Jeff Solaris Mrrew Cain Laatl HK-36 Myr Trayce Verati'is Taral Mirtis Nyos Val Dalansa Ronan Dyre Navio Alexandra Cinthra Alachei Mnemenos Valara TiallAthena Nikeos Zoey Marix Dante Zankar sabrina Alicia Drey Chi Chuchi
Ok everyone sorry for the delay! Had some emergencies and then had to work and so I'm very late in posting as I had intended and promised. However, the spectating/open/public thread is now up for everyone to take part in and mingle.
And we have our match listings there and below here as well!
- Jeff Solaris vs HK-36
- Taral Mirtis vs Athena Nikeos
- Nyos Val vs Ronan Dyre
- Valara Tiall vs Zoey Marix
- Dante Zankar vs Mrrew
- Alachei Mnemenos vs Dalansa
- Cain Laatl vs Trayce Verati'is
- Navio vs Alexandra Cinthra
Everyone will make their own thread after contacting their opponent and working out who will go first. It can be in any way, or could even just be how your names appeared when randomly generated together. Myself, Chi Chuchi, and an RPJ if needed will judge the threads. The rules per fight are as follows. The weapons will be provided, everyone may select to carry three blades into each battle. Lightsabers are available though only in stun settings. Tampering of any gear to make them lethal will result in disqualification, as would attempting to bring blasters or other weapons into the fighting areas outside those provided by the tournament officials, any breaking of the rules will be dealt with by Rendili's Home Defense Force members who are keeping their eyes open all around the area. To maintain fairness as well, the tournament is mainly down to physical prowess and one's skill with a blade, something any contestant can earn through training, thus Non-Force Users won't be at a disadvantage against force users since we will be placing Ysalamir around the tournament grounds to keep them from abusing their abilities beyond swordplay and also to better keep order in the area. To win a match, a fighter must earn 6 points. 1 point is awarded for every touch/blow to the extremities, a solid hit that is though not necessarily a hard one for those not wishing to bruise someone too badly, those being the arms and legs. A strike to the torso or back will result in 2 points. And finally a blow to the head is worth 3 points. If at any point someone becomes too injured, unconscious, or surrenders, they also lose the match. Killing an opponent accidentally, though that is up to rpers and not an actual issue, results in instant disqualification. Intentional slaying of an opponent will net you imprisonment or worse.
That is the rules and system for the tournament. Direct any questions to this account for me, and Chi Chuchi for our other judge, and we will do our best to answer them swiftly and accurately. Remember this is about the writing quality. Be sure to post your thread's link here once its made so that me and Chi Chuchi can follow them. We will determine how well written a pair of posts are if touches are attempted to determine if someone is being unreasonable. Don't always try and say you never take a hit either as that will be a big hint to us that someone's not playing fair. So be smart and reasonable about things and do your best to write out what you do so that you and your opponents know what you're saying and doing. We'll try to only step in if someone's causing a thread to drag on by being unreasonable or if people cannot determine whether they should have taken a hit or not or if they should have landed one and their opponent dodged it unreasonably. If things are still unable to be settled after we come in to help an RPJ will lay down the final law though we hope not to bother any of them.