Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Populate Anyone Else | SO Populate of Farboon

Sir Malum, that was a blast from the past. So much had changed from when she had called that so long ago back in the Imperial Palace, most of it for the good, he could now admit... still much of it.

For all the worse.

"Neither has your beauty faded from when I first laid eyes upon you, if I might be so bold, you have only grown more so."

He craned his neck, brushing his lips against her knuckles, in the same motion aiding in pulling her up to her feet, a mix of both a grin, and though he would certainly deny it to any who would ask, the ghost of a pout affixed upon his features, as both sister and... friend? Turned on him.

Facing his sister, "Lady Maskless," He retorted, a challenging glint upon the eyes he shared with his kin, all the while both noble ladies introduced themselves to each other, "If you are so bothered by my presence, elder sister, perhaps I can simply withdraw your open invitation to Alvaria, I know father and mother would certainly adore to have you back upon Jutrand." He teased further, his lips turning to smirk, this was far from what he had planned to improve Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin 's mood, but Elise of House Marr Elise of House Marr was perhaps of all his sisters, the one which was best suited to tasks like these.

He tilted his head back to Quinn, the first time he had consciously noticed that his hand was still wrapped around her fingers.

"No complaints from me, no doubt my sister could do with more friends." He continued to tease, allowing his fingers to break from hers, falling to his side, the sudden cold was biting, yet that was to be expected.

It was a lament that he could not bring Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira to such an event. Unfortunately, this place was not Naboo, and there would be no way to hide here.

And of course... he kept his glower in the confines of his mind.

Kain- Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex was here after all.

"Lead the way, no doubt our hosts did not skimp out on the quality of the vintage." He addressed to his sister, before raising his forearm in an offering to Quinn, he had not fully heard of the initial conversation between them, but from what he had heard...

...Suffice to say he could understand why she looked so downcast before.

And he may have been able to draw a smirk from her, but it was not yet a smile.
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The day had been everything she had wanted it to be and more. She’d barely taken her eyes off Sarlow from the moment she had settled them upon him in the ceremony. Her heart swelled with joy. Though there was a touch of sadness in all of it, that Leilah could not be there, that Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex still held her captive to ensure Lina’s loyalty. Still she pushed the sadness from the mind entirely, today was not a day to dwell on what had been lost, but what had been gained. Falling in love with Sarlow was never in her plans, and yet here she was.

A Zambrano.

She chuckled to herself at the absurdity of it, her eyes sweeping the guests present, pleased to see the contentment she felt seemed to be reflected in all of them. There had been…disagreements over the guest list, but Lina had been firm in her stance that none would be turned away. If she was to declare her love for Sarlow she would do so for all to hear.

Emerald eyes shifted back to him, her hand slipping easily into his as she looked up at him. “I love you.” she murmured in response to his own declaration, placing a gentle kiss upon his cheek before allowing him to greet their guests. Lina herself looked to Salara, her arms extending in request for her daughter to be passed to her.

Her gaze slid also to her new father-in-law. They had made a deal, the day she had told him she bore Sarlow’s child and he removed the mark that had bound her to him. Her desire to kill him remained, but their family would never come into the middle of their feud. She bowed her head briefly to him, before slipping her gaze back to her daughter as the child was settled into her arms.

Sarlow Zambrano
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Lily's smiled politely at each of Iskey's family in turn as they were introduced, though it faltered slightly when her gaze settle on Fiolette. She had not forgotten their first meeting and no doubt the foul woman would have more than a quip or two about her presence here considering how hard the Lily had advocated for her own innocence.

Settling into the chair Iskey drew for her she offered him a small smile of thanks, not only for his action, but also because it gave her the opportunity to avoid Fiolette's eyes. The name Taeli was rattling something in the back of her mind, like a thought or memory she couldn't quite grasp amidst the distraction of the two and fro between the Yvarro family. She chuckled at iskey's offer of a chart. "Oh, believe me, if you think this is hard to track you should look at the Marr family tree. Malum keeps finding more of us. Even I'm not sure where I sit on it anymore."

The Raaf grandchildren...

Taeli Raaf.


Lily paled slightly, reaching for the glass of water in front of her she took a sip to cover the sudden sense of dread that washed over her. What the hell had Malum pulled her into the middle of? She shifted her gaze to Iskey searching for a distraction, fortunately Ivalyn had been gracious enough to grant her one. "Will you really return to the academy?" she asked him a touch of sadness in her voice. She knew well enough that if he did, she would not see him for a long time.

Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro Iskendyr Yvarro Iskendyr Yvarro Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf
Iskendyr listened to Lily and chuckled, "That big, huh?" He knew a thing or two about big families. "Well, that's alright, I'm sure we could figure it out." He offered her a boyish smile, his eyes sparkling with mischief and warmth. Distracted by his uncle again, he didn't notice when Lily went pale.

When she asked him about the academy, he turned back to her, a confident look on his face. "Yes, but not the one you met me at. This one is back home on Dosuun. The Cyrus Tregessar Naval Academy is one of the finest."

"You're always welcome to visit. Avalonia is a fine city," he continued, clearly proud of his home. "It is a year-round boarding school though, so I likely won't be able to see you unless I'm on holiday. Thankfully, the Commonwealth is filled with endless holidays, at least one a month, more on some worlds."

His enthusiasm was contagious, and he couldn't help but smile wider as he talked about his beloved home and the possibilities of their future meetings.


Sarlow Zambrano


Sarlow stood with a beaming smile, his voice deep and resonant, captivating the attention of every guest. "And I love you," he said lovingly to his bride. After greeting the guests, he called for their attention, waiting for the room to settle down. The receiving line had gone smoothly, cocktail hour was in full swing, with milk and cookies for the children. The wedding party had entered, and the newlyweds were ready to celebrate.

