Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Balancing Reportabellions

Tefka said:
No offense but I don’t think anyone is asking you to come out of retirement.
Nobody asked for the fallout of two reformations of the Mandalorians either. :p

Darth Tacitus said:
Shooting people isn't the goal for many of us, either. Some of us want to write big, overarching stories, play the villain and the hero in galactic struggles, take part in and influence galactic politics, get involved with conspiracies and court intrigue, or be a part of the grand stories told on galactic battlefields and amongst the burning wrecks of warships.
You say that with such confidence. I have enjoyed my time with Invasions, and Rebellions and the like. However, I have found that any Major faction that I join is required to do these, and Dominions to stay active. Which is not something that I find reasonable. As someone stated earlier, Some factions don't want to rule the Galaxy, nor own huge areas of the Map. I am one of these people. More often than not, I just RP with small groups of people that enjoy a story at their own pace. While I may join in an event, or dominion here and there, I find it almost meaningless. The purpose is to take over a hex to flop "yourself" out on the table for being all big and bad.

I don't even really understand why we have a Map game to begin with as all of the planets are open to anyone to use to begin with. Even if someone has laid claim to a planet or hex, unless you do a public thread, you can do just about whatever you want on the planet without hardly any repercussions. Now if the map game actually held value such as having only people who are with the faction can post on those planets, or have approved people who can thread with others on those planets due to having Laws and regulations with each faction, THEN i can see a use for the map and the control of planets and hexes. Otherwise? Remove the map game.
While I do like [member="Cira"]'s suggestion of removing influence clouds - mostly as a Chaos social experiment - the map game is a construct and a mechanism for RP.

Limiting trolling, bad behavior, etc. comes down to the people who write the stories. That's not something the staff can police. It is something we as writers can control.

TLDR: Writers need to chill about winning or losing and have more fun roleplaying.

Ever Dawnracer

^ Basically that.

Don't take away the thing some of us love. I need my text based game of Risk, thank you. It's fun and I like the risk and reward and the feeling of accomplishment it can bring. I think that's why people play it.

People just need to stop taking things personally and roll with the punches. Even things you don't want to happen can be fun if you let them be.
So most of the suggestions I'm seeing here amount to this...


Here's the kicker though. There is going to be zero removal of the map game. It's too ingrained and it's good points do outweigh the bad by far. Even though it's not my personal cup of tea, I can see this pretty easily. Do you want to fix drama around Rebellions? Or anywhere, really? Heaping rules won't do a single thing. People who snark and make drama will find a way around any ruleset. I say that because I've done it, here and elsewhere, many times.

Here is the man who can tell you how to fix Rebellions and Invasions and the Map Game itself. Or anything honestly. Listen to him.


Good day, sirs and madams.
The map and influence clouds is not being removed, nor is it being discussed or even lightly entertained by Staff. Never was.

The fact that some of y’all are discussing it in this thread is bewildering. Make a new suggestion thread if you feel strongly about it, we’re doing work over here.
I don't see how limiting rebellions to once per life time per minor faction makes any sort of sense. Rebellions, invasions, and doms, are judged by the story. Denying the option to tell that story without good enough reasons is a bad idea, and I haven't seen a good reason in this thread for it yet.

Rebellions already are limited, and the current set up of the limits have been around for a month now if we count from the last tweak. Give it few more months to see if this actually makes a difference in the long run.

Having reasons to write a story, even if the Risk aspect of the game is one of the reasons, is awesome. Don't limit the stoרy telling options without having a seriously good reason to do so.

Ever Dawnracer

[member="Scherezade deWinter"]
This only came up because TSE is butthurt that they're being rebelled again and staff is entertaining them. If they didn't want to get rebelled they shouldn't have done three doms last month.

Ever Dawnracer

[member="Scherezade deWinter"]
Nothing needs to be changed so there isn't really a need to discuss it. Aside from rebellions due to factions going minor, the only two I can recall have been the one last month against TSE, which ended in a draw, and this upcoming one. Do two Rebellions warrant changing the rules? No. A rebellion group tryi g to inhibit Sith growth is a plot thing. Punishing story just because someone wants their SSD without contest is just wrong.
[member="Ever Dawnracer"] I disagree. Sometimes changes are good, even if they come because people are butthurt. Sometimes suggestions are good even if things are already working right. A minimal discussion is warranted when it's not an outright troll suggestion.

