Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Chasing Stars & Stellar Winds

“Oh? Oh. Yes. Anything would be great thank you,” he replied with a slightly awkward chuckle. He wondered how an avian species saw the way mammals and reptiles would cultivate colonies of birds for the purposes of producing eggs.

What he really wanted to do was round the corner and give her a kiss. Just a gentle kiss on the cheek and a brief squeeze. Asmus wasn't sure quite where they stood yet so he kept the barrier of the counter between them.

“Comfy couch, slept well after a bit. Had a lot to let settle in you know?” he gave her a warm smile, deciding there was no point skirting around it.
"Okay," Kaile replied, offering a fleeting ghost of a smile before ducking her head. A second later and she bit her lower lip and chewing on it thoughtfully before glancing back up.

"There's..." she began, adding softly," There's a sonic just through the left a little yonder off from the hot tub. That is if you want to get cleaned up." Basic necessities, nothing fancy.

In so far of mentioning all that which they'd disclosed the night before, well, seemed like Asmus was tackling head-on.

"Yeah -- reckon it is still rather overwhelming for one night." after all, Kaile had five years and then five months in both instances - and she was still working through things.
“I think I needed to hear all you told me,” he said with a slow nod. Following her gaze he weighed up the offer.

“I do, but not got any spare clothes on me.” A little sideways smile formed on his face and he tilted his head to one side. “I still can't believe there's a hot tub on this ship,” he chuckled.

It felt good to talk of normal things like routine and breakfast and hot tubs. He stood up straight, hands tapping a nervous beat briefly on the counter. He could still go and wash.

“Thank you, again, for telling me.” His eyes again dropped towards the obvious talking point. He didn't say any more but there was a change in his expression. A softening in his gaze as he thought about it, about the future. If she wanted to go on without him now, it would be even more difficult to deal with the knowledge that he wouldn't be there for his child.
"Well... it wasn't all that pretty when we had a gaping hole there that had sheets of durasteel preventing us from falling into it. " Kaile added, adding in conversation to keep busy, moving towards the stove. Everything was along one side of the wall, so she would normally turn away from Asmus when she spoke.

Slow, but familiar motions would reveal that Kaile knew her way around the kitchenette. She'd spent many hours cooking here with Kurt alongside her -- although he mainly just chopped up vegetables and helped clean the dishes. He was perfectly happy doing the cleaning if she did the cooking, but the pair enjoyed being able to simply talk while they prepared their meals. Had been since he first let her stay on the Messa.

"Well, the sonic could clean your clothes even if you wore 'em," reminding him that unlike a water shower, the sonic could also clean his clothing. A pause as she took a small pot to cook oatmeal in.

"... Or if you don't have anything... Reckon I can find something that you might wear of Kurt's."

As for telling him what she had...

"Well... it was either tell you when you showed up and surprised me or just not bother," she admitted, suggesting that the option had been there to simply not intercept him at all. A small click and the warming plate came on. She had already held her tongue for five years; in practicality, Kaile could have very well done the same again had the decision swung otherwise.
Asmus wasn't sure how he felt about borrowing clothes from Kurt. One thing that he hadn't quite disentangle from her past was exactly where Kurt intersecting with the events he knew. He didn't want to seem petty by directing the flow of the conversation back towards him.

When he thought about it, he settled on the realisation that he hadn't had a truly long term relationship with someone before. He wasn't certain what was appropriate or not. He'd never been through the situation when a partner had introduced him to ‘the ex’. There had been the reverse one time with a pilot he had slept with once and her partner who had not taken it all that well.

Asmus didn't want to come across as jealous, but he had always felt a slight possessiveness over Kaile. He didn't think that was wrong, he was aware that he didn't own her and that she knew her own mind. It was all just so different.

Kaile who had stolen his heart. Kaile who was carrying his child. A child that he was more and more coming around to the notion of wanting to be there for. Being a father.

“Good point I'll clean these,” he replied. Asmus meandered off towards the refresher suite. “Back in a couple.”
Kaile hadn't been looking at Asmus when he replied to read his body language, but the tone perhaps relayed enough of what he was feeling. She immediately felt guilty at being so forthright. Maybe dial it back a bit? There had been enough brought out into the open last night -- didn't need more of anything else.

Taking a deep breath, Kaile gave a nod, pink hair swaying along the tops of her shoulders.

"Alright..." she added, taking the time to pour oatmeal into the pot as well as water with enough care as if she were setting hyperfuel. The anxiety was returning again.

Stupid, came the self-reproach.
Asmus didn't take long. A perfunctory sonic was taken. He had left his trousers and shirt on the floor of the cubicle so that he could feel the vibrations cleansing his skin more directly. It was nice to just have a moment of regular routine in the little booth.

