Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Circling the Nest [Open]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
After hearing the man talk, he figured calming down would benefit them all. "Yes... yes... I understand. I'm sorry for my hostility. Please go relax and I'll get ready for the jump to hyperspace." he said ignoring the fact that Felicity was a force sensitive. He straightened his robes and his cloak and stood in the same spot awaiting their move. Oka wasn't sure if she attacked him or got scared because the force push was a little weak but still strong in a way.

[member="Owain"] [member="Felicity Mason"]
The instant she realized what she had done, she felt a mix of panic, fear, shame and joy. Well, joy mostly because for once, she managed to do something even she sister could not yet. But after struggling with it for so many years, she'd been sure the ability had just skipped her. Sure, she had senses. Sure, she could occasionally manage to make a book on the shelf shake with her mind. But never this. Never this powerful.

She stared at her quivering hand for a good while, before pulling it to her chest, watching for Owains reaction with panic stricken eyes. Would he hate her now? She knew how much he didn't like force users. She couldn't blame him. They were scary. And the way he looked at her, just a quick look, but she saw it.
He thought she was scary too.

Wordlessly she stood from the pilots seat, shoved past the both of them and hurried back to her cabin, keeping her eyes on the ground. She couldn't look at him now.

[member="Owain"] [member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka didn't understand although he had to keep playing this role as a "captain". But again, he didn't understand. Why would Feena not give her proper training even if she is a princess. And who was this man, he decided to scan him with the device he had. His name was Owain. Nothing else. And the information was unknown. Oka crushed the device with telekinesis and spoke up. "Owain, that's your name right?" he continued. "May we talk about this situation?" he asked hoping it'd be okay.

[member="Owain"] [member="Felicity Mason"]


Lord High Grand Commander Esq.
Felicity swept from the room in silence. No parting barbs or comments about what had just happened. The young man sighed and ran a hand through his hair as he looked at the Jedi. "Yeah, that's my name...and I think I should speak to her first..." he said quietly. As her guardian on this little trip, it was down to him to make sure she was alright, despite his fear. Maybe she'd want to go home. Already this whole trip was throwing her paradigm out of alignment. "Just...please get us to Coruscant for now, alright?" he asked the man before stepping past him, heading back to Felicity's cabin.

"Songbird! Wait up!" he called, trying to figure out what to say when he actually cuaght up to her.

[member="Oka Osaa"] [member="Felicity Mason"]
She was at the cabin door when she heard his voice. Her cheeks went the color of blood. She didn't look up, but she did stop and wait for him.

"Oh. Crow. Hi."

She bit her lip, fiddling with her fingers as she faced him. Nothing she told herself in her head could convince her to look up at him. Her eyes were always watching the floor at his feet. They should be heading to Coruscant, at least. That was all she really wanted now, even if Owain hated her forever now. That was okay, right? Owain wasn't that great. He was a pest. He was mean.
He was also her only real friend.


Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
"On it! And sor-" he was cutoff by Owain leaving the cockpit. He sat in the chair and pulled the lever as it glided through space. Oka thought and thought but confusion led to a clouded mind to a even more clouded mind. His head fell down as his eyes closed. He banged both hands on the dash. "This doesn't make any sense!" he yelled. He then realized that he was close to the jump for hyperspace. His droid was concerned, it rolled up beside the controls and made the jump. Oka stood up and focused on what mattered. Getting to Coruscant.

[member="Owain"] [member="Felicity Mason"]


Lord High Grand Commander Esq.
" magic...that's new," he started lamely, walking up to the princess of Naboo, idly rubbing the back of his neck. " long have you known about that?" the youth asked, offering her a chance to explain herself. He kept his own gaze aimed low, careful not to set her off and embed him into the wall. "I suppose it makes sense, with your parents being space wizards and all..." the raven haired boy admitted, before slumping his shoulder slighlty. "Err...anyway...we'll be back on course shortly, so it won't take too long until we reach Coruscant," Owain continued, not wanting to stop, to avoid the awkward silence that was sure to fall. ", you going to be alright?"

[member="Felicity Mason"]
Just look at him. Just look! You're being so stupid! Just- Eyes up!

Nothing. She could only look at his boots. No amount of insulting herself would encourage her to just meet his eyes for a second. She felt like she'd been lying to him. Not that he ever actually bothered to ask, of course. So it wasn;t really a lie, but still...

