Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Chrome Galactic Alliance Dominion of Malastare Hex

Loske Matson | Asmus Janes | Berric Kelso | Choli Vyn | Encouragement Gets | Alexandra Russo | Triam Akovin | Lucius Varad Allyson Locke|Betti |Owen Holst

VS: Nia Siroc Davon Karr Lok Munin

The cue from One was enough. The team roared forward with a similar formation that they’d use in the stars. Bits of grime that composed the golden terrain beneath them split and spread to a dusty wake behind the engines of the stranded Rogues. They hadn’t covered much distance before activity, as usual, seemed to find them. Beneath the golden veil of her goggles, azure gaze was mostly restricted to the dust and what was five feet in front of her. It was her ears that had to be a little more sharp; and she cast a glance to her radar. Red. Red red red everywhere. Then shouting. Startled, she jerked her head upward and kicked down on her heel, cuing the roar of the manipulated fusial engines. The wind licked up any loose garments, and they fluttered wildly behind her, twisting in the air like a house banner.

There was activity, but Loske couldn’t see it - therefore, she took a cue from [member="Choli Vyn"]. Both quite lithe and speedy, they’d serve as excellent spearheads for the other Rogues to perhaps do a little damage. The rev of the engine fed from the tip of the speeder through to the back; keeping velocity in tact as she shifted her weight to her right side and angled more towards Cho to shout over the noise of the engines and wind. She hadn’t yet moved to make any sort of noise before sparks exploded from the butt of her bike and jerked her to the left. Alarmed, bright eyes widened in shock. Through the dust; she couldn’t see her attacker.

“We need more of a smoke screen, we’re under fire!” It was hard to hear her beneath the fabric that covered her mouth, but that’d never stop her from talking. If the Rogues could just focus on moving forward, and not get trapped in the brew-ha-ha that was about to take place, they could keep their eyes on the prize and claim it. Let the others squabble amongst themselves and tear themselves apart.

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Objective 3:
Location: Malastare Narrows
Allies: Rings of the Lord
Enemies: Black Sun remnant
Post: 7/38

Ugohr provoked the fall of another enemy tank into the methane river by shooting at the cliff wall underneath its right track, much like the Jawa provoked the fall of a T3-B tank earlier. It's becoming clear that, with a 25-degree maximum elevation, Nardil was at an advantage compared to the T3-B, which could at most depress 10 degrees and hence he was safe so long as the enemy was close enough. For Nardil, the pay-zone was between 10 to 25 degrees elevation, where he could shoot without fearing to be shot back. All of a sudden, the six remaining enemy tanks began to turn their turrets around for aiming at the tanks on the surface, effectively giving up the chase on the tank down the narrow canyon.

"Nardil, stay close to da enemy. All-n-youse else, hit and run!"

Ugohr was going to defeat the enemy tank squadron in detail. With nearly half the strength of the squadron down, the enemy knows they are outnumbered at this point, and the acting commander is debating whether to surrender or to fight to the bitter end. The rapid loss of five tanks is dealing a severe blow to the enemy morale: while Nardil is still rafting down the methane river, the other eleven are in position to fire, either at the joints of the enemy tanks or at their rear armor, where the engine compartment is usually housed in a tank, whether treaded or with repulsorlift.

"Wesa intercept some strange communications: theysa waverin"

"They are entertaining the notion of surrender? What kind of scumbag would surrender now?" Galadriel commented.

"Fire and then they will raise the white flag"

"That is, if we score quick, clean kills, Gilraen"

Galadriel and Gilraen both shoot at the back of a tank whse turret is the only component that turned around, with Hadraniel and Andariel aiming for the treads of another unit instead. But Hadraniel got a taste of its own medicine when the enemy aimed for the engine, narrowly missing and got some rocks hitting the repulsorlift engine, rendering the unit immobile and unable to fire except at fixed targets since a failsafe activated when the engine sustained damage. But with two more tanks being lost on the enemy side, this skirmish on Malastare has been a disaster for that ostensibly dark-sided unit.

"Once the combat ends, commander, we will need some repairs to our engine!"

"Copy, Hadraniel"

Devyn Lynton

Objective: 3
Location: Lost Somewhere
[ [member="Aedan Lochlan"] | [member="Tela Uolmi"] | [member="Berric Kelso"] | [member="Loske Matson"] | [member="Alicia Frost"] | [member="Choli Vyn"] | [member="Encouragement Gets"] | [member="Asmus Janes"] | [member="Areiana Slayer"] | [member="Alexandra Russo"] | [member="Lucius Varad"] | [member="Allyson Locke"] ]
Post 02

Of course he was late to the party. Well, yeah, maybe not exactly to the party, but he was still late. While the rest of the pals were doing their things, trying to get out of there, have fun, adventure or whatever, Devyn was not doing anything very successful. Was it his fault that he found himself on the planet that late?

He didn't really understand what was going on. It was like... the last he remembered, he was on Naboo. And seemingly right after that, he was at this place, roasting under the hot sun and trying to come up with an idea of where he was.

