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Company Modifications [V2]

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[member="Gerion Ardik"]

Take two! Tier III-IV

Major Project: “General Growth”
(Adumar Dominion) “Acquired every factory on a continent”,
(Muunilist Dominion) “Negotiated political acquisition of Muunilist and additional job and contract opportunities, as well as shipping contracts for Hyperion Mining's freighters to handle.”
(Unplanned Business Meeting) “Acquiring a new subsidiary”
(Buying a Company) “Acquiring a new subsidiary”
Company: Cestus Cybernetics
Modification Made: Tier II - III
Rationale: Cestus Cybernetics has fulfilled the necessary requirements to advance in tier.

Pertinent Development Threads:
  • [Link] - [Contract with Arceneau Trade]
  • [Link] - [Contract with Santhe Corporation]
  • [Link] - [Z1, Mass Produced Product]
  • [Link] - [Z2, Mass Produced Product]
  • [Link] - [Z3, Mass Produced Product]
  • [Link] - [Misc. thread. Droid Expo]
  • [Link] - [Misc. thread. Mining for Xylen]
  • [Link] - [Misc. thread. Modding a ship]

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Company: Hekler'Kok Defense Industries (
Modification Made: Vehicle Production
Rationale: To usher in a new phase for the company for its expansion (Supplying the Concord with weapons for 55 million credits) (50 million royalty on a weapon system and a promise for a larger contract worth millions of credits)
Company: Arceneau Trade Company :
Modification Made: Tier 6
Rationale: With the recent success of the SSB Expo and Auction, Danger Arceneau has made recent strides to push ATC and SSB beyond the frontier in Trade goods, networking, shipping, freighter service, and fuel.

The expansion of the South Systems Business Bazaar to Nar Kreeta and Mandalorian Space have seen a spread of economy and profitable return.

New contracts and sponsorship with such businesses as MandalTech, Mandal Hypernautics, ArmTech Systems Inc, Akure Executive Leatherworks ,Carrison Tech and Fashion, Whyren's Distillery, Tenloss Corp, Keldabe Shops, and Cestus Cybernetics have allowed her to grow exponentially, making her by far the galaxy's go to name in Trade, Fuel, and goods.

As Danger has always said, this is only the beginning. Her eyes are now set upon the Republic, Lords of the Fringe, and the Omega Protectorate as well as the wild regions for any potential new trade to come.

Pertient Development Threads:

Major Project

Contracts with Two Major Factions

Misc Development Threads

  • [Sponsorship Mandalorians] Red Curves and Old Eyes Talking to Gilamar Skirata, the current Mandalore for the sponsorship, space, and approval of bringing trade and fuel stations as well as a new SSB branch into Mandalorian space, providing for their trading, fueling, and freighting needs.

New Submission: [Please spoiler this]


[SIZE=10pt]CORPORATION NAME:[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Arceneau Trade Company[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]HEADQUARTERS:[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Tatooine, Nar Kreeta, Mandalore[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Spaceport and warehouses:[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Tatooine, Ryloth, Geonosis, Nal Hutta, Nar Shaddaa, Siskeen, Hypori, Roon, Rishi, Ukio, Kamino, Daalang, Ylesia/ Nyrvana, Toydaria, Orodia, Circumtore, Carnovia, Nar Kaaga, Nimban, Varl, Da Soocha V, Lannik, Druckenwell, Bothuawui, Leritor, Kothlis, Rodia, Duros, Kessel, Wren'goa Station, Void Station, Mara Corridor, Gamor, Void Station, Adarlon, Utapao, Vergessp Asteriods, Jamoura, Bresnia, Tarsunt, Toog'l, Styx, Nar Kreeta, Tatooine, S[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]leheyron, [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Mandalore, The Wheel, Roche Asteroids, Maridun, Celanom, Bandomeer, Taris, Garqi, Muunilist, Ithor, Serreno, Yaga Minor, Taanab, Thule, Yavin. Mygeeto, Togoria, Concord Dawn, Adumar, Bastion, Droumond Kaas, Dathomir, Vaal, Junction, and Ord Mantell.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Orian Companion House[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]:[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Ryloth - Floating Rock Garden - Companions travel along the Mara Corridor selecting their clients off the pre-approved registry set up by Danger, where clients buy into to get in the list.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Factories:[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Tatooine (Small Arms, water-purifiers, salvage, armormech, foodstuffs), Geonosis (Small arms, small cloning location, aquatic weapons), Fuel Refineries (Tatooine, Nal Hutta, Orondia, Nar Chunna, Dirha, Sleheyron [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Trade Stations[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]: Nar Kreeta, Tatooine, S[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]leheyron, Dirha, Sleheyron, Orondia, Nar Chuna, Geonosis, Nal Hutta, Nar Shaddaa, Kessel, The Mara, [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Mandalore, The Wheel, Roche Asteroids, Maridun, Celanom, Bandomeer, Taris, Garqi, Muunilist, Ithor, Serreno, Yaga Minor, Taanab, Thule, Yavin. Mygeeto, Togoria, Concord Dawn, Adumar, Bastion, Droumond Kaas, Dathomir, Vaal, Junction, and Ord Mantell. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Cantinas, Clubs, Speakeasy's: [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Tatooine and Nar Shaddaa, (Club Ufora)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]OPERATIONS:[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Merchant, gun-smuggling, cargo, armstech, armormech, supplies, water purifiers, spice, fuel, food stuffs, slavery companion style, salvage, tech trade, exotic animal, blockade running, contract shipper and transport, storage, small personal cloning facility.
[SIZE=10pt]Tier:[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] 6

