Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ask: Factory Talk Thread

This is the second question I've received about this in recent history. My answer remains the same. It gets reviewed when it gets reviewed. If it's been over a week, please bring it to my attention in a private message and I'll talk to the judge. But they will not be required to do anything.

That said, we do have a system where one judge's submission can be picked up by someone else if a substantial amount of time passes. This is not written anywhere on the board because it's internal policy and doesn't affect members. You're still getting your stuff reviewed. Just by someone else.


Well-Known Member
So Stealth tech require a dev thread, what about tech that solely bends heat around oneself? Making them appear acclimated to the temperature around them. Ie, heat sensors dont work on it
Okay this is mainly for Ayden Cater. Boolon Murr and Domino (don't know if tagging is allowed and I am to lazy to switch accounts)

I was asked by stardust who participated in the stygium thread with myself and Alli Wren to submit a cloaked x-wing but I am unsure what would have to be lost from it to achieve such a goal.
For a single fighter, not much. We might ask that the stealth be limited somehow and we definitely wouldn't want it attacking while cloaked, but armaments-wise it can have the same as the classic x-wing if that's what you're asking about.
I'm trying to get my company fairly active RP wise and have been working on a few designs. Some of you guys have already seen my alloy. Everything will be fairly balanced , as I am using some of the criteria I use to design stuff for video games. My question is how many subs is to much, is 1-2 a week to much etc? Only a bit will have true Militsry applications as I'm trying to fill out things for "civilian selling" to fund more expensive military projects ( trying to build it more realisticly from a baseline instead of just saying it has all the creds and stuff to do, also working on getting a really giant dev thread going that will be the ic work for 90% of the things) as it stands I have 3 mining droids close to completion, I think one might be a little outlandish because it is designed to harvest gas from stars and other gas giants.

Also what do you guys feel about high yield magnetic rail guns that do negligible damage to shields but high damage to armor and hulls.
One last one: let's say we want to say discover a new mineral or gas or something with special properties, or one that works well in other alloys. Say like a mineral that adds 2 or 3% more durability when added in the dura steel process or a little more potent fuel or something. Do you want say a dev thread and a sub. Not talking about a new saber resistant material or anything nigh indestructible or makes ssd as fast as cruisers etc. ( not wanting to push the envelope that far)
1) The number of dev threads required is normally one, except when it's not. Utterly ridiculous stuff might require more, but that's up to the judge reviewing the submission. But that shouldn't be a problem. At least you're not trying to make rail guns or droids that can withstand the radiation of active stars.

Arumi Zy said:
I think one might be a little outlandish because it is designed to harvest gas from stars and other gas giants. Also what do you guys feel about high yield magnetic rail guns that do negligible damage to shields but high damage to armor and hulls.

2) We've had a few people submit rail guns. They tend to be heavily regulated, due to the extreme punching power of barely-subsonic matter. No one's going to stop you from submitting it, but don't expect to have an easy time of it.

3) Alloys (and minerals I guess. Theoretically) go in tech creation and are just as limited as everything else: only as much as we need to to prevent powergaming problems. As long as you're not trying to make "cheaper lightsaber-resistant metal capable of being mass-produced," then you shouldn't have a problem. Unfortunately, EVERYONE tries to make cheaper lightsaber-resistant metal capable of being mass-produced, so yeah.
@[member="Fabula Cavataio"] there is no real need for more saber resister material so no problem there. Thanks for the answers btw.

How many subs would you consider to much in a given period of tine? I want to get stuff made but at the same time don't want to flood you guys or slow down others
Try not to do more than five in a week, but that's not a hard-and-fast limitation. There is no limitation on how many you can submit, but if we catch you spamming incessantly, we'll ask you to stop. If you persist, we'll F-ban. Shouldn't be an issue, though, considering how long a decent development thread takes to complete.

Magnar Ceidrick

Hey, guys, Elvira here.

I was wondering, I'm planning on giving this new character a Durasteel broadsword that can be used to combat lightsabers. Given it has no enchantments for anything outside the fact that it has Durasteel and can block lightsabers, I don't think I'd have to submit it for approval in a factory thread. However, I still want to ask if I have to, so... Do I have to submit this weapon to the factory?

Magnar Ceidrick

@[member="Fabula Cavataio"]
Huh, I thought durasteel could resist lightsabers... Well, what metal do? Any suggestions for a good metal?
Durasteel provides exactly no resistance to lightsabers, except by thickness. A meter-thick durasteel door would be slow to cut through due to mass, but not because of intrinsic resistance in the material. A durasteel sword would be cut through like paper. The best way to make a resistant sword is by alloying it with another material or making it entirely out of that matieral.

Phrik, beskar, cortosis, and songsteel are the popular candidates for lightsaber-resistant equipment. Sith Alchemy is also popular, and "Force-imbued weapons" are starting to hit a renaissance. Each is restricted, meaning you have to earn the right to use it through RP accomplishments. The list of restricted items and methods on earning them are listed here.

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