Ugh, why did these things have to happen, he couldn't understand. Like there weren't enough anomalies in the galaxy; the sudden appearance there just had to happen, right? He remembered all the crazy times when dead people came alive and when thousands disappeared to the realms of the dead, that moment when machines rebelled. Wasn't it a little bit too much now? He wasn't even granted the ability to use the Force to manage all of that.

He lifted himself to his feet, feeling a little bit shaky and lightheaded. Well, what would he do now? Just wander around and try to get out of there? But there was another question equally important -- why the heck wasn't he with the rest of the people?


Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Objective 3:
Location: Malastare Narrows
Allies: Rings of the Lord
Enemies: Black Sun remnant
Post: 8/38

"Issa miracle that wesa could hold out this long against da enemy armies on Malastare: theysa only vanguard. Rogue Una issa general of da Army of Malastare; mesa ask him about any reinforcements"

Ugohr and his unit were inflicting casualties on the enemy tank unit that was entertaining the notion of surrender due to them losing at least seven tanks out of eleven in a short amount of time. Clearly, despite two tanks needing repairs, one of which is rather critical, the Rings of the Lord were winning. And, in the mean time, the burning wrecks of the downed enemy tanks that fell in the caused the methane river to burst into flames where they hit the river bed. Upon seeing the smell of burned enemy wrecks being washed away by the flow of methane, the Jawas inside the tank codenamed Nardil began to cover their noses because that was a rather unpleasant smell reminiscent of poodoo, and the smell fanned out faster in the bottom of the canyon, where they were rafting downriver at maximum speed to the nearest safe point where they could climb their way out. And another enemy tank bites the dust... while the lead tank turns its turret away from the Alliance tanks. Its commander raised a white flag, which was barely visible on the rangefinder due to the flag being at the same temperature as the methane-filled air around it.

"Enemy tank squadron surrenders" Galadriel informs Ugohr.

"We surrender! The Sith Triumvirate is unable to reinforce our positions at this point: they are under attack on Ruusan and they are attacking Chalacta" the enemy commander tells Ugohr over the comms.

"If there-sa dark-sided Force-users, no quarter shall be made for yousa. However, if yousa not usin da Force, yousa now offered unconditional surrender. Yoursa lives will be spared if yousa never again fight da Galactic Alliance"

Any Sith Triumvirate forces left on Malastare will not be reinforced by the Triumvirate. Rather, Techno Union or Black Sun holdouts will have to fight in the Triumvirate's stead, while there is still hope for the dark-siders to hold the line; any hope of One Sith reinforcements to Malastare has vanished since the Alliance's victory on Dulvoyinn. The Techno Union fights mainly using droids, spider (dwarf or not), NR-N99s, or crab droids, alongside the infantry battle droids that they could just ram through, whereas Black Sun holdouts use similar equipment to the tanks that fought tonight.
[member="Micah Talith"]

Objective 3

Micah would hear the music blasting out across the scorched landscape. It was hard to recognise at first, just a beat. Hard to hear above the roar of the blessed V8. Soon the engines and the music would become clear, shimmering silhouettes of the Corsair Fleet.

Harb reached rolled down the window and signalled for the Beat Boys to turn up the music. A pair of gran twins in the vehicle over nodded and the music went up a few decibels. The twins’ truck held huge speakers they'd taken from a crashed freighter a month back and the Corsairs never gave much credence to stealth. When they were on the move, one of the largest land fleets known, they wanted their enemies to know they were coming.

“Sunny’s waving to us, reckon he's seen something,” Jick, his driver grunted.

Harb looked at him in confusion. “Ain't no other gangs crossing the great plains today, scouts wouda seen ‘em,” he replied. He was jolted up from his seat by a rut in the terrain.

“Look there, lone straggler.”

“Oh yeah. Cross the plains on foot? Ballsy.”

“Ignore them?”

“Oh no,” Harb replied. A wicked grin revealed a mouth only half full of teeth. “Run ‘em down, then we can see if they have anything worth nicking.” He was forced back into his seat as Jick floored it. The guitar riff was matched by the growl of the engine.

“And if we just clip ‘em, we'll sic the dugs on em,” Harb added, jabbing over his shoulder with his thumb. There was a jangle of chains at that. In the back at least six figures were linked by one long chain, clamped to their necks. All were wrapped up in ragged clothes, with hoods over their heads. Four were unmistakably dugs, whilst two were humanoid.

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Objective 3:
Location: Malastare Narrows
Allies: Rings of the Lord
Enemies: Black Sun remnant
Post: 9/38

After receiving the announcement of surrender from the enemy tank squadron commander, Ugohr opened a channel to Rogue One, the de facto commander of what he called the Army of Malastare, that is, all Galactic Alliance forces on Malastare. The being he knew only as Rogue One is thus responsible for all military operations of the Galactic Alliance on Malastare. The trick is that Rogue One is on the ground alongside the rest of Rogue Squadron who, for some reason, ended up on Malastare without any of their fighters. There was no response on his part. At that point, Ugohr had to act as though he was in command of the Army of Malastare for the time being, and that Rogue Squadron is no longer an entity that was part of any formal structure as it pertained to the Malastare theater.

