Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Populate Anyone Else | SO Populate of Farboon

Lily was the bright spot in an otherwise dull event. He hugged her warmly and gave her a genuine smile. After a brief introduction to her cousin, they were essentially shooed away, leaving him free to express his thoughts.

"A pleasure," he greeted Lily's cousin politely, though he didn't care much for formalities. Once they were out of earshot, he whispered to Lily, "That guy feels like a sleazeball. Does your cousin usually have bad taste in men?" He frowned, feeling protective of Lily and suspicious of the man who looked like he belonged on a used speeder lot.

Clearing his throat, Iskendyr noticed his aunt slipping out to take a call. "Well, I was just about to find a way out of this venue before I saw you. What a rather dull affair. How many Darths can be in one place?" He sighed, feeling the weight of the occasion and the overwhelming presence of Sith Lords.

Before he could say anything more, he heard his name being called. "Ah, and that would be... well, c'mon along then. If there are to be introductions." He placed his hand in Lily's and led her to the table where his uncle Iaacen was seated.

"Uncle," Iskendyr greeted rather formally, and Iaacen arched a brow. "This is Lily, and Lily, this is my uncle Iaacen... um..."

Iaacen finished the sentence, understanding Iskendyr's intent. "This is my sister Nerralyn, and my mothers, Fiolette and Taeli."

"Right," Iskendyr confirmed, feeling slightly flustered. "Lily is with House Marr." He concluded the introductions and moved to hold out a chair for Lily. As he did, he whispered to her, "I don't really know them," with a gesture toward Taeli and Nerralyn. "Explains uncle's eyebrows, though."

Iaacen, overhearing, responded with a matter-of-fact tone, "Heard that one, scout. You'll have to be quieter than that."

Iskendyr blushed slightly, feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement. Despite his earlier reluctance, the presence of Lily and the unexpected familial interactions were making the event more bearable. He realized that maybe, just maybe, this wouldn't be such a terrible day after all.

The tentacle haired young woman practically ran up as soon as the ship touched ground to greet her old time friend. It had been a while since they seen each other, given her very busy schedules. "Bale! Just you or have you brought others?" Wondering if he had gotten new members for the little clan of theirs.

Falentra let out a small chuckle in response to the evident apprehension of this little escapade, it was not very assuring at all. "Really Balun? I never expected that you'd be on that list. Learning from the best, I'd take." There was a smirk playing at the corner of her lip, she'd turn back and started towards her ship nearby, beckoning him over. "Anyway, I'd like you to meet a very good friend. He is a little wary around strangers, but I'm sure you two will get along. " There was a hint of pride in her voice.

The hangar of her ship opened as she approached, revealing a massive beast within. The space barely accommodate its large size, forcing it to lay down. Falentra had put chains on him to preventing him from getting up and damaging the ship, more so as a safety precaution than to assert control - a seat belt for the ride.

Falentra moved to remove the chains, she extended their bond through the force to calm. That and the chip she planted in its head connecting to her own device, shecould tell he was uneasy from the ride and being kept within such an enclosed space. "Balun, meet Tiny. And Tiny, Balun." She introduced them. A funny name that was, given the beast was anything but. "No. Friend not food." She told the beast, petting its snout.

"Don't worry, I fed him a ton just before. Stick with me and you'd be fine." Falentra explained as she took the reigns, leading large beast out of the stiffling ship. The beast began to stand, rising to its glory.

When she found the poor beast on barren lands of crait, he was starving. She had spent many weeks trying to gain its trust with food - her unsuccessful sithspawns - and to establishing a force bond. After that she had got him sedated and brought him over to her labs where she could take closer care of him and to train. Also researching and using much of his dna for her projects.

"Tiny will be our ride today. I found this event happening nearby. I figured arriving by ship might attract too much attention." Falentra tapped the the data pad on her wrist, connected with CTOii, she brought up the suspicious ad she found. "Hand of Savidicus. Prizes and power to be won?"


Tags: Drazen Lutris Drazen Lutris // Open!

The man’s confirmation that it would indeed be rude of her, said in a rather flat tone of voice while continuing to offer a smile, gave Revna a tiny glimpse into this man’s personality. This should prove interesting.

Revna watched her dear and lovely cousin walk away with the young man, Iskendyr, before she returned her attention to the silver haired man who had approached her, the more open and perhaps even friendly expression she’d had on her face replaced with one that was more wary and penetrating. Much could be learned by simply observing those around one’s self, or paying attention to those one speaks to. Though Revna was learning that when it came to dealing with her fellow Sith - some were harder to read into than others.