"Attention," he called once more, ensuring all eyes were on him. Sarlow glanced back at his bride and daughter, his smile widening. Focused on the crowd, he continued. "I would like to welcome all of you and thank you for taking the time to be here. We truly appreciate it, and I want to thank my parents, Kaine and Salara Zambrano, for making this a beautiful wedding."

"I want to extend my personal thanks to the Marrs, the Raafs, and the noble houses of this Empire for coming together, and at least for the moment, maintaining minimal bloodshed." He chuckled, and the crowd joined in, the ice broken. "And a lovely thank you to the representative of the esteemed Varanin family. I am ever so grateful that you could make it today. And of course, uncle my gratitude for your being here." His attention toward Prazutis and his wife.

"It is truly a beautiful moment when two people decide to commit to one another, to build a family together, and to take care of one another. My father and mother have been amazing examples of what it means to be committed for better or for worse. Come hell or high water, my parents have always been there for one another."

"I hope that Lina and I can only emulate the way you have committed to each other. For seventy-five years, let's give them a round of applause."


Drazen offered her a lazy smile, a lull of his head as he rolled it over his shoulder to look at her, singular eye piercing and pale.​
"You're as close to the truth as one can be. Have I really become so transparent?", he mused.​
"But, that would be shameful were it my only endeavor. A Sith will always eventually rise to outshine their masters, you are no exception - especially if our conversation is anything to go by. More over, there will come a day I too overcome all those that stand in my way - friend or foe. These are simple truths of the ambitious, and I've no doubt you will develop a great ambition, if you haven't already."​
"I actually wanted to offer you an opportunity - to work together. Mutual interests. Spy for me, I spy for you - and we could create a relationship built on mutual interest. For instance, I've heard through the rumor mill that the SIBC will soon be without much of its upper management due to recent... failings. After I gain my governorship over Terminus, perhaps it would do us both well to have a powerful player within their ranks."​
"With your close connections to powerful people - you could accomplish that, and I could support you in whatever it is you desire. A fair trade, isn't it?", he asked plainly, moving to pour himself another chute of champagne.​


Drazen Lutris Drazen Lutris

Revna listened idly to the pale haired man as he seemed to confirm that her answer was close to the truth, sipping further on the drink in her hand. She still regarded him with some caution; there had to be another reason why he had taken the opportunity to speak to her. Away from the eyes and ears of my Master too, she mused internally.

A small, knowing smile tugged at the corner of her lips when the man revealed his reason for approaching her in the first place. She’d heard it all before; the apprentice rises and overtakes their Master, as was the Sith way for many, for most. Perhaps one day, that would be true for her as well. But that time was not now.

She tilted her head slightly at Drazen as she regarded him more… shrewdly. She was no stranger to the pull of ambition; she had her own ambitions after all. But she took note of the pale man’s words, memorized his face, his features…everything about him. Her gaze flickered to those who were at his table, and she briefly studied them too. She doubted she would ever see any of them again after this day…but it would be wise of her to at least remember faces, should she ever find herself in a place and time where his man made his power play.

Her gaze snapped back to him as he extended an opportunity to her. She kept her face as neutral as possible, neither showing interest nor disinterest in his words, his offer.

It was a tempting offer - of that she couldn’t deny. Any other Sith might have jumped on the opportunity that presented itself…but Revna remained quiet and thoughtful as the one eyed man poured himself another drink. This was the sort of thing that her Master had warned her about, all the way back in the very beginning when she had been but a simple acolyte. The power plays, the manipulations, the greed and arrogance. It was so easy to get caught up in its web, and be pulled down into the muck and the mire…to always be serving at the heels of and the whims of others, but never rising to become the greater above them all.

Yes - power and influence could come from accepting this offer, but the fine print was what she was more wary of. Frankly, did she even want to be caught up in the web of this man, this Drazen Lutris? She already knew the answer to that. And now that he was on her radar, she would keep an extra ear and eye out for him, and his movements. He would be a dangerous player on the ever shifting field of Sith politics and manipulations, of that she was sure.

She finished off the champagne in the delicate glass in her hand, and offered the man before her a small smile.

Hmm. A rather intriguing and rare opportunity, that I will say. But as…tempting…as your offer is, Lord Lutris, it does not align with my interests at this point in time. In the future, that may very well change.” It was her only hint that her ambitions ran deep and far, and he could still have a part to play in her machinations.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, my Lord - I desire to partake in the fine foods that are available before they are all picked clean by the vultures that swarm around me.

And with a playful smirk, Revna set the wine glass down on the table beside the bottle of vintage champagne before casually dismissing herself from his presence.

Tags: Mariah of House Marr Mariah of House Marr QK-2510 QK-2510

As she headed down and outside, Kivah considered the best way to approach the building. She was a stranger to these people, large even by Denik standards and wearing armor. She wasn't going to get close. Arana also screamed unusual but in a less mundane way. Then she reminded herself that they were up against trained security personnel who were likely jittery and paranoid already. There wouldn't be much opportunity to get the drop on them unless they were just invisible and Kivah didn't have the creds for that.

Instead she ambled down the walk as if in no hurry, her Erebus slung and held out of the way as if she didn't think it'd be needed, her other hand loose by her thigh. occasionally turning her head as if talking to Arana or a comm in the dim twilight. Just when she got close enough for a shouted challenge to be practical, maybe twenty meters, She drew and shot the door sentry through the head with one smooth motion she'd practiced a thousand times. The Verpine shatter gun built into her HG-88 pistol let out a second quiet cough as she shifted her aim to a second form hunched in the shadows to kill whoever it was keeping the first guard company.

