Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Chapter Three: Total War | Long Live The Empire DE vs GA Coruscant


Tags: Kazian Blackwood Kazian Blackwood , Alicio Organa Alicio Organa , Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan , Raphael Calgar Raphael Calgar , Achan Jaikavi, Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah , Dyrn Grav Dyrn Grav



The building shuddered from the sheer force of the chaos raging outside, the waves from the cacophony of battle vibrating through every corner of the senate district. Reiner paid it little mind. He had his share of battle experience, and when you've seen as much combat as he had, you learned to tune it out. He may not be as much of a military man as he used to be, but that instinct never truly left.

A transmission came through on his commlink, prompting him to signal his men to hold their position.
"Ghadi, this is Agent Vigilant. Our entrance to the Senate Building has been successful. Our sweep is beginning. Over."

The ISB agent that working in tandem with their unit was a stranger to Reiner, little more than a voice and whatever visage the former senator's mind could conjure. He was still fresh to the ranks of the Empire, after all, and had yet had the opportunity to grease the right palms within the ISB as he had with the SIA in previous years. Whoever the agent was, Reiner hoped that he could hold up his end of the mission.

<<Copy that, Vigilant. Stay the course, our path should converge with yours shortly. Over.>>

Turning toward his men, he signaled for them to push onward. They were making good time, despite the havoc outside of the walls of the building. His men turned a corner, moving down the halls of the lower portion of the Senate Building. Then, just as the next corner was about to be turned, they were greeted by a large pair of blast doors. It seemed that whoever may yet reside within the building had at least some access to the security systems. It was a factor that Reiner had contemplated, for he certainly wasn't the only one that had knowledge of the defensive capabilities of the building. Yet, he found the nuisance rather annoying...

Thankfully, he was who he was.

Moving over to a nearby panel, Reiner began entering an override code. It was an older code, but he was sure it would check out. Those greased SIA palms wouldn't be worth anything if they didn't come with certain boons. It was what allowed him to operate in the manner he had during his stint in the Senate.

After a few seconds, the code was accepted, the large blast doors opening, prompting Reiner to crack a rather smug grin.

"This, gentlemen, is why politicians accept payment in the form of favors."

"Sir, if they have access to the security systems, surely the shields are up as well?"

"Oh, I believe our friend from the ISB will have dealt with that by now. If not, well... failure isn't a very strong quality for an Imperial. It's safe to say that if he failed, his life would be forfeit."

Producing his commlink once more, Reiner hoped to confirm his assumptions.

<<Vigiliant, this is Ghadi. We have made it into the building proper. Are the shield generators still active? Over.>>

With those words, they pressed forth, quickly moving deeper into the winding halls of the Senate Building.



Location: East Tower on Reimar Boulevard, Coruscant
Objective: Kill and Destroy
Equipment: Hellblade, Hand Cannon, Scattergun, Electrolancr, Basic Armour w/ vacuum seal
Tags: DE Scylla AI Scylla AI Thomas Barran Thomas Barran Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr || GA Ashley Nevermore Ashley Nevermore Phoenix squad

Cutting through the din of battle and slaughter came the piercing roar of a hundred engines- stanied with soot and clad in chrome were they, a hundred and eight riders upon as many speeder bikes, half riding hard upon synthrubber tires so they may feel the crush of enemies underwheel, and the other speeding aloft cushions of repulsorlift air- their machines too powerful to bother with the ground.

They were composed of Mawite Deathgangers- speeders that outran friend and foe alike. For their leader had willed that this valorous vanguard would ride ahead of the Raider Walkers and Spider Cruisers alike. Said leader rode at the front, a road warrior and veteran of the Brotherhood of the Maw, blade aloft and helm marked and pitted by a dozen battles. Across the voice-casters embedded in the riders' helmets, and carried along by the wind and the Force came his pronouncement.

"WARRIORS OF THE HUNGERING HORDE! WE RIDE NOW BEYOND THE GUNS OF OUR BRETHREN INTO THE JAWS OF THE ENEMY! LET THE COWERING CRAVENS OF THE CITY KNOW YOU BY YOUR DEEDS! FEAST UPON THEIR FLESH! FALL UPON THEIR FAILED FIGHTERS! TO WAR!" The riders roared the refrain back, the warcry echoing back through the dust cloud of riders, their voices mixing and thrumming like an overclocked engine.


The Grunt was pleased.

Having spent time marauding the outskirts of the district and mopping up GADF stragglers, they now raced to plug the gaps in the Maw's line- chaing the right flank of the Dreamer's advance, they poured through the holes like a sieve and split into cut through the gap and sped ahead, moving fast. Grunt had heard the command from the Dreamer Darkhan, his Scav Kings hunkered down as heavy guns pounded the Alliance counteroffensive relentlessly.

Grunt set his engine to idle as he slowed behind cover, watching the explosions. The other gangers were swarming nearby, some stopping on elevated ground to take potshots. He spotted what he thought might be the Darkhan Himself, watching from the shadow of a ruin, face obscured by the mask.

Hogsbreath came up to him.

"Boss, it's time we go in! Now while the big guns keep them down."

Grunt kept his face impassive.

"Even we cannot outrun explosions or take shrapnel to the chest. We wait for the bombardment to cease- I want all the capos to ready their warriors, we go in the second they-"

"That's NOT good enough!" Hogsbreath roared, slamming his fist against the ruined masonry beside them. The wall cracked.

