Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Back in Control (Mandalorian Dominion of Aeten II)

Location: Aeten II Factory Complex (Hallway)
Objective: Conquest
Allies:GR Mandos [member="Werdla Dardalab"] [member="Briika Hokan"] [member="Shane Sisko Skirata"] [member="Graad Hokan"]

The E-web placement was quickly annihilated, IT was safe for strider to pop his head up and return fire on the enemy. "Talak, Coro! TOP FLOOR!" Strider ordered the two. With out hesitation the two Mandos under fire blasted from the balcony and flew up to the top floor. They would clear that area of any threat and use the height advantage to their own needs as sniper over-watch.

"Push forward by the numbers" Strider ordered the rest of the mandos to keep up the momentum. Another deadly firefight ignited as the relentless mandalorians bit hard into the enemy position. Leap frogging forward in elite tactical fashion that could not be thwarted. Now combined with the two mandos up high, the meat bags in their area were getting slotted quick.

"Keep it up, KEEP FIGHTING!' As if the old man needed to tell mandalorians, especially the commando elites to keep fighting. He honestly just like hearing his own voice amongst the explosions and the zipping of blaster bolts. it gave the old man a hard on.
In the Darkness there is Truth

Alas, things could never be so simple. As Sumiko was making her way across the battle-scorched ground and past the corpses, her freighter was almost in view. But her Force senses prickled, alerting her to some danger. Then suddenly there was a loud crack, as an enemy sniper, unbeknowns to her hidden behind some rocks, opened fire without warning.

The Force had tried to function as an early warning system, but it was not perfect and failed her in this regard. Or rather she was not alert enough to listen to the ripples. The sniper had missed her by far but she felt a pain shoot through her leg and dropped to the ground. Another sniper shot came her way, though this one missed her. Crawling into cover behind some rocks she grabbed her gun and let loose a few rounds, firing at what she believed was the general direction to keep the sniper suppressed.

Grabbing a piece of cloth to wrap around her wound to stem the bleeding, she once again pulled upon the tangled web of the Force and focused, strain and concentration evident in her features. She breathed in heavily, then suddenly a on first sight perfect doppelganger of her appeared.

Someone perceptive enough in the Force would undoubtedly see it was an illusion, but it should fool the sniper. The illusionary Sumiko fired and then abruptly charged forth, wielding her similarly illusionary lightsabre and seemingly tossing rocks. Falling for the trick the sniper fired...only realising his mistake when the doppelganger dissipated. He did not have much time to contemplate his mistake as the real Sumiko gunned him down. Groaning as she forced herself to walk she quickly grabbed her loot, heading towards her ship. She would need plenty of rest when she was aboard.
Location: Aeten II Factory Complex (Hallway)
Objective: Conquest
Allies:GR Mandos [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Werdla Dardalab"] [member="Arla Balor"]
Post: 11/20

Shane kept moving, with hius head down as a weapons emplacement was firing and he reacted with one of the rollers dropping down as the little droid detonated on the weapon. His attention going to the different things before he was getting out of the area and into one of the ore processing rooms with a look on his face under the helmet. He could see what they found and was rather pleased with himself before setting up two on the door and moving towards the other side to use it as cover ascending the pile of ore to jump through the door when his motion sensor indicated someone was on the other side.
In the Darkness there is Truth

Lots of misc. enemies killed? Check. Cool stealth crystals acquired? Check. XP gained? Check. Well, for Sumiko this had apparently been a quite successful dominion. Sure, she would have to spend some time in the med bay again and apply a good portion of bacta, but she had not gotten maimed or anything similarly unpleasant.

And so soon after she had boarded the freighter, she directed one of her droid minions to take off. The crystals were stored in the cargo hold and within a few moments the freighter had taken off and lifted into the sky. Eventually it would reach space and then depart from the system, leaving Aeten for the Mandalorians to conquer. Presumably it would not take long before the piece of rock bent to their will. For her part Sumiko was off in the medbay, being tended to by a medical droid. She tended to trust droids more than people, which was ironic given her experiences with certain homicidal HRDs.
Location: Aeten II Factory Complex (Hallway)
Objective: Conquest
Allies: [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Briika Hokan"] [member="Shane Sisko Skirata"]
Enemies: Ennui

"Hahahaha, this is why they call us Buruk Squad! Eat osik!"


E-Web down and Ori'ramikade in the air, the Squad took their usual positions for a push, but the tone was slightly different. They were winning. Of course they always went into an encounter aiming for victory, but each battle had a tipping point, and this one had just been reached. It wasn't over yet, and this was the time when folks were most likely to make stupid mistakes, getting cut down for over confidence.