Description: [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] A R C E N E A U T R A D E C O M P A N Y[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]After the Gulag Virus hit and Tatooine cut off from the core worlds, Montgomery Arceneau prospered as the company retained connections within the nearby Southern Planets via their contracted ships and Captains. There were credits to be made in necessity, and there was no denying the golden egg that ensured food was in their belly, keep the company prospering, and the ships maintained.

Originally, the Arceneau's were well known for their small arms weapon making. Such as blaster rifles, blaster pistols, assault canons, vibro-blades, tech-blades vibro-shivs and the crafting of the parts that goes along with them. Their direct competitor was Kayson's Weapons Shop; which in the wake of the Gulag virus, managed to kill off the competition. (Pun intended) As the decades passed, they branched out to general armor-crafting; hiring local merchants to directly supply them with the necessary goods and in turn, dealing them out towards the various outposts on Tatooine.

As the first generation of Arceneau's began to gain more and more influence over Tatooine, the more they began to deal with more than just the crafting of weapons and armor; they began gun-smuggling, as their ancestors had been wont to do in their raids. A rather, violent takeover of Notsub Shipping gave Arceneau Trade Company the edge it needed to expand the entirety of Tatooine, bringing into the fold workers and droids for its shipping, transport, and fueling business, providing the majority of the basic every day needs to the more exotic for a higher fee.

Ties to the tech savvy Jawa clans also gave an edge in salvage tech; the need for water purifiers in distant outposts provided more revenue. It was undeniable four hundred years of darkness gave ATC a solid foothold on Tatooine.

Neigh on nine years that Dangeruese took upon the responsibility of Arceneau Trade at the widowed August Arceneau's death leaving Dangeruese Rose Arceneau to hold the reins of his little empire, making her the sole owner and overseer of the seventh generation Trading Company based off Tatooine.

While officially she'd taken the reigns at the tender age of twenty-one, she'd already been expanding ATC long before her daddy done lay six foot down. Gun smuggling be in her blood by birthright as by rule, as evidenced by the decorated acquired exotic paraphernalia done tried and true by Lorell Raider ancestry. Under her keen guidance, Danger had more than made a name of herself, expanding ATC to include the bulk of her interests in profit, information, and new tech - and it only done proved to make more than the standard pretty credit she felt she more than deserved.

It only doubled after the ruthless taking over of a competitor company by the name of "Fen'zati", then co owned by Hauk and @Noxu Za'tire. Her aggressive acquisition nearly doubled her holdings, giving her the clout, ships, and reach to focus on new deals.

What had originally been a contract with the South Systems Syndicate as their sole contractor of supplies, fuel, transports, and the daily goods turned into a massive expansion into Ryloth and Geonosis. In Ryloth, in the Garden of Floating rocks she set up the refugee Orian House that housed hundreds of Twi'leks, men and women alike, who were under her protection. They were called "Companions," skilled, well-educated and well-respected member of a guild of professional courtesans/entertainers, somewhat similar to oiran. While they do frequently engage in a form of state-sanctioned prostitution, they are nonetheless treated with a great deal of respect and deference from nearly everyone.

The acquisition of Club Ufora provided a platform to direct contact with the Hutt Cartel as well as drawing the interest of the more... refined taste. She done wasn't some small time girl no more; she was fishing for bigger prospects that would net a bigger payout. For that, certain tastes had to be catered to, and what better place than the favorite watering hole for many of galaxies finest, upstanding criminals and underworlders.

What the free flowing of drink didn't loosen tongues, the eager flesh of skilled Twi'lek escorts did the rest. There ain't nothing that don't pass through Danger's arena, and word of mouth had a way of spreading where to fish and where to leave be.