"We go now! Or are you afraid of the Gadflies??" Hogsbreath grunted stepping closer, using the nickname for GADF soldiers. The other gangers were watching, intently. Hogger had been chafing under Grunt's command for years - they never did outgrown their adolescent rivalry. And now at this critical juncture, they risked destruction.

Normally Grunt would deal with such insubordination with summary execution- but Hogsbreath was one of the Oldgees of this gang. He understood what the shorter warrior was feeling. You don't live a life by waiting around. Hogger was aching to spill the blood of the enemy after years on the run. The years had sharpened Grunt's killer instinct too, and he too spelled blood upon the air. Of course, his training with the Sith did not hurt.

But that wasn't the way to go- neither battlefield execution of an underboss, nor charging into artillery. And he could feel the Darkhan watching...

"I would prefer we all get to stick their head on our pikes instead of getting ripped apart by the Sainted Shrapnel of the artillery. But I know what you mean, Hogger." Grunt jerked his head to indicate they should continue this conversation away from the others. The others, thinking this usual butting of heads was done, returned to their bikes or got to better vantage points to see the explosions. Grunt walked a few steps to a standing corner of the ruin they were in and turned to speak- but Hogsbreath was gone.

Not gone- he's gunning his speeder!

Hogsbreath yelled and called for the others to follow him. Most were surprised by the sudden change in orders and stood around surprised or unsure- and about a dozen followed Hogsbreath's speeder into the fray.

In the blink of an eye they dove into the field of fire, with predictable results. Some gadflies fled from cover to be speared through by the riders are annihilated by another artillery shell- but so did Hogsbreath. To the idiot's credit, he died a true Scar Hound. Riddled with blaster burns and his bike failing under him, he pressed on, a final cry of defiance on his lips even as he exploded into a million pieces:


WITNESSED came the cry across the riders.

Instinct kicked in. Grunt could not show weakness. He clambered to his speeder and gunned the throttle. Grunt realised the bombardment was beginning to taper off, nearing the end of the two minutes fire called in.

Hogsbreath's death would be their motivation for vengeance, he saw, looking around at the others. The vanguard would not wait for the bombardment to end.

To the battleseer-matriarch of the Scar Hounds Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr , Grunt radioed:

<<Mercy, this is Grunt with the vanguard riders, we have a situation. Please advice best routes of ingress for our speeders to sow maximum disorganisation in the enemy.>>

Like a swarm of hornets the speeders coalesced behind him, weaving through the rubble-strewn streets, diving straight into the field of fire, seconds before the artillery had even finished falling. He could see and hear some of the riders blast apart from the friendly artillery, their blood and bone evaporating into the smoky sky. Grunt's command echoed through the voxcasters:


On the open channel, he broadcast:

<<Thunder Vanguard to supporting units- we are making an early breach up the northeast vector. Recommend support and follow-up exploitation.>>

He looked back for a moment, thinking he saw the black mask of the Dreamer Darkhan somewhere in the buildings they sped past. Though neither could see the other clearly, in his mind, the words formed in Grunt's head:


And then the riders dove into the thick of the Alliance's guns, scything and shooting and stabbing.

Scar Hounds biker gangs swarm into the right flank of the Dreamer's counteroffensive, diving straight into the gap to smash into Alliance lines near Phoenix Squad before the bombardment is even completed.
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Unfortunately for those attacking Vanquisher's artillery contingent at the time, they had more than armoured abandon and firepower to consider, and far more than mere zealotry could ignite in moments such as these

First came the Scav Kings. Fresh Face opened up with his Beak on them as they charged, and all Ashley could call it was a massacre. Despite the boy's weak constitution, there was a reason she had picked him. Short bursts of particle bolts took Mawite after Mawite down. Supported by Womprat, they were picking targets off like it was a shooting gallery. The rest of the squad kept the fire going, as Shotgun and Giggles kept working. It was a two pronged attack, forcing the two fire teams to pick and choose. The heavy slugthrowers were the focus of Campfire, who's rocket launcher almost seemed to never stop firing.

Then the attacks slowed. And they could feel it.


"Fall back!" She called out, ordering her men into nearby buildings. Even if they couldn't find true cover, hiding in the nearby apartment complex was better than nothing.

The shells fell, erupting in a horrid display. Ashley watched as Princess was thrown two feet into the air by a shell that threw her across the room.

Once it was over, all they could do was regroup. At least, they wished they could. She could hear them, the roar of engines. Ashley couldn't even get a headcount, before the mawite raiders charged forward. Lucky for them, Rainmaker already had a Raven in the air, providing overwatch. With the sound of thunder, HE mortar shells rained down hell on the right flank.

"Wizard, sit-rep..." Ashley coughed, thanking her lucky stars for her armor, as she looked down to see a massive piece of shrapnel impedded in her chestpiece, stopped only by the Vardium steel plate protecting her heart.

"Wizard One is all accounted for. We've got minor wounded, but both are workable." Wilhelm sounded off, picking up his rifle and opening up on the mawite bikers with the bloop of his grenade launcher.

"Wizard Two all accounted for. Hardcore is pretty banged up, Devil, need you over here."


Ashley let out a sigh. Their armor had saved them again.