"Da general of da Army of Malastare not responden to oursa calls. Wesa on our own now"

"Commander, looks like Rogue Squadron is actually here without any airpower"

"But who could send reinforcements to us?"

"The Fifth Legion perhaps"

"The Fifth Legion is too far away for it to be of any help, General Talith is garrisoned on Dulvoyinn. Perhaps some elements from the 7th Legion on Woostri could reinforce us in time..."

"Harondor, disen Captain Ugohr Poof from da Rings of the Lord. Wesa have good news and bad news. Da good news issa dat an enemy tank squadron surrendered. Da bad news issa dat mines pasten da bridge. If yousa go back for reinforcements, yousa must get usen anti-aircraft units. And spare parts to repair da engine of a tank. And anti-infantry. Wesa have no airpower"

"Headquarters, this is Harondor. The Army of Malastare is petitioning for anti-aircraft and anti-infantry reinforcements"

Harondor was the codename given to the Rings of the Lord for the graveyard-shift pilot of their transport, because Ugohr is normally flying it. Meanwhile, the Jawa-manned tank ended up rafting down the methane river for almost twenty kilometers before finding a point in the chasm that could be climbable to safety, and being about fifteen kilometers from where the rest of what Harondor dubbed the Army of Malastare, that is, the Galactic Alliance ground force on Malastare, stood. But will the Army of Malastare get the reinforcements Ugohr called for?

Silara Varis

[member="Ugohr Poof"]

Objective 3:
Location: Malastare Narrows
Allies: Rings of the Lord
Enemies: Black Sun remnant

Location: High Orbit

The Black Dagger. It was a merchant Action IV retrofitted with a number of hangar bays. Since slipping into the ranks of the alliance Silara had been swallowed up by the Black Ops division. Given a cover story, a fake identity and a mission to carry out she was a veritable ghost to these folks. Black Dagger didn't exist, and neither did she.

Except in the form of Red one, of Bloodhawk squadron. They were remnants of a few of her old Republic Squadron from her days as the CAG in third Battlegroup. That was of course before the Sith had crushed the Pub's and knocked them way back into the stone age.


She bolted upright, brushing back the locks of her black hair. The sound of the comm had spooked her. Already she had a pistol in hand.

Once her eyes adjusted to the dim light she snatched it up.

"Agent Varis."

"Get to the Ready room Agent Varis. We have a mission for you."

She knew better than to ask questions. Go where you're told, do what needs doing. That was their line of work.

"ETA five mikes. Varis out."

It took only minutes to slip her black flightsuit on and don her cloak and goggles. A quick stroke of her fingers painted those familiar black lines under her eyes. War paint, and a reminder of who she was now. Holstering her DL-44 and Caerka machine pistol she made her way to the room, where three other of her pilots were assembled.

"We have transmissions coming in from Malastare. Looks like one of our units needs support and there’s no one else around. Normal protocols dictate we sit this one out, but I'm breaking the rules."

Her eyebrow shot up.

"Sir, there's rules in this outfit?" She jested.

The Quarren known to them only as Commader Grey growled.

"Can it Varis. I'm sending down a three man team. Your orderes are to link up and provide fire support for our elements on the surface. We have ten minutes till go time. All X-Wings are fuelled and ready, so get your shit together and get in them."

"Aye Sir!"

A quick salute was snapped before she and the others turned on their heels.

Moments later, three matte black X-Wings launched from the side of the Acion IV, like bats in the night.

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Objective 3:
Location: Malastare Narrows
Allies: [member="Silara Varis"], Rings of the Lord
Enemies: Black Sun remnant, Techno Union
Post: 10/38

The first wave may have surrendered, but the second wave was fast incoming. Ugohr didn't petition for reinforcements for nothing; they were going to be overrun if he sat back and did nothing. But Galadriel reports on enemy movements from beyond the ridge. Now Ugohr's mission is to drive out the armies hired by the Sith Lords to defend Malastare, even though this planet is officially independent. It seems the enemy goes all-out and sends all units they can in order to trap Ugohr and his tank squadron to their deaths. The enemy airpower is on their radars, and Ugohr was right to ask for anti-aircraft units when sending the company transport back to Woostri in an attempt to get reinforcements for the destitute ground forces on Malastare. But will the ground reinforcements arrive in time to save what's left of their tank squadron? Will the air reinforcements be sufficient to drive off the enemy tri-droids or airpower? Once the enemy airpower is defeated, however, the droid forces will be vulnerable.

"The enemy is on the move!"

"How many units?"

"I'm reading a dozen tri-droids, a half-dozen TIE Interdictors, and two droid regiments"

"That's a lot of clankers..."