"H-how long? Umm... forever, I guess," she admitted, "I just... I'm not very good at it. Not like my sister. I just sorta, err, figured I would never be able to use it, really... G-guess I was wrong there."

Look up!

"S-so... I'm fine! Why wouldn't I be? I'm always fine! Everything's fine. I'm fine. Yes. Just... Yes."

Her throat felt so dry. Do you hate me? That was all she wanted to ask, but even that was beyond her now.



Lord High Grand Commander Esq.
So she could've sent him skyward at any point? And she hadn't? He sneaked a glance at her. Still averting her if...ashamed...

Urgh...he hated these moments. Her boyfriend should have been here for this. The one she'd want to be here at a moment like this.

Still, it fell to him. He sighed. "Fine like it was on Naboo, Songbird?" he asked her, choosing to take a risk. He would probably recieve a lot of physical trauma from it, would get her to stop focusing on the negative and trapping herself in the spiral of sadness. He stepped past her into the cabin, reaching out to take her hand and pull her in. "Come on," he said gently, leading her to the bed before sitting down in front of it, leaning his back against the frame and nodding at the mattress. "Let's hear it. Just like last time."

Just like the last time he'd had to comfort her, back on Immeria. Maybe the familiarity would be enough for her to get a grip. At least this was the safest route he could figure out. And if she kept at it...well...he could always tease her. Oka would be sure to put him back together if Felicity blew him up with her space wizard powers....right?

[member="Felicity Mason"]
She followed him in wordlessly, the warmth of his hand on hers burning as it always did. She was sure she would feel that burn forever. She was always sure. Why didn't Glyph burn her like this? Just like last time, she sat down on the mattress, knees pulled up to her chest. Just like last time, he sat down on the floor in front of the bed.

"I'm just surprised is all," she sighed, burying her face in her arms, "And a little... Well, I know you don't like 'em. Space Wizards. I just kinda thought if you knew..."

She trailed off. She didn't like this. She felt guilty about something that wasn't her fault at all! Why did this have to happen now? Before Owain came along, she'd only dreamed of being able to do what she just did. She practiced every day, trying to do more than just know and feel and sense. Then there was Owain. Then she had something else to distract her from the fact that a girl almost half her age was more talented than she ever could be. Did anyone know how much it stung to have your kid sister be better than you in almost everything? And for once, she had reason to forget about that. For once she didn't feel quite like such a loser.

Now it was exactly the quality she'd craved that was bringing her down.




Lord High Grand Commander Esq.
Owain nodded, letting his head roll back until he was staring at the ceiling, legs stretched out in front of him. "You learn to fear the Force on Korriban. If you cannot weild it, you are unworthy of ruling, of leading. You are just another drone, no matter how vaunted your rank is," he said quietly. "That kind of training...leaves its mark on you." He brought his gaze down, but he wasn't looking at anything. His gaze was in the past, seeing the deserts of Korriban again. He stayed quiet for a moment before speaking. "But you're not a Sith. So it is foolish of me to treat you as such. Sorry," he said, rolling his shoulders. Too sentimental. Best he ruin this little mood before it got too....intimate. Hey, that would work!

"So that was the first time you managed anything like that?" he idly offered, half turning his head to shoot her a smirk. "Any other firsts you'd be interested in on this little trip?"

[member="Felicity Mason"]
For the first time since she managed to ruin everything, she was able to look up at him. Not so she could smile at him or anything. It was so she could give him one of her 'you're on dangerous ground here' looks... and gently nudge his shoulder with her foot. It was better than hitting him again. Maybe she was finally growing out of that phase! ...Maybe.

"So you don't hate me, right? I mean... not that I care or anything."

But he knew as well as she did that she did care. Very much. She still felt her first kiss fresh every time she spoke to him.



Lord High Grand Commander Esq.
Owain just shrugged in response. "Nah. Besides, where else am I going to find a cute blonde to tease on short notice?" the boy replied with a wink, feeling her lightly kicking him. Yep, back to normal. He laughed before curling up on the floor, almost like a nexu. "Well, you should probably get some rest Songbird. We'll be quite busy when we get to Coruscant..." he said with a slight yawn. The girl wasn't going to share the bed (not that he blamed her), but he had to stay nearby. Just in case. Space wizard or no.

[member="Felicity Mason"]
Cute. He thought she was cute. Well, of course he did. She was pretty! Everyone said so. Still, hearing it from him was different.

