Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Back in Control (Mandalorian Dominion of Aeten II)

Betna blocked with the dinu'ul, the butt of the long arm weapon a defender improvised skittering off before Betna's blade severed head and arm in two quick swipes. At Draco's voice, he took a moment to assess in the lull of combat.

"Take em up on the right, clear out anything you find," he called over the comms, pausing a moment to disarm and run through what appeared to be an officer as the melee swirled around. "I'll push my troops up the left. We'll leap frog it up, right then left. Clear them out bit by bit."

From there, Betna relayed the same orders to his own men and watched them get into position. A stray round glanced off his thigh plate and sent him stumbling to one knee for a moment, but he stood quickly and shoved the pain aside. He could hurt later. For now, it was time to fight.

Location: Aeten II Factory Complex (Hallway)
Objective: Conquest
Allies: [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Briika Hokan"]
Enemies: Ennui


Came the roared reply.

"Harampr, on me."

Harampr, also equipped with heaver than usual armour and weaponry, moved forward, parallel to La, and the two continued to press forward, hit pinging off their armour, burning where too many landed in one place, bruising the flesh beneath. Such was war. Without their berkar'gam the situation would have been much more serious.

"Sasct, heat it up in three. Three, two, one."

Reaching another barricade, the two tanks stepped aside, allowing their more lightly armoured comrade to step up, flamethrower blazing into life.

"Ber, ready."

Screams rang out, as some of their enemies tried to escape the flames, Beraga, Buruk squads sniper cut them down.
In the Darkness there is Truth

It was time for slaughter, raiding and XP! Aeten had fallen out of the grasp of the Mandalorians, now they had returned. Unfortunately, it seemed some of the natives were not happy about once again submitting to the control of the Mandalorians. Violence ensued. Supposedly Aeten still had stygium, though some sources contradicted this.

Regardless, Sumiko was one of those contractors who had been hired for this venture. Undoubtedly Souldrinker would appreciate the chance for bloodshed. If there was any stygium left, that would be useful as well. Presumably she would find a one way to use it.

Anyhow, on with the plot. All around here there were explosions, the sound of blasterfire and slaughter as enemy bunkers fell to the Mandalorian onslaught. Her attention was directed towards a heavy weapons emplacements manned by enemy soldiers who had the impertinence to impede her progress, raining down repeater fire and mortar fire upon the invaders. At least they did so until one of the soldiers suddenly...began believing that his comrades were in reality Mandalorians.

Before he could realise what he was doing, the nameless corporal had riddled his comrades with bolts from his blaster rifle. Staring at his hands in shock when he realised what he had done, he dropped to the ground, clearly suffering from a breakdown. Suddenly the illusion faded away and Sumiko stepped into view, having dropped the cloak of shadows and pure handwavium that kept her invisible. "Oh, please, don't look so glum. They would have died anyway," she said in a conversational tone before chopping his head off.
Location: Crash site
Objective: investigating distress signal
Allies: Jedi, Mando, GR
Enemies: Sith


This had not been the plan at all. The mission had been simple enough really.While republic forces had been sent to the planet to try and help establish some sort of law and order Mantics shuttle had recieved a signal. It had been broadcast as an emergency signal from an old abandoned outpost. nothing to worry to much about but if there were civilian down there it should be looked into. And so Mantics shuttle had been sent to investigate.

Neither he nor the pilot had any chance of noticing the AA fire they suddenly found themselves in. Whomever had shot them down had not bothered with identifying them, rather they had simply tried to remove him before he had any chance of contacting them.

they must assume everyone on the shuttle are dead. But if they had any sort of trained background they would check the wreckage.

Mantic turned his binocular from west to east looking for anything. It took a few seconds then... movement. A small cloud was whipped up from the east. Mantic zoomed in to discover an armored hover tank approaching.

"I'll be damned... " Mantic whispered to himself and rubbed his eyes. "Stormtroopers..."
Location: Aeten II Space
Objective: Interdiction, law enforcement.
Post: [03/20]

The pair of freighters eventually slowed to a light little putter, moving along as if they hadn't a care in the galaxy. Whether they liked it or not, Marcus kind of had a thing for determining if someone was up to no good or not. Aeten II wasn't known for being the best place to raise a family, while its valuable natural resources and strong trading presence were cornerstones of the planet's existence entirely. So when a pair of freighters, an XS-800 and YU-410, respectively, decided to bail during a conquest - there wasn't a doubt in Marcus' mind that they were no good.