"Issa trap! Wesa fall into an enemy trap! Red alert! Target the TIE Interdictors!"

Two droid regiments? If they were mostly infantry, they may stand a chance. But if there were armored units on top of enemy airpower, as well as artillery, Nardil was as good as dead, and even the Rings of the Lord were as good as dead. Tri-droids were best used against the Alliance airpower, which Ugohr sensed was forthcoming. TIE Interdictors are slow, and, if allowed to drop their ordnance, would reduce the Rings of the Lord to scrap, as well as punching craters in the ground around them. Anti-aircraft, grenadiers, these were the main things Ugohr could ask for. But as they target the TIE interdictors, they realize their shields are up and they need to be shooting at nearly maximum elevation to hit them. They were rather slow and the nimble tri-droids broke off to rise in altitude.
Objective: One
Allies: [member="Nia Siroc"] and [member="Davon Kurr"]
Enemies: [member="Asmus Janes"] and [member="Astarii Saren"]

If it weren't for the senior Mandalorian, then Lok's pretty face would've had a third degree burn and leave him faceless for some time. "Thanks, vod," the youngster said and showed his gratitude to the elder Mandalorian. They were so close in going back home. So close, but they would have to battle more obstacles as a Kultist truck was beside the Skiff and lighting the crew and the vehicle with Crimson flames. As if there wasn't enough heat already on this godforsaken planet.

As they left the boarding party of Dugs on the tanker that they were targeting Davon maneuvered away from the Krimson Kultist truck that was spitting hot fire at them. But that wasn't their only concern. A spear suddenly penetrated the armor of the skiff and was mere inches from impaling the skin of Davon. They couldn't afford another hit like that especially when the velocity of the spear had no problem in penetrating the plating of the skiff. Luckily, the battle between the two large vehicles came to an end as Davon threw a grenade, that belonged to the Kultists, at the truck and a show of fireworks were on display as the truck blew to oblivion and took down the whole crew with it.

Although they managed a win they were far from problems as another truck came up and started attacking with lines of flames. The Munin boy briefly cussed and damned the hostile crew that they were now facing. Orders than came from Davon in which the adrenaline rushing through Lok's veins caused him to react than what he would normally. His hands grasped the shape of the spear and began pulling it with all his might. Some Dugs on the skiff came to his aid and helped him in his effort. The spear was then pulled out, and Lok along with the Dugs that helped him aimed the large spear at the cannisters of the flamethrower. It' would have been embarrassing for Lok to miss the cannisters due to their size, but he made a direct hit on one of them; the truck didn't blew up, however, the vehicle was engulfed in flames and gave limited options to the crew of the truck.

Another victory which would, again, be short lived as someone screamed out the word, "Rogues."

"Let's show those cocky kids whose road this is!"

Devyn Lynton

Objective: 3
Location: Lost Somewhere
[ [member="Aedan Lochlan"] | [member="Tela Uolmi"] | [member="Berric Kelso"] | [member="Loske Matson"] | [member="Alicia Frost"] | [member="Choli Vyn"] | [member="Encouragement Gets"] | [member="Asmus Janes"] | [member="Areiana Slayer"] | [member="Alexandra Russo"] | [member="Lucius Varad"] | [member="Allyson Locke"] ]
Post 03

The boy started going in one direction while looking at the sun and figuring out he was going towards the north. He was not really used to surviving in the desert even though he'd been taught that, just in case he would need that. And like one could see, the boy was at a desert, trying to survive, meaning her parents' teachings were very useful.

However, the real question was, did he have any gear with him? Surely he had holocomms and stuff before disappearing, right? Maybe if others had them as well - even if only one of the Rogue Squadron - he could contact them and ask what to do or how he could get out of there. He didn't know most of the peeps were on the planet, though.

He started searching through his pockets and belt and he did realise he had his comlink with him. So he took it out, thought for a moment, and then decided to speak.

<It's Rogue Seventeen, does anybody hear me?> he asked while turning his comlink's sound on. Wow, he might have missed a lot because of that one little detail. Fortunately he had noticed that now and wasn't going to miss anything anymore.

He looked up at the sun and sighed. How the hell had he ended up there?

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Objective 3:
Location: Malastare Narrows
Allies: [member="Devyn Lynton"], Silara Varis, Rings of the Lord
Enemies: Black Sun remnant, Techno Union, One Sith
Post: 11/38

Ugohr was a little surprised to be receiving a message from a more desertic area of the planet, while he was fending off the TIE Interdictors the One Sith dispatched to aid in the darksiders' defense of Malastare. Wherever it came from, it must have come from outside the range of any of the tanks he had at his disposal or of the three fighters of Red Squadron. But Ugohr knew that Rogue Squadron's pilots were scattered all around Malastare for some reason: surely they weren't all downed while fighting off tri-droids or something... only the most elite among organic starfighter pilots could possibly take down Rogue Squadron's pilots. But TIE Interdictors were such sitting ducks that concentrated fire from four or five tanks could take one down with three or four salvoes. With their bomb payload, the first downed TIE Interdictor just digs a crater about a dozen meters deep or so since the entire payload explodes on contact when the downed TIE Interdictor hits the ground.

