Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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C'est La Vie (Goodbye CHAOS)

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Why Should I care if you don't care?


I've worked too hard to be mistreated so harshly, and the top tier little group laughs it off when I finally quit. This board has been extremely fun... but eventually the horrid rumors, false accusations, and childish and petty reasons for negativity just destroy you. I stayed in my corner away from everyone so I could have just a little fun even alone, branching out every now and then to see if anyone still had their petty squabbles with me, maybe get over this idiotic drama and roleplay. I always tried my best to keep OOC separate while most of you made it part of your character.

No one knows everything in this world, so no, I shouldn't know what I did to piss you all off. I've tried my best to be better, I've apologized where I messed up, but none of you seem to have the faintest idea what a human being is, what it means to be human. You don't know understanding, listening, caring, or compassion. You jump to conclusions and as soon as you don't like someone you put them on a list so those who follow you can rally with you.

All my items, my factions, my companies, can either go to my friends or be archived. I'm willing to bet money as soon as I'm gone my existence will be wiped so hard it's like I didn't even leave a mark here. So if you destroy my hard work... I won't be here to care

GOMM Bio R&D "BiRD" 100% goes to Alicia Drey

GOMM and GOMM Industrial goes to Amnell de Portiers

Shahku Tribe and all related items can go to [member="Darth Vornskr"] (Holocrons can too, he is the true Sith)

Rogueworks Drives can go to [member="Lord Ajihad"]

All Ranik Keerans belongings go to Darth Erebos

All ships under Zorr'awam dot'this can be owned by the Mandalorians

Tagge Company can go to [member="Darth Raijin"] if he wants it

James Justice can have my Marauder

If these things are not transferred per my request, well whatever. I guess you gotta screw everyone else up, too, right? Oh, especially if they were my friends.

Whether you like it or not, telling people to hush when you hear "cyberbullying" DOES NOT make it non-existent. When you beat someone down enough they experience something you could never imagine. No matter how much you fight, you struggle, you prepare, if someone does it long enough, the stress will overcome you.

Permanent Leave.

I tried, I really tried. I was the strongest and you've broken me.

[member="Coryth Elaris"] | [member="Alicia Drey"] | [member="Amnell de Portiers"] | [member=Reshmar] | [member="James Justice"] | [member=Ostanes] | [member=Thraxis] | [member=Ultimatum] | [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] | [member=Nikias] | [member="Anija Betna"] | [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] | [member="Ali Hadrix"] | [member="Sanya Val Swift"] | [member="Darth Kentarch"] | [member="Queen Sovereign"] | [member="Solan Charr"] | [member="Jack Sparrow"] | [member="Mantic Dorn"] | [member="Bryce Bantam"] | [member="Matsu Ike"] | [member="Darth Adekos"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Gray Raxis"] | [member="Valiens Nantaris"] | [member="Gir Quee"] | [member="Spencer Varanin"]

I am fucΚing sorry [member="Isley Verd"] | [member=Rusty] | [member="Ajira Cardei"] | others


Well-Known Member
[member="Jeron Verity"]

Coming from someone whom is, literally, dealing with the same exact issues every day more or less, I can say it sucks dude. But the best bet, if you enjoy the site, is to stay and write your own stuff. Find those few people that are legit, the ones that like writing with you and vice versa.

Otherwise, you will find that majority of the populace in Sith factions will simply continue. Whatever the cause, you will find no amount of time away, nor fixing of your issues, will sate the people on this site.

Again though, no where near all of them are jerks. There are cool writers (shout out to [member="Ultimatum"] and [member="Deneve Verd"]) that make you realize that sometimes the issues can be ignored (or made to be ignored sometimes <_<).

Lol, all in all man, sorry to see ya go. Had fun with our craziness, and sorry that your ideas flying over my head recently made us have qualms. I personally think it sucks to see a good writer leave.
[member="Jeron Verity"]

I am really sorry to here this Jeron. It was fun rping with you and you showed that you were a great writer. Getting to know you OOC I can say you're a cool dude and its sad to see you go after all the hard work and great writing you've done. Hope that you can change your mind and come back. Just ignore those that dislike you, the thing you can do to spite them the most is hang around and let their words mean nothing.
I don't know you, or the issues that surround your reasoning of leaving, but if I may say a couple things I do wish to give you a nice word of advise.

As [member="Fos Misao"] said, the people on the site wont change and we cannot expect them to, if someone has a negative opinion on another and it's constantly reassured by others, it will stay around and the feeling you get when people mention it sucks and I get that. However, if someone isn't willing to sit down with you and iron out the creases between one another, then quite frankly they aren't worth stressing over and in the great scheme of things, don't matter much to who you are. I would heavily say that you should remain apart of the community and site, find someone who'd like to add you into role-play (hell myself and my partner would love to have you join in on role-play with us) and remember that, you're here for fun and enjoyment, take the most you can out of a fun role-play site and block out the unwanted negativity of others.

