The Hound of Keldabe
Location: Aeten II Factory Complex (Hallway)
Objective: Conquest
Allies:GR Mandos [member="Werdla Dardalab"] [member="Briika Hokan"] [member="Shane Sisko Skirata"] [member="Graad Hokan"]
The E-web placement was quickly annihilated, IT was safe for strider to pop his head up and return fire on the enemy. "Talak, Coro! TOP FLOOR!" Strider ordered the two. With out hesitation the two Mandos under fire blasted from the balcony and flew up to the top floor. They would clear that area of any threat and use the height advantage to their own needs as sniper over-watch.
"Push forward by the numbers" Strider ordered the rest of the mandos to keep up the momentum. Another deadly firefight ignited as the relentless mandalorians bit hard into the enemy position. Leap frogging forward in elite tactical fashion that could not be thwarted. Now combined with the two mandos up high, the meat bags in their area were getting slotted quick.
"Keep it up, KEEP FIGHTING!' As if the old man needed to tell mandalorians, especially the commando elites to keep fighting. He honestly just like hearing his own voice amongst the explosions and the zipping of blaster bolts. it gave the old man a hard on.
Objective: Conquest
Allies:GR Mandos [member="Werdla Dardalab"] [member="Briika Hokan"] [member="Shane Sisko Skirata"] [member="Graad Hokan"]
The E-web placement was quickly annihilated, IT was safe for strider to pop his head up and return fire on the enemy. "Talak, Coro! TOP FLOOR!" Strider ordered the two. With out hesitation the two Mandos under fire blasted from the balcony and flew up to the top floor. They would clear that area of any threat and use the height advantage to their own needs as sniper over-watch.
"Push forward by the numbers" Strider ordered the rest of the mandos to keep up the momentum. Another deadly firefight ignited as the relentless mandalorians bit hard into the enemy position. Leap frogging forward in elite tactical fashion that could not be thwarted. Now combined with the two mandos up high, the meat bags in their area were getting slotted quick.
"Keep it up, KEEP FIGHTING!' As if the old man needed to tell mandalorians, especially the commando elites to keep fighting. He honestly just like hearing his own voice amongst the explosions and the zipping of blaster bolts. it gave the old man a hard on.