The little woman did not respond to his probing question about ‘family’ as he poured her drink; truthfully, he already knew the answer to that question - she didn’t need to confirm it one way or the other. She took the delicate glass from his hand and felt a small twitch pull at the corner of her lips as he poured himself a drink and listened as he mused about his family not being present, and how shameful it was. She idly wondered just who his family even was as she sipped on the beverage, enjoying the bite of it and the heat that slowly trickled through her veins. She didn’t consume alcoholic beverages very often, and so even small amounts could affect her, and make her act far more bold than she otherwise might have been.

Her expression shifted to one of light amusement as the man inquired about her name, her identity, seeking confirmation as to who she was. In the same breath, he gave her his name, then seemingly nonchalantly connected himself to someone she knew fairly well.

Revna arched a delicate, black eyebrow at the fellow.

Brother to the Sith Emperor? What a bold thing to claim for oneself. And it seems you already know who I am.” Revna replied casually, giving the man, Drazen, a look over briefly before returning her gaze back to his face. She took another sip of the champagne as she regarded him with growing curiosity tempered by caution.

Now you have me rather curious, Drazen Lutris; why would the so-called brother of the Emperor desire to speak to one such as myself? Why come to me when there are so many other Lords and Ladies of note around?” she inquired, the barest hint of mockery in her voice at first. She wasn’t entirely sold on the fact that he was indeed the brother to Darth Empyrean.


"See, I knew you were sharp. Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr tried to say you were dull, but I had my doubts.", he said with a waggle of his finger. It was obvious he was jesting, but at who's expense was hard to nail down.​
"Its a good thing to be curious, you know. Question things, its how you stay alive if not thriving in our wonderful world of intrigue.", he said as he sipped from his own champange flute.​
"Someone so influential such as I - why would I speak to lowly old you? Well, to be frank, its because I'm not all that influential. My brother scorns me, but yet offers me protection. My wealth is grand, but middling compared to our great Sith Lords. I'm posed to become Lord of Terminus, and yet even that eludes me.", he mused as he disparaged himself.​
"To be entirely honest with you, I'm more interested in your Master than you. I'm sure you could guess that by now.", he shrugged.​
"And yet - it is you I am speaking with. Not him. Why do you think that is, Revna Revna ?"​


"It should have been us," she whispered as she pulled away and he straightened his uniform. There was a twinge of sadness that Aerys had declined to attend, but one could only take so many steps at once. Come Nether or not, she was going to put this family back together again. She tilted her head in curiosity as Iaacen mentioned his own children.

"I'll look into it when we return to Jutrand," she promised. It would be nice to know the grandchildren... and Fiolette would definitely feel how weird that sounded in her mind, even at her age. Not that she appeared her age, but the concept of grandchildren within the galaxy was odd... but also nice to know the bloodline would continue. Those thoughts would be shared even as Iaacen turned to greet Nerralyn and Fiolette pointed out more family members.

"Iaacen," Nerralyn said, conflict raging in her purple eyes as she looked at the little brother she never got a chance to help look after. She had been so excited to finally get a baby brother and now... now she had a baby brother that was a military officer it seemed. Her bitterness towards Fiolette would have been palpable if she hadn't been taught long ago by her mother to control her emotions and not let them control her. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you... after all these years."

The family would follow the suggestion of their son, thoughts kept among them, as they took seats near the Yvarro cousins. As if summoned by the comment, her eyebrow would raise in that skeptical look she was now fairly sure all her children had inherited at least.

Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis Revna Revna Drazen Lutris Drazen Lutris Elise of House Marr Elise of House Marr Lily Rhodes Lily Rhodes Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner

Objective 2 - Port Nowhere
Tags: Kivah Kivah QK-2510 QK-2510
It was now time to properly test the droids capabilities. Mariah was far from the location, she was back on Alvaria. Protected by her many droids. Her mind, however, that was within the humanoid droid. Arana. White-6. She was in near complete union with it, her presence was that of the droid. She saw through it, felt through it, and importantly, projected her abilities through it and in turn sensed through it. Much like a sith familiar could, but to an even more finetuned degree. The body was armed of course, one of her two lightsabers, a rifle, two different blaster types, an assortment of tools, even armor. It was now time to test what Mariah could really accomplish when she didn't have to worry about dying in the process.

Of course this was done under the formality of sith advantage. Working with these other two. So far, Kivah goes in loud, QK may go in from behind. And Mariah was given a question of how she should preform. "I could operate as backup for either of you. I'm still more of a marksman than a duelist so I'd prefer to keep it at mid to long range." she answered patting the saber at her side, and moving the IR-1 into position, "Or, try and come in from a third angle. Help keep them on their toes. I'm no saber specialist but it'd still get me through most walls quickly, which means there's a theoretical entry point from nearly anywhere."

