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Company Modifications [V2]

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Well-Known Member

Company: J.A.C
Modification made:
Added Co-Owners
With Zaidens fall he named several people to run the company in his place

Pertinent Development Threads:

New Submission:
Corporation Name: James Armor Companies
Headquarters: Val'hala
Locations: Courscant, Korriban, Styx, Tatooine
Subsidies: M'n'M, Blasted Decisions, SS Shipmaker, IRIS
Operations: Charities, Vehicle Creation, Weapons Creation, Armor Creation, Kolto Kolcta and Bacta Distribution
Rationale: Zaiden funded the initial shop with his own creds
Tier: Tier 4
Co-Owner(s): @[member="Solrune"] @[member="Lord Daemos"] @[member="Sno Wyte"] @[member="Rex Inferno"] @[member="Felicity Mason"]

Originally Zaiden was inspired by his father's Recon Armor. Immediately he began to make an armor shop, believing it to be a powerful way to honor his adopted father. So he opened a shop on one of his favorite planets, Tatooine.

Initially making a few specialized armors, he made his money back quickly. But that wasn't what made him continue. He continued in honor for his father whom he spent most of his life hating.

The next step came (technically will come soon) when he recieved his inheritance from his real father, the family found not long ago. He spent a vast portion of this money on making two new plants one on both Coruscant, and Korriban. This officially tripled his income. Making a great deal of cash, Zaiden was able to take a portion and set it aside for charities.

He soon moved to making any brand, design, or faction of armor. Then again he moved on further to weapons as well.

James Armor Co specializes in unique items. They make Lightcycle's, Lighttanks, Recon Armor, Force Lightning channelling armor. They also made newer weapons including Lightdisks, which are similar to chakram save using Lightsaber crystals to make energized blade edges around them. As well as several other unique weapons.

The reason his tools are so loved across the galaxies is the improved Ion Lithium power cells, they are extremely durable as well as last a superb amount of time. The lithium cells also for a great deal of the items glow, but this can be removed.

Products: - Acquisition of Bacta etc. - Mass produced Neuranium daggers crafted in multiple forms and sizes - Personalized armor for Zaiden James-Greyson - Minor produced speeder style bike created for vast speed - Personalized armor for Zaiden James-Greyson - Unique lightsaber crafted for/by Zaiden James-Greyson - Minor produced Slugthrower Revolvers - Mass produced leg implants - Minor produced high altitude speeder bike - Unique arms made of Phrik - Mass produced blaster for the LotF - Mass produced blaster rifle for the LotF - Minor produced assault/reconnaissance droid - Mass produced Slugthrower for the LotF
Company: Rahvin Industries
Modification Made: Tier Growth From II to III
Rationale: To reflect the recent changes made with regards to Company production levels and potential, following numerous product additions and the signing of many small and large-scale contracts.

Pertient Development Threads:

New Submissions:
Company: Silk Holdings
Modification Made: Avancement to Tier VI, regaining Ukio as a location again

Returning to operations within CIS space, reacquiring Ukio as a location (former headquarters).

In terms of the project of massive proportions, the proliferation of the HALCYON space train was begun while Silk was Tier 4, and massive sales to a Major Faction and a Minor Faction, as well as private worlds, put the HALCYON system on Kessel, throughout the Tion Hegemony, and all through the Unknown Regions. Since then, the Omega Protectorate has commissioned HALCYON systems for all its worlds, in a staged development designed to take IC years. This puts accessible, affordable public transportation all throughout two very large Major Factions and in close proximity to nine major trade routes (Perlemian Trail, Mara Corridor, Sanctuary Pipeline, Rimma Trade Route, Hydian Way, Corellian Trade Spine, Gordian Reach, Death Wind Corridor, and the Corellian Run), including every super-hyperlane in the galaxy.

The HALCYON system is also being sold in bulk to CIS in an ongoing thread, and negotiations are underway to install it on a few worlds of TSC.

In terms of the permanent sponsorship deal, Silk makes the entire current and future Levantine Sanctum armory manifest, has the permanent sponsorship of OP at OP's request, and is currently signing a deal for the permanent sponsorship of CIS at CIS's request.

