Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Celestial Islands | B.L.I.S.S. Showcase


Celestial Islands
Aboard St. Atollon
Tags: Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau , Liin Terallo Liin Terallo , Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell , Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell , Jonyna Si Jonyna Si , Matsu Ike Matsu Ike , John Locke John Locke , Kandria Brimarch Kandria Brimarch , Odett Hallisk Odett Hallisk , Dextra Tane Dextra Tane , Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen , Dragana Zagova Dragana Zagova , Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath , Derron Daks Derron Daks , Pawky Pawky , Elim Thorne Elim Thorne


Esteemed guests from across the galaxy snap out of hyperspace above the rocky planet of Atollon, finding themselves before a titanic red mass which sits above its orbit. The Balthazar Long-term Interstellar Settlement Station its at ten-thousand meters in all directions, more resembling a large asteroid than a space station. Their vessels are ushered by escort ships to one of ten bustling docks, where the red megastructure morphs into a bustling spaceport. Tourists scramble to collect their luggage and trade goods are swiftly whisked away to a lift, shipped off to the Bazaar on the top level of B.L.I.S.S. The crew of the St. Atollon are there to greet those invited for the showcase, guiding them to one of many transport trollies. As the trolly shoots off in a diagonal direction the spaceport becomes darkness, the innerworkings of the station. Then, as soon as all is without light, a neon glow comes rushing in. The sight can only be described as a luxury district on Coruscant if it had been swallowed by the planet. The trolly lets its passengers out in an elaborate plaza with a fountain, leading guests into a marble-like structure built around a ballroom called the Public Hall.

Once in the ballroom proper, guests will find a space covered in hologram models featuring facilities across the station, prototype designs, and ideas for expansion in the future. Tables with fine cloth coverings are spread across the room, as are various booths advertising food produced and cooked within the station. A hologram appears on a stage towards the far end of the room, a static image of an older Mon Calamari.

"Welcome. I am Pazarro Krinemon III, CEO of Krinemonen Hydraworks. I must first express my apologies for being unable to attend in person. After nearly 200 years of running the Hydraworks I'm afraid my body is not suitable for long-distance travel. Even so, I wish to give you all a glimps into what is laid before you today. Everything within this room has been constructed and refined within this very space station. Tables and chairs have been forged from space debris, broken down in our Molecular Furnace. All silks you will find to have been printed to microscopic detail within our Garment Fabricator. Even the food comes directly from our greenhouses and hydroponics farm. What you see laid before you is the bounty of an enclosed and self-sustaining echosystem, as well as the key to beginning the next wave of colonization across and inevitably beyond our Galaxy. In an hour's time we shall depart on a tour of the facilities aboard the St. Atollon, but in the meantime I invite you all to enjoy the pleasantries provided here in the Public Hall. Thank you all for your attendance."

As the hologram of the CEO fizzled out, staff would gesture for guests to enter the hall proper and enjoy the space. Servers began patrolling the ballroom with drink and snack trays while dedicated engineers took their place by holographic exibits in preperation for any questions that attendees may have about the station, a supplement while the trolly route for the tour was prepared. Of course, it was clear what all of this was: Advertisement. The Tingel Arm Coalition was the testrun, here to show off a proof-of-concept for the entire galaxy to see. Hydraworks hoped to ramp up production, selling the B.L.I.S.S. across the galaxy to establish tradeport civilizations in the furthest, most hostile territories where the most valuable resources lie.

All it needed was a good first impression.

OOC: Hey all! This is a big business thread centered around a large civilian space station made to support an internalized population, fabricate goods and small starships, and transport resources to hostile planets for settlement. They're basically the beginnings of an intergalactic trade spaceport network that I wanna get rolling, and Krinemonen Hydraworks is going to make itself available for commission for people who are looking to get their hands on such an asset. Yes, that means I am open to make factory submissions for those willing to drop the necessary credits and sweeten the deal with some trade. This is a neutral alignment thread so all are welcome. I only ask that if you wanna show up please don't stab anyone. Thank you all in advance.

