Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Can't hold us down [Rebels!]

Silently, Nej shared Xin and Delila's cautious enthusiasm. Nej had met someone, Ayessa, and it sort of...altered his galactic view.

"It was for tax-related reasons that you both think I'm dead."

He sat down, cracking a wry smile. He looked between the two Vagrant fleet members, speaking in a quieter tone.

"Just saying, and correct me if I'm wrong-" Which happened quite frequently. "This isn't our usual gig. I'm all for a good stickup for a good cause-" Mostly to line his own pockets. "But this is whole other level outlaw stuff."
@everyone in this room.
So like, Coren and Runi at the very least.

The message to meet here had been received not too long after Amea had decided to bring herself out of her inactivity again. She had tried to keep to the shadows, but the whole ‘dark and mysterious lone wolf’ act had never really suited her. Drink in hand she leaned against the bar, a table, or whatever was the closest to her for the moment. For every person that came in she felt her lips tug into a smile and dipped her head in a quiet hello. It gave her plenty of time and space to observe who people were, and to some extent who they tried to be.

With a swig of her bottle she continued to look at the crowd as they began to get into the whole nitty-gritty of the situation. For a second Amea felt her nerves take a hit at the mention of the Rogue Squadron but the feeling quickly subsided and she went back to looking at the gathering crowd. Mandalorians was a bit of a re-acquired taste. Amea threw Runi a glance and a nod to reassure herself that her friend was still there. As weird as it ever felt to call Runi as such. Colleague? That-person-who-saved-my-life-and-I-still-owe-a-huge-one? Something along the lines of whatever that was.

As a pin landed in her hand she perked her brow, raising it in front of her between her thumb and index finger to give it a proper lookover. It was doubtful this device would remain intact for long given Amea’s proclivities with tech, but what the mind didn’t know it wouldn’t weep over. The device found her pocket and she went back to leaning against something and listening.

“What about planetside ventures?” Amea said and took another swig of her drink. “It’s not as safe as a space station hidden in plain sight, but if we need people to lay low they could offer valid protection or, I don’t know, cover stories from prying eyes.”

“Used to know an Underground operative who used to operate in plain sight, sort of, from a castle.”
Ava listened thoughtfully to the spiel given while giving a casual look around at the others gathered in the backroom of the cantina...

There was a mix of concern and cautious optimism shown on the faces of some. Well they were probably 'For Profit' types and this kind of work would be more along the lines of the 'Non-profit' kind. Volunteering for a good cause usually was like that. People had to do what was best for them, and she respected that. Risk was risk.

For the Rogue, she was a rebel at heart. And having just returned to duty after her leave of absence, Goldie was itching to get her teeth back into something actionable. If the pilot sat still any longer post the EVA that cost the Ralltiiri her right forearm, Ava might not have the nerve to get back into the cockpit.

Cartwright waited a tick for people to grab an encrypted code cylinder if they wanted one, then the long legged blonde stood from where she was sitting and walked up to the table. Ava flashed a small smile at [member="Frielle Kinniak"], then picked up one of the pins with a nod before returning to her seat to finish off the ale before getting too warm to enjoy.
Xin lowered his voice to a conspiratorial tone and leaned a little closer.

"Nah, mi thought yuh'd be dead cos yuh're thick as two short planks," he deadpanned. His shoulder rose and fell to his soft laugh and amusement played out across his black eyes as grey starbursts.

The tone of his voice became less serious in contrast to the content of what he said next.

"Days of throwing myself in the line of fire for a cause are passed. But we'll help where we can," he explained. If this was the kind of place where someone was in danger for not being zealously behind the cause then he had seriously misread the situation.

"Where are you based now Nej?"

[member="Nej Tane"]
Zeffer nodded when he got a transmission from the Metal Lords, and began to transfer the data to the others.

"The Metal Lords have confirmed that they can provide the Free Droid Vessel the Seventy-Eight of Denon, a Revenant-class star cruiser. Along with this will be provided six squadrons of a mix of MACU-FD - Wyvern Fighter Drones, V7-Fenrir Interceptors, and Needle Fighters with your choice of squadron mixture, and a crew of ARGH- MACU-ID for man power. They will also provide four Abregado War Galleys. If the Metal Lords see successful operations from us, they will provide more resources."