In the wake of Stargo's disappearance, Danger had to take up the helm of the Syndicate, coming to rule the majority of Tatooine under her keen business interests. It was then that she began dealings with the Hutt Cartel, where she provided fuels, transports, supplies, small weapons and ordnance for their dominions, setting vast trade outposts and warehouses on Nal Hutta, Nar Shaddaa, and Ylesia. This is where she personally secured herself as their main provider of arms, and where she would meet Barrett Haskins, the crime lord in charge of the Black Sun Syndicate.

Her time during the Galactic Trade Guild faction provided an expansion of her warehouses on Hypori, Siskeen, Roon, Ukio, Rishi, and Kamino. ( A large docking port and warehouse pit stop for Arceneau trade) Through the wonders of wonders, an entirely new hyperlane was crafted by Jorus Merrill, and it was through negotiations with Barrett Haskins and Danger that an agreement was made, with Arceneau Trade becoming one of the major suppliers of fuel and good throughout the Mara Corridor in return of ensuring that no harm befell Merrill's space stations from the Black Sun.

She has also expanded and brought more business to Outer Rim World businesses like Silk Holdings, Ativesi Itasimai Corp, Baktoid, CIS, and the Black sun by her purchases of ships, escorts, frigates from Silk Holdings, and in an auction by Subach Innes, expanded her transport and escort fleet to be able to meet the rising demand.

The Confederacy of Independent Systems heard of Arceneau Trade Company's reputation and clout on Tatooine, coming to meet with Danger personally that ensured one of the most profitable major supplying and shipping contracts Arceneau Trade ever had -- bringing a wealth of steady month to month gain in providing CIS space with the day to day goods, fuel, and shipping and transport for their factories.

In Geonosis, she had expanded her small arms factories by buying out acquisitions. A modest endevour, certainly not on par with the vast droid army foundries, but a modest venue that included warehouses for the fuel transports as well as other supplies around the Southern Sytems. This is also where the small cloning facility for personal or select customer use from the tech they stole from the Kaminio cloning facility came to play. Housing only eight cylinders, it is a tiny facility.

In Nar Chunna, Danger contracted the Pirate Lord Ironwolf to take care of a small warlord problem she had in regards to fuel factories set there. His assistance led to Danger's acquisition of more fuel factories for the company.

After setting up shop with major contracts between the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Blacksun, Danger began to focus on getting more deals to broaden her horizons and expand Arceneau as a house name throughout the galaxy.

A long time customer of a mutually beneficial business relationship with Silk Holdings only served to increase profits for ATC; as a bounty on the President Jorus Merrill prevented from direct business dealings with the Confederacy and the Merrills. Danger, known throughout the Southern Systems and the Mara corridor as the one woman who can smooth over ruffled feathers, became the middleman between the CIS and Silk, providing the means for Silk to still be able to sell their products within CIS and it’s allies territories through direct contact with ATC.

While not a major contract with a government entity, this venture alone sealed the deal in making Danger Arceneau by far one of the most wealthiest females in the galaxy, branding Arceneau Trade into more than a household name throughout the Southern Galaxy. Trade contracts for shipping between Baktoid from their factories in Duros within Omega Protectorate territory only served to stretch out her reach towards ever closer to the Unknown regions, while her contracts with Black Sun allowed trade to reach to the very Sith Empire during the alliance between the crime syndicate and the late Sith Empire.

ATC ships also have served various clients such as Salacia Consolidated, Czerka Arms, Corellian Engineering and Corellian Arms, Omega Star Corp, Santhe and Sinar, Blastech, Koensayr Manufacturing, and Hekler’Kor Defense Industries. Used as the premier shipping, escort, salvaging, mining, and refueling points in coexistence with Silk Holdings, Arceneau Trade has by far managed to become integral in networking and connecting several companies to the consumer by way of the Southern Systems Bazaar.

In an open holographic marketplace, Danger provides a one stop shop for a business and consumer to compare and shop for their product. Here, for a moderate fee, Arceneau encourages the galactic economy by streamlining the process to buy. Tried and true methods of communication are established per company, providing a directory and a quick reference at all the products that are being sold, as well as providing a venue for a representative of the business to deal directly with custom orders or requests for purchase.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]With the recent success of the SSB Expo and Auction, Danger Arceneau has made recent strides to push ATC and SSB beyond the frontier in Trade goods, networking, shipping, freighter service, and fuel.

The expansion of the South Systems Business Bazaar to Nar Kreeta and Mandalorian Space has seen a spread of economy and profitable return.