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
THe information had come to the Utopian Parallel for Sasori. The jedi master enjoyed the remoteness of the artificial world as few aside from Sasori's ships had a direct line to the companion and far galaxies. The research and development departments always seeing what other companies were making and promoting as she looked up from her desk deep within district zero. THey were feeding information about a few other products that were for public display. Monitoring some of the other extragalactic ventures that had been done as Crown and Spears their offices could be there to guide and help them when they arrived. The invitation to see the new venture was one Sasori had shown some interest in seeing as she spoke. "I'll take it from here." She said it with a smile on her face though as she was walkign and her Ta-Ree were there... armored guards who served as the bodyguards to the jedi master. IN this case two of them adorned in M'kraan Class Jedi Armor as it gleamed white and golden. THey were moving as escorts before she held a hand out and the Undrjarn gleamed in her hand. They were moving through the unbeing... the massive station something that she could see when they arrived and the petite jedi master was there flanked by the two bodyguards to look around as she listened. Holding a small box that might be able to help with the Kaikichi in case.



Braze, accompanied by Aether of the Iron Order Aether of the Iron Order , stepped into the bustling spaceport of B.L.I.S.S. with a sense of excitement. While business opportunities were on his agenda, the allure of travel and exploration always fueled his enthusiasm. He eagerly soaked in the sights and sounds of the vibrant station, the thrill of the hustle and bustle energizing him. As they boarded the trolly that whisked them into the heart of the station, Braze marveled at the neon-lit luxury district that unfolded before them, feeling invigorated by the grand display of life and activity.

Once inside the ballroom, Braze wasted no time in sampling the snacks and drinks, all the while taking in the various exhibits showcasing the station's innovations. His curiosity grew as he observed the holograms of futuristic designs and the promise of what Hydraworks aimed to achieve. Just as he was about to delve deeper into the displays, his attention was drawn upward, captivated by the speech given.



Cocktail Hour.

Judah adjusted the navy blue tie of his suit, straightening it ever so slightly. A waiter passed by with some type of brown liquor and Judah took a lowball glass, surveying the room before his eyes landed on his son, Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell . A critical eye looked the teenage boy over again, a small shake of his head.

"Balun do I need to raise your trust fund allowance?"
The old salvager let the question hang in the air between them for a moment. "Could you not get a suit for the occasion?"

A small frown at the Jedi robes. He found it odd the boy still wore them despite just mentioning on Gallinore he was independent and forging his own path. Was it a comfort thing or was it something simple as a seventeen year old boy not wanting to go and try on clothes? Makai had been lucky to have been drug out by Myra frequently but wait...didn't Bale have a female best friend as well?

Another waiter passed and Judah took a bruschetta-looking appetizer, still staring at Balun. He was often forcing himself to remember he didn't raise Bale, he was working against seventeen years of habits. A sip of his liquor and a sigh.

"Not nervous are you?"




Celestial Islands
Aboard St. Atollon
Tonight was the night.

Si Tech had long been a quiet company, one that toiled away, making sure the Galactic Alliance Defense Force was well armed for the coming conflicts. When she started, it was a small firm. That changed with the introduction of the Sphinx, and the war with Dark Empire. Si Tech assets had been crutial during Coruscant in defending and counter attacking, and now Jonyna had pushed Si Tech into funding and aiding the Tingle Arm Coalition with heavy armaments, stockpiles of older designs originally made to deal with Enclave Mandalorians, now were used in attacks against the Empire of the Lost.

It wasn't often Jonyna enjoyed the irony of that. Her venture into the business world wasn't motivated by greed, but rather a want. A simple want.

A want to give the good guys the firepower she lacked in her days as a Rebel. For years, she spent her time using mere guerilla tactics to fight against well armed enemies. AT-ATs, AT-STs, even Imperial Tanks, with nothing more than a scrap lightsaber and a sword made of Cortosis.

Now she was fighting them off with walkers the size of skyscrapers, designed by own her employees.

Jonyna walked into the ballroom proper in her jedi gear. Today was to make a statement. That the jedi weren't afraid to venture out into the business world. Her gamberson style coat dragged across the floor, as Jonyna looked to find someone to mingle with.