Banter aside though, Buruk was still focused and set on a win. Aeten had been the Mandalorians for a long time. Many of them had family here. Some even owned homes. They would not be leaving their vod at the mercy of Sith and Fanatics.

"No wonder they're dying, can't tell a Hound from a Rabbit!"

"Now they've seen the teeth I bet the can!"
Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (semi-retired)
Location: Aeten II Factory Complex
Objective: Medical aid/Conquest
Allies: GR/Mandos
Post: 3/20

As [member="Strider Garon"]'s commando team made its way through the factory complex, Briika got slowed down as she stopped to give medical aid to the fallen verde as the baau'ur came across them and lost track of her riduur, [member="Graad Hokan"], who was in the Field Marshal's squad. There had been a few causalities, though most injuries so far were minor blaster and blunt force trauma type wounds as the beskar'gam gave the vode much needed protection.

But, not all the time as was evidenced by the bloodied mess before Briika. She'd not been able to stop a verd from bleeding out, who had a limb blown off in a blast. If only she could have gotten to him a minute sooner…

A little prayer to the Manda was said, then Bree moved on to the next, and the next. Now the blonde wished she still had her red suit of armor because the silver just didn't hide all the blood and guts as well.

She couldn't keep the transformation as the battle seemed to rage on and pushing forward there was a look on her face. Getting the magics into her body as slowly Lavania was laying there on the floor of the station with her sisters around her while her clothing was torn but they had robes and a blanket handing her her staff as the mothers remains stayed around her neck. The magics of it still there but she was to tired to channel them into her body or try and transform again while moving off to the side as the mandalorians were coming to them. The sisters getting into a room before Lavania spoke. "That was something different."
Location: Aeten II Factory Complex (Hallway)
Objective: Conquest
Allies:GR Mandos Werdla Dardalab Briika Hokan Shane Sisko Skirata Graad Hokan

There are two kinds of strength in this universe: strength of the Body – which anyone can claim with proper motivation and training – and a much more elusive kind of strength. That is strength of the Beskar Will. Of the two, strength of the Beskar Will is far more important, for Beskar Will shall carry you far even when your Body has long since failed you. And nothing can demolish the willpower of the Mando'ade for the greatest warriors are the product of their defeats as much as their victories. Like the strongest of iron, their imperfections are hammered, their weaknesses pierced and battered, until they are forged into an indestructible force capable of standing against the greatest of misfortunes.

And here the Commandos and the counter part the Baruk squad were annihilating their targets with birth right precision. The mandalorians moved as a single machine of death, with each cog created to perfection as they worked together in killing the enemy and using their guts to grease the tracks of this unstoppable machine.

It was Strider's fireteam's turn to move up and they did under the cover fire of the rest of the mandalorians. Strider was in the lead and used his flame thrower to clear a path to their next cover.
Location: Aeten II Factory Complex (Hallway)
Objective: Conquest
Allies:GR Mandos [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Werdla Dardalab"] [member="Arla Balor"]
Post: 13/20

The large armored mando crashing through a door and tackling another man before they had the room taken care of with a small grin on his face. He was letting his energy now come out for a quick burst of speed. Then he was feeling it before he got up firing into a group with the rifle's micro grenade launcher. Leaning against one of the walls with his fireteam helping him up as he spoke. "Take over here, protect this room for them and start making a path back to the fleet and hanger. We can move and help them all out."

He lost Briika. That was fine, they had a comm connection which Graad could check in with. He pressed forward as orders were continued to be pushed through. Still, he wanted check in with her.

<<< "Briika, flip on your tracker. I'm not beeing overprotective I promise, but I just can't see you anymore. We're pushing hard, and I think it may be the end of this thing before we meet up again. I just want to make sure I can find you afterward." >>>

Family first, that's how Graad was. He had gotten a fmily again, and he would do anything to keep them, no matter the cost.

He pressed forward as [member="Strider Garon"] barked out. It was is turn for point. Running to the door, he pushed it open, and tossed a grenade inside the room. Pulling it closed, he waited until he heard the explosion before running in firing. It was the way to work. The distraction allowed for him, and the team to press in and take out the team.

[member="Briika Hokan"]
Close combat felt like it lasted a long time, but in truth, in small areas like this, it hardly lasted a minute. We were only slightly outnumbered so it wasn’t like we were hard pressed. Beskads went up and came down swiftly, hacking away at our opponents. We had lost some, but not many. Beskar’Kandar held up well against blasters and bayonets. “Draz, lets rally at the courtyard and see about making our way to the basements.”

