion washing over him like a flood. The Mortarch drank in the darkness, urging it forward to drive it to it's peak. It was a tempting drive to push it to the spilling of blood, to feed the reaper with spilt blood. It was long known that the Kainate did not recognize the authority of the Inquisition. If it came down to it he would stand with his family, and slaughter them like dogs if they called for him. But as the revelations came from Darth Strosius, his eyes passed over Taeli and Fiolette. The giant remained in sync with the Eternal Father, both standing like silent sentinels eager to see how the situation would pan out. It was important to watch, to observe a situation extremely carefully before making a decision.
For now?
The giant stood beside his wife and his nephew. The nature of darkness shifted as he began passively gathering the darkness to him, gathering power itself.

"The Emperor leaves for but a moment, and everyone starts to lose their little minds...", Drazen mused to himself as the crowds surged with energy amidst Inquisition activity. One had very briefly moved to keep him in his seat, but a mere glance told the man who he was - and he took a step back. Most knew better than to tempt the Emperor's protection.​
So Drazen crossed his legs and let it bounce. In his mild enjoyment, he even grabbed another champagne glass where as others grabbed lightsabers or the Force. The One Eyed Arkanian simply watched with a slight cock of his head, and a gracious grin.​
"Do you imagine this will cause another civil war?"​
He wasn't actually talking to anyone, more so just musing to himself as he waited for something more interesting than posturing to take place.​


Sarlow Zambrano

Sarlow's words and his bride's beautiful day both came to an abrupt and unexpected end. The atmosphere shifted dramatically as Darth Strosius, the Lord Inquisitor himself, marched into the reception with an entourage of Inquisitorial troopers. The festive mood evaporated, replaced by a tense, almost palpable silence that gripped the room.

Sarlow's heart pounded in his chest as the Sith Lord leveled accusations and threats against Taeli Raaf, one of the Zambranos' closest allies. The revelation that Strosius was holding her kin hostage sent a chill down his spine, heightening the already intense atmosphere. The joyous reception hall, adorned with opulent decorations and filled with the sounds of celebration just moments ago, now felt like the heart of a storm.

He moved, instinctively, but not nearly as fast as his bride. Salara, his mother, quickly handed over his daughter, Lucia, to him. Sarlow clutched his child close to his chest, securing her in his arms as his mother and wife began to move. Lina, with a determination that reflected her fierce spirit, advanced toward the Lord Inquisitor with purpose.

The room seemed to hold its breath as Lina drew her blade. She moved with the grace and precision of a seasoned warrior, her intent clear in every step she took. Sarlow knew his beloved would settle things with the man who dared to disrupt their day, and his trust in her was absolute.

Taeli, too, had risen to confront Strosius, her presence commanding and resolute. The air was thick with tension, the guests watching in stunned silence as the confrontation unfolded. Sarlow's gaze shifted between his wife and the Sith Lord, the weight of the situation pressing heavily on him. He could see the rage simmering beneath Lina's exterior, her blade now poised at the back of Strosius' neck, the heat of it a tangible threat.

The atmosphere crackled with anticipation, the luxurious setting of the reception hall now serving as a stark contrast to the conflict at its center. Ornate chandeliers cast intricate shadows on the walls, the elegant decorations a silent witness to the unfolding drama. The tension was almost suffocating, the guests' unease palpable as they awaited the outcome of this unexpected and dangerous intrusion.

Sarlow's grip on Lucia tightened, his protective instincts overriding the shock of the situation. He knew that the day they had envisioned was now irrevocably altered, but he also knew that Lina's strength and determination would see them through this trial. The room remained a charged tableau of opulence and danger, as the bride faced off against the intruder.

Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge

Objective: Ruin the Reception
Equipment: Lightsaber, Sword, Dagger, Robes
Tags: Sarlow Zambrano / Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar / Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin / Revna Revna / Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr / Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf / Elise of House Marr Elise of House Marr / Drazen Lutris Drazen Lutris / Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis / Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner / Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro / Iskendyr Yvarro Iskendyr Yvarro / Hykátiis of Tsis'Raki Hykátiis of Tsis'Raki / Lily Rhodes Lily Rhodes / Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru

Before he could have the chance to truly revel in whatever reaction the table would have to the pictures of the captive youth, the cold metal and sharp edge of a sword suddenly appeared at his neck. Accompanied by a question in an all too familiar voice. One that seemed to always have his nose right where it didn't belong. The masked man's gaze would shift to the Heir of Marr, his head cocking at an angle that was uncomfortable to look at in order to both regard Malum and to shift his neck away from the blade's edge.

For a moment he wanted to give Malum the honest answer, to tell him that he couldn't care less what the corpse that called himself 'emperor' wanted or willed, that his mission and goals superseded any possible others, and most of all that he served the will of the Dark Side and no one else. That once he had rid himself of Raaf and Kainite alike, Empyrean would indeed be next. Given that they were in public however, he bit his tongue in that regard. "Darth Malum, I don't believe that you have the authority to question me nor the verdicts of my courts."

One of his hands moved and pressed a clawed finger of the gauntlet to the blade at his neck, slowly pushing it away as he spoke. "And out of everyone else here, you should know better than to question me at all." The last time that Malum had interfered in his plans the Ouroboros Crisis hadn't ended as intended. It had instead resulted only in his master's death and the shattering of the Tsis'Kaar, not a total loss but still far from the desired outcome. He would not suffer another such interruption from his counterpart.