She holstered and broke into a sprint, unlimbering her repeater as she went, trusting her companions to their parts. They were on a timer now until those bodies were discovered, unless they'd been on open comms when she'd shot them. Then the game would already be up. Reaching the door, she slapped a hand against the wall to arrest her momentum instead of trying to burst through like a maniac. Instead she carefully reached for the controls and tested them, unlocked. Readying herself, she checked on Arana and nodded the droid forward. Better to send it through the breach first. Over her comm she clicked twice, a signal to 2510 that they were going in.
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge

Objective: Ruin the Reception
Equipment: Lightsaber, Sword, Dagger, Robes
Tags: Sarlow Zambrano / Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar / Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin / Revna Revna / Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr / Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf / Elise of House Marr Elise of House Marr / Drazen Lutris Drazen Lutris / Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis / Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner / Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro / Iskendyr Yvarro Iskendyr Yvarro / Hykátiis of Tsis'Raki Hykátiis of Tsis'Raki / Lily Rhodes Lily Rhodes

As the groom gave his speech, the idyllic and peaceful setting of the Reception seemed to falter for a few moments. The sound of the gently flowing water nearby was drowned out by the distinct noise of heavy boots, the wind seemed to adopt a terrible chill as it whipped over the scenery, lanterns flickered in their glow as all sounds of nature fell silent. And then some heavy footsteps accompanied by the subtle sound of cloth dragging across the grass and a harsh metallic noise akin to clapping replaced the once serene and natural environment.

"Very profound Mr. Zambrano." The name sounded more like a curse than anything else, as though hissed through clenched teeth as well as the mask's slight modulation. Darth Strosius slowly strode into the main area of the reception with all the careful steps of a predator circling its prey, his clawed gauntlets being the source of the horrid sound as he gave what could only be described as mocking applause. "It almost makes me wish that I had attended the ceremony proper."

There was a certain smug, almost teasing, lilt to the masked man's tone as he stopped his advance at the entrance of the main area. His clapping thankfully stopping alongside his steps. "I do not believe we've met, so allow me to introduce myself." He pressed a hand to his chest, the dark yet gleaming metal of his gauntlet a stark contrast to the heavy black robes he adorned himself with. "I am Darth Strosius, Lord Inquisitor of the Sith Order's Holy Inquisition. And I'm afraid that I am unfortunately here on matters of..." His pause was accentuated by a slight flourish of his hand. "Business."

The origin of the marching boots became apparent as Inquisitorial Troopers marched up the hillside, trampling down the flowers and even some small decorations as the surrounded the Reception area on all sides. Their blasters were at the ready, each one of them tense even as more of their comrades came to stand by their side to block the view of the setting sun and idyllic hillside. Their Lord shared no such tension. "Ah, but of course I did not forget to bring the newlywed couple a gift in exchange for my rude interruption."

With the slight crook of a finger on his now outstretched hand a pair of Troopers would march forward and stand at his side, holding between them a large metal crate with the distinctive sigil of Eliad emblazoned on it. Three helmets sat atop the crate, all of them very clearly belonging to soldiers of the Kainate. The Troopers set the crate down for a moment to allow Darth Strosius to reach down and open one side of it, having to nonchalantly brush off one of the helmets with a wave of his hand before he could do so. The trail of red that stained the grass as the helmet rolled implied that it was very much still occupied.

From the crate he pulled forth a simple bottle of wine, holding it up towards the couple of the hour so that they may see it clearly. "You do recall that I owed you a bottle of wine Lady Lina? From what I've been told these should all be of a great vintage, and with plenty to be leftover even after the honeymoon has ran its course." He set the bottle back down and closed the crate, gesturing for the Troopers to set it off to the side as he himself stepped forward with his arms crossed behind his back.

"But I'm afraid with the pleasantries out of the way I must turn to matters most unkind and unfavorable." His gaze would trail over the guests as his slow stride resumed, the emotionless black visor seeming to peer through each person one at a time. For a few moments his gaze did linger on those that were familiar to him, but none held his attention longer than his own apprentice who he regarded with a subtle yet disapproving tilt of his head. He would have to have another discussion with her about socializing with the enemy it seemed.

"For among your beloved friends and family, it would appear as though their loyalty should be brought into question. For I have come this day to punish one among your number for the high crime and sin of treason against the Sith Order." Darth Strosius would look to Carnifex and Prazutis then, fixing them with a glare that could be felt even with no visible sign of it. Yet he was not approaching them despite his animosity. Instead his attention would fall to the table where Taeli Raaf and her reunited family sat, one of his hands retrieving a datapad from his robes as he continued his march towards their table.

"For the crimes of duplicity, sedition, subversion, and treason against the Sith Order as well as the threatening of an Inquisition official, the Holy Inquisition has found Taeli Raaf, Darth Arcanix, to be guilty on all charges. The punishment will be as follows, immediate removal of all facilities, personnel, and assets owned by or otherwise loyal to Lady Raaf and her immediate family and colleagues from the Kessel Sector, the Abrion Sector, the Tion Cluster, and the Auril Sector. This process shall be overseen by officials and agents of the Inquisition and shall be completed within the span of one standard month from today, failure to comply or active resistance against any member of the Inquisition or their work will result in the verdict being updated to execution of all personnel, facilities, and assets belonging or otherwise loyal to Lady Raaf operating outside of Sith space. This will include Lady Raaf herself if she is found to be resistant and noncompliant."

The Lord Inquisitor stopped at the table as he leered down at the seated family, not an ounce of pity nor remorse could be found in his mask as he tapped on the datapad to switch it to an image rather than the warrant. "And to ensure compliance with the Inquisition's verdict, we have acquired 'collateral' which will be held in our custody until either Lady Raaf has fully complied with the punishment and completed it or until she herself has been brought into our custody." With that he dropped the datapad onto the table and slid it over to the subject of the warrant, the device displaying the bruised yet still recognizable face of Kaivaan Kaivaan in a manner similar to a mugshot. His siblings photos were also displayed alongside his, all of them in the same manner with some minor bruises or cuts. "I trust that you understand this warrant as it has been served to you?"

His blood froze at the sound of marching boots, his offered arm to Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin withdrawn, as he tilted his face away for red eyes to inquire upon the familiarity of the march.