"Rogue Seventeen? Disen headquarters of da Army of Malastare, wesa only Galactic Alliance ground force on dat planet. Yousa call for hep?"

"Either Red Squadron takes care of finding Rogue Squadron pilots or we are. But we need to take out the enemy army first" Ugohr's gunner tells his commander.

"The enemy is going all-out here! We're picking up crab droids, a battalion of heavy dwarf spider droids, two regiments of super battle droids, a battalion of repeater homing spider droids"

"When facin homen spider mackineeks, aim at da legs, theysa fall if una leg issa pasten. But be careful: mesa sense da presence of da dark side hair"

The remaining enemy heavy units were a lot more numerous, but a lot slower: the enemy general sent their fast armored units after the Rings of the Lord before they'd send the remaining army. Losing nearly all of their organic soldiers along with the tank units (the heavy AAT Mk. 2 in Black Sun service was built for organic crews in mind, and Yutrane-Trackata designed all their tanks for organic crews) and the TIE Interdictors. Perhaps if the Rings of the Lord somehow got in range from the enemy general, Ugohr would have to fight a Sith Apprentice, or a Sith Knight even. But no way would a Sith Lord be assigned to defend Malastare with such limited forces.

Vehanv Kiva

She was tired of this. Did she really need fuel reserves to the manipulation point she’d originally planned? In all honesty, [member="Cameron Centurion"] being here put a wrench in her plans and a flame beneath her curiosity.

The price was simple - she wouldn’t lay waste to him as she had done the other spectators and aggressors in the bar. Crimson orbs slid from [member="Sal Katarn"] to her former companion, silently considering her options, then back to Sal in silence. Telling the mercenary his life would be the ultimate price seemed like it would just drag the conversation on; his heavy weaponry spoke loud enough in a place where her connection to the force felt pale.

She growled slightly, a click of her tongue flicking against the roof of her mouth. The value of this man was not high in her eyes - though if she’d been exposed to the runes on his flesh she may think otherwise. Rubies that were hidden beneath the shadow of her brows peeled from the Alliance ruffian to the Sith Lord - with a lift of her chin she indicated she was speaking to Cameron.

“What do you think. Where are you going.”

Her plans were very subject to change.

Sal Katarn


Sith were like that. One minute they would be demanding your selfless obedience, the next they would act as though you were an earthworm crawling past - deserving nothing but fickle curiosity. Easily crushed beneath the heel. Sal was used to the attitude. Didn't mean he enjoyed it.

To the Sith, friends and enemies could look almost the same. Gave outsiders a hard time distinguishing which was which, especially between these two. A fight could erupt at any moment, or they could get to knockin' boots in the middle of a room full of corpses.

Wouldn't be the first time.

The half-breed exchanged a glance with Ka.

Well, at least one of us is happy.

The raptor sent its disdain through their bond and went back to digging through an abdomen for something suitable to its palate.

Sal waited and watched, preternatural senses alert for telltale signs: quickened breathing, scent of adrenaline, rush of hot blood, twitching of a muscle group.

[member="Vehanv Kiva"] | [member="Cameron Centurion"]

Silara Varis

[member="Ugohr Poof"]

Objective 3:
Location: Malastare Narrows
Allies: Rings of the Lord
Enemies: Black Sun remnant

They plunged through the outer atmosphere in minutes, closing in with a wide delta formation on the battle below. From far off preliminary scans were throwing up tons of anti-aircraft defences. Not a good situation, but not unworkable. There seemed to be no one else around, no other air support.

"Odd." She remarked to herself, before the comms crackled in her earpiece.

"Red one, this is red two. Picking up an awful lot of spider droids, over."

"I see em, wave off the approach, lock s-foils in attack position. Arm missiles and form up on me."

Her hands yanked the yoke back, reflexes sharpened by adrenaline, stims and the force. It was a natural manuever, a straight climb into a right roll. They split the valley in two, redirecting their route to the opposite end of the canyon.

"I'm- hold on, they're on us!"

"Spread out, keep your flight patterns."

"Ordinance incoming!"

"I see it!"

"Flares, flares, flares!"

From all three black X-Wings smoke and fire spiralled in all manner of directions. Flare corkscrewed into the mass of fire below, catching the incoming missiles. But that was no stop for the laser cannons, which stitched the skies with heavy rain, criss-crossing this way and that.

"Garghhh! Hold pattern! Prepare to fire! R7, patch me through to whoever is on ground command of this unit!"

"Aye, ready!"

"Lock on Spider droids, ordnance away then make your attack runs and split off!"

"Aye firing now!"

She was the first, diving straight down into the hell mass of fire. Two bolts struck her shield collapsing the protection on her left wing. Another skimmed the nose of the X-Wing but she had just enough time. Black clad thumb’s jammed the buttons on her yolk, releasing a stream of blue contrails into the mass.

