Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Bystander Syndrome

"Being evasive again eh?" Kaul chuckled looking down at Neli. She was pretty short but she did command a presence and was filled with charm based on the first hour knowing her. "Looks like all that confidence was actually false bravado unlike myself."

He placed his hands on his hips flashing her a grin. "I bleed confidence," Kaul said. "Nothing ever fazes me."

Except for doing work and dealing with R4 but that's besides the point. "Travelling these days is pretty expensive," Kaul said as their order was called up and the trays were delivered, he and Neli. "With a growing demand because due to the Hyperspace war, even the cheapest transport is price of a one night stay at a five star hotel."

Kaul shuddered at the thought. "As a pilot for the Alliance," Kaul said handing Neli her tray and headed for a table located next to the window. "All right blue eyes," Kaul said. "I wanna get to know ya better, you got family I know. But do you have any close friends? Ex boyfriends?"

Neli Neli

Neli game him a look of amusement mixed slightly with offense at saying her confidence was all false. Then a slight smirk, "Oh, nothing fazes you huh? I think you and I might have different definitions of that." she challenged bopping her head in the direction they'd met.

Then on the matter of traveling being expensive she shrugged, probably wasn't a good idea to start with 'well, I used to not pay at all' but that didn't seem the best option. Or that places like Coruscant weren't her usual place of rest. Lots of places had nice cubby holes out in the wilds you could rest if you were brave enough for it.

She took the tray humming in thought at his next comment, "Ha! No, none of the last part. I have a mom and a sister...somewhere. Mostly though my friends all group on the Tiaza's Purr for some missions. Ship a friend has, Porro, Brinna, and Sorr are probably my oldest friends by now. Met them awhile back, it was quite a day."

She hesitated a bit trying to think, "Fair, uh, warning. On the off chance you run into the family, best not get on their bad side. I'm the least violent of the three of us."

Kaul "Joker" Emos Kaul "Joker" Emos
Metal Rebreather mask
Ancient Hutt Fusion Pistol
Satchel (lightsaber inside)
Kaul gave a sigh of relief. "Okay good!" Kaul said beginning to squeeze a ketchup packet on his trey. "The last thing I wanted is to be in the middle of couple's fight. You'd be surprised how many people are used as tools by spurned girlfriends and boyfriends so they can say: 'Hey I found a nice person to settle down with!'"

Then again, Kaul probably watched too many Holodramas but reality sometimes matched with fiction. "Tiaza's Purr?" Kaul snorted in amusement when he began to dip a fry into some ketchup and eating it. "What kind of fracking name is that? Did the Captain name the ship after their Cat or something? Sounds a little too.... possessive."

Kaul chuckled. "I've heard worse names honestly," he said taking another bite of his fries. "When I served in the fifth fleet, I was in the Megos-class Star Destroyer called the: Quwib Quwib. The captain of the ship was proud of that name and I was befuddled by it that he didn't bother to ask."

He shrugged. "You seem close to those three," Kaul said. "Are they rugged vets or something like that? What do you all do?"

Kaul then laughed when Neli said to not to get on her family's bad side. "Don't worry," Kaul chuckled. "I've dealt with angry Dads of ex-girlfriends before, I'm pretty experienced in the art of disappointment."

Neli Neli

Neli hummed as she set out her ketchup pack as well, he seemed to constantly be getting a raised brow with the choice of comments he made. Even if they were still rather amusing to her. "Well then, you better not make me choose another one then hm?" she prompted. Then gave him a bit of a shrug at the issue of the Tiaza's Purr, "Something about Tiaza loving cats I think? I admit it's been awhile." she added trying to think back and chewing on her straw over the matter.

And apparently a star destroyer named 'Quwib Quwib' "Well, when you can glass a city, I figure you could name it furry toes if you wanted." she pointed a fry at him before eating it. Then giving him a smile and a nod about the friends, "Oh lots of stuff. Transportation, saving Sorr's girlfriend Tiaza, fighting some IG droid or something. Save the day when we feel like it." obviously he didn't need to know they were smugglers right now, best let that be.