The last seemed the most logical to her. If she was running this in tandem with her horde of droids, she'd probably do it that way. Send them in from every possible location in numbers, aggressive and fast enough that it'd be hard to mount a defense before they were turned to ash. But, that was expensive. And not the end goal here anyway, at least for her. But she was open to adapting to her team. As long as it was unduly endangering her new creation. Of course, she hoped the enemy preffered kinetic weaponry. That was unlikely, but it would give her a massive advantage due to the equipment she chose to bring with her. She needed to create an armor herself, one for her to use, but also one for Arana so she could interface with the Sarlaacs Reach properly. An unfortunate tool she didn't get to bring for this mission.

Arana Appearance.
Link to droid body: Arana.

Initiation (1x lightsaber)
Sunfury pistol
Bar-58 blaster pistol
A wide range of tools and equipment for technological repairs and creations in a bag.


Tags: Drazen Lutris Drazen Lutris

A small, almost playful smile tugged at her lips as Drazen jested with her, even wagging a finger to emphasize as such - be it against her or her cousin Malum, she wasn’t sure. It mattered little to her if someone thought her sharp or dull.

His affirmation about her curiosity though, did make her perk up a little bit. “That, I can agree with. Curiosity leads to knowledge, or to trouble. Sometimes both at the same time. Which can be a rather exhilarating experience.

She listened as he seemed to voice the thoughts that indeed ran through her mind: why would this seemingly wealthy and influential man approach her, a lowly apprentice? His responses made it seem as if he both elevated himself and cast himself in the gutter at the same time. He was influential but not overtly so; his brother scorned him yet still saw fit to protected him; he had wealth, but not compared to others with the Sith Order. He was seeking Lordship over someplace yet it had not fallen into his hands yet. She hummed in her chest, a somewhat deep, rumbling sound, as she voiced her musings aloud: “Sith take what they want, do they not? By whatever means pleases them or suits their purposes…

It didn’t take long for the truth of why he had approached to come out, and it came as no surprise to Revna. He had an interest in her dear and rather grumpy Master - Darth Strosius. She took another sip of the vintage beverage before responding.

Oh of course. You are certainly not the first to approach me with interest in regards to my Master. And if I had to hazard a guess as to the reason why you are here speaking to me and not to him, well…firstly I am here whereas he is not. And secondly, perhaps gleaning information from an apprentice is less... arduous than having to deal with the complexities of trying to pry that sought after information from their Lord…who can be fickle, at the best of times. Again, just a guess. But please, feel free to enlighten me to the truth.



//: OPEN //:

Wall Flower Day Dreaming

Weddings were a lovely time. A celebration of love and the desire to spend the rest of one's life for eternity. It was something that most little girls dreamed of, the perfect wedding, the perfect partner, and the perfect love story. Quinn sighed softly; she had dreamed of the ideal romance after growing up with the parents she had. They seemed to have everything. Wealth, power, and each other - everything bundled up nicely. She grew up learning about their struggles within the galaxy, but none of it seemed too terrible. Having someone with you to go through life's troubles made it all worthwhile.

Maybe Quinn was just a hopeless romantic. She found her mind wandering to what would have happened if things were different with Vesta. It was hard to completely release her heart from what she felt for the Zambrano prodigy. She had Alina and went through hell to save the woman, but a piece of her heart will forever be Vesta's. Even now, she found herself waiting for Alina. Quinn was confident that Alina loved her, not only because she ripped her from the Netherworld. It stung slightly, but the Echani knew Alina was busy, and she was happy that the woman had found her place in the galaxy.

Something Quinn was still searching for. Her heart ached briefly, but she knew that her time would come one day, and she would have her happy ending. Her eyes rolled as she thought she deserved it after her personal hells.

Resting her chin on her hand, Quinn mused over how her own wedding would go, who she would invite, and potentially how Alina would ask. Her daydreams were becoming too much for her heart, and she pulled herself out of them. Looking around, she started to pinpoint the faces she knew and where they fell on her social tier.

No one caught her interest, and her godmother hadn't shown up yet, or maybe she wouldn't. Quinn pouted and once more longed for Alina's company. Her nose wrinkled, and she sent a small message on her handheld. She crossed her fingers but tried not to get her hopes up. Alina was busy, and the Princess knew this, but it didn't hurt to wish.
Iaacen wished his sister Aerys had been there. She might have known how to deal with Nerralyn. "Frosty" wasn't exactly the word he had used, but he was starting to understand why his mother Fiolette had taken him and his sister away from the Raafs. Bitter and cold amounted to no manner of an upbringing. Lucinyia had treated him and Aerys kindly, warmly. It wasn't an ideal situation, but she did not hold it over him or his sister.

