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Another crack of thunder tore through the air above them, lightening flashing across the gathering storm clouds as Darth Strosius Darth Strosius turned to address her, his mocking drawing a snarl from her. She had every reason to strike, every reason to ignore both alum and Taeli's claims to his life. A prefectly placed strike from the storm above would have rendered all of them incapacitated. Start this, Strosius may have, but none of them had seen fit to take this elsewhere, all of them were in breach of her and Sarlow's hospitality.

The reveal of the locator beacon drew a new emotion from her, a sliver of fear, not for herself nor those around her. But a sliver of fear for Lucia, the babe who rested in Sarlow's protective arms. Her daughter. Her child. Her entire world. She drew in a sharp breath and took a step back, turned her emerald eyes to meet Sarlow's. Lucia began to cry in his arms, picking up no doubt on the heightened emotions as Gerwald stepped forward, placing himself between Malum and Strosius as the challenge of a Kaggath was issued.

The lightsaber sin her hands deactivated as Lina took a deep breath, forcing the rage within in her to quiet and still, even as Fiolette drained the life from the troopers, drawing the first blood. Lina turned away, tucking the lightsabers back into her dress as she approached her husband, and the child wailing in his arms. Gently, she took Lucia from him, placing a kiss on the girls head. "I'm sorry, little one." she whispered.

She looked up at Sarlow and gave him a small smile. "Let's go home. Their fight is meaningless. Lord Strosius will pay for insult in due course."

Sarlow Zambrano Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis Drazen Lutris Drazen Lutris Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge

Objective: Ruin the Reception
Equipment: Lightsaber, Sword, Dagger, Robes
Tags: Sarlow Zambrano / Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar / Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin / Revna Revna / Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr / Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf / Elise of House Marr Elise of House Marr / Drazen Lutris Drazen Lutris / Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis / Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner / Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro / Iskendyr Yvarro Iskendyr Yvarro / Hykátiis of Tsis'Raki Hykátiis of Tsis'Raki / Lily Rhodes Lily Rhodes / Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru

There was no response to Malum's repeated question, a flicker of a glance being the only real sign that he had even heard the other Sith at all. Malum could try and save face all he wanted but Darth Strosius cared little for such things. If there was only one thing to know of the Lord Inquisitor then it would be to know his animosity for Empyrean existed just as fiercely as it did for Carnifex, that he only played the part of a dutiful servant of the 'emperor' because he had yet to tear down the throne that the corpse sat upon. And he cared little for how well that fact was known.

His desire to ignore the other Heir of Ophidia, especially when he started laughing like a madman, would come to bite him however as a sudden push from the other masked man came at him through the Force. The Lord Inquisitor stumbled yet managed to react quickly enough to block the brunt of the push, recovering his footing and even maintaining his rough position. But he had still stumbled. And with it the last vestiges of the façade of control broke like a wave against the shore.

Darth Strosius would whip his head around to fix Malum with a glare that radiated pure hatred, a growl akin to that of a feral beast ripping from his throat as he rose back up to his full height and clenched his free hand into a fist so hard that the claws adorning his gauntlet's fingers could be heard grinding into the palm. "You forget your place child." He hissed more than spoke, wrath dripping in every word as his glare shifted between Malum and the burning blade in his grasp.

Before he could properly rebuke, and perhaps even quite literally beat some sense into, Malum however would be halted when the Sepulchral Priest stepped forward. Darth Strosius pointed at the offending creature as his glare snapped back to the Heir of Marr and he let out another hiss of sheer anger. "Get that accursed puppet out of my sight at once! Unless you want me to tear its head from its shoulders." The challenge that Malum issued surprisingly didn't infuriate the Lord Inquisitor further. Instead, he recoiled in surprise.

As though genuinely offended.