She gave a sort of nervous chuckle about 'Angry dads of ex-girlfriends' before.
"Yeah...just bear it in mind if you do meet mom or Roxsie." she stirred the straw in her drink a bit thinking of her father. They didn't get to interact with him as much, in fact, by now, so much was blurry about him. But there were times she missed him too, and her mother and sister. She hadn't seen any of them in years by now. She shook her head taking a bite of the burger and swallowing before prompting further, and giving a joking smirk "Anyway, what about you? Got anyone to show me off to?"

Kaul "Joker" Emos Kaul "Joker" Emos
Metal Rebreather mask
Ancient Hutt Fusion Pistol
Satchel (lightsaber inside)
Kaul began to sink his teeth into the Burger still smiling at Neli. "You'd be surprised how many weird names that Admirals give to their ships," Kaul chuckled. "Quiwb Quiwb is just the tip of the iceberg." Kaul remembered an Admiral getting dishonorably discharged for naming his ship after naming his ship after something so offensive that its name was struck from record and forgotten. Funny. The Navy was trained to drop bombs on planets killing countless people but a curse word was.... obscene.

"I figured that Captain probably loves his animations a little too much," Kaul said taking another bit of his Burger. "He's probably seen things online that'll make a Jedi go blind."

Tiaza's Purr..... That name is just weird though.

"Sounds like your group has been through a lot of adventures." Kaul said. "What are you? A bunch of heroes coming to save the day or something? Like one of the tv shows where a loveable rogue travels the Galaxy doing all kinds of chit?"

Kaul shook his head chuckling before shrugging. "Don't worry," Kaul gave a grin. "I was born with charm girl I can calm down your Mom and sister with no problem."

Annnddd there's it was, Kaul's parents, Neli was upfront with her folks. Kaul might as well return the favor. "Well there's my Dad who owns a shipyard on Dantooine," he said. "Before you get excited, just know that owning shipyard on Dantooine is like saying you're the winner of a race even though you're competing in a tournament that gets no attention, and you're the only who's racing. We get good profits but not crazy ones like in Ord Mantel or Corellia. My Mom is a Banker who once knocked out two robbers when they tried rob a store. Most excitable story in Dantooine."

Kaul continued to eat his Burger and sighed. "Just a normal, boring family though." He said.

Neli Neli

She shrugged again though smiling. Maybe she would, her mother never did that. She couldn't even call her "Dvasia" all that strange, as she knew it was just the sith word for Ghost. Then she had the Lance. And she'd never really named her star destroyer. It was just there. It was rather amusing to think of someone getting discharged over the name of their ship, she had to chuckle at the idea of a funny shaped ship being named something like "Tailhead" for instance. Probably not considered obscene enough though.

"I feel like a jedi should be able to handle it." she offered, "They seem to be involved in nearly every war afterall. Probably need a stomach for that. And sure we can be sometimes, I think Brinna and me are probably the majority of the 'muscle' of the crew so to speak. Not that Porro or Sorr are bad but...well I can do my own things with the force and Brinna has some skills of her own."

She didn't give him a raised brow when he claimed he had enough charm to calm her mother and sister down, she just sort of grimaced. He didn't know, why would he know? Should he? Did she even anymore? It had been so long, too long. She felt lonely for them sometimes still. But that was not the life for her. Her sister took to it, or tried. Her mother had her way of things, whether or not either of them joined. And they were not for Neli.

The conversation moved on though, to his family. His particular way of explaining his parents position was rather amusing. How would she do that? 'Yeah they briefly ruled Bespin for a bit. And I think my dad at one point was in charge of a Fel empire before they kicked him out? That was before my time. But ya know, only for a bit.' No...that sounded like bragging. It would be easier just to say they were 'high ranking government and military officials.' Yeah. That's good.

Neli shook her head taking a bite as well,
"Well, the good comfort is, if I'm going to 'McYoda's I probably don't care too heavily how lucrative your families profession is" she joked, and grinning, "Does sound a little boring though. Maybe I'm too used to the big wide world of kidnappings and scaring people."

More thinking, would it hurt to get it over with now about the family? Eh, probably not. It wasn't like anyone could blame her for stuff her family did when she ran away far too young to be called an adult, best get it over with. She didn't want to have to figure things out after any further attachment. "Uh...still about family..." she explained, "The reason I warn you is, my mom, a long time ago, was a sith. She's not anymore, but she was still very much a dark side user when I left. Same with my sister."