“Right boss.” Came the reply.

Clicking the comm link active. “We just mopped up. A few friendlies down, but we are still fit for duty. Basement was pretty well secure when my scout checked. I suggest rallying at the courtyard and making our way down for that.”

I gestured to the Mandalorians around me and we started moving in that direction, gathering up for the last push into the basement, where hopefully we could find stores of stygium for use in the Orar’Uliik ship the Protectors had been working on.

[member="Arrbi Betna"]
Aetan II
Allies: Mandalorians
...charging the enemy with the others by his side Laith cried out loudly..."For the Mando'ade!" he fired his blaster rifle into the fray and downed another Sith Trooper before immersing himself deeply into the throes on melee combat. As he rushed ahead he'd turn the blaster rifle in his grasp and deliver a bashing attack with its butt to the side of another troopers face while he went by without ever turning to look back and see if he'd downed the man. All around him the sounds of blaster fire were heard, the cries of battle filled the air and the sounds of men dying around him were audible. A Trooper rushed Laith who bent down and shoulder checked the man against his own momentum throwing him over his shoulders and onto his back. The Mercenary turned, planted a heavy boot on the troopers shoulder to keep him from climbing back to his feet and then fired into his chest ensuring he was done, out of the battle...

...the fighting was fast and furious and over before Laith knew what was happening. It seemed no sooner than he'd charged into the fray with the others than he was backing up into an unknown assailant. Spinning around Laith came face to face with a Vode who likewise had his own firearm trained on him. Both my stared for a moment, their vision widening to encompass what was occurring around the both of them and then with a laugh they would clap one another over the shoulder...
"Oya!"...was called out loudly, blaster rifles were fired into the air in celebration. The Mandalorians stood amongst the bodies of the dead Sith on the field and had won the day with the main force of opposition against them seemingly broken against their assault...

...lowering his blaster rifle Laith turned his head, surveyed those with him who did a quick equipment and munitions check and then stated...
"According to my information a Stygium factory lies just beyond that rise."...he craned his head in that direction so the others knew what he was talking about..."Lets move, stay alert."...then they were all en route to their next location walknig single file. As he moved Laith would access local comms unaware of what the fighting was like elsewhere..."Field Marshal Garon. Field Marshal Betna. We've taken the field from where I'm standing."...merely a status update and nothing more then Laith was on his way again...
[member="Strider Garon"] [member="Arrbi Betna"]
Location: Aeten II Factory Complex (Hallway)
Objective: Conquest
Allies: [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Shane Sisko Skirata"]
Enemies: Ennui

Moving on, the Ori'ramikade and the Hound took the lead once more. This was fine with Buruk Squad. They were glory hunters, but for the Mandalorians, not themselves individually. The resistance was varying in intensity now. They were coming across remaining knots of stiff resistance, and then moments of nothing. A few were even cut down as they ran. The Mandos had no problem shooting an enemy in the back. If they were fleeing they didn't warrant any honour anyway.

Buruk Squad was as a whole in fairly good shape. La was certain she had some minor burns and likely most of her body would be covered in bruises, Harampr was probably in the same boat. Sasctyr had a slight limp, but it wasn't slowing him any. There was a new ding in Jidtes helmet, but it looked as though it had deflected whatever missile had hit him with no damage. Beraga looked entirely unscathed, and this was as it should be. He was medic and sniper after all, to be protected at all costs.

All this was noted and taken into account by La. It was important to keep track of the state of your team. particularly since Mandos were not known for admitting to injury. They kept going. They persevered.

La had switched from the Riot Gun back to the repeater, picking her shots with more accuracy, as well as making it much safer for everyone in front of her.

With her heavy breathing in the corner she could feel it while she was moving. Her attention going towards the others who were walking there before she rose up supporting herself on the staff getting a nice look on her face. A new sash for her eyes while she was going through the hallways. The remains of the spider clans mother there and pulsing on her neck while she breathed in and out rejoining a group of mandalorians who had seen what they had done and while impressed maybe they weren't about to let up or give a free pass. The nightsisters pulled a bow out and began shooting again.
Betna nodded once to no one in particular and sat upon his seat in the rubble. Behind him the tank burned merrily, the greasy smoke rising steadily skyward in a black column. The wind wasn't quite up yet, which meant the smoke and haze from the fighting lingered. The air filter in his helmet scrubbed the worst of the pollutants from the air around, but couldn't quite get the greasy smell clear.

