Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"Cliques" & You

A member recently brought to my attention that they believe this site is ran by an overarching "clique", you know. The "in" crowd.

They believe I'm also in this "clique". Let's ignore the fact that the Staff Team probably does qualify as a "clique" and view it more from a writer's perspective. Do you think there's an Illuminati running this forum?

Perhaps one that pulls even my strings?

Let us know how ya feel about this.
I don't think there's a prefered clique, but there certainly are cliques. Everywhere. But that's just a part of life and how people are. Some people get along better and we end up with groups similar and by definition 'cliques'.

Still nothin wrong with it.
On a more serious note....

Yes and no.

It may seem cliquey to some people, because the staff is seen hanging out/making fun/generally getting along. Maybe other people can have some gripes about how staff would play favorites- but the fact of the matter is that the staff, for the most part, are people who have been here for a long, long, long time. People who have been here longer, Jon, Jamie, all them, are going to have a different way they approach each other socially. People with the Founders tag are probably gonna have a bit more say in a situation than someone who just joined the site, and maybe a bit more prestige. And, they should. Someone like me, for example, who joined later, doesn't feel part of the 'in' crowd.

But that's okay, because IT DOESN'T MATTER.



I think it's just that people see things differently. But I think that some people should alllsooooo look at the circumstances of why those things are the way they are.
Krest said:
I don't think there's a prefered clique, but there certainly are cliques. Everywhere. But that's just a part of life and how people are. Some people get along better and we end up with groups similar and by definition 'cliques'.

Still nothin wrong with it.

Well this particular case brought up the One Sith and that they were untouchable because of a clique that protected them.
People who work together are going to be viewed as a clique no matter what you all do. It's a natural process in the fact that you all talk to each other quite often, and people aren't made privy to the conversations... From what I can tell.

The claims of a clique stem from suspicion of those in the leadership position and are an attempt to try and justify said suspicion. That's how I feel about it anyway, just my opinion.

Edit: ah the one Sith, I understand now.
People have this mistaken notion that staff is some form of monolithic entity like 'the government' or 'the police' which all think as one and are part of a single consciousness.

We aren't. We have disagreements, often, but we work together to find compromises, to find the best path.

This nonsense about cliques is inspired by nothing more than jealousy and ignorance. It's easier to claim that there's a conspiracy to explain something than actually looking at the real reasons.

I can safely say I'm in no clique, though if one would like to recruit me I'm available...please?
I'm going to say that a bunch of people who volunteer, pooling in their own time, money, and effort aren't getting anything out of it except their own satisfaction. So why would they bother scheming? It's not like they'll look back at it all on their death bed skipping their wedding, their children's graduation, that time in Tahiti and go "Ah... Chaos, I can now die knowing I pissed off everyone who wasn't one of us..."

But in the case I may be wrong... Can I join?
By cliques, are we referring to "groups of friends" or "political committees?"

Because the former absolutely exists. 100%. There are cliques running rampant through our community. In fact, we're just lousy with them. There are cliques that have a common IC goal, cliques that share OOC interests and friendships, cliques of people who have similar jobs and must remain in contact to do those jobs with any measure of competence...hell, I'd be surprised if there's anyone who's been on this site for more than a week and hasn't been inducted into some form of clique. I'm in like seven, personally.

The latter also the member level. Members will frequently collude with each other in order to promote their own interests. This is seen in factions of members, rather than factions of characters, pulling strings and cooperating in order to achieve their goals. Member X and member Y don't like the cut of member Z's jib, so they work together to attempt to screw him over. Happens a lot. I could name names, but I don't think anyone complaining about cliques would like for me to speak ill about them.

Since most of those people are the ones who do this.

Now, for the recurring claim that staff has favored factions? That's utter horsecrap. If a faction does well, 90% of the time it's because of the efforts of that faction's members. The other 10% is due to dumb luck, member politics, or whatever else. But claiming that staff gives special concessions to factions - especially the One Sith, who have been the frequent target of preventative staff action - comes off more as whining than it does a genuine point.

The very notion is ridiculous. Everyone knows the only staff faction is the Bluehawks.
Anja Aj'Rou said:
I'm going to say that a bunch of people who volunteer, pooling in their own time, money, and effort aren't getting anything out of it except their own satisfaction. So why would they bother scheming?
Psh. Totally. Why would they scheme?




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