She watched him, felt for him, see and hear and feel what kind of reaction and response that would bring. Catching his eyes to look how they would react. Just getting it over with. She could handle herself, just cause he was a pilot, didn't mean he'd outright attack her over her family issues.

Kaul "Joker" Emos Kaul "Joker" Emos
Metal Rebreather mask
Ancient Hutt Fusion Pistol
Satchel (lightsaber inside)
Kaul briefly stopped eating the moment Neli revealed that her mother was a Sith. Scratch that, her mother AND her sister were Sith. "Chit," was all Kaul could muster in his shock. The Alliance were at war with the Sith since before he was born, Kaul himself was a veteran of the war against the Sith. "Now I'm dating one," Kaul thought. "That's not fair, she saved me from being attacked. Maybe she is different from her Mom and sister..... or maybe she's trying to seduce me. I dunno it's bumming me out!"

"Hey....." Kaul gave Neli a smile. "You rescued from that guy an hour back, that makes you all right in my book. Just because you're part of a family doesn't mean you should take on all of their traits. It seems that you didn't agree with their views and decided to strike out on your own following your own creed. That's good on you Neli, It's nice to see a good heart to go along with a pretty face that I can stare all day."

Neli Neli

She could hardly be surprised by that kind of a reaction, she doubted he truly understood. They weren't sith exactly. But her mother was trained as one, and naturally, some of those teachings were what were passed down to her and her sister. Her father of course had been one too, but...that time had passed that he was still with them. So she just watched him, eagerly waiting him to continue.

Finally, he did, trying to say he considered her all right and didn't have to be like her family. He still slightly concerned face lit up again at his compliment shaking her head and chuckling, "Heh, alright, alright. Thanks." she answered taking a bit of her burger, "I just figured you should know."

Kaul "Joker" Emos Kaul "Joker" Emos
Metal Rebreather mask
Ancient Hutt Fusion Pistol
Satchel (lightsaber inside)
"I'm glad you're honest with me," Kaul replied giving Neli an uneasy smile. "I must admit, I wasn't totally honest with you and before you say anything. No, I'm not secretly a Jedi who has a burning desire to kill any Sith he sees."

Kaul always found the Jedi to be blaster bolt catching glory hounds who take all the credit whenever the Alliance wins a battle. They weren't even generals, just people who operate on their own and the Holomedia acts like they led entire armies to war. Truth be told, Kaul never met a Jedi during the Hyperspace War. Soldiers were lucky if they even see one Jedi and many go their entire career without seeing one. "The truth is that my family and I don't see eye to eye." Kaul said taking a small nibble on his Burger. "I'm the type who doesn't like to work and that didn't sit well them and they kicked me out after I graduated High School."

The Pilot sighed. "Wandered around the Galaxy for a bit and took a job fixing Podracers for a Dug. Until one day, I decided to quit because I wanted to continue to explore the Galaxy."

Kaul shook his head. "The Dug and I got into an argument in which he pulled a Blaster Pistol on me." He fell silent mentally preparing for what he was about to say next. "I tried wrestling it away from him and in the process I.... accidentally shot him in the chest point blank." He took a deep breath. "My Dad cut a deal with me when he bailed me out of jail. Either serve a prison sentence or serve the Alliance. I enlisted in pilot school and haven't looked back ever since. But..... I still think about my first kill every now and then. Even though the Dug was an ass, he didn't deserve to die."

Neli Neli

Well, she wasn't the only one holding secrets. Shouldn't be a surprise though. Plenty of people had their reasons. She'd hear out his certainly. Taking a sip of her drink now and then. HIs family didn't see eye to eye either, though where hers was incredibly protective while she was around, his kicked him out after high school. That felt...painful to her. True she ran away, but the thought of her family kicking her out hurt, like some kind of ache inside.

He explained further how he worked for a Dug, who pulled a blaster on him, and he got shot. Neli was, for a moment, failing to see the issue. But yes, that was a problem other people had. This Dug was to them worth living, even for reasons that should invalidate them. Or at least were signs of their own strategic incompetence. Regardless, Kaul had taken a deal, an acceptable course of action. She'd have likely done the same, assuming she couldn't escape on her own. No, for being a pilot, that was an easy exchange. Then he came back to the Dug, who 'didn't deserve to die'.