"Right," he punctuated the air with the word. "Certainly, a pleasure." Iaacen scanned the room and then waved a waiter over to request a drink. He opted for something light since he had to get back home after all—a spot of ale, just something to help him get through the event. Perhaps Aerys had the right idea by not coming.

"You going to be doing much more staring into your holo there, Ivalyn?" Iaacen asked, quickly diverting his attention away from Nerralyn to a woman he considered more of a sister than a niece. They were practically the same age. "Any more time, and I think your eyes will become cross."

Ivalyn looked over at him and shook her head, smiling. "Not nearly as crossed as that ego of yours."

"Ouch, and in such... polite company," he struggled to find the words. "But I suppose that's earned. One isn't the Black Raven without a bit of charisma."

"Mhmm, is that what you're calling it?" Ivalyn, who had grabbed a bottle for herself, inquired. "I'll have that one noted then, Black Raven."

Iskendyr, the youngest at the table, quirked an eyebrow. "Black Raven? You haven't a spot on you."

"It's due to my middle name. It's Corvus, so the lads in the Corps thought they'd be a bit clever," Iaacen explained. "You'll earn a nickname yourself once you start taking proper courses back at Tregessar."

Fiolette watched the interaction from her seat at the table and whispered to Taeli, "Pretty sure Aerys has a few too."

Iaacen took the opportunity to interject, as he'd overheard the not nearly as quite of a whisper. "Ah yes, she does actually, daughters. I believe she and her wife have a total of four children, two older ones, and two younger ones around Iskendyr's age, perhaps a bit younger. Iskey, you recall their ages?"

Iskey shrugged. "Well, if auntie Aerys bothered to show at any gathering, then I'd know."

Iaacen's lips thinned, and he sighed. "Right, yes, of course." He offered Taeli a polite smile. "There you have it, right from the mouths of babes." He puffed up his cheeks and exhaled. "You know, Aerys is a veteran, served in Tython and a few battles leading up to it. She's a Lieutenant Colonel now."

He swallowed hard and took another sip of his ale.

Ivalyn looked over at him and offered a reassuring smile. "Quite alright, I'm sure she'll be at the next event." Ever the mediator, she looked to the two other women present. "You are both, of course, welcome to stay at the main estate. It's in the town of Arthur outside of Avalonia. Well, really outside of that, but my mother's done quite a bit with it."

"It's a bloody fortress, that is," quipped Iskendyr as he looked over to Lily. "Don't worry, I'll get you a chart so you can figure out who is who."

Fiolette didn't need to exchange looks at that moment. Her thoughts were Taeli's, and it spoke to the awkwardness of poor Iaacen wanting to reach out but unsure of how to do so. He was out of his element, a military man. Social situations like this were not his strong suit.

Objective 3: Cultists Tag: Nouqai Veil Nouqai Veil | Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell

Primeval chains broken, replaced with—

Sniffing, it felt a pat.

A colossal form emerged from the back of the ship, its moss-colored skin and menacing teeth forming a terrifying mouth. Oversized brown eyes loomed above the maw, peering over the top. The ground shook as Xrgggnka turned, planting its arms and rolling to push itself up, pulling its gigantic knees beneath it.

Leaving the confines of the ship caused a great tremor with each step. Rising, up, and up, the beast wore simple black durasteel armor sheets, reinforced with songsteel at the joints like its knees, wrists, and neck. At 45 feet, or 14 meters tall, the real question remained—would the meeting spot fit the beast?

"Xrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggaaaaaaggg," it roared in perfect rancor, snapping its maw and sniffing around high above. Bringing its head lower toward the small ones speaking, it sniffed with teeth shut, indicating it wasn't about to chew them—not that it provided much reassurance.

One's scent was familiar, the other not. A snout petted with former instructions on whom not to eat cleared things up. Its throat released a gurfuffing expel of air, understanding the word 'ride.' The creature bent its knees down and lowered its humongous back; she could assume the war beast would move as Nouqai Veil Nouqai Veil instructed.

This was a new bond, and it might take time to fully establish its significance—a test for any surprises coming their way and the rider holding the bond.
"Really Balun? I never expected that you'd be on that list. Learning from the best, I'd take."

He couldn't help but smirk a little out of mischievous amusement, like a kid who had been caught doing something equally funny as it were stupid. "Yeah, well...When people found out about Cordelia and me, that was one thing. Pretty sure that raised some eyebrows...-But then you know, we needed a Ship, and I happened to find one just sitting there..." Balun explained casually as if the theft of the ship wasn't as bad as it was; "It was all kitted out and being sold by some rich company...-They left it open; What'd they expect me to do?" he shrugged.