"Cro- I mean, Owain," she called as he lay down on the floor, "Err... well..."

She shifted uncomfortably on the bed before moving aside. It was just a bed. They were just friends. Nothing wrong with this. Not at all. She patted the space next to her, looking down and blushing like the awkward girl she was.

"I did promise. Um... and there is room."


Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka sighed as he stood up. He wondered if she saw visions. He wondered why she ran when showing her elegant skill. Force sensitive should be proud of their power and bond with the force. It just didn't make sense. Did Glyph know? Did Feena know? She must've concealed it all this time, he thought. She could be stronger, he knew it. He quit thinking about it and lay on the cold floor. He's had worse, plus going and sleeping in a bed would spoil him for a trip like this. His droid said seven hours till jump out of hyperspace. It would keep the ship from hitting stars and stuff. "B7, you can recharge when we arrive okay?" he said with the droid replying with a okay. Him and Owain hadn't talked yet but it seemed they didn't need to anymore. Everyone was quiet and safe...

[member="Owain"] [member="Felicity Mason"]


Lord High Grand Commander Esq.
"My my, afraid you'll get cold in the evening?" he teased, looking up at her from his position on the floor. He'd slept in worse conditions in truth. Besides, Felicity was only being polite. "Besides, won't your boyfriend be jealous when he finds out?" he idly asked. Though GLyph wasn't the problem. If Queen Feenarah ever found out she'd blow him into chunks so small they could arrange them in a line that would go all around Naboo.

That would be one heck of epitaph, now that he thought about it. Here lies Owain Barnabus, most daring fool esq. His lips quirked into a smile at the thought.

[member="Felicity Mason"]
The mention of her boyfriend brought a chill to her heart. Glyph. The nice boy. Too nice to take advantage of her. Too nice to hurt her.
Too nice to be interesting.

"He's not going to be my boyfriend for much longer," she shrugged, reaching down to pull the scratchy wool blanket up over her legs, "I don't think I can do long distance relationships."

She left it at that, rolling over but still leaving plenty of room on the mattress if he changed his mind. Huh. Her first break up too. She never thought she would be the one to initiate it. She should probably do it to his face though. Sending a break up message wasn't very mature.

[member="Owain"] [member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
(Is [member="Glyph"] gonna pop up soon? Lol)

Oka tried to close his eyes but he couldn't. Maybe because the air tasted like dust? No, probably because he didn't feel secure. Two people onboard that he barely knew. That probably was why. He knew about Felicity but he didn't know her intensions with Owain. They could secretly slaughter him during sleep, or steal his items. Anything.

He stood up and looked outside the ship. "What in the-" the ship jerked sideways as his droid tried to avoid an astroid. Oka flew to the right side of the ship and hit it face first. Once his droid got the ship stable again, another but larger astroid came at them. Oka got up and ran to the controls. His immediately pushed the lever up to exit hyperspace as turned sideways to avoid the astroid and stabilizing like his droid did previously. "You almost killed us B7." he said wiping his face full of sweat.

[member="Owain"] [member="Felicity Mason"]


Lord High Grand Commander Esq.
Owain was about to say something clever when the ship lurched, sending him tumbling into the bed. going to be sore for a while, the youth winced, getting to his feet. He glanced at the blonde girl, facing away from him. She...she hadn't...had she? Damn space wizards and their strnage powers. Owain shook his head and sighed as he clambered onto the amttress, lying on his back facing the ceiling. "Alright you win. You know, if you wanted something to cuddle, you should've brought a teddy bear," he idly commented, placing his arms under his head and smiling.

[member="Felicity Mason"]
The ship lurched. Again. Owain was next to her now, acting like she was the one who tossed him onto the bed. He was being stupid. As if she had that kind of power! She snatched the pillow from under her and went to hit him with it.

"Don't be stupid! I only asked if you wanted to get off the floor. I didn't make you fall into the bed, ya clumsy idiot!"

She made a face, looking at the closed cabin door. What was mister space wizard trying to do? Make her really angry? All she wanted to do now was get some sleep and wake up on Coruscant- hopefully still in one piece. Was that too much to ask for?

"Our pilot has no idea what he's doing. First pirates, now he's trying to run into space junk and get us all killed. Way to go, hiring this loser! I'm never getting any sleep, am I?"


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