Celestial Islands
St. Atollon

Tags: Hakon Fett Hakon Fett | OPEN
Technology was something Mandalorians prided themselves upon. In fact, the olders days had seen Mandalorians oft’ far surpassing their peers in technological prowess - if only in perpetuating war, that is. Compounded with the training, the skill, the soul of the Mando’ade, it created the greatest warrior culture the galaxy had ever known. Many forgot, however, that innovation was a natural tenet for the Mandalorian Crusaders of old. What the showcase offered in potential was worth a look.

His polearm was still in hand, for he would not be without it in foreign territory. Despite that, there was an unspoken word that he would not cause issues - this was supposedly to be neutral grounds. He did not cross the battlefield to hold petty squabbles with anyone else here, for t’would sully his honor as a hosted guest.

As he entered the grand, fanciful place, he was met with puzzled and disdained looks alike, no doubt. The irony was not lost on him, a Mandalorian attending something like this. Only doubly so, given his beliefs. But Carduul needed to be keen of the wider galaxy now that he was out of his self-imposed exile. Moreover, he could not claim to fight for the future of Mando’ade if he did not ensure ways for its preservation. This seemed like a way to accomplish that.

“I’m surprised thou hath decided to accompany me. I know this is an, outlandish matter.” Spoken quietly sidelong to the compatriote he had come to know over the many battles of late. As he eyed the crowd, there was the expected lot. Politicians, businessfolk. There were a few unexpected ones, however; there were Jedi in the midst. A couple could be spotted from the robes, from the tales of exploits that told of their featured and appearance.

This would be more interesting than he thought. He wondered if the gold-clad conqueror saw the possibilities he saw in this opportunity.
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Celestial Islands, Aboard St. Atollon
Accompanying Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell


Balun stood beside his father, Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell , dressed in his Jedi Robes, much to the older man's obvious displeasure. He couldn't help but grin inwardly, amused by Judah's disapproval. As he turned to respond, he fought to keep a straight face, suppressing the smirk tugging at his lips.

"First of all, I haven't touched the trust fund. I pretend it doesn't exist," Balun said casually. "And secondly, no, I don't have a suit. I'm quite comfortable in these."

Though the event took place in the far reaches of the Tingel Arm, Balun wasn't there as an Aquilian Ranger on official duty. He still looked every bit himself, despite the unfamiliar setting and purpose. His newfound curiosity about the corporate sector, combined with the ideas he'd shared with Judah and Makai Dashiell, had led his father to drag him along to this gathering. It was a prime opportunity to meet, greet, and rub shoulders with influential figures from the business world—just the kind of experience Judah thought might broaden his son's horizons.

As they arrived, they were greeted by their host, Pazarro Krimenon III, whose holographic form flickered before the crowd. Balun watched and listened attentively as the host addressed the guests. Krimenon Hydraworks had sponsored the event, offering not only the funds but also the lavish venue. Balun wasn't familiar with Pazarro personally, but the setting—St. Atollon—spoke volumes. The grandeur of the place was undeniable, with no expense spared in creating an opulent atmosphere, fitting for the high-profile attendees and participants gathered here.

"Welcome. I am Pazarro Krinemon III, CEO of Krinemonen Hydraworks. I must first express my apologies for being unable to attend in person. After nearly 200 years of running the Hydraworks I'm afraid my body is not suitable for long-distance travel. Even so, I wish to give you all a glimps into what is laid before you today. Everything within this room has been constructed and refined within this very space station. Tables and chairs have been forged from space debris, broken down in our Molecular Furnace. All silks you will find to have been printed to microscopic detail within our Garment Fabricator. Even the food comes directly from our greenhouses and hydroponics farm. What you see laid before you is the bounty of an enclosed and self-sustaining echosystem, as well as the key to beginning the next wave of colonization across and inevitably beyond our Galaxy. In an hour's time we shall depart on a tour of the facilities aboard the St. Atollon, but in the meantime I invite you all to enjoy the pleasantries provided here in the Public Hall. Thank you all for your attendance."

Balun cast a glance back at his father, Judah, curiosity flickering in his eyes. He wondered if the old man recognized anyone in the room.

"Do you know that guy?" he asked, nodding toward the hologram of Pazarro Krimenon III before his gaze swept across the room, taking in the sea of unfamiliar faces.

"Anyone familiar here?" Balun mused aloud, noting the abundance of well-dressed figures in tailored suits. "There's a lot of suits..." His voice trailed off as he observed the crowd, clearly out of his element amidst the corporate elite.