Any further admonishment of the younger Sith would be, unfortunately, halted though as Lady Raaf finally decided to address the accusations and leverage that he had leveled at her. His gaze snapped from Malum to Taeli in a moment, the burning gold of his eyes so intense that one could almost see them in his dark visor as he listened to her quiet and disturbingly calm words. As usual even with the paperwork to prove it she was more than capable of seeing through his play, an outcome that he expected but one that nonetheless made him click his tongue in disappointment. "You support and arm those that would blockade the work of the Sith, Lady Raaf. No matter how beneficial your dealings may be, the reality is still the same."

Despite his own aura of confidence and victory, the mention of her apprentice made the veneer thin for the briefest of moments. A tension in his shoulders, a clenching of his fist, the slight hint of anger that boiled above the façade of control, all of which occurred and were subsequently masked so quickly that if one were to blink then they would have missed it. To be reminded of his failures certainly stung his pride, of that there could be little doubt, but he was not one to back down.

He had faced down armies of Jedi and false-Sith alike, wrenched some of the Outer Rim from the grasp of criminals with his own will and strength of arm, stood against the Kainite itself, and even brought down Darth Ophidia herself. Taeli Raaf was formidable, but Darth Strosius was not one to bend and break. Not when he had come so far, not when he had all of the cards sitting right in the palm of his hand, and certainly not when he had been insulted in such a manner.

The walk through the table was simply another such insult, a casual display of power that he himself could hardly understand let alone replicate. An act which only made his stare deepen into a glare. If she intended to make this a standoff then he was more than willing to hold his own against the tide she presented. The Lord Inquisitor held his head high as power coiled and coursed around her, seemingly unfazed despite the deadly look in her eyes and the even more dangerous warning she gave.

"Oh, I have exhausted your patience?" A scoff escaped him at the notion, albeit one that was more akin to a hiss given how much venom he had laced into his words. Gone was any pretense of formality or sense of professionalism that he held before. All that remained was that same assurance of victory. And the wrath that writhed beneath it. "You surround yourself with treasonous failures, a pathetic gathering of heretics and heathens that dare adorn themselves with the title of 'Sith'. You actively support those that would stand against and work against the Sith, regardless of whether they be local powers like the Centrality or thrice-damned enemies like Carnifex and all his ilk! And yet you still act as though you have any right to such a title yourself, as if you have any standing to give me orders. As though you aren't just another bit of slime on this pile of trash. It sickens me."

A noise which could only be described as a growl punctuated his statement, his form having grown slightly hunched as each remark was spat out like a vicious curse. He was quick to straighten himself up once more however, to reel in his disdain and hatred if only for his own sake. If only to keep up some show of control to his wrathful core. "Disgusting and dishonorable habits which were indeed inherited by that blue-blooded pet you call an apprentice. Next time when I put your hound down, I'll do us both a favor and ensure she stays dead." One way or another.

He opened his mouth for another slew of venomous words but the clap of thunder drowned out his reply, and the distinct hiss of lightsabers coming to life halted it entirely. Darth Strosius would glance at the bride of the hour and the weapons she now wielded, to the power that thrummed in his ears with an intensity that was not unlike that of Lady Raaf's. And yet still, he smirked. "Ah Lady Lina, I trust the wine wasn't your preferred taste? The snobs on Eliad assured me that it was a fine vintage but I can exchange it for another if you'd like." A shame that she took such offence to his arrival and little display, she would have been a useful contact. But when one drifted into the arms of the Zambranos there was simply no coming back.

The two women would soon be on a warpath and with Malum's hesitation no doubt preventing him from seeing the necessary course of action in coming to his side, he knew that he had to act quickly. So he shrugged and gave a dismissive wave with his other hand. "You know, if anything the both of you should be thanking me for my mercy. When I first heard of this little get-together I nearly jumped at the opportunity to turn it to ash from orbit. But I decided to dismiss that silly idea." He chuckled so casually that one might even mistake it for being genuine were it not for the threatening undertone in his words.

"I mean, given the small area and the lack of any real structures to use as landmarks, I'd need some proper coordinates or some sort of beacon on site to make a bombardment accurate enough to work..." Something slid from his sleeve into his hand, but it was no lightsaber. Instead it was a small device with a blinking light and a button at its top, a button that his thumb hovered over as he held it up for all to see. The same device, which adorned the belt of every Inquisition Trooper that surrounded the Reception, would suddenly become very apparent. As would the positioning of the Troopers around their Lord Inquisitor in what could be vaguely described as a sort of target with the Reception at the center.

"So let's all be very thankful that I shelved that idea and chose to come here in person, yes?" Darth Strosius held no fear in his voice or in his movements as his thumb pressed against the tracker's signal button, like a sniper resting their finger on the trigger of their rifle. One simple push was all it would take. "Instead of wanton destruction I chose to repay Lady Raaf's little ultimatum with one of my own. You threatened my people and my life's work on Tund and gave me a simple choice, comply or suffer." He nodded towards the datapad which sat discarded behind Taeli.

"I thought it only fitting that I return the favor. I chose to use my words instead of my force of arms just as you did, but I made sure to keep that force just close enough to remind you what failing to listen to me would mean." It was all payback, a mirror to the defeat that she and she alone had granted him on Tund. A defeat that he would not stomach from anyone without it going unpunished. A defeat that would be repaid in full. "Now do heed my words very carefully, for I shall only speak them this once."