And the widened eyes, as the masked Inquisitor, the one all too familiar strummed out of existence, with the methodical clapping of one who...

...Had won.

Malum found himself grinding on his teeth, a call of fortune that he had worn armour today after all. He did not know his battlebrother's plan, but if they followed the procedure of all his other plans, he would not be surprised if there was no plan at all. He carefully listened as Ali- Darth Strosius Darth Strosius began to speak, unclear of the intentions, and needing to know.

He became for a moment, like all the sheep assembled, so...

...Shocked, surprised, into silence.

As a coup played out right before them.

Malum reached into his armour, the mask that he had taken off only moments before hissing, as it reattached itself to his face, as he turned in a whisper to his sister, Elise of House Marr Elise of House Marr , "Find Revna Revna and Lillian, get them out of here, I will contact you when it is safe." Malum spoke with a quietness that went against his nature, knowing where Revna was, but not quite yet spotting Lily Rhodes Lily Rhodes .

But not against his position.

His focus turned back upon Ali- Darth Strosius Darth Strosius , wincing, as he felt her begin to stir at the back of his mind, apparently just as curious as he was on what... their? Apprentice was doing.

All too curious, what the other fragment, far less free, was doing.

His mouth was dry, not long after his throat, his hair underneath plate and phrik stood attention, as crate was brought out, and contents, both... brutal, and oh so... delicious, were paired together in macabre fashion. For the Sangnir he supposed, there very well may not have been a difference between the burgundy liquids.

It was as he marched ever forward, that Malum knew, he had to act.

Yet, he remained ever so paralyzed.

Red finding hazel green, a sad, remorseful, perhaps wistful smile coming beneath his mask, he did not know what would come next, but in unpredictability, laid all that he desired.

"My apologies, Your Majesty, it would seem I will have to broach upon the offer of a dance some other day." He did not attempt to hide the emotions of his voice, far more wide and vast than simply those reflected upon a smile, the only weakness he held any possibility of showing.

It would be another day to make her smile.

"...I do believe I may need the assistance of your godmother, Her Imperial Majesty, Srina Talon Srina Talon rather soon... if you might be able to secure me an audience." He knew that was far from necessary, strange as it was to accept, let alone understand, the Empress... was rather open, in her cold, closed-off, sort of way. He felt he was studied every moment he was in a room with her, but in a way that one studied a growing blossom.

Waiting for bloom.

To invoke her name, was the easiest way to inform the mentalist of the veracity of what exactly would take place here.

All the while, charges fell.

And Malum's heart sunk.

He had a plan after all.

One which Malum knew... might doom them all.

And yet still he was frozen.

All until, the hostages were revealed.

And Malum's feet were moving through the crowd faster than he could comprehend himself think. Instinct took him forth, as he felt every momentous step, as if the epicentres of quakes that would bring this entire rotten structure down. The sound of steel drawn may have alerted all to the new movement, but Malum did not care.

There was one way for them to be saved.

And Malum would do all that was necessary and more.

Malum stood in front of the table, even slightly taller than the Sangnir, as of the many times between them, Malum felt his battlebrother simply towered over him. This confidence, this certainty.

At times, Malum had pulled ahead, Malum was the one who plotted and schemed, made alliances and friends, for all that would come for the future. Seem as if he was the senior partner in this alliance between them.

But in moments like this.

He was reminded of their earliest days when Malum had been apprentice, and Ali- Darth Strosius, knight.

Yet Malum stood his ground, as though the mask, red eyes took on an orange shimmer.

As Sith steel laid upon the Sangnir's shoulder, sharp edge upon the neck.

Malum narrowed his eyes.

From the periphery, spotting Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner and Drazen Lutris Drazen Lutris , they may very well be key.

A simple question emerged from the young Lord of the Tsis'Kaar's lips.

"Do you act out of the Emperor's will?"
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Objective 1: Red Reception

Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Revna Revna Iskendyr Yvarro Iskendyr Yvarro , Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro , and Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf
She gave him a smirk and a raised brow at the initial response of Malum, then held up a warning finger still grinning, "Don't you dare. Kicking your sister out on the street, how unlordly of you." obviously not what he meant exactly but she still was mostly just having fun. There was nothing particularly serious about it, and she appreciated the chance.

She snorted at the claim she could use more friends just shaking her head, "Oh the wounds of family." she said in a deeply sarcastic voice as they'd start on their way towards the drinks. Drinks, those were more familiar territory. She was no drunkard by any means but who shouldn't know what alcohol they most preferred for the right moment, at least that was her view. Too much fun to be had drinking at any given point. Though there was also a great deal of entertainment in bringing a fake alcoholic beverage where a person isn't expected to, just to see or sense someone's response to it, followed by the relief if they figured it out.

But as they were making their way, things started getting a bit out of hand. Darth Strosius Darth Strosius was arriving, in an incredibly dramatic fashion, with equally dramatic words. He was not a sith she knew well, she had very little experience with him at all really. But she did still know of him. And Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr 's reaction to his entrance was a far cry from what she was hoping. Her smile faded from her face as she let out a sigh, thinking, Ah sith lords and their politics and games. as she looked around carefully. As she understood it, Strosius was supposed to be an ally of their's. But that didn't mean things couldn't go wrong, either with him, or with everyone else. If he acts as an ally, they may be treated as an enemy. If he acts as an enemy, then threats all around.

She gave Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin an apologetic smile at the situation just a moment before Malum told her to find Lily Rhodes Lily Rhodes and Revna Revna and get them out.
"On it." there was less time for humor now, and besides. There was the darkness she might need to build up. She could call on it on a dime of course, but if she began now, if she began stirring inside the deep emotions of the dark side, things like fear and anger, stirring an animals instincts, stirring familial attachment and love, building them like a foundation. A foundation of power. Then if she was forced to fight, she'd fight all the stronger, and all the longer.