Tags: Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl | OPEN

Clad in his golden Field Marshal’s armor, with a beskar spear in hand, its tip adorned with the feathers of the famed shriek-hawk that whispered in the wind, Hakon Fett marched in solemn step beside his brother-in-arms, Carduul Akahl. As ceremonial as he could muster, the attire still chafed at Hakon’s sensibilities, for his heart lay in the stars and battle, not in this display.

Outlandish for you,” Fett remarked with a knowing smirk, a reminder that Hakon had roamed the galaxy for much of his life, while Carduul had preserved the old ways in the depths of Dxun’s untamed jungles.

Yet, for all its pomp, the technology on display was indeed foreign, as foreign as the armor-clad Mandalorians who stood out like jagged stones among the dignitaries, merchants, and even the occasional Jedi that milled about. Ever curious, Hakon had accompanied Carduul on this venture, both sharing an insatiable thirst for the unknown. Together, they sought to restore the traditions of the Neo-Crusaders: Carduul, the keeper of ancient lore; Hakon, the architect of its revival.

Superior technology had long been woven into the fabric of the Mandalorian creed. More than warriors, they were masters of innovation, at times surpassing even the wealthy Coreworld aruetiise. They were also conquerors who bent the strengths of others to their will. The Basiliskans, once sentient, had become mounts for the Mandalorian riders, birthing the fearsome basilisk war droids. The Fenel, driven to extinction, had left behind the designs for the Kyramud battleship.

"The Basiliskans, the Fenel… We turned their strengths to our cause. They became more useful to us in death than they ever were in life. Do you believe these aruetii will offer anything different? Or must we carve out their wisdom with fire and steel?" he asked, as usual in Mando’a.

C E L E S T I A L _I S L A N D S



Sularen had always held a particular distaste for large megacorporations given his long history with them. Many of them had undermined him, going as far as to blacklist him or even utilize military action to block the Imperial Warlord from pursuing his goals. To Sularen, many wealthy businessmen did not deserve the massive wealth they possessed as they acted without reason, without understanding, without compromise. They always sought to get their way in the realm of business and economics using any means necessary to accomplish them in order to accumulate more wealth and influence in order to expand their monopolies, and yet they were the same people who claimed to defend free trade and be proponents of fair competition and innovation.

It was because of these practices that Sularen had established his own company, SularenCo with the aim of challenging these massive mega-corporations and reducing his own reliance on them, producing his own war materials to achieve his goals and only engaging with more acceptable corporate entities. However what bothered the Warlord of the Empire the most was the recent embargo issued by various corporations who instead of bringing up their grievances regarding the Empire's latest decree, instead sought to wage an economic war against the Empire like the bastards they were. While plans were already in motion to deal with them in the future, today Sularen had a different idea on how to respond to their arrogance and treachery.

When the Imperial Warlord had learned of a public showcase that would feature appearances from various Corporations, he was quick to move forth to attend the meeting with the intention of confronting the vary same corporations that had embargoed the Empire in order to convoy a simple message to them : The Empire was ready to play their little game of business and economics and would not stop until every single one of them laid in ruins. Sularen had a particular score to settle with these corporations especially the Trade Federation and the N&Z Umbrella Corporation and we was not going to let them get away with their treacherous behaviour this time.

Thus Wearing his crimson red imperial uniform featuring the rank plaque denoting his status as a Grand Admiral, golden epaulettes and a crimson red cape, the Warlord of the Empire entered the ballroom soon scanning for prominent individuals to interact with, eager to assert SularenCo's status as an emerging force within the galactic market ready to challenge the larger corporations of the galaxy.