Pertinent Development Threads: - [Contract and sponsorship from OP] - [finally agreed to join the Techno Union, meaning a permanent contract with CIS to build'em tech in exchange for subsidies, formal signing thread/HALCYON sales ongoing] - [mass-produced] - [mass-produced] - [mass-produced] - [mass-produced] - [mass-produced] - [mass-produced] - [mass-produced] - [reopened business in CIS space] - [forced reparations from the Republic] - [contract with OP] - [negotiations with Santhe/Sienar] - [decisions on the future of the business] - [investment acquisition] - [eliminated a treacherous business partner] - [investment in human capital and prospecting] - [contract with Firemane]

New Submission: Old sub will do fine, just change the tier and add Ukio plz, if accepted. I prefer to keep my products and such elsewhere.
Company Name: A R C E N E A U T R A D E C O M P A N Y

Modification: Advancement to tier 5 -- due to current regulations and requirements on what each tier is classified as, advancing the company from tier 4 to 5, based on meeting more than enough the requirements for Tier 5.

Also expanding on the later half of her roleplays regarding Silk Holdings, CIS, Black Sun, and the South Systems Business Bazaar. The links are exactly the same ones used before.

After setting up shop with major contracts between the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Blacksun, Danger began to focus on getting more deals to broaden her horizons and expand Arceneau as a house name throughout the galaxy.

A long time customer of a mutually beneficial business relationship with Silk Holdings only served to increase profits for ATC; as a bounty on the President Jorus Merrill prevented from direct business dealings with the Confederacy and the Merrills. Danger, known throughout the Southern Systems and the Mara corridor as the one woman who can smooth over ruffled feathers, became the middleman between the CIS and Silk, providing the means for Silk to still be able to sell their products within CIS and it’s allies territories through direct contact with ATC.

While not a major contract with a government entity, this venture alone sealed the deal in making Danger Arceneau by far one of the most wealthiest females in the galaxy, branding Arceneau Trade into more than a household name throughout the Southern Galaxy. Trade contracts for shipping between Baktoid from their factories in Duros within Omega Protectorate territory only served to stretch out her reach towards ever closer to the Unknown regions, while her contracts with Black Sun allowed trade to reach to the very Sith Empire during the alliance between the crime syndicate and the late Sith Empire.

ATC ships also have served various clients such as Salacia Consolidated, Czerka Arms, Corellian Engineering and Corellian Arms, Omega Star Corp, Santhe and Sinar, Blastech, Koensayr Manufacturing, and Hekler’Kor Defense Industries. Used as the premier shipping, escort, salvaging, mining, and refueling points in coexistence with Silk Holdings, Arceneau Trade has by far managed to become integral in networking and connecting several companies to the consumer by way of the Southern Systems Bazaar.

In an open holographic marketplace, Danger provides a one stop shop for a business and consumer to compare and shop for their product. Here, for a moderate fee, Arceneau encourages the galactic economy by streamlining the process to buy. Tried and true methods of communication are established per company, providing a directory and a quick reference at all the products that are being sold, as well as providing a venue for a representative of the business to deal directly with custom orders or requests for purchase.

Major Faction Contracts
  • South Systems Syndicate [ Merged with the then Hutt Cartel]
  • The Hutt Cartel [ Major trade contract under the Hutt regime ]
  • Galactic Trade Guild [ Major trade and shipping contracts]
  • Black Sun [ Continuation of and exclusive major trade contract after the successful Hutt overthrow]
  • Confederacy of Independent Systems [ Exclusive trade, shipping, and freighter contract]
Major Faction Sponsorships
  • Confederacy of Independent Systems
  • South Systems Syndicate ---> Hutt Cartel ---> Black Suns
Major Business Contracts
  • Silk Holdings - Independant and SS Bazaar
  • Baktoid - Independant, CIS, SSB
  • Santhe and Sienar Fleet Systems - CIS
  • Blastech - CIS
  • Czerka Arms - CIS and SSB
  • Blastech - CIS
  • Koensayr Manufacturing - Independent and Black Sun and SSB
Minor Business Contracts through South Systems Bazaar
  • Salacia Consolidated
  • Subach
  • Czerka Arms
  • MandalMotors
  • Hekler’Kor Defense Industries
  • Corellian Engineering and Corellian Arms
Project of sizable Proportion
  • The creation and successful implementation of South Systems Syndicate Business Bazaar, providing an IC venue for PC characters to roleplay in a marketplace, with Danger providing Holonet updates and spotlights.
That guy's craftshop

New Submission:
Feel free to just copy and paste this whole thing since it is a rewrite and elaboration on existing roleplay and links.