New contracts and sponsorship with such businesses as MandalTech, Mandal Hypernautics, ArmTech Systems Inc, Akure Executive Leatherworks ,Carrison Tech and Fashion, Whyren's Distillery, Tenloss Corp, Keldabe Shops, and Cestus Cybernetics have allowed her to grow exponentially, making her by far the galaxy's go to name in Trade, Fuel, and goods. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]As Danger has always said, this is only the beginning. Her eyes are now set upon the Republic, Lords of the Fringe, and the Omega Protectorate as well as the wild regions for any potential new trade to come. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Small time girl looking to go big. As Danger Arceneau has said time and time again, "My daddy ain't raised no fool. I'm gonna hit it big. Bigger than Tatooine. Bigger than Montgomery Arceneau ever dreamed."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Major Faction Contracts[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]§ [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]South Systems Syndicate [ Merged with the then Hutt Cartel][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]§ [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]The Hutt Cartel [ Major trade contract under the Hutt regime ][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]§ [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Galactic Trade Guild [ Major trade and shipping contracts][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]§ [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Black Sun [ Continuation of and exclusive major trade contract after the successful Hutt overthrow][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]§ [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Confederacy of Independent Systems [Exclusive trade, shipping, and freighter contract. Now oversees their fueling production and manufacturing.][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]§ [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Mandalorian - [ Trade, fuel, and shipping and freighter contracts ][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Major Faction Sponsorships[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Confederacy of Independent Systems[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]South Systems Syndicate ---> Hutt Cartel ---> Black Suns[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Mandalorians[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Major Business Contracts[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Silk Holdings - Independant and SS Bazaar = Now own 5% of Silk Holdings[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Baktoid - Independant, CIS, SSB[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Santhe and Sienar Fleet Systems - CIS [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Blastech - CIS[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Czerka Arms - CIS and SSB[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Blastech - CIS[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Koensayr Manufacturing - Independent and Black Sun and SSB[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]MandalTech[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Mandal Hypernautics[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Cestus Cybernetics[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]ArmTech Systems Inc[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Carrison Tech[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Whyren's Distillery[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Tenloss Corp[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Sun Forged Industries[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Minor Business Contracts through South Systems Bazaar[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Salacia Consolidated [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Subach[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Czerka Arms[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]MandalMotors[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Hekler’Kor Defense Industries[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Corellian Engineering and Corellian Arms[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Project of sizable Proportion[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]The creation and successful implementation of South Systems Syndicate Business Bazaar, providing an IC venue for PC characters to roleplay in a marketplace, with Danger providing Holonet updates and spotlights.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]The successful SSB Expo and Auction spanning two weeks of very successful profits for all businesses involved.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]That guy's craftshop[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Misc ]This is why I hate flying (Open) [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Misc] The Resol'Nare (Takeover of Mandalore - COMPLETE) [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Misc] I'll Have What She's Having ((Danger)) [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Misc - expanding business with salvage material] I !@@*!+# hate Taris ( Taris - TGU/ Nar / Open ) [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Misc] Think of Me Under the Mistletoe (8th Annual Yule Ball) [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Misc - Contract] Do two wronged make a right? (Invite) [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Misc - Weapons contract] SNRP - "These Aren't the Droids You Are Looking For" - OPEN TO ALL [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Misc] Without a Trace (Cage's Return - PM for Invite) [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Misc] It’s the ship that made the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs. [Dalton / Danger / Open] [/SIZE]