[member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Ronak"] [member="Ava Cartwright"] [member="Nej Tane"] [member="Xin Boa"] [member="Elaine Thul"] [member="Delila Castillon"] [member="Tadietti Tann"] [member="Runi Verin"] [member="Greyanna Elvanshalee"] [member="Damon Riggs"] [member="Frielle Kinniak"] [member="Cenn Kothari"] [member="Lyra Sunfell"] [member="Alex StormWolf"] [member="Kei Amadis"] [member="Petra Vitalis"] [member="The Wayfarer"]

Lyra Sunfell

Lyra took the code cylinder and slipped it into her uniform coat. "Understandable. And you need Ord Mantell cleared out? Twilight can help." She nodded her head in Coren's direction. "Work with his Roving Line and Jedi strike teams if need be."

She leaned back against the bar, whiskey in hand as she listened to the what the rest were saying. This was good. It had value here. Started off bigger than the first Rebel Alliance if she had to guess, but that was alright. Drawing from many different backgrounds and experiences. It wasn't enough to assault an army, but that wasn't the reason they existed.

No, they were sparks to ignite bonfires across the galaxy. It was what was unique about Twilight Company and its original role in the Alliance. They couldn't fight off a planetary garrison, not without planning and preparation, at least, but they could draw away enough attention to give the local citizenry a chance to rally and fight back. It's why their motto was that Twilight Survived.

They gave a chance to rally.
Sitting quietly in the corner, slowly spinning his glass and staring down at the scotch within, Kvelduf was running the speeches he had just witnessed through his head, trying to pick up on any tricks or traps hidden within honeyed words. Despite his best efforts, though, he was coming up short and that was serving to irritate him rather than relax him. Dubious business deals and contract, hidden meanings, and underhand tricks were his bread and butter, the very foundation of his life experiences. For there to be none, for Starchaser to be speaking honestly, cast him into unexplored depths, forcing him to confront a reality he did not often like to acknowledge - that there were some people who did simply believe in goodness.

Scoffing to himself slightly, Kvelduf found his thoughts constantly cycling back to one point that he could not rationalise his way past, a blockade that halted him for deciding whether or not to cast his lot in with this idea of a rebellion. He did not trust the Jedi just as much as he didn't trust the Sith.

The outlaw had survived as long as he had by ducking notice and skirting beneath the radar, a laundry list of false names and false faces decorating his past. Yet, that did not mean that he was blind to the happenings of the galaxy. And, from his perspective, the war-hungry and looming shadow of those that titled themselves as Sith had done just as much damage as the self-righteous Jedi. Both sides had committed atrocities, had stained their souls in the pursuit of what they thought was just, both too self-righteous to, as far as he knew, admit they were wrong. Or, worse, they were willing to accept atrocities to succeed. Kvelduf wasn't exactly the best person to lecture people about morality, but, he didn't hide what he was from himself. Underneath it all, the Jedi and the Sith were major driving forces beneath the wars of the galaxy.

And that, more than anything else, was the root cause of Kvelduf's indecision.

Accepting a pin as it was passed around, the smuggler turned it over in his fingers a few times. Despite his indecision, despite the hesitance, there was a burning want within him that he could not deny. He wanted to do something with his life. So far he had simply drifted along, gone with the tied and served his own interests and needs above everything else. But, within his heart of hearts, he wanted to have his life be of some worth, to make a change before he died and for there, at the very end of the line, be someone who'd be sad that he was gone. For there to be someone who'd mourne him. Yes, it was a selfish reason to want to make a change, but it was wanitng to make a change none the less.

Closing his eyes for a moment, he let the sound of voices wash over him, listening to the sound of conversation rather than trying to pick out any specific words. Exhaling a shuddering sigh, Kvelduf made a decision to ask one question, to listen to one answer and, then, he would resolve his indecision and choose the path he would walk. In the end, he was certain, this moment one that he was sure would change his life. For better or worse.

Knocking back the rest of his drink, Kvelduf raised his voice across the quiet noise within the backroom, eyes snapping open to lock onto Starchaser - needing to watch as well as listen to his answer. "What reassurance to you have that we're not just gonna be the pawns of some bigwigs? The ones doing the dirty work, trapped between the gears of war machines? That we would be doing, in the end, good and not just making a bad situation worse to the benefit of one side of this war?"

[member="Coren Starchaser"]
"That is a long story.” Lady Blue had waited for the right moment to respond, not wanting to draw too much attention to themselves, as it was everyone’s day. So while they waited, she’d had some fine wine brought over for the Duchess, and one of her male mercenaries poured them both a glass. When she was comfortable, she answered. “Our mutual enemies, the Sith.” Taking a small sip of the wine, Blue placed her glass down, adjusting her legs beneath the table. Her words were very well chosen.