He held up the tracker, his thumb still threatening to push in the button, as he raised his voice and spoke so that all could hear him and that none could ignore his warning. "If you, Taeli Raaf, or anyone on your behalf takes action against my Inquisition or against the verdict and punishment which I have presented to you then I shall consider my merciful ruling null and void. And your punishment, as well as the punishment of any who would support a traitor to the Sith such as yourself, will be that of execution alone." He wouldn't deny it, he was very much hoping that all of her allies would come to her aid in this affair. It was so much easier to crush one's foes when they were all gathered together.

With his free hand he held up a finger. "However, given that in that instance the collateral in my possession will also be rendered null and void, your grandchildren will be returned to you." Again his voice dipped down into a hiss as he regarded Taeli with another seething glare. "One. Piece. At a time." Such was the fate of any who would fall into his clutches, for the Inquisition did not spare its foes. "Do I make myself clear enough for you to get it through that haughty head of yours? Suffer. Or. Comply. Make your choice, as you made me do on Tund."

Things were spiralling rapidly around him, and though he could see out of the peripherals of his vision to confirm as such, he need not have bothered, he could feel the expression of power. Giants were stirring, behemoths were waking all around him, his battle brother had kicked the veritable hornet's nest.

And Malum like so many times, found himself at the centre of it, with the weight of lead on his chest.

If there could be any fortune to be found here, was that out of the corner of his gaze, he knew his sister, Elise of House Marr Elise of House Marr had found Lily Rhodes Lily Rhodes , and they were spirited off to the exit, where no doubt Revna Revna would join them.

Whatever would happen here then.

He could move forward knowing that his family was safe.

All confirmed as the voice of his sister wafted over the Force to his mind.

If the situation was not so primed for firestorm, as the thunder of Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar arrival heralded, he may have offered a wistful little smile underneath the mask. Yet, there was little chance for that now, as he felt the Force stir behind him, as a titan awoke.

"Have some trust in your brother, this is far from the most dangerous situation I have been in, leave the world, I will be with you all soon." He answered back to her, hoping, trusting, that she would listen to him, if not for her, for their cousins. It was not even truly a lie, despite how... dangerous this situation was, it had not yet turned on him.


It was not as if he ever ranked how dangerous his close encounters with the underworld had been.

His focus returned to the steel which he had resting upon Ali- Darth Strosius Darth Strosius ' shoulder, which threatened to cut his neck. It would have been so easy, the plasma need only expand out, the blade only be set aflame, and the Sangnir would be so caught off-guard.

So surprised.

That it would be the end of this farce, the end to all the headaches, end to all these constant mistakes.

There was part of him that was so sorely tempted, and at this point to distinguish that part of him, from that part that was not him, was growing so much more difficult.

The blade was at his neck, a simple swing, and it would all be over. A Sith Lord would have done it, Darth Malum was a Sith Lord. Malum should have done it. As he heard the words of Lady Ra- Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf , felt them growing closer and closer, how she so easily, with a lifetime... perhaps multiple lifetimes experience with rhetoric, and history, attempted to tear through his co-apprentice's claims, and moving beyond to every interaction between them.

Making it clear, she would not so easily allow his claim to legitimacy to stand.

He knew he should have struck...

...But he could not, even as he felt the buzz of power behind him, a shiver running down his spine, and his hair standing to attention.

They said the bonds to others could very well be weakness, but he had thought to make them strengths, he could do that much, but with this bond... when had it ever been strength?

Yet for all, it would solve, for all it would gain...

...He could not do it.

They were the two apprentices of Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia , the two who struck her down, who found themselves alone in an Order all but for them, who had spent years guarding each other's backs. The first that outside of his own family, that Malum had come to... rely upon.

The guilt wore through him, as it always did, when the possibility fluttered across his mind.

How could he ever?

So lost in his thoughts, he was caught by surprise, when not only the Sangnir moved his neck away from the blade, but too, used a clawed finger to effortlessly push it away. As Malum felt a pit open in his stomach, felt his heart beat ever swifter, peripherals knowing that Kai- Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , and Brax- Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis were watching with rapt attention, not yet intervening...

...Though Malum felt it was more out of a dark curiosity than a lack of will.

All the while, potential salvation in Drazen Lutris Drazen Lutris and Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner were unhelpfully silent. It had been a longshot he knew, especially with their current predicament and inability to communicate, but such was hope, very unlikely.

His vision was growing clouded, his breathing rapid, as it was his battle brother that struck down on him, a will wavering, as masked individuals stared each other down, he had never had an elder brother, only elder sisters, and this sensation, this battle of wills, between those of such intimacy.

To be broken by the one of superior age.

He had always been the elder apprentice.

He had always been the one to surpass.

Had he done that yet? Even as they stood, theoretical equals.

He certainly did not feel that way.

Not at this moment.

The blade withdrew, and was stabbed into the ground, even after what Taeli had said, even after Ali- Darth Strosius' unwillingness to answer, his... dismissal of him. The question and its subsequent answer remained the most surefire way out of this oncoming disaster, "Do you act by the Emperor's will?" Malum repeated, only to grind his teeth immediately, almost pulling away, as his co-apprentice's focus turned towards Taeli and Lina.

Pulled away, to gaze at the holopad.