Elise darted off, her standard red lightsaber bounced to the floor underneath her dress and then back up into her off hand as she darted through the crowd, she went for Lily Rhodes Lily Rhodes first. Revna was supposed to be competent, even specifically Strosius's student. She wasn't so sure of lily's abilities, which meant she need to be prioritized. As she rushed, she reached out to Revna Revna attempting to make clear it was Elise, and then to prompt her to join and retreat. It wasn't worded telepathy, things were too rushed for Elise to try and focus on that. And the push she hoped was enough, followed by raising her hand in the air for Revna to see and providing another prompting of her location to the force being towards Lily.

She arrived towards Lily soon, as well as those in her company, Iskendyr Yvarro Iskendyr Yvarro , Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro , and Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf she gave a wave of the hand to the group,
"Sorry to interrupt," she said with a half shrug then held out a hand to Lily, "Think we need to get a move on, reaching out to Revna, whatever this turns into. Let's make sure we're out of the way. Kay?"

She waited for her to get up, meanwhile, Elise's senses were enhanced to the highest degree as was her sense and intuition in the force. Instinct was everything. Emotion was everything. She was ready, just in case. She was also still reaching out to Revna Revna and trying to be sure she was coming with them right away. If not it'd mean she'd have to go get her too, which would take time away from Lily. She'd rather not split up the attention if she could avoid it.
Personal equipment:
Draika iv misina (Lava lightsaber)
Red lightsaber with sturdy hilt (in hand)

Objective 2 - Port Nowhere
Tags: Kivah Kivah QK-2510 QK-2510

She gave QK-2510 QK-2510 a nod at the confirmation of comms, activating her own and watching the trooper take to the skies. Ah, the skies. She really needed to get her equipment set up so her board would work effeciently as well, or maybe she'd simply get a jetpack system for a new armor set. Or one that could have one attached, that could work. Fascinating system this trooper had set up though. She was very well equipped. It was pleasing.

Her attention returned quickly however to Kivah Kivah and their current task, following her lead and seeking the more casual posture. That much was a lot easier at least. Though if Arana wasn't immediately spotted as a droid, there were few species that would match the pale appearance. Echani was one though, and their martial arts had helped them become better known at least. But on the reverse hand, that likely brought suspicion. Another was Arkaniaan, and they weren't too much better, she also lacked the 4 fingered hands as she still had 5. Which meant at best, hybrid.

Arana was just as quick into combat readiness with the IR-1 at first, though as she was gestured to lead the way, she slung it around her back switching to the blade. Her skills were a LONG way from perfect, but the saber did enhance her prediction, and the droid body, while less than White-5, as still very capable. She'd move in with the weapon in her right hand and the Bar-58 in the other, if she was shot at first, if it was blaster fire, she'd do her best to deflect it. She wasn't good enough yet to send it back at the target, but she might get the chance to send one of her own into them, or hope that Kivah did it for her. If it was a projectile however she'd have an easier time, switching the saber to full particle shield and then having an easier time sending precise blaster fire right back.

If alone, she'd have opted for a more darting cover system, but she wanted to give Kivah the chance to get in and choose her own location and attack points. At least for a couple seconds. Mariah wouldn't hold her position for any more than that before looking for either cover or going more aggressive with her blaster fire and movements, she wouldn't risk blasterfire getting through.

The body was light, intuitive, ever so much more than Mariah's own form. She wasn't unfit, but she was no peak soldier either. Arana fit into that groove far better. And while her connection system with white-5 was effective, it wasn't nearly as complete as this was. It wasn't so perfected. It was as though she truly had Arana's body and was truly here. Wonderful. A bit terrifying with real blasterfire or projectiles, but wonderful.

Arana Appearance.
Link to droid body: Arana.

Initiation (1x lightsaber)
Sunfury pistol
Bar-58 blaster pistol
A wide range of tools and equipment for technological repairs and creations in a bag.

Drazen finished his second pour, sighed, and then tossed his glass somewhere far behind him - the distant shattering of it marking the end of his rather unfruitful conversation. The youth often misjudged their importance, and their political maneuvering - and given the chance, he would show her how wrong it was to deny him even now. Terminus was soon to be his, the SIBC was to be his, and everything in this Empire would soon be his to control.​
His smile fluttered away and he turned to watch Darth Strosius Darth Strosius make his declaration, forcing him to raise his brow and watch the, somewhat unexpected, event begin to play out. Taking control of the wedding had become an interesting conflict, enough to draw the one eye'd deviant towards the event with a renewed interest. A conflict soon to rise and become a problem.​
He noticed Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr glance in his direction, forcing his brow to raise slightly, but in spite of how one might expect him to react - he remained quiet and watched. There would be an opportunity to involve himself, but someone was going to owe him for this. The question of who to side with began to show itself - but he would bide his time until then.​


When the groom began his speech, Revna paused in the middle of what she was doing to give him her attention. A small smile tugged at her lips; despite the hostilities between certain groups that were present and in close quarters to one another, they seemed to have set that aside to honor the occasion. Even she mused this fact: she shared no love for any of the Kainites, yet here she was…a member of the Marr brood that was present. Granted, she never would have come in the first place - had it not been requested of her. But she could set her hatred aside for the moment, at least.

What was supposed to be a lovely end to an otherwise lovely wedding and reception was not to be, however. A nagging feeling that something wasn’t quite right kept tugging on the back of Revna’s mind, though at the time she just assumed it was due to her closeness to her enemies.

That was until she felt a familiar presence - one she normally looked forward to, and welcomed - but now filled her with icy dread. She didn’t have to see him to know that he had come, and moments later the sound of familiar footsteps revealed the robed and masked figure of her Master, Darth Strosius Darth Strosius .

Revna felt her body freeze in place, as tension coiled within every part of her. His enmity of all gathered, save the Marrs themselves, knew no bounds.