"Ah I see now." Darth Strosius scoffed and gestured towards the datapad. "Trying to claim a relation to Raaf's so that you can get the rest of what was already mine? A shameful tactic Malum, I didn't think you had it in you. Nobles." The last word was accompanied by a click of his tongue and a shake of his head, punctuated by a dismissive wave of his hand. "Kaggaths are meant for Sith, not ignorant and misguided children that think themselves Sith. Your challenge is illegitimate and thus I shall not bother to entertain it."

Thankfully someone did come forth with a serious proposal for him to consider, the father of his leverage. The Lord Inquisitor leered at Iaacen as he begged and pleaded for the lives of his children, his visor giving away little in terms of his initial reaction. For a moment he almost felt somewhat guilty about the whole affair. Almost. "I'm very inclined to accept that offer, good sir. In truth I only have them in my custody because I couldn't access you at the time, so I'd be more than happy to make a trade." But then he held up a finger and gestured to the two mothers of the man now begging before him. "A trade that I would prefer to discuss when not in such...mixed company."

He had no doubt that if he even thought about slapping cuffs on Iaacen right now that his head would be removed quicker than even he could react. A sacrifice that he wasn't willing to make at the moment. If the father truly wished to step up though then he had no issue trading three nuisances for one, although he knew that such a thing wouldn't be possible. A shame for the poor children really.

Then another voice spoke and entered into the fray of words and flowing powers, one that he was legitimately unsure of how to handle. Empyrean's Hound. The Wolf was quick to issue a rebuttal to both Malum and the Lord Inquisitor himself, one that he dismissed with a shrug. "If you truly sought what was best for the Order Lord Lechner, then you'd pull this trigger for me." He nodded to the tracker in his hand, the threat of his thumb against its switch still very real.

More words of dismissal and warning came in equal measure, in the end Gerwald making his stance clear. As long as it was over then it mattered little who was there to pick up the pieces so long as the corpse wasn't bothered. Unsurprising but still somewhat disappointing. "Oh I intend to fix it very quickly, have no fear." One threat dealt with if nothing else. For now.

Of course he still had the main two to contend with. At least he and Lady Raaf were both keen on handling this matter themselves, one thing that they could agree on. Evidently that would be their only point of mutual opinion though. He cocked his head to the side and couldn't help but smirk at her threat, one so simple and to the point that it hardly even sounded like one. "Reasonable?" The word came out in a mocking repetition but every bit of mirth and laughter would die as something struck him. A sudden sensation that hit him out of nowhere and dragged his gaze upwards as though he could peer through the roof of the tent.

The tracker fell from his grasp, now rendered useless given that his fleet in orbit was currently tearing itself apart. While there was certainly a new stirring of anger from his core it was almost overshadowed by a potent mixture of awe and confusion. While Lady Raaf was indeed capable of tricks and powers that baffled him before, this was something else entirely. To influence so many minds so far away and all at once? Without him even sensing a proper surge of power for it? It didn't seem possible.

Then there was that power that he had been expecting, a surge that seemingly threatened to strike not only him but the now very concerned Troopers that still occupied the outer edges of the Reception area. A buildup that was primed to lash out and was potent enough that he was forced to rear back just in case it was unleashed right at him, yet it never came. Instead Lady Raaf's wife made her presence very apparent with power of her own, leaping into the fray and leaving his Troopers little more than armored husks before they could even aim their blasters at her.

At the very least Lina had been wise enough to step back and reluctantly accept his threat of bombardment, but he had a feeling that he had yet to see the last of her. Especially now that he was without his main insurance in orbit. For a moment he was watching her out of the corner of his eye and readying himself for what she might throw against him, much like Taeli and Fiolette had, but to his relief she simply returned to her betrothed. And her child. Well it was no wonder she was so incensed then.

A miscalculation on his part, but one that he would have to recover from.

"No, Lady Raaf, I see no reason in you at all." In spite of the hesitance and concern on his part, being now outnumbered and outgunned, he still spoke each word with rage in his voice. The Lord Inquisitor steeled himself and held his head high against the displays of power that made his mind swim at the sheer magnitude and ability, and pointed an accusatory clawed finger at the Lady of Secrets. "Where was this when the Jedi and Imperials brought their armies and fleets upon our worlds? Where was this when we fought tooth and nail for very world, for every step against insurmountable odds?"