<Firebird to Dragon Actual, sit rep.>

<Holding position Firebird. That arty barrage put us on the backfoot, but the Ziio's shields got us through the worst of it. What's the word on those guns?>

Good question.

"Giggles, Shotgun, how many charges did you get set up before we had to fall back?!" She called across the apartment building, hoping for some good news.

"'Bout half the walkers were rigged to blow!" Shotgun called back.

She looked to the window, firing a few pot shots as she scanned the area. The maw were practically under the damn guns at this point.

"Blow it!"


Everyone took cover, before finally...

The sounds of tanks and walkers clashing took a lot of the attitude out of Zandra. She may have been tough for her age, but she was no soldier. Even if she didn't know how to fly a speeder, it was a better chance at getting off the planet alive than other options. It didn't even occur to her that she was becoming a foundling, that this Mandalorian had plans for her, all she wanted was to get to safety.

With a marked lack of fuss Zandra hopped onto the speeder and began to exit the combat zone. Hunks of buildings fell into her path, alongside mortars and bombs. It was like trying to dance through a minefield, but somehow she was doing it! What did scare her was that she had no idea where she was going, the Mandalorian had just told her to leave, not where to go. It didn't matter, as long as she wasn't flying straight into the Dark Empire's hands it was fine with her.

With the war thoroughly behind her, she tried to find a spot to land the speeder. All there was to do now was to wait. Wait, and hope there was something left for her to come back to.

Drego Ruus Drego Ruus

Drego watched as his speeder zipped away from the immediate area. Without a ride, he was stuck. No matter.

"Tanya, have Bull head towards the Entertainment District. Once you're out of the AO, head towards Nyles Kote Nyles Kote 's battlecruiser. That'll be the safest spot for the kid for now."

<Roger Boss, exfilling northwest, then heading skyward.>

"Drego to Nyles, I got a foundling heading your way. Give the kid a warm welcome."

As the enemy approached, Drego watched as a Thundercat opened up with its flak guns on a formation of Stormtroopers. Guess the GADF were getting crafty. Good. He watched as a sith lord charged down the avenue, looking to pick a fight with the GADF walkers.

There was a challenge.


And with that, he charged the sith lord, once more arming himself with nothing more than his split shield of beskar-voidstone alloy on each of his forearms, and a shotgun he had made famous. It didn't matter that mortar rounds were going off around him. It didn't matter that Stormtrooper bolts were pinging off his armor. He was the Pillar of War. The Master of Conflict.

He'd take out this Sith Lord himself.

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10th Sector Armada
2nd Armor Boxer Company
Cougar Tanks
Commander, "Locals Only"
"Free Buffet"
"Cheap Beer"
"Window Lickers"
"Grammar Haterers"
"Loud Keytar"

With: Sara Roche l Gress D'ran Gress D'ran l Lupa Visz
Moving Against: Roxy Rizzan l Pious Tapp Pious Tapp l Mars Raynor Mars Raynor l Darth Defias Darth Defias l Thomas Barran Thomas Barran

Tell her that she was good to me, if I go.

Rolin pivoted his head towards his gunner as he unleashed another shot- scoring a direct hit on one of the Sith's support vehicles as they came on their flank. Rolin turned his co-ax gun, spraying a hateful barrage of fire towards a contingent of Stormtroopers and Sith that were out in the open.

Rolin couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the carnage unfold. He cared about his men, he cared about their lives, he cared about the Alliance. The Sith that lead the Stormtroopers into battle simply didn't.

He turned to his Gunner, identifying targets with the screen as they approached the Sith's mobile battery and their own armor and wheeled assets. If they got closer, a devastating missile barrage from the tank platoon could surely devastate their hope to continue their brutal barrage. He opened a line up to Gress D'ran Gress D'ran , speaking as their tanks rolled forward, the impacts of artillery going wide as they pushed through, but he could still feel the rumble as they shook the ground around him.

"Cerberus Actual this is Boxer Actual, be advised, we are pushing in on enemy armor and arty, we are two mikes away from impact with missiles, standby for splash."

Rolin turned the comms back to the open channel, and continued to cut down Sith troopers in the open with the co-ax, his driver pushing the throttle all the way forward, his tank taking the lead. The carnage was unreal- he was in disbelief at how reckless the Sith were with their men's lives. The Sith only had a fraction of the power of their Empire, he wondered if any of the Sith forces were actually loyal to the Sith, or just living in fear.

He directed his tanks to spread out ten meters wider, covering a larger area. Interlocking fields of fire made it even more deadly for the Stormtroopers that were sent more or less to their deaths- right into an L-shape of a flank. Incoming fire from the defensive positions around the Senate, and now with Rolin and the others closing in on them.

"Hit those fuckers in the open!"

Local's Only tank turret swiveled, and knocked out a piece of Sith armor that had a few Stormtroopers riding behind it for cover. The turbo-laser ignited the stored munitions, causing a massive explosion. Rolin smacked the side of the tank, chalking up another kill. Boxer Company pushed on, the pocket certainly being closed on the Sith troops.