Ice trickled through her veins, as the Lord Inquisitor began his speech, his declaration of just why he had come. He seemed to scan over all present, and though she couldn’t physically see him looking at her…she felt his piercing gaze. She’d been around the Sith Lord long enough to learn his subtle gestures, and that small tilt of his head told her everything. He was most displeased that she was here.

No doubt, whatever he had planned, he wanted her far away from.

And in that moment, she wanted nothing more than to get as far away as possible.

Nothing good was going to come of this, of that she was certain. Bitterness seeped through her, as her gaze flickered to those who had seemingly captured his ire…people Revna had only just started to build connections with. There was going to be fallout from this, and as Revna moved to distance herself, she had a sinking feeling that nothing was ever going to be the same after this point in time.

The small Sith woman noticed her cousin Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr speak to his sister, and hoped to catch the gaze of Elise, to let her know silently that she was already on the move. Much was going to happen, and fast…and the sooner they got out of the mess, the better. But it seemed that Elise was already moving into action, making it clear that she was trying to get to Lily. Family stuck together, and these individuals were her family.

Family that her own Master was now putting directly into danger.

Malum already seemed to be confronting the Sith Lord directly, and it gave Revna time to slip through the momentarily stunned crowd to reach Elise and Lily’s side.

I am here. Time to go. Now.” Revna muttered, her voice sharp and direct, as it usually was in times of conflict. Already she could feel the storm of wrath and violence churning around them. Soon, this place would descend into chaos, and the reception would run red with blood.

She hoped and she prayed that they would be allowed to leave uncontested; but just in case, Revna used the boiling anger that was quickly growing inside of her as fuel to call upon, should she need it.

Her amber eyes glowed brighter, as she cast one last look back at her Master and Darth Malum, who already had his sword laid threateningly on the Lord Inquisitor’s shoulder. A cold and dreadful thought filled her mind then -

- This may very well be the last time she ever saw Strosius alive.


It would take time, she knew, watching the interaction between her eldest and youngest and then the rest of the family dynamic. There had been a lot of damage done, and an equal measure of healing would need to take place. The wedding, while a neutral location for a gathering, was not supposed to be a place where a different family hashed out its issues. They were there to celebrate Sarlow Zambrano and Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar , their own family issues could wait a little longer.

"It is nice to hear you both have been successful," she replied to her son, giving him a soft smile. She hadn't participated in the Second Great Hyperspace War as she had refused to be affiliated with the Maw and their Dark Lord, choosing instead to watch it all from within the Alliance Senate. It seemed history was preparing to repeat itself yet again, but that was thoughts for another time. Equally unsettling for her was that Aerys also had children... more grandchildren... the thought was still causing her to feel squeamish.

Her eyes would drift over some of the other attendees, to where Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin and Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr were dancing and chatting. There was another that needed a bridge rebuilt, as the young Princess while only briefly a student, seemed to be lost. She could feel it in the Force, a certain melancholy to her, that spoke of the ache of a heart torn. Alina had left again, and after everything Quinn had risked to pull her out of the Nether. Yes, they could reconnect in the near future. She owed it to the woman's mothers at least.

Her gaze would move to the woman with Iskendyr Yvarro Iskendyr Yvarro , a tilt to her head as she seemed to pale at the mention of her name. She knew her reputation preceded her, but for the life of her, she had never met the young Lily Rhodes Lily Rhodes so was unsure of the reaction. She sensed... unease from the woman.

Before she could probe the reaction further, Sarlow rose to give a speech to all those in attendance and her physical attention was pulled to him. Her ethereal attention however had been piqued. A presence or more accurately many presences had arrived, and they certainly didn't feel like more invited guests for the reception. Her head turned even at the sound of armored boots seemed to dull the celebrations as Darth Strosius Darth Strosius and soldiers of his Inquisition marched in.

A quiet sigh would escape her as he strode in, and a shake of her head.

"This won't be good," she muttered loud enough for the family to hear as the masked Sith spoke, addressing Sarlow and Lina first with his mocking applause. To walk into a Zambrano wedding, where Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis , and all of their retinues were attending, and then proceed to mock the bride and groom... the arrogance of the younger Lord was... astounding.

And then this attention turned to her as he walked to their table. Purple eyes would gaze uninterested into the mask as he laid charges against her of duplicity, sedition, subversion, and treason against the Sith Order and the punishment for said charges. She was about to speak, to try and reason with him, to point out how drastic of a mistake he was making. It was clear to her he was still smarting from Tund, and now he was lashing out as best he could.

Then he tossed datapad onto the table... showing the images of a young teen and two younger children that could only be his siblings. It was one look into that bruised face, to see the purple eyes and prominent eyebrows that could be from her, and...

To Fiolette, it would seem as though her very presence stilled. There was absolutely nothing, a surface as undisturbed as glass. The mind was processing what she was seeing, what Alisteri had said. Malum was moving, laying a sword onto the neck of Alisteri and asking if he was here on the Emperor's bidding. But she knew better. The attendees would know better. Malum would know better. She could see what he was trying to do, trying to find some avenue of legitimacy.

Her full and completely undivided attention was now upon the masked Sith Lord. Smug in his supposed victory, no doubt feeling assured he had won and she would concede all of the work she had put into the last sixty years of development. The arrogance...

Her full... and completely undivided attention...

"Once again," she said softly, quietly, no emotion within her voice, "you fail to do due diligence, Strosius. If you did, you would know that my success only furthers the success of the Emperor. Aurora is within the umbrella of the IGBC. The charges you bring here, against me, would carry capital punishment. The Emperor himself would have seen to it. I would not be receiving such a warning, or such demands, if these were truly the edict of Empyrean. I would have been dead before news reached me that my company and power base were destroyed. So no, Lord Malum, he is not here at the Emperor's will. He is here merely for his own, and no words you might say can change what he is bleeding into the Force. His smugness speaks all the volumes I need to hear."