Tags | OPEN

Deputy Director of the IGBC


/:/ Tag: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen

The Muun surveyed the room with an inquisitive demeanor, observing the presence of businessmen, Mandalorians, bankers, and various galactic entrepreneurs who had gathered in response to the invitation extended by Director Pazarro Krinemon III, the CEO of Krinemonen Hydraworks.
Until today, he had been unaware of the Mon Calamari magnate, having only learned of him when the Banking Clan assigned him to attend the showcase about the Balthazar Long-term Interstellar Settlement Station.
His gaze lifted marginally as he scrutinized the station's layout, observing that its dimensions and amenities would be advantageous for planets deprived of critical resources and accommodation for refugees fleeing conflict-ridden areas such as the Core.
The Deputy Director could not overlook the striking image of golden epaulettes paired with a crimson cape, as it signified the presence of none other than Marlon Sularen, the Warlord of the Empire, Grand Admiral of the Imperial Fleet, and a notorious war criminal from the Second Great Hyperspace War. Although Sularen was often depicted as a figure consumed by bitterness and a desire for vengeance over historical wrongs, one could not help but acknowledge his tenacity and successful evasion from Corellian captivity.
He required neither ostentatious displays nor extravagant attire to assert his influence, as the Banks wielded authority over all matters. Even the most prominent corporations sought refuge to conceal their illicit profits from public examination.
"Warlord Sularen," Odett said with a soft smile..
"Something tells me that you haven't come here just to mingle with the galactic elite. Having trouble at home?" A subsequent remark was delivered in a congenial tone, yet it carried an undertone of curiosity. He was aware of the embargo imposed on the Dark Empire and recognized that the financial institutions would likely be the next targets.

The Galaxy was opening it's eyes towards the New Cov Biomolecule Company and what it can provide for them. Biomolecules were one of the rarest resources in the Galaxy. Their structure was so unique and complex that it was impossible to synthesize. Even the harvesting of the biomolecules themselves was a heavily guarded secret known only to a small number of Covie per generation.

It is these biomolecules and the products beyond the medicinal that Liin has been shopping around. Already she had garnered numerous contracts with a variety of planets and corporations. Today will be no different. The only thing that was different for her today was having a travelling companion. Lord Reign was brought here with her as a small test of upholding one of his parts of their contract. And that was to keep her secure during some of her business ventures. He also had a much larger vessel for her to travel in, which was advantageous when it came to extensive journeys.

Liin stepped foot into the ballroom, her eyes pleasantly graced with the sight of luxury. And there was little doubt in her mind that she would find some familiar faces here.

"Thank you for the escort, Lord Reign. I am certain that you will find opportunities for your people here as well. Please do not feel pressured to keep to my side. You may speak with whomever you wish."

Tag: Darth Reign Darth Reign Pazarro Krimenon III Pazarro Krimenon III Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Odett Hallisk Odett Hallisk Hakon Fett Hakon Fett Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Braze Braze
Celestial Islands
St. Atollon

Kandria leaned against the transport trolley, waiting for their arrival at the Ballroom. It was going to be Kandria's first time taking part in a larger presentation like this. Normally her business dealings were a one on one kind of meeting. There was a small amount of doubt in the back of her mind, wondering if she was out of depth here. There were people here who dealt in salvage, funds, or technology. Her expertise was in beverages. Tea, coffee, herbal juices. Though she was able to dismiss those thoughts with a sigh. Her expertise had it's own value.

With the arrival of the trolley, Kandria made her way into the Public Hall Ballroom taking in the sights. Though with the static hologram of Pazarro Krimenon III Pazarro Krimenon III forming at the other end of the room, the teamaker turned her attention towards it. A self-sustaining space station was an intriguing idea to the say least. Removing the reliance on the unpredictable impact of nature and replacing it with a more clinical and predictable impact of science. The investment opportunities were plenty but it also has its own variety of risks. That was something she could think about later however, as she made her way to a table. Taking a small cup from the table to pour some of her own tea into, uncapping her flask.

As she sipped from the cup, her eyes focused on some of the participants around the Ballroom. Most of the people she was seeing seemed to fit in, though there were a few exceptions. Mandalorians and Jedi. Two cultures that she believed belonged more on a battlefield than a conference room. Perhaps she could do with further education about the two. In her mind, the Mandalorians took what they wanted. The idea of them bargaining and making trade deals was a strange concept but a welcome one. But Jedi? That was what stood out the most to her. The idea of them being involved in corporations was strange. She supposed it wasn't important as she turned her attention towards her drink.

Could be sweeter...
As Darth Reign walked in beside Liin Terallo Liin Terallo , he took in the site of the gathering. People from all walks of life were gathered in the grand ballroom. He spied Jedi (he made a note to keep his nature tamped down), mandalorians, and business people of all shapes and sizes.