Matriarch of the Scar Hounds Tribe
Objective: Try to help Tommy
Location: Ground, Coruscant
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Assault Rifle | 2x Sunfury Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger | 2x Riftblades | Promise of Freedom | Ring of Wishes and Dreams || Cloaking Device | 5x ASBF Probe Droid || OPBC-01m
Tags: Thomas Barran Thomas Barran | Scylla AI Scylla AI | Pious Tapp Pious Tapp | Roxy Rizzan | Kuff Tolt Kuff Tolt | Kroeger Kroeger | The Grunt The Grunt | Ashley Nevermore Ashley Nevermore | Open
"Galactic Basic" | ~ Telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>
Keilara Kala'myr | Mercy | Ziare Dyarron | Freedom


I continued to analyse and monitor the data. Now in silence for a while, only my own thoughts and memories were with me. And of course, MANIAC, but I was very used to his presence, so I didn't even notice he was there. At times... even though a long time had passed it was still bad to be alone in my head. I know I've spent more time alone than with others, but still. I hadn't counted the bond that Asher and I had, which was like the Force dyad but without the Force. So, we could actually feel each other's care and closeness at all times and didn't even have to speak to know what the other wanted. So, it was actually still the same feeling as before. And my mind palace still existed, where I could invite others in. And it was the same between Kallan and Keilara.

In the meantime… The rain continued to pound on my armour, lucky that it didn't interfere with the holographic surface and thus the monitors. The next moment the building I was sitting on top shook slightly; after a huge explosion. I flinched, nearby and in the distance, there were more and bigger explosions. If this keeps up, I'll soon have to find another place to continue my task from there. Somewhere further away from the battlefield. I didn't need to be here to send data to the others anyway. I kept looking at the monitors when I finally noticed an incoming call.

It was Tommy; I thought after that he wouldn't send me any more messages, but it seemed I was wrong. After my name, I heard a huge explosion from near him over the comms channel, then more from further away. Finally, a few seconds later, I heard everything he said.

<< Tommy, this is Mercy, I send the droid immediately, as soon as I have information, I will let you know, over. >> I told him.

Luckily, all my droids were HPI biochip controllable, so I instructed the one near Tommy to fly up to the dropship that was chasing him. Fortunately, the droid was small enough that he probably wasn't noticed, and then the camera started broadcasting the ship and a woman there, Syd Celsius Syd Celsius . I immediately sent the images and data to the Nite network and instructed MANIAC to look for data on this woman. See if I have any reports on her that I can forward to Tommy. Fortunately, as one of the Nite leaders and members of the inner circle, I had immediate access to all the data.

While I was waiting for this reply, I received a message from The Grunt The Grunt . The data they had requested immediately appeared on the screen. It was not that difficult, but there was also a lot of missile activity there, and I could hear the explosions.

<< Grunt, this is Mercy! Turn north, go to the edge of the "main road" that leads to the Jedi Temple or the Senate building. Here turn southeast, in the direction that would take you to the Jedi Temple, and head that way. You'll come straight into the back of the Phoenix Squadron, which could very well confuse them. They are unlikely to be prepared for a multi-pronged attack and you will soon be able to completely encircle them, over. >> I told him.

Meanwhile, the data I requested from the Nite database came back. I don't think Tommy will be happy about this.

<< Tommy, this is Mercy, I just got the answer. Their general's name is Syd Celsius Syd Celsius . I don't have much info on her, she's supposed to be a Jedi, leads a fairly large clone army now, and there's more... She was once affiliated to Laertia Io Laertia Io and The Amalgam The Amalgam . Let me know if you need help, I can go there and intervene, over. >> I told him the information.

I hoped that he would make it out of there, but if not, I would have to intervene to save my adopted brother.


Lucas Gracin

Excelsus of the Howlaw Court
Objective: Strike from the Rear
Allies: Ashley Nevermore Ashley Nevermore Nyles Kote Nyles Kote Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad Syd Celsius Syd Celsius Gress D'ran Gress D'ran Drego Ruus Drego Ruus
Enemies: Kroeger Kroeger Darth Defias Darth Defias Scylla AI Scylla AI
Veran Weaponry

Trident and Lance had both pushed forward, slipping through the gap in the Imperial forces like a dagger between a pair of ribs. Covered by smoke and blaster fire, they had expected to find some sort of resistance. Instead they found... nothing. The sith, rather than point their guns at the invading force seemed to simply ignore them and push past, attempting to charge the GADF line and break into the senate building. These decisions, were in the Senator's mind unwise to say the least. Lucas' ears flicked to the vague sounds of explosions as they blasted away at his bunker and started through the doors of the senate building. "Alright." He keyed into the comms to both companies under his command. "Trident Lance. Hunt them down."

Reiner Ghadi Reiner Ghadi had managed to get his force into the senate building. It was true that their sweep would go unopposed by men, with the entirety of the Vitae forces having sallied out. They were however, not completely unopposed. Codes to the blast doors protecting the companies' commander were only useful if you could reach the door. Such would be difficult as Lucas summoned a gale wind to push through the senate halls, turning them into a massive vent to blow the imperials away. Lucas was an almost six century old wilder of Veradune, in tune with all life in the galaxy. It was nothing to sense the lives that inhabited his building so that he might direct his efforts to impeding them.

It didn't matter if the troops belonged to Mars Raynor Mars Raynor or Kroeger Kroeger . The simple fact was that they had just ignored two companies of Veran troops, soldiers who lived for combat and were seemingly bred for warfare. What had started as a stalling mission with the hopes of holding out against a surrounded force had suddenly become a hunt on a retreating enemy. The sith soldiers, desperate to push on the GADF line would find hellhounds nipping at their heels as the Zorrens gave chase, unleashing torrents of blaster fire from behind. Assaulting a fortified position was difficult enough. Assaulting with your back turned to two companies of royal guards... well, some would call that suicidal.