She would rise to her feet slowly. To Fiolette, the stillness would start to pull away from the shoreline... as would occur when a tidal wave was forming. The only hint of utter and complete catastrophe.

"When we met, when Alina brought you to see me to garner support for your movement, I did so," she continued. "She was my apprentice, you were her friend. It only seemed right to help a young Sith trying to build up his power base, so I gave you the ships you wanted. How did you repay my apprentice? You killed her."

She would slowly rotate her shoulders. The metaphorical water within their bond continued to rush out, away from the shoreline.

"You have no idea how reasonable I've been. I was lenient then. I didn't call for your death. I didn't strike against your movement. When you attempted to steal away the library on Krayiss II for Ophidia in the civil war you and her started, I gave you a warning. I broke open the door, but then allowed you to leave. When you attacked Tund, I gave you a second warning and advice. I gave you the chance to work together within that sector, but you scoffed and turned the offer away. I still allowed you to leave without a shot fired, thinking maybe you had learned a lesson about interfering in other's affairs."

Amethyst was slowly bleeding to amber. Ripples within the Force would start to pulse off her, disturbing the air around her like a heat mirage. Within the bond, the water was coming... it was coming.

"But now... you strike directly at my family." She rolled her shoulders again and started to walk through the table, phasing through it with slow, very deliberate steps. "You kidnap my flesh and blood, then expect me to lay down everything I have built over sixty years because your ego couldn't stand being told you were in the wrong."

Amber had completely replaced amethyst, and the amber was darkening. The tidal wave would strike within the bond, an anger so deep, so destructive, it would burn in the tattoos they shared. If shown to the world, they would be glowing dark red to symbolize the depths of her anger. She had once sworn to burn whole worlds if her family was attacked. Now this masked Lord, a boy hiding behind a mask that he thought projected strength, had DARED to strike against her.

The air around the Sith Lady crackled with the dark side as she continued to walk through the table towards the man that had earned the right, the first individual to do so since a Mandalorian that now decorated her office in eternal torment, to her full and undivided attention. Her allies here, especially Kaine and Braxus, would know what had occurred the last time her family had been directly slighted...

She had brought down a nation.

She finished her walk through the table, amber now a deeper shade. Wisps of dark energy, the kind formed before a dark side tendril or act of sorcery, would be appearing and disappearing around her. "You have exhausted my patience. Release them now. There will not be another chance."

Revna Revna Drazen Lutris Drazen Lutris Elise of House Marr Elise of House Marr Mariah of House Marr Mariah of House Marr
There was a touch of sadness in her smile as Iskey told her of the academy. She had hoped that maybe he would return to one like the first she'd met him on, making it far easier for her to visit. To her boarding school seemed like a prison, but she could not deny the pride in his face and she could maybe reduce her plans for travelling if it meant seeing him more. His contagious smile washed away the worries that had spread over her moments before.

It was short lived.

Icy cold dread washed over her as the atmosphere shifted following Sarlow Zambrano 's speech. Darth Strosius Darth Strosius slow mocking clap drawing her eye to him, blood draining from her face once more as she watched the scene unfold before her, her eyes scanning for Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr , Revna Revna and Elise of House Marr Elise of House Marr in the stunned crowd as Strosius drew closer, his accusations ringing in her ears, her gaze followed everyones on the table as the datapad dropped and the holoimages of three bruised children floated before them.

Lily felt sick. She had known. She had know that he had kidnapped children, she had been there when Malum tried to scold him for it, and what had she done? Nothing. She hadn't known their connection to Iskendyr Yvarro Iskendyr Yvarro , nor had she known that Strosius would harm them. She turned her eyes slowly to Iskey, tears pricking in the corner of her eyes as Malum moved to intercept Strosius.

"Iskey...I..." she swallowed hard as Elise appeared at her shoulder, she gave her cousin a quick glance before looking back at Iskey, opening her mouth, wanting to say something...anything.

"I'm sorry." The words were barely above a whisper, she pushed her chair out and rose as Revna arrived, feeling the energy pulse from Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf it was time to leave, whatever carnage was created her she had no power to stop nor help in, giving them both a nod in agreement.
Lina's eyes fell upon her husband as he rose to address the reception, a warm smile on her face as she cradled Lucia close to her chest. She didn't think it was possible to love anything quite as much as she loved the child in her arms, and the man who stood beside her. How things had changed. but all good things had to come to an end, did they not? Certainly when you surround yourself with the company of sith who were liable to kill each other at a moments notice.

But even she could not have predicted this. Her smiled faltering as Darth Strosius Darth Strosius and his inquisitors appeared, their heavy boots making short work of the idyllic surroundings. She manged to hold her smile as he spoke, introducing himself to Sarlow, but it had become fixed, the warmth gone from her eyes. Her grip tightened subconsciously on her daughter, as if trying to draw her closer than she already was, away from the impending doom she felt rolling over her perfect day.

Her smile fell entirely as the box was brought forward, the heads precariously balanced atop it. The helmets familiar to every Zambrano present, there was a ripple through all of them as he casually knocked one aside, Lina's gaze followed it, watching it roll across the grass, the red trail glistening in its wake, the rest of his words sounded like they were a million miles away. Her gaze fixed on the blood, on the insult he had so carelessly thrown at her.

She had hoped, beyond all of it, that they could have become allies, that she could have used him in her own quest to kill Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex . Sarlow had warned her about fraternising with those that would amount to nothing, she had put it down to the arrogance of his upbringing, and his inability to see the possibilities, but the her beloved husband did not know that Lina still wanted to cut out his fathers heart.

