Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Codex Q&A

What are the rules, if any, in regards to Canon Planets being submitted?
i.e. The planet Vassek's information is an article stub on Wookieepedia. Both the Canon and Legends merely state that it did exist, and that during the Clone Wars, General Grievous maintained a Castle on the third moon.
Would I just post a write up as if doing a custom world, or is there a special circumstance for fleshing out an article stub planet that is canon?


Well-Known Member
Just go back and am thinking of maybe try a new idea here. Thought not sure where best to address or if it would be allowed here.. So i figure ask first before i start anything about it. As the idea is this.....

Am looking at the idea of either the Guardians of the Breath or Royal Matchetero or maybe sort of a new group combine those two from Kashi here......thought there little info round as it seem been relegated to legend status from what i could gather in wookiepedia. I still would like to take a shot at using it here.


Well-Known Member
So, say I make a squadron of a dozen NPCs, how many threads would it take approximately to make each a Master character? Of course I mean in depth, effort shown, etc. Not just a hundred word post times 5 per thread.

This is something I wish to put effort into, enjoy the experience, and love the end results.


Well-Known Member
A dozen was a high guesstimate. While o consider Damien powerful, he is not everything he could be, so my idea is a few warriors that can help in areas that he is lacking. Honestly I doubt a dozen would even make sense, considering darksiders tendencies to remain solo - something he has embraced with a passion for a long time.

How about...4-6. 6 being absolute Max. I am thinking more towards 4. As well I wouldn't likely use them in PvP unless it was a scenario where he was going in knowing he was outnumbered.
Ok, so if I am submitting a planet, with say 2-3 locations on it, and 2-3 NPC submissions, as well as about 4 tech subs and a company sub, should I just post them in their respective categories, or bunch them together as they are all for the planet. From what I've seen so far, it seems like I should put each in the correct category, but that's going to mean it's pretty hard to find all the stuff, and I'll need 12 links instead of one. So what should I do?
[member="Werah Unon"]
They will need to go into the correct categories, one item per sub except in the case of NPCs where they are a small crew of 5 or less. In that case the crew can be nested into one submission.

Remember, there is a limit of 3 subs per category at any one time.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Thank you. Last question and I'll try to stay out of your hair.

Would it be possible for me to clone Ysalamiri? Not like full blown ones, but inferior ones with super short life-spans. (Year at max), Force bubble would be shrunk to about 2-3 meters at max and other things to hamper them. How much dev would I be looking at?

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