CORPORATION NAME: Arceneau Trade Company

  • Spaceport and warehouses: Tatooine, Ryloth, Geonosis, Nal Hutta, Nar Shaddaa, Siskeen, Hypori, Roon, Rishi, Ukio, Kamino, Daalang, Ylesia/ Nyrvana, Toydaria, Orodia, Circumtore, Carnovia, Nar Kaaga, Nimban, Varl, Da Soocha V, Lannik, Druckenwell, Bothuawui, Leritor, Kothlis, Rodia, Wren'goa Station, Void Station, Mara Corridor.

  • Orian Companion House: Ryloth - Floating Rock Garden - Companions travel along the Mara Corridor selecting their clients off the pre approved registry set up by Danger, where clients buy into to get in the list.

  • Factories: Tatooine (Small Arms, water-purifiers, salvage, armormech, foodstuffs), Geonosis (Small arms, small cloning location, aquatic weapons), Fuel Refineries (Tatooine, Nal Hutta, Orondia, Nar Chunna)

  • Cantinas, Clubs, Speakeasy's: Tatooine and Nar Shaddaa, (Club Ufora)

OPERATIONS: Merchant, gun-smuggling, cargo, armstech, armormech, supplies, waterpurifiers, spice, fuel, food stuffs, slavery companion style, salvage, tech trade, exotic animal, blockade running, contract shipper and transport, storage, small personal cloning facility.

Tier: 5

Description: A R C E N E A U T R A D E C O M P A N Y

After the Gulag Virus hit and Tatooine cut off from the core worlds, Montgomery Arceneau prospered as the company retained connections within the nearby Southern Planets via their contracted ships and Captains. There was credits to be made in necessity, and there was no denying the golden egg that ensured food was in their belly, keep the company prospering, and the ships maintained.

Originally, the Arceneau's were well known for their small arms weapon making. Such as blaster rifles, blaster pistols, assault canons, vibro-blades, tech-blades vibro-shivs and the crafting of the parts that goes along with them. Their direct competitor was Kayson's Weapons Shop; which in the wake of the Gulag virus, managed to kill off the competition. ( Pun intended) As the decades passed, they branched out to general armor-crafting; hiring local merchants to directly supply them with the necessary goods and in turn, dealing them out towards the various outposts on Tatooine.

As the first generation of Arceneau's began to gain more and more influence over Tatooine, the more they began to deal with more than just the crafting of weapons and armor; they began gun-smuggling, as their ancestors had been wont to do in their raids. A rather, violent takeover of Notsub Shipping gave Arceneau Trade Company the edge it needed to expand the entirety of Tatooine, bringing into the fold workers and droids for it's shipping, transport, and fueling business, providing the majority of the basic every day needs to the more exotic for a higher fee.

Ties to the tech savvy Jawa clans also gave an edge in salvage tech; the need for water purifiers in distant outposts provided more revenue. It was undeniable four hundred years of darkness gave ATC a solid foothold on Tatooine.

Neigh on nine years that Dangeruese took upon the responsibility of Arceneau Trade at the widowed August Arceneau's death leaving Dangeruese Rose Arceneau to hold the reins of his little empire, making her the sole owner and overseer of the seventh generation Trading Company based off Tatooine.

While officially she'd taken the reigns at the tender age of twenty-one, she'd already been expanding ATC long before her daddy done lay six foot down. Gun smuggling be in her blood by birthright as by rule, as evidenced by the decorated acquired exotic paraphernalia done tried and true by Lorell Raider ancestry. Under her keen guidance, Danger had more than made a name of herself, expanding ATC to include the bulk of her interests in profit, information, and new tech - and it only done proved to make more than the standard pretty credit she felt she more than deserved.

