Karacan Rigten
[member="Darth Tacitus"]
What happened to my company? If you're referring to me having to move buildings, cities, or story origins, that was retconning. It was due to OOC harassments, it had not a lick to do with IC. The reason it involved the map because even though I was off the beaten path of the map and on a slightly useless planet, an individual that owned a faction decided to threaten me and destroy everything I ever made because they didn't like me
[member="Darth Tacitus"]
I like the suggestion with replacing color with permanently stationed forces. It woukd also entice realistic numbers be used in battles. Example: "You already have a number of ships on patrol. This counts to a realistic limit. You can pull ships from those positions temporarily to help in a battle but they leave that sector or planet less defended."
And then we get realistic battles, tense situations, epic scenes from the Clone Wars and some from the movies. I... I love your suggestion. This would also eliminate super handwaved armies that never mattered anyway, and would make ship battles more useful to rules AND freaking fun! It's like Galactic Conquest!
What happened to my company? If you're referring to me having to move buildings, cities, or story origins, that was retconning. It was due to OOC harassments, it had not a lick to do with IC. The reason it involved the map because even though I was off the beaten path of the map and on a slightly useless planet, an individual that owned a faction decided to threaten me and destroy everything I ever made because they didn't like me
[member="Darth Tacitus"]
I like the suggestion with replacing color with permanently stationed forces. It woukd also entice realistic numbers be used in battles. Example: "You already have a number of ships on patrol. This counts to a realistic limit. You can pull ships from those positions temporarily to help in a battle but they leave that sector or planet less defended."
And then we get realistic battles, tense situations, epic scenes from the Clone Wars and some from the movies. I... I love your suggestion. This would also eliminate super handwaved armies that never mattered anyway, and would make ship battles more useful to rules AND freaking fun! It's like Galactic Conquest!