"Direct hit, cannons hot!"

Her laser cannons lit up, stitching devastation among the ranks. Red two and three were close behind. The barrage cut a swath through the forces, cleaving ditches and leaving craters as Spider Droids went down under their combined fire.

"Watch the debris, break off. Reset for another pass!"

*Beep- Boop*

"Got it R7. Designated unit, Rings of the Lord. This is Red One Bloodhawk Sqaudron, how copy over?"

It was all so fast and furious. Hopefully those on the ground were monitoring Comms...
Rogue Squadron: [member="Loske Matson"] | [member="Asmus Janes"] | [member="Berric Kelso"] | [member="Choli Vyn"] | [member="Encouragement Gets"] | [member="Alexandra Russo"] | [member="Triam Akovin"] | Lucius Varad | [member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Betti"] | [member="Owen Holst"] |​

With the wind rippling through my Tusken inspired apparel, I had felt like every part the Tatooine Raider. From an inexplicable bought of madness to the primitive weaponry, it had seemed like I was torn from that benighted wasteland and thrust unceremoniously into another. How joyous! Though, as my swoop bike had carried me ever closer towards the fire-soaked cloud of obsidian, I felt like such a terrifying outfit would do little, when beset upon all sides by the encroaching blackness. It wasn't like whoever was within those tightly knit plumes of smoke would appreciate the time I had spent in crafting this visage from whatever threadbare fabrics remained behind after the Squadron had crashed. No, they'd be too busy stabbing at one another with their pointy sticks to care that yet another warm body had joined the fray. That didn't matter, for it just meant that my survival rating just skyrocketed - and that was perfectly fine by me.

Such a line of thought out here in the dunes was folly, as like with any scenario involving combat, there was always a fifty-fifty chance of making it through alive. And that was without having to add in the myriad of factors that now painted that percentage in a sour light. Toss in a few dozen battling vehicles with more than several handfuls of pissed off Kultists and Eviscars, and you were going to have a bad day. Now add in the perils of the desert and the heat? You're looking at horrid odds that only the brave, or foolish would ever take a chance on. I was still trying to find out which category my sorry hide belonged in when the Reavers had sprung their trap. It seemed that in my lost moments of inner reflection, that I had missed those Karked-up Smeg's setting up a little trap upon yonder Dune.

Yep. Definitely on the Foolish side of the spectrum.

The front end of my swoop had smashed into their cunningly hidden vehicle, sending me into the air - ass over tea kettle into the sand. Thankfully it was sand as if it were anything else I fear that I'd be standing before Heaven's gate waiting to be denied entry. Thus, with my body half buried in the endless sea of ochre grains, I fought to recollect myself and pull my pale-wrapped figure out of this predicament. The Bando Gora Reavers, on the other hand, had something entirely different in mind as they swarmed my upturned form. Their rough hands pawed at my flesh as they dragged me out of the hole, and tore at my coarse-spun robes. It was clear that they wanted to see my face before they took my life, and I fought with every ounce of fury my muscular form could offer. I hated them and how they manhandled me, for it reminded me of the days I languished within the Pale Enchantress' prison. I would not be enslaved again! I was a free man, and I'd die free!

What happened next, was anyone's guess - but as I felt the searing touch of steel slide between flesh and bone, I knew that my time was soon coming. Enraged, and screaming, I lashed out at the Reavers holding me down, eager to land a blow against my attackers. They laughed in their strident tones, as powerful hands clamped my arms down into the sands. Bad move, I told myself. Lucius Varad. Pilot. Slave. Weakling. I was many things, but the latter had perfectly surmised my feelings about being straddled by my killers. That was how my comrades would remember me. A pitiful creature that was unable to beat down three measly men. What kind of Soldier was I, that I couldn't fight for my life? Oh, that thought pissed me off more than I could've ever imagined. Venting my rage once more in an ear-bursting bellow, I lashed out against my human bonds and had managed to free my dominant hand.

Now, it was their turn to be weak.

Thrusting the tips of my fingers into the depths of the Bando Gora's trousers, I felt something utterly pliant slip into my grasp. It was of little substance what had nestled itself between my leather bound digits, but the fact of the matter was - he started to scream with me as my talons came together.

"Where's your God of Death now?!" I screamed in his direction as he fell to the ground with his hands between his thighs. Clearly, I struck a mortal blow - on from which he would never recover from. Good! After driving that knife into my side, the swine deserved it. Then the other two, stricken by what they had seen, sprung into action, tearing at me with their sharpened claws and seeking to retrieve their comrade's dagger. That was something I couldn't allow. My clenched fist connected with the bridge of an attacker's nose - forcing him to fall back into the sprawling sea of sand. The other managed to grab hold of the blade implanted in my side and yanked it free, eliciting a cry of agony to bubble free from my blood-stained lips.

