Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"Cliques" & You

[member="Mikhail Shorn"]
Taken completely out of context, dear boy.

I was raging, at that moment, about the Republic and the unilateral decisions made therein.

Besides, I didn't say I disbelieved in cliques. Nowhere did I say that. They exist, but not in the way people seem to suppose, and they certainly aren't staff driven!

Lord Ghoul

Valiens Nantaris said:
dear boy.
If the complaint is that people feel staff shouldn't be in a faction, I never want to be staff. If the notion is that there shouldn't be Fjs in a faction, take away my duties.

If you're upset the faction is popularly unpopular? Get over yourself.
Darth Vitium said:
If the complaint is that people feel staff shouldn't be in a faction, I never want to be staff. If the notion is that there shouldn't be Fjs in a faction, take away my duties. If you're upset the faction is popularly unpopular? Get over yourself.
I think the issue comes from abusing their admin powers to give their faction an edge. I don't know if that is what is happening, however I have been dealt unfairly by ex-staff members who do act as though they have some sort of special authority.

And really, it isn't impossible or unbelievable if that's the case. Not accusing anyone, I don't know anything, but it is literal human nature to use your power to your advantage.

[member="Darth Vitium"]
I honestly think the best solution is to get a new staff. A brand new one. Keep the RPJ's you just brought on, keep a few of the more veteran admins, and then get a brand new staff.

And by brand new, I mean members who haven't been on staff and have been here a decent amount of time to understand the rules.

Maybe that is asking to much, but that seems to be a good alternative if people really feel that people are forming these "cliques".
It shouldn't matter if a person is a member of staff and in a faction. I've been recently appointed a CJ but it doesn't mean that I'm going to play favouritism to any OS that applies for a submission or make it difficult for opposing factions to have theirs approved. My first priority is to have fun...and help others to have fun as well. To make such a claim that abusing my power because I'm in a certain faction would fall under the category of non-sense. And I'm well aware if I started doing that...I will lose my position...and I'm no fool.

If people want to find something to complain about....then complain about how our planet is being abused by pollution, over use of resources, or something that really has a real bearing.

*End Rant Transmission*
I wish I could get my opinion across without being a scruffy looking nerf-herder...

I'm not saying anyone is doing anything and neither is Tef. However, when people complain saying that THEY FEEL that certain people are abusing powers, you have to look into the matter. You can't just brush it off "Oh well I am not abusing my powers so there is no way that any other person is". And also, it isn't just the staff. It is anyone who is close friends with staff.

If you and a good friend are hanging out, and the good friend got into trouble, you would help them. That, on this board and in this situation, may apply to abusing power to help a friend.
The Onyx said:
I honestly think the best solution is to get a new staff. A brand new one. Keep the RPJ's you just brought on, keep a few of the more veteran admins, and then get a brand new staff.

And by brand new, I mean members who haven't been on staff and have been here a decent amount of time to understand the rules.

Maybe that is asking to much, but that seems to be a good alternative if people really feel that people are forming these "cliques".
I joined Chaos in April of last year. I've been RPing for a long time but never at a community of this scale, with the number of independent minds and goals and feelings we have running around. I knew NO ONE. I'm in it for the stories I'm writing and the friends I'm making and I was generally pretty quiet around the site save for the factions I was involved in - I was having a blast.

Around the end of last year Tef was looking for Admins and I thought I'd give it a shot because I loved being around and I had experience running sites of my own. I genuinely felt I could contribute and I made my case, pretty much expecting a "Thank you, complete stranger, maybe next time."

Obviously I'm Staff now, even though Tef was taking a HUGE leap of faith trusting me with his site and his members since I was relatively little-known. If that's not proof he's willing to open the door to someone who was outside the so-called 'clique', I don't know what is.

People make their groups. They have their private conversations. It's hard NOT to appear closed-off when you spend part of almost every day chatting with each other about this thing or another to keep the site up and running for it's members. I am not denying the existence of cliques as a thing, nor do I feel they HAVE to be bad things. But I genuinely believe if you're a productive member of the community - you're chill, and fair, and contributing - you're more than welcome here on Chaos. We all get butthurt and want to slap each other sometimes but that's the nature of a community this size. And the nature of the internet where tone & intention can't be read and it's more easy to play devil's advocate.

EDIT: I also think this thread might qualify as 'looking in to the matter'.
I totally understand that. I am too. I've been here almost since it started and I love this place with a passion. So we can agree on that. I only want to help better the community :)

[member="Matsu Xiangu"]

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