Asmus returned to the living area bare from the waist up once again. Having wasted no time he had slipped his trousers back over his shorts on the way, but was still trying to shake a few creases out. Even now he didn't like wearing creased clothes if it could be helped.

“That felt good,” he sighed. “Quite a long time cramped in the cockpit to navigate a path through the maze.”
Hearing Asmus return brought a dark of brown eyes over to catch the movement of his stride. It was immediately returned back to the gently simmering pot of oatmeal at the distinct lack of a shirt the former Wing Commander currently would sport. He was seven years her junior, and his attention at hitting the gym at the Subversion due to a lack of any other interesting endeavor had paid off. There was a reason why that one girl, Lucy, had her eyes on Asmus.

Swallowing hard, Kaile took a deep breath. Just had to focus on the food. It was easy for Asmus to distract her -- especially in light of everything that had occurred between at the beach house. That had been rather -- liberating. In that aspect, Kaile had been quick to discover that Asmus was very much her equal in sexual appetite and exploration.

"Surprised Jay managed to fit inside," small talk. She could do small talk. Don't focus on how his voice emphasized the 'good'.

"Umm," looking around the counter at the nearby bolted down basket of fruit, Kaile offered him some, " ... Fruit?"

She had to get her wandering mind under control. They still had plenty to go over without getting distracted on the fact she hadn’t had sex in five months. There were the emotions there as well that had nothing to do with the baser needs at all. Like the simple desire to reach out to touch him. To drift her fingers along his arm or over his shortly cropped hair. Along the thick scruff of beard of his jaw.
“Please,” he said, pushing his arms into his shirt and drawing it down. It was one of those branded tees that deliberately looked like a faded, cheap patterned top. Even when looking like a run of the mill spacer he had to consider fashion just a little.

Asmus finally crossed the barrier, rounding the counter and joining Kaile in the small kitchenette. He picked something from the bowl and took a bite.

“Jay didn't fit all that well in the copilot's chair,” Asmus admitted. “He complained. Quite a lot.”

He looked around the room, taking it in. She had suddenly fallen into the middle of his life back on the Subversion. He had walked right into a piece of hers.

“How do you feel?” he asked. “About telling me, that is.” Asmus looked towards her, a curious expression on his face. Those sharp green eyes watched her closely but the rest was a comforting visage. He didn't seem so on edge, leaning back against the counter.
Their eyes met that next instant. Kaile gave a slow blink, the internal cogs turning in her mind as she would mull exactly how to answer him.

How did she feel about it?

Glancing down, Kaile gave a stir to the oatmeal.

“It’s.. complicated. “ she admitted. At least she could focus on cooking the oatmeal.

“Not quite sure,” she elaborated,” i didn’t think I’ll ever tell you about Quinn.” A pause,” nor did I expect to see you again after flashfire.”

She took a breath, shoulders rising.

“Reckon to a degree … it’s still registering. Can’t quite settle on the fact you’re here. That i done told you that much so far.” There was still more too.

“... but it’s easier I guess. “
There was something very new about speaking so openly with Kaile. Always there had been that mutual understanding that when they reached a certain point in a conversation she would back away. Now it had all come flooding out and bothof them were adjusting.

Asmus covered his mouth briefly as he chewed a larger bite than he had intended to take. He nodded at her before swallowing.

He felt as if it could be freeing. Eventually. Right now mentioning Quin's name had a big impact each time and had him reeling internally. Thinking of all Kaile had been through. Those flashes of pain he saw in her eyes made more tangible.

“Makes sense. Can't imagine it was easy.” Easy to keep it inside or to let it all out. There was a flicker of the curiosity that Asmus often had.

“I'll understand if you don't want to say but… Have you given names any thought?” he asked quietly. His voice managed to pay some consideration to the sensitivity of the topic. For all he knew she was avoiding it until she knew the sex, or because she was afraid that something could go wrong again.
There was only so much stirring of the pot of oatmeal Kaile could do. Any more and it was bound to be ridiculous. So, focusing on plating, Kaile’s profile allowed her to avoid looking at his face or eyes.

He had a right to be inquisitive. It just still felt strange discussing it with a man she hadn’t thought would even be a part of the child’s life to begin with. Not to mention, after Quin, Kaile was taking it a bit more cautiously.

“Umm,” pearly white teeth gently went nibbling across her lower lip.

“Not really…” bowls, she requires bowls. Attempting to reach up at the overhead counter space, Kaile tried to take two bowls down from behind the cupboard.
“That was a little direct,” he said with an apologetic tone. “Do you want me to fetch anything?” he asked. He had find memories of working in the Quintessence galley with Kaile. But he also knew this wasn't her galley. She'd probably cooked her with Kurt and other crew members plenty.

Sometimes it was difficult to consider just how much of his life had been revealed to her in those days. He'd talked of Eriadu and his life with Kairon. Plans for the future that were still forming.