She pursed her lips trying to think how to respond to that. She couldn't find a way that couldn't be read as somewhat indifferent, but oh well, she let out a sigh, "All that stuff, I won't blame you for. Or for hiding. Everyone's past, it's theirs. Whether they choose to share it or not is up to them. As for the Dug, well...he pulled a blaster on you. What makes you so sure he didn't deserve it? You think you deserved to die instead? Or someone else?'s not without worth, but sometimes you have no choice but to choose whose is going to be seen as more important." she swallowed. TO someone actively expressing remorse, she didn't know how that could be taken. But she didn't feel like sneaking her way around this, or trying to lighten it by influencing his mind. how he reacted to that was even more important than how he did to her family.

Kaul "Joker" Emos Kaul "Joker" Emos
Metal Rebreather mask
Ancient Hutt Fusion Pistol
Satchel (lightsaber inside)
As Kaul continued to eat, he listened closely to Neli's words. She was right, everyone has their demons to tackle no need to tell a person about it if you're not ready. Though In Kaul's case, the guilt was eating at him for years and his parents were so busy that they didn't have time listen to what Kaul had to say about the killing. "They probably still think I'm a disgrace," Kaul thought. "They haven't even contacted me for a while, not even a checkup during the war."

Neli was the first person, Kaul talked about the incident in detail. It was funny that he could trust a woman he only met for a few hours over his own parents. "I didn't mean for that to happen," Kaul said. "It was an accident."

He took the soft drink and immediately began to sip trying to get his mind off things. Yet despite feeling better about talking about the incident, the memory still lingered in Kaul's mind. "It's funny," Kaul chuckled. "I downed numerous starfighters throughout career but this one kill still plagues me to this day."

Kaul chuckled. "I guess it's easier to not think about the killing when you're doing from a cockpit." He mused. "You don't see the screams and the look of terror when their starfighter engulfs them in flames. But up close...... you're forced to see the light extinguish from their eyes. It's...... quite the experience."

A pregnant pause later and Kaul shook his head. "But thanks for hearing me out Neli," he said. "I'm thankful for the advice as well. You sure you aren't taken? Because I think I owe you another date."

Neli Neli

He mentioned how he'd been in dogfights, yet i was this that hit him. The nearness, the seeing of it, how he had to watch the light leave. She'd seen a lot of people die. She grew up with it. It was as normal to her as using the force to scare off the kidnapper. Let alone when in danger. Accident or not, the Dug was an active threat to Kaul's life. This was sufficient to justify death and never think back on it.

She felt sympathy for him, but it was not a feeling she could relate to. And so, she kept quiet, just letting him talk it out. She'd listen. Finally he tried to lighten the mood again, she smiled shaking her head and eating a way a fry. "Not so far." she grinned, "But you'll have to fight Porro for flirting rights."

Not a serious challenge, she was quite sure he didn't mean much by it. If he did, well, he should have done something. As far as she was concerned. There was no ill will for or against him on that matter, she found it thoroughly entertaining regardless. Little verbal jests were like many things, another trait she inherited. She took another good bite of the burger before speaking again, "Maybe next time you can chase the criminals away."

Kaul "Joker" Emos Kaul "Joker" Emos
Metal Rebreather mask
Ancient Hutt Fusion Pistol
Satchel (lightsaber inside)
"Good," Kaul smiled eating a fry. "Because I don't know who this Porro is, truth be told the name sounds like a flavor of some Burrito. But tell Porro, he'll have to look elsewhere," Kaul gave Neli a wink. Truth be told, he hated drama and wanted to avoid it at all costs. That whole therapy session was not something he wanted to burden Neli with on their first date. Not that Neli seemed to mind of course.

"Well next time you can be damsel," Kaul said. "And I can be the spooky ghost that will scare whoever is stalking you." He stared into Neli's eyes. "Got anywhere else to go after this?" Kaul asked. "I might have to leave and report back to base otherwise my ass will probably be grounded for the entire Mando war."

Neli Neli

She chuckled, "Well you'll have to tell the Burrito yourself then." she thought about that a bit, "Well, assuming you run into him any times soon. There's a lot of moving about so who knows if schedules ever actually collide for all of us." a shrug of clear uncertainty if/when that situation might actually occur. It was a fair problem, they were, afterall. Adventurous smugglers and freelancers. And with Kaul as a pilot, there was little certainty she imagined about any given time.