His voice rose, brimming with a righteous fury that he could no longer ignore even as he stared right at what could very well be the death of him. "Where was this power when we fled, in ruins and in disarray, fled across the stars away from all that we had built and fought for? Where was this power when that damn Worm declared himself the head of the Sith, undisputed and unchallenged by all!" His shoulders trembled as he threw his hand to the side in a grand dismissive wave. "Nowhere to be found! Not on Korriban, not on Dromund Kaas, not on any battlefield nor in any meaningful showing! All that power, and you waste it!"

Another throw of his hand and a nearby chair was sent flying out of the tent in two pieces, the swirling wrath of the Lord Inquisitor eclipsed by those around him yet still very present. "You who would sit back and hide on your throne of corporations and trade deals, you who would watch generations of Sith and soldiers die in battles that you could change the outcome of with your presence alone, you who would rather lash out to preserve your company rather than save your own grandchildren! And yet you of all people seek to challenge me?!"

The sound of repulsors firing up could be heard among the enraged spiel of Darth Strosius, with the masked Sith slowly starting to lift off the ground soon after. "You are nothing! Nothing but a coward hiding behind a lifetime of sordid deals with tyrants and traitorous filth! I'm going to do what should have been done to your wretched company and legacy a long time ago." His robes billowed as he hovered above the ground, the repulsorlifts on the bottom of his heavy boots whipping up a small wind as they ascended him.

"I'm going to leave all that you've made in ashes, Taeli Raaf." With that he would twist his body and speed through the air out of the tent, away from the bodies of his fallen Troopers and from the lively guests that he had interrupted. Darth Strosius would flee off into the hillside and soon vanish out of sight entirely as the flight from his boots would carry him far from any immediate threats. But he had no intention of running forever. Not when he had the deaths of his Inquisition members as the final sin on a long list of grievances, a list that he intended to repay in full.

Much happened immediately after his declaration, his voice hoarse from all he had said, all he had felt, as the monumental challenge, the singular act that had the potential to change everything delivered out of his mouth.

Ali- Darth Strosius Darth Strosius ' clearly did not much appreciate his challenge, a withering glare of pure hatred shot his way, its power dancing in the air between them, even as their eyes were invisible to each other. There was a time, that Malum would have faltered under that glare, faded underneath his words, that time may have only been mere moments ago.

Yet now Malum stood, heart, filled with iron, he could not wither, he would not fade, he would not falter, and his purpose had been declared.

And there would be no way in which Ali- Darth Strosius would be allowed to leave it.

"You know the consequences of rejecting a Kaggath as well as I, do you wish to risk that?" His gaze travelled to the inquisitors standing beside him, "You try to slander me, but will they stand with you, when out of fear of the true heir of Ophidia you reject my call? Or perhaps..." A dark smile lit underneath his breath, "Do you perhaps fear the outcome that you know will come?" The air buzzed between them, seeming static electricity calling.

They both remembered Fiviune very well.

Any response was interrupted as the one swiftly identified father of his cousins fell upon his knees. By looks he certainly was no Marr, which meant he was the groom to a Marr bride, still, he gained Malum's approval quickly enough in his offer. There was nothing more important than the safety of one's own, and whatever odd history had occurred between this man and his mothers, and there would be no contention no doubt in calling it odd.

After all, did most even know that Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf had children?

It seemed that, unlike his mothers, this one would not risk the only lives that mattered now.

And then the Wolf finally unveiled himself, it took him long enough, and as he asked Ali- Darth Strosius' if he could not have only waited a day longer, Malum could only think, could Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner have not intervened moments beforehand? Moments before when a voice of reason, or more accurately, a voice of the Emperor might have been able to put a pause to all of it?

Yet now.

Kaggath issued.