She didn't moved as he crossed the tent, his accusation and attack on Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf falling on her detah ears, for all she could hear, was the rush of blood in her ears, all she could feel was a rising well of hatred and fury. She rose smoothly, moving to Salara, placing her daughter wordlessly in her arms, the tremors of the darkside growing within. Only when she stepped back from her daughter did she take a breath and plunge herself into the fully, Emerald eyes become obscured with inky black as she turned towards Strosius.

"Sarlow, my love, the inquisitors if you please."

She didn't pause to see if he understood her request, drawing closer to Strosius a well of darkness growing and spreading at her feet, tendrils uncoiling themselves from its depths as her mouth moved soundlessly, the sky above them darkening as she summoned a storm pouring her rage into it as thunder cracked and shook the tent. Her lightsabers slipped from beneath her gown, slapping into her palms and hissing to life.

Sarlow Zambrano Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro Revna Revna Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Elise of House Marr Elise of House Marr (and other people I'm too lazy to tag all of you)
The idyllic peace did not last long. Darth Strosius entered the reception, flanked by Inquisitorial troopers, his presence mocking the groom and raising brows. When he approached their table, delivering accusations and declarations toward Taeli, Fiolette felt a rising tide of anger.

At first, Taeli seemed calm, but Fiolette sensed the stillness was merely the waters receding before a tsunami. Her own eyes darkened, watching as a few women began to move, their haste betraying a foreknowledge of the confrontation. If they were truly surprised, they wouldn't have moved so quickly.

Fiolette placed a firm hand on her son's shoulder as a datapad was slid across the table. Iaacen shouted, calling out his children's names, a tidal wave of emotions crashing through him. Fiolette squeezed his shoulder. "Don't," she told him. "I understand what you wish to accomplish. Let your mother handle this."

Through their bond, Fiolette knew this was only the beginning. Strosius, in his arrogance, had ignited something he was unprepared for, especially in the midst of a Zambrano affair.

"Ivalyn, take Iskendyr," she ordered, her eyes narrowing on the troopers ahead. She hadn't looked over toward Iskendyr and his friend Lily; her focus was solely on the Dark Lord in front of her.

Taeli's calm exterior belied the storm brewing within her. Fiolette felt her wife's resolve harden, a chilling prelude to the fury that would soon be unleashed. The room, filled with the joyous buzz of celebration moments before, now seemed to hold its breath, waiting for the inevitable clash.

As Fiolette stood there, her heart pounded not just with anger but with the cold determination that came from years of military command. She knew the stakes, understood the dangers, and felt the weight of every life in that room, especially those of her grandchildren. Strosius would soon realize the folly of his actions, and Fiolette would ensure he paid dearly for his audacity.

She watched as Darth Malum swiftly pressed a sword to Strosius' neck—too swift for someone supposedly taken by surprise. His movements betrayed him, revealing the premeditated nature of this attack. Fiolette silently counted those in the room whose reactions were a beat too quick, marking them as potential conspirators. If it was war Strosius and his allies sought, then war they would get.

Her gaze flicked to others in the room. Lina, the bride, moved with purpose, her expression fierce as she approached Strosius, her blade poised to humble him for interrupting her wedding. Fiolette's focus returned to Strosius and the troopers flanking him. It wouldn't take long for anyone here to drain the life from them. The question burning in Fiolette's mind was how many more knew of this plot. How many more would need to be hunted down and gutted for every ounce of pain inflicted on her grandchildren?

Much like Taeli, Fiolette's anger simmered beneath a cold exterior. Her mind raced with strategies and countermeasures. Strosius would rue the day he decided to challenge their family, and those complicit would pay dearly for their betrayal.

Fiolette's eyes narrowed as she observed the scene, her expression unreadable to most but filled with lethal intent. She felt the seething rage of her wife beside her, a powerful undercurrent to her own. The room, once filled with joyous celebration, was now a battleground of wills and hidden daggers.

The time for subtlety was over. The Galidraani knew that swift and decisive action was necessary. This affront would not go unanswered. A silent agreement passed between Fiolette and her wife. Strosius had ignited a fire that would consume him and anyone who stood with him.

The air crackled with tension as the wedding guests held their breath, waiting to see how the confrontation would unfold. Fiolette stood tall, her posture exuding a calm yet deadly determination. Strosius had made a grave mistake, and Fiolette was prepared to make him pay for every second of it.

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The festivities had been going well, all things considered. Most were there to praise the newly wed couple and offer their congratulations, and while some did have ulterior motives they kept them to themselves for the time being. All the while, the Dark Lord carefully watched all of the attendees. Very few things could shield from His withering gaze, and when He looked at you it was like your soul itself was being illuminated by a large spotlight -- nothing to hide, everything laid bare.

Salara sauntered over and leaned in to whisper something in the Dark Lord's ear, which caused His mouth to curl in a grin. His eyes shined with mischievousness as Salara turned to walk away, His eyes following her every step until she passed out of view. Carnifex then went back to watching Sarlow and Lina, His attention causing the faintest pinpricks to dance up the bride's spine. But all of that would vanish the moment another presence was felt, the Dark Lord's attention now diverted.

He watched as Darth Strosius entered, unmoved by the arrangement of bloodied helmets or their contents. Such a barbaric display was meant to cow lesser beings, the Dark Lord was immune to such intimidation. Rather, it was Strosius' words that the Dark Lord paid the most attention to. And when they were spoken, and the cards laid out on the table, His eyes moved to look directly at Taeli and Fiolette. The barely contained rage was delicious, He could feel it writhing just beneath the placid surface.

For that briefest of moments in time, Taeli Raaf eclipsed Him utterly.

He didn't move, didn't rush to intervene. That was not His place to do so, He would let the injured parties do as they wished. Taeli and Fiolette for their stolen kin, and Sarlow and Lina for their crashed reception. If any of them called upon Him, He would answer, but for the time being He would watch.

He would observe.

Though He could not help but feel a twinge of anger causing the muscles in His right hand to spasm ever so slightly, fingers coiling into a tightly wound fist.


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