Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Company Modifications [V2]

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Company: WESTAR
Modification Made: Tier 1 -> Tier 2
Rationale: The company has made progress reflecting the qualifications needed to move up a tier as the company further grows and expands.

Pertient Development Threads:

-WESTAR Co-Ri Shield: A minor production shield for combat and riot use.
-WESTAR WA-01 "Blast & Stab": A minor production wrist attachment that is a hybrid between a blaster and hidden vibroblade.
-WESTAR BA-01 "Mr. Bubble": A minor production back attachment that is a deflection shield generator able to be carried around on back.
-The Business of Moving: Gray and James move the location of WESTAR facilities for the first time to avoid tensions at the time with the United Clans of Mandalore.
-Heading WESTAR: Gray moves the location of the WESTAR facilities for the second time to be in the same hex as his other company Raxis Independent Designs.
-To Serve and Protect Annaj: Gray and Stardust head to Annaj to form a contract with the Annaj Planetary Defense Force. They aid in suppressing a riot using the Co-Ri shields and get the contract.
Company: Kaili’s Droids
Modification Made: Tier up, name change
Rationale: Because it’s time, Kaili should expand.

Pertient Development Threads:

New Submission:

Corporation Name:
Andromeda Electronics


  • Borleias
  • Coruscant

  • Personal Droid Manufacturer
  • General Electronics

The company was founded after Kaili realised that rather than handing out droids to her family and friends for free, she could be making some money for doing it instead. Needless to say the step onto the market as a designer of custom-made droids was quite simply the most logical one.


Andromeda Electronics is what happens when you grant a technomancer the opportunity to open shop and let their creative juices flow through the force. The company is run by self-proclaimed pacifist Kaili Talith and through selective employment she has ensured that the people who work for her share this ideal while at the same time recognizing that every so often there will be a place and time in which exceptions will have to be made depending on who is asking.

Not much has changed since the day when the company was simply known as ‘Kaili’s Droids’ though. The company still has a very strict code of ethics when employees get to work. The designer sits down with a customer, the customer relays requests, the designer uses said requests to draw something up while at the same time withholding the right to blatantly deny a customer’s specifications. Blueprints for created droids can be provided at an additional cost, though this rarely ever happens.

The droids, electronics and appliances created within the confines of this brand are more often than not intended for personal use but unlike the first iteration, this one does not take sides or show any bias when it comes to who it does business with. Mainly because the company is slowly growing to a size where Kaili simply can’t administrate on such a level. As such employees are free to accept whichever contract that approaches them. They will, however, never on their life be allowed to work military design since that would break the mini-corp’s neutrality.

Also because it would break their terms of employment and they would get fired faster than they could say ‘war crimes.’

With Build-a-Bot stores opening all around Coruscant, Kaili is hoping to take her business to the next level. More information on that will be found at the Marketplace.


  • None.
Primary Source:

  • None.
Company: MandalTech
Modification Request: To change MandalMedical from a subsidiary of MandalTech to a stand alone company.
Rationale: Rianna has been running MandalMedical a subsidiary of MandalTech and for company OOC reasons not wanting to lose her company as it is listed as a subsidiary of MandalTech would like to establish it as a stand alone company..

Pertinent development threads.

If necessary.

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Company: Star Tours

Modification made:

- Adding Hosnian Prime and Lanteeb to the list of locations

Rationale: All the current locations are in the Mid or Outer Rims; Hosnian Prime gives Star Tours a base in the Core Worlds

Pertinent dev threads:

- Just a nail (Star Tours effects a turnaround in Lanever Villecham Starport, of which Star Tours is still the only major tenant)
- Allez-vous en (Dunames discusses the First Order's transportation infrastructure strategy)


Corporation Name: Star Tours

Headquarters: Spaceport THX1138 (JanFathal)

Locations: Spaceport THX1138 (JanFathal), Tomorrowland Spaceport (Eriadu), Ringo Vinda, Nar Shaddaa, Lanever Villecham Starport (Hosnian Prime), Bant'ena Fhernan Starport (Lanteeb)

Operations: Interplanetary travel

Rationale: Using the proceeds of a moneylaundering scheme involving a sizeable number of nova crystals, Dunames purchased a fleet of ships and then proceeded to hire pilots and make a schedule of routes for interplanetary travel

Tier: 3

Description: Star Tours operates space flights from their six bases, Spaceport THX1138, Tomorrowland Spaceport, Nar Shaddaa, Hosnian Prime, Lanteeb and Ringo Vinda using a fleet made up of over one hundred ships, which they use for regular passenger services as well as for vacation packages. They also offer two levels of cargo services: some clients are content with using Star Tours as they would any other space shipping company, while others would desire, at a premium, which includes a security deposit, to have their cargo delivered safe from prying eyes and paying another layer of extra as security deposit if they need to schedule a stop due to the cargo necessitating a rush delivery. For this reason, some have been known to use Star Tours as a means of smuggling cargo and/or laundering money.

Cargo services have since expanded to include interplanetary travel of bulk freight, as well as of luxury cruises, with the advent of the Maersk-class bulk freighter in Star Tours service. As with its main supplier of starships, Star Tours swears to operate only using ships capable of landing on planets. In addition, Star Tours has been voted Most Improved Spaceline in 845 ABY by Hyperspace Traveler thanks to all seats being outfitted with holotrays for in-flight entertainment, meals designed from traditional cuisine at the endpoints of each flight, as well as a wide selection of in-flight duty-free shops. Its weekly in-flight magazine, Taking Off on a Star Tour, also covers the implication of the main galactic events on either their own activities or tourism at large, in addition to covering highlights of select destinations.

Subsidiaries: None

Parent Corporation: None

Primary Source:

"This is a canon company."
Company: Ringovinda StarYards
Modifications Made:
Rationale: Expansion of business

Pertient Development Threads:
  • [Cleansing Flame] - Ringovinda StarYards purchases Pizza Hutt from the Desilijic kajidic

New Submission:


Corporation Name: Ringovinda StarYards

Headquarters: Ringo Vinda

Locations: Ringo Vinda, Soceras, Gyndine

  • Building starships
  • Building Land Vehicles.

Rationale: As a state-run company, Ringovinda StarYards was formerly insolvent. Poor management of company funds, bribery scandals, high salary bonuses to upper management, all of which forced the Ringo Vinda government to hold an emergency meeting regarding the company. It would be decided that the corporation be auctioned off.

Understandably, even though the more conservative fringes of the population would rather let the corporation be purchased by off-worlders (candidates included several "major shipyards") than be incompetently managed at home, a grassroots movement allowed Ringovinda StarYards to remain Ringo Vinda property. It was decided that a lottery would be held and the winner would run the company.

Tier: Tier 3

Description: Ringovinda StarYards is a company that mostly accepts orders for starships from private corporations, although sometimes governments may place orders for their products and also individuals that need more security than normal transport ships can provide for. It also seems to be a pioneer in the use of disabled personnel, making it a point of employing at least 7% of its staff with disabilities. As such, Ringovinda StarYards provides appropriate training for disabled people and the roles they can fill, and often when their disabilities would be used to their advantage. For instance, deaf people can work in the noisiest of environments, smell-impaired people can do sanitation...

It is also strongly committed to the ability of their own products to safely land on planets. Sith-led factions will find it difficult to buy ships from them. Also it has recently began to build mobile, adjustable drydocks for other shipyards in addition of building bombers and bulk freighters among the largest in the galaxy.

Parent corporation: N/A

Primary source: N/A

Sor-Jan Xantha

Company: Corellia Digital

Modification Made: Adding Corellia Defense subsidiary (2nd subsidiary)

Rationale: Because the Silver Sanctum Coalition keeps asking a video game company to design military IT and communications equipment, and while Corellia Digital has the technology for doing so, it's branded for data management and hologaming. So, in order to separate their main or parent brand from the military defense contracting they're doing, they're adding a subsidiary for fronting the military applications of the technology.

Pertient Development Threads:
  • The Changing Face of Business - At the Annual Shareholders Meeting for Corellia Digital, President/CEO [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] discusses what Corellia Digital has achieved over the past year, the impact of corporate sponsorship by the SSC, and unveils plans to launch a new subsidiary that will expand on their military defense contracting.

New Submission:

[SIZE=10.5pt]Corporation Name: [/SIZE]Corellia Digital

[SIZE=10.5pt]Headquarters:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Drall[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Locations: [/SIZE]
Corporate Headquarters: Corellia Digital Building, Meccha (Drall)
Corellia Digital Store: Mastigophorous (Drall); L'pwacc Den (Selonia), Voss-Ka (Voss), Oswaft Station (Laekia), Il Avali (Druckenwell), The Wheel, Rebellion Actual
Corell Financial: Il Avali (Druckenwell)
Corellia Defense: Lavorn (Laekia)

[SIZE=10.5pt]Operations: [/SIZE]Information Technology; including datacards, cloud computing, hologaming, networks, software development, hologram generators, subspace communications, and audio/visual equipment. The corporation also functions as a bank holding company by virtue of it's ownership of the investment bank, Corell Financial, as well as a military defense contractor for the Silver Sanctum Coalition in the area of electronic warfare.

[SIZE=10.5pt]Rationale:[/SIZE] A native-born Corellian from the small hamlet of Bela Vistal, Sor-Jan Xantha has always identified himself with the Corellian System, its people, and history. To arrive at this point in the future and discover that Corellia, as a planet, is no more has ignited a passion to keep the spirit of Corellia alive in everything that he does. A Jedi-owned company in One Sith controlled territory, Corellia Digital has nonetheless emerged as a growing company in the information technology sector. With contracts that span the range from small corporations to major factions, Corellia Digital is demonstrating the value of communications, hologaming, and cloud computing technology in the broader galactic commercial markets. The increasing demands of business have largely drawn the former Old Republic away from the Jedi Order however, and focused him on more practical, economic matters.

[SIZE=10.5pt]Tier: [/SIZE]4
[SIZE=10.5pt]Description: [/SIZE]Originally a computer company producing datacards at the time of the Old Republic, Corellia Digital had branched into holographic imaging displays sometime around the Galactic Civil War. Improvements on the computing capabilities of small holographic platforms in later decades saw the production of the company's first interactive holographic system: The HoloStation. Originally pitched to a youngling market, the device proved to be successful with older demographics as well, and was succeeded by the HoloStation 2 - which seemed aimed more toward the older end of the planned marketing strategy. A sudden reversal by the board of directors resulted in a shake-up for the R&D Department and a re-newed direction for the company in the belief that their products should focus more on the original ideal of a youngling gaming system. The HoloCube was produced, to dismal sales despite strong reviews by parents of some of the games playability and content. Attempting to recover revenue, the company focused next on portable game systems: The HoloBoy was the first generation of this, to strong sales. Its successor, the CorelliaDigi might have brought the company back to profits that it hadn't seen since the HoloStation days but for the destruction of Corellia wiping out the major holdings of the company: Warehouses, computer design and engineering labs, production factories, along with corporate financial holdings, records, and filings. Bankrupted, almost all of the companies storefronts across the Corellian Run were shuttered and sold overnight. The company fell into the hands of its employees, who were looking to sell out in the hopes that the Bay-Suwe Combine, Sasori, or some other company might buy them out. Then along came a small investor who refused to let another Corellian sell out and had a dream for bringing back the HoloStation.

Development of the HoloStation IV paved the way for the launch of a mobile gaming platform in the HoloBoy Advanced. This led the company to explore communications as a future development of their technology. The Go! and HoloLink were both successful additions to the market, with the Silver Sanctum Coalition commissioning development of a unique commlink that would bridge all of their military and governmental divisions.

Currently, the company has expanded into more robust communications technology, with forays into the subspace radio market from both the user-end as well as commercial broadcasting. With much of the company now controlled by the Chief Financial Officer, President Xantha leads a philanthropic effort at improving government and civilian access to communications out in the Kathol Sector. As to whether such a bold move will provide any dividends back to investors... only time will tell.

[SIZE=10.5pt]Subsidiaries[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: Corell Financial[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt], Corellia Defense[/SIZE]

Primary Source: N/A
Company: Firemane Industries & Technology
Modification Made: Add new locations and some fluff
Rationale: Firemane has been expanding outside of SSC space by setting up an outpost on Gromas and reclaiming its old base on Dahomey. This reflects its desire to strengthen ties with the Mandalorian Clans and the Galactic Alliance. Also adding some general info about the company.
Pertient Development Threads: Beasties are killing Firemane workers on Gromas and disrupting their work. Tempest and Siobhan terminate the problem. assists the Galactic Alliance when it brings Dahomey into the fold and reclaims its outpost along the way. Firemane agents investigate the activities of a beastmistress.

New Submission:

Corporation Name: Firemane Industries and Technology (FIT)

Headquarters: Mon Calamari

Locations: Tygara, Etti IV, Laekia, Seltos, Arkas, Nubia, Mandalore, Gallos, Tabaqui, Sullust, Dahomey, Gromas.

  • Design and manufacturing of military technology (armour, weapons, planetary defences, vehicles, starships)
  • Mining
  • Exploration
  • Military contracting
  • Construction

Rationale: After stepping down as Lady Protector of the Omega Protectorate, Tegaea Alcori was given permission to form a company encompassing part of Star Corp’s Omega Industries. The idea was that Firemane would eventually expand outside the Protectorate. The Eldorai Queen gave them permission to use Kaeshana as a starting base.

Tier: 6. Firemane is now a truly galactic enterprise.

When Tegaea Alcori was nearly killed by the Sith Assassin Kaelin Isandros she was unable to continue her work as Lady Protector of the Omega Protectorate. Forced to resign, and with Siobhan soon following the couple withdrew to the planet of Kaeshana and Tegaea recovered there under the protection of the Queen.

Through almost entirely legitimate means, her and Siobhan Kerrigan had managed to acquire a substantial fortune through her time with Omega Pyre and the Protectorate. Due to clauses in her contract and later agreements she had acquired a percentage of all profits made on Dahomey and Vandelhelm, and even owned stakes in the planets personally. This made it easier to set down roots on Kaeshana and look to the future.

After realising that a life of leisured retirement was not for her just yet, Tegaea created the aptly named Firemane Industries and Technology. With backing from the Eldorai Matriarchy, the company set up a research and military technology division in Santaissa. This was to help the Eldorai catch up to the galactic tech level, but also to provide useful technology to sell to others. The goal of this company was to expand operations on Dahomey and Vandelhelm to other planets and becoming a mining and shipping concern in the Protectorate.

In all, this company had the potential for significant profits and great expansion. Tegaea Alcori became CEO, Siobhan Vice President. Crown Princess Anya Venari served as executive PA and head of operations until she became Queen herself following her sister's assassination.

After Anya Venari took the throne under the regnal name Tirathana VII, Firemane received the full backing of the Eldorai monarchy. It received a mandate to modernise the Eldorai army, expanded its operations into mining, and beyond, forming a profitable business relationship with Salacia Consolidated and the Abregado-Rae Guild of Hammers. Vice President Siobhan Kerrigan's exceptional combat skills earned her considerable profit and new clients. Over time, the firm expanded beyond the Protectorate and added exploration of worlds cut off from the Galaxy by the Dark Ages to its portfolio.

The impending doom of Kaeshana forced Firemane to diversify and expand its operations considerably. Now able to produce giant warships for the Silver Sanctum Coalition, move vast populations, conduct trade deals with Mandalorian and Republic alike, the company had come a long way since its humble beginnings.

Tier VI:

Kaeshana has been destroyed, but thanks to Firemane many Eldorai were saved from the cataclysm. Firemane has solidifed its alliance with the Silver Coalition and put down roots on Tygara. It has forged alliances with local rulers and has dedicated itself to developing the largely pre-industrial planet and ending slavery, though this goes hand in hand with Firemane expanding its own power base like a state entity would. The corporation provides private security, performs mining operations and develops military technology for sale on the market. Rather than trying to develop an intergalactic reach, the company has focused its activities in Coalition and Mandalorian space, though it maintains tertiary operations in what used to be Omega Protectorate territory.

It maintains a firm partnership with the Eldorai and their Queen. The corporation merges the culture and principles of the old Omega Pyre and the Eldorai. As a result, it it has a rather distinct martial culture and heterogenous Force traditions amongst its employees. Its leaders are fully integrated into Eldorai nobility as peers and run what can be described as their own fiefdom. Owing to the military background of its directors and many senior employees, military ranks are ubiquitous in the company.

Firemane can be described as a hybrid of corporation, Dark Jedi paramilitary force and matriarchal feudal dynasty. Its management operates per the principles of 'maternalist, benevolent despotism'. The company is loyal to its employees', takes care of their needs, welfare and provides educational opportunities for their children, but is rather autocratic. In addition, power is concentrated in the Kerrigan-Alcori clan and their inner circle, whose members are considered a sort of extended family. It maintains a nondenominated Forcer programme and has attracted a variety of magi from various Force traditions. Many have ample cause to oppose or hate Sith. Firemane's Force-using arm is called the Fire Order, which is personally run by Siobhan Kerrigan. Most of its members are Grey Force-users or Dark Jedi.

While its conventional forces are comparatively small, they are well-trained, disciplined, loyal and equipped with a potent arsenal of anti-Forcer weapons, which goes back to the Omegan background of the corporation's leaders. Moreover, Firemane recruits native sepoys on worlds such as Tygara and Arkas to supplement the regular corporate troops. Many of these native recruits are freed slaves, which makes them particularly motivated and loyal to their corporate mistresses. On the flip side, though Firemane has strict rules of engagement, it has been accused of using methods that could be described as overkill during its military engagements and having a very militarist culture, as well as acting as a law unto itself.

At the same time, the company is on friendly terms with the Silver Sanctum Coalition, built their fleet and assisted them in their expansionary ventures. Recently, Firemane strengthened its ties with the Galactic Alliance by providing aid for the reconstruction of Coruscant. It remains very hostile to Sith and expects its darkside employees to adhere to a code of conduct. Presently, the corporation is headed by Tegaea Alcori and Siobhan Kerrigan as joint CEOs. Their daughter Galina-Kerrigan Alcori is the corporate empire's heiress.


Well-Known Member
Company: Clan Kryze Shipyards
Modification Made: Name Change and additional Operations/location added; Tiering up to Tier III; Forgot to add parent corporation to KCS sub;
Rationale: I don't want to get kicked out of my Clan

Pertient Development Threads:
  • Ansewring for a Schism(Specifically post 12 and 14) - [Daeron calls Titan to Mygeeto to answer for his actions, and asks(Orders) Titan to change the name of his Company](Renaming)
Tier II to Tier III
  • Sign a contract with two more factions or organizations. (May be NPC).
  • Make an additional three mass-production products.
  • Complete three miscellaneous threads.

New Submission:
Please change the topics title to Titan Industries

Corporation Name: Titan Industries

Former Names: Clan Kryze Shipyards

Headquarters: Mandalore

Locations: Mandalore(Armour & Ships, Sales), Yaga Minor(Ships, Sales), Yavin IV(Ships, Sales), Illum(Weapons and Technology)

Operations: Ship building, Vehicle Manufacturing, Armor,Weapons, Technology,

Rationale: In order to try and restore some of Clan Kryze's influence, Titan founded a company on Concordia to produce ships and vehicles, as well as armor, for his clan and the galaxy at large. Then used contacts in Mandalorian Crusader space to set up shop on Yaga Minor. And proceeded to purchase land on Yavin IV.Meaning that his company now had quite a reach, the next step was funding and he ac acquired cquired that through loans, now paid off, and personal funds.

Tier: Tier III

Description: Titan Industries is a semi-successful venture capable of producing a decent amount of ships a year. It plans on expanding to Concord Dawn in the near future. It will always be allied with Clan Kryze, where ever they go, and likes to move in fast, rather than gradually. TI has split its resources having two thirds go into normal ships and the rest of the supplies going towards custom and small-time produced ships. Rather than build facilities on many planets and take up space, it prefers to be in space. As the area is cheaper to expand to and it can move to different locations easier, as it can simply move the facilites rather than abandoning them. The company was originally known as Clan Kryze Shipyards, but when Clan Kryze's Alor returned to the Galaxy at large Titan changed the name according to the Alor's wishes. Titan was also able to "acquire" land on Illum when he went there with [member="Undin Jaii"].

Kalevala Crystals and Sabers

Parent Corporation: None

Primary Source: None

Company: Lucerne Labs
Modification Made: Moving up to Tier 4, adding "Hast" to locations as per this thread, adding Lucerne Biological Systems as a subsidiary

Tier up requirements met as follows:

3 Contracts
Kwookrrr Business: The Galactic Republic purchases a supply of Eidolon-class Stealth Transports.

Please take my money: Lucerne Labs supplies a trio of Hephaestus-class Factory Ships to help rebuild Coruscant via a contract with Silk Holdings.

At Water's Edge: MCS contracts Lucerne Labs to supply anti-concussion field generators for a new line of ships.

4 Additional Mass Products
Typhoon-class Modular Starfighter
Whirlwind-class Interceptor
Delphin-class Frigate
Nimble-5 Ion Engine

4 Miscellaneous Threads
Peek-a-Boom: Gir and a Lucerne Labs warship take part in the Directorate raid on Kelsier.
Directorate Foundations: Lucerne Labs purchases shielding technology from Mon Calamari Shipyards as the Directorate begins to form.
Back in the Wild: Lucerne Labs establishes a working relationship with the inhabitants of Hast to establish yards to build a new starship.
Into the Deep Wealds: Lucerne Labs teams up with the Carrion Company to catch an arms dealer who's fueling conflicts around Hast, site of a new Lucerne Labs shipyard.

Major Project:

Hephaestus-class Factory Ship (116 posts of development behind project)


New Submission:

Corporation Name: Lucerne Labs

Headquarters: Kwookrrr

Locations: Kwookrrr(factory/Headquarters), Gyndine (Shipyards), Hast (Shipyards)

Operations: Starships, Vehicles, Starship/Vehicle Components

Rationale: While Lucerne Labs retains much of its start-up culture as founded by Matthew Lucerne, the company has morphed from the grungy web of sometimes shadowy contacts into a more legitimate company with a traditional business model under Gir Quee's leadership. Using his connections with various galactic powers, Gir has steered Lucerne Labs into supplying a broad variety of starships and other defense products to individuals and organizations that Gir feels follows their founder's ethos.

Tier: 4

Description: While Lucerne Labs retains much of its start-up culture as founded by Matthew Lucerne, the company has morphed from the grungy web of sometimes shadowy contacts into a more legitimate company with a traditional business model. Its biggest change has been not only licensing designs out for production to other companies, but producing their products in their own facilities on Kwookrrr, Gyndine, Hast, and their fleet of Hephaestus-class Factory Ships. This array of manufacturing facilities allows Lucerne Labs to supply a variety of products close to many of their customers.

Gir Quee takes care to establish personal relationships with many of the Lab's customers, for both economic and moral reasons. It would not due for the Labs to supply starbombers to a terrorist group, for example. Recently, Lucerne Labs has became a signatory member of the Directorate, lending its resources to the new group and receiving support from those companies in turn. The Labs is notable for being one of the few companies that can semi-regularly obtain Mon Calamari Shipyard's high-tech shielding technology. This is in large part due to Gir Quee's personal relationship with Admiral Reshmar. The Directorate has pulled the company to become more politically involved with its clients, seeing the company deploy both its industrial and security assets to advance the causes of several galactic powers, including both the Republic and the Galactic Alliance.

While Gir Quee remains the company's public face, he is but one member of a tightknit circle from the Lab's early days that keeps it running. Gir's adopted brother, [member="Salmakk"], a notable mon calamari starship engineer does most of the daily management tasks. He has been able to return to do more engineering work since Gir's retirement from Republic service. Azira, a bothan slicer from Kothlis, and Gai, a Duros mechanical engineer, are other notable members of this same circle. Lucerne Labs is not only their employment, but also their tribe. This circle continues to guide Lucerne Labs as they look to change the galaxy for the better.

Subsidiaries: Lucerne Biological Systems

Parent Corporation: N/A

Primary Source: N/A


Well-Known Member
Company: MSI
Modification Made:
  • Merging All Manufacturing Subsidiaries with Parental Company
  • Adding Organic Starships to Operation
  • Adding a restaurant chain
Rationale: I have not used any of these companies, save MSI as a base. Even one set up for a friend fell through. Would like to see the work for these not fall through completely though. Also to add in a subsidiary I find will be much easier to keep up with rather than more manufacturers.
Pertient Development Threads:
  • [ x ] ~ Escaping Organic Shipbuilders ask for asylum
  • [ x ] ~ Renovations, Reconstructions and Mergers of all Subsidiaries
  • [ x ] ~ Newest Subsidy
New Submission:
(Please keep the image located and centered)
Corporation Name: Merr-Sonn Incorporated (MSI, Merr-Sonn, Inc.)
Headquarters: Val'hala
Locations: Tera Lush, O'reen, Courscant, Korriban, Styx, Bespin, Proxida
Operations: Arms Manufacturing, Vehicle Creation, Droid Manufacturer, Armor Creation, Bacta Distribution, Charity Fundraisers, Organic and Generic Starships, Starship Tech, Weapons Tech, Medical Aids
Rationale: Before appearing a few months ago from his Universe, Valashu had learned quite a bit about monetary values, profits, and losses. Through this, upon entering Chaos, he made haste to learn of the Galactic economy. In doing so he came upon the once grand Merr-Sonn Munitions. Instantly, he made bids, all with the understanding that this place, this Universe, was a place he could change his life. In purchasing the corporation, he had opened the chance to creating a good life; as well as helping the Galaxy as whole while making a nice profit.

JAC, James Armor Companies, was originally funded and paid for by Zaiden James. It was small at first, growing in size quickly, thanks in part to the inheritance that came upon finding he was a Count of Coruscant.

The new and improved Merr-Sonn Inc, is a combination of the two. With heavy teachings in many styles of war aesthetics, the money to do such was easily found on both sides.

Tier: 4

Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc., also known as MSM, was one of the three top weapons manufacturers in the Galaxy, during the time of the New Republic, falling only slightly below BlasTech in total revenues.

Merr-Sonn had been in existence for thousands of years and first began its rise to power during the Great Sith Wars and the Mandalorian Wars during both of which the company sold weapons to the Mandalorians. Merr-Sonn did well again during the Clone Wars, providing weapons and equipment to the CIS and the Galactic Republic. The company was neutral during the Galactic Civil War—because its holdings were very widely spread out—and remained highly autonomous during the New Republic.

The company boasted a huge line of personal and vehicle weapons in addition to artillery and starship weapons, electronic targeting systems, and personal defenses. Subsidiary companies produced everything from heavy artillery to siege weapons. They also rounded off their product line with electronic sights, armor, and other targeting equipment.

But then Gulag Virus struck, and what remained it seemed, would never again regain title of a powerhouse in the galaxy. It dwindled until nearly nothing could be done without fighting amongst owners, investors, and workers. Eventually however it would be sold, despite the wishes of its owners.

After passing around for a time, a man, known as Valashu Bonkai, would spend the required monetary value to purchase the entirety of the organisation. With such he also gained rights to weapons crafted by them, their vehicles, basically all things owned by or made by them. Next came the move.

Leaving behind all of the factories and warehouses once used, Valashu believed it best to start over, moving the headquarters to Tera Lush. Once there, he also established a small factory on the some what distant Val'hala, as means to keep shipments easier to other factions and people alike!

After getting the ball rolling, making a bigger name for himself, Valashu befriended a slightly higher up Exec. Damien Daemon. The owner of JAC was at first gruff, and though it took a bit, they became somewhat close allies. After such a relation came to a head, Damien confided in Valashu that he was utterly tired of the life style. He didn't wish to simply give up everything he called his own, but at current he had something big in the works, and so the deal was laid on the table.

Everything that JAC had, would be gifted to Merr-Sonn through the merger: land, warehouses, rites, contracts, even their fleet. Under the pretext that Valashu allowed Damien the continued steady income. Valashu would appear the sole owner, while Damien maintained half parental rights.

Recently, with times having changed, Valashu made a shift that allowed SS Shipmaker, MSI AC and MSI ASD, to be absorbed into MSI. This allowing a much more centralized control system, while also allowing transporting, defending, and contracting to be simpler. Accompanying this comes the addition of Organic Ships being added to the companies capabilities.

Subsidies: HomeLand Buffets


Well-Known Member
Company: Kalevala Crystals and Sabers
Modification Made: (Changing Parent Corporation)
Rationale: I forgot to put this in earlier

Pertient Development Threads:

New Submission: [Please spoiler this]
Corporation Name: Kalevala Crystals and Sabers

Headquarters: Kalevala

Locations: Kalevala(Sales and Hilt Part manufacturing), Ilum(Crystals), Commenor(Sales),

Operations: Saber Hilt part manufacturing, Saber crystal mining,

Rationale: Once Titan discovered an abandoned Jedi temple on Illum, he saw profit in the making. As such he soon returned with more men and retrofitted the place to better accommodate a small company. He built a series of small saber part and crsytal shops on Kalevala, where he set up the companies HQ, and Commenor, where he is the current Vice President. It received substantial funding from Titan's own coffers and money from his other ventures.

Tier: Requesting Tier II

Description: Kalevala Crystals and Sabers is based of Kaveala, as evidenced by the name, it started out as a tiny single store company but interest in it grew and she's increased. Justifying more funding and more shops and locations. At the start it only offered Illumian crystals but now it's catalog of crystals includes the following:
Adegan Crystals
Synthetic Crystals
Marlite Crystals
Though the list will be expanded upon in the future. It currently only ships out kits, with the parts for a lightsaber hilt and a crystal. The only hilts currently available are shoot hilts, basic hilts, and extended hilts, others will be researched in the future when the manpower can be spared. If a customer wants a crystal other than the ones listed above, an expedition will be sent out to acquire it, with additional costs varying upon the rarity of the crystal and its power. Kalevala crystals and sabers has proven to be a useful resource for padawans seeking a saber. Or knights and masters seeking a spare or temporary replacement saber.

Subsidiaries: None

Parent Corporation: Titan Industries

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Company: IGR Brokerage
Modification Made: Advancing to tier 3
Rationale: Expansion of business

Pertient Development Threads:

Sign a contract with two additional organizations.
Complete three miscellaneous threads.
Make an additional three mass-produced items. (Since IGR Brokerage is a service company, Codex entries will be used instead)
New Submission:

Corporation Name: IGR Brokerage

Headquarters: Malastare

Locations: Naboo, Elrood, Coruscant

Operations: Real estate brokerage

Rationale: Ugohr Poof founded IGR Brokerage as a means of putting the looted money from his campaigns on Malastare and Zaloriis to good use, away from the temptations of the dark side of the Force. He decided that, since he couldn't afford developing real estate projects, even on inexpensive Malastare, he'd simply broker real estate deals instead.

Tier: 3

Description: Ugohr was taught that too much liquidities from battlefield loot would render a Jedi vulnerable to turning to the dark side of the Force, so he invested the money in a business venture to stave off the dark side of the Force. Unfortunately, because the sale of lightsabers is highly restricted, Ugohr decided to go into real estate instead. Because, unfortunately, as a Galactic Alliance general, he had a hectic life, Ugohr is simply a stake holder, and has very little actual interaction with the day-to-day operations of the company. Also, IGR Brokerage is part of the GMLS (Galactic Multi-Listing System)

InterGalactic Realty Brokerage, better known as IGR Brokerage, is, simply put, a full-service real estate brokerage firm, where clients will get the best deal possible for their property, either for sale or for lease. With the blessing of the Galactic Alliance, Ugohr was authorized to open the Naboo and Elrood offices, serving the eastern and southern Alliance regions respectively. IGR Brokerage also bought a failing real estate brokerage startup on Coruscant; the One Sith being desperate at the time for fresh economic blood, it looked past the buyer's connections to the enemy, and the nascent Coruscant office, as a result, was playing with fire, until Operation Blackout resulted in an Alliance victory, and now operates without fear during its reconstruction. It will not charge clients any fees until the sale is completed and all fees will be made clear in writing before a client chooses to do business with IGR Brokerage. With IGR Brokerage, rest assured that the desires of clients will be respected to the fullest extent of the law and that properties will be treated with care.

Since Operation Blackout several high-profile properties were sold through IGR, including several secret bunkers and the former IAI corporate headquarters on Kalee. It also sponsors the Outer Rim House Hunter's Show, aired on Gungan-owned Battleon Town News, and is also one of the major parties of the Galactic Alliance Planetary Development Project, with IGR Brokerage pledging to act in its name on Malastare and Dulvoyinn.

Subsidiaries: None

Parent Corporation: None

Primary Source: N/A
Company: Pizza Hutt
Modification Made: Adding an operation, adding Tatooine and Dulvoyinn to locations
Rationale: To allow Pizza Hutt to create their own consumables, plus Tatooine was where the consumable was refined

Pertient Development Threads:

New Submission:


Image source: Star Puns

Corporation Name: Pizza Hutt

Headquarters: Nal Hutta

Locations: Toydaria, Nar Shaddaa, Tatooine, Dulvoyinn

Ownership: 90% Ringovinda StarYards, 7% Cathul Thuku, 3% others

CEO: Lorca Desilijic Tiure (Lorca the Hutt)

Operations: Fast-food pizza restaurants, consumables

Rationale: Ringovinda StarYards effected a hostile takeover from the Desilijic Clan

Tier: 2

Description: Owned by the Desilijic kajidic for centuries, it is one of the symbols of the clan's past. Jabba the Hutt's likeness was used in its logo since the company's inception in 3 ABY, it used to have been a major galactic fast-food chain by 420 ABY, but the Gulag marked a long decline in popularity for the chain as locations were forced to close, constraining it to remain in Hutt space for the four centuries to follow. In a bid by the Ringovindian government to root out criminal activities, it encouraged Ringo Vinda residents to purchase as many criminal-owned businesses as possible, and Pizza Hutt was targeted to serve as a counter to McYoda's, Mandalorian-owned MandalBurger and to First Order-owned TKFC. It only serves cheese made from biological nerf milk farming. Due to Hutt business mergers and acquisition practices, the price of buying the company was the same as its equity.

After Jessica Med-Beq made the grim realization that Pizza Hutt's infrastructure used to manufacture food preservatives could also be used to manufacture other consumables, Pizza Hutt began expanding in that direction.

Pizza Hutt menu:

Baseline, 8-inch bambino pizza (cheese, tomato sauce): 2 credits
Extra topping: 1 credit per additional topping
Supersizing: 1 credit per size upgrade (available in small, medium, large, extra-large and Hutt-sized, which are respectively 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18 inches)
Ziro Stuffed crust pizza upgrade: 1 credit
Garlic bread sticks (6): 2 credits
Fries: 1 credit for small fries, 2 credits for medium fries, 3 credits for family-sized
Salad: 2 credits


Caf: 2 credits
Jawa juice: 2 credits
Tihaar: 6 credits
Bluemilk: 2 credits

Subsidiaries: None

Parent Corporation: Ringovinda StarYards

Development thread: Cleansing Flame

Primary Source: N/A
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