As the air thickened in tension, as Malum knew it would with the mention of Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru , with what he did not know, that his battle brother had arrived with far more security, than simply the presence of his Inquisitors, Malum's gaze was trained on the holopad.

That boy.

Amethyst eyes flashed, the very same as that of Taeli, signifying him as the grandson of the mother of monsters.

But that was not the only colour of his eyes.

Shifting in colour.

Rubies, as plain as day.

Rubies that were unmistakable to one who saw them every time they gazed into the mirror.

Rubies that he had known his entire life.

Those very same gems, shifted to the other boy, the very same rubies.

The girl did not share the trait, but she did share the amethyst, they were all without a doubt related.

They were all without a doubt... familiar.

Could it be?

He had never met the children, Kaivaan Kaivaan , Vikar, and Aleya... cowardice maybe, not wanting to see the fruits of ill-gotten gains, but there was strategy too.

All of that turned to ash.

One meeting, was all it would have taken for him to confirm what his heart was so certain was true.

His amulet was cooling, the presence of his sister, and his cousins, fading, revealing no other Marrs nearby.

But of course... hostages would not be nearby...

"They are Marrs..." He whispered realisation, as Ali- Darth Strosius' demands finally fell, mostly to himself, yet no doubt any and all nearby would hear. Shock at understanding spilling words from his lips before the mind could register.

And then.

He began chuckling.

It was a quiet thing at first, entirely out of place, but the sound fluttered over the air with a rankness that demanded attention, there was a sharpness to its visage, a darkness emerging forth from heart and lung. Melodic, and rhythmic, the air that was buzzing from the presence of so many, had one more join them.




How many more planets had there been?

How many more frustrations had there been?

How many times had he been forced to save him?

And now.

The chuckling increased in temerity, maddened laughter was a more appropriate gait, his chest threatened to spill over onto itself, as a dangerous orange sheen emerged out of the depths of the mask upon the scion of Darth Marr's face. A burst of laughter filled the entire tent, as rationality and emotionality merged into something beyond mortal kin.

A body that housed two souls shook with the intensity of the sensations that barreled through their lips.

Their grip firmed around the beskar hilt.

As subtly, a button was pressed upon his wristcomm.

And a breath passed through his lips, as the laughter came to a halt.

As the Sith Sword suddenly erupted into flames, pulled out of the ground, and revealed like a war banner.

As the Force flowed through his fingers, and with all the intensity which he had thus far displayed, he pushed. Aiming to send him flying backwards.

It would do no good for any of them to steal what was his.

"You crossed a line..." A voice dark, spoke through the mask, "...One which there is not a price you can pay for salvation..." To call it simply angry would be an understatement... would be inaccurate... it was through what they felt that gave them strength, so what possibly could he feel, to make the voice shift like this? "...You might have been the elder apprentice of our Mistress, but I was the true apprentice, you knew it, everyone knows it." Malum took a step forward, swinging his sword down to his midsection, pointing towards the Sangnir, the flames erupted rapidly turning white, and then blue, "It was my kindness, my weakness, to let you be known as heir, to let you have which is rightfully mine, but now, let us rectify that mistake," He closed his eyes, the orange and red orbs hidden even beyond the mask, as the grim chuckle returned for but a moment, as emerging through red smoke, unmistakable for anyone that held providence within the Order, an old corpse took life walking forward, with glaring golden eyes, and Sith tattoos visible upon his face and exposed skin.

A priest of the Sepruchal.

"You called for me, Master Marr." He simply intoned.

It had been many moons since he had last spoken to the priest who had been assigned to him by the Emperor.

Yet here he was, as dutifully present as ever.

To be ignored as Malum opened his eyes again.

"With the Sepruchal as my witness, with this entire congregation as my witness, I challenge you, Darth Strosius, I put up the Tsis'Kaar, you put up the Inquisition, let us decide finally, who of us is superior." Citrines burned within blazing rubies, even with a mask designed to hide such things, the light peered through, "For after what you have done," He gazed for a moment, back towards the holopad, trying, to not look upon the reactions of Taeli and Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro which he knew would be coming, "For the crime of kidnapping scions of the House of Darth Marr, for their custody."

He saw no other path.

"I formally issue Kaggath."

Sarlow Zambrano Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin Iskendyr Yvarro Iskendyr Yvarro Hykátiis of Tsis'Raki Hykátiis of Tsis'Raki
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Iaacen watched this whole shitshow unfold, he saw the faces, he called their names. They were his children, their mother left, those children were his he raised them. They were his flesh and blood, Kai, his sweet Kai marred the way he was with cuts and bruises. Vikar with his ruby eyes, Aleya who only ever cared about concerts and pets. "Take me," he pushed forward ignoring the glares from his family he approached that Sith Lord. "Take me, please, release them and take me." Iaacen pleaded he didn't know what crimes, if they were even crimes his mother Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf had committed he had only just reunited with her but their relationship had rendered as the words were null and void for quite some time.

He swallowed hard and the tremors in his voice were evident, "please, I am their father. Surely I am worth more than they are, please." Iaacen looked toward Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar and then the others Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex and Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis then to his family and back to Darth Strosius Darth Strosius and with a pleading voice, "please." He fell to his knees, looking at the way those buttons reflected, the way the trigger in the man's hand looked. So he continued, "please, they are my life, I would never abandon them." Iaacen looked over toward both his parents, "they are everything to me."