Senate Building: Lucas is mounting a personal defense by using the wind to blow back against imperial forces.
In the streets: Imperial forces seem to have ignored the Vitae Offensive. They are now getting flanked from behind.


Chapter Three : Total War



Torson's group of Red Right Hand Operators began to make their way towards the fortified mansion, advancing at a slow pace as they scanned the streets around them for any potential foes that may ambush them. After all, the sudden attack by enemy anti-air batteries would have given the enemy some time to mobilize their forces and make preparation for ambushes along the empty streets of Coruscant. But fortunately no such ambushes had occurred so far, and the Red Right Hand were soon approaching their target destination at last : Taszzn Station.

As the Red Right Hand arrived at the street intersection in front of Taszzn Station, Torson took note of the security fence topped with monofilament wire and proceeded to give a hand signal, which would soon be answered by a pair of Operatives moving ahead of the group of Operatives with SLAM Launchers in hand. Upon taking the lead, the two Operatives would then proceed to kneel on the street and take aim, targeting two separate portions of the security fence before firing a single warhead each hoping to breach the fence and allow the Red Right Hand to begin their assault on the fortified mansion.

Once the warheads struck their targets, Torson gave another signal with his men beginning to slowly approach the areas affected by the warheads expecting the portions of the security fence struck by the warheads to be absolutely destroyed, which would enable them to breach the perimeter and begin their assault on the station. While they slowly advanced, the Red Right Hand Operatives took great caution, keeping an eye on their flanks and rear as well as the area ahead of them, remaining ever cautious of any retaliation from the enemy.

Torson knew that Taszzn had to have some sort of security force guarding this fortified mansion, although even then it wouldn't be enough to stop him and the Red Right Hand. No matter how much men, no matter how heavily armed they threw at them, the Red Right Hand was ready to overcome the odds and ensure that the Grand Admiral's will is enforced and today would be no different. Judge Taszzin would soon face Imperial Judgement and his little law and order paramilitary group would be no more all as envisioned by the Grand Admiral in his ultimate quest to rise to power in this wretched galaxy.


Tags | Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn


Shot three times in her gut a Mawite flew back before rolling down the stairs below within what had been once a sizable and expensive bar. Meters away Minerva now wielding dual pistols heard a pair of rushing steps from the right side. Swinging to that direction the warrior spotted two more armed Mawites in between tables. She rolled out of the way as they fired. She shot back, blasting one in the upper chest and the other one at his head, dropping them within seconds.

The Clan Ruus Warriors throughout the establishment were more than holding their own. Drego had picked well for his team. Her admiration was short lived however, as she remembered they were cornered here. They stumbled upon a large host of Maw marauders in their latest move and had been forced into this building as a result. Minerva shook off that earlier mistake, intending to correct it.

Seeing a vod below about to be outflanked a Twi'lek Mawite as he engaged another in hand to hand combat. With the right pistol she fired twice, downing the tail-headed raider with sizzling holes one his left shoulder and the second straight through his heart. Her fellow Mandalorian finished his foe, breaking the right knee and forcing the latter down as his neck was subsequently snapped. Turning to Minerva he gave a two finger salute and she gave a nod back. Within another minute the armored warriors finished off the opposition, suffering no deaths but a few sustained injuries.

From the ledge Minerva said to them.

"Let's relocate before more show up."

"Led the way ner vod." The most experienced member said.

Acknowledging it with a raised left hand that still gripped a pistol. They all flew up to the formerly glassed roof top that shattered hours ago. Once out the Mandalorians flew west and Minerva called her commandos.

"Give me your status platoon leaders."

"This is Gakot, we are slowing down the hostiles in the eastern shopping district from you. We're keeping them guessing with our makeshift traps and crossfire tactics."

Irni from another location followed next, explaining.

"My teams have been earning their pay Cap. We made sure to especially target any scum we identified as the leaders. But we had to fall back several times already."

"Sergeant Tuni reporting in for third platoon. Our snappers wiped out two more tanks after we lured them in. Moving to the next position."

In mid flight Minerva asked the latter.

"What happened to Lietuatent Ricon?"

There was a brief pause on the other end but Tuni answered with grief. "He got vaporized early in the ambush."

Saddened by the news the Captain nonetheless said.

"Press on sergeant your boys and girls need you more than ever. Keep commanding the third platoon and make the enemy pay at every chance you get."

"Yes Cap."

Done Minerva and the Ruus warriors landed near a wrecked factory with weapons at the ready and checking their corners advanced.

Haliat Kryze

Heroically seeking a cool nickname.
(OOC: Sorry, did a dumb. If someone with the appropriate permissions could delete this at their convenience, that would be very much appreciated. Actual post to follow.)
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Ayhan Ayhan Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin

For a group defined by their reliance on an intense and volatile cocktail of emotions always bubbling just beneath the surface for strength, like the pilot of some ancient chemical rocket, the Sith had always demonstrated a nigh inexplicable degree of patience. Jaidan had always found it the hardest aspect of theirs to explain, and thus their most dangerous. But in this case, the Sith would not need to wait long for her actions to produce a result.

