Ark update..
[member="Draco Vereen"] noted our homebase was being slowly overrun.
Dilos everywhere.
So.. It is possible everytime I die somewhere dumb, rez at the nearest hut and go to get my stuff, I feel kind of naked. Not literally. Most of the huts are equipped with back up Chitin gear now, replenished whenever I pass by on a Rex leveling mission. But I'm out there all on my onesie. I can pike a surprising number of predators to death, but when that armour breaks, I'm hooped. Plus alphas or High level Rexes? Nah.
So the easiest things to grab are dilos. Two arrows. A couple punches in the head. Whatever. They attack straight on, it's easy. You get four or five of them and you're pretty safe. At worst they distract things long enough that I can leg it. And then I find my body, get my stuff, whatever dino I left behind this time and head for home.
And we have four or five more dilos...
So the other day, Draco decided it was time. Amused as he was by using the lot of them to swarm brontos, he wasn't that amused. If one of us had caught them and they were under level 50.. Turns out Dilos are perfectly happy to eat other Dilos after they've taken a round to the head.
The Dilo problem is largely taken care of. The Rexes might be next. Baby, you were a good guard dog while I gathered stuff, but no one is impressed with a level 17 Rex.