Derisive Umbaran
@[member="Maelion Liates"]
Please remove "Limited," as it has since expanded and is able to mass-produce a range of products.[OPERARIONS]
____Development and Limited Production of Starfighters and Frigates
____Private Sector Development of Experimental Craft
____Light Mining of Mnencheiasüs
____Selling valuable excess materials on the galactic market.
____Producing Mnenchei blades and CQC weapons for non-Mnencheians.
Remove "Galactic Republic Sales" as RRDI is no longer continuing its support of TGR's mnencheiasus corps (they are allowed to retain use of our Dominion-owned tech, just not further additions. If you wish to make a note of this in the sub, you may).[LOCATIONS]
____5 Mining Outposts on Mnencheiasüs
____Large Mining & Refinery Complex on Obredaan
____8 sq. km. Skunk Work Yards on Sikune
____MMAF Airfield on Ansion;
______2 Private Starfighter Hangars
______1 Private Dry Docks (max. Cruiser class)
____HoloNet Order & Delivery
____Galactic Republic Sales
Operation: Invictus Aeronautics is a company that deals primarily in the design and production of starships in the military and commercial sectors. Operating mainly out of Fringe space, IVA has begun branching out further into the Outer Rim and Corewards as it grows in size.
Description: Invictus Aeronautics began operating in early 803ABY, specialising in the design and production of commercial light freighters and luxury yachts. Operating out of offices on Annaj, the company became renowned for its sleek designs and developed a niche market. IVA freighters and yachts were a rare sight but became very trendy starships to own due to a surge in ownership by Coruscanti models and sports personalities. As such, the ships had a hefty price attached to them. They were, for all intensive purposes, for the elite. However, IVA proved to be just a trend, and though it maintained a small following, desire for their ships declined. Production was scrapped, and IVA began designing for other, larger aeronautics companies. That was until Alen Na'Varro stepped in.
As controlling interest of Invictus Aeronautics, Na'Varro has overseen the complete revitalisation of the firm into a production company that makes military vessels as well as commercial craft for various sectors. Operating out of Annaj, Ascension and now Bakura, IVA is a rapidly expanding entity. IVA now accepts private, commercial and government contracts in starship design, refitting and minor and major production. Invictus Aeronautics is now looking to expand into the mining and spaceline sectors, and has begun producing ships to fill those roles. Now IVA has revitalised itself, it is looking to build a reputation for excellence in starship design, while opening subsidiaries that explore other commercial interests.