Even in his pleading, the way his eyes landed on Strosius, Iaacen was currently thinking of a way out of this. He watched as a man who challenged Stroius pushed him off with a blade. Iaacen rose to his feet, stumbling of course, "I beg you."

Relationship Status: It's Complicated



TAG: Naedira Darcrath Naedira Darcrath | Sarlow Zambrano | @Lina Djo | Elise of House Marr Elise of House Marr | Hykátiis of Tsis'Raki Hykátiis of Tsis'Raki | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf | Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro | Darth Strosius Darth Strosius | Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

Gerwald looked down at his drinks when they were served, and back up to the brunette ( Hykátiis of Tsis'Raki Hykátiis of Tsis'Raki ) who served them. A small nod of thanks was offered, but as the wolf lifted the glass to his lips, Darth Strosius Darth Strosius made an entrance. This was a curious thing, so much so the wolf abandoned his drink on the bartop and moved closer to listen in on what was taking shape.

It seemed the Lord Inquisitor was finally making a move, and a bold one at that. Whether it was the right move or not did not matter to Gerwald. Whatever his reasons for it, or the ones stated, it seemed personal. Why else would one hold family as collateral to ensure compliance to a judgment.

The wolf smirked.

He had always liked Alisteri from the start. The way he moved, or appeared not to, was akin to a predator hunting patiently. Some would argue he was lashing out too soon, others would say it was too late. No doubt there were some among them who would think the Inquisitor a fool. All of it was a shame really, because Gerwald would have much liked to hear what people thought. Instead, those who typically liked to be heard, and desired to interfere were doing just that.

Spoil sports.

Like a wounded and threatened animal, Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf lashed out. That was expected. Gerwald wanted to see what she would do.

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr also intervened. Gerwald was not surprised there either, nor did his tactics seem to shock the wolf. Malum was, if anything, predictable. He would do anything to ensure he found himself in the middle of everything. It would be his death, and soon, if he did not learn when to stay still and keep silent.

Unfortunately for both of them, their responses were both wrong. When Taeli finished, Malum jumped the gun… the crime of kidnapping? Alisteri was the Lord Inquisitor, there was no crime here. There was no reason for him to demand the Kagaath. It was foolish, and further proved his ignorance.

Before anything further could take place, Gerwald opted to intervene. Naedira Darcrath Naedira Darcrath would likely not be pleased, but neither would she have been happy if Gerwald neglected his duty.

“It is not a matter of acting on the Emperor’s will. The Inquisition functions independently, as it always has.”

The wolf pushed his way between Malum and Strosius. If Darth Malum wanted to put his blade on anyone’s throat, then he could place it on the one belonging to Srina Talon Srina Talon ’s most loyal and earliest of her collection, the Wrath of Empyrean.

“But I do.”

His eyes bore into the Sith Lord.

“Put your weapon away before you do something foolish.”

Before the wolf would be seen as choosing sides, he glanced over his shoulder to address Darth Strosius Darth Strosius .

“You could not have remained confined to shadow for a day longer? Your display makes this seem more personal than official, and here I thought you were above such things in favor of what was best for the Order.”

It was as harsh a rebuke as Gerwald could give to the Lord Inquisitor. They had come to an understanding that the wolf would have no reason to pursue Alisteri as an enemy provided he did not interfere in what was best for the Order, even if he had his sights set on Empyrean. For now, Empyrean was what was best for the Order, even if the Worm was not.

His eyes moved to Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf .

“While he does not act on Empyrean’s will, he does not need to. You and Darth Malum have been part of this Order long enough to know this. However, you are also correct that this is not Empyrean’s wish.”

Gerwald paused. What he was going to say next was for everyone within earshot.

“Because we all know whose blade you would fall to if it were.”

It was the first time Gerwald had publicly affirmed the simpler version of what everyone thought he was.

Empyrean’s executioner.

“I could choose to eliminate you all for this display, and Empyrean would reward me for it. There is nothing of this behavior that speaks to a unified order. It is nothing more than the same territorial sectarianism which plagued the Sith Order for years after the fall of the Empire. Must we return to the methods that were employed to survive? That will not make this order thrive.”

Gerwald paused, albeit briefly. He took time to let the rest see his eyes shift. The serene hue of ocean water turned to the mottled and jaundiced taint of the dark side. He was not just the wolf. This was he who faced down Darth Solipsis’s force storm and defeated it. The one who had survived the torture of Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis . Gerwald had faced Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex in a duel and walked away from it with honor among his people and those that worshiped the Dark Lord. This was the former Lord Commander of the Knights Obsidian, a feat only two others could claim.

“It is time the powerful of this order stop behaving like children. A house divided against itself will not stand, and the Alliance, the Empire of the Lost, The Dark Empire, and The Mandalorians, will all be waiting for us to kill each other so they do not have to.”

Gerwald turned and looked back over his shoulder to Alisteri.

“You made this personal. Now fix it, or this will go before the Emperor.”