He had received a brief report of what they were doing here from the director. Reign himself here as a show of faith for their new contract. The Dark Lord had no problem providing escort. Dressed in elegant black robes trimmed in red and gold, The Dark Lord did not feel out of place however he couldn’t help chuckling inwardly at the though of the lord of the Diarchy being arm candy with a lightsaber. Speaking to Liin he replied
“I do fear I’m quite out of my element in a place like this my lady, if it’s acceptable to you, I will stay by your side.. for the time being and learn at the feet of the master” a slight grin on his face.

No doubt there will be plenty of opportunity for the Diarchy to be put forward here, but Darth Reign would need to handle himself carefully, with the company in attendance.

Reign took a look around to admire the luxury on display here. His eyes lingering just slightly on the young man in Jedi robes Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell . But here, he was not a Sith bent on achieving his vision for the galaxy. No, here he was a diplomat, aspiring leader, and above all, an escort to the Director of the NCBC.

Pazarro Krimenon III Pazarro Krimenon III Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Odett Hallisk Odett Hallisk Hakon Fett Hakon Fett Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Braze Braze


TAGS: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si


Braze eagerly wandered through the Public Hall, soaking in the holographic displays and prototypes, his eyes darting between the engineers stationed at each exhibit. After chatting with one of them about the molecular furnace technology, his interest was piqued even more—especially how it could help expand trade and colonization efforts across hostile territories. He thought of the endless possibilities for Jedi missions that could utilize such innovations.

Still buzzing with excitement, Braze decided to grab a few snacks from a nearby tray. As he reached for a selection of appetizers, he noticed Jonyna Si Jonyna Si across the room, her long gamberson coat trailing behind her as she mingled with others. He remembered how close she was with his master Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el , and a warm sense of familiarity settled in. In many ways, she was like a supportive aunt to him, always offering wisdom and guidance when needed.

With a mischievous grin, Braze filled a small plate with some of the station's finest treats and headed her way, navigating through the crowd with ease. As he approached Jonyna, he extended the plate toward her with a playful bow.

"Hey, Jonyna,"
he teased lightly, "figured I'd bring you something before you got too wrapped up in all the business talks."

He flashed her a bright smile, the kind that always had a hint of youthful energy behind it. "How's everything going? Found anything interesting yet?"

As Braze handed the plate of snacks to Jonyna, his eyes wandered across the room, scanning the various high-profile guests. Then, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted someone dressed in a crimson uniform with golden epaulettes—a figure unmistakable even in a crowded ballroom: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen , the 'infamous Warlord of the Dark Empire'.

Braze couldn't help but smirk to himself. The last time he'd thought about Marlon Sularen was when the HoloJam disc track roasting the warlord had gone viral. It had been one of those spur-of-the-moment things—Braze had been messing around with some friends, and they'd cooked up the satirical song in a few hours. It was all in good fun, though the track had apparently hit a nerve among Imperial circles.

Is that what finally brought him out of hiding? Braze wondered, still grinning as he casually observed the man from a distance. He found it almost amusing that someone as serious and powerful as Marlon might have felt compelled to show up at an event like this, surrounded by suits and business leaders, after getting roasted online.

Braze leaned closer to Jonyna and, in a low, playful tone, whispered, "You see that over there? The 'celebrity' appearance?"

The thought of a galactic warlord possibly being trolled into attending a public event made Braze chuckle quietly. His smirk grew as he watched Marlon from across the room.

{The Master? Surely he jests. If I was a master at my craft, NCBC would be the most influencial corporation in the Galaxy. But we are nowhere near that yet.}

"You are too kind, Lord Reign," Liin began. "I can imagine that the risks here for danger should be minimal. That is unless a certain trade embargo of which NCBC is a signatory has ruffled some feathers." And that trade embaro was against the Dark Empire. NCBC has no dealings with them, and no facilities within their territory. So therein lay a lack of risk in signing onto the embargo. And it wasn't as though NCBC acted on this alone. There were far larger corporations taking part.

One of which was a face that she recognized. And that person was Judah. Liin offered up a polite smile as she led Lord Reign on her approach to the man, whom appeared to be accompanied by a young Force wizard.