Without delay from the time he had received Ayhan's dire update, sparing just enough concentration to chirp his acknowledgement through the comm, Jaidan was readying his response. Every allied soldier in this base, and a fair few enemies besides, had effectively served as extra eyes and ears for him to monitor and direct this engagement, but mindful of how unsettling it could be for those unaccustomed, he had secured the permission of a chosen few to communicate with them by direct linking of thoughts.

"Pull your troops back to their final assigned positions. I must see to our relief force."

With that, knowing that he must turn his attention immediately to events beyond these strong walls, the myriad illusions within the facility gave way to a single, relatively simple one. Even so, it was pervasive, and it was useful. All at once, the facility was engulfed by complete darkness which no fancy helmet display would penetrate...unless you happened to be among the crowd that Jaidan Shatani wished the benefit of sight for. Under this cover, the Alliance defenders were for the most part able to disengage from their current firefights in relative safety, inflicting further heavy casualties as they went. When next the Alliance forces were engaged, they would have the benefit of neither mysticism nor retreat, but they WOULD have a strong position, carefully prepared. Behind these positions, and behind heavy durasteel blast doors, the control center itself continued to wreak havoc on Imperial air power.

And with that, Jaidan cast his mind out into the city beyond. Happily, what he sought wouldn't be hard to find. If Ayhan had any realistic hope of his force arriving on foot in time to have a meaningful impact, they had to be relatively close, and the mind moved faster than any legs. Far faster. Admittedly, he was looking for a pocket of anger, pain and fear in a sea of such emotions, but the determination of the defender stood out in stark contrast from the malevolence of the invader here to bring wrath and ruin. And of course, there was the shining beacon of a Jedi making no effort to mask their presence.

But there was more. The Force was here alright, but it wasn't all light. And the pain he felt from these men could not be wholly explained by the trauma of battle. No, there was another. Jaidan's thoughts accelerated still further. And abruptly, things changed.

The pain of the soldiers did not simply end. But it did abate into something which could perhaps be pushed through. They were still floundering in a sea of ill intent, but an invisible hand had pulled them back to the surface such they they were no longer drowning in it. And another presence entered into their thoughts, this one bearing words and strength.

"Enough! You are soldiers of the Alliance! Your oath is ironclad, your duty sacred! The hopes and fears of trillions rest with you! You will not shrink, you will not falter! You will remember who you are, you will steel yourselves, and you will see your errand done!"

This message, and all the bolstering strength he could impart behind it, was for the entire force intent on the fort's deliverance. But to Ayhan Ayhan himself, there was one thing more.

"Jedi. You must focus on my essence, and follow it. It will lead you to the most dire threat. I will do all I can to protect you, but we must press this intruder from all sides."

And lastly, there was the intruder herself. Stepping out in front of her hiding place as if from some invisible doorway came the image of the white bearded sage, stern but composed. Favoring his fellow Echani with a nod, the courtesy extended even under these circumstances, he began.

"Greetings. My name is Jaidan Shatani. And I tell you now, if you've come in search of easy prey, you will not find it here."
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Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr

The Fanged Lord sipped from his goblet of blood wine, as the feast was prepared, a woman in a black dress stained with streaks of blood and hair as black as Fyrnocks appeared. She took a seat near his throne, took his hand and carresses it with her cheek:



Vaudimir looked to her and raised his hand to touch her hair,
“My darling Elise.. how was your sleep?”
She raised her pale face, and bore two fangs,
“Delightful my dear.. though I thirst..”
He handed the goblet of blood wine to her, to which she began to slurp and guzzle as if she had been marooned on a desert world, her lips stained in red as her eyes deep blood shimmered with pleasure.

A greater draught will be provided my sweet.. that I hope shall tide you over till the Feast” She turned to him and leaned kissing his cheek, her tongue painting it red like rouge. Elise began to chuckle in her playful behavior. Her movements were erratic, as if she could hardly stay still. The hum of her immortality was an adjustment, and her thirst made her squirm in her seat from time to time. In contrast, Vaudimir was still, as if his heart did not even beat.

Renard entered in, and approached his Master’s side. He whispered in his ear, and Vaudimir gestured with his hand. The system upon which the two communicated was as old as time, often no words needed to be communicated.

The Lord of Semsu wouid wait a little longer for this Man of Iron, and then take Elise out to dine on the streets of the great city as it burned and people screamed in the canopy of combat. For the Sith Spawn, the sounds of the streets thundering with war was intoxicating. He hoped to show his First Bride the sights as the world descended into a fog of death and destruction.
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(Continued from Chapter One)

The battle for the heart of the Core Worlds raged above the surface of Coruscant - blaster fire, lightsaber clashes, and the distant rumble of starship engines filled the skies like a chaotic symphony. In the midst of this, the earth itself began to rumble from the depths below. Far beneath the Senate District, a massive energy signature began to appear all over radar on both sides of the conflict. Sensors ran wild, the ground trembled with increasing intensity, unnoticed at first amidst the chaos of battle, but growing rapidly into a force that could not be ignored. Hovering over this scene as it unfolded, several Star Destroyers under the command of Marlon Sularen waited, watching like predatory vultures.