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Despite Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr 's silent pleas for intervention, Drazen brazenly ignored any signs of it - or lack there of. Instead, as Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner rose and demanded the cessation of all hostilities on this most humble of days, Drazen sighed audibly with a roll of his eye. His exasperation was obviously played out, his voice carrying like a play actor on a stage.​
"What are we to do for entertainment if the damned Emperor's dog tries to break it up?", he said with annoyance, a hand motioning to Gerwald with each word.​
The only reason he spoke so loudly, or so brazenly, was because it was public knowledge Drazen had the protection of the Emperor. It wouldn't suffice to have his family killed - it would be a direct challenge to him and his position, and despite the animosity between the two after Drazen's untimely arrival and the subsequent threats he had received from Srina Talon Srina Talon , he flaunted that protection wherever possible.​
"Can someone even take back a kaggath? Let the men fight!", he demanded.​
"Sepuchral Priest, you control the damned Order, don't pretend you don't. Do something.", he said as his attention shifted towards the nearly undead, wrinkled Sith lich thing that stood near Marr.​
The Priest only looked at him, then away. He did nothing on Drazen's orders, and Drazen threw up his hands in annoyance. Why couldn't people just let this play out? He wanted to see carnage and blood! Sith fighting Sith, as it was supposed to be! Damn his brother's ambitions, this was what was demanded of them.​


Even as she waited for the subject of her undivided attention to make his choice, even within the absolute fury that was being contained by the thinnest veneer of control, she observed the activities of others. The bride, Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar , was equally incensed and her anger was rapidly creating a fierce weather pattern as she drew her weapons. She could feel Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro through their bond, the way her thoughts bent towards how others such as Lily Rhodes Lily Rhodes and Elise of House Marr Elise of House Marr and Revna Revna seemed to move faster than others. They had known.

Her eyes, in those long seconds, looked at Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr as he held the sword to the neck of his fellow, his friend. Calculating as she watched those moments tick by, the sword in place but never going to finish the job. In that action, she could see it there. He had known. He must have known for some time, and now faced with the ability to hide such knowledge, to finally put an end to the problem that kept interfering with his own rise within the Sith, he faltered. That would be remembered.

She could feel the ecstasy from Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex as he reveled in her rage, at the potent storm she was holding at bay. In this moment, they both knew She held more power than he did. She could feel the power building around Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis as he gorged himself on the power on display, cautious watching all and waiting to see what she would do. Waiting to see what fate Alisteri Haxim decided for himself.

When he finally spoke, dismissing Malum and pushing the sword away with a gauntleted hand, she already knew his choice. His words only confirmed to her what she thought. Out of all of them, why should Malum know better than to question him? Because they had both been apprentices to Ophidia? Because of the bond they had forged in the crucible of war? Because of the conspiracy revealing itself here and now? It was all of these and more no doubt.

It didn't matter in the slightest. Before Alisteri turned his words back to her, she would look back at Fiolette and her son. Iaacen was beside himself, alternating between the anger of a father and the pleading of one to be taken instead. No, she would not allow that. To him, her gaze would just for an instant turn back to amethyst. Just for a moment, for him, he would see the love she held for him. The pain of never having the chance to raise him. The confusion on how Fiolette had managed to hide him and Aerys from her and her network, even as she left them somewhere that they should have been found in an instant on. That could be discussed later.

When the family was whole.

Her head turned back to Alisteri, deep amber fully restored, as he turned his words back to her. It was not the work of the Sith. It was his work, but his zealotry and arrogance had blinded him to that and much more. He didn't understand that subtlety was required, quiet influence could go far longer and deeper than that of a blaster or a lightsaber. He probably never would.

She felt the twinge of guilt as he reacted to her words about Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru and what he had done there. Even now, she could feel her close by and with Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin now. Watching, waiting to see what Taeli would do. Felt the jealousy of one who couldn't accomplish feats of the Force like she could, viewing them as an insult to his own place. He wasn't guarding his thoughts as much behind the mask he wore. She could feel his hatred of her even before he spoke it into the gathering.

His words only confirmed it as he declared all here heretics and heathens, unworthy of bearing the Sith title. That any of their actions sickened him, that they were counter to any act that a 'true' Sith would do. No... he would never understand. The insult and threat to her apprentice came next and it only quickened the wave within her. Lina and her were poised to tear him apart when he revealed his next little trick, a locator beacon for ships above on his person and on those of his men. A small part of her, the part that could still be analytical about technology even as she was about to unleash the anger and rage of a mother slighted, couldn't help but find it amusing that for his ships to potentially strike this gathering they needed the beacons.

She heard Malum start laughing, having looked at the datapad on the table with the faces of the children. She processed what Alisteri had said, the continued threats to her grandchildren if she did not comply with his so-called judgment. Suffer or comply? The amber of her eyes deepened further. Malum started talking, realizing and revealing the children were of Marr heritage as well and his surprise and anger at that, but it mattered little to her.

He had known.

She had yet to speak, even as Malum all too quickly summoned a Sepulchral priest to bear witness to his declaration of a Kaggath towards Alisteri. The Tsis'Karr against the Inquisition. No, having seen the hesitation already, she knew he couldn't be trusted to do what would be necessary. Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner spoke up, reminding those gathered of his ties and duties. Trying to remind them that nothing occurring now would be to the benefit of the Order as whole, that it would only return them to the sectarian violence that could weaken the Order.

She disagreed. The actions of Alisteri could not, would not, be ignored. To simply not respond would be a signal to all that taking her family could happen without consequence. That Darth Arcanix would not dare deal with a rival if it meant potentially ruffling other feathers. Alisteri had indeed made this personal, and there was no fixing this. All that would remain in question was...

She closed her eyes, taking a breath. It would seem as though she were merely trying to calm herself, to gather her thoughts before she responded with words. No, she had already chosen the words she would give to Alisteri. He had made his choice, and she had made hers.