He cackled, like the Witches from those old Holodrama's, as he lifted the dagger high. It seemed like this was the end. His knee was atop my left arm, and there was no way I could stop the rapid descent of the weapon with my right. No - there was a way, but I'd regret in the morning. Like the desert snakes that patrolled our camps at night, my fist snaked out from the sand and smashed into the man's throat, just as he dropped the blade towards my chest. Another burst of agony rolled through me as the knife tore into the meat of my arm, but that Karking Fool had taken a hit to his windpipe. He crumpled atop his friend, pushing the two of them further into the planet's embrace.

Withdrawing the dagger from its fleshy sheath, I swung the knapped obsidian weapon out with all my might and watched as sun-baked leather and blood spurted out onto the sands. I hacked; I cut, and I stabbed the two men who now lay beneath me. Every ounce of my hatred and adrenaline fueled rage poured into every strike, making them pay for every drop of my blood they spilled. Let them embrace the Death they so rightly worship! Let them go into the afterlife cursing my name! I didn't care. All I wanted to do was Rip and Tear.

When they no longer screamed, I knew my work was done. Bathed in the crimson waters of my would-be attackers, I sought to rouse myself from the dunes, only to feel my footing give out halfway through the attempt. Slipping on their bloodied remains, I fell back into the Sandy embrace of Malastare and felt the darkness slowly devour my vision. Even if this were to be my grave, at least my companions would know that I went out fighting - like every good soldier should.

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Objective 3:
Location: Malastare Narrows
Allies: Silara Varis, Rings of the Lord
Enemies: Black Sun remnant, Techno Union, One Sith
Post: 12/38

The TIE Interdictors were toast before Bloodhawk Squadron arrived, but since they mostly crashed outside the enemy infantry formations, they could punch holes in the ground but no more. While Bloodhawk squadron was busy tying up the enemy spider droids, the Rings of the Lord valiantly fights on the heavy droid units, with crab droids being given less of a priority because they were anti-infantry units, rather than anti-tank or anti-aircraft. However, Ugohr was surprised that the tri-droids bypassed Bloodhawk Squadron completely. To him, it meant that the tri-droids were instead gearing up for a back attack, and Ugohr had to divert part of his firepower to cover his backs, while Bloodhawk Squadron fought above their positions. Simply put, the Rings of the Lord were surrounded until Bloodhawk Squadron arrived.

"Copy, Red One, disen Rings of the Lord. Wesa holding off da enemy spider mackineeks, before da enemy infantry could attack oursa positions"

"Incoming tri-droids!"

"Galadriel, Andariel, Gilraen, take cover, and attack da tri-mackineeks"

"Enemy infantry column advancing"

For a tank, taking cover from an aerial attack is not the same as taking cover from a ground attack. Tank units were vulnerable to aerial attacks, and presented the largest target from above, rendering the taking of cover a futile exercise in the deserts surrounding the Malastare Narrows. Andariel was already "hull-down" from the perspective of the enemy ground-based anti-aircraft defenses, but firing at the tri-droids above would present a larger target to them, knowing that spider droids were armed to engage ground targets as much as aerial targets. These two units attempt the same maneuvers they used to take down TIE Interdictors, knowing that tri-droids are a lot more fragile than TIE Interdictors are. But tri-droids are much less accurate when engaging in evasive maneuvers than they are if unmolested. The only way the unit could be somewhat safe would be if at least two units were firing in the general direction of the tri-droids.

"We are hit!" Gilraen warns the rest of the tank squadron. "They have taken out our cannons!"

Meanwhile, Nardil fires on the ground underneath the super battle droids, rather than at the droids themselves, because cascading effects were not guaranteed when scoring direct hits with a tank cannon on super battle droids, whereas hitting the ground underneath it at point-blank range would send rock fragments flying through the enemy droid formation, often disabling more droids than if direct hits were scored.
Silence was the only immediate response that Cameron had for [member="Vehanv Kiva"] as her crimson orbs drifted in his direction. Slowly, the Sith Lord shifted his gaze back to [member="Sal Katarn"]'s enigmatic presence. Allowing his left hand to drift towards the light stubble on his face, Cameron ran a single digit along the slight depression between his bottom lip and chin. "Freedom is a fluid concept."

A pause.

Lowering his hand, the Sith Lord redirected his attention to Vehanv. "I think that you are independent now, Kiva. Make your own decision."

Another pause.

"I will, however, say this... Those that threaten are not to be feared. Those that have a reputation of action need not threaten. You require a service performed, and you, for whatever reason, require it to be performed by a hand other than your own. This man..." The Sith Lord motioned towards Sal without actually turning to look at the man. " negotiating either because he's indifferent about his life, is trying to manipulate you, or is simply stupid."