Here and there wounded were cared for and the dead were left where they lay for now. Later on they would collect their ID chips and armor and send the bodies back to the main landing zones for burial. Mandalorians were an odd bunch when it came to death. Other cultures buried their dead in single graves or burned the corpses to ash. For Mandos the body was a vessel for deeds. When the body died, the soul joined the Manda and the body no longer mattered. The memory was kept alive and the armor was taken back to the clan if possible. The armor lasted eternally in the Mandalorian mindset while the body faded to ash and dust. The war dead were often buried in mass graves out of practicality.

Perhaps this was one more thing that made outsiders leery of the Mandalorians. Either way, it was how things had been done for generations before and would be done for generations to come. As Draco came into the courtyard with his men, Betna gave a short wave.

"Bundles of fun so far," he said as his breath slowly returned to him. "So what's in the basement, you think? They seemed pretty determined to hold it. They even brought a bloody tank."


[member="Draco Vereen"]
“Oh, yeah, so far so good. Minimal casualties is always something to celebrate, but we do have a few drinks to poor out.” I said as me and my crew walked into the courtyard, meeting with Betna and his boys.

“I would suspect, from the planet we are on, and how much set up they had just after we got here, money, drugs, or pretty rocks. Got to be honest, I have the first one, don’t like the second. So personally, I am hoping for number three. When we go in, my boys will lob grenades to clear any initial resistance they have. Then we can just march the shield wall forward, blasting them out while we go.” I said, hearing my warriors doing a last gear check, weapons clicking as they all reloaded in the moment of down time and checked their rifles to make sure they fed properly.

I could feel the calm in the three warriors who were part of the meld, ready to win this battle for Mandalore.

“Ready when you are.”

[member="Arrbi Betna"]
Location: Aeten II Factory Complex (Hallway)
Objective: Conquest
Allies:GR Mandos [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Werdla Dardalab"] [member="Arla Balor"]
Post: 15/20

With the room and a pathway secured Shane was moving ahead to get Strider and help out the old man. The work they had been doing was well he hoped it helped the one he had seen briefly with her team before he had moved off towards the upper levels of the facility. He was walking back towards the hanger as he spoke into the comlink. "Strider we have a pathway cleared and are moving to sweep and clean up. Any other orders?" He kept watching before he was heading back to the hanger and his ship to head back out.

The nightsisters looked at the dead while they walked over them and Lavania shrugged now feeling it. Her energies slowly returning but they were taking her back to the ship to rest and recover while she spoke. "Yes sleep now and relax, leave the fighting to the warriors." She felt the cold of the ship as she entered it and sat down the metal sending a chill up her spine before she smiled breathing heavly but laying down. The metal was cool and refreshing against her sweat covere skin and she stretched out laying there for now. "Comfy floor, nice and cool."
Location: Aeten II Factory Complex (Hallway)
Objective: Conquest
Allies:GR Mandos Werdla Dardalab Briika Hokan Shane Sisko Skirata Graad Hokan

The resistance was fading. The enemy that had fought so hard in the hallways were beaten and had their hands up high in defeat. Weapons were dropped to the ground as the commandos would begin the process of detaining the hired guns, thugs and deactivating their combat droids. The commands had done their job, the day was a good day.

Strider would make his way back up topside to take in the full view of the planet they just had reconquered. He lived another day, seemed no matter how many battles he would join, death would not take him, the manda probably had no room for him or want for the old pervert. The hound would remove his helmet and remove a expensive cigar from one of his utility pockets. He wiped the sweat from his head before making good on the cigar, lighting it and filling his lungs full with this bitter smoke.

"The taste of victory!"
He shrugged a moment and stood before stretching. He felt his back pop in at least five places and knew that the twinge in his chest was something he'd regret bitterly tomorrow. All in all, though, it wasn't that bad of a day.

"Alright, works for me," he said after a moment. He pulled his Dinu'ul from his belt and activated it. Another gesture brought his men back over, though a few stayed where they'd moved the wounded and tended to them.

"Money is a pain and drugs aren't my thing either," Betna said as he started heading out to the basement. "But shiny rocks are always nice. Let's see what they've got."

It only took a short time, but the basement wasn't that far off as it turned out. At the sight of them, Betna held a hand out to the door, offering Draco and his men to go first for the moment.

"After you, then. We'll form up and move forward once we hear you lob the things."


[member="Draco Vereen"]

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