A crackle of static came over the frequency before a heavily accented voice spoke. "This is the Errant Voyager," came the response from the XS-800. "What seems to be the problem, officer? I wasn't aware this area was under Sector Ranger jurisdiction."

Marcus rolled his eyes, "Well it is now. Answer my other two questions, please. Your cargo and flight intention."

"Oh." A pause. "Just simple freight handlers. We're leaving 'cause we got wind of the Mandos comin' along."

"Your cargo?"

Another pause, one too long.

Got it.” I said over the helmet comms. “Aliit’Vereen, change of plans. Pull starboard. Clear em out.” The soldiers moving and crawling elsewhere quickly reacted and the meld between the other officers was clear. Through the Force I could sense the locations of the enemies we were dealing with, I could feel their fear, I could feel their determination to hold us out.

I drew deep upon the Force as the small group of warriors stomped to the first building, the big wookiee wielding a power hammer, glancing back and nodding, smashing the plastoid door down in one massive strike, rolling out of the way of the door as two Mandalorians rushed through, shields full and into the frame. Out from their hands fire erupted into the building, and through the Force I manipulated these flames.

The grew hotter and larger. I guided them, filling the areas that the enemy had chosen to resist. There would be no fight here, not this early. It was always best to keep as many of the boys alive and out of danger as long as possible. “Go by teams and clear the building. Draz, hit the basement.

The barabel growled through his helmet and took off with eight Mandalorian warriors rushing after him, weapons at the ready. The snap hiss of a Lightsaber drew my attention as Aten cut through a wall. “Fire support for clan Betna, get to it.” He said, his teams laying down and taking to windows.

Your turn, we have some fire support for you from here Field Marshal.

[member="Arrbi Betna"]
Location: Aeten II Factory Complex (Hallway)
Objective: Conquest
Allies:GR Mandos [member="Werdla Dardalab"] [member="Briika Hokan"]

BOOM!!!! PEW PEW PEW and some more battle noises.

"Nari!!" He continued to shout, now in his native tongue. The hired guns were no match for the superior elite soldiers of the mando'ade. They collapsed upon themselves as they would retreat over the dead and back through the next hatchway. The door would crash shut and Strider could hear the distinctive locking mechanism kicking into place.

"Hendo! You up!" Strider ordered the next commando to place Det tape on the door. This was just minor road blocks but every time they had to sit and wait for breach charges to be placed, it gave the enemy that much more time to build up a proper resistance. The mandalorian Initiative was fading and now will be turning out to be a deadly slug out match with each meter gained through the hallways. This was the job and it needed to be done.

Hendo, a young demolishin expert, gave the count down for the det to go off. Strider took a few deep breaths knowing that behind this hatch death could be waiting and could be certain.

The door evaporated and once against Strider would take the lead through the door chucking a frag grenade at the enemy. Before he could raise his rifle Strider took two hits from what felt like slug shots from a shotgun. Did not penetrate his armor bout bounced the old man off his feet and into the wall behind him. His fellow squad would not hesitate to push forward, nor would Baruk squad and La. This was war, there was no time to wait for the fallen. They had to get to their feet on their own.
In the Darkness there is Truth

Verily, illusions were fun to play with. The great Darth Zannah had been able to trap her enemies in their worst horrors and manifest tendrils of pure doom. There were illusionists who could manifest copies of illusionary doppelgangers who seemed so real that their attacks would feel like causing real damage. Or cloak entire warships.

Well, Sumiko obviously could not do cool stuff like that. For one, she still had Knight rank! As much as this sometimes annoyed her. However, plenty of study and practice had given her some tricks. Such as the ones she tested upon a small group of soldiers who were so naughty to get in the way. Like it or not the enemy was well dug-in and unlike a certain battering ram she could not death charge to victory. What she could do was weave a tangled web of evil and deceit and reach out with her power to entrap their minds into it!

Agonised, pained screams of pure terror were heard when the soldiers, having fallen into the web, suddenly believed that they had been swallowed by a river of lava. After all, it was a volcanic planet. In their minds they would be cooked by lava, even as they desperately tried to escape. From her hiding place behind rocks Sumiko emerged, strain evident on her features for such illusion cost concentration. Then her blade, the dark side energies of which gave her fuel, put the troopers out of their misery.
Location: Aeten II Space
Objective: Interdiction, law enforcement.
Post: [04/20]

"Answer the question, please. It makes my job easier."