In the heart of the Senate Building, where Senators had once debated and made decisions that shaped the galaxy, a fissure split the floor with a deafening crack. Dust and debris cascaded from the ceiling as the fissure widened, tearing through the duracrete and permaglass with unstoppable force. The tremors grew violent, and the very structure of the building groaned in protest. Suddenly, with a catastrophic roar, the ground erupted. A massive vessel burst through the Senate floor, a monstrous battlecruiser sized Star Destroyer rising from the depths of Coruscant. Steel and stone were ripped apart as the ship ascended, its dark, imposing hull forcing its way through the layers of the ancient building. Massive chunks of debris were hurled into the air, shattering into countless pieces as they collided with the ground below.

The devastation was incalculable. The incomplete prototype - the ECLIPSE III prototype tore through the Senate Building with the force of a tidal wave, sending shockwaves through the surrounding area. Permaglass windows shattered in a cascade of glimmering shards, walls crumbled into heaps of rubble, and support beams snapped like twigs under the immense pressure. The sound was deafening, a cacophony of destruction that echoed through the cityscape of Coruscant. As the battlecruiser continued its relentless ascent, the once-majestic Senate Building was reduced to a ruinous shell. Towers and spires that had stood for centuries toppled and fell, their collapse adding to the chaos. The building's ornate facade was obliterated, replaced by the dark, angular lines of the Imperial war machine.


"Copy Ghadi, I've just been informed that my second squad had lowered the building's particle shielding." I relayed over the holo.

A feeling of unease crept upon me. It wasn't my place to question orders, not at a crucial time like this, but I'd been wondering why an entire complex's shields needed to be taken out. The possibility of an orbital bombardment crossed my mind, but it was obviously counter intuitive to our stated assignment of capturing Senators that remained, and the building was filled with plenty of Sith warriors in addition. Would the Empire really sacrifice its own forces for a spectacle like bombarding the Senate district?

When the rumbling began from deep below, I had half a mind to think squad two had blown the shield generator to smithereens. But the beast that roared below was not an explosion, but something bigger.

The rumbling became shaking, and the unease in my feet as we quickly raced towards Organa's office became a genuine imbalance, the floor growing tiny cracks in, that soon gave way to a spidering of fissures around the entire hall. In a moment we were thrown to the floor as the hallway before us burst apart in a shower of duracrete dust and fire.

My vision spun with my head, attached to a body that was falling in space as the floor beneath us caved, my eyes filled with the debris, world going dark as I felt my back slam into a hard surface.



Location: Eden's Club, Coruscant
Objective 3: Total War
Tags: Malcoma Hesse Malcoma Hesse


"Chit," Harvey grumbled nervously under his breath. He was moving fast, racing a clock that had already ran out of time. The walkway beneath his feet rumbled, jarring him a bit. Several gasps were heard throughout the crowd of people as he waded through. The lower levels were relatively safe for now, barring the occasional tremor or power fluctuation; the Dark Empire was here, of that there was no doubt. Officially, civilians were ordered to remain indoors and stay tuned to their local CSF precinct broadcast, but you'd have to be an idiot to duck your head in the sand during a full-scale Imperial invasion. The smart ones fled Coruscant days, even weeks ago.

Harvey considered it himself. He really, truly did. He'd banked enough credits on the Donna's payroll the last few years to bail him out from under the CSF and SIA, but what would become of him then? As much as she'd helped him - covered for him - the Donna didn't have a return policy on her generosity. Leaving Coruscant meant leaving the Family, and as far as he was concerned, that wasn't a bridge he could afford to burn. Not yet.

The detective rounded the corner, bumping hard into a woman and child. She drew back defensively, but Harvey was quick to flash his badge and calm her fears. He wasn't some petty street rat trying to burgle people. "Get yourselves to Level 1325. There's a transport still docked, waiting- but not for long." Harvey spared her a rare smile, one that was laced with sadness and naive hope despite knowing she likely wouldn't make it before the ship was gone. He gave the young boy beside her, arm looped through his mother's, a gently scruff on the head. Then he was off, toward the neon signage that adorned the exterior of Eden's Club.

He needed an out. A one-way ticket, with leverage to boot. He wanted to get as far away from the Family, the Alliance, and Coruscant as possible... and luckily enough, Grisha Grisha the slimeball Cha'ta'ri had exactly what he was looking for. All it would cost him was loyalty and enough dirt on the good Donna to bury all the bodies he was leaving behind in the Core. It was all right there, on a dedicated server in Eden's Club. All he had to do was find it. Harvey thumbed over the data spike in his coat pocket as he considered what he was about to do for the last time, then passed under the ominous chrome archway.




Location: Coruscant, Deep Underworld
Objective: N/A


The Kel Dor had been falling for some time. Having been briefly knocked out from the blast that sent his body on a collision course to the bottom of the galactic capital. Passing thousands of levels, if he wasn’t already blind the thick smog would’ve made him functionally so.

As he regained consciousness he realized that every second that past he was getting further away from the action, further away from his allies, further away from his duties. He believed this battle was to be a moment of truth for him, it had to be. His first great battle since being knighted. It seemed as though he’d be cast aside. Buried under the weight of Galactic City.

Suddenly Ko felt a brief tremor in The Force. Snapping his mind back to the present he noticed that he was about to reach his destination at the bottom of the portal. Calling upon The Force to surround and shield him he quickly broke his fall. Telekinetically cushioning himself just enough to not get hurt as his body slammed into a colossal pile of garbage. The impact kicked up a decent amount of debris.

