Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"Cliques" & You

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
I totally have a clique. By which I mean I'm friends with people in different social circles and can fairly reliably grab three or four or five or six people to do whatever comes to mind. I talk with about two dozen people a day, touch base, share a laugh, apologize for not posting for two know, what people do.

And you know what? Just about every single one of those people has fired me or been fired by me, cockblocked me or been cockblocked by me, slapped a denied stamp on a sub of mine or had one of their subs cut down to size by me, called me out on my crap or been called out, curbed my excesses or been curbed.

So yeah. I totally have a clique. That clique includes people who lead factions, own companies, judge submissions and run the board (but not remotely a majority of those groups). And we beat the crap out of each other, include new people all the time, have different social circles, have different and overlapping and conflicting IC and OOC agendas, do our level best to maximize the board's awesomeness for everyone from new guy to veteran (and we tend to lean towards new folks), scheme and plot against each other, help each other when we want or need it, have each other's back when it's personal...

Welcome to Chaos. I love this place.
I'll also say this; though they may or may not be in cliques, there are certain members on the site that I feel... wait let me say that again that I feel are powerful and influence on the board. Furthermore there are certain members who make ME feel like I don't belong and almost sort of bully me.

That's just my two cents.
I just think some people mistake "people who work together because they're proficient at getting @#$% done" as a "clique".

It's very tiring to actually fulfill my duties here and then have to listen to incessant whining about "cliques". I think we just turn to answers like "Illuminati" and "cliques" when we're feeling powerless. Feeling powerless?

Get off your #$% and go do something about it. Stop accusing others of your failure. Take responsibility for your own future.

That's just my opinion, though.

Is this the clique?

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
If there's one common denominator among 'the powerful', however you choose to measure power -- if those immensely divided people can be called any kind of group -- it's based on one thing and one thing only:

They respect action.

Ambition is cool. Audacity is cool. Consistency is cool. You want to make a name? You want to feel better about yourself? Go do things. People will flock to you so fast it's not even funny, at which point it's your job to stay the course.

Go do things. You'll have fun.

The Hound

Ilias Nytrau said:
It's me. I'm the puppeteer.
I thought it was agreed that we are all Cira alts.

Fabula Cavataio said:
Now, for the recurring claim that staff has favored factions? That's utter horsecrap. If a faction does well, 90% of the time it's because of the efforts of that faction's members. The other 10% is due to dumb luck, member politics, or whatever else. But claiming that staff gives special concessions to factions - especially the One Sith, who have been the frequent target of preventative staff action - comes off more as whining than it does a genuine point.
Also, while I agree with this I can see where people get the idea. Look at the One Sith Masters, the Admins of the factions. There is a large RPJ CJ FJ Admin presence within their ranks either as the Sith themselves or one of their alts. But yeah, the idea that staff and volunteers have a "Favored Faction" is utter crap.

They are all writers too just like any other member and just want to have a good time, so get off their backs :p
The One Sith is not a clique...It's a family that is united. We pull together and help each other a family. I believe we go that extra mile to help out all our members because...we are a family. Example: The mention of an upcoming Invasion and right away he come together and get organized.

Now, there are cliques here and that can't be human beings it's in our nature to clique. Example: Go to a restaurant that allows people to seat themselves and you will notice the patrons are sitting around each other. Why....because there is the unwritten rule of safety in numbers and the feeling of being close to one another. Animals do it and we call them herds. Zombies do it and we call them herds. Since the time man evolved, that has always been the case. That is how civilizations started.

I personally don't belong to anyone's clique...I do however have an open door policy to anyone that wants to RP with me but since my character is a Sith...that's who usually hits me up to a thread with them.

Lord Ghoul

[2/26/15, 12:20:24 AM] Valiens Nantaris: And just like the 'return to the shadows' Sith nonsense, this is an action pedelled by a small number of members to push events.
[2/26/15, 12:20:42 AM] Valiens Nantaris: They did it to exclude people they didn't want from their faction, Josh.
[2/26/15, 12:21:10 AM] Valiens Nantaris: And yet the only people who made the 'One Sith' cut were friends and followers of a small band of people.

You were saying you don't believe in cliques, [member="Valiens Nantaris"]?
Are those without a clique actually a clique because they have that in common?

Anyway, some people aren't comfortable going out there and just doing something. I know one person very, very well who has that issue, where they don't want to put a lot of effort into something only to have nothing happen.

I don't know the point in that, lost my train of thought. Back to the cooking line I go.

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