No, under the cover as the Emperor's Wrath spoke, she was following the currents to the ships in orbit. To the threat Alisteri wanted to hang above their heads so he could revel. She felt the minds of each of their crew, devoted wholly to their Lord Inquisitor. They were there to purge the heretics, to begin a great fire that would burn out the cancer of all that their leader deemed unworthy to be Sith. Zealotry was useful in securing loyalty to oneself, especially when at the head of a cult.

But it was also that could be prodded in more unfortunate directions. Her mind would sweep across the crews of each vessel, looking for the proverbial weak link among the gunnery crews. From this distance, she knew she couldn't directly influence them, couldn't crush their will fully under hers, but she didn't need to. It would be a quiet word, as though she was leaning in to whisper herself in their ear that the other ships of their flotilla were secretly not loyal to their master. Her fingers ever so gently sliding over their own to change where they might fire if called upon, to purge the traitors to the Sith. It would be a service to the High Priest. A service to their whole Holy Inquisition.

A small word would pass from her ethereal lips, just one word into many ears, to start the elimination of the Inquisition. "Fire."

On that idyllic hillside, where the reception had been despoiled, as she finished the breath, her eyes had not changed. The power around her had not lessened. Her anger still barely held in check by the sliver of self-control only a true Master of the Sith had over their emotions. "No need to bring this before Empyrean, Gerwald, Darth Strosius Darth Strosius has made his choice. As I have made mine."

She ignored the Kaggath challenge of Malum and his Force Push to create space between all and his fellow. He could have whatever scraps of the Inquisition would be left once she, her wife, her family, and her allies were through with it. Through their bond, Fiolette would already see images of two worlds burning, the names of Faldos and Formos echoing into her head. Her next words would be directed towards Alisteri, the last moments of calm before the storm.

"I do hope you understand, that even now... what's about to happen is me being... reasonable."

Far above, tiny pinpricks of light that could only be laser fire and turbolasers being exchanged between ships could be seen. The anger she had held at bay exploded into full virulence and prevalence. She would TEAR the information of where he had stashed her grandchildren from his mind, or the minds of his men, or even from the mind of Darth Malum. She would BURN every world that had ever raised an Inquisition banner upon it until she had her grandchildren.

Dark side energy, pure and unadulterated, would cycle around her hands as she began weaving a spell to rip EVERYTHING from their minds. To leave the men who were so devoted to their leader quivering husks that would destroy themselves to escape their torment. But no... the others could deal with the troopers. She would shift the destruction of the troopers to her wife and the others, letting Fiolette off the proverbial leash. The images of her grandchildren had been burned into her mind, and she would ensure he couldn't carry out the threat of harming them until she found them.
Fiolette stood still, her fury a smoldering inferno masked beneath a cold, calm exterior. The images of her grandchildren, captured and threatened, flashed before her eyes, igniting a rage that demanded retribution. The wedding, once a joyous occasion, had turned into a battleground, and now, Taeli had let her off the leash. It was time to make the Inquisitorial Troopers pay.

Dark side energy coursed through Fiolette like a river of molten lava, her powers intensifying with each passing second. Her eyes, darkened by the fury within, locked onto the troopers standing before her. The Warspite had seen many battles, but this one was personal. With a sudden, graceful leap, Fiolette surged forward, her movements fluid and precise. She landed amidst the troopers, her presence a harbinger of death. She extended her hands, fingers splayed as she channeled her power. Shadows danced around her, and the air grew thick with an oppressive darkness.

Her voice, cold and commanding, resonated through the minds of the troopers. "You have dared to threaten my family," she hissed, her words laced with venom. "Now, you will pay the price." With her new found powers, the might of the Netherworld surged through her, and she began to drain the life force from the troopers. Their strength waned, their vitality ebbing away as Fiolette drew it into herself. Their faces contorted in agony, their bodies trembling as they felt their very souls being ripped from them.

Fiolette's fury burned brighter, a quiet yet relentless fire. She reveled in their torment, her eyes never leaving the troopers as they fell to their knees, helpless and broken. Their life energy flowed into her, feeding the darkness within. As the last of the troopers crumpled to the ground, lifeless and empty, Fiolette stood tall, her power radiating from her like a palpable force. She had become the embodiment of vengeance, a force of nature that could not be stopped.

She turned back toward Taeli, her expression one of grim satisfaction, but spoke to the undercurrent that this was far from over. The threat posed her family by these troopers had been met with a swift and brutal response. The Inquisitorial Troopers had been dispatched, their souls claimed by the dark fury of a woman who would stop at nothing to protect those she loved.

The battle was not yet over, but for now, Fiolette had made her mark. She was the harbinger of death, and she would make sure that no one would dare to cross her again.



//: Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru ://
//: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius //:
//: Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf //:
Just tagging those mentioned

"Sooner would be better, Alina I spent enough of my life without you - I'd like to have the rest of my life with you." She was happy, but unknowingly that happiness would be shattered by a bitter memory.

Quinn wanted to ignore Alisteri's ramblings. She tried to pretend the rest of the room didn't exist and focus on Alina. Yet, his words pierced her mind, and she glanced towards him, now engrossed in his madness. As she listened, her jaw clenched till it began to hurt. The man reminded her of a dark time in her life, the embodiment of a timeline where Alina didn't exist. She hadn't known the full details, just that Alisteri was the murderer. Her blood boiled after hearing the tale from Taeli's and Alisteri's points of view. Alina was put into harm's way because she trusted Alisteri, and something happened between the two Sith, and Alina had been the price.