Eyes blazing their golden tones beneath his mask.

Pale blue flames swirling about his Sith Sword, that to Malum's dismay were forced away, lest Malum strike the Emperor's executioner.

Malum had no patience to simply allow this to be resolved.

He knew his br- battlebrother better than Lord Lechner believed, there was only one way this would end, and as his emotions swirled about him, the Force seemingly growing electric around him, Malum not only believed that it had to be with Ali- Darth Strosius pummeled into the earth.

But Malum needed it to be the one that did it.

For his own safety, he would claim.

But his grip around the beskar hilt was far too itchy for it to be only that.

"If the Emperor believed any treason was occurring here, no doubt some of us shall be visited by you, yet, we all know what treason looks like, and it is not this," Malum grunted through a masked face, "This is a dispute between Sith Lords, and we have a method of solving it that will cost the Empire little and little else, unless you plan to solve this through words, Lord Lechner, representative of the Emperor, the Kaggath shall be how this begins, and ends." Malum's eyes never left his co-apprentice's masked visage, even as the Wolf's eyes shifted in colour and tone.

Of course, as Fate would have it, it would be at that point that Drazen Lutris Drazen Lutris decided to make his entrance, though far less dramatically than that of Lord Lechner, still somehow more helpful, a voice to support the Kaggath, even if it was... that voice, was useful enough. If the Emperor's executioner and the Emperor's brother wished to be at odds, so be it.

Of course, it would never be these new interveners who held the true meat of the issue at hand, even as Malum idly noted the newly minted Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar 's retreat away from the proceedings, having taken one look at the threat in A- Darth Strosius' hand, and seemingly thinking far better than to intervene. Yet, feeling the power emanating behind him, he already knew she would be among the minority of figures to do so.

Lina would be the one that haunted them though.

In an instant, an almost sure ally of theirs in this Order, even if... one that should be distrusted.

Gone in an instant.

One of the many sins of the Sangnir this day, all in his inability to be patient, to listen, to...

...Allow Malum to take the lead.

Their equality had been a necessity once, as the two parts of the Tsis'Kaar split in twain, yet now, after this, after the Ouroboros Crisis, and all those tiny moments of absolute stupidity across the minutia of their relationship.

Malum could no longer stand it.

Yet he had been denied making the first move, and now Taeli took the initiative.

And what a move it was.

The hairs on his neck stood at attention as the singular word passed by her lips, her powers, so visibly felt went further, to where he had little idea, but by the fact, even after the ethereal command, he stood here still, without destruction. He could only wonder what the command had been for, theories running through his mind, as her power, a power that rivalled the greatest of opposition he had faced.

Brought a shiver down his spine.

As her words finished.

And a great light show erupted above them.

Their booming quakes alerted him to exactly what they were.

...How could she...

...Had she had a fleet ready?


...His... Her... Their...

...Darth Strosius' fleet was annihilating itself.

All at the command of Tael- Lady Raaf.

And she was not the only one, Lady Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro had sprung into action herself. Her power was felt alongside that of Taeli's, it was a small mercy that those smouldering eyes did not look at him, instead, her fury focused upon the focal point of her landing, amidst those of the Inquisitorious that he had left stranded by his push.

His heart was caught in his throat at the scene.

Forced to hear her words full of venom, watch as the life physically drained out of their bodies, and thus one by one, they fell to their knees.


A warning for all those who struck their family.

If not made apparent by... the satisfaction that spilt across her face, looking at her wife.

Yet Malum's gaze was only on his fellow masked lord.

Tenseness was his shroud, as his grip on the beskar firmed ever further. Was this the moment? Would he take this as enough reason for those he took hostage, his cousins, lives to be forfeit?

He need not have worried.

Darth Strosius once mocking.

Was incensed, the emotion brimmed out of him like the waves crashing into the sandbank, not yet with the power to drown all beneath its aegis, yet more than willing to again, and again, draw itself back into the sea, only to crash, only to strike, again, and again. Slowly, chipping away at what it struck.