Carefully he got himself back up onto his feet. Standing atop the trash heap. This was his first time being down this far down. Over five thousand levels. He was surprised that he didn’t collide with anything during his descent. Perhaps the war drastically cut down on traffic even this deep.

There was an odd sense of sereneness around him. It was so hospitable he wondered if he was the only living creature on the level. If not for his mask he’d likely be choking to death. His skin even felt like it was burning slightly from how caustic the air was. But the lonely peace he felt was interrupted occasionally by the low thumps of explosions and turbolaser fire above. The sounds of which echoed down the underworld portal to remind him of the battle raging above. It was gonna be a hell of a hike getting back up to the surface…

// Lvl 1325 \\

// N \\

As she typed the single-letter reply to Damris' concern on her wristwatch, she slipped to one of Club Everlight's back entrances. She had poked her head into the last hour or so of its Doomsday Eve party to satisfy a morbid curiosity and apathy which she evidently shared with a good number of other Coruscanti. Even since the Galactic Alliance had entered what was likely its death throws, thrashing against its predator in vain, seemingly intent on bringing as many civilians as it could with it, the party remained partially alive and well.

It had been a good distraction, but she needed a come back to reality now. Stepping out into an alleyway of the Uscru District, another buzz from her wrist brought her watch back to her attention. This message was not Damris arguing about her hesitance to evacuate—not yet—but an automated security message:

// Alert @ EC: movement detected in outer entryway \\

"Dammit," she muttered under her breath. Though she had expected some looters both at her Club and Guesthouse, she wasn't ready to let it be. Not just yet. She quickly surveyed her surroundings, oriented herself in respect to 1910 Storyville Street, and ran into the total war raging near to what used to be as good as her streets.

Soon enough, she was at the same chrome archway that Harvey had recently passed under. In the time it had taken her to make her way from one club to the other, one of the letters in her neon sign had flickered out, the LEDs left dead after a short power flux. Malcoma stooped to draw Kandra, her golden holdout pistol, from her boot before slowly making her way inside the dark club.



Location: Eden's Club, Coruscant
Objective 3: Total War
Tags: Malcoma Hesse Malcoma Hesse


The data spike rolled between Harvey's nervous fingers as he navigated the main floor of the club. His eyes immediately landed on the gleaming metallic poles that adored the tables in the middle of the room, then moved to the bar in the corner. 'If the world wasn't ending,' he thought cheekily. It almost brought a smirk to his lips, were it not for another tremor rattling the bottles that reminded him he wasn't here for pleasure. There'd be plenty of fun to be had on Cantonica once he pays for his citizenship. Now, where would he hide a data server if he were a club owner?

Harvey slinked his way deeper into the building, eyes peeled without attracting too much attention. He'd only spotted one cleverly hidden security camera thus far, and no doubt there had to be more. Whether or not the power surges were throwing off their feed, he couldn't tell. Best to move with haste where he could. The fabric-lined door ahead looked like a good bet. He propped against the wall and waited, hands in his pockets, fiddling with the spike again. Another tremor came, this one a bit more violent than the others - the lights flickered, then died, but they weren't quick to come back. In the pitch black, he made his move.

With data spike in hand, Harv wedged it into the side of the biometric scanner. The satisfying click of the maglocks let him know his stunt was successful. In a fluid sleight of hand, the spike slid into his pocket, he unholstered his FDS-4F, and cracked the padded door just wide enough to slip through before the lights sparked back to life behind him.

As he opened himself to the Force, he sensed a familiar presence. His master, Syd Celsius, was hovering somewhere above the surface of the planet. She felt him at almost the same moment he felt her, and sent him her goodwill.

There—he thought he sensed Kyla hiding in the depths. He started to lower his altitude in preparation for a landing. A Sith bombshell came whistling through the air, catching him by surprise. He swerved to avoid it, but his starboard side was caught in the explosion, sending him careening off to one side. His wing was clipped by the side of a starscraper.

Alarm klaxons shrieked and his display flashed red. He gripped the controls tightly as smoke billowed out behind him. All he could do now was stick the landing…

The starfighter skidded across a rooftop, fell off the edge and nosedived into the pavement below. Starlin coughed, his ribs now carrying bruises in the shape of the crash webbing that had held him in place during the impact.

A sudden blind terror seized him. Though he was relatively uninjured and on track to find the girl, he could not soothe the fear that had spread so swiftly through him, like icy water spilling into a crevice. He unbuckled himself and staggered out of his crumpled starfighter, stumbling on the ground until he was on his hands and knees. He could not control his frantic, uneven breathing. Was this what hyperventilating was like? Was he hyperventilating?

It couldn’t be natural. Some overwhelming exterior force was influencing him, making him feel this way.

<Syd…> he called to Syd Celsius Syd Celsius out of desperation. <Master…>

She would try to go to him. He knew she would. Yet the Darkness closing in around this place was too much even for him. What would it do to her, a being so changed by strange rituals that she was now practically of the Force?

<Stay away,> he warned. <But… help me.>

He had never blamed her for the problems and tragedies which had befallen him. For all her flaws, she had always tried to help and guide him. He was the one who insisted on following her into danger, making the same mistakes even when she urged him not to.

<You didn’t have a chance to knight me. The professor beat you to it. But you can master me. Make me a Jedi Master now, Syd. Make me stronger than ever before. Strong enough to defeat the Dark and do what must be done!>

ok I level up Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl

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