"Maybe they're hiding something," Miranda suggested.

The Sector Ranger nodded and drew his craft closer to the two stalling freighters, powering up his weapon systems as he did so. "You've got three seconds before I open fire and reprimand every member of your crews for obstructing traffic interdiction operations.

"One, two, t-"

"Okay, okay." The Weequay Captain came back, "We wanted to bail before anythin' happened to our spoils. Listen, officer, I don't want any trouble. I need to make a living some how."

Marcus sighed. "Keep your weapons powered down and prepare to be boarded, Errant Voyage."

There wasn't another response when he told them that.

"Want me to drop them if anything happens? Are you sure you can reprimand a whole freighter on your own?"

He shot the AI a look before grinning. "Of course I can."
Location: Aeten II Factory Complex (Hallway)
Objective: Conquest
Allies:GR Mandos @Strider Geron
Post: 1/20

Shane had been surprised twice now, once when they had come here years ago, facing pirates and now well now they were coming to reclaim what once was theirs before the man looked from the bridge of the ship and had a small smirk on his face. "Make sure we are in supporting range of our vod ensign and tak her in." He kept it going forward now and heading towards the factory to meet with one of the field marshals as he stood up and gleamed in the slimmer looking Beskar'gam. "Strider, I am coming to join you with a team."
Location: Crash site
Objective: investigating distress signal
Allies: Jedi, Mando, GR
Enemies: Sith


the hover tank pulled itself up right next to the shuttle wreckage and opened itself up. One stormtrooper still sat on the top of the tank mounting a repeating blaster while his squad mates went outside.

Their NCO held up a fist and the three troopers following him bent down, rifles ready, as if they were one body.

Mantic noticed the scratched slightly outdated armors. these were no rookies. he could recognize experienced military behavior from the many times he had served right next to the troopers of the republic army. But their gear also told him that they were not equipped by any of the major powers. No these troopers were either rouge or belonging to some splinter group.

He had to find out more.

"Gentlemen." he tried and raised his voice. "I am afraid I must place you into custody fo..."

"Fire at will" the squad leader ordered and it was immediately followed by blaster fire. Not that Mantic had expected anything else. He ducked back avoiding the blaster shots from the troopers on the ground at the same time as he threw his saber toward the mounted trooper on the tank-roof.

It was a hit and the trooper did not even manage a scream as the saber got stuck right in his chest. then he leaped forward again, tumbling through the air and landing on the tank right next to the dead trooper. There he pulled the saber through the air and into his hands, ready to deflect the incoming fire.
Location: Aeten II Factory Complex (Hallway)
Objective: Conquest
Allies: [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Briika Hokan"]
Enemies: Ennui

The brief respite while the next door was blown was used by La to reload. Her beloved Riot Gun had a few failing, running out of ammo relatively quickly compared to blasters that could shoot hundreds of shoots before depleting their charge was one of them. She was all right with this, it seemed a fair trade for its strengths.

Again, La and Harampr stepped up behind Strider, La taking care to angle her shots away from the Hound. Her jaw tightened when he was sent off his feet and into a nearby wall.


This over the squads channel.

"Internal readings are fine."

La nodded once. Even if he'd been dying, she'd not have stopped pressing forward. There was not a single Mando alive she'd stop for. Leave someone to guard them, or carry them with you, but never stop. The battle was more important. Family came first for Mandos, but they tended to be pragmatic. Strider was seen as extended clan in some fashion, a proper vod because they often fought together, but there was more to lose and more Mandos who would die if they failed on this push than one man.
[member="Draco Vereen"]