Until it all collapsed.

It was in this moment of rage, in this moment of pure emotion.

That Malum fully understood why so many followed his bro- battlebrother. His words, struck cords in his heart that he did not could be strummed, eyes once shimmering in gold, glimmered back into rubies, as he blinked away, as he breathed, as he calmed.

And he allowed his words to strike him, again, and again.

Where had been this power when the Jedi and Imperials had come for their worlds?

Where had been this power when they had been forced to abandon their empire and fled to the backwaters of the Outer Rim?

Where had she... where had they all been?


Dromund Kaas.


Krayiss II.

Names echoed throughout their collective memories.

Names once lost, and only again so recently found.

Why had they lost?

When in just this room, the taste of victory was so palpable?

His heart beat faster, he was caught in his web, caught in his words, caught in the pure manifestation of feeling that had been roused out of him.

And then it struck him.

The crescendo.

"you who would watch generations of Sith and soldiers die in battles that you could change the outcome of with your presence alone, you who would rather lash out to preserve your company rather than save your own grandchildren!"

Why... why was Malum's blade ready to tear out the heart of Ali-... Darth Str-... Alist-... Darth Strosiu-... Alisteri... when despite it all.

Their enemies had always been clear.

Their shared enemies so plentiful.

To bring an end to the reign of these immortal tyrants.

His gaze finally did falter, though his head did not move, his eyes shifted.

To those who had exemplified all that they had lost.

Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex and Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis ... the men that he had once worshipped.

Only for his gaze to finally settle on the back of Darth Arcanix... she who had accomplished so much, she who so evidently held so much power at the tips of her fingers. Yet so why? Why had they lost the Sith Empire?

...Why were they still alive, after failing all they were meant to protect?

Malum said nothing as his brother's repulsors sounded off the ground, raising him further up, only gazing up to him, knowing ever still, despite everything, despite all Malum would be forced to do, to bring him down.

They were still bound.

Malum did nothing as he fled.

He considered firing off something, anything, after him. But though Malum could still confidently say their goals aligned, reassured of that fact more certainly than he could ever be.

There had now been an irreversible break.

And he would not endanger the lives of his kin.

Thus as the sound of the repulsors faded into the distance, a hiss sounded as a hand clasped his mask, pulling it off.

Revealing a young man exhausted.

With eyes only for the amethyst-eyed woman still standing, still terrifying.

"...I believe there is much to discuss."

Sarlow Zambrano Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin Hykátiis of Tsis'Raki Hykátiis of Tsis'Raki Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru
Last edited:


"There is nothing more to discuss."

The Dark Lord of the Kainate had risen. In silence He had watched the spectacle unfold, staying His hand and letting all the pieces fall into place. That the firebrand Strosius would rouse the gathering against Him was not a question, but just how far he would bury himself. And he had done so with aplomb, galvanizing even former allies against him; enough to declare a hallowed Kaggath. Few rarely invoked such ritual, for the consequences could be calamitous.

"The late lord Strosius has woven us an amusing, sporadic tapestry, one that bears the frayed threads of a man lost to madness. Pull one strand, and it shall all come unraveled." He smiled, lips curling back with the faux-mirth of a murderer. "There is nothing left but to finish what was begun long ago, and to ensure that such madness does not spread to others in our Order. It is most regrettable, there had been such high hopes for the late lord Strosius, but all that potential lies now squandered. What an example he will make."

He turned then to leave, many of His retinue rising to join their master. But, before He did, He looked back to Malum. "Smother that doubt in it's cradle, lord Malum. It would be a shame for you to suffer the same fate."