"Mister Dashiell, how good it is to see you. I suppose that one shouldn't be surprised to find you here. May I present the head of my security team this evening; Lord Reign. And who is your escort for this venture?"

Tag: Darth Reign Darth Reign Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell
Major Faction


Philosopher's Stone

St. Atollon Station
Tags: Odett Hallisk Odett Hallisk , Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen


Droid Body

"Something tells me that you haven't come here just to mingle with the galactic elite. Having trouble at home?"

"Let's not press on bruises now, Lord Treasurer."

Phy drifted over to the Muun and Sularen, her form airy as her pointed feet touched down on the floor. Her synthetic face was neutral, an air of professionalism about the shard's stance. She had been hired on as a design intern not to long ago, but was also chosen to be Director Pazarro's liaison lew of his physical state. It certainly helped her stretch her creative muscles. Most of the furnashings fabricated for the event were her own design, of which she was very proud of.

"I'm sure the blockade is fresh on the mind for the Grand Admiral, but such things are of little stake here," Phy stated. Her tone was professional, but there was a hint of ammusement at the words of the representative of the banking clan. She could enjoy such jabs silently. "But I must say, it is curious for one such as yourself to take interest in a station not equiped for combat. I was unaware that the Dark Empire had interest in living space. Ah, where are my manners."

The shard gave a slight bow.

"Phyla, apprentice of design and liaison of Director Krinemon III," she greeted. "If you gentlemen have any questions it would be my honor to provide assistance, at least before we begin our tour."


Derron Daks was in the business of research.

That was why he had built DDSI, expanding it from a single Research Frigate to a flotilla of such vessels, supported by a mobile scientific headquarters that rivaled Super-Star Destroyers in size.

But he was in a business. He recognized that. Part of his Yakan cybernetic neuro-physiology was perpetually consumed by business concerns.

As such, he'd brought the Unbra here. The High-Energy Research Shield Ship was one of the most impressive scientific research vessels in the galaxy. Showing it off was meant to increase DDSI's prestige and allure, bringing in more customers who might see it at this event.

But Derron had underestimated the evening's showpiece.

The Balthazar Long-term Interstellar Settlement Station dwarfed even the gargantuan Umbra. The station was so large that he could park the Umbra on one side and leave it completely obscured from ships on the opposite. He felt like a Blurrg approaching a Bantha. A fleet many times DDSI's entire roster could be supplied easily from such an edifice. Indeed, a fleet like his could possibly be built here, as well.

The Operations officer spoke as Derron admired the station through the expansive transparisteel windows of the bridge.

"We have clearance to dock, Sir. It looks like they're able to accommodate even ships of this size. We've been given Umbilical Twelve."

Umbilical Twelve. Did that mean a dozen Umbras could mate with this station?

Perhaps so.

It certainly seemed big enough for it.


"...What you see laid before you is the bounty of an enclosed and self-sustaining echosystem, as well as the key to beginning the next wave of colonization across and inevitably beyond our Galaxy. In an hour's time we shall depart on a tour of the facilities aboard the St. Atollon, but in the meantime I invite you all to enjoy the pleasantries provided here in the Public Hall. Thank you all for your attendance."

Derron nodded. It was remarkable what had been achieved here.

However, he knew better than to consider this a self-sustaining ecosystem. That could be true for a closed system, but this was a station. Tons of material would be moved out of the environment each day, supplying ships of all sorts. Indeed, that was rather the point.

That meant tons of material would have to be brought in each day. It was not possible to make something from nothing, not even with molecular furnaces and auto-factories. He knew that very well.

But that, too was a benefit. You wanted a station like this to become a hub of trade, not merely a safe haven in an uncertain region of space. You wanted something of this sort to become connected to its local community, utilized by a wide variety of people for a wide variety of purposes. That way, no one had an incentive to destroy it or even to allow it to be destroyed.

For the sake of DDSI, Derron hoped stations like this one would become a success. Moving an edifice like this into new frontiers meant DDSI research frigates would have a reliable place to resupply and trade for needed goods even when far from known coreward assets. It would truly open up the galaxy for complete and thorough exploration.

He considered the possibilities as he seized a boiled egg from an appetizer tray and bit into it, snagging a fruity beverage soon after.

