Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ask: Factory Talk Thread

The thread itself must include at least ten posts of exchange between your character and someone else's. Five each, all of which must contribute in some way to creating, finding, or acquiring the item you're attempting to make. The judges are allowed to deny it if they don't feel you put appropriate effort into it or if at least ten posts of it did not deal directly with gaining whatever it is you're trying to gain.
Adding to what Anna said; you don't have to enter the thread with the intentions of making it a Development Thread (it doesn't need the prefix, etc) - ANY type of thread can be used so long as it meets the requirement.
So, if I'm allowed to, and can pull it off IC, could I steal a non-stygium stealth ship, and reverse engineer it as a dev thread for a stealth ship/ Limited production ship?
I'd say the act of stealing and reverse-engineering would make for a damn decent development thread. So that problem solves itself...theoretically. The judges are still within their rights to call for a thread in which you mine whatever material you made the ship out of that somehow isn't Stygium but still acts like it. :p

Turnbull Fett

I'm working IC to establish an Imperial II-class Star Destroyer as a mobile home for a contingent of the Fett clan, who broke off from the rest during the Gulag Virus in an attempt to help preserve the line & culture. Would the ship need to be submitted to the Factory for approval, or can it be taken as written that it exists as a single-use canon ship?
[member="Turnbull Fett"] If there were any modifications made or if it was upgraded/changed in any way (beyond a coat of paint) then you'd need a dev thread. It'll also need to belong to a major faction at that length. That said, any significant thread dealing with it's origins (read above on dev threads) would count towards it.

[member="Strask Ak'lya"] [member="Fabula Cavataio"] Going to weigh in here as a ship judge...
Stealing a non-stygium to reverse-engineer another another stealth ship is alright so long as its of the same type, hibridium cloak to hibridium , night shadow to night shadow and the like. And raiding works for other restricted materials so long as the thread is open to the faction and you let them know it's going on.
If we helped in the capture of a mine for a restricted metal for a faction we're in, are we allowed to use the thread for our own submission?
Strask Ak'lya said:
If we helped in the capture of a mine for a restricted metal for a faction we're in, are we allowed to use the thread for our own submission?
You can try, but the tech judges are free to deny it if they feel it isn't up to snuff.

Taras Crozo said:
How many dev threads would I need to do before I can make a deathstar?
The Death Star is a superweapon, making it explicitly banned by Factory policy. You will never be allowed to make a Death Star.
[member="Elvira Congelo"]

We are currently not looking for more judges; if a vacancy arises then a thread will be placed within the Staff Discussion forum where members can apply for positions.



Image Credit: Neucom :: R-103 Delphinus III :: Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere
Intent: This is an prototype craft used for the experimentation of hands-free interface flight systems in high-maneuverability platforms while testing pilot strain.
Development Thread: None
Manufacturer: Ri'ess Regal Drives
Model: MMSX-801 Quetzalcohuātl
Affiliation: Private
Modularity: Limited
Production: Unique - 1
Classification: Starfighter Experimental
Role: Experimental Multirole Interceptor
Height: 4.10 m.
Width: 12.60 m.
Length: 20.48 m.
Power Core Generator/Reactor:
Hyperdrive Rating:
Minimum Crew: 1 (Pilot)
Optimal Crew: 1 (Pilot)
Drone Bay:
  • [ 10 ] AT-HKD1 (3 over 2 per side)
Non-Combative Attachments:

[*]Canard & Fin Flaps
[*]Flight Surface Airbrakes (-.5m/+.5s)
[*]Communications Array
[*]IBIS Hi-Mask Encryption Network
[*]HoloNet Transceiver
[*]Standard Ray/Particle Shield Generator
[*]Standard Life Support Systems
[*]Standard Targeting System (Supplementary)
Passenger Capacity: N/A
Cargo Capacity: 40 kg.-100 lt.
Consumables: 1 GSM rations
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: 1.0
Description: The "Winged Serpent God" is perhaps the most exotic starcraft ever designed by RRDI, standing as a testament to their superior developmental prowess in the field of starfighter technology over the past two centuries, since the earliest days of the Monarchy Skunkworks. Though lightly armed, it is incredibly compact and maneuverable for a fighter of its class. The twin engines displace a colossal ionic trail and the output-heavy reactor canonically often reads out as a capital craft on scanners; the 801 can be self-sufficient for days and sometimes weeks on end. Several independent systems and aftermarket components have also been added into its construction for a better edge. The newest hard-shell canopies use the metal Malybdochalkos instead of the former Gold Alloy, proving cheaper and more effective against nuclear, solar and ionic radiation. The entire flight system setup is controlled by a Mirage Cybernetics A02S Motion Interface Package which maximizes pilot input and control, though it places an immense strain on the brain, causing frequent and common phantom pains (senses) of the aircraft in question itself as though it were an extension of the pilot's own body; this effect is proven to require long-term rehabilitation and medication to erase, which itself can prove consequential in other ways. Addiction to piloting the 801, even the refusal to leave it, is predicted after regular use spanning months or more. Comparable to even the Deathbell, it is truly the most advanced fighter of the 840's-ABY generation.
Any no-no's?


Not Worthy...Yet
I have a plan for a character to soon get a cybernetic arm. I wasn't planning on having anything fancy on it (yet), just a simple arm that works like an arm. Do I have to do a submission for that?

If there is nothing special about it, and it's just a standard cybernetic arm, then no. If you modify it in the future then yes you would have to submit it.
An alt of mine is about to come into possession of some phrik as a thread reward.

Is a Warhammer/mace a viable weapon to make out of Phrik? The sources are patchy. I've seen swords and armour, but nothing blunt force.


Came in like a wrecking maul
[member="Tamara"] well I am making a blunt force phrik weapon so there could be something in the future but yeah it could be viable just got to make it the right way.

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