[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][ Major Contract - Sponsorship] The Gods giveth and most women piss it away - Setting her place in SSS as a major supplier of fuel, shipping, supplies, foodstuffs, and ordnance in Ryloth, Geonosis, and expanding more on Tatooine.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Misc] Starlog: Fall of the Night(Knightfall/Open) - Hiring the crew of the Knightfall to work for her in various contract / frigate missions.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Misc] Taking down the Besadii (Ylesia) - Supplying the Hutt Cartel with weapons and ordnance as well as supplies for the takeover of Ylesia. Meeting Barrett and forming a good friendship with the man who would soon take over the Hutt Cartel.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Contract] Forging the Lance - - Conducting negotiations for a contract mission with Circe Savan in return for ships for her Trading company.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Major Contract-- Sponsorship]A Gathering Of Shadows. (Hutt Cartel, Bluehawks, Galactic. - Expanding business with the Hutt Cartel[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Misc]Let the Money Flow - - Buying SI overstock for Arceneau Trade in an auction while conducting business with Jonathon Patches.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Expanding Business] Time to Reorganize (the Hutt Cartel) - Danger helps secure her business in the Hutt mutiny, securing herself a portion of the salvaged and confiscated fleet previously owned by Excon the Hutt to include peragus, corsin, and trident class bombers.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Major Contract] Good Men and Scoundrels (Barrett Haskins and the Hutt Car - -Forming a good business relationship with the Hutt Cartel and Silk Holdings, ensuring that Arceneau Trade gets priority in supplying and fueling Mara.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Major Contract- Sponsership]Danger in the City (CIS Dominion of Tatooine) - Danger becomes the major contractor of fuel, shipping, transport, supplies, foodstuffs, and ordnance for the CIS.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Expanding Business] Those Who Play God (CIS Dominion of Kamino) - collecting kamino cloning tech to expand into cloning facilities in Geonosis, jedi master clones, and ashin's clone from a cloning facility.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][ contract] A Companion is not a 'hore [ CIS Dominion of Ryloth ] - Referencing the companion guild Orian house and the details, taking Ashin's clone "vod" there fore safekeeping[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Expanding Business] To Protect the World From Devestation (CIS Dominion of Geonosis) - locating and securing Count Dooku's old hanger and manufacturing facility to expand her small arms manufacturing and small cloning facility.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][ Expanding Business ]Looking to expand some business ( Jorus + Alna) - conducting business with silk holdings that would provide her bulk transport ships for Arceneau Trade[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][ Expanding Business ]Fueling the Mara Corridor - Negotiating and placing an order for Fuel ships for Arceneau Trade with Koensayr Manufacturing and Silk Holdings.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][ Contract ] Wretched Hive of Schematics and Weaponary - - Contracting with Judah Dashill to supply him with schematics and salvage material.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Major Contract - Sponsorship ]Better a Black Sun than No Sun [ Barrett ] - Reaffirming with the Black Sun to agree that Arceneau trade is their sole provider of transport, shipping, fuel, small arms, exotics, companions, and smuggling services.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Major Contract - Baktoid] My kind of Danger ( Danger) - Negotiations with Alli Wren, CEO of Baktoid to be their major shipping, transportation, and escort.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Contract ] Nearly Broke (Danger) - Negotiation with Ativesa with making Ativesa Itaismai Corp one of Arceneu Trade's major small arms manufacturers for sales in the Outer and Wild Rim.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Misc]50 Shades of...(Danger) - - Negotiations with Bellalika in order to find her a Force Master that will train her for credits[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Expanding Business ] This Is Mine (Hutt Cartel Dominion of Nar Chunna-Cartel) - Danger hires Ironwolf to dispose of a warlord from the fuel factories she had been trying to acquire. The result ended in her ownership of said fuel factories.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][ Major Project ] South Systems Business Bazaar: IC Forum providing a venue for consumers and businesses to sell their wares.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Misc] Silk Holdings Product Roster (Post Orders Here) -- Ordering more products for Arceneau Trade[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Contract] Subach to Reality Providing bulk transports and the method for Lord Jared Ovmar to reclaim his factories from Subach.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Contract] Danger Zone - Contracting to provide freighter services for Cestus Cybernetics.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][ Major Project] Southern Systems Business Bazaar Expo [ open to all ] - Hosting the Semi Annual business bazaar, expanding her fleet and buying from Silk Holdings, Korynseur, CEC, Tenloss Corp, Mandal Hypernautics, and Czerka. Proceeds from booth sales increased her profit margin, creating a boost to the economy as several business sold well into the millions. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Misc] SSB Auction - Akure Executive Leather Works, Tenloss Corp, and Ordo - Holding an auction that dealt her proceeds from auctioned goods.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Expanding business] SSB Auction - Mandal Hypernautics - Buying ships, droids, and armaments to expand her freighter fleet.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Misc] SSB Auction - Salacia Consolidated and Hekler'Kok Defense Industries - Holding an auction that dealt her the proceeds from auctioned goods. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Misc] SSB Auction - Silk Holdings and CEC and Corellian Arms - Hosting an auction and expanding her freighter fleet. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Expanding Busines - Sponsorship] None Laugh in the Face of Danger [Expo Interim] - Making a major contract with CEC that would produce the largest trade stations in the galaxy, to be placed in every major trading port within every major trade hub.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Contract and Expanding Business ] At the Spanish Moon, Whiskey and bad glitterstim[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Misc] Power Turnover (Black Sun) - discussing the turn over of power for the Black Sun, keeping her interests in line.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Contract - Expanding Business] All tied up - Dealing business with Lord Ovmar in regards to Santhe and Sienar Arms while breaking out of a building.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Misc] SSB Auction: Rare Materials and Specialty Items Auction - Anonymous Sellers[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Contract with a Major Faction] Aint no Auction Like a Spice Auction! (Sun Dominion of Kessel) (Open) - Contracting with Black Sun to be their freighter service throughout the galaxy to ship and distribute the spice mined from Kessel.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Expanding Business] Auction of the Century (OPEN - Black Sun Dominion of Nar Kreeta) - Setting up shop that involved Danger taking over 51% of the Trade Commission in Nar Kreeta, allowing her to hold majority, become the new Chairwoman of the board, and set up the newly bought Trade Stations in the system to be a new point of business for Southern Systems Business Bazaar.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Misc] I swear by my pretty little bonnet... - Contracting LC to be mercenaries, pilots, and security for ATC.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Expanding business ]Heavy Metal Abraham Lincoln [Black Sun Dominion of Slehey.. -- Securing Tibanna gas refineries and production factories along with black sun, where the reigning hutt was disposed of and now will provide a small base for ATC fueling.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Contract with Major Faction] Hi Ho Hi Ho A Camping We Will Go (CIS Dominion of Nar Chu.. - aiding the CIS to smooth the handing over of Nar Chunna into the confederacy in return of expanding ATC and SSB into CIS's fueling planet of Dirha.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Sponsorship Mandalorians] Red Curves and Old Eyes Talking to Gilamar Skirata, the current Mandalor for the sponsorship, space, and approval of bringing trade and fuel stations as well as a new SSB branch into Mandalorian space, providing for their trading, fueling, and freighting needs. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Misc]Space Legos - overseeing the building of trading and fuel stations by Mandal Hypernautics that will be utilized within Mandalorian space. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Misc]Cestus Cybernetics Droid Expo - purchasing droids for the 50 trade stations to be transferred and produced within Mandalorian space[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][Misc] A Beautiful Game: Dealing with Danger. (completed) - Contract with Frank Porkins for ATC to be a bolo ball sponsor and vendor for the upcoming Boloball league[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][misc]Mandal Hypernautics - purchasing ships for the defense of the new trade stations in Mandalorian Space[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][misc]MandalTech Purchasing 25 new fueling stations and fueling ships for the expansion of sponsorship within Mandalorian Space. [/SIZE]