In the end though, if you truly feel you want to move on to bigger and better things, I wish you the best. You do you boo. You do you.
[member="Jeron Verity"]

If you change your mind, I'll be around mate. It is a known fact that those who aim to hurt others are in one way or another hurting on the inside. Does that excuse such treatment? Well, no, kinda, but not really. What should be known is not all are that way. Sure, I have been here quite a long time and have met some like that, but over time I just keep trying to be a friend and sometimes the worst people become the best of friends. I know I have personally done many things on here who have rubbed people the wrong way or made them sincerely mad. Flaws are being human as well and sometimes the ones lacking of compassion, humility, and kindness are the most human because humans are flawed. My point is, people are going to talk about you, to your face (metaphorically speaking since this is online) or behind you back. You can ether accept that burden and let it tear you apart or you can shrug it off. Like [member="Titus"] said, the people who continue to hate on you regardless if you have tried to make peace aren't worth your time.

If you change your mind, I am going to make a soft cross between witchers and bounty hunters/mercs on here if you'd like to come along. Mainly, I am addicted to Witcher so might as well let it show in my writing! :p Should be a fun time.
I am sorry that you have been treated as such. I believe that our thread was our first crossing so I do not have a full idea as to what you have been going through. I've seen one or two of your characters around here and there, from what little I garnered I think it would have been fun to meet. Obviously I will not ask you to stay when you are going through these difficulties. I hope that you find enjoyment and if ever you decide to come back I will probably still be here.

So take care and good luck.

[member="Jeron Verity"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Jeron Verity"]

Jeron Verity said:
sorry Isley Verd | Rusty | Ajira Cardei | others
So you mouthed off and I denied your submission. It happens. It's not something that needs to be catastrophized - it's not the end of the world. Frankly, over the years, I've mouthed off to people and had my subs denied for similar reasons, and now we're good friends. And vice versa, believe it or not. So apology accepted, and for what it's worth, I apologize for not realizing that you were also dealing with other stuff. Looking back over my wording, too, I could have been kinder, and I'm sorry for that.

Jeron Verity said:
and the top tier little group laughs it off when I finally quit
The kid whose sub I just denied took it as the final straw, and bailed on a community he's called home for five months. I can assure you I'm not laughing.
[member="Jeron Verity"]

I won't try to change your mind about what you're doing. That's your choice, and your choice alone. I enjoyed the good times, taking over that old awesome sauce fortress on that custom planet of yours. I do regret I never got to blow up your buddies' fleet, but there are always other ships in the sea.

Just know that for every person who you feel wants you gone, there are ten more that you have positively impacted and wish you to stay. If you ever decide to come back, I'll be waiting for ya :)
[member="Jeron Verity"]

So really confused here. A week or so into the board and I got tagged on this with little understanding of the situation. Please PM me if you get this with what I did as I never meant to offend.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Bryce Bantam"]
Don't worry about it, dude. I'm pretty sure he just tagged that huge list because they're people he's been RPing with, not because he's offended at all of them.
It's really easy to get caught up in the drama of Chaos and want to leave for good. My advice is to take a break for a week and then see how you feel about coming back. While we've never RPed, it sounds like you'll be welcomed with open arms by the writers who have interacted with you. :)

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness
[member="Jeron Verity"]

Sorry to hear about your experiences - no one should have to go through that. I've been seeing a lot of people leaving Chaos for the same reason which should tell people that there's a problem. It shouldn't have to come to that. Chaos needs people to actively moderate and settle disputes and straighten those out that are out of line. If only as a personal favor to me or your other friends on Chaos, get in contact with the admins on what you'd like to see that would have made you stay. Or you can hit me up via PM and we can talk, vent, what have you. I'm sure we share some of the same feelings regarding what you're going though.

As Livna above said, take a week to cool off, reevaluate where you're at, and then make a determination. Letting emotion drive your actions only leads to poor decisions and regret, and I can tell you that from experience.

Chaos has a big community. I'm sure you'll find your niche. It sounds like you just need a new crowd to hang around :)

Hope this isn't the end, and hope to see a PM in my inbox.
[member="Ajira Cardei"]

Your insults are meaningless while you act so arrogant. It's people like you why I can not return. It was Spencers warning that was the final straw because I was not allowed to defend myself against you. Sorry you weren't the kicker, but surely you can be the kicker of the dead horse.
[member="Jeron Verity"]

Pardon me but, from what I see, you're lashing out at people here, and thats not okay.

In my opinion, you owe some apologies, because the way you've presented yourself in this thread was far from polite
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