"You'll forget, boy, I held the worlds in my charge," she hissed in her anger, dark side energies still swirling around her hands in crackling arcs of purple light. They wanted to become a new spell of destruction towards the one who claimed she had shirked her duty. Of all the worlds within the Caldera, it had been Ziost that had broken the back of the Alliance and Imperial advance. Ziost. The world controlled by and defended by the Lady of Secrets had held off two attacks from their enemies. She had fought in every major battle of the war, and to say she had not used her powers to do so was insulting. She had fought in more wars and battles than Strosius had in her long career as a Sith. In the years since the last Empire fell, she had not been idle in her studies, in her accruing of knowledge and power. Decades of research and study, practice and experimentation, had all gone into the display she had unleashed when she had his fleet fire on itself.

He would see soon enough that she was no coward. That she didn't take the field as often now as a choice. He had stirred, perhaps not a sleeping giant, but one that had turned back to the pursuits it did desire to partake in.

As Strosius engaged his repulsors and fled, promising to take everything she had built and render it into ash, her blood screamed for her to lash out at him. All the dark side energies twisting through the bond she shared with Fiolette screamed for his death then and there. But no, killing him now would make finding the children far harder. He and all who had followed him, who had KNOWN, would learn soon enough one did not engage with Darth Arcanix lightly.

Her focus would turn to the images of her grandchildren burned into her mind, and with twists of her fingers as the reception began to break apart, to prepare for what was coming, she would weave a new spell. "Jinja tsioa diu amohtsia ki kraujas. Jinja anim is tsioa diu rirmi zutaiki an ki wadinti."

Somewhere out in the galaxy, even though she could not sense them in the currents yet, did not know their locations yet... thin streamers of purple energy would begin twining around three children held captive. They might think it was some new torture, that it was a trick, as the energy settled around their limbs and left a faint hint of sparks of the Force. But when nothing terrible would happen to them, when a feeling of protection would settle over their shoulders like a comforting blanket, would release the spell as Malum spoke.

Her gaze towards the heir of Marr would speak volumes.

"Speak all you want, Lord Marr. I..." she would look at the members of her family here already, to the allies already departing to prepare for her call, "we will do what we have to."

And she would turn with a gesture for Fiolette and her son and daughter to follow her. He could explain himself another day, to seal his fate and standing with her. She had a purge to unleash and family to retrieve.

"Tomorrow?" Quinn was surprised by the speed at which Alina was willing to wed. They have always had an interesting relationship, and at times, Quinn felt she didn't deserve someone like Alina. Hearing the woman have the desire to marry felt almost dreamlike. "I would love that, Alina." Quinn pulled herself from the fantasy of the matter and smiled sheepishly. "If we married tomorrow and didn't allow my Godmother to fawn over me, I'd never live it down." As much as Quinn would love to run away with Alina and elope, her heart would ache not having Srina there.

Still, Quinn wanted this. "If you are determined for tomorrow, my answer is yes."

Although the moment was joyous, Quinn found her smile fade slightly after hearing that Alisteri was able to kill Alina because of their Master and Alina's friendship with the man. Quinn looked away, catching Alisteri leaving the scene of his crime.

"Is your friendship with him over?" Quinn questioned out of pure curiosity. Despite Alisteri doing what he did, she knew the man had value. "Things seem complicated with him. Do you think our Master would make you chase him for this?" Quinn tried to think about the flowers for their wedding, but the only thought was Alina's future potential orders.

"If you're ordered to go, I want to go with you. I refuse to take no for an answer."


"Tomorrow. Though, I suppose it shouldn't be -exactly- tomorrow, if you'd like your Godmother there and aware." As impatient and ready as Alina felt, she wasn't going to just act on a whim without too much thought. If Quinn's godmother wasn't in the picture, tomorrow would indeed be the wedding. Still, she was all smiles, despite the chaos of everything else. Perhaps in spite of the chaos. Her gaze shifted over to the retreat, the settling quiet.

"If I am asked to give hunt, I shall without question. He killed me once, and I thought perhaps that might have changed him to realize the importance of unification. It seems, however, he did not. I certainly won't refuse your help in ensuring he's handled, but a part of me thinks Lord Arcanix already has her plans in motion to handle him."

Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin

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