It only doubled after the ruthless taking over of a competitor company by the name of "Fen'zati", then co owned by Hauk and @[member="Noxu Za'tire"]. Her aggressive acquisition nearly doubled her holdings, giving her the clout, ships, and reach to focus on new deals.

What had originally been a contract with the South Systems Syndicate as their sole contractor of supplies, fuel, transports, and the daily goods turned into a massive expansion into Ryloth and Geonosis. In Ryloth, in the Garden of Floating rocks she set up the refugee Orian House that housed hundreds of Twi'leks, men and women alike, who were under her protection. They were called "Companions," skilled, well-educated and well-respected member of a guild of professional courtesans/entertainers, somewhat similar to oiran. While they do frequently engage in a form of state-sanctioned prostitution, they are nonetheless treated with a great deal of respect and deference from nearly everyone.

The acquisition of Club Ufora provided a platform to direct contact with the Hutt Cartel as well as drawing the interest of the more... refined taste. She done wasn't some small time girl no more, she was fishing for bigger prospects that would net a bigger payout. For that, certain tastes had to be catered to, and what better place than the favorite watering hole for many of galaxies finest, upstanding criminals and underworlders.

What the free flowing of drink didn't loosen tongues, the eager flesh of skilled Twi'lek escorts did the rest. There ain't nothing that don't pass through Danger's arena, and word of mouth had a way of spreading where to fish and where to leave be.

In the wake of Stargo's disappearance, Danger had to take up the helm of the Syndicate, coming to rule the majority of Tatooine under her keen business interests. It was then that she began dealings with the Hutt Cartel, where she provided fuels, transports, supplies, small weapons and ordnance for their dominions, setting vast trade outposts and warehouses on Nal Hutta, Nar Shaddaa, and Ylesia. This is where she personally secured herself as their main provider of arms, and where she would meet Barrett Haskins, the crime lord in charge of the Black Sun Syndicate.

Her time during the Galactic Trade Guild faction provided an expansion of her warehouses on Hypori, Siskeen, Roon, Ukio, Rishi, and Kamino. ( A large docking port and warehouse pit stop for Arceneau trade) Through the wonders of wonders, an entirely new hyperlane was crafted by Jorus Merrill, and it was through negotiations with Barrett Haskins and Danger that an agreement was made, with Arceneau Trade becoming one of the major suppliers of fuel and good throughout the Mara Corridor in return of ensuring that no harm befell Merrill's space stations from the Black Sun.

She has also expanded and brought more business to Outer Rim World businesses like Silk Holdings, Ativesi Itasimai Corp, Baktoid, CIS, and the Black sun by her purchases of ships, escorts, frigates from Silk Holdings, and in an auction by Subach Innes, expanded her transport and escort fleet to be able to meet the rising demand.

The Confederacy of Independent Systems heard of Arceneau Trade Company's reputation and clout on Tatooine, coming to meet with Danger personally that ensured one of the most profitable major supplying and shipping contracts Arceneau Trade ever had -- bringing a wealth of steady month to month gain in providing CIS space with the day to day goods, fuel, and shipping and transport for their factories.

In Geonosis, she had expanded her small arms factories by buying out acquisitions. A modest endevour, certainly not on par with the vast droid army foundries, but a modest venue that included warehouses for the fuel transports as well as other supplies around the Southern Sytems. This is also where the small cloning facility for personal or select customer use from the tech they stole from the Kaminio cloning facility came to play. Housing only eight cylinders, it is a tiny facility.

In Nar Chunna, Danger contracted the Pirate Lord Ironwolf to take care of a small warlord problem she had in regards to fuel factories set there. His assistance led to Danger's acquisition of more fuel factories for the company.

After setting up shop with major contracts between the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Blacksun, Danger began to focus on getting more deals to broaden her horizons and expand Arceneau as a house name throughout the galaxy.