There seemed plenty of room if they wanted to eat off the counter already. “I can wash up after.”
“It’s fine.” Kalie replied, taking a deep breath. “Just need the bowls here to put this on.” she added, considering. “Maybe glass if you want water?” a gesture would point to where the cups would be.

“There.” behind the drawer there would be just enough of a set for two people. Two glasses. Two mugs ( one of which Kaile was already using for tea). Everything was in multiples of two. Telling, to say the least, of the normal living situation.

As she began to laddle oatmeal into each bowl, the Lorrdian would quietly add,” I reckon you’ve all sorts of questions anyways.” a quiet pause.

“Not like I ever offered much when you would ask in the past.”
“Oh, loads,” he admitted as he reached down a glass for water. “But I don't want to just unload them all,” he said with an arch of his eyebrows. He was starting to brew an irrational fear that she was secretly married to Kurt. She had described him as her best friend, but he suspected they had split up not long before he had met her.

Asmus didn't want to delve into any more revelations right now. He wasn't sure he could take it. Maybe just some little details to colour in the fringes. What he really wanted was to reconnect with Kaile. Just some small gestures, touch, a shared smile. He wanted them both to share those little moments that made them feel closer. He wanted to be bold, to sweep her up and kiss her. This was one of those few times where Asmus was still trying to reestablish his footing.

Instead he just gentle rested a hand against her shoulder blade as he stood beside her.

“Looks great. Sofa?” It was a question, but not the kind she might have expected to follow.
“Yeah -- the coffee table makes a good place to eat,” Kaile offered. He was being cautious, and to be frank, Kaile was mighty grateful for it. She was still reeling from him actually being in the Messa with her, that he took the time to track her and getting Vo to help him.

Kaile had already known that Asmus had a way of driving his focus for whatever he wanted to accomplish, but this by far placed him in the sort of picture the former agent hadn’t before. To have recalled bits of information to narrow down where she’d be hiding at— was nothing short of impressive.

With a bowl of oatmeal and a spoon for each, Kaile offered a bit of that precious sugar if he wanted it sweetened,” there’s sugar if you like. Might have raisins somewhere..”
“We haven't had sugar for a few weeks,” he said, as if justifying taking a sprinkle of the indulgent granules. “Thanks.”

Asmus rounded the counter first and crossed the room. The couch smelled faintly of him now he had spent a full night on it. He didn't have an expectation of how a woman's body changed over pregnancy. As he turned to sit he couldn't help but cast his gaze over her middle again. She was clearly showing, but looked a long way from the uncomfortably large stage.

Sitting beside each other on a sofa and eating a simple breakfast together felt like such a normal thing to do. Over the last few months he had lived among close friends, but there wasn't much in the way of normal about the hideouts they have moved between. After the last evening this routine felt grounding. A solid platform to find his footing once more.

He sighed, smiled at Kaile and took a mouthful of breakfast. In all the drama he had almost forgotten quite how beautiful her eyes were. He wished he could see her wear an easy smile again. Or maybe just hear a little laugh.
So there they were, both sitting on the couch. Kaile had brought her knees up close to her rounded belly, letting her bare feet rest on top of the couch, body canted slightly towards Asmus’ direction. She might still feel that this is a bit surreal, but that did not mean she wanted to avoid looking at him.

To be frank, it was hard to draw her eyes away from him.

“You’re welcome.” Kaile replied, setting her mug of tea on the coffee table. After a few seconds, she began to spoon the oatmeal into her mouth. It was strange, eating here with Asmus. Jay still loomed in the corner, powered off for the present time. He couldn’t stay like that for a long period of time; he would need to recharge soon.

Swallowing, Kaile chewed her oatmeal carefully, watching Asmus over her bowl.

“So…” she began, “you mentioned Jay complained about sitting in a tight space for a while… take it you didn’t bring a shuttle here.”
“Oh, I got Thunderstruck back. Took all the decals off her and she hadn't had a new coat of paint in a while. She looks right at home parked behind a couple of Headhunters.”

A smile crossed his lips and he looked towards Jay. “That one complained about losing his Wraith Squadron icons. Came back from a meeting on day and the flight team and given him a new paint job, as you can see. I think he liked feeling like he belonged.”

There had been plenty of work for him too. Lucy and the others had set him helping them. He could carry about four times the weight of a man and once trained could carry out some very precise jobs.

“Picked up a little engineering too.” Asmus returned to another spoonful, expecting some follow on questions.
"I see," another spoonful of oatmeal went into Kaile's mouth. She would chew thoughtfully, mulling over this information. So if he brought the Thunderstruck then he really hadn't planned for traveling beyond the short term. Actually...

"Then, what did you bring with you?" Jay couldn't charge on his own out here. Unless something was jerry-rigged to do so. How much had he planned ahead if he had found her?

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