The coldness of the spaceship was still not something one could get used to but as one of the few nightsisters willing to go offworld it was her job to provide something special for her peoples allies. These mandalorians though last time had dropped a massive rock on the planet with her and a team of mando's on it. She wasn't wanting to have that happen again and had agreed to go and try to help them while the ancient bone she had gotten with Aisling was there in her hands being fashioned into something new and pretty. The green mists wrapping around it as she was sittign there in the ship goin to meet one of the leaders they had or soemthign she wasn't exactly certain but he was like the ones who had built her staff of plus twelve face melting. That was good enough for her while speaking. "For what it is worth the nightsisters are here, just tell us where you need us."
Aetan II
Hillside overlooking battlefield
Allies: Mandalorians
...the hillside was sparse, mostly tall grass with some vegetation dotting its landscape which made relocation fairly simple for the Mercenary as he stayed low, crouched down and moved to another position. Once relocation was complete Laith took a position on his stomach again where he'd feel the grass crushed beneath him by the weight of his body and the beskar'gam he wore then he'd begin setting up his rifle again. Bipod support, butt to shoulder just like the last time and with the barrel poking out just beyond the grass he could take aim through his scope and use the rangefinder again...

...down below in the battlefield proper he'd watch as the Warriors of Clan Betna, Clan Garron and the Ori'ramikad did battle with the forces of the Sith, the Yuuzhan Vong and other monstrosities that had come out of the woodwork when the sphere of influence controlled by the Mandalorians was weakened. As he watched Laith would notice as one of the Clan Warriors fell to an unseen shot and his brow would knit together beneath the cover of his helm causing him to adjust his arc of fire so that he could view the area overlooking the battlefield from another angle. Another sniper, how fun...

...Laith controlled his breathing, deep easy breathes so that he retained a steady aim and the adrenaline of his body didn't start to take control. Using the rangefinder on his rifle he switched optics to infrared while looking out beyond the battlefield. Initial scans revealed nothing. The Sniper had some talent. Optics were reassessed again and Laith switched to ultraviolet.,wait...

...just inside his field of vision Laith saw movement through his rangefinder, very faint but it was there and taking aim he allowed the friend/foe designator integrated into his helmet package to paint his target for him before calling it in....
"Fire control this is Burning Spear. We hostile movement at the coordinates designated. Be advised we are requesting some heat."...there was a confirmation and then silence. The Mercenary was magnanimous about all of this and then he heard a faint whistling sound which caused him to tip his head backwards and look up. The Artillery fire was never seen but it crashed down over the adjacent hillside with a thunderous BOOM that created craters, ripped up the earth and left destruction in its wake as smoke clouded that area..."That's four."...
Betna jerked his head at the target and his men instantly knew the order. With a terrible howl, Mandalorian warriors leapt up and charged, shields forward. Enemy soldiers attempted a hasty defense, but for every Mandalorian that fell, four or more of the foe were cut down.

The blade flicked and danced, the edge catching the light one moment and then gone the next. Men fell and screamed as Betna's sword scythed through limbs and armor alike, the shield blocking blows and striking like a veritable wall with each bash. The enemy tried to stand, but with the shock of the assault was too much. Officers screamed at soldiers, but screams turned to cries soon enough as the Mandalorians found them and cut them down.

Sending one man staggering with a swift kick to the chest, Betna swept the shield across the mans face giving instant and sever burns. The beskad he carried flicked out almost as soon as the shield made contact and cut the man's cries of pain short. It was brutal fighting and, for once, he was glad for his black and red armor. It hid the blood well enough that he didn't look like a monster when he cleaned it later on. It was surprising how the little things seemed to matter sometimes.

The fighting now dying down, Betna opened up his comms to Draco.

"You're up, ner vode."


[member="Draco Vereen"]
Location: Some factory with primeval roaches
Objective: Take back what's mine
Allies: Mandalorian
Post Count: 1/20

After Wayland things had gone bad for the Mandalorians. Aetan was lost, Gallos, and a whole bunch of other systems that were in Mandalorian space. Of course, these worlds would be taken back one at a time which was a new focus for the whole Vode. Aetan, a host to stygium, would be the first planet to be taken back. After that they would continue their mission in the north where a portion of land was taken from them.

Multiple strike forces were deployed in different sections of Aetan and the Rally Madter would be in charge of leading one and it would be successful by the vicious numbers the Mandalorians were packed in."Deploy! came the order of the Redneck and a battalion of Mandalorians jumped at of their drops ships and flew towards the factory, and the drop ships that were there ride would destiny any anti aircraft guns so more reinforcements would land at the factory with ease and not being shot at.
Location: Aeten II Space
Objective: Interdiction, law enforcement.
Post: [05/20]

It didn't take long for the former infantryman to jump right into his Vanguard battle dress uniform. With it on, he looked more like a soldier than an officer of the law. A few Sector Ranger emblems and other law enforcement patches, like rank insignias, were the only indicators to his official profession. Aside from that, a freight hauler might even consider him to be a pirate given a lack of more official markings.