A long time customer of a mutually beneficial business relationship with Silk Holdings only served to increase profits for ATC; as a bounty on the President Jorus Merrill prevented from direct business dealings with the Confederacy and the Merrills. Danger, known throughout the Southern Systems and the Mara corridor as the one woman who can smooth over ruffled feathers, became the middleman between the CIS and Silk, providing the means for Silk to still be able to sell their products within CIS and it’s allies territories through direct contact with ATC.

While not a major contract with a government entity, this venture alone sealed the deal in making Danger Arceneau by far one of the most wealthiest females in the galaxy, branding Arceneau Trade into more than a household name throughout the Southern Galaxy. Trade contracts for shipping between Baktoid from their factories in Duros within Omega Protectorate territory only served to stretch out her reach towards ever closer to the Unknown regions, while her contracts with Black Sun allowed trade to reach to the very Sith Empire during the alliance between the crime syndicate and the late Sith Empire.

ATC ships also have served various clients such as Salacia Consolidated, Czerka Arms, Corellian Engineering and Corellian Arms, Omega Star Corp, Santhe and Sinar, Blastech, Koensayr Manufacturing, and Hekler’Kor Defense Industries. Used as the premier shipping, escort, salvaging, mining, and refueling points in coexistence with Silk Holdings, Arceneau Trade has by far managed to become integral in networking and connecting several companies to the consumer by way of the Southern Systems Bazaar.

In an open holographic marketplace, Danger provides a one stop shop for a business and consumer to compare and shop for their product. Here, for a moderate fee, Arceneau encourages the galactic economy by streamlining the process to buy. Tried and true methods of communication are established per company, providing a directory and a quick reference at all the products that are being sold, as well as providing a venue for a representative of the business to deal directly with custom orders or requests for purchase.

Small time girl looking to go big. As Danger Arceneau has said time and time again, "My daddy ain't raised no fool. I'm gonna hit it big. Bigger than Tatooine. Bigger than Montgomery Arceneau ever dreamed."

Major Faction Contracts
  • South Systems Syndicate [ Merged with the then Hutt Cartel]
  • The Hutt Cartel [ Major trade contract under the Hutt regime ]
  • Galactic Trade Guild [ Major trade and shipping contracts]
  • Black Sun [ Continuation of and exclusive major trade contract after the successful Hutt overthrow]
  • Confederacy of Independent Systems [ Exclusive trade, shipping, and freighter contract]
Major Faction Sponsorships
  • Confederacy of Independent Systems
  • South Systems Syndicate ---> Hutt Cartel ---> Black Suns
Major Business Contracts
  • Silk Holdings - Independant and SS Bazaar
  • Baktoid - Independant, CIS, SSB
  • Santhe and Sienar Fleet Systems - CIS
  • Blastech - CIS
  • Czerka Arms - CIS and SSB
  • Blastech - CIS
  • Koensayr Manufacturing - Independent and Black Sun and SSB
Minor Business Contracts through South Systems Bazaar
  • Salacia Consolidated
  • Subach
  • Czerka Arms
  • MandalMotors
  • Hekler’Kor Defense Industries
  • Corellian Engineering and Corellian Arms
Project of sizable Proportion
  • The creation and successful implementation of South Systems Syndicate Business Bazaar, providing an IC venue for PC characters to roleplay in a marketplace, with Danger providing Holonet updates and spotlights.
That guy's craftshop




Company: RRDI
Modification Made:


____Development and Limited Production of Starfighters and Frigates
____Private Sector Development of Experimental Craft
____Light Mining of Mnencheiasüs
____Selling valuable excess materials on the galactic market.
____Producing Mnenchei blades and CQC weapons for non-Mnencheians.
Please remove "Limited," as it has since expanded and is able to mass-produce a range of products.
Add "Producing Unique armor for reputable private clients." to Minor.


____5 Mining Outposts on Mnencheiasüs
____Large Mining & Refinery Complex on Obredaan
____8 sq. km. Skunk Work Yards on Sikune
____MMAF Airfield on Ansion;
______2 Private Starfighter Hangars
______1 Private Dry Docks (max. Cruiser class)
____HoloNet Order & Delivery
____Galactic Republic Sales
Remove "Galactic Republic Sales" as RRDI is no longer continuing its support of TGR's mnencheiasus corps (they are allowed to retain use of our Dominion-owned tech, just not further additions. If you wish to make a note of this in the sub, you may).
Add "Confederacy of Independent States Sales" instead.
Change "Sikune" to "Crystalsong."
Add "CIS-Constructed Orbital Ring Shipyard in Pii System" to "Production."