Then another laugh at him being the spooky ghost, then returned the gaze still smiling, "Aww well that's no fun. 'Hey sir, you missed a fight, so we've decided you're also going to miss the rest of the fights' " she joked, knowing full well that there was more to it than that and that they wouldn't be called in ONLY to go out to battle and avoiding a battle probably meant way worse than just getting grounded, "Here why don't I give you the stuff to call my holocomm and you can get a picture to remind you of my blue eyes huh?" she suggested with a grin pulling out a holocomm to send over the information.

Kaul "Joker" Emos Kaul "Joker" Emos
Metal Rebreather mask
Ancient Hutt Fusion Pistol
Satchel (lightsaber inside)
"I don't even know who he is," Kaul shrugged. "But he can back off because I called dibs," he chuckled before finishing off his meal. At least Kaul managed to succeed in getting Neli's number and...... a picture?!

"Wait a minute," Kaul smiled. "You want me to take a picture of you? Well don't mind if I do, but it looks like you're worried for me eh?"

Neli Neli

"Right, dubs huh?" she repeated with a smirk.

Then on her being concerned about him,
"Well I can't exactly have you off dying before you give me a second date can I?" she answered with fake haughtiness, "Whatever would I do without my free McYoda's?"

She let out a chuckle, "But yeah, get a good pic though."

Kaul "Joker" Emos Kaul "Joker" Emos
Metal Rebreather mask
Ancient Hutt Fusion Pistol
Satchel (lightsaber inside)
"It's called dibs girl," Kaul chuckled at Neli. "Don't tell me you've been isolated from civilization for so long that you haven't picked phrases such as: 'Having dibs." She was an interesting woman. She looks like a supermodel but comes from a crazy Dark Side family and is overloaded with sarcasm and wit that's enough to match Kaul. Perhaps Kaul finally did find the perfect girl for him though a small part of him is wondering if he's under some Force mind control or something.

"I'm the best pilot in the Alliance," Kaul said smiling. "I have hundreds of kills to my name. Don't worry Neli, I'll make sure you'll fill your stomach with corporate made slop before you know it."

Kaul got up and stretched and stared at the exit. "You wanna do it outside?" He said. Get away from all the plebians trying to get in on our business."

Neli Neli

"I had no idea. You'll have to catch me up to speed I guess." she responded with blatantly fake ignorance about the terminology and an equally blatant grin.

His verbal resume was admittedly impressive as far as numbers went she had to admit. Even if 'corporate made slop' was a bit of a dial down on the extravagant side. But still it was pretty amusing, she finished off the food and picked up the remainder of the drink as he suggested they head outside,
"Of course, can't be having them staring at celebrities like us can we?"

Kaul "Joker" Emos Kaul "Joker" Emos
Metal Rebreather mask
Ancient Hutt Fusion Pistol
Satchel (lightsaber inside)
"It's a good thing we have another date scheduled then," Kaul said snickering. He wondered if Neli was sheltered from the rest of the Galaxy as a kid. From what Kaul has heard about Sith, they love to isolate their trainees as children. It makes them easier to manipulate and control, it made Kaul grateful that he grew up in Galactic Alliance territory. They weren't perfect, but they definitely weren't the Sith that's for sure.

"Ahem," Kaul said giving Neli a friendly nudge on her shoulder. "A War hero in my case I fought in the Great Hyperspace War. Sure, I don't have a medal but I'm a proud vet!"

The two exited McYodas with Kaul taking out his Holophone. "All right then beautiful," Kaul smiled. "Smile for the camera."

Neli Neli

"Mhm" she agreed as he mentioned the second date as a plan. She chuckled at his nudge and assurance he was a proud war hero veteran of the Great Hyperspace War. "Oh Kaul, could I please have an autograph? I just can't believe I might meet you in person!" she teased in a mocking version of a fans voice nudging him back.

She stood still giving up a smile for the holophone,
"Just don't go selling that huh?" she joked again, "Or I'll shank ya."

Kaul "Joker" Emos Kaul "Joker" Emos
Metal Rebreather mask
Ancient Hutt Fusion Pistol
Satchel (lightsaber inside)

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