Miranda was almost a better pilot than he was, and she smoothly guided the Harlequin into docking sequence with the freighter. The Force Cylinder allowed for omnicompatible docking and the Sector Ranger was out and into space in a mere second. The cylinder created a pressurized vacuum for the transfer of passengers and cargo between a pair of ships, but Marcus desired for more surety in these events - which is why he wore an armored spacesuit.

He neared the docking port and waited for a few moments before it slid open. Marcus hauled himself inside as the door shut behind him, the artificial atmosphere re-pressurizing.

"Keep your hands where I can see them," the Ranger snarled, snapping out his sidearm. "Take me to your cargo hold."

The Captain, who rightfully happened to be a Weequay, answered with a nervous, submissive nod and gestured for him to follow.
Location: Aeten II Factory Complex (Hallway)
Objective: Conquest
Allies:GR Mandos [member="Werdla Dardalab"] [member="Briika Hokan"] [member="Shane Sisko Skirata"]

"Get up!!" The old man snarled to himself, his chest felt as if a rancor had did the polka upon it. "Don't let this young pups out do ya" He continued to motivate himself, as he caught his breath and wits about him. He would rise to his feet, blaster fire all about them while his two squads continued the fight past his position. The utter determination and 'beskar will' his warriors had was unmatched and second to none in the galaxy. This was what made Mandalorians feared. A force to be reckoned with.

"All good!' Strider would announce over the squad channel, confirming his condition was still fighting fit to his men so they could keep their concentration on the enemy. That was when he got transmission from Shane Skirata informing his intentions of forming up with them.

"Skirata! Better move it, we are down two vode and your participation is much needed!" The old man would report back to Shane.

Strider then moved forward, his carbine at the ready as he zeroed in on possible prey. His warriors and La's were making quick work of the hired guns but there were more piling in including the presence of Combat Droids moving in. Strider took a shot at one of the droids which quickly proved to have shields up. "Alright lads, we got shielded tin cans. Waste em" He didn't need to elaborate on how, for each Mando had their own weapon load out and tech to deal with such at their own disposal.
Location: Some Primeval camp thingy.

Catalys looked up, letting go of the gun which Coren grabbed. His head turned with the shadow of a large object--enemy ships.

"Sir, sir! We're under attack!" A scout sprinted out of his Kath Hound buggy after returning from a patrol, the man's panting was louder than his words.

"I want everyone ready to fight, man anything that can be used against them, and take cover!" Soldiers, scouts, and other personnel scrambled to grab weapons and prepare their defense. Shortly the Mandalorians would begin to overrun the camp, and it was his job to make sure that wouldn't happen.

If it's a battle the warriors wanted, it'd be a battle they got. Catalys was prepared to put up a rather nasty fight and show them the costs of conquest; to show them that the Primeval--even when outnumbered--were still an opponent to be reckoned with. And at least they'd have Coren with them, assuming he'd stop daydreaming or whatever it was he was doing. Jedi... the Exemplar never fully understood what they were always on about. Did all Jedi wait until the very last moment to get involved?
Location: Crash site
Objective: investigating distress signal
Allies: Jedi, Mando, GR
Enemies: Sith


This sensation was so strange. It was not new, but still strange. He deflected another shot and moved forward, one step. Deflecting again. this time he managed to aim the shot back onto the trooper. It hit him in the chest and he dropped back with a feint cry.

the remaining comrades did however not falter. Instead they doubled their fire and Mantic drew sweat to be able to keep his defence up.
Now and then hazy menories of previous battles where he had lost focus and gotten hit flashed before his eyes.

"No! - Focus!" He directed another shot that missed by far.

"There is no chaos!"

He bit his lip and gazed down on the next trooper to fire. He back handed the shot straight back into his knee then he dodged the next shot and rolled down from the tank, landing right in the middle of the two troopers remaining. As the left tried a rifle hit Mantic pulled the rifle from his hands with a simple gesture and sweeped his blade in a 360 degrees circle.

the troopers fell dead upon the ground. the fight was over.

He rose, rain bearing down upon his robes. He had killed them.

"There is no death, there is the force."

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