"Anyway, I'd like you to meet a very good friend. He is a little wary around strangers, but I'm sure you two will get along. "

"Another one of your Sith buddies, huh?" Balun started to follow, but he decided he'd be more comfortable remaining in the open, given that he didn't exactly know who or what was inside Nouqai's ship. It wasn't until he heard the heavy impact of something. He didn't know how to describe it; it was something huge trying to pull itself out from the vessel that now appeared much smaller than it should have been.

"Holy fuc-..." his voice faded as though the air was taken from his lungs at the sight of the massive Rancor; the young male summoning the force to leap back a fair distance to get clear of the beast. "What the hell! Where the chit did you find that!" he asked, every instinct urging him to draw his weapon, but he refused to do so as he didn't want to frighten the beast, lest it turn upon them both.

The Rogue Jedi was good with animals. He had a natural affinity for befriending wildlife and felt a strong connection to them in the Force. He had been encouraged to pursue these talents, followed by herbology and botany—a love for all things natural, Flora and Fauna. However, no creature he had come across could compare to the sight of the Rancor now standing tall above them both.

"You don't seriously expect me to get on that, right?" He asked as the Rancor began to lower down to their level somewhat. As much so as it could. "You know what? I'll be good with the Sith. I'll take the Sith over the Rancor...".

Xrgggnka Xrgggnka | Nouqai Veil Nouqai Veil
Location: Farboon
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tag: Kivah Kivah Mariah of House Marr Mariah of House Marr

Farboon was an unconventional assignment. Without her squad, QK-2510 found herself working alongside a Cathar mercenary and a combat HRD, both of whom were still unfamiliar to her. In that respect, the strand-cast found them to be far from ideal partners. Thus far, her impression of the mercenary was just that. A mercenary with her own self-serving interests in mind, above all else. The droid was different however, a mysterious figure that the strand-cast could not discern in a meaningful manner. However, she did note that the droid did not seem to move with the precision and calculation of a synthetic being, but rather, with the untamed grace of a predator.

Even so, it went without saying that QK-2510 did not trust either of her partners.

Nevertheless, such quirks and inconveniences were immaterial to the mission at hand and thus, would not be valid excuses for failure.

“I will strike them from above.” QK-2510 spoke up as she slotted a magazine loaded with standard durasteel and lead rounds into her slugthrower, her brown-eyed gaze scanning the weapon for any trace imperfections before it would be taken into combat. Satisfied, the strand-cast stowed the weapon on her leg, the collapsing mirrors compressing its frame to less than half of its unfolded size as she did. “If need be, I can help to cover our approach with one of my jetpack missiles.” She added. “However, I would prefer to save them, in the event that we run into armored resistance.” Even against targets the likes of smugglers, gangsters, and slavers, such threats were always a possibility. After all, there were many dead empires with massive military stockpiles full of millions of armored vehicles that could easily be obtained and refitted by criminal actors via the black market. Thus, it would be foolish to consider such threats a non-factor, especially with so much now at stake.

Last edited:

Objective 2 - Port Nowhere
Tags: Mariah of House Marr Mariah of House Marr QK-2510 QK-2510

The mention of armored support drew Kivah's slit gaze away from the droid. She'd been having trouble figuring out its deal especially as it talked like a Sith, granted an extremely humble one that had seemingly not bothered taking charge of the little team, but who else wielded lightsabers in the Order? As for the bucket-head, she was matching expectations to the point despite Kivah never having directly worked alongside one. Especially as her remark showed an underlaying competency and tactical forethought.

"Yeah, save them. Even if someone just tries to escape in a speeder they'll be useful. I'll leave anyone on the roof as we're going in to you as well." That suppressed rifle thing had looked ideal for stealth killing before 2510 had folded it away somehow, weren't there internal components? "As for you," Kivah looked to the droid thing again, an ear cocked back as she checked what her tail was thinking. Light, springy and alert, hair only a little raised. 'Trust the tail Keev,' her mom had always said. "Why don't you go in with me? Acting as a solo distraction will be tricky and splitting all of us increases the crossfire that'll be in there. Plus I don't know the corners, would be good to have someone watching my back." For all she knew 'Arana' had sensors that'd go through walls or map out the entire structure and occupants in real time. It was certainly a Sith creation or experiment of some sort and Kivah was all too aware of how expendable a lone merc and QK trooper were if things went wrong. Or were successful.

Either way, her tail wasn't too concerned and she'd take that as a good sign. Plus she had a few tricks of her own if things went bad. "You guys ready?" She asked them while pulling her flash goggles down and armored face mask up. Her helmet was next and her ears flicked inside of it as they settled into place around its comm studs. With a last look over the holographic map and the streets surrounding the target, Kivah deactivated and pocketed the device. She was ready.