Rationale: Update months-old information I never got around to since I first opened up the company. I'll be doing a history continuation soon as well (too much work for me right now IRL).


I'm Sexy and I Know It

Submission Name:
Tenloss Corporation
Link to Submission: Right here
Reason for Modification: This is two-fold. I would like to edit the description to include the canon subsidiaries into the original submission as all Tenloss is canonically is a mix of companies under the organization group/crime head of Tenloss. I would also like to edit Tenloss to Tier IV.

Tenloss has expanded to the following worlds: Raxus Prime, Nal Hutta, Kessel

Changing this line from:

"The most notable of which being the Modirin Mining Concern, Bengel Shipbuilders, Kendamari Casinos, and Relekin Confidential." in the submission's description to:

"These include Modirin Mining Concern, Bahalian Shipyards, Bengel Shipbuilders, Friij News Services, Galindas Exports, Kendamari Casinos, Lucin Syndicate, Lucross Collections, Malakin Enterprises, Natori Association, Ororo Transportation, and Relekin Confidential."

This in no way reflects an increase in Tier, but is only to give the canonical businesses that make up the entirety of the Tenloss Coporation/Syndicate.

The change in Tier is supported by the following links:

  • Sign a contract with three more player-run organizations, one of which must be a major faction. = Talks and Trade (Tenloss sells ships and other goods to the Vong), Back From the Dead (Popo negotiates with Black Sun, expanding Tenloss and the Cartel to Nal Hutta), Cash for Guns (Popo signs a contract to purchase proton cannons in return for supplying the CIS with the tanks the cannons are for)
  • Complete four miscellaneous threads. = Ain't No Auction Like a Spice Auction (Popo bids on various items using Tenloss funding while negotiating an agreement to spread Tenloss to Kessel), Back in the Saddle (Tenloss expands to Nar Shaddaa through Republic negotiations), Something of Worth (Popo discusses expansion plans with Anaya Fen for Tenloss on Kessel), Four Ton Job (Popo hires a specialist for a project to forward his own, and his company's, fame and prestige)
  • Successfully complete a project of sizable proportions. = Fear and Loathing (Popo deals with Mandalorians on his space station running amok, but uses the opportunity to barter for Mandalorian protection of the Wheel while retaining his personal ownership of the space station)
EDIT: My bad, I kept thinking I had Tenloss on Nar Kreeta, but that was just Popo there for an auction. Whoops.
Company: Invictus Aeronautics [Link here]
Modification Made:
  • Advancement to Tier 3
  • Adding Bakura as a location
  • Making the below changes under Operation and Description:

Operation: Invictus Aeronautics is a company that deals primarily in the design and production of starships in the military and commercial sectors. Operating mainly out of Fringe space, IVA has begun branching out further into the Outer Rim and Corewards as it grows in size.
Description: Invictus Aeronautics began operating in early 803ABY, specialising in the design and production of commercial light freighters and luxury yachts. Operating out of offices on Annaj, the company became renowned for its sleek designs and developed a niche market. IVA freighters and yachts were a rare sight but became very trendy starships to own due to a surge in ownership by Coruscanti models and sports personalities. As such, the ships had a hefty price attached to them. They were, for all intensive purposes, for the elite. However, IVA proved to be just a trend, and though it maintained a small following, desire for their ships declined. Production was scrapped, and IVA began designing for other, larger aeronautics companies. That was until Alen Na'Varro stepped in.

As controlling interest of Invictus Aeronautics, Na'Varro has overseen the complete revitalisation of the firm into a production company that makes military vessels as well as commercial craft for various sectors. Operating out of Annaj, Ascension and now Bakura, IVA is a rapidly expanding entity. IVA now accepts private, commercial and government contracts in starship design, refitting and minor and major production. Invictus Aeronautics is now looking to expand into the mining and spaceline sectors, and has begun producing ships to fill those roles. Now IVA has revitalised itself, it is looking to build a reputation for excellence in starship design, while opening subsidiaries that explore other commercial interests.

