Father of Titans
Nobody asked for the fallout of two reformations of the Mandalorians either.Tefka said:No offense but I don’t think anyone is asking you to come out of retirement.
You say that with such confidence. I have enjoyed my time with Invasions, and Rebellions and the like. However, I have found that any Major faction that I join is required to do these, and Dominions to stay active. Which is not something that I find reasonable. As someone stated earlier, Some factions don't want to rule the Galaxy, nor own huge areas of the Map. I am one of these people. More often than not, I just RP with small groups of people that enjoy a story at their own pace. While I may join in an event, or dominion here and there, I find it almost meaningless. The purpose is to take over a hex to flop "yourself" out on the table for being all big and bad.Darth Tacitus said:Shooting people isn't the goal for many of us, either. Some of us want to write big, overarching stories, play the villain and the hero in galactic struggles, take part in and influence galactic politics, get involved with conspiracies and court intrigue, or be a part of the grand stories told on galactic battlefields and amongst the burning wrecks of warships.
I don't even really understand why we have a Map game to begin with as all of the planets are open to anyone to use to begin with. Even if someone has laid claim to a planet or hex, unless you do a public thread, you can do just about whatever you want on the planet without hardly any repercussions. Now if the map game actually held value such as having only people who are with the faction can post on those planets, or have approved people who can thread with others on those planets due to having Laws and regulations with each faction, THEN i can see a use for the map and the control of planets and hexes. Otherwise? Remove the map game.