Objective 2 - Port Nowhere
Tags: Kivah Kivah QK-2510 QK-2510
They all seemed to be quite well armed. Mariah felt a little under-armed, despite 3 different blaster types and a lightsaber, this was still technically less than what she was used to when she knew combat was ahead. But, she was supposed to start trying to make up for that in skill with the force. So she'd have to get used to it eventually whether or not she added on to her arsenal in future. She watched the other two as they spoke, QK-2510 QK-2510 had a good point about reserving her equipment for bigger threats. Besides, ideally, they wouldn't need it. Excess destruction could be useful for intimidation purposes but it also meant more variables sometimes. Mariah also found the equipment she carried rather interesting. The collapsing system was a splendid idea, she'd have to see if she could uncover that tech or if she'd have to make her own. Assuming it didn't over-compromise it's integrity.

She turned her head back to Kivah Kivah as she spoke again towards Mariah,
"Fair point. I am used to more angles than just three but that's mostly with drones and droids. Easier to keep tabs on crossfire in that situation." She agreed with a nod. Then put on her own helmet. Again, while technically this was an inorganic body. She reminded herself it was far less protected than it's earlier model. Plus, now that she felt like she was truly there, she took comfort in the protection armor allowed.

"Ready." she affirmed, holding the IR-1 in preparation for the oncoming conflict.

Arana Appearance.
Link to droid body: Arana.

Initiation (1x lightsaber)
Sunfury pistol
Bar-58 blaster pistol
A wide range of tools and equipment for technological repairs and creations in a bag.

Objective 1: Red Reception

Tags: Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin

The numbers certainly flowed in, including, naturally, Darth Carnifex himself. She'd leave that one alone for now. Wedding or not,
she didn't need some former emperor bothered by her tendency towards lacking manners. Whatever his current position was. That, and if philosophy came up, she didn't feel like trying to explain her position about the dark side to probably anyone here. Not right now anyway. It was a better discussion topic for a casual audience.

Instead, it was probably better to just find some smaller group or an individual to talk to to pass the time. Looking over the party's guests and thinking. She could try and talk to Revna, or maybe Lilly, but they seemed more on the busy side at the moment. Besides she'd see them elsewhere. More fun to find new people.

She hummed in thought as she looked around, thinking she spotted a mostly un-busy one in Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin . What they'd actually act like, she wasn't sure. Hopefully not the 'speak to me and I try to force lightning you' type. But that would be a stupid thing to do at a wedding like this, so probably the worst case scenario was she really irritated some stuck up. Probably.

Elise made her way leisurely through to the Echani woman, and provided a smile. "Having a great time yet?"

Personal equipment:
Draika iv misina (Lava lightsaber)
Red lightsaber with sturdy hilt
It had not been the first wedding reception he had been invited to, and if all went according to plan and he lived a long and hearty life, it certainly would not be the last. Malum came with no entourage today, no doubt if he had pressed and prodded the point a small army of Marrs might have been assembled to join him.

Nobles from Alvaria and Eliad, dressed in their regal shrouds, would have accompanied him.

Alas, this event was not one for enjoyment, not even one for politics, he was here for a singular reason.

He had seemingly made a friend of Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar , it should not have been too surprising considering their shared ambitions, and shared goals. Still, what he had not expected was to receive an invitation to her wedding. This was not part of some plot, some scheme, or if it was, its target certainly was not Kai- Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex .

Indeed if it was aimed against anyone, it may have been himself.

Perhaps that was part of why he wore no suit or robes that signified him as a Marr, no colours or broaches of red, black, and gold, that would scream to the whole congregation that the heir of Darth Marr was in attendance this day.

...Well perhaps that was not entirely true.

His steps felt as momentous as quakes upon the earth, every moment he struck the ground, an epicentre drawn forth out. A man, armoured with the adjusted mail of his Mistress, leading up to not a face.

But a mask.

He certainly was not Darth Marr come again, but such was hard to say if one only gazed upon the replica that he wore upon his face.

He was not here to make friends or allies, he was here to pay singular respect to a friend, who for her own reasons had shown to fall for the son of a man who...

...There was enough said of that topic.

Tion served as an excellent reminder that all they were doing, the Tsis'Kaar, the Inquisition, and all others drawn forth into their alliance, was all so worthwhile and necessary.

To bring down a man who thought he was god.

Malum sighed a shallow breath as he made his way through the entrance, red eyes hidden gazing about for familiarity and sense.

Perhaps he was growing so well acquainted with the Order, that strangely enough... most people were familiar. Perhaps not most, most were strangers to him actually, but from a glance, he could label them, their allegiance, their last names, if not their first.