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Company: Hekler'Kok Defense Industries (
Modification Made: Droid Production
Rationale: To usher in a new phase for the company for its expansion (Incomplete Thread, but it will ensure millions if not over a billion credits) (Deal made with Abregado-Rae Industries buying a design for their High Velocity Kinetic Firearm- Rotary Cannon-1 design) (Deals made for multiple objects that could increase Hekler'Kok's revenue)

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
It is time to step into the next era!

Either way Firemane is requesting a level up from Tier II to III.
  • Sign a contract with two more factions or organizations.
  • Make an additional three mass-production products.
  • Complete three miscellaneous threads.
Company: Firemane Industries and Technology
Modification Made: Tier II -> III
Rationale: We have closed several big deals, developed multiple mass produced products and are looking to expand even further.

Pertient Development Threads:

[DEAL] Deal with Judah Dashiell about deep sea mining on Kaeshana (gems and riches!).
[DEAL] Highly profitable business deal to sell gems and stuff to Popo, CEO of Tenloss Corporation.
[DEAL] Major weapons deal with Mandalorian Field Marshal Ordo.
[DEAL] Major deal with Silk Holdings to patrol the Mara. Silk will produce ships for the Eldorai.

[MISC] Rebel mission to liberate the Quarren and Mon Cal prisoners of a Sith concentration camp.
[MISC] Firemane helps put down a Dark Eldorai revolution. Their ally Anya ascends to the throne of Kaeshana.
[MISC] Firemane takes out pirates and frees slaves.
[MISC] Sio saves Fondor. Hmm...did someone pay her?
[MISC] Sio, Firemane assault team + Tamara take out a rogue Sith base on Myrkr and acquire ysalamiri.
[MISC] Sio fights the Lotek'k (Cthulhu) as part of a multinational group of force masters. Gets the Kerrigan Coat for it.
[MISC] Rebel raid to acquire rare Sith tech.
[MISC] Artefact hunt for a piece of the Taurannik Codex together with Thessa Kai and Judah Dashiell. Get paid by Rave.
[MISC] Fighting Horde while under Moross contract.
[MISC] Get paid for it (phrik).
[MISC] Dells gets put in command of Firemane operations on Dahomey to further solidify control.



New Submission:
Corporation Name: Firemane Industries and Technology (FIT)
Headquarters: Kaeshana
Locations: Dahomey, Vandelhelm.
Operations: The company has mainly concentrated in the areas of mercenary/PMC work, but has also been developing weapons and other equipment. They are looking to expand into mining operations on Dahomey and Vandelhelm.
Rationale: After stepping down as Lady Protector, Tegaea Alcori was given permission to form a company encompassing part of Star Corp’s Omega Industries. The idea is that Firemane will eventually expand outside the Protectorate. The Eldorai Queen has given them permission to use Kaeshana as a starting base.
Tier: 3. Firemane has expanded considerably from its start and has made major business deals.