Tag: Open

"Anyone familiar here?" Balun mused aloud, noting the abundance of well-dressed figures in tailored suits. "There's a lot of suits..." His voice trailed off as he observed the crowd, clearly out of his element amidst the corporate elite.

Munching on his appetizer, he nodded, taking in the crowd once more. Many familiar faces, many who had just shown up for a corporate summit where it had been decided to embargo the Dark Empire. Their next meeting was on the horizon, to be held by John Locke John Locke about a hyperlane system that would revolutionize business. Appetizer done, he began to answer.

"Yes, quite a few. You tend to run into a lot of the same ones if you go to enough of these. I spot two Jedi too, friends of yours? I'm surprised they came. Tend to have an issue staying neutral and business-like but that's just myself talking....As for the man hosting the event, never seen him before. Odd since I spent so much time on Dac."

Shoulders shrugged and he took another sip of his drink. Before he could speak more on those in attendance, and point out those he knew with some background information, he was approached by Director Liin Terallo Liin Terallo and her escort ( Darth Reign Darth Reign ). Ever the gentleman, he warmly clasped her hand before kissing the Director on the cheek.

"Director Terallo, a pleasure to see you once again. Casteel told me you two have met recently, all productive business ventures I hope."

Hand then outstretched to Lord Reign.

"A pleasure to meet you Lord Reign. I hope you're not anticipating any trouble this evening? I suppose with the issues on New Cov, Director Terallo cannot be too careful."

Greetings out of the way, he turned slightly to Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell

"Balun Dashiell, my youngest son. Trying to convince him to join us here in the business world."



Squib Name: Pawketti-bamblam

"They's got Porg!"

Pawketti Bamblam made the exclamation to a pair of apparent Mandalorians standing in the Public Hall. He was attending the festivities as a representative of the Squib Merchandising Consortium, who'd sent him to find out what all the hubbub was about. After all, the Squib needed to have their paws to the pulse of interstellar commerce.

As it turned out, this mega-base was more than just a place to do trade. The builders were positioning it as a lily-pad from which little green hoppers could bounce to new parts of the lake. The green hoppers being sentients, and the lake being the galaxy.

A colonization hub could only mean one thing: Colonies.

And colonies meant millions and billions of people who were going to need all kinds of stuff. To the benefit of the SMC, colonists tended to be pretty poor. You wouldn't think customers being poor was a good thing if you were a merchant. But it was a whole different world if you were a junk merchant. In the salvage trade, you wanted people who were too poor to buy new stuff. All the forges and factories in the universe weren't any good to you if you couldn't afford what they made.

He held up the meat for the Mandalorians to see. "Inna sauce. Sweet'an'Spicy!"

Then he nodded at them. "So, whazza Mandos want with this place? You gonna make some colonies? Gonna buy some for your bases? I hear a new Mando group is stretching out. Izzat you?"

He took a big bite from his Porg, apparently not realizing or caring that he'd interrupted a conversation.

Hakon Fett Hakon Fett Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl
The mention of other Jedi made Balun glance around the expansive room, his curiosity piqued. He hadn't noticed anyone familiar before, his attention overwhelmed by the sheer number of people and the grandeur of the place when they had first arrived. But to his surprise, he soon spotted Braze Braze not too far off, a smile spreading across his face as he recognized his friend in the crowd. "Oh yeah, I do know that one. He's a friend of mine," Balun said to his father, a sense of relief settling in at the sight of someone familiar amidst the sea of strangers.

His focus shifted as two figures approached his father, drawing his attention back to the front. Balun smiled politely at Liin Terallo Liin Terallo and Darth Reign Darth Reign , though his gaze lingered on the latter a moment longer as Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell formally greeted them both. Balun couldn't help but hold back a smirk as he watched his father kiss the woman's hand in a courtly gesture. While he understood such formalities, it was the first time he had seen Judah do something like that, and the humor of it danced at the edges of his thoughts.

When his name was mentioned, Balun turned his attention back to the newcomers, dipping his head in a respectful bow—a formal Jedi greeting. He definitely wouldn't be caught kissing a random woman's cheek, like his father. The sly dog.

"A pleasure to meet you both," Balun said, his tone warm and respectful.
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