There were far too many Zambranos here.

At least that was being balanced out by the amounts of Yvarros, Raafs, and even indeed... Marrs. He allowed himself a smile at that, being able to spot Elise of House Marr Elise of House Marr , Lily Rhodes Lily Rhodes , and Revna Revna . The latter two were unsurprising, for despite the fact he did not wish to be here, let it not be said that Malum did not know how to use an opportunity. Despite it being a Zambrano reception, with enough of the rest of the Order in attendance, it served as an excellent arena for his two newly found cousins to fully... experience what they had not been able to, despite all that their names afforded them.

Of course, the smile was quick to come off his face as he realised they were far from alone... not that he truly expected they would be, even if they did not have the traditional Marr looks, there was an aura of that name that was able to attract locusts by the dozens, and already they looked to swarm.

He considered intervening.

He also considered approaching his sister, not realising she would be in attendance, curious if the others would be as well.

Before his eyes were caught by someone else.

Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin , all alone.

That certainly would not do.

Despite the overprotective instincts, he had learned from his sisters at least a slight lesson, the Marrs were more than able to take care of themselves.

And well, if they were not able to, he would only be a short distance away.

Approaching where she was, he raised an eyebrow beneath the mask as it seemed that his sister had the same idea.

Alas, he was committed now.

Allowing his elder to go first, Malum himself grasped onto the mask, a short hiss released as raven locks were shaken alive, red orbs glimmering like rubies in the darkness, and a genuine smile affixed to aquiline and noble features, the mask went underneath the armour, as Malum offered a nod.

"Sister," Malum spoke warmly, glancing towards his kin, before facing the Echani Princess, "Your Majesty, may I have this dance?" The smile took on a hint of teasing, as he offered his hand, yet there was something else to it as well. Something, even Malum did not truly know, yet what he did know...

...He wished to see a smile on her face.

Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis Drazen Lutris Drazen Lutris Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner Hykátiis of Tsis'Raki Hykátiis of Tsis'Raki Sarlow Zambrano Iskendyr Yvarro Iskendyr Yvarro
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//: Elise of House Marr Elise of House Marr //:
//: Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr //:

Heed caution with thy wandering eye

Daydreams and heartache were interrupted by an unrecognizable feminine voice. Quinn looked through the curtain of her bangs towards the woman who spoke. It was curious; she was used to people addressing her in a particular way, but the woman casually presented herself. Quinn welcomed it; sometimes, it was a bother to have everyone address her by a title or feel they needed to walk on eggshells. Quinn mused a gentle smile accompanied by a shrug, "Would be better if it was my wedding, but Force knows when that would ever happen. Still, it was beautiful, and I found solace in the people watching."

Quinn looked away from the woman; her face was oddly familiar, but she couldn't quite place it. Maybe the woman had one of those faces seen in many. The Princess ignored the odd feeling and attempted to continue the conversation. As her lips parted to speak again, a familiar presence drew near. Quinn let her eyes wander from Elise as the masked figure moved through the party. Quinn could easily pick out the Heir to the Marr family despite his cover.

She ignored him.

Attention returned to Elise, "And you?" she asked, trying to keep her gaze from following the man. He drew closer, and Quinn figured he had already spotted her. Malum said his greeting to the woman, and Quinn understood where the familiarity with her face came from. The woman and Malum were siblings; the Marrs were more like the Zambranos, than they probably liked to admit. Quinn found herself thankful for having only two sisters. She couldn't imagine having the type of clan other families had.

However, there was a part of her that wanted a large family. Alas, the thought was only a dream - that would never come true.

Malum had interrupted his poor sister, but Quinn couldn't help but give him the attention he craved. His hubris would be blessed with a winkle of her nose and a slight smirk at his request. "Seems your manners haven't eluded you, Sir Malum." Her hand gently found his as she moved to stand with his assistance. "It seems your brother demands attention. Has he always been this way?" Quinn quipped to the woman he had called sister. "By the way, I never got to introduce myself; I'm Quinn Varanin, Princess of Eshan."

Forgetting her hand in Malum's, she looked at him. "I would like to talk with your sister since she did approach me first." She teased and looked towards the bar area. "Care for drinks?" she asked the two siblings, motioning towards the crowd near the bar.
Location: Farboon
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tag: Kivah Kivah Mariah of House Marr Mariah of House Marr

QK-2510 casted a brief glance at the Cathar’s tail, regarding it with a curious stare before putting on her helmet as the others did the same. Then, the jet trooper took her rifle from its place on her thigh, the weapon unfolding itself with a few satisfying clicks and snaps, ready to fire within a second.