When Tegaea Alcori was nearly killed by the Sith Assassin Kaelin Isandros she was unable to continue her work as Lady Protector of the Omega Protectorate. Forced to resign, and with Siobhan soon following the couple withdrew to the planet of Kaeshana and Tegaea recovered there under the protection of the Queen.
Through almost entirely legitimate means, her and Siobhan Kerrigan had managed to acquire a substantial fortune through her time with Omega Pyre and the Protectorate. Due to clauses in her contract and later agreements she had acquired a percentage of all profits made on Dahomey and Vandelhelm, and even owned stakes in the planets personally. This made it easier to set down roots on Kaeshana and look to the future.
After realising that a life of leisured retirement was not for her just yet, Tegaea created the aptly named Firemane Industries and Technology.
With backing from the Eldorai Matriarchy, the company has set up a research and military technology division in Santaissa. This is to help the Eldorai catch up to the galactic tech level, but also to provide useful technology to sell to others.
The goal of this company is to expand operations on Dahomey and Vandelhelm to other planets and becoming a mining and shipping concern in the Protectorate.

In all, this company had the potential for significant profits and great expansion. The CEO will be Tegaea Alcori, with the VP being her wife Siobhan Kerrigan. Crown Princess Anya Venari is acting as executive PA and head of operations.
NEW: Firemane now has the full backing of the new Eldorai Star Queen Tirathana VII (Anya Venari) and is looking to expand their operations into mining, and eventually beyond.
Vice-President Siobhan Kerrigan’s exceptional combat skills have earned her considerable profit and new clients.
The Admiralty
Modification approved, good job. [member="Danger Arceneau"]


The third thread is an auction, we don’t accept auction/sales threads as proper development.

The first thread isn’t complete yet, so I can’t judge it.

Re-submit a modification once the first thread is completed and you have come up with an alternative for the third thread. For now I am going to have to deny it. [member="Noah Corek"]


Your expansion to Morellia, Telos and your Tier Advancement has been denied. The mass produced products are acceptable, the rest is not.

Your first contract only has three short posts, that isn’t enough to qualify as a contract thread.
The same can be said about the second contract, as it’s a thread in the marketplace. Just selling some stuff, and saying ‘done deal’ does not qualify as a contract thread either. You will have to write up a separate thread to work out the actual contract for that.

First misc thread is acceptable.

In the second misc thread I see 4-pages, and out of those 4 pages you only made four short posts. This isn’t enough.

Neither is the third misc thread where you create factories in only two posts.

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Company: Sasori Research
Modification Made: Fixing and updating product list/venders, rewriting description
Rationale: The links are broken, I brought a vendor droid for said purpose and beefing up some previous work for typo's and grammar

Pertient Development Threads:

New Submission:
Corporation Name: Sasori Research

Headquarters: Tython

  • Tython
  • Vender Droids (located on personal ship for easy access to product list)

Operations: Developing equipment for jedi and Republic soldiers to use as well as specialty products for jedi and force users

Rationale: Matsu's love of research and developing small bits and bobs for use by her fellow jedi led her to seek out Baktoid owner Alli Wren and with her help and donations. Sasori was able to for a tax write off as a charitable organization that demands no money for their products was setup.

Tier: 1

Description: A small company created to equipment jedi with useful equipment needed in the field for battle, negotiations and exploration. Utilizing the Explorer's corp a group of padawan's who have failed to find a master and the other researchers in the order. Together they worked on making safer and more durable equipment the jedi could use and that Republic soldiers could benefit from if they wish it. Then some good fortune struck for the group when the message from the ancient Je'daii world led them to the ancient structure built to mirror the ancient Prism.

Since then the group has churned out new equipment as needed for battles with enemies of freedom and the lightside. Providing information as needed and creating a new Expeditionary suit for jedi to use in exploring and fights if needed. The rare and hard to find Murr earrings that while fashionable aren't easily made. When the silver jedi order formed Matsu was contacted to make items discreetly and worked to create the synthetic silver crystals they could use for their sabers. The expeditionary suits useful in providing until a proper robe can be fashioned protection for them.