Rationale: Because I got the threads together! And it was time to update things, as Invictus has started to divert from what it was originally intended to do.

Pertient Development Threads:
The Horde
Reardon Metalworks

New Submission:

@[member="Gerion Ardik"]



Company: Interstellar Passenger Lines
Modification Made:
  • Name of Company
  • Headquarters and Location
  • Operations
  • Rationale
  • Description

@Larilia Sosiicius has been requested to be merged with [member="Lady Mortis"]

Pertient Development Threads:
  • N/a

New Submission:
Corporation Name: Mortis Industries

  • Hapes
  • Divora
  • Droid Manufacturing
  • Arms and Armor Manufacturing

Mortis Industries in a small time, family owned; company that manufactures arms, armor and droids of all classes. Originally founded during the time of the Gulag Plague; Mortis Industries originally created and produced for lack of a better description 'Body Collectors.' These first droids were crafted to aid in the collection and disposal of victims that had died from the plague. While originally thought in capable of surviving after the plague, the following years saw the company transition into a changing time as the galaxy began to rebuild and governments began to war for supremacy.

As she is the eldest daughter of the Mortis family; the company was passed down to Zarkana after her mother passed under mysterious circumstances as befitting the Hapan culture.

Tier: 2

Mortis Industries originally began its life as a droid manufacturing company that produce body collectors that were sold across the galaxy to aid in the collection of and disposal of cadavers that had passed due to the Gulag Plague. As this was its only market; it was clear that by the time the Gulag Plague began to subside, the company would go under. However under the careful guidance of the Mortis family, the company managed to transition into a new era and begin producing droids, arms and armor as war swept across the galaxy and conflict began to reign supreme.

Now Mortis Industries looks towards its roots within the Hapes Cluster; seeking to produce goods for the Hapan Security Force as well as droids to ease every day life of all Hapans. Their focus on the betterment of the Hapan species and the Hapan Consortium is their primary focus. While still a small company, their primary focus is on the hiring of Hapans first; seeking to help and aid their own kind. For this reason, Mortis Industries can be seen as slightly xenophobic and Hapanocentric.


IC no.

OOC yes. The merger is due to cleaning up the multitude of unused characters and clearing out cluttered ideas that are not being used.

Ori'Alor Tal'Verda

Leader of the True Mando'Ade
[member="Gerion Ardik"]
Company: Akaan'Ade ures Kyr

Modification Made: Change Base to Liberty Concord Live Ship Office/Base Complex. Revision of Bio: Up to Ori'Alor/Alliera joining the Liberty Concord unchanged. After that: With the entrance into the Liberty Concord, Ori'Alor/Alliera decided to make a new Mandalorian Mercinary Company, dedicated to both the defence of the Liberty Concord and the Mandalorian Culture taught to her by Calico and Galaar. With that, Alliera changed her name to Ori'Alor, after the range she had originally wanted to represent the leader of the Akaan'Ade ures Kyr after word of the bounty reached Alliera/Ori'Alor's ears. With that done, Ori'Alor decided to secure a space in the Live Ship as a base, making a complex out of several rooms and hallways. The Main Force of the Akaan'Ade is the Cabur'Akaata, or the Protector Batallion, made up of Regular Mandos who both do jobs and protect thier cuture and the Liberty Concord. After the Cabur'Akaata is the Ori'ramikad, or the Supercommando Corps, that operate as the Best of the Best within the Akaan'Ade and the Liberty Concord. Both groups could act seperately or in cohesion on Mercinary Assignments, Missions connected to preserving Mandalrorian Culture, or defence operations for the Liberty Concord. The Culture of the Akaan'Ade is the one lined out in the Supercommando Codex and the Resol'Nare, both reconstructed faithfully by Ori'Alor, as dictated by Galaar and Calico Tal'Verda.
Rationale: Discussions and such have gotten me onto a new idea with this company.

Pertient Development Threads:

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