The young princess didn't look at her inamorata but still spoke only to her. "I didn't know those details." she started her face flush with anger, knowing the whole truth. "I knew he had killed you, but I didn't know our Master was involved and that he was a backstabbing coward." Quinn exhaled in an attempt to calm herself. She wanted to retaliate, she always had, but never did because of Alina. Quinn had brought the woman back; there was no reason to hunt her killer. The deed had been undone, but now, hearing the story or most of it, the Echani only saw red.

She wasn't part of this mess, but others were stepping forward. Quinn did as well, but was outpaced by several. Keeping herself collected the best she could, she continued to Alina, "He has always been a pathetic coward. " Quinn wanted to move even closer; she needed to see the coward's face as he mustered the strength that he did to just be in a room of people.

But, as she stepped forward, she was reminded that her old Master was here and the target. She felt a new surge of anger, frustration, and betrayal. Why didn't Taeli protect Alina? Why did she let this happen?


"Tomorrow, then."

No beating around the bush, no clever wordplay. She just sipped her drink, smiling as her attention turned to Quinn and Quinn alone. The brewing trouble didn't matter nearly enough to her now. Alistairi had done the one thing she had tried to stop him from doing all those years ago; the day he killed her.

To not bite off more than he could chew and make foes of everyone.

But Quinn was focused. Her eyes finally shifted behind her mask, the faint glow dimming as she narrowed them on the masked figure. At one time, there were none she was closer to. When she lost her arms, it was he who walked with her to help be her hands until they reclaimed them. He who stood by her side as Vulcanus ripped apart their own people. He who trained with her, fought with her so they might sharpen their blades and minds. Hell, he even helped her kill her own mother.

"He was being dumb, so I went to set him straight by beating the hell out of him, as I always did. But he got me. I had hoped, at least with my death, he would realize that the only way forward was to make use of those around us." She swirled her drink before finishing it off and setting it down on the tray of a stunned butler who was watching the events unfold.

"He no longer matters. If my Master asks me to, I will beat him to death this time. But otherwise, this is his bed to lay in. Do you want flowers at our wedding?"

Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf | Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
While a sight of an adult rancor bull would steer anyone away, she did not expect her bestfriend who she knew had an affinity for animals alike to overreact like that - fear was only natural. The teen rolled her eyes, dismissing his worries. "Are you done yet? Raising your voice might trigger him. I think he used to be a warmount." Her hand came up to rub the snout of her beast.

Tiny lowered itself down, allowing her to reach its saddle on his back easier. Falentra swiftly heaved herself up to mount. "Come on, don't hurt his feelings. " She pouted slightly, stretching out her hand to help him up. "You might be good with the sith, but the sith will not be good with you, Jedi." Once Falentra had managed to convince him to get up she took the reigns.

The gps function on CTOii activated. Urging the mount with her mind and a flick of the reigns, Tiny would start in the direction in a speedy gallop, his strides massive, crashing through thickets. "Woah, hold on tight!" Just to be sure her friend didn't tumble off, one of her tentacles wrapped around his forearm.

It was nearly a half an hour journey before an edifice came into view in the middle of the forest, its massive gates wide open. Falentra pulled the reigns, slowing their pace as they approached. "The maps pointed here, it looks like the spot." An odd statement for Balun likely... she hadn't exactly told him about the device in her head, nor was she looking at any maps or direction physically as they made their way here. Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell Xrgggnka Xrgggnka
Tags: Mariah of House Marr QK-2510

She went in behind the droid, slipping around the doorframe and checking the corners, blaster already up. They were in a small receiving area with two sets of double doors leading further into the building. Three long strides and Kivah was at the closest, the side of her helmet held close. She could hear discontented murmuring in response to a louder man's voice giving rise to their hatred towards the Sith. Doubtless saying that this was their moment to fight back before the 'proper' government that they were the guardians of was swept away, that they had duty and obligation, blah blah. Police and customs agents, what had they ever done for anyone other than get in the way of making credits?

Pulling a thermal detonator from her belt, Kivah placed her back to the door, pushing it open as she swung through, her face turned to look into the room as she did to take in those gathered against the Order as she did. A motley mix of aliens, mostly males, the oldest of which was standing on a makeshift stage. Banners she didn't recognize were draped across the wall behind him, maybe planetary sigils or standards of the law enforcement agencies gathered.

The detonator sailed through the air over the gathering as the speaker looked on perplexed at the stranger in irregular armor snapped her arm back from her throw to the grip of her weapon, speech petering out on his lips as Kivah unleashed a concussive blast into those closest to her. Then she opened up, the Erebus' heavy auto-fire ripping through the unprepared resistance fighters before the thrown grenade erupted among the forward ranks. Shifting, Kivah braced herself against the door, trusting the vardium to keep her blaster from overheating as she slowly swept it across the room. She wasn't shooting at people, but a gathered roiling mass of too much movement to take in all at once.

Return fire pinged off the door beside her and Kivah shifted to hose down the area it looked to have come from before sweeping the room again as she fell back to take cover, trusting that Arana and 2510 would come in to hit them before she was overwhelmed by sheer numbers. Prepping another detonator, she tossed it against the far wall through the door, anything to keep them reeling and off of her for another moment.

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