Company: Akure Executive Leatherworks
Modification Made: Tier advancement
Rationale: Haute couture sells very, very well. Where most companies would have to grow in influence and size through mass production, AEL's operations are of a more specialized nature. A massive network of contractors and temporary employees fills contracts for the disposal of terentateks, Leviathans of Corbos, tikulini, and other such critters. The resulting hides become exclusive limited- and minor-production items which command very, very high prices. For example, AEL's most exclusive product to date, the Kerrigan Coat, is more expensive than some capital ships, with comparable bartering power. AEL was approved on the understanding that it would never mass-produce in any serious way, but would instead advance through numerous limited- and minor-production submissions; as a result, I'm hoping that its advancement will be judged on nonstandard criteria.

Pertinent Development Threads:

New Submission: [Please spoiler this]
Corporation Name: Akure Executive Leatherworks
Headquarters: Kyrikal 17
Locations: Laekia, Aza'zoth (animal storage)
Operations: High-end functional clothing, primarily leather coats and boots; terentatek/leviathan/tikulini disposal

Rationale: Akure Executive Leatherworks (33% employee-owned, 10% owned by Jonathon Patches, 57% owned by Rave Merrill) began as Laekia House of Leatherwork, a haute couture line in the far Outer Rim which came under new management recently. Since then, through employing Masters of the Force as hunting contractors and as alchemical assistants, AEL has carved out two large niches in the galactic economy: extermination of troublesome monsters, and transformation of said monsters into exclusive clothing. AEL, with its contractors, associates, and subsidiaries, is the closest thing the galaxy can boast to an alchemists' guild.

Tier: 3

Akure Executive Leatherworks is very remote, and turns a modest profit mostly through the exclusivity of its products. Though lines of expensive normal leathers are still produced, and other appropriate materials are sometimes used, the company's raison d'etre is light leather armor (generally publicly wearable coats and boots) composed mostly or wholly of the hides of some of the deadliest animals in existence. The name is a reference to Akure, the ancient apex of terentateks, as well as to the modern Akure Leviathan. Using Rave's alchemical and scholarly insights, AEL has access to many proprietary methods of handling, treating, and crafting these materials. AEL is the only source of the alchemical reagents and processes which allow master leatherworkers to retain the special properties of the animal, such as terentatek Force-immunity.

Having helped to create the Akure Leviathan and taken possession of many flawed intermediate samples, as well as the fifty-metre-tall apex creature, Rave has access to leviathan hide in immense quantities. The Kyrikal 17 location allows access to tikulini hide, and contractors have even secured live tikulini, allowing Rave to breed them and other large beasts as available. AEL has also been known to accept contracts for terentatek extermination, and other Sithspawn control, throughout the former territories of the Sith Empire. For the foreseeable future, each AEL product involving these materials will result from a development thread. Additionally, most of those products will be Unique or Limited in scale, to maintain exclusivity. Increases in tier would result in more product lines, but generally not massively larger product lines.

The face of AEL, for advertising purposes, is [member="Dak Canton"], who wears pretty much everything AEL has ever made in order to secure himself against Force-users. He's lucky he's photogenic.


Mohc Extractives - 66.67% owned, Tier 2
Wey'lan Dyu'tani - 51% owned, Tier 1
Marvand Publishing - 100% owned, Tier 2

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Company: Subach-Innes Corporation
Modification Made: Promotion to Tier III, location additions(Oberon, Cadomai Prime, and apparently Aurum as well)
Rationale: I apparently can't manufacture anything mass-produced for either of the factions I intend to receive sponsorship from. The promotion will help me further move on with the growth of my company after the incident.

Pertient Development Threads:
  • Make an additional three mass-production products.
  • Sign a contract with two more factions or organizations.
  • Complete three miscellaneous threads.
Mass-production submission 1:
Mass-production submission 2:
Mass-production submission 3:
Contract 1: (Business contract to help finance Alexandra Cinthra's new company)
Contract 2: (Business contract with RRDI for them to produce their own variant of the Kalash K74)
Misc 1: (Dominion of Aurum, expansion of Subach factories to the crystal caves)
Misc 2: (Expanding factories and shipyards to Oberon)
Misc 3: (Expanding factories to Cadomai Prime)

Enigma said:
Misc 1: (Getting Adegan crystals for a company product)
This thread is not complete.

Enigma said:
Contract 2: (Business contract with RRDI for them to produce their own variant of the Kalash K74)
This contract needs a thread. Marketplace posts do not count towards Tier advancement.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Darth Janus"],

Thread 'Misc 1' has been replaced with one for the expansion to Aurum, which I apparently had overlooked for some time. As for thread 'Contract 2,' I seem to recall you accepting a previous tier promotion of mine whose contract was a marketplace post, and would appreciate, due to prior circumstances, you accepting this as such. Please consider your previous ruling when looking over the submission again. Thank you.
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