Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Calling all pilots! Forcers and Non Forcers alike!

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Tålamod Shapochka said:
Being merely a Lieutenant Commander, I am at the mercy of whomever wishes to have me aboard their vessel.

Meaning, I'm up for grabs! :)
Well you can serve on Captain Valara's ship with me if you wanted, and since you're a rank above me you would probably be the XO while she is the CO.

Atticus Savar

Being that the only Admiral the Republic Navy had left before any Character ranks could be confirmed nobody has any rank. Gar'Hal and I were originally rolling as Ensigns which not so coincidentally was nto one of the ranks that made it into the official rank structure for the Navy.

I would imagine for prosperity's sake I would confirm Faction endorsed ranks for all participants with Popo or his designated representative before getting to heavy into your RP especially with the number of invasions taking place.

Just my two cents though.
Niamh is a Lieutenant as approved by the previous admiral. She is a Wraith though.

Anyways, hi. This is my new true fleeter character. I need to do my bio tonight but since I got my home world and race approved and it is in Republic space I thought I would say hi.

Alana Sunrider

[member="Camellia Swift"]

Wraith squadron members are. I'll be standing in reserve for them to finish the recon.
Atticus Savar said:
To the best of my knowledge Alarice Mollari is not longer with the Republic. I could be wrong but I am basing it on the writer pulling a Jedi character from the Faction and resigning as a FA.

Havoc is currently pursuing a Pilot.

The reason why the Republic does not have active and aware people is because the Republic keeps chasing them away.

Valara Tiall said:
Alarice is on the list of characters to be deleted, and it didn't seem like the reason was because the writer was chased away, but simply letting others have their chance to shine.

That was for a specific thread for the most part, and two have defected to the OP now.

Not really. There's just not all that RP with Naval fleets at all here on the board. Plenty of smugglers. They have lots of opportunities for types of RP, but Navy personnel are a little more limited.
I might be tardy to the party but I'm still here.

I removed Alarice from the grand scheme to allow you guys your own chance to shine through. Alarice was just getting in the way to be honest and I held onto too many hats for my own good? Nah, it was more like I can't juggle all the responsibility and duties and enjoy myself. I resigned as FA because believe me, the Republic is a very very taxing Faction that requires very very very very special care. I cannot provide that care and attend to my other duties without becoming overwhelmed. It isn't like being an FA of another faction.

I removed November for story reasons. Alyesa is in between. Aaralyn is here. It's really how it used to be, back to the roots. There are so many new writers here and such great talent, you guys need to take center stage.

So before I resigned I asked Popo to be mindful of the Naval threads and watch for people who were generating activity/ect. *shrugs* Figured I'd clear this up.

The people who left and defected were disgruntled members who have been for a long time. Don't worry about that cause it doesn't matter. What matters is the creativity you have now and stories you're generating now. There always will be a select one or two who rattle sabers cause the water doesn't flow their way and ragequit. It happens.

Just keep doing you.

So, that being said, I'm exiting this thread as it doesn't pertain to me beyond explaining what needed to be clarified. :D
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