“How do you think the criminal groups of the galaxy feel about the Sith Empire?” Lady Blue asked, putting the question rather than giving Duchess Thule another answer. The truth was, some sided with the Sith, most kept themselves to themselves from any major faction, but a few were opposed to them directly. In reality, Blue only cared about credits and her position. There was no grand cause here. “Some support them, even if they don’t realise it.” The twi’lek shifted slightly, and looked around, wondering how to put it. “I am proposing, we eliminate those that would hinder our cause.” She smiled politely beneath her veil. That was true enough, almost.

The Duchesses housecarls would verify that Lady Blue now openly warred with a slaver on Nar Shadda called Goros the Hutt, a slaver with former links to the Sith, which Sith was unclear. There were several parties involved in the dispute but much of the rest of the information was sketchy, the Pyke Syndicate, the Uos Crime Family and the Hutt Cartel among others might be mentioned. It was an underworld war, and they were not the only factions involved. Tides were turning, but where those tides were leading, wasn't exactly easy to see.

[member="Elaine Thul"]​
She nodded at [member="Tadietti Tann"], and her housecarl confirmed her story. So she knew of a sith backed criminal, okay that is one thing. ​Okay, I am interested. Though there are still other question to be asked, what happens when he is defeated. How do you stop the sith from retaking the assets, and putting another puppet there? How many troops does he have, how many bases does he have? She was willing to commit forces to take him down, if she had the manpower to wipe him out quickly. Though to do this required planning, and preparation, as otherwise it was a fool's errand, and she not do that again. She need to know everything, including a plan for the aftermath, as it was crucial that these assets he had left afterwards was not sized by another sith. Sure the slaves would be freed, but the infrastructure could not be dismantled, in a single blow. As it was pirates that glot the slaves, and they would still be around. The gangs that helped him, would melt away, and look for some else to be there boss.
The Rebel was more than ecstatic with the turn out here. And his own people, Alliance in Exile, either former or still, had stepped up. The galaxy was on a turning point, a place he had seen before. And as one of the most vocal who supported the light, either through ideals, or through practice, he knew what had to be done. And he knew that many people had the same thoughts he did.

Looking around, he nodded to one that he thought he could ding for a Warden. Mostly because legally speaking, he was one, his mentor Jorus was another, his daughter too, and well, [member="Amea Virou"] was traveling with [member="Runi Verin"], which fed even more to his thought. 'Planet-side' ventures? "A castle?" He gave the woman a bit of a confused, and potentially concerned look.

Another glance around. "We've got soldiers, we've got pilots. I mean, I know my past. I'm a zealot. Its not anything I am trying to brush under the rug. Not everyone is a fighter. But with the losses at the Alliance, I know that being able to move people out of harms way, or move the proper people to the right places? That was important. Some of the larger groups can supply fighting teams..." He pointed to [member="Ava Cartwright"] and [member="Lyra Sunfell"]. "While others..." He nodded to [member="Xin Boa"]. "All we would like is help however you can. We are entering a time of tyranny again."

"Droid... [member="ZFR-9EI"].. Apologies. The Lords, do you have infrastructure to house these teams? Or are you looking for a ship or ships to launch from?"

And finally, he looked over to [member="Kvelduf Ioscyn"]. "I used to be the one always in the war room. I know now that its not the best way to be handling things. I am looking ahead and thats why we're keeping you in your units. At this point, missions will go out in a burst. Its a come-as-you-are mindset. And you can ask my own, the Alliance, I'm always on the ground." He tossed a side grin. "We're going to be doing what we can to assist, even if it means stepping away from a fight."
(Sorry for the wait. Wanted to give others a chance to respond.)

Zeffer looked at [member="Coren Starchaser"], giving him a nod.

"The FDV Seventy-Eight of Denen's class of starship was designed for long patrols when on the edges of what was formally droid space. The vessel is capable of housing six squadrons of fighters, which is where your chosen fighters would be housed. This vessel will be able to support itself, and will also be able to house the ARGHs as crew and infantry.

"If you require infrastructure.... Well, that is an issue I cannot speak on. The Metal Lords possess Shadow Ports and supply ships in Deep Space, but they will not be so willing to allow your kind to use them. While I cannot guarantee anything, if you can find a Metal Lord with a merchant fleet, they may be willing to assist."

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