Ever Dawnracer

[member="Scherezade deWinter"]
*reads opening post* Dangerously close to that.

Still, nothing needs changed other than TSE's attitude. Instead of seeing a Rebellion as someone OOC antagonizing them, when it's really about trying to stop them from taking over the galaxy, they should just roleplay. Tell stories. Not like they're guaranteed to lose or anything.

Runi Verin

Two pounds shy of a bomb.
[member="Ever Dawnracer"]
I think you're being a little unfair pushing the narrative that this discussion is some sorta power move by the TSE to affect a rule change. From what I've seen so far, they've actually kept themselves out of this discussion (one they didn't even instigate in the first place) and I'm gonna assume that's because they recognize that it would just come across as obvious self-interest.

But I mean, if you've already got your tinfoil hat out, I guess you might as well throw around some conspiracy theory that this is them waging a proxy argument.

Even then, two rebellions coming down in such a short space of time, to any faction, should prompt at least some community discussion around the rules, regardless of what the staff decide to do about it.

I don't think blanket 'it will lead to good stories' is a good enough excuse not to at least hear people out on this.

Ever Dawnracer

[member="Runi Verin"]
Sure they didn't. Just like they didn't last time.

They know the board rules. 3 dominions in a month opens the third one to Rebellion. They're not ignorant of this. Nor were they ignorant of a Rebellion group out there trying to slow their growth. If they didn't want to deal with it, they shouldn't have done a third dominion.

I've been told before by TSE peeps that the rules are the rules and As a major faction you have to deal with them. The same rules apply to them, too.

The rule change proposed here in the original post will only truly benefit TSE, as they are the only ones of late to actually be rebelled. There is not significant cause for review of the rule set just because people played by the rules two months in a row and initiated two rebellions.

Runi Verin

Two pounds shy of a bomb.
[member="Ever Dawnracer"]

In the event that a rule change comes about because of this discussion, I really doubt the staff would have it affect the over all decision on this rebellion . It would likely be something they'd implement going forward.

And yes, the TSE did open themselves up to this with that third dom. I'm not saying they didn't. I'm just saying that I don't think its fair to jump up and down and point fingers at them pulling stringers behind the scenes when you have zero proof of that.

Ever Dawnracer

[member="Runi Verin"]
I'd agree that it wouldn't be retroactive. I didn't think a rule change like this would be (though the last one was).

The proof is in the pudding. The only ones to raise an issue with Rebellions lately have been TSE because they're the only ones being rebelled. The only other Rebellions lately have been focused on recalled Majors, and they haven't any reason to complain about the Rebellion as they're no longer part if the map game. This is the second time in a month that a proposal for a rule change has come up, and bith Rebellions were TSE related. I think it speaks for itself.


Self-Imposed Exiled
Let cooler heads prevail, look at the suggestion without the weight of personal interest involved, or calling out factions irregardless of whether or not you believe this is focused on them. From what I gather after looking through various threads, and talking with a variety of people involved in rebellions (both OOCly and ICly), I've come to the conclusion (in my honest opinion) that this suggestion will do something that is needed on this site- Add consequences to your actions. Why would a Major Faction fight back a rebellion twice, and continue to stop after the fight, instead of pursuing forth in hopes of completely irradicating the entirety of the rebels? Now, if a 'one and done' sort of ruling is not liked by the majority, how about adding a sort of tier system where if you fail a rebellion the faction is pushed down a tier, where they must win a multitude of rebellions thereafter to get the same result as someone who wins off the bat.
Raiz Australis said:
I've come to the conclusion (in my honest opinion) that this suggestion will do something that is needed on this site- Add consequences to your actions.
The consequences are already in place. A minor faction can rebel only if it's the third dom of the month, and only once (unless the hex becomes neutralized and is then taken again as a third dominion). The current rules don't allow for endless rebellions as it is.
[member="Ever Dawnracer"]

If it helps calm the winds of conspiracy, it might be worthwhile to note that I am the one who subbed the initial rebellion suggestion, as in, me, the FO of the Galactic Alliance, who has absolutely no character in the Sith Empire. The second suggestion, this one, also comes from someone not remotely involved in the Sith Empire.

I think it's exorbitantly unfair for you to suggest these suggestions are because 'TSE is butthurt' when they're not even coming from them.

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