“Affirmative.” QK-2510 answered in turn. “I will be on comms.” Then suddenly, the wings on her jetpack unfolded, before the jet trooper suddenly took off skyward, the engines uncannily silent owing to the integrated sound dampening system. From there, QK-2510 flew between the towering structures surrounding the target building, using the vast urban landscape as cover to conceal her rearward approach. In doing so, the jet trooper held a wide berth between her ever-changing position and the target building, effectively taking a wide, circular trajectory to further lower her chances of being detected.

Thus, traversing such an indirect, circular approach would take time, which might be weighed against the parameters of the mission.

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Objective 1: Red Reception

Tags: Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

Elise chuckled at the response then shrugged as well, "Fair enough. Plus, there's certainly a lot of people to watch." she answered looking about, that statement was
quite true. A lot of important people, powerful people, probably plenty of temperamental people. So far so good on that front though, she hoped anyway.
"It's certainly not bad. Not much for all the formality of it all myself generally. Least there doesn't seem to be too much politics to wade through right now though, so that's something. Would make a wedding awfully tiresome."

Elise glanced past at the figure, then narrowed her eyes. Enhancing her senses with the force at him and shaking her head slightly. Almost smirking. That was dramatic of him wasn't it? She was ever so tempted to call him out over it. But turned her attention back as the woman spoke to her again, "Oh not so bad. Nobody's killing each other yet so that's a plus. But had to dress up for the occasion so that's a minus. Guess it all equals out." she smiled humorously turning to look as Malum came up to the two of them.

She gave him an amused smirk,
"Mr Mask," she answered refusing to stop herself from at least making some comment on his decision. Then making a 'tut' sound at him as he offered a dance to her, shaking her head at him like he took the last cookie.

Another grin at the comment of Malums demands for attention, "Ah you know, younger brothers. They just need everything." Technically in this case he kind of did get everything when it came to inheritance but she still said it in a fully joking manner. Then giving her another smile and nod as she introduced herself, "Elise Jenya of House Marr, if you hadn't already gathered that last part, pleasure to meet you."

Elise gave Malum a jokingly victorious look as Quinn suggested they instead go for the drinks, but nodded, "Gladly, we can find out if their alcohol is as good as everything else."

Personal equipment:
Draika iv misina (Lava lightsaber)
Red lightsaber with sturdy hilt



OBJECTIVE 2: "Port Nowhere"

The Black Legion of the Fallen Order was if anything, a cover. A cover in shape of a formidable and versatile fighting force which was designed to be expanded at a moments notice. Highly skilled and disciplined but more importantly, deeply devoted, they offered a weapon and unit for most situations. For the operation here, the choice had fallen on both the Eternal Knights and the Black Guard.

The Black Guard were non-force sensitive soldiers, equipped with blasters, blades and the will to silently murder any opposition, they were clad in medium plate and sporting adaptive camouflage capes, ideal for close or urban combat and to take enemies living if necessary. They had so far managed to take out the syndicates guards without losses, their swords bloodied, moving into the compound with professional speed and brutality.

With the primary combat being handled by the Guardsmen, the Eternal Knights are there to support both the combat if necessary but primarily to support Darth Invictus. They are enforcers, warriors and companions. All sworn to the man they were with, all tainted by His Force presence. They are Force users, drafted from the sensitive Epicanthix and indoctrinated from youth till their death. The Force is a tool gifted to them by Darth Invictus and they use it in any way to serve the greater good.

And with these two tools at hand the Dark Lord is preparing His ritual.

Fighting was about to continue as the majority of forces of the crime syndicate had by now surrounded the compound while inside slaves were gathered. It was the bloodshed that was needed to fuel the beginning and so it had been set up. Invictus was already working on the slaves, a small group had been brought to Him where with a dagger of ancient design He was carving runes into their skin and flesh, serving as conductors for the unholy mass to come.

Blasters shots begun being fired and the start of activity in the comms indicated that the time had come. The Sith Lord moved, together with His Knights and the slaves to what seemed to be the central auction hall, large and open, it was entirely pitched in darkness. Darth Invictus marched towards its center, while the Knights and slaves separated into different corners. The latter already in a deep trance under the manipulating mind powers of the Sith.

With calm excitement He now waited. He listened to how His Guardsmen funneled the attacking criminals into the compound, offered them space and made sure a good amount was wounded. It served the purpose to have them crying, distressing and in agony rather than simply dead. Death would come, afterall there was a substantial amount of slaves gathered here. Hundreds, but they were as unable to make a noise as they were unable to escape their fate.

Darth Invictus stood in the center of the auction hall, on a platform overseeing all. His robe and armor blended with the blackness of the room. His eyes closed below the helmet.


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