Slowly, a thin smile spread across Cameron's lips. "It is my experience that nobody is really indifferent about their life."
H A R U U N * K A L​

Grandmother's Tears was a river on the planet of Haruun Kal. It was fed by the snowmelt of Grandfather's shoulder, and lead into the Great Downrush. Morning light went dancing across the stone circle ruin of Taga'noi. For the Korunnai, oral history stated that this was a sacred place. Here, on Haruun Kal, that significance of 'Above the Clouds' could for a moment, be seen in all its treacherous beauty. Light would filter a soft pink through streaks of clouds, reflecting off the slow rolling gasses that hung thickly over the 'ocean' below.

Yet tangled within that mirage lay a toxic, volcanic wasteland that could not support life. To dip below was to invite death itself. The small touch of irony was not lost for the flaxen maned Iridonian. That such a pleasant veil could hide such a vast landscape of treacherous terrain. It made one wonder if perhaps this was a sign.

Lips would thin, and her shoulders would straighten. A deep breath would fill the Master's lungs. She could taste the slight bitter tang in the air, feel it float through her nose and into her lungs. It coated her tongue, leaving a metallic taste over the organ, making her run the flat of it over her teeth. The tip would sweep over the sharp point of her incisors, drawing a bead of blood. Copper now enhanced the flavor, and for a moment, A'dele Adonai froze.

Sitting in seiza had been one of the few methods of being able to maintain her concentration and focus. The long hours would allow her to seep deep within that trance of serenity, wrapping herself in that web of protection to help stave the temptations that would ever linger. Ever whisper from the shadows of her mind, where the Darkside of the Force woo'd with lies spun on silken thread. Tiny pink, petals were cast from their perch as a small gust of wind sent them flying into the air. Like rain, they would swirl only to flutter down, pelting the self-exiled Master with their feather-light touch.

She came searching here for answers. From whom, she'd yet to really discern. Caution had told her to be wary, for it could very well be a trick by the Dark Jedi. The one who had attacked her with icy shards that had penetrated the mental barriers she'd erected to keep it in.

The one that had forced her to realize it wasn't safe. Not for him. Not for anyone.

[member="Adele Adonai"] [member="Lilin Imperieuse"] [member="Meeristali Peradun"]

“Can't be long since they were here,” Jacen observed. The wreckage still shouldered and the tracks in the ground were fresh.

The Wardogs were already moving into the jungle, getting a feel for the terrain. Jacen and the rest of the Hounds stayed fairly close to the ship. The dark side had been here.

“We've been in touch with the locals,” called one of the special forces officers. Jacen was running his hand along the grey hull of the Vanguard frigate. They'd been tracking this ship, supposedly one of Qorbin Fal’s last groups of acolytes were travelling within it. As the First Order lost its influence, so too did the strength of the Vanguard wane.

“Seems they shot down the frigate, got underestimated. A group of dark jedi are still moving through those jungles towards a site the locals see as spiritual. They tried to stop them, sounds like the lost a good number of men and fell back. Oh and apparently a bunch of tamed akk dogs are in there too. Furious after losing their masters.”

Jacen took a deep breath and looked to the jungle terrain ahead. It curved up away from them towards the barren, rocky terrain above. From up there they would probably see the great, poisonous “oceans” of gas below.

“What's an akk dog?” Jacen asked.

“Big thing, loads of teeth and scales that can soak up energy. Nearly impervious to lightsabers.”

“Outstanding. You boys pack any slug throwers? Jacen asked.

“Already sent a couple of lads to fetch some heavy rifles we had aboard. The acolytes still out there?” the lieutenant asked, knowing all too well that the Jedi could generally sense their kind.

“Yeah, but what brings them here…” Jacen shook his head. “Let's get moving. Stali? Lilin?”


Objective: Destroy darkness
Location: Haruun Kal
[ [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Meeristali Peradun"] | [member="Adele Adonai"] ]
Post 04

~ Present Day ~

Lilin, just like the rest of the Hounds (or well, at least Jacen and Stali), was on the planet of Haruun Kal -- definitely not the place she had expected to end up in. If Lilin could have a dollar for every time her plans were destroyed, she would be a millionaire. But nobody would hand her such great money, so she had to get used to that.

The ship they were dealing with most likely belonged to the Vanguard -- one of the greatest enemies of the New Jedi Order. She had to note that she herself had barely met them at all, but that didn't mean a thing. They were from the First Order, which told her a lot.

Standing besides Jacen, she looked over the ship and the people working around it. She herself had stopped examining the nearby area because she just couldn't find anything or anybody remarkable around it. That was the thing about having poor skills at Force Sense. She was the most useful on battlefield, so that is exactly why she decided not to do all the pioneer work.

"Agreed," Lilin said as a reply to Jacen's suggestion to get moving. She was eager to see what was waiting for them or what the ship would contain. Or if they could fight any Sith. Because she sure did like driving out darkness from the galaxy. She had truly changed after the depression.

One thing that caught her attention was the mention of akk dogs. She had heard of their crazily durable hide, so... maybe if she could kill one of them - if they attacked her first - she could make something out of that. After all, she still lacked a lot of armour and equipment and was quite under-equipped in a battle.

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