Corporation Name: Merr-Sonn Incorporated (MSI, Merr-Sonn, Inc.)
Headquarters: Val'hala
Locations: Tera Lush, O'reen, Courscant, Korriban, Styx, Bespin, Proxida
Operations: Arms Manufacturing, Vehicle Creation, Droid Manufacturer, Armor Creation, Bacta Distribution, Charity Fundraisers, Organic and Generic Starships, Starship Tech, Weapons Tech, Medical Aids
Rationale: Before appearing a few months ago from his Universe, Valashu had learned quite a bit about monetary values, profits, and losses. Through this, upon entering Chaos, he made haste to learn of the Galactic economy. In doing so he came upon the once grand Merr-Sonn Munitions. Instantly, he made bids, all with the understanding that this place, this Universe, was a place he could change his life. In purchasing the corporation, he had opened the chance to creating a good life; as well as helping the Galaxy as whole while making a nice profit.
JAC, James Armor Companies, was originally funded and paid for by Zaiden James. It was small at first, growing in size quickly, thanks in part to the inheritance that came upon finding he was a Count of Coruscant.
The new and improved Merr-Sonn Inc, is a combination of the two. With heavy teachings in many styles of war aesthetics, the money to do such was easily found on both sides.
Tier: 4
Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc., also known as MSM, was one of the three top weapons manufacturers in the Galaxy, during the time of the New Republic, falling only slightly below BlasTech in total revenues.
Merr-Sonn had been in existence for thousands of years and first began its rise to power during the Great Sith Wars and the Mandalorian Wars during both of which the company sold weapons to the Mandalorians. Merr-Sonn did well again during the Clone Wars, providing weapons and equipment to the CIS and the Galactic Republic. The company was neutral during the Galactic Civil War—because its holdings were very widely spread out—and remained highly autonomous during the New Republic.
The company boasted a huge line of personal and vehicle weapons in addition to artillery and starship weapons, electronic targeting systems, and personal defenses. Subsidiary companies produced everything from heavy artillery to siege weapons. They also rounded off their product line with electronic sights, armor, and other targeting equipment.
But then Gulag Virus struck, and what remained it seemed, would never again regain title of a powerhouse in the galaxy. It dwindled until nearly nothing could be done without fighting amongst owners, investors, and workers. Eventually however it would be sold, despite the wishes of its owners.
After passing around for a time, a man, known as Valashu Bonkai, would spend the required monetary value to purchase the entirety of the organisation. With such he also gained rights to weapons crafted by them, their vehicles, basically all things owned by or made by them. Next came the move.
Leaving behind all of the factories and warehouses once used, Valashu believed it best to start over, moving the headquarters to Tera Lush. Once there, he also established a small factory on the some what distant Val'hala, as means to keep shipments easier to other factions and people alike!
After getting the ball rolling, making a bigger name for himself, Valashu befriended a slightly higher up Exec. Damien Daemon. The owner of JAC was at first gruff, and though it took a bit, they became somewhat close allies. After such a relation came to a head, Damien confided in Valashu that he was utterly tired of the life style. He didn't wish to simply give up everything he called his own, but at current he had something big in the works, and so the deal was laid on the table.
Everything that JAC had, would be gifted to Merr-Sonn through the merger: land, warehouses, rites, contracts, even their fleet. Under the pretext that Valashu allowed Damien the continued steady income. Valashu would appear the sole owner, while Damien maintained half parental rights.
Recently, with times having changed, Valashu made a shift that allowed SS Shipmaker, MSI AC and MSI ASD, to be absorbed into MSI. This allowing a much more centralized control system, while also allowing transporting, defending, and contracting to be simpler. Accompanying